path of redemption

By estellafrances

4.9K 345 200

We're all well known with how the path of a mentally ill girl goes. They either destroy themselves until ther... More

playlist ♡.
chapter one.
chapter two.
chapter three.
chapter four.
chapter five.
chapter six.
chapter seven.
chapter eight.
chapter nine.
chapter ten.
chapter eleven.
chapter twelve.
chapter thirteen.
chapter fourteen.
chapter fifteen.
chapter sixteen.
chapter seventeen.
chapter eighteen.
chapter nineteen.
chapter twenty.
chapter twenty one.
chapter twenty two.
chapter twenty three.
chapter twenty four.
chapter twenty five.
chapter twenty six.
chapter twenty seven.
chapter twenty nine.
chapter thirty.
chapter thirty-one.
chapter thirty-two.
chapter thirty-three.
chapter thirty-four
chapter thirty-five.
chapter thirty-six
chapter thirty-seven.
chapter thirty-eight.
chapter thirty-nine.
chapter forty.
chapter forty-one.
chapter forty-two
chapter forty-three.
chapter forty-four
chapter forty-five.
chapter forty-six.
chapter forty-seven.
chapter forty-eight.
chapter forty-nine.
chapter fifty.
chapter fifty-one.
chapter fifty-two.
chapter fifty - three.
chapter fifty-four.
chapter fifty-five.
chapter fifty six.

chapter twenty eight.

78 6 3
By estellafrances

-Estella romano.

i can feel him everywhere. Tingles and warmth erupts in my stomach. My throat dry and my hands clamy and sweaty. I wanted him to feel the same jealousy i felt when cindy kissed him , i wanted that stupid smirk wiped off his face. I wanted to play.

"What do you want zaid ?" I sigh defeatedly. He furrows his eyebrows seeming suprised at my question. I watch the wheels turn in his head. When he doesn't answer i continue "...because i know what i want. I want to go home. I wanna go back to my life . I wanna go back to before i met you"

He lets go of my hoodie strings as he rubs his clenched jaw. He ignores my rambling words"why the hell were you at an illegal race estella?"

I scoff "Thats a bit hypocritical , dont you think?"

He pushes his hair back with his tattooed hand making my mouth water "I can fucking handle it" he points to me " cant. Do you know what would've happened if we didn't show up? You'd be drugged in the boot of their cars and then what? And then what huh? " he says loudly . His deep voice ringing out in the car.

"Good riddance to me then" i mutter under my breath.

He intakes a huge breath "look at me"

I bite the inside of my cheek as i stare out the window "ESTELLA ! " he says louder this time making me flinch. I snap my head in his direction "what do you want"

He stares deeply at me "you won't go back there"

I throw my hands up "I dont take orders from you control freak"

Next thing i know is im right infront of his face. His hand clenching my hoodie making me gasp loudly . His eyes darken as he bites the inside of his cheek. His brown whiskey eyes more visible now. He has a few dots of freckles just above his nose. And a small mole right under his left eye" watch how you speak to me . I said you're not going back there. I wasn't asking . Are we clear?"

I gulp as i stare at him. The side of zaid makes me feel a bit more intimated by him but i have to admit. Its hot. When i dont answer he asks again "Are we clear estella?"

I sigh softly "crystal"

"good girl" he whispers as he lets go of my hoodie making me slump in my seat. Deep blush coats my cheeks as i clench my hands into fists.

The questions I've been dying to ask comes to my mind. Now is a good time. I dont care if he ghosts me again tomorrow. I just need to know.

"Why have you been avoiding me?" I whisper. He stiffens in his seat. He shakes his head as he starts the car again and drives "I wasn't" he says keeping his eyes on the road.

"Don't bullshit me. I don't see you in two days . Which is suprising since you manage to always annoy me everyday since we met. Dont let me mention you not showing up for english. Zaid i need to pass. You can't just not show up and expect me to work on the project alone. I don't care if you're avoiding me . Just put your priorities first and help me with it" i fold my arms looking out the window watching the trees and cars pass by.

The sound of his finger tapping on the steering wheel is the only sound heard.
"We're you really gonna let one of that guys take you home?"

i turn my head to him as i blow out a puff of air "Maybe" i let out nervous chuckle "...maybe i just wanted to be appreciated for once. That guy was into me. That doesn't happen much with me" i mutter as i turn my attention back out the window.

"Are you fucking dense?" He snaps making me clench my eyes shut.

"I dont know what you mean" i whisper still staring out the window.


I look at him "You're fucking beautiful. Get that in your pretty head of yours. That guy tonight didn't want you for you. He wanted you for your body. And..." he stops mid sentence. Biting his lip in the protest.

i sit up straighter "...and what?"

He clenches the steering wheel as he keeps his eyes on the road . But i know he can see me "You're too fucking precious for that. You deserve so much more." He says under his breath making me blush a scarlett red. I bite my lip as i stare straight ahead.

How did a guy like zaid find me beautiful? Guys never stopped and looked at me. How was it possible that zaid thought i was beautiful. He thinks im beautiful and not sexy. That brings a small smile to my face .

The silence is killing me so i do the only thing i can do i say "thank you"

I can see him nod in the corner of my eye. He stops at a red light as he clears his throat "Did you eat yet?" He asks staring straight at me.

"Yes" i say shortly looking straight at him. He nods slowly at the same time the light turns green and he drives again with one hand on the steering wheel making me feel the need to clench my thighs shut.

God this guy was uncontrollably hot.

He turns left into another road. I furrow my eyebrows as i stare at the road and then at him "this isn't the way home"

He shakes his head in amusement as he doesn't answer me . I start to get annoyed "zaid" i warn.

"estella" he says smiling.

"Where are you taking me?" I demand.

"Well i was in need of some food. And you know my doctor said i can't drive on an empty stomach " he shrugs.

I look at him blankly "you don't have a doctor"

He smirks "how would you know?you don't know me"

I groan as i slap my thighs "i told you i wasn't hungry"

He clicks his toungue "and i decided i don't believe you. So shut up and just look pretty in that seat of yours"

My eye twitches as i feel the need to jump out of this car and hitch hike home. Oh the voices. The fucking voices.

"Asshole" i mutter under my breath.

He chuckles as he keeps his eyes on the road. I listen to his words that says i should "shut up and look pretty in my seat" the whole drive to where ever he's taking me.

A few mintues pass as he drives into a parking zone. He turns off the engine as he climbs out. Slamming his door in the process . I sigh as i get out too. The cold air making me shiver in the process. Zaid walks to his boot as he opens it and takes out a black hoodie.

I watch him intently as he takes off his gloves and leather jacket. When he takes off his leather jacket his sweater rides up a bit making me see his rock hard tattooed stomach. My mouth parts as i wonder what it would feel like beneath my fingers . Every bump of his abs. Every crease of his lines. How his chest would move up and down...

"Enjoying the show?" His voice snaps me back into reality making me jump a bit.

Oh fuck

He saw that. Jesus christ. Way to be suttle "ive seen better"i roll my eyes as i walk pass him making sure to knock him a bit out of the way.

As i walk...i hear him closing his boot and running to catch up to me . His scent invades my space. The smell of cigarettes and deep mens perfume. God he smells so good.

"Hey , i get it. I'd look at me too" he shrugs putting his hands into his hoodie.

"Wow arrogant at its finest" i say sarcastically.

"You can act like you hate it...but you love it. You love that i keep you on your toes dont you hermosa?" He smirks looking down at me.

I clench my jaw as i ignore his question "what does hermosa mean?"

"No need to worry about that "

I roll my eyes as we come to stop at a diner . Aunt jackies.

Zaid doesn't say anything as he walks to the double doors . He holds it open for me "ladies first"

I walk into the diner. The smell of coffee and grease fills my nostrils making me realise how hungry i actually am. I look around me . There arent much people here. Only a few here and there. Zaid comes to stand behind me as i feel his hard chest against me. I take a step forward. Creating some distance between us.

I walk to the table in the corner and he follows right behind me. I dont say anything as i get into the seat infront of him.

At the same time a waiter comes to us . A boy. He looks to be the same age as us . Or older. He has brow curly hair hair. Green eyes and thin lips. He smiles as he looks at zaid and then to me. His smile widens once he stares at me . He's cute.

"How can i help you guys ?do you know what you will be ordering?" He asks looking between zaid and me.

Zaid doesn't say anything as he glares at the boy. The boys smile disappears as he sees zaids threating gaze . I chuckle nervously as i kick zaid under the table. His glare immediately turns to me but i ignore him as i pick up the menu.

"I'll take a water" i smile sweetly.

"No she fucking wont." Zaid snaps as grabs the menu. I look at the boy and give him a "im sorry" smile. But he just shifts uncomfortably. I look at zaid as he examines the menu "...she'll take a double smash cheesburger. With fries. Onion rings and a banana milkshake" he lists off all the foods I'll apparently "take".

I glare at him but doesn't seem fazed by it. I fold my arms as i look away from him as he gives off his order. He doesn't even say a thank you as he hands the boy the menu back. Once the boy is out of sight. I stare straight at him as i give him one of my nastiest glares.

"I didn't want all of that food"

"I dont care. You're hungry. So you'll eat all of it until there's not a crumble left" he says dramatically making me shake my head.

"How did you even know i liked banana milkshakes?" I ask him instead. He rubs his jaw as he takes out his phone.

"You were blabbing about it to my sister" he says still looking at the phone.

"You were listening in on our private conversation! " i gasp as he scoffs.

"Can't really call it "private" if you guys talk so loud."

He sighs as he puts his phone back in his pocket "is there a problem?"

He shakes his head "Its lia. She saw another spider" he rolls his eyes making me chuckle.

His eyes widen as he stares at me. I stop laughing as i touch my face " What? Is there something on my face?"

"Do it again"

I cock my head to the side "Do what again?"

"Laugh . Do it again"

I stick out my hand as i rock the salt shaker "you do know that you can't just laugh. You'd have to say something funny for me to laugh. If i laugh without purpose then that'll just be awkward "

"Ive never seen you laugh before"

I look up "Thats not true. I always laugh with lia ,april and rory"

"You never do it with me"

"You annoy me"

"Its my love language" he says leaning back in his seat as he stares at me.

I smile sweetly at him "Didn't think the word "love" fit into your vocabulary gonzales"

He chuckles as he bows his head and looks back up "Gonzales huh? You doing nicknames now?"

I shrug "you do it. Why can't i?"

He leans forward as i put the shaker back in its place "Tell me something about you that no one knows"

I stop mid movement as i look up at him . I shake my head as i go back to putting it into its place "i think you already know something about me that no one knows about:"

He stares at me with his gaze darkened "i didn't mean that. I mean like what you love. What you like to do that no one knows"

I give him a small smile "and why should i tell you?"

He leans forward "oh didn't you know? im good at keeping secrets" he winks at me making me stare at him.

I dont answer him as i lean backwards into my seat. I look around the diner. I look back at him. He looks like he's trying to figure me out .

I roll my eyes as i let out a defeated sigh "rain"


"I love the rain"

He folds his hands onto the table as his thumbs flick up "and whys that fox?"

I bite my lip as i sit in thought. For as long as i can remember i always felt this connection to the rain. On my bad days I would feel at my lowest. Then when i saw the drop of rain for the first time . I would walk out onto the balcony and just feel. And i would feel at ease. "Its a reminder that even weather needs to break at some times. I love the smell. The feel of the water on the tips of my fingers. The feel of it coating my body. I love the sun that comes after the storm. The rainbow. And lastly I loved it because i didn't feel alone in rough times. It reminded me that it was okay to feel" i ramble saying each and every word whilst staring at him.

He doesn't say anything as he examines me . I flush under his gaze thinking my words were too much for him so i clear my throat "We're you born in spain?"

He snaps out of his trance as he takes my words in "yes" he answers.

I hesitantly ask "a-and your parents? Where are they?" .

He stiffens at my question the vein on his forehead pop out .

Oh shit i hit a nerve.

The waiter breaks off the awkward silence as he brings our food. I dont pay attention to the delicious aroma infront of me. More to the mysterious guy. The waiter senses the tension. So he doesn't say anything as he walks away quickly.

I open and then close my mouth "im sorry i didnt-

"Eat estella" he says finally as he digs into his chicken sandwich.

I nod as i look down at my own food. For once i push all the voices away as i dig into my food. Zaid and i ate in silence all the way. But i caught him staring at me here and there making sure i finished my food. And when we were done i asked to pay and he didn't say anything. He just stood infront of me and put his money on the table. I didnt argue with him because i didn't wanna talk to him when he was so...angry.

When we walked outside it started to rain a bit. We ran in silence to the car. On the drive home i thought he'd atleast talk to me or whatever. But he didn't make a cocky remark. Or smirk at me . Or even talk to me. He just faced forward and drove. I itched to ask if he was okay but i didnt.

It made me wonder. What happened to you zaid?

Instead i watched the rain hit the windscreen and the windows to atleast put myself at ease. When he stopped infront of my house. I didn't say anything as i went to get out but his big hands gripped my arm as he finally spoke to me. He said it without hesitation and confidently.

"Just like the sky , estella..." he said as he stared impaled me. He blew out a breath "rain seems to want to touch you too"

His words left me wondering as he didn't say anything afterwards. I didn't ask him what he meant instead i got out and ran to my front porch. He stayed there while i went inside while the storm was happening outside

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