The Shadow Queen of Tywin Lan...

Autorstwa Vigilante24

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After the death of his wife, Tywin Lannister knew he would never remarry. However, when the relationships bet... Więcej

I. When a Lion & a Dragon Meet, part 1
II. When a Lion & a Dragon Meet, part 2
III. A Dragon can Thrive Anywhere
IV. The Return of the Dragon Princess
V. Unofficial Alliance Between Lion & Dragon
VI. No Rest For The Heroes
VII. Sometimes a Woman has to do Things on her Own
VIII. Help From the Dragons
IX. Fire & Blood, part 1
X. Fire & Blood, part 2
XI. A Trip to Lannisport
XII. Cards on the Table, part 1
XIII. Cards on the Table, part 2
XIV. Meeting the Lion Cubs
XV. Tourney at Lannisport
XVI. Crossing the Line, part 1
XVII. Crossing the Line, part 2
XVIII. Where Madness Truly Started, part 1
XIX. Where Madness Truly Started, part 2
XX. The Aftermath of Duskendale
XXI. Sacrifices for the Greater Good
XXII. The Holy Union Between a Lion & a Dragon
XXIII. The Happiness a Marriage Brings
XXIV. Half Lion & Half Dragon
XXV. The Start of the Rebellion
XXVI. The Final Confrontation
XXVII. The Last Dragon
XXVIII. The Rage of a Lion
XXX. The Consequences of One's Actions
XXXI. Long Live King Robert Baratheon
XXXII. The Union of a Lion & a Stag
XXXIII. The Story of the WesterLands
XXXIV. 16 Years into the Future
XXXV. The Royal Family Visits Winterfell
XXXVI. Masks & Lies All Around
XXXVII. Revenge is a Dish best Served Cold
XXXVIII. The Start of the War of the Five Kings
XXXIX. Revelations & Heated Moments
XL. The Prodigal Son Returns
XLI. Pre-Battle Arguments
XLII. An Easy Victory...Perhaps Too Easy
XLIII. Not All Lannisters Are Bad
XLIV. A Change of Plans
XLV. A War Benefits No One
XLVI. Meeting Your Idol
XLVII. A Lion Still Has Claws
XLVIII. Undercover Direwolf
XLIX. Brave Like A Lion
L. Even the Strictest People have a Softer Side
LI. The Wolf, the Lion & the Dragon
LII. Dreams of Winter
LIII. Limited Offers & Tough Decisions
LIV. Renly's Pretender
LV. Battle of Blackwater Bay, part 1
LVI. Battle of Blackwater Bay, part 2
LVII. Checking Up on those that Matter to You
LVIII. A Dragon in Court
LIX. Mingling with the Crowd
LX. Visions & Failed Family Reconnections
LXI. Only a Dragon Can Handle a Jealous Lion
LXII. Plans & Private Sibling Discussions
LXIII. Family Arguments & Rising Suspicions
LXIV. Roses, Lions & Dragons
LXV. Private Lion Discussions
LXVI. The Queen of Thorns
LXVII. Small Council Meetings & Bitter Truths
LXVIII. The Game between the Lion, the Dragon & the Rose
LXIX. The Harsh Truth
LXX. Pride Meeting, part 1
LXXI. Pride Meeting, part 2
LXXII. Accepting the Truth
LXXIII. Hidden Agendas & Favours
LXXIV. A Forced Wedding
LXXV. An Unforgettable Wedding Reception
LXXVI. Breaking Fast with Lions
LXXVII. A Walk Around King's Landing, part 1
LXXVIII. A Walk Around King's Landing, part 2
LXXIX. Rising Tensions in the Small Council
LXXX. Arguments, Tears & Premonitions
LXXXI. The Last of the Lions Returns
LXXXII. Secret Deals & Family Conflictions
LXXX. Heartfelt Moments & Sinful Plans
LXXXIV. Arrows, Promises & Fabrics
LXXXV. Garden Walks & Casual Talks
LXXXVI. The Return of Favours & The Deliverance of Gifts
LXXXVII. It's the Small Moments that Count
LXXXVIII. The Purple Wedding, part 1
LXXXIX. The Purple Wedding, part 2
XC. The Purple Wedding, part 3
XCI. The Purple Wedding, part 4
XCII. An Unusual Royal Test
XCIII. The Golden Lion vs The Red Viper
XCIV. Mama Dragon & the Lion Cubs
XCV. Unveiling Past Secrets & Rare Moments of Peace
XCVI. Iron Banks & Pre-Trial Arguments
XCVII. The Trial of Tyrion Lannister, part 1
XCVIII. The Trial of Tyrion Lannister, part 2
XCIX. The Trial of Tyrion Lannister, part 3
C. Daggers, Spears & Poisons
CI. Trial by Combat
CII. Sneaky Plans & Dreams of Dragon
CIII. The Escapee Dwarf
CIV. Confessions
CV. Open Small Council Positions
CVI. Personal Discussions & Spreading News
CVII. Sweet Apology & Sword Naming
CVIII. Jealousy Wears the Colour Red, part 1
CIX. Jealousy Wears the Colour Red, part 2
CX. The Reach
CXI. A Sparrow in King's Landing
CXII. Plans Can Always Backfire
CXIII. The Dragoness Enters the Game
CXIV. She-Dragon vs High Sparrow
CXV. Exposed Family Secrets
CXVI. Fast Spreading Rumours
CXVII. Plotting Dances & Preparing Dornish Trips
CXVIII. Arriving at Dorne
CXIX. Red Viper vs She-Dragon
CXX. A Confession by the Water Gardens
CXXI. Dornish Wedding
CXXII. Catching Up
CXXIII. Dragon Mothers, Scorpions & Past Mistakes
CXXIV. Temporary Truce, part 1
CXXV. Temporary Truce, part 2
CXXVI. Temporary Truce, part 3
CXXVII. The Direwolf Children
CXXVIII. Jaime's Confession
CXXIX. Northern Reunions
CXXX. All Hail 'Queen' Visenya
CXXXI. An Old Lion in Winterfell
CXXXII. Visenya's Arrival
CXXXIII. War Council Arguments
CXXXIV. Love & Friendship Until The End
CXXXV. Reunion of the Wolf, the Dragon & the Lion
CXXXVI. Clearing a Major Misunderstanding
CXXXVII. Winter Sparing & Silent Spying
CXXXVIII. The Dragons Reunite
CXXXIX. Showoffs, Hidden Skills & Shocking News
CXL. War Plans
CXLI. Unexpected Visions, part 1
CXLII. Unexpected Visions, part 2
CXLIII. Silent Care & Dragon Ideas
CXLIV. Dragon Stubbornness & Well-Kept Secrets
CXLV. Family Swords & Haunting Songs
CXLVI. The Rains of Castamere
CXLVII. Before the Big Battle
CXLVIII. Pre-Battle Speech
CXLIX. The Wise Advice of an Aunt
CL. The Long Night Battle...Begins!
CLI. The Battle Continues...
CLII. The Living vs The Undead
CLIII. Wounds, Struggles & First Losses
CLIV. Costly Victory, part 1
CLV. Costly Victory, part 2
CLVI. Shared Grief
CLVII. Ghosts of the Past
LCVIII. Miracles & Trials
CLIX. Let Them Know
CLX. Queen of the Soldiers
CLXI. Brother Plans & Unexpected Decisions
AU - Chapter I
Interviews - I
New Tywin Book!

XXIX. A Lion Always Defends his Mate

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Autorstwa Vigilante24

Speaking of the Mighty Lion, Tywin eventually made his way to Maegor's Holdfast only to be met with quite a gruesome sight.

Amory had dragged Princess Rhaenys Targaryen, the firstborn child of Rhaegar and had stabbed her half a hundred times at least. In a worse state was the baby, Aegon, who had faced the fury of the Mad Dog by having his head against the wall of the nursery. Then, there was Elia, who lay on the floor covered in blood and bruises; having been raped and then murdered horrifyingly by Clegane.

The sight was so horrifying and brutal, that even Tywin had trouble keeping a full stable face. However, upon seeing the bodies all he could do was to turn and glare at the two knights.

"What did you do mad dogs do? They were our bargaining chips or did you forget that?" he asked, clearly furious.

The kids were supposed to die quickly and there was no need for Ellia to die. Being kept alive would help ensure an alliance from Dorne but now all they did was to forever seal the anger of the Dornish against the Lannisters.

"The girl could not stop screaming and kicking me, my Lord. I had no choice" Amory said, trying to justify the countless stabbings on the girl, who was barely past the age of 3.

" Idiot" he cursed, his temper and patience being tested. "You could simply have offered a few sweet words to calm her, and a pillow to suffocate her" he continued, sometimes wondering why he kept those two brainless idiots in his ranks.

He then turned to Clegane or as many called him; The Mountain. The blood and brains of the infant were still on his hands and he seemed pleased by what he did to Elia, no remorse in his bloodthirsty eyes.

Tywin knew he could not justify that and he could not turn back time. Instead, he turned his attention to two Lannister men, who had followed him but had left the room, their stomachs uneasy by the sight.

"You two. Wrap the kids in a Lannister Cloak and keep them guarded until I tell you so. Any more harm to come to their bodies and you will pay with your life" he ordered, his eyes narrowing dangerously.


Robert eventually reached King's Landing and was pleased to see the Gates open, although taken aback by the sight of the dead townspeople and their bodies scattered across the many roads of the city.

At first, he thought it was Eddard, who had managed to do it but then his childhood friend approached him and explained it was all the plans of Tywin Lannister himself.

"I expected to find the gates closed to us," Eddard confessed to his friend and brother at arms as they walked towards the Iron Throne.

"Instead you found that our men had already taken the city. What of it?" Robert asked, clueless of what had taken place.

"Not our men. The lion of Lannister flew over the ramparts, not the crowned stag. And they had taken the city by treachery."

"Treachery was a coin the Targaryens knew well. Lannister paid them back in kind. It was no less than they deserved. I shall not trouble my sleep over it" Robert said, showing little to no remorse or guilt for the innocent, who perished during the Sacking.

"You were not there. There was no honor in that conquest" Eddard had argued but said nothing more.


Eventually, Robert sat on the Iron Throne and his coronation would not take long to happen. Before he could be crowned King officially, however, he had to deal with some loose ends. For starters, the Kingslayer that had broken his oath and killed his own King; stabbing him in the back when his daddy had entered King's Landing.

Eddard was quite clear on the matter, being the more righteous and just of the three; including John Arryn. "He should be stripped of his white cloak and sent to the Wall for his crimes. That is the only choice he should be given. That or face the axe for breaking his oath and killing his King"

John Arryn, however, disagreed. "He ended the reign of a madman. He might be a Kingslayer but at least he had some honour behind it"

"Honour? There was no honour in stabbing a man in the back" Eddard argued.

"Either way, he is far more precious to us here. He is a knight, one of the best the Kingdoms have seen and he remains a Lannister. Do you think it is wise to make an enemy out of the man that Sacked the City?"

Robert was clearly divided by the idea but in the end, he chose to favour John's idea. He would allow Jaime to live for now and then officially forgive him during his coronation, where he would be allowed to join his service as a King's Guard under the command of a New King.

After that topic was out of the way, they had to focus on the most important one. The Might Lion of Casterly Rock had marched his way towards them, his armour covered partially with blood while behind him two soldiers carried two bundles wrapped in the red Lannister Cloak.

"Your Grace" Tywin had started, stopping close to the end of the stairs and giving just the smallest of head bows. "For your victory and as a sign of fealty, I would like to present to you the bodies of your rivals to the throne. The two children of the former Crown Prince Rhaegar Targaryen" he said and motioned for his men to lay the bodies by the base of the stairs.

Robert ordered one of his men to unfold the bundles and every soldier and ally that was present in the room at that time gasped at the sight. While it was clear that Princess Rhaenys was indeed dead, the infant's head was so deformed from the attack that was impossible to identify.

Yet, no one dared to say otherwise after witnessing how easily Tywin presented those bodies; clearly having ordered their execution to benefit him and guarantee the safety of his house.

"Robert, you cannot possibly accept this" Eddard argued, talking in a low tone to his friend's ear. "This is an unjustified murder. Nothing in the world can excuse such action, they were mere babies"

Robert, however, did not seem to share his ideals. Instead, he was satisfied with their deaths since they would be an obstacle to his claim. "They got what they deserved, Eddard. I see no babes, only Dragonspawn, creatures that do not deserve to live"

"They were babes. No different from the ones you and Lyanna would have, no different than any other child out there" the Stark Lord argued, his anger rising faster than the tide.

His words only seemed to annoy Robert, who found this bickering unnecessary and was even putting him down in front of everyone else. "They were nothing but the spawns of a dead dragon. The Targaryen dynasty will perish and they were part of it. Now, step down, Eddard" he commanded, his anger coming forward.

Furious, Eddard started to march away from the King and eventually exited the throne room. He knew that his friend was furious about the kidnapping of Lyanna but he was becoming no different than the Mad King they rebelled against so long ago.

Robert did nothing to stop him and John Arryn could only watch, unable to calm down their anger. He would, however, try later under less dense circumstances to try and fix this because those two should not become enemies; especially now.

Once the little show was over, Robert focused back on Tywin; who had been silently and patiently watching everything unfolding in front of his eyes. He merely had to glance to his men for them to cover the gruesome sight of the bodies while his green eyes remained on the young Stag upon the Iron Throne.

"You were the one that sacked King's Landing weren't you my Lord?" he asked rhetorically. "You gave the Targaryens a taste of their own medicine with your treason and you have plans for our houses to remain allies" he pointed out the obvious, making it sound as if he was deciphering some sort of secret message. "Despite your lack of participation in this war, I do believe your latest actions speak more than enough. Tell me, my friend, do you have any requests from your new King?"

Tywin had remained calm, his back straight and his eyes cold. "Your Grace, I only have one request" he started, used to play this game by now. "For my Lady Wife, Visenya Lannister to be freed and forgiven of any crimes she is accused of"

There was silence in the room, many soldiers exchanging looks. Robert was clearly cornered with his request and he did not like it. It was evident how his fingers brushed over the handle of his war hammer, how his leg twitched slightly at the fresh memory of the arrow the said woman had stabbed him with.

Robert wanted the Targaryens to be wiped off the face of the earth, tired of their Dynasty that had everyone else bending head and knee to their pride and cockiness. Visenya was the last Targaryen left, along with the Queen Consort and he had plans to execute her publicly.

After her role in the war, after going as far as to attack him directly; she deserved to be tried and executed for her crimes.

He felt the need to deny such a request, he was the new King after all and he could do that with ease. However, his friend John had leaned over to whisper in his ear.

"Your Grace, may I advise you to accept those terms?" he started, earning the attention of his companion. "Tywin Lannister is a powerful man, right now perhaps the most powerful. I am not talking about men alone but riches and power. It would not be wise to make an enemy out of him by executing his wife" he continued, hoping his words would be enough to make Robert see the point.

Tywin had already a reputation for his victories and his ruthlessness starting from Castamere and then the Silver Lions. He had managed to trick the Mad King and sacked the city without any trouble, having most loyal soldiers killed and even having the children of Rhaegar brutally murdered; all before Ned Stark could even reach the city.

He had arrived with 20.000 men and that was not even the full force of the army he could gather. His home sat upon the richest mines in Westeros, Lannisport being the biggest port so far and his coffers were overflowed by the gold he possessed.

He was indeed a powerful man in all kinds of sense. He knew what he was asking and he knew how to present it, giving Robert the dead bodies of the children first. It wasn't just out of goodwill, it was also to show that he was ruthless enough to have children murdered and he would not hesitate to be ruthless to whoever crossed him.

In the end, Robert understood the message. "She will be returned to you, Lord Lannister. However, after my coronation I want her and your son Ser Jaime to bend the knee to me to be forgiven for their crimes" he added.

It was not what Tywin had truly wanted but he knew he could not get a better deal from the young stag. He accepted the terms and would make sure that both his son and his wife would bend the knee and accept his forgiveness or the 7 might help them against his fury; if they dared to fight him.


[A/N] - Fan Fact, did you know that in the books when the murder of Elia and her children are brought upon; those are Twyin's thoughts or were at least when the event happened? He did not directly order their brutal murder and he really would have them killed instantly and quickly.

As for the rape of Elia, the only thing Tywin was responsible for was the fact that he did not leave clear instructions. In the books, the Mountain is actually known to rape women; sometimes along with his men.

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