The Shadow Queen of Tywin Lan...

By Vigilante24

128K 6.8K 704

After the death of his wife, Tywin Lannister knew he would never remarry. However, when the relationships bet... More

I. When a Lion & a Dragon Meet, part 1
II. When a Lion & a Dragon Meet, part 2
III. A Dragon can Thrive Anywhere
IV. The Return of the Dragon Princess
V. Unofficial Alliance Between Lion & Dragon
VI. No Rest For The Heroes
VII. Sometimes a Woman has to do Things on her Own
VIII. Help From the Dragons
X. Fire & Blood, part 2
XI. A Trip to Lannisport
XII. Cards on the Table, part 1
XIII. Cards on the Table, part 2
XIV. Meeting the Lion Cubs
XV. Tourney at Lannisport
XVI. Crossing the Line, part 1
XVII. Crossing the Line, part 2
XVIII. Where Madness Truly Started, part 1
XIX. Where Madness Truly Started, part 2
XX. The Aftermath of Duskendale
XXI. Sacrifices for the Greater Good
XXII. The Holy Union Between a Lion & a Dragon
XXIII. The Happiness a Marriage Brings
XXIV. Half Lion & Half Dragon
XXV. The Start of the Rebellion
XXVI. The Final Confrontation
XXVII. The Last Dragon
XXVIII. The Rage of a Lion
XXIX. A Lion Always Defends his Mate
XXX. The Consequences of One's Actions
XXXI. Long Live King Robert Baratheon
XXXII. The Union of a Lion & a Stag
XXXIII. The Story of the WesterLands
XXXIV. 16 Years into the Future
XXXV. The Royal Family Visits Winterfell
XXXVI. Masks & Lies All Around
XXXVII. Revenge is a Dish best Served Cold
XXXVIII. The Start of the War of the Five Kings
XXXIX. Revelations & Heated Moments
XL. The Prodigal Son Returns
XLI. Pre-Battle Arguments
XLII. An Easy Victory...Perhaps Too Easy
XLIII. Not All Lannisters Are Bad
XLIV. A Change of Plans
XLV. A War Benefits No One
XLVI. Meeting Your Idol
XLVII. A Lion Still Has Claws
XLVIII. Undercover Direwolf
XLIX. Brave Like A Lion
L. Even the Strictest People have a Softer Side
LI. The Wolf, the Lion & the Dragon
LII. Dreams of Winter
LIII. Limited Offers & Tough Decisions
LIV. Renly's Pretender
LV. Battle of Blackwater Bay, part 1
LVI. Battle of Blackwater Bay, part 2
LVII. Checking Up on those that Matter to You
LVIII. A Dragon in Court
LIX. Mingling with the Crowd
LX. Visions & Failed Family Reconnections
LXI. Only a Dragon Can Handle a Jealous Lion
LXII. Plans & Private Sibling Discussions
LXIII. Family Arguments & Rising Suspicions
LXIV. Roses, Lions & Dragons
LXV. Private Lion Discussions
LXVI. The Queen of Thorns
LXVII. Small Council Meetings & Bitter Truths
LXVIII. The Game between the Lion, the Dragon & the Rose
LXIX. The Harsh Truth
LXX. Pride Meeting, part 1
LXXI. Pride Meeting, part 2
LXXII. Accepting the Truth
LXXIII. Hidden Agendas & Favours
LXXIV. A Forced Wedding
LXXV. An Unforgettable Wedding Reception
LXXVI. Breaking Fast with Lions
LXXVII. A Walk Around King's Landing, part 1
LXXVIII. A Walk Around King's Landing, part 2
LXXIX. Rising Tensions in the Small Council
LXXX. Arguments, Tears & Premonitions
LXXXI. The Last of the Lions Returns
LXXXII. Secret Deals & Family Conflictions
LXXX. Heartfelt Moments & Sinful Plans
LXXXIV. Arrows, Promises & Fabrics
LXXXV. Garden Walks & Casual Talks
LXXXVI. The Return of Favours & The Deliverance of Gifts
LXXXVII. It's the Small Moments that Count
LXXXVIII. The Purple Wedding, part 1
LXXXIX. The Purple Wedding, part 2
XC. The Purple Wedding, part 3
XCI. The Purple Wedding, part 4
XCII. An Unusual Royal Test
XCIII. The Golden Lion vs The Red Viper
XCIV. Mama Dragon & the Lion Cubs
XCV. Unveiling Past Secrets & Rare Moments of Peace
XCVI. Iron Banks & Pre-Trial Arguments
XCVII. The Trial of Tyrion Lannister, part 1
XCVIII. The Trial of Tyrion Lannister, part 2
XCIX. The Trial of Tyrion Lannister, part 3
C. Daggers, Spears & Poisons
CI. Trial by Combat
CII. Sneaky Plans & Dreams of Dragon
CIII. The Escapee Dwarf
CIV. Confessions
CV. Open Small Council Positions
CVI. Personal Discussions & Spreading News
CVII. Sweet Apology & Sword Naming
CVIII. Jealousy Wears the Colour Red, part 1
CIX. Jealousy Wears the Colour Red, part 2
CX. The Reach
CXI. A Sparrow in King's Landing
CXII. Plans Can Always Backfire
CXIII. The Dragoness Enters the Game
CXIV. She-Dragon vs High Sparrow
CXV. Exposed Family Secrets
CXVI. Fast Spreading Rumours
CXVII. Plotting Dances & Preparing Dornish Trips
CXVIII. Arriving at Dorne
CXIX. Red Viper vs She-Dragon
CXX. A Confession by the Water Gardens
CXXI. Dornish Wedding
CXXII. Catching Up
CXXIII. Dragon Mothers, Scorpions & Past Mistakes
CXXIV. Temporary Truce, part 1
CXXV. Temporary Truce, part 2
CXXVI. Temporary Truce, part 3
CXXVII. The Direwolf Children
CXXVIII. Jaime's Confession
CXXIX. Northern Reunions
CXXX. All Hail 'Queen' Visenya
CXXXI. An Old Lion in Winterfell
CXXXII. Visenya's Arrival
CXXXIII. War Council Arguments
CXXXIV. Love & Friendship Until The End
CXXXV. Reunion of the Wolf, the Dragon & the Lion
CXXXVI. Clearing a Major Misunderstanding
CXXXVII. Winter Sparing & Silent Spying
CXXXVIII. The Dragons Reunite
CXXXIX. Showoffs, Hidden Skills & Shocking News
CXL. War Plans
CXLI. Unexpected Visions, part 1
CXLII. Unexpected Visions, part 2
CXLIII. Silent Care & Dragon Ideas
CXLIV. Dragon Stubbornness & Well-Kept Secrets
CXLV. Family Swords & Haunting Songs
CXLVI. The Rains of Castamere
CXLVII. Before the Big Battle
CXLVIII. Pre-Battle Speech
CXLIX. The Wise Advice of an Aunt
CL. The Long Night Battle...Begins!
CLI. The Battle Continues...
CLII. The Living vs The Undead
CLIII. Wounds, Struggles & First Losses
CLIV. Costly Victory, part 1
CLV. Costly Victory, part 2
CLVI. Shared Grief
CLVII. Ghosts of the Past
LCVIII. Miracles & Trials
CLIX. Let Them Know
CLX. Queen of the Soldiers
CLXI. Brother Plans & Unexpected Decisions
AU - Chapter I
Interviews - I
New Tywin Book!

IX. Fire & Blood, part 1

1.6K 67 1
By Vigilante24

[A/N] - This is the first time I am writing such a scene, let alone having to add plans and strategies and multiple POVs. I apologise if it seems a bit rushed or confusing, I tried my hardest to make the narrative flow. I hope in the end you like it and can envision had I had in mind when I was writing it.

Also, there is not a clear image of how the land is around Casterly Rock. So Imagine the whole setting is similar to the Battle of the Bastards, in terms of the valley and the small hills.


Casterly Rock, Westernlands - 2 days after the meeting of Visenya & Tygett - 32 days since the siege of Casterly Rock


Tywin was in his study along with his brothers Kevan and Gerion, all looking at a map of the Westernland. On it, had been marked key places of the enemy forming tents while next to it; letters that had been exchanged over the past month.

Their supplies were still enough to ensure they could stay protected behind the walls of Casterly Rock, the enemy unable to climb them or break them. However, that did not mean they enjoyed sitting there with crossed legs while their lands suffered.

Tywin had been sent a letter by Visenya before she left King's Landing, informing him that she would lead a small army to help him. While not pleased to learn she would throw herself recklessly in the heat of battle, he was glad to have some reinforcements and a good strategic mind leading them.

The last thing he wanted was another fool of the Targaryen army to lead and end up ruining everything. However, ever since then, he had received no new letters from her and he could not help but wonder of her progress and the status of her army.

"My lords" a Lannister soldier knocked on the open door and showed them a letter he was holding. "Just arrived" he informed them as Gerion took the letter from him.

He passed it to Tywin, who lifted an eyebrow upon seeing the Lannister Lion on the red wax. The only Lannister out there was Tygett but he could not possibly send a letter for anything important, since he lacked manpower.

For a moment, he thought it was his father's bastard that he was up against but once he opened it; he realised. For there was only one person with such penmanship, the distinctive twisted Os and the long tails of the As was only a certain Princess did.

Dear Tywin,

You will be pleased to know that we have arrived and we have put camp close to your location, away from prying eyes. Your brother, Tygett, has joined our forces and has also been informed of the plan.

By the first lights of dawn, I want your men ready. Open the Gates and unleash the fury of your house. You will know exactly when for the Silver Lions will run away from a Targaryen's true rage.


Visenya II Targaryen, Princess of the Seven Kingdoms.

The Older of the Lion siblings passed the letter to his two brothers while he glared daggers on the map in front of him. Of all the times Visenya could choose to be secretive, now was the worst of it all.

The fact that she had arrived was good and most likely she had a plan in mind to help finish this ridiculous enemy once and for all. He trusted her battle tactics, having seen them first-hand during their games of Cyvasse but he would have much preferred to know in full detail what she had in mind.

"What will we do, brother?" Kevan asked, although a part of him already knew the answer.

"We have a few hours before the crack of dawn. Round up the men and the archers, get them all ready before the sky changes colour" he ordered, his hands moving to be placed behind his back.

"Can we trust her plan?" Gerion asked, being unfamiliar with the Dragon Princess; other than a few rumours here and there.

"Once this is all over, remind me to make you play a game of Cyvasse with her. Then, you will understand" was Tywin's reply and motioned for the two men to start getting ready.

He turned his back on their retreating forms and looked outside the window, the forest and land around Casterly Rock barely visible under the cloak of the night. Tywin had never truly relied on someone, especially during a battle but he knew he had to begin somewhere.

Thankfully for him, Visenya was the only person he would most likely make such an exception and trust on a battle plan that he did not know of. He respected Visenya and one could say that he went as far as to trust her, to a certain degree; far more than others around him.

If anyone else had been at her place, he would have refused to listen but at that moment; he was glad it was Visenya.


The first rays of the sun had barely started to become visible behind the mountains and hills that surrounded them. Visenya stood on top of her horse in full armour, her and the Lannister men right behind her; most cloaked by the forest and the night.

She eyed the land ahead of them and in the distance; one could see the faint silhouettes of the enemy. Their army had been already up, mostly on guard but also waiting to handle them. She knew that a part of that army kept an eye on Casterly Rock.

Only a fool would put all of his forces to face one enemy when he was having to deal with two. Either way, Pitt knew her army was bigger and thus his own had more soldiers focused on facing her instead.

Perfect, Visenya had thought as she watched the sky.

In one hand, she held a bow while the quiver was hanging by the left side of her saddle. Using her free hand, she lifted it and motioned with her fingers for the first part of the plan.

1/3 of her army, all on horseback, charged with a war cry. The hooves of horses running downhill towards the plains made the whole earth shake while the dust was being kicked off behind them.

Pitt had ordered his men to prepare their arrows and sent the first wave but the Targaryen and Lannister soldiers lifted their shields up with their one hand and blocked the attack; a few falling victims to the piercing tips of the arrows.

Then, the Bastard Lion lifted his sword and ordered his men to charge; himself too cowardly to actually ride first. With a war cry, the men he had right behind him started to lead their horses to meet the incoming enemy; the archers and most of the knights that were on foot had stayed behind.

The two sides clashed blade against blade and man against man. As the sky above them turned a lighter colour, the visibility around them became clearer while the men fought. However, when the battle was about to become truly heated, the royal army pulled back.

"Retreat!" one of the generals under Visenya shouted, slicing the legs of an enemy's horse before leading his way out of the battle.

His men followed suit, some falling victims but the majority took down soldiers as they went. Men whose horses had fallen during battle, rushed on foot to escape as their brothers on horses either helped or covered them.

Seeing them retreating and not liking how he had just started to take them down, Pitt felt annoyed; his pride and cockiness getting the best of him. "I guess the Royal Army is not as good as it is said to be" he commented and ordered his men to follow suit.

If they thought retreating would help them, they were mistaken. He was thirsty to prove himself and taking down soldiers from the Royal Army would only boost his fame and glory once he had taken Casterly Rock as well.

He was unaware, though, of the trap he was leading his men until it was too late.

For as the Targaryen & Lannister forces were retreating, one would fail to notice that the horses and the men seemed to skip over certain patches of discoloured mud and grass. The Silver Lions were too ignorant and too focused in the battle to notice but Visenya; saw it clear as day.

With a far-clear view of the battlefield, she pulled the string of her bow as the flaming tip of the arrow seemed to match the golden glow in her eyes. Across the first line, by her left and right, a dozen more men held similar arrows ready.

The Targaryen Princess released her own, the rest soon following and while not many in number; they started to fall from the sky on the enemy. Yet, the real target was not the enemy but the uneven patches of land her men had avoided so far.

Her arrow was the first to find its target, piercing itself on the ground in front of a Silver Lion Mercenary. The man smirked, thinking that the archer had missed but then noticed that the arrow had not gotten itself on land but rather something wooden.

Then, a strong explosion took place; followed by many. Whether from the arrows or from the neighbouring explosion, a chain of attacks hit the Silver Lions from beneath the earth. Raging waves of green fire spread dangerously, devouring every plant, animal and man that was caught in their way.

Men screamed many from pain and others from fear as the land shook. The raging fire seemed incapable of stopping as anything it devoured helped to spread it further.

"Charge!" Visenya's voice was heard booming across the valley, carried by the morning winds and being heard above the sound of burning men and fire.

The full force of the small army was unleashed, men rushing into battle on foot or horse with a loud war cry. The banners of the Targaryens and Lannisters were proudly shown among them as they headed straight for the surviving men.

The Targaryen Princess smirked and cast a glance at Tygett, seeing him staring with wide eyes as the green fire slowly died but had already done its part. With a smirk, she handed her bow to a squire and unsheathed her valyrian sword.

Their eyes met and without a warning, the Dragoness charged into the battle with the rest of the men. She left behind Tygget to stare at her a little longer before smirking at himself and then guiding his horse to do the same.

Tywin had been watching from on top of the Casterly Rock Walls as Pitt's army got armoured and positioned themselves. A part had remained close to the Castle, ready to take down anyone daring to exit.

The bigger part, however, had been moved to face the incoming new threat. A foolish reckless man would have chosen that moment to open the gates and attack the smaller amount of men Pitt had left but he was far from a fool.

He waited patiently and watched as each side sent a part of their army to meet head-on first. Like in a game of Cyvasse, one would send their pawns and soldiers first to start a battle while the more key pawns were kept behind since their uses were more specialised.

Suddenly, he saw Visenya's men retreating and he lifted an eyebrow; curious what she had in mind. The forest she was most likely hiding her men, offered no good ground for a battle of such scale.

Drawing them further away from Casterly Rock would make his own men take longer to attack them; which also did not fit with his plan.

His answers came upon seeing the first explosion of green fire as it spread high into the sky like an emerging dragon. Then, a line of such explosions took place while the same green fire started to spread as if an invisible dragon was breathing it upon the enemy.

The sound of men shouting and even the heat of the green flames almost reached him. While Pitt's men tried to avoid the dying flames or save themselves from further burns; Visenya unleashed her full army and he would not be surprised if she was somewhere amongst them.

Remembering her words upon the Letter, he turned to look down at his brother Kevan and gave the signal. The Gates of Casterly Rock started to be lifted and his men started to ride or run out of it like raging waters escaping from a dam.

They started narrow but quickly spread, meeting Pitt's remaining men halfway. With their reduced numbers, they stood no chance against the well-fed and rested Lannister men; who were more than happy to take down the enemy that had forced them into that position in the first place.

Wasting no time, Tywin left the walls and headed for the wooden steps. His horse was waiting for him in the yard, his sword already strapped upon him and so was his fancy armour.


Pitt saw his men burning alive as the mysterious green fire came from the depths of the earth. Their screams reached his ears, many of his remaining shoulders either trying to run away from the fire or were getting uneasy by the horrifying sight.

With the Targaryen army in full view and power, the Bastard Lion knew that he could not face them now. He had to retreat and regroup, find a way to ambush them like he had done with Tywin's group a month ago.

Giving the order, he was the first to ride away from the fire and the battle, and his men followed suit.

Only that his attempts were cut short upon seeing Tywin's soldiers heading their way. They had taken advantage of the destruction and the green fire to attack his men when their guards were lowered and now nothing was stopping them from coming his way.

Trapped between the two armies, he knew that the only thing he could do was fight. He slashed any enemy he saw but his green eyes searched for Tywin. If he were to slay him, this battle could be over.

At least take him prisoner for now, to force the Royal Army to surrender and obeying to his conditions.

With a plan in mind, he fought on top of his brown horse and took down any enemy that came too close. Eventually, his eyes spotted Tywin fighting amongst his men and he charged; his vision tunnelling as the bastard Lion locked upon his prey.


Tywin had been fighting on top of his horse, side by side with Gerion but during the battle; he lost sight of his brother. His sword was coated in blood as he took down anyone he saw with the same coldness in his eyes; not a single hint of fear or guilt was visible.

Suddenly, a horse was thrown on top of him causing him and his stallion to fall to the ground. Freeing his leg from the stirrup, the powerful animal neighed in worry, the sound of blades all around it and no man to hold the reins were fogging its mind.

The Lion ignored it and instead focused on the person that had thrown him off his horse, being none other than his bastard half-brother. Despite the lack of mount, Tywin got his sword ready and charged as Pitt did the same.

He dodged his long sword and brought his own to strike the legs of the mare. Blood splattered across his uncovered face as the animal fell forward, its rider doing the same.

Now that both were on equal ground, they faced one another in proper combat. Pitt was younger than Tywin by a few years and inexperienced. He had the fancy armour and the long sword but he lacked disciples and skill; something that Tywin had obtained over the years.

Their blades clashed again and again but it was clear who was wining between them. Tywin would have landed a lethal strike upon the bastard if one of the opposing men hadn't tried to attack him from his side.

Forced to counter, he was led away from his original target; who chose to try and join the new battle. Now against two opponents, Tywin found himself cornered but he did not back down. Gerion joined him out of the blue, helping him in this unfair battle.

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