The protectors of Kanezaka (K...

By Pie78904

78.5K 1.2K 900

For most of Y/N's life bad luck has been surrounding his life. Everywhere he went misfortune would always fol... More

Arriving in Kanezaka
Do you believe in spirits?
Training Time!
The First Mission.
A Celebration of victory and the Tengu
Lemon Chapter 18+ (April Fools)
The Idea of Family
The Wrath of the Onryo
Let's sink a yacht!
The Goddess of Love
A Confession between a Fox and a Crow
Defend the Shrine!
An Old friend
Heir to a Kingdom
Finding Peace
The Fall of the Hashimoto Clan.
Peace returns to Kanezaka
Thank you, Behind the scenes and a QNA
A New Opportunity
New Agents of Overwatch
Escort the Payload
A Bank heist filled with Explosions
Family Reunion
The Cursed Man and the Witch
The Invasion of Ilios
The First of Talon's Elites
An Old Battlefield
The River Spirit
Gladiators of the Colosseum
Another Lemon Chapter 18+
The Imposter

A Funtime in Busan

1.2K 17 18
By Pie78904

Doomfist's POV

Talon's HQ

It's been a few hours since i had tasked Mauga with killing the traitor who threatened to leak our secerts.

I take out my phone and check my messages with him. He hasn't responded in a few hours.

He's the type of guy that would message me back even while he's in the middle of combat. Despite me not liking his usual character it seems out of person for him.

Widowmaker walks into my office she seems to have something for me.


Doomfist:What is it Amélie you seem like you have news for me. They better be good news.

Widowmaker:I suggest that you look at the news.

I grabbed the remote right next to me and turned it on. I began to watch the news report about a fight that happened in Samoa.

The area looked like to be apart of a city with destruction in the area. It appeared to be the aftermath of a battle.

News Reporter:I'm reporting here live in Samoa, where notorious criminal Maugaloa Malosi often referred to as Mauga has been arrested. Mauga along with five soldiers under his command attacked a Kofi Aramo seeming to kill innocents in their way.

CCTV camera footage appears of the shootout. Where Mauga gives his soldiers the order of fire at the place.

News Reporter:However, the mad man was stopped when three Overwatch agents were in the area. A bystander managed to capture most of the footage that you are about to see now.

Footage plays of Mauga fighting against the three Overwatch agents. One of them was recognizable.

Doomfist:Augustin, seems like he's meddling in our business still.

Widowmaker:It appears that he has join Overwatch's cause.

Then there were two other guys, one of them was fox girl and a man wearing a coat.

All three of them were fighting Mauga in the footage. In which as always he took the fight as a joke.

Doomfist:Mauga, you fool. You have the fighting spirit of a warrior yet the mind of an imbecile.

Widowmaker:It's a good thing that he has gotten himself captured. One less lose end for Talon.

Doomfist:I should've sent you to kill Mikkell. Atleast you would've got the job done.

Widowmaker:It's more likely that i would've killed all of them in one shot.

Doomfist:It appears that i made a mistake with assigning Mauga that mission.

Widowmaker turned around and left my office. I then looked back at the tv.

I began to rewind through the newsreport. Mainly to get a good look at the fight.

I paused at a frame to get a better look at the two mysterious Overwatch agents. I then smiled as i recognized the male's face.

Doomfist:I found you little birdie.

I smiled at the sight of him, i then continued to play the footage.

Newsreporter:It appears that one of the main causes for his downfall was the destruction of his own chaingun. It could be due to the overheating of his own weapon

Doomfist:I know that your spirit has to do with that, son of Masaru. Someday i will have you join Talon.

I then looked at the girl that was fighting alongside Masaru's son and Baptiste.

Doomfist:That must be Asa's daughter. She seems to be more of a inferior fighter than her mother.

I believe that she won't prove as much as a threat. However, i need to plan for Talon's next operation. One that I'm sure will succeed.

Mauga may have failed his task, but now it means it's time for Talon to strike back stronger.


Watchpoint Gibraltar

We returned back to base after our mission in Samoa. The Orca landed and it's doors opened.

Y/N:Alright Mikkell we are back home.

Baptiste:All we have to do is talk with Winston about the outcome of our mission. Then he'll be able to provide you a safe way passage to your destination.

Mikkell:Are you sure?

Kiriko:I mean Winston is a cool boss. I'm just glad that he's not one of those strict bosses.

We stepped out of the Orca Winston was already waiting for us outside.

Winston:Baptiste, i just watched the newsreport. It's a good thing that you all managed to overcome Talon's forces.

Baptiste:Well it was a good thing that i know every little thing about Mauga.

Y/N:Winston, the man who you see right now is alongside us.

Mikkell just stared at Winston being shocked at the fact that he's a gorilla.

Mikkell:Y-you are a Gorilla!


Mikkell:But still!

Y/N:Don't worry about it Mikkell i had the same reaction as well. Just next time expect practically anything to happen.

Kiriko:I mean Y/N and I can show you something a little weirder. If you'd like to jump into that rabbit hole.

Winston:Enough of the side conversations. It's time for a mission debrief as well with providing Mikkell his saftey.

We walked inside of Winston's labatory as we told him about our encounter with Talon's agent known as Mauga. Then Mikkell told Winston about Talon's relationship wifh Null Sector.

Winston:So Talon is working alongside Null Sector? This is a big development for us. I need to inform everybody right now.

Kiriko:So what's the game plan, Winston. Do you want us to focus more on Talon or continue to focus on Null Sector.

Winston:Null Sector is still our top priority, Kiriko. It's just that we need to begin operations in taking down Talon as well.

Baptiste:Indeed, Talon has wealth to continue funding their own and others operations.

Y/N:Yeah but it appears Talon likes to hide in the sidelines. Well until now.

Mikkell:That was Doomfist's whole plan. He wanted to ensure that Talon's involvement in these attacks were concealed at all costs.

Winston:Well you did a good thing at telling us.

He walked over to a board that had Talon listed on it. It mainly had a question mark on it.

Winston takes out a marker and writes "involved with Null Sector" on the board.

Winston:You three also brought the tape recording for documentation purposes, right?

Kiriko:Yeah we have it right here.

Kiriko throws Winston the recorder that was disguised as a pack of gum. He catches it and begins to inspect it.

Y/N:We also have a clue on what Null Sector's leader looks like.

Winston:Who is it?

Baptiste grabbed the folder and took out the photo of Doomfist with the leader of Null Sector.

Winston got a good look of the leader of the Null Sector even adjusting his glasses.

Winston:A R-7000 Ravager unit. I thought all of them were hunted down to an extinction.

Kiriko:How come? Were they some type of dangerous omnic or something.

Winston:Something like that, however i never encountered one. The only person on the team that more likely fought one was-

Kiriko:Old man Reinhardt.

Winston:Exactly, i'll probably set up a meeting with him soon.

Winston put the photo onto the board and circled the omnic in a red circle. He wrote down Null Sector's leader? And turned back to us.

Winston:You three did good today. Enjoy the rest of your day off. As for you Mikkell let's begin by giving you a new fake identity.

Baptiste, Kiriko and I walked out of Winston's labatory then we returned back to the orca.

Baptiste:So you two still down for that movie?

Kiriko and Y/N:Yeah!

Kiriko:Jinx! You owe me a popcorn at the movie.


Baptiste:Don't worry Y/N snacks will be on me tonight.

Y/N:Thank you for that Bap.

Kiriko:So can i order whatever i want or?

Baptiste:Well Kiriko for you I'm giving you a budget of 10 dollars.

Kiriko:Oh come on.

Baptiste:Just kidding, what kind of movie are we still watching.

Y/N:I guess we can watch a Sci-fi movie like you wanted Kiri?

Kiriko:What happened to that action movie that you wanted to watch?

Y/N:I'm pretty sure that we just lived through an action movie. No amount of Hollywood effects will come close to the real thing.

Baptiste:I can agree with that.

The Orca began to make it's way towards King's Row for our movie night to begin.


After the movie and we began to return back to base. I had to make a quick phone call. I started up a phone call with Kiriko's dad mainly to get a repair on my kusarigama.

Luckily Toshiro answered the call it appeared that he was working on a blade.

Toshiro:Oh hello, Y/N.

Y/N:Hey Toshiro.

Kiriko:Hey dad

Kiriko waves at her father during the video call.

Toshiro:There's my little girl, it's good to see the both of you.

Kiriko:How is mom doing?

Toshiro:She's doing fine as usual. So uh Y/N did you call me because my daughter missed me or for business

Y/N:Well Toshiro i did mean to call you for business.

I showed him my kusarigama and ripped out chain.

Toshiro:What happened to it?


Toshiro:Who was that?

Kiriko:He's a friend of ours. But to put it short we got in a fight with this big guy in Samoa.

Y/N:And i tried to attach my kusarigama's onto him only for him to just break it like nothing.

Toshiro:Also there's a chip on your blade.

I look at my kusarigams and noticed the chip on it.

Y/N:I never noticed that until now.

Toshiro:What was the first thing that Asa told you about your weapon.

Y/N:She never told me anything.

Kiriko:To always be wary of your weapon. Make sure to inspect it all the time

Toshiro:Yes, Y/N have you been hitting metal or something?

Y/N:Well I've been using them to destory Null Sector troops.

Toshiro:I'll send you a new pair of Kusarigamas made with reinforced steel.

Y/N:Thank you Toshiro, how much do i have to pay you for?

Toshiro:Call it a family discount. However i do have some other orders to continue working on, so i might not be able to send them over to you in around 3 weeks.

Y/N:Alright that sounds good to me.

Kiriko:Bye Dad!

Toshiro:Bye you two!

I hung up the phone call.

Y/N:Well that fixes my weapon issue.

Kiriko:Yeah but what are you going to use for a while?

Y/N:One of the kusarigamas that you first gave me for now.

It's going to be a long three weeks without them. However i am excited to test out the reinforced steel.

Another Timeskip, Three Weeks later.

Kiriko's POV

I walk back into my dorm feeling tired, i just went on a few missions for the past few weeks.

They weren't really anything major like a Null Sector attack. They were mainly more smaller missions.

I collapsed on my bed and look foward as Hana was playing a game as usual. Bestie let me guess exhausted from a mission.

Kiriko:Yep, How did you figure it out? always collapse onto my bed after i finish an exhausting mission.

Kiriko:It wasn't that bad of a mission. I just had to stop some guy that has something to do with Talon. like Winston has been heavily cracking down on Talon ever since he found out about their evolvement with Null Sector.

Kiriko:Yeah, but like always those grunts were no match for me. I mean i was able to take down one of their elites with help of course. catch.

Hana grabs a bottle of water and throws it at me. I catch the bottle with my hand and i begin to open it.


I began to take a sip from the bottle, as Hana turns around in her gaming chair and faces me. i was thinking, how about you and I have a hangout. I'm planning on going to Busan to get Tokkii some repairs as i forgot to bring some spare parts.

Kiriko:Why not just repair it here? it is very easy for me to repair Tokkii. The thing is that Tokkii requires some special parts and the only person who has them is Dae-Hyun?

Kiriko:Dae-hyun? Oh you mean your boyfriend?

Hana turns her head around slowly taking attention off the game she was playing. I can tell that she was annoyed by my little comment. I'm going to give you 5 seconds to take that back.

Kiriko:Oh come on Hana, aren't you guys like good friends or something like that. You can give me a call I'm sure that i can You and Him along with Y/N and I for a nice double date. Dae-Hyun is a close friend of mine and also my mechanic. That relationship between us has never went further than that.

Kiriko:I'm just saying that you'd make a cute couple.

I began to snicker as Hana groaned in annoyance.

Kiriko:You know i can pay back the favor. I can help you get wit-

Hana then grabs one of her controllers and throws it at my heads.


I began to rub the spot where the controller hit me. know for someone who claims to be something like a ninja. You have poor reflexes.

Kiriko:I don't have poor reflexes, i just wasn't expecting you to throw that controller at me. that sounds like a skill issue.

Kiriko:No it's not, Hana!

Hana then threw another water bottle at me, but this time i grabbed it.

Kiriko:Now is that a skill issue? you got lucky that time.

Kiriko:Mhmm luck that's what you call it.

The both of us chuckle at each other. To me Hana is like the sister that i never had. I guess you can say that's how close our friendship is. what do you say? Wanna leave base and have some fun while Tokki is getting repaired.

Kiriko:Yeah! When are we leaving and how long are we gonna stay there for? around 2 days.

Kiriko:Then sounds like a plan it's been a long time since i last visted South Korea. can't believe that was 2 years ago. All because the year before that we met on a shooter game and we both were dominating the enemy team.

Kiriko:Yeah. Glad i met you though, you surely did fill the gap that Genji left after he was reported apparently dead. here. Haven't felt closer to another person than with you.

Hana sat up from her chair and moved towards the door.'m gonna get the orcha ready to carry Tokkii. Just pack whatever you need.

Kiriko:Wait Hana can i invite someone?

Hana turned around and groaned in annoyance. She already knows who I'm gonna invite. me guess Y/N?

Kiriko:Yeah, i know you want it to be the both of us. But we both promised each other to make many memories with each other.'t you guys take down that Talon guy with the two miniguns? I'm sure that counts as a memory.

Kiriko:Well yeah. But i also want us to visit as many places as possible. Besides your boyfriend is going to be there. How come i can't invite mine?'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND!!!

Hana waved her arms at me angrily, it's a little bit funny whenever she's annoyed. Except for a few minutes ago. Kiriko, i guess you can invite him along.

Kiriko:You sure? You seem like that you don't like the idea. be honest with you, i don't. But as your best friend i want to keep you happy.

Kiriko:Thanks i'll go ask him right now. go do that, I'll just get Tokkii ready.

I walked out of my dorm and went straight for the one next door. I put my hand on the handle and opened the door.

Kiriko:Hey Y/N, i just wanted to ask yo-

The only person in the room was Baptiste, he was writing down something on a notebook. He turned around giving me his attention.

Baptiste:Sorry Kiriko, but he's not here right now.

Kiriko:Where is he, i have something to ask him?

Baptiste:He's in a training simulation right now. It will take him sometime to finish

Kiriko:How long will that take? Because I'm pretty sure Hana is gonna soon start messaging me to hurry up.

Baptiste:It just depends on which team just wins.

Kiriko:Great knowing that Y/N is on whoever team it'll go slow or probably his team got steamrolled. So what are you writing there

Baptiste:Oh just a journal that i keep on me.

Kiriko:This may sound a little invasive but can i read it?

Baptiste:Maybe another day.

Kiriko:Alright then, well I'll see you later then.

I closed the door to Y/N and Baptiste's dorm and began to make my way towards the training area. As i waited for Y/N to step out.

I crossed my arms aa i waited for him to come out. Hopefully Hana doesn't
spam my phone with "hurry up."


Athena:Time's up, Defenders win.

I put my kusarigama's down as my team failed to push the payload this time. We probably could've won that had i had my maon kusarigama. The new set should be coming in somewhere this week.

Even though it was a training exercise. It felt like a genuine defeat to me. As someday i might come across

Lúcio:Don't worry guys there's always next time.

Bastion:Beep Boop Boop.

Y/N:Yeah you said it Bastion.

Pharah:How about we get something to eat. I'm starving after an exercise like this.

Y/N:That depends who's payingm

Lúcio:How about we all chip in instead.

Pharah:That sounds like a better idea then having to pay for everyone.

Bastion:Beep Boop Boop?

Pharah:Yes Bastion you can come also.

We all began to leave the training area and headed towards the exit. We talked about the simulation. Mainly about how Fareeha's time wiped the floor with my team.

Even if we had Bastion and his minigun, we still managed to lose the whole simulation.

As we walked out of the training area and down the hallway. I heard a small little feint whisper calling out to me.



Lúcio:Is anything wrong?

Y/N:I think someone's calling me. You guys go ahead i'll catch up.

The three of them nodded and walked down the hallway. I then turned around and saw Kiriko waiting for me by the door.

Kiriko:About time you noticed me.

Y/N:Oh sorry i got a little distracted.

I scratched the back of my head as i sightly chuckled.

Kiriko:I've seen that you have been hanging out with your new friends.

Y/N:Well we were planning on getting on some food actually. I mean it was a brutal simulation I'm pretty sure everyone on both sides are both exhausted.

Kiriko:Maybe if i was there i would've change the tide around in your team favor. However that's not why i was waiting for you.

Y/N:What is it?

Kiriko:Well Hana has to take Tokkii back to South Korea to have her friend or should i say boyfriend repair Tokkii for her. Well i wang to know if you would like to come with us.

Y/N:You sure Hana minds? I mean i can still tell that she dislikes me. Despite the fact that i was a big fan of hers.

Kiriko:Well she was slightly annoyed but only did it because of how important our friendship is.

Y/N:So what time are we going?

Kiriko:Uhhh i think about now.

Kiriko nervously smiles as she takes out her phone. Her lockscreen reveals nothing but 100+ messages from Hana telling her to hurry up.

Y/N:Right now!? Can't she just wait for maybe an hour or so?

Kiriko:You know how Hana gets. You don't have to go if you don't want to Y/N. It'll be fine just the two of us.

Y/N:I mean you did invite me over, i don't mind. I'll just catch up with everyone else later.

I took out my phone and messaged Lúcio that i won't be joining them for lunch.

I immediately got a reply back from him saying that it's fine.

Y/N:See they don't mind.

Kiriko:I guess, but we're gonna have to pack like right now.

Y/N:Wait we're staying there?

Kiriko:Just fot a few days then we'll be back.

Kiriko then saw she got another message from Hana.

Kiriko:Yeah looks like we're gonna have to pack in under 5 minutes.

Y/N:Well that's easy for you to say. Your the one with the spirit that increases speed.

Kiriko snickered as she summoned her fox spirit.

Kiriko:There no more complaining. Just stay close and we'll make it on time.

Both Kiriko and I walked along side the fox spirit to keep it's speed. I noticed that my crow spirit summoned itself.

I looked at it as it had a mischievous look on it's face.

Y/N:Don't you even think about it.

The Crow spirit looked at me after i figured out it was going to probably have Kiriko and I trip or something. It then disappeared.

We arrived at our dorms, i now have to somewhat pack at a normal pace.

I rushed inside said Hello to Baptiste then got some items that i deemed as necessary then rushed out.

Kiriko was waiting for me with everything already packed. If only her fox spirit could be in two places at the same time.

Kiriko:Come on Y/N we only have one minute before Hana starts throwing a fit.

I nodded and we rushed towards the deploying area. Hana was waiting for us with her arms crossed. two took a while.

Y/N:Sorry, Hana but i was in a training mission. That's why it took a while for us to get over here.

Kiriko:But the good thing is that we're here.

Y/N:So, Hana Kiri told me about a person named Da-'t you finish that sentence, Y/N. You should tell Kiriko what happened earlier when she tried to tease me like that.

I looked at Kiriko and i noticed a small bruise on her forehead that was being covered up by her bangs.

Y/N:Kiri can i see your forehead real quick?

Kiriko:I dont know what you're talking about.

She put her fox headband on to cover the small bruise. threw a controller at her and she failed to catch it.

Y/N:That's surprising to hear. Normally you react to everything quickly.

Kiriko:Will both of you just stop talking about it. I caught it the second time. but it's the first time that always matter.

Instead of going into an orca we got inside of a regular plane. Athena as always got the plane ready and put it on autopilot. Tokki Hana's mech was in the plane laying dormant.

Kiriko:Why a regular plane this time? not stir up any attention. You'll see when we get there.

Y/N:Why are there some Talon operatives hiding in Busan? that i know of. However MEKA does already know that we'll be arriving.

Y/N:Wait the MEKA squad will be there?, they just know.

Y/N:Oh, i was looking foward to meeting D.Mon or maybe even Overlord. someday

Kiriko:How about someday your gang meet up with my gang.

Y/N:Do you honestly want Nobuto to annoy them.

Kiriko:He'd probably be more gushing about the mechs then anything. depends if they'd like to do a meetup someday.

I sat down on my seat as the trip to Busan began.


The plane stopped at Busan in an airport. The first thing i noticed was Hana putting on a trench coat along with some fake glasses.

Y/N:What's with the outfit? I love my fans and all but they can sure get tiresome.

Kiriko:Yeah no kidding. When i first came over to visit Hana. The both of us just went to a restaurant and next thing you know. Bam! Nothing but paparazzi and her fans bombarding us.

Y/N:Sounds like a curse.

I give Hana a little wink to my pun, both Kiriko and Her give me an annoyed look.

Kiriko:Y/N, just why.

Y/N:Sorry couldn't just leave the opportunity. then you question why i don't like him.

We stepped out of the plane with only a lone figure waiting for us outside. We helped Hana with getting Tokki off the plane. Then we met with the lone person.

???:Hana you do know that i can tell it's you right? mean the disguse isn't meant for you Dae-hyun.

Hana removed her fake glasses and made eye contact with the man known as Dae-hyun.

Dae-hyun:Kiriko, nice to see you again and you must be who Hana referred to as Kiriko's sidekick.

Y/N:Sidekick!? I pefer the term second in command.

Kiriko:No offense Y/N. But back when we were Yōkai, you were just the rookie or the new guy. Ryōta was my second in command.


Dae-Hyun:So Hana what's wrong with Tokki.'s mainly the engine. I ran out of spare parts and i was hoping that you would be able to have some. So Kiriko and I can go back to kicking bad guy ass.

Kiriko:Just us two, the only capable ones on the whole team.

Dae-Hyun walks up to me and whispers to my ear.

Dae-hyun:Let me guess in your adventures she's usually cocky.

Y/N:Yeah, she's been like this since i first met her.

Dae-hyun:Atleast we have something in common. Having to look after those two. Dae-hyun how long do you think it will take?

Dae-hyun:Let me take a good look at Tokki. I'm sure that i'll be able to fix Tokki up in no time. you Dae-hyun.

Dae-hyun:Hey it beats having to repair Tokki almost everytime you press the self destruct button.

Dae-hyun began to inspection Tokki and attached the Mech to a recovery vehicle.

Dae-hyun:I'll be able to fix up Tokki in no time. Might have to make my way back to the MEKA base if that's all right with you.'m sure it'll be alright.

Y/N:Can we come i want to see what the inside of the MEKA base looks like. outsiders allowed.

Kiriko:Not even if we're Overwatch agents i could make the rules i would make some exceptions. Very well Dae-hyun you know exactly where to deliver it.

Dae-hyun:Yes i know, I'll deliver it over to your house. Does your boss know that you guys are over here.

Kiriko:You did tell Winston about this right? i sure did.

Y/N:You didn't, didn't you., but I'm sure he won't mind.

Y/N:Let's just hope that we're not needed for a mission.

Kiriko:I'm sure everything will be fine. Athena knows. So I'm sure that she told him already.

Dae-hyun:Well Tokki is ready to go I'll be sure to make the repairs soon. Dae-hyun i know that i can count on you.

Dae-hyin began to drive off with Tokki attached to the back of the vehicle. Hana waved goodbye to both her friend and her mech. know it's going to take a while for Dae-hyun to repair Tokki. So how about we enter downtown of Busan and have some fun.

We began to follow Hana as we entered the downtown portion of Busan. The first thing that caught my eye was a restaurant that has a giant cow inflatable on the roof. welcome back and Y/N welcome to my home. You are looking at the place where Korea's top star grew up in!

Kiriko:I see that they've made some improvements last time i got here.

Y/N:So this is Busan, huh? Looks a lot different then what i thought it looked like. you're talking about my films then yeah it looks different on the big screen compared to real life.

Y/N:Alright you two what's the agenda for today. knowing me you already know. and Kiriko:PC Cafe! on i can literally get us our own private room.

We walked inside of the PC Cafe, it mainly featured a bunch of other people who were just playing games.

On the front of the cafe was a dancing rythym game.

Kiriko:Look Y/N, we can use this to practice our footwork.

Y/N:I pefer my rythym games with a plastic guitar controller. But i guess i can give it a shot.

We walked up to the counter with Hana as a clerk stood in front of us.

PC cafe clerk:Hello and welcome how can i help you three today. would like to rent out one of those private rooms.

PC Cafe clerk:I'm sorry ma'am but those rooms can only be used if you had made a reservation in advance.

Hana removed her fake glasses and fake mustache revealing her face to the clerk.

PC cafe clerk:Hana Song also known as is it really you!?

The moment that the clerk yelled out it was Hana. The entire cafe laid their eyes on us. Now i see why she usually wears a disguise.

Pc Cafe Where?

PC Cafe Patron 2:Ooh i wanna get her autograph!

PC Cafe Patron 3:I hope she'll take a picture with me

The crowd then formed around us as Hana put her fake glasses and moustache on. Then she turned around to face the crowd.

Y/N:Sorry everyone you must have my friend here mistaken for someone else.

Kiriko:Yeah we're just some tourists who came to visit a friend right?

Hana then began to change the tone of her vocie to not make it sound recognizable.! My name isn't it's erm..

Both Kiriko and I gave Hana a displeased look and whispered to her. really? You couldn't come up with an actual fake name. but i have to come up with something on the spot.

Y/N:Just go along with it. It looks like their buying into the lie.

PC Cafe, huh? Never heard of you

PC Cafe Patron 2:Must be some low viewed streamer. I was really hoping it would be

PC Cafe Patron 3:Maybe i might be able to see her on a meet and greet someday. for the confusion people, but I'm sure she might come here someday.

Hana then got a good look at the clerk as she removed her fake glasses. She did a shush motion with her finger to the clerk. of your private rooms please.

PC cafe clerk:Right this way then miss

The cafe clerk winked at us, then the three of us followed the clerk into the back of the cafe.

The clerk opened up one of the private rooms. It was a normal looking room just with six pc's, snacks and another one of those dancing games.

PC cafe clerk:How long do you plan on renting this entire room for? 18 hours.

Y/N:18 Hours!

Kiriko:Hana there's no way I'm spending my entire time in Busan playing games. come on Kiriko don't be such a buzzkill.

Kiriko:I mean we play games all the time back at base.

Hana groaned disappointedly., 3 hours then because my best friend and her loser boyfriend don't know how to have fun.

Hana paid the clerk the amount it would cost to rent the room and gave her a few more extra. one last thing before you go.

Hana took out a photo of her and autographed it for the PC cafe clerk. you won't tell anyone that we're here.

PC cafe clerk:You have my word,!

The clerk grabbed the autograph excitedly and ran back to the main area. that's why i wear a disguise. The moment someone calls out my name they all just swarm me.

Y/N:Well it's a good thing that didn't happened. We'd probably be in there forever.

Kiriko:So what are we gonna play?

Y/N:Normally we'd play a fighter but seeing how there are three of us. I guess that's off the table., I'd destroy you in any game.

Y/N:Well since i am a big fan of you. I should know that you would probably beat me in anything. that you know your place.

Kiriko:Y/N are you just gonna sit there and take it?

Y/N:Well i mean Hana you haven't seen how skillful i am in games. is that a challenge?

Hana cracks her knuckles looking full on confident. But i have a plan to beat her.

Kiriko:Y/N not even i can beat Hana. Are you sure you want to go through with this?

Y/N:Weren't you the one that asked if i was gonna sit there and take it?

Kiriko:Yes. But i wasn't expecting you to react like that.

Y/N:Wow, i guess that just shows how much faith you have in me.

I chuckled slightly as i sat down on the chair booting up the PC.

Kiriko:I mean it's pretty hard to pick a side to root for here. Y/N if it's a challenge that you want it's a challenge that you'll get! But I'm just saying don't cry to me if you lose.

Y/N:Oh i won't be crying just like how i won't be losing., if you are so confident in winning. If you win then i'll finally give you my respect along with a bag of chips. Now tell me what are you willing to put on the line?

Y/N:My relationship with Kiriko.

Kiriko:Excuse me you're gonna what?, it's nice to know that I'll be responsible for the break up of my best friend. Atleast maybe she'll find a better person.

Y/N:Like who? who won't put their relationship on the line.

Kiriko:I'm pretty sure your just joking right Y/N? I mean there's no way your actually gonna go through with this?

Y/N:Don't worry about Kiri, i have everything under my control.

I summoned my crow spirit and the both of us gave her a wink. She simply replied back with a facepalm.

Both Hana and i logged into an FPS game. She set up a private lobby to begin the 1v1.

I watch as Hana opens up a bag of chips and begins to eat them. your ready, Y/N.

Y/N:Oh I'm always ready.

Kiriko:Just going to say that i didn't agree to this at all. And Y/N i thought you were the mature one in this relationship.

Y/N:Doesn't mean that i can't mess around a little.

i begin to create my loadout in the game same goes for Hana. to get demolished Y/N?

Y/N:I think I'll be winning here.

I place a misfortune symbol on the PC that Hana is using. Kiriko then began to whisper into my ear.

Kiriko:You are so damn lucky that she can't see or sense spirits.

Y/N:Maybe I'm just lucky in general.

Kiriko:Says the one with the bad luck spirit. of the prep talk! Let's fight already!

Alright here comes my biggest battle yet! It's time to cheat against my favorite streamer.

The match loads up and we go into a map that's an abandoned small town. to not make you scared or anything. But my score when it comes to 1v1's is 100-6 well i'll probably get ready to make it 101-6

Y/N:Well Hana it's time for you to get humbled.

The match begins and i have my character to begin sprinting towards, Hana's. I then immediately get headshotted by a sniper. 99 more points to go. Hope that you are ready to get destroyed like the noob that you are.

Kiriko:I just wouldn't underestimate Y/N, yet Hana. only game that you said that he's decent at are fighters.

Y/N:Yeah but i did start off with FPS's so i still have some skill.

I put a misfortune symbol on Hana's mouse and her keyboard to make her mess up.

I had my character slide in and kill Hana's character.

Y/N:Like that. the? Lucky shot.

Kiriko:Looks like you might have a chance at winning this, Y/N! was just one kill. I'll turn this around in a moment.

Y/N:Oh really.

Our characters came to face each other and we began to fire at each other. Only for one Hana's S key to get jammed. I managed to land a kill on her. i wasn't able to move my character!

Y/N:What was that one thing you told D.mon back during the 1v1 you had with her. "No Excuses"

I proceed to get several more kills on Hana, mainly because parts of pc would mess up.

Kiriko and I watch as Hana continues to rage and rage as i get several more kills on her. Kiriko giggles and cheers me on as i continue to rack up more kills on Hana.

This continues on and on until the score is 99-6. By the look on Hana's face she just seems like she's losing it.

Kiriko:Y/N you just need one more kill and you will win. Either that or Hana will explode on you. is no way that I'm gonna lose to a noob like you!

My character had a knife in his hand and ran towards Hana's. She fired only for her mouse to mess up and for my character to slash her's.

A victory screen pops up on my computer screen.


Kiriko:Congrats Y/N.

Y/N:Thank you, Kiri. No No No! There is no way that i lost to you!

Kiriko:Come on Hana don't be a sore loser. It's time that you give him some respect.

Y/N:And that bag of chips make it a large bag please.

Hana began to slam her hands on the desk in a fit of rage.

Kiriko:Woah Hana calm down it's just a game! cheated didn't you!

Y/N:No. It's not called cheating i like to call it winning.

Yeah i definitely did, but it's not like she's gonna find out. tell me the truth did he cheat by messing with my pc.

Kiriko:Hana what kind of a theory is that. We both came to this room at the same time.

Y/N:Yeah and last time i don't think i can sabotage a pc in a split second. you used that stupid bird thing didn't you!

Hana gets up close to my face with her eye twitching.

Y/N:Hana i don't use my spirit for immature things.

Kiriko:Hana I'm pretty sure i would be able to sense it myself if he did. Look i'll even have my fox spirit sense it.

Kiriko summoned her fox spirit and it pretended to ignore my crow spirits negative energy.

My crow spirit then flew over to Kiriko's fox. In which the crow used it's wing and Kiriko's fox used it's paw to high five each other.

Kiriko:Nope i don't sense anything at all.'re in this also aren't you Kiriko! You're just salty from the amount of times that I've beaten you!

Kiriko:I don't know what you're talkung about, Hana. I'm guessing that you have to just take the L. there was probably something wrong with my pc! I'm gonna get someone to check it! The moment they find something I'm gonna demand a rematch!

Hana stomps out of the room to look for a maintenance worker.

Kiriko:Thank you for giving her a taste of her own medicine. Her reaction to losing to you was priceless

Y/N:I mean you often would complain about her humiliating you.

Kiriko:Yeah and I'm grateful for that. But do you wanna know what I'm not grateful for?

Kiriko put her hands behind her back as she leaned her face towards mine.

Y/N:And what is that?

I then felt a hard smack going across my face. I then began to rub the smack.

Y/N:What was that for?

Kiriko:For betting on our relationship!

Y/N:Oh come on even if i lost it doesn't mean we'd actually break up.... Right?

Kiriko:Maybe... Sometimes i forget how stupid you can be.

I gave Kiriko a nervous smile and chuckle.

Kiriko:But still it was pretty funny on how you used your spirit to mess with her.

Y/N:I'm just glad that you didn't tell her.

Kiriko:Then i would've messed out on such a hilarious reaction.

We then heard screaming coming from the hallway behind the door.

Kiriko:Y/N, i think she's coming back.

Y/N:On it

I recalled my crow spirit alongside the misfortune symbol. Reversing the effect it put on the PC.

We were still able to hear Hana's voice coming outside the room there that stupid PC of yours costed me a 1v1 against him of all people!

Both Hana and the employee walked inside of the room. The employee began to investigate the pc testing what was wrong with it.

Kiriko:Hey bestie, here to finally admit your defeat.! I'm here to prove that my PC was tampered with, by the cheater you call a boyfriend!

Y/N:It's alright to cope with the lost Hana., I'm gonna get my rematch some day.

The employee after checking on the pc turned back at Hana to give her the news.

PC cafe employee:Sorry Ma'am, but your PC appears to be perfectly fine. is no way that PC is perfectly fine! He tampered with it!

Kiriko:Hey Hana "That sounds like a skill issue." it's not! I know that he cheated!

Y/N:Let it go Hana it was just one match.! But i swear on the day i get to have a rematch. I won't go easy on you Y/N!

Kiriko:Now that you two had your 1v1 how about we play some actual games?

We all hopped on our PC's and began to play different genres of games. We played some parts of an MMO then switched it to a survival game.

As we kept on playing Kiriko was eyeing on the rythym game that was behind us.

Kiriko:So how about you and I we get to have a dance together?

I turn around at the two dance rythym game machines next to each other.

Y/N:Sure, i wouldn't mind actually playing a dance. Besides you did mention earlier that it would make good footwork. we're gonna finish making our awesome base!

Kiriko:Come on Hana our 3 hours are almost up. Let us play one match. Besides we can finish the base back at HQ anyways. enjoy yourselves our try to finish what i can.

Kiriko and I walk towards the two machines and got on each one. We both put a coin inside ours then selected a song.

Kiriko:Ready to lose?

Y/N:Isn't that what Hana said earlier?

Kiriko:Yeah, but there's a difference. I can actually beat you easily. could've won that, just saying!

Y/N:I have been training with Lúcio to work on my footwork.

Kiriko:Hold on how come I'm not invited?

Y/N:Wanted to see if you'd acknowledge my change in speed without telling you.

Kiriko:Then let's put your improved footwork to the test!

We ended up picking a song and the game started. Arrows came flying up to the sky as the song started.

I moved my legs to hit the arrows as the song started off slow. It made the arrows much easier to hit.

Kiriko:This is where the fun truly kicks in.

The song began to quiet down only for the song to go intk a more faster pace. Alongside it were the arrows themselves.

I quickly moved my legs to hit the notes on the dance pad. Trying to keep up with the arrows of the song.

Kiriko:Need some help there, Y/N? Seems like your slowing down a little

Y/N:No i can catch up!

I turn over to Kiriko who was able to keep up with the arrows. I began to kick up the pace with my leg movement.

I continued to hit each note after each note. Only to feel a strong breeze of wind behind me.

Kiriko:Thought we should take it to the extreme!

I look at Kiriko's fox spirit with Torii gate's behind the both of us. It was increasing our speed.

Y/N:So you want to play it that way!?


With the advancement of speed we both hit the notes even faster. Until both of the machines begin to break. As it could couldn't register our speed.

Both of the arcade cabinets simply shut off. With Kiriko and I looking at two dead screens. did you both do?

Kiriko:I think we got a little bit carried away from there.

Y/N:Make that as a note to self. Don't use your fox spirit for a game like this.

Kiriko:Noted. now I'm gonna have to pay for those arcade machine. First i lose to Y/N and now this.

Kiriko:Oh cheer up bestie. I know what might make you happy. is it?

Kiriko:If we go to the Karoke place. Sing a few songs.

Y/N:Karoke? can go for a few songs. I remember that singing used to be way for me to relive stress anyways.

Kiriko:Great! Let's start going

Y/N:What about the machines though?

Kiriko:Shhhh, they'll never know.

Kiriko grabbed both of Hana and I's hands and teleported us out of the PC cafe. let's head for the karoke place.

We walked across to the otherside of the Downtown portion of Busan. Eventually walking into a karoke place.

Similar to the PC cafe we reserved a room just for the three of us.

Y/N:Alright girls who's going first?'ll go first.

Kiriko:What genre are you gonna sing for us Hana? on the genre. I don't want to go with K-pop even though i kinda want to sing Poppy.

YN:How many songs do they have on here?

Kiriko:Many songs for people to choose from.

Hana walked up to the stage and grabbed her microphone. It seems like she already made her choice. is a song that came from Reinhardt's collection. All because he wouldn't stop talking about how his music is better than ours.

Kiriko:You listen to some of his stuff?'m just saying the old man has some taste.

Y/N:She's not wrong on that.

Hana began to sing the song Love is a Battlefield. Making Hand movements and dancing around as she sung.

When Hana finished her singing Kiriko and I clapped. you Thank you! I'll be here next week!

Y/N:Just think that maybe in alternate world the name is more associated with an idol. i do enjoy singing. Nothing can take my eyes away from the screen.

Kiriko:It's my turn!

Kiriko walked up to the stage and grabbed the microphone. She looked through the selection of songs and picked one.

Kiriko began to sing Akatsuki moving along with the song and it's melody. Once she finished she passed down the microphone to me.

Y/N:That was a wonderful performance. Though i thought you were gonna perform a different song.

Kiriko:I was really in the mood to sing something else. Now it's your turn Y/N.

Y/N:Me? Kiri you know i get nervous when it comes to singing. you can perfectly fight Null Sector units without any ease. But afraid to sing a song.

Y/N:Well it's two different things Hana. I mean if i appeared in one of your streams I'd get really nervous.

Kiriko:Y/N there's nothing for you to worry about. Besides I've heard you sing before. So it really shouldn't bother you. besides it's just us 3. It's not like your singing to all of Watchpoint Gibraltar.

Y/N:I guess i'll do it. Just don't laugh at my singing voice alright. and Kiriko:We promise!

I can tell by their tone that they were being sarcastic about it. I got up to the stage and tapped onto the machine.

I went through the many song selections. They had many different songs across genres.

Maybe I could sing Karma Chameleon? No wait Art of Life, i mean I'd be willing to sing the whole 29 minutes? No No maybe i should sing The Trooper? No Pet Semetary? Wait i got it.

I cleared up my voice even though i haven't picked a song.

Y/N:We're no strangers to love. you know the rules and so do i

Kiriko:Are you kidding me? you being serious right now?

Y/N:What? It's a timeless classic.

I can tell by their faces that they weren't impressed. I chuckled as i got to the actual song i was gonna sing.

Y/N:I'm kidding I'm kidding.

I clicked on the actual song i was gonna sing. As the Beginning of the song With Me began to play.

I stood a little nervous but regain my confidence as i did want to put a good show.

Y/N:I don't want this moment to ever end. Where everything's nothing without you. I'll wait here just to see you smile.

I look at Kiriko as we both smile at each other as i continue to sing.

Y/N:Cause it's true i am nothing without you.

I walked up to Kiriko and held onto her hand.

Y/N:Through it all, I've made my mistakes. I stumble and fall, but i mean these words.

Kiriko got up from her seat as the two of us danced together as i sang.

Y/N:I want you to know, with everything I won't let this go. These words are my heart and soul. I'll hold on to this moment, you know. As i bleed my heart out to show and I won't let go

I sang the rest of the song not letting go of her hand, until the end of the song.

Kiriko:I can see why you chose that song to sing.

Y/N:Yeah... thought you had it in you to actually sing like that.

Y/N:Well let's just say i did choose the perfect song to truly express my feelings.

Kiriko:Well i thought it was a nice song Y/N. Thank you for singing it. you lovebirds. It's time for us to get going this place is gonna close soon.


I put the microphone back in it's place and we begin to leave the Karoke place.

After we left the Karoke place our hangout was coming to an end. As the Night sky began to take over Busan.

The signs begin to light up throughout the city. As we walked through the streets of downtown Busan.

Y/N:So what's next you two? go back to my house. It's been a long time since I've returned to it.

Kiriko:I wonder how our apartment is doing?

Y/N:I mean Mr.Yoshida is taking care of it and whatever we had left over. So I'm sure it's doing fine.

Kiriko:I can't wait to come back to Kanezaka some day. Hana you should join us on that. i did promise you that the next time i visited we could do some more fun things there. Just make sure to tell me before you both go.

We walk over to a train station and waited for one to come by. It eventually made it's stop and the three of us walked into train.'t worry we'll get back to my place in no time.


The train made it's stop and we walked out of it. on you two my house isn't that far!

Kiriko:Oh Y/N i bet you can guess what her house looks like

Y/N:I'm pretty sure it's a just a-

I look at the mansion in front of me that Hana owns.


Kiriko:I know i was surprised myself when i first got here. really don't enjoy this house that much to be honest. I usually use it as somewhat more as a vacation home.

Kiriko:Or to impress your best friend. too. Come on you two i'll show you both the guest rooms.

We walked inside of Hana's mansion then went up the grand staircase.

It reminds me of the luxurious life that my father keeps reminding me that i could've had. However i still pefer to not live with money that was made from a illegal business.

Atleast Hana made all of her money from her hard work as a streamer, an actor, and as a member of the MEKA squad. is where the guest rooms are at. Since there's two of you both of you get your own guest room.

Kiriko:I think both Y/N and I can probably bunk together.

Y/N:You wanna sleep together?

Kiriko:What kind of a question is that? It's been a long time anyways. told you that you have bad taste. But fine i only have one rule that you both must follow.

Y/N:And what is that rule. aren't allowed to do that.

Y/N:Do what?! You know what I'm talking about!?

Kiriko:Oh i know what you're talking about.

Kiriko put her hand on my shoulder as she opened the door to the room, with a sharp grin on her face. Meanwhile my face turned red from embarrassment'm serious you two! If i have hear one single sound come out of that room!

Y/N:Hana you don't have to worry about Kiriko and I doing a thing. don't know whether or not to trust either of you two's words. I can't trust Kiriko because she's Kiriko and I can't trust you because you cheat at video games.

Y/N:Like i told you before it's not cheating it's winning. literally cheated, even Kiriko saw your crow thingy doing it's thing!

Kiriko:Come on Hana you can always trust me.! You two have a goodnight. If you need anything just knock on my door.

Kiriko:Don't bother with knocking on her door Y/N.

Y/N:How come?

Kiriko:I wanted to ask for some extra pillows. It took her 3 hours for her to answer the door. my fault, i was doing a speedrun. Now have a goodnight you two!

Hana walked off into the direction back over to her room. Leaving me alone with my girlfriend.

Kiriko:Well guess that just leaves the two of us.


Kiriko:It's gonna be just like if we didn't leave the apartment.

Y/N:I'm gonna go change into my pajamas real quick.

Kiriko:You mean your duck pajamas?

Y/N:Yes i do.

The guest room had a bathroom and i stepped inside changing into my duck themed pajamas. I then stepped back into the bedroom. Kiriko was laying in bed wearing a tank.

Kiriko:I can't believe that you still wear those?

Y/N:Why can't you be like Baptiste, he thinks they're pretty nice.

Kiriko:Because I'm not Baptiste, duh.

Y/N:Well you got me there.

I layed on the bed next to Kiriko as a blanket covers the both of us. We both look up at the ceiling.

Kiriko:You know this brings me back to the first time we slept together.

Y/N:Why because of how long it's been?

Kiriko:That and because you were like "Kiri Kiri it's alright I'll just sleep on the couch."

Y/N:I know I know, I'm still that nervous wreck that you call a boyfriend.

Kiriko:Hey i like your nervous side. It makes you a little cute especially when i tease you.

I then felt her hand wrapping around my body.

Kiriko:Hey Y/N, there's something I've wanted to ask you?

Y/N:What is it, Kiri?

Kiriko:Well we both know that i mean a lot to you, right?

Y/N:Of course, without you well i don't know where I'd be right now.

Kiriko:Well, how would you feel if something had ever happened to me? Like I'm badly injured to the point i'm comatosed or possibly dead.

This question came out of so abruptly, as it was something i never had thought about.

Mainly because from our adventure together, she's always been capable of taking care of herself. So most of the time i put in my faith that she'll be alright in the end.

Y/N:To be honest i don't know, what I'd do. Because it's the last thing i ever thought about.

Kiriko:So you're not going to go into some berseker rage or something.

Y/N:Kiriko, this is real life not some show.

Kiriko:I know I know. You already know how i reacted to when you first got kidnapped. I just wanted to know how you'd react.

Y/N:Probably the same way as you. Then after that I'd probably be lost.

Kiriko:I guess you really do need the kitsune to guide you. Thank you for answering my question Y/N.

Kiriko closed her eyes and yawned before she drifted off to sleep.

Kiriko:Goodnight Y/N..

Y/N:Goodnight Kiriko...

The two of us drifted to sleep relaxing with each other's company. But i thought about this conversation.

It did get me actually thinking

What would i do without her?

Timeskip, a week later

3rd POV

A Nullsector ship is seen flying above the Dark Forest and within the Dark Forest is the city of Eichenwalde.

An abandoned town that has been reclaimed back by the earth ever since the first Omnic Crisis.

But the only question is why is Null Sector visiting the old Battlefield?

To be continued.

Hello everyone  and sorry for this chapter for being late.

It was supposed to be released back in December, but i had finals to do.

I was gonna release it while on break, but i kind of procrastinated while working on it.

Yeah sorry about this chapter being a filler. I really didn't have many ideas to put into the chapter.

The main noteworthy thing i put in there is Y/N singing With Me by Sum 41

So when it comes to music i have alot of songs that i enjoy. And picking the song for Y/N to sing was hard.

I mean my main playlist is a bunch of songs of different genres just scrambled together in there.

But i chose that particular song, as i often listened to it while writing the first arc.

You guys won't have to wait for the next chapter to come out. As it's almost done actually. I'm hoping to get the chapter out by tomorrow.

I wanted to get both chapters out together, but you've all been waiting for the next chapter.

Like always i hope you enjoyed this chapter. I will be seeing you all in

An Old Battlefield

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