Letters - A Phillip Hamilton...

By promisedneverlan2

30.9K 1.8K 269

(yes, you read that correctly. read the disclaimer, please.) Y/N is the son of Aaron Burr, and attended Kings... More

Chapter 1: A Natural Rivalry Between Two Men.
Chapter 2: Mature Men
Chapter 3: A Fight Between Honorable Men
Chapter 4: A Fathers Thoughts
Chapter 5: Troubling Glances.
Chapter 6: Arrival, and a rival.
Chapter 7: Tension.
Chapter 8: A Protective Son.
Chapter 9: Coffee Complaints.
Chapter 10: Falsely-crafted Friendship
Chapter 11: A Fathers New Declaration
Chapter 12: A Friendship Made Of Rhinestones
Chapter 13: Waiting For It
Chapter 14: Phillips Mind
Chapter 15: A Resturant Hangout
Chapter 16: Dinner Date
Chapter 17: A Roaring Ocean of Emotion
Chapter 18: Love.
Chapter 19: Another Morning
Chapter 20: A Heaven of Words.
Chapter 21: An Unforgettable Page Of Writing.
Chapter 22: A Regretful Apology
Chapter 23: The Embrace
Chapter 24: Another Embrace
Chapter 25: The Flame of Matter.
Chapter 26: A Painting Of A Candle.
Chapter 27: Enough.
Chapter 28: The Enemy Savior
Chapter 29: Too Close For Comfort.
Chapter 30: A Burning Flame of Spite.
Chapter 31: A Sense Of Care.
Chapter 32: Memories.
Chapter 33: A Rising, Crashing Wave.
Chapter 34: A Panicked Ocean.
Chapter 35: Emotion.
Chapter 36: Pride and Arrogance.
Chapter 37: A Wavering Flame.
Chapter 38: A Talk Between Sons Of Great Men.
Chapter 39: Red-Faced Anger.
Chapter 40: Proof.
Chapter 41: A Suspecting Man In Green.
Chapter 42: Pinned Against Your Bed.
Chapter 43: Slight Concerns.
Chapter 44: Sons of Great Men.
Chapter 45: Musical Melodies.
Chapter 46: That Damn Smirk.
Chapter 47: Conflicts.
Chapter 48: Tricks.
Chapter 49: A Surprising Event Between Two Men.
Chapter 50: A Most Irritating Woman.
Chapter 51: A Surprising Reaction.
authors note
Chapter 52: An Unexpected Turn.
authors note 2
authors note/vent
Chapter 53: An Alliance Between Two Men.
not a chapter-
Chapter 54: The College Graduates Plan.
Chapter 56: A Natural Charmer.
Chapter 57: Enchanting The Witches Coffee.
Chapter 58: A Coffee Prank.
Chapter 59: New York Harbor.
Chapter 60: Theodosia.
Chapter 61: A Sisters Assistance.
Chapter 62: Pepper.
Chapter 63: An Assault.
Chapter 64: A Bigger Plan.
Chapter 65: Direct Vengeance.
Author note-
66: A Cruel Confrontation.
67: A Wild Chase.
68: A Nights Walk.
69: Searching.
70: A Return to The Hamiltons House.
not a chapter-
71: A New Day.
72: The Liars Consequences.
73: A Sons Letter.
74: Revealed.
75: An Admission.
Chapter 76: Another Apology.
Not a chapter again-
77: You Have To Let Me Go.
78: Something I Wanna Do.
79: Freesia Flowers.
80: Carnations.
81: Pride.
82: Sickness.
83: Mothers On The Bed.
84: Remembering.
85: Feelings.
A/N: Just a question since im bored lmao
86: Warmth.
87: Black Roses.
A/N: Question-
Not gonna write today so heres this to make up for it/lh

Chapter 55: Phillip's Plan.

182 14 3
By promisedneverlan2

Y/N grunted—he had to admit, his enemy could be astonishingly fast when he was the one taking the lead. Both in terms of how fast he was walking, and in terms of.. well, what he assumed to be his plan. He wasn't even sure how Phillips brain managed to get an idea as to what he was doing so fast. Though of course, if it was what he thought it was, he wasn't even certain if being surprised was the right reaction.

Phillip led Y/N quickly through the dining room, and then back into the living room. He seemingly had forgotten to take the bandages—had he grabbed them along with the other items he had collected?

As Phillip stepped into the living room with his boots thumping harshly against the wooden floor, Y/N was met with Eliza's eyes yet again as she stared at them both with curiosity. Her eyes were a dark color compared to Phillips, yet within them, Y/N could see a slight spark of confusion. She opened her mouth to speak, "..Phillip, dear, why are you holding a—"

She couldn't even finish the question, for Phillip quickly launched himself closer to the door, practically leaping as Y/N struggled to keep up from behind. "I'll explain later, mom! Bye!" Phillip went over to the door, wrapped his hand around the handle, and once the door had swung open, he took a step outside into the heat of New York City, and quickly slammed it shut.

John, with his eyes now wide, watched as he breathed heavily from the slight stinging pain he had still felt. Eliza blinked. And Alexander stood with an arched brow from another corner of the room. Phillip hadn't even said a word to him even after he walked in.

"..dear.. what do you suppose our son might be doing?" Eliza inquired, slowly turning to look at Alexander.

Alexander opened his mouth, but the possibilities his mind suggested were endless, and he couldn't seem to find a proper explanation for how Phillip was acting. Alas, he sighed. "I'm.. not sure, Betsey. But, with how our son is, we'll probably find out soon enough."

"..I just hope it isn't anything dangerous. You know how reckless he can be.. he hasn't even explained what happened yet, nor has his friend." Eliza said, looking down at her lap in a flutter of mixed emotions. Confusion, and shame. She felt guilty for not even knowing why this John had been harmed, and felt guilty for not knowing how to exactly solve whatever had occured.

Alexander paused, and then replied, "..well, I'm sure he'll be able to handle it just fine. Despite how reckless he can be, he's a good kid. I'm sure whatever he's planning, nothing bad is going to happen."


"Is dragging me throughout your house while gathering items for your supposed plan necessary?"

That was what Y/N had inquired as his enemy still held onto his arm, leading him through the bustling and crowded sidewalk of New York City as they passed several houses and fences.

"Hey—it's better than whatever you were probably gonna do!" Phillip shot back, barely glancing at him as he led him around a fence.

"Whatever I would have planned would have probably been less abrupt or reckless—considering you deem dragging me throughout your house and nearly breaking several objects necessary. You probably would have caused a dent in that very wall whenever you slammed that cabinet."

"Tch—breaking things is better than waiting around for your ass to explain something as simple as a plan! Least I actually got out of there before the sky got dark."

"Please, you're exaggerating, Phillip. You and I both know that I don't actually take that long."

"Well, that's what it feels like, dumbass.."

"Can you go one sentence without insulting me?"

"Can you go one sentence without takin' up an entire paragraph?"


"That's what I thought—now c'mon!"

Phillip continued to lead Y/N throughout the city. Once they finished passing by all the fences that surrounded the humble abodes of those who lived within them, they began to see the familiar tall buildings up ahead, and made their way into the heart of the city itself.

The two made their way through the crowds of people who appeared to be chattering and attending to their own businesses, Y/N feeling himself nearly being trampled by the feet of nearby citizens who were trying to go about their day. He could see a few citizens in the corner of his eye glancing at them, some arching a brow at the odd sight.

As the two made their way around a building, Y/N drew his lips back into a snarl, letting out a grunt as Phillip made a sharp turn.

"Why do you feel the need to drag me across the sidewalk? Surely whatever you've decided on isn't that urgent—"

"Well, why do you feel the need to drag me everywhere anytime we go out?"

"...comment noted." Y/N paused, and searched for what he wanted to say. They made another sharp turn, and Y/N spoke again, "This plan of yours.. does it involve what I think it does?"

"What do you mean?" Phillip inquired, sounding a little confused.

"Are you planning on bearing the pranks you usually bear upon myself onto her?"

"..I'm gonna assume you're asking if I'm gonna prank her. If that's what you're askin', Shakespeare, then ya got the right idea. Gettin' somethin' right about me for a change.. heh, I'm almost flattered you know me that well—"

"Quiet.. how are you even going to find her anyway? Certainly you don't have the intuition of one blessed by God Himself—so you aren't going to find her by just searching."

Phillip didn't answer, now glancing around the city. He led Y/N from out of the crowd, and stopped in his tracks abruptly. Y/N felt himself bump into Phillip slightly, but surprisingly even as he stepped back, Phillip didn't react.

As Phillip turned his head in a certain direction, Y/N caught view of the side of his face. Phillips eyes stirred for a moment, as if pondering how exactly he was going to find Mary. After all, he had only just met her today. So how on earth would he?

His eyes then widened, and a smirk made itself onto his lips. Seemingly, an idea must have made its way into his head, for Y/N knew that look of smug satisfaction well already enough.

Y/N looked in the direction he was seemingly staring in. In the direction his head was facing, there looked to be two ladies standing beside a building, chattering with one another. A slight frown made its way onto Y/Ns lips.

"..of course.."

That was what Y/N had thought before Phillip gripped his arm again, and began to drag him toward the direction in which the two ladies had been.

Question—what do y'all think of Y/N in this book?

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