in my sleep | elijah hewson

By honeystuckwithyou

21.5K 537 194

martha hendrix, upcoming musician stumbles across some familiar faces at a show of her own, little did she kn... More

00|in my sleep
01| perfect places
02|no hard feelings.
03| thats where youre wrong.
05|now you got me
06|kiss me.
07| this must be my dream
08|mardy bum.
09|one for the road.
10| dark red.
11| pencil full of lead.
12| 1901
14| live forever.
15| ballad of a homeschooled girl.
16| from eden.
17| radio.
18|stop dragging my heart around.
19| leather and lace.
20| sweet dreams, tn
23|shine a light
24| soundcheck
25| crazy little thing called love.
27|that's entertainment.
28|i wanna be yours.
29| outside
30| smile.
31| treacherous
32| slide out the window.
33| business.
34|shes casual.
new book| perfect storm
35| the louvre.
37| dublin in ecstasy.
new book.

04|honey sweet

744 16 7
By honeystuckwithyou

no more nights alone


Martha spent the last couple days in the studio. She recorded one song, one she thought might finish the album. It was called no hard feelings and she thought it was a sweet one to finish on. Plus it got a good rep from the night she played it to her friends.

Her and her producer toyed with her next song, she planned to call it social suicide, but they were unsure yet. Recording that one was great fun, she basically got into the recording booth and screamed about all her worst experiences. It was actually great to get it all out like that, maybe tonight she'd sleep peacefully.

They made that one sound big. The guitar, the drums, the vocals, it was a bigger song amd she loved it. Originally, Martha planned to write a final lyric that was more unhinged than the entire song, but after Eli saying she should keep it that way, she kind of like the 'lalalalalala' ending. It felt more passive aggressive in a way.

She missed being in the studio, there was nothing more fun than this. Besides being on tour, but the creative process is always such a fun one.

The guys were at a meeting in London today about their gig in Dublin. It was going to be made public and tickets would go on sale at the weekend. The support act was yet to be announced but they had a couple of people in the works.

'What about Martha?' Josh asked, looking at everyone else. 'She's a friend and she's pretty good. It would be kinda cool to do the gig with a friend.'

'Yeah, we could have someone on before her as well.' Ryan added.

'Eli already asked her.' Rob said.

'What?!' Eli chipped in. 'No I didn't.'

'You said you would!'

'Ask her yourself!' He argued back.

'We can suggest it to her team?' Their manager offered. 'With Someone like her though, you'd be as well waiting till she confirms it until you announce your gig. A heap of her fans would go just to see her.'

'She's putting out new music soon too so I don't see why she'd say no.' Josh shrugged. 'I say we do it, Martha as support but then another act first or something.'

'Sounds good.' Eli agreed. 'Maybe I'll message her ahead of finding out from her manager though, I dunno. She'd probably appreciate it considering nobody's said a thing to her. I think it would be weird coming out of the blue.'

'You Just want an excuse to text her.' Rob chuckled, elbowing him in his side to wind him up.

Eli felt guilty that the first she'd here of this would be from her team, despite the fact they've all hung out recently. So he decided he'd message to give her a heads up as to what was coming.

The last time he seen her was the other day. Ryan and him were in the area next to her flat and so Martha and Simone went to meet them for lunch. They just got cheap panini's and coffee from some cafe but it was nice enough. Although somebody saw and there was a picture floating around Twitter for a little while.

People have been making up rumours now that inhaler and Martha's friends had kind of formed a friendship. Who was dating who? People making up all sorts of stories that weren't the truth. Nobody seemed to care though, it was somewhat entertaining to read all the made up stories.

hi, btw ur gonna be asked to open one
of our gigs in Dublin as a support act
thought I'd give u a heads up
tbf we should be supporting you
but yaknow
home gig and all that

sorry, what!?!?

in like 2 months


we're playing a gig in Dublin, a one
off and we'd like u to be the opener
i worded that so weirdly I do apologise

Omg wtf
Are you sure?

No I'm just joking ur not actually
our opener
You are
I'd you say yeah
Your people are gonna like... idk
tell u about it all
Our manager set some stuff up

Omg omg
That's crazy
U guys r crazy
I'm running around this room
like a crazy person rn

Hahahahaha ffs
I'd pay to see.

'What'd she say?' Ryan asked, 'fuckin' look at you smiling at your phone like a kid.'

'She just said lots of 'omg' and that she was running around like a crazy person.' Elijah chuckled.

Martha didn't know what to say, or what to think. She was going to open one of inhalers only gigs of the summer, in their hometown. They were inviting her to do that after knowing her for just weeks, after her only having a couple songs and an EP,they were willing to let her open such a special show of theirs?

She couldn't believe it, so she rang her management instantly to let them know, to which they just laughed and said they'd confirm it after going through all the logistics. Martha didn't care about the logistics though, this was huge.

Just a couple of weeks ago she was listening to their music before getting ready for a show, and now they're her friends and she's going to be opening their hometown summer gig. This was one of those pinch me moments, recently, life has felt like nothing but a massive pinch me moment and Martha couldn't comprehend it all.

Martha left the studio and went straight to Simone's, kyra was doing a Photoshoot somewhere but it didn't matter, she'd tell kyra when she was done. Martha needed to get it out, and she needed to get it out now. Simone better be in, she thought, who else was she going to tell right now?

Thankfully, Simone was in, however she seemed ridiculously confused by the fact Martha had burst through her front door and couldn't talk for excitement. Once she did finally share the news, the two of them let out some ungodly squeal and paraded around the living room with their hands in the air.

'Martha that is fucking incredible!' Simone exclaimed. 'Holy fuck!'

'Simone this is insane! Their hometown summer gig! This is so big!'

'I'm so excited for you!' Simone grinned, hugging Martha tightly.

The pair couldn't contain their excitement. Simone popped on the speakers to play her best friends music as the two of them performed their hearts out with one another, it became clear that Simone wasn't destined for a career as a vocalist, but what did it matter? There's nobody who supports you like your best friends do.

They decided they should celebrate tonight with a night in at Martha's. They'd play games and drink wine, a fun night in and the invitation was extended to the guys. Kyra texted josh to let him know, they've been flirting away over text recently so she didn't hesitate at all.

They had a big girls night in the other day, all the gossip came out about them. Clearly they were both interested in one another, just equally apprehensive about it all. They tried to get the gossip out of Martha,but she didn't let up. There wasn't much to give, to be honest.

She liked Elijah as a friend, they were similar and she liked that it felt like he understood her. Would it ever go further? Who knows, when asked about it Martha said no, but she knew damn well in the back of her mind that was in the position where something were to happen, she wouldn't stop herself despite saying that she would.

The three of them went on a trip to Tesco, they picked up some wine and some snacks. It was a chill night, some cards and wine, they'd take beer or whatever their up for, and we'd have a fun night without the craziness of the pub.

The guys were all at Ryan's flat beforehand teasing Josh over the fact he had his phone glued to his hand texting Kyra. Although Rob knew Eli was just as bad. He spent the last ten minutes in the mirror fixing his hair and staring at himself.

'Oh my fucking god man,' Ryan laughed. 'We're literally just going to her flat, not even the fuckin' pub will you two pack it in?'

'Eli put a whole new outfit on to go sit on her couch.' Rob chimed in. 'Pair of teenage boys yous are.'

'I was wearing pyjamas earlier.' Eli defended himself, sitting next to Rob. 'Nobody to impress unlike-'

'Yeah right, you never shut up about her!' Josh said, shaking his head at Eli.

'It's not like that.' Eli said.

'Oh my god.' Ryan sighed, 'fuck me, can we just leave?'

Thankfully everyone was in agreement and they all wandered out the door. Martha's flat was only a fifteen minute walk, all three of them teased Eli as being the only one who knew the directions there which he wasn't amused at. In his head, there was nothing worth teasing about.

Martha was somebody he was greatly interested in. He's never come across somebody like her who feels so similar to him. She was a breath of fresh air, somebody who made him smile and he loved songwriting too. He loved her music, and he had before they even crossed paths. He knew she was beautiful too, but he wasn't thinking of things romantically.

That night he went to drop her jacket off, as they were smoking at the window, for a second the thought crossed his mind. He had his hand on her waist without realising but quickly pulled it back and they changed the conversation before he ended up heading off. It didn't feel right, Martha was someone who's friendship he really appreciated and unlike Josh and Kyra, Martha and Eli hadn't made a singular flirtatious move. Not on purpose anyway.

They got to Martha's and the girls had already had a glass of two. It was cosy, there were candles lit and they were already in the middle of a game of cards with some old timey record playing in the background. Everyone made themselves at home, some sat on the floor, some on the sofa.

There was nothing awkward about it, everybody just made themselves comfortable and it was nice. After just weeks of knowing one another, the friendship had grown so strong that nights like these were bound to only become more regular.

Eli sat next to Martha, although he sat up on her couch as she sat on the floor with her back against the sofa. Everyone poured themselves a glass of whatever they were drinking, and the games begun.

They started with uno. Fatal mistake as uno was the one thing that Martha would go to war over.

'Rob you're cheating!' Simone exclaimed.


'Stop looking at my cards.' Martha said to Eli, who was conveniently sitting behind her.

'I'm not.' He defended himself. 'I'm not!'

'Oh my god, you so are!' Martha said, knowing it was Eli's turn and that his next move would no doubt put her out of the game.

She was right. Eli had no cards left and Martha had to pick up a tonne. She was furious, yet Eli couldn't wipe the smug grin off his face. Everyone found it funny and Martha had her head resting in her hands. She couldn't believe she lost uno. She never lost uno.

'Fuck this, I need a cig.' She said, to which everyone else just laughed.

Conversation carried on, Eli joined her at the window though and had the cheek to ask her for a cigarette 'cause he'd run out. She was reluctant, being petty because she couldn't understand how he won without cheating, but she gave him one anyway.

'I am actually so mad at you,' Martha said, passing him her lighter. 'Don't even try talk to me. I can't believe you'd cheat at uno.'

'I'm just a champ, what can I say?' Eli chuckled, knowing he was winding her up. 'Sorry sweet cheeks.'

'Sweet cheeks your arse!' She exclaimed, however he laughed and put an arm round her only to wind her up. She tried to wriggle out of his sarcastic embrace, but she failed. 'Get off me you wanker,'

'I'll rematch you at some point, cause I'm actually dead good at uno.' Eli said, standing in front of her closely as the others shared a glance at them briefly.

'So you did cheat.'


'Pinky promise?' Martha asked, only then did Eli smirk because he knew if he pinky promised her, it was breaking all sorts of promises that shouldn't be broken. 'Oh my god, Elijah.'

'Sorry, you were sat right in front of me.' He said softly, his hand on her shoulder.

'You're awful.' Martha shook her head.

There was a moment there where they met eyes and smiled at one another. Neither of them knew what to say and it felt like one of those moments that could make or break whatever friendship they had formed over the last couple of weeks. Martha knew if Eli was to kiss her, she might not have pulled away. The only thing stopping them was the fact they were in a room full of all the friends they share.

Eli didn't know whether to do it or not. The thought crossed his mind for a split second, until he thought about how much he really did enjoy her company and how much he valued her as a person. Martha was too good a friend to risk compromising it over a kiss at games night.

Martha also vowed off these kinds of boys. Give it a couple months and she might be back in the same boat, cursing some guy who listens to vintage records and plays the guitar in a cool rock band. She couldn't be in that position again, it was getting embarrassing.

'You love birds joining in?' Ryan shouted, to which Eli and Martha laughed and put out their cigarettes.

They all spent the rest of the night playing different card games, or some drinking game that Rob had invented. What started as a chill, wholesome night in, ended in seven drunk people trying to play a game of monopoly.

Ryan was taking charge of it all, he knew his monopoly better than anyone. No amount of alcohol could affect his game. Everyone else however was absolutely rubbish. The boys were so competitive, and Kyra was too. This was her Boardgame of choice and she wasn't going to let Ryan win.

Martha went bankrupt far too early on, she was the first one out so ended up sitting up on the couch watching the game unfold before her eyes. She didn't mind though, she wasn't good at it anyway. Eli asked if she wanted to help him though, so she shuffled over next to him.

She didn't really add anything, she just sat there next to Eli nodding her head when he'd ask if he was making the right move. Everyone thought it was sweet, how he let her form an alliance with him. She was too tired to help out though, but she appreciated each time it got round to Eli's turn and he'd let her roll the dice for good luck.

Kyra ended up winning, and Ryan's ego was terribly bruised by Kyra's achievement.

Martha sat there with a smile on her face, her knees up at her chest as she was partially leaned into Eli. That was for the purpose of the game, the two of them were leaning into one another on the couch to look at the cards together, although everybody knew Martha wasn't playing and Eli was using his turns so Martha would stay close to him.

'Well, I'm going to bed.' Rob said, 'Can't believe I didn't win, actual disgrace.'

'Such a sore loser Bobby.' Ryan laughed, squeezing Rob's shoulders sarcastically.

Kyra and Josh were mumbling back and forth together, Simone gave me the look as of there was something Marths had to pay attention to about the two of them. They looked sweet, sat on the floor, cards in hand under some knitted blanket that Martha found in a charity shop for a couple of pounds.

'I'll walk Kyra home.' Josh said, standing up to join everyone else who was about to head off.

Everyone knew that realistically, Josh was going to stay over with Kyra, because if he wasn't then he'd have to go all the way back to Ryan's, which is in a completely different direction. Simone smiled and gave the two of them a hug goodbye, everyone followed suit and flashed their winks at the pair who were leaving together.

'Well, I booked an Uber,' Simone smiled, 'So I'm off too. I'll see yous soon.'

'We'll come down and see you into it, we're just heading anyway.' Ryan said.

Eli wondered what to do here. Josh had left to walk Kyra home, and so he didn't have to stay at Ryan's. That meant that Rob could take Ryan's couch for the night and Eli wouldn't have to go back to his place. But why was Eli not going home? He didn't even know himself.

The others had the slightest hint Eli wasn't going to leave with them. They didn't think he'd stay the night, but they all knew Eli was bound to stay behind, ist to be alone with Martha for a minute or too. Maybe he'd meet them downstairs, or maybe he'd see them tomorrow. Everyone knew Eli wouldn't be going out that door with them, everyone bit Eli and Martha.

'Eli what are you doing?' Rob asked.

'Uh,' he got awkward then, scratched the back of his neck as he looked at Martha, who was also completely oblivious. 'I'll stay a minute and help clear the mess.'

'Oh, god, don't worry about that, I'll get it in the morning.' Martha said, shrugging it off however when she looked at Simone, she was met with wide eyes as Simone mouthed god knows what to her.

Martha didn't really know what was going on. Simone was silently telling her to let Eli stay behind a little, but Martha didn't want him to help clean up, and she didn't know why he'd even want to leave his friends. Eli and Martha become the only two people oblivious to whatever was going on between them.

The guys looked at Eli, as if to encourage him to ask again. Simone was there trying to get it into Martha's head, as Ryan and Rob did the same for Eli. The two of them as bad as each other.

'You sure?' Eli asked, to which Ryan just sighed.

'Alright, I'll take a hand.' Martha said in response,and you could almost see the look of relief on their friends' faces.

'Rob you can take my keys if I'll be behind yous.' Eli told him.

'Nah, I'll just stay with Ryan.' He said, widening his eyes at him then turning to hug Martha to say goodbye. 'See you in a bit.'

Simone hugged Martha, and everyone said their goodbyes to one another. As the door shut and the three of the, headed off down the stairs, they were shaking their heads at how ridiculously blind their two friends were to the social cues. It was fairly obvious they wanted to have a minute or two alone, they were just awful at conveying that.

Martha sat back down on her couch, feet up and then Eli sat down too. He just sat at the opposite end and looked over at her with a smile. Neither of them knew what to say really, but it wasn't an awkward type of silence, it was one that felt comfortable.

'You look knackered.' Eli said.

'Wow, thanks.' Martha chuckled.

'I didn't-'

'I know, I'm just winding you up.' She smiled. He didn't say anything back, just rested his head on the back of her couch as Martha stretched her lash forwards over into his lap. His arms fell over the top of them holding them there in place.

Neither of them knew when, but at some point in the silence after the smiles, they had both fallen asleep there on her couch. He leaned into the corner of the sofa, an arm between her legs holding onto her knee which rested against his chest.

Ryanmcmahon added to their story!

Kyraaa.wltr added to their story!





liked by @marthahendrixxx and 7,593 others

@simone.atkins: recently <3

@bobbyskeetz: josh is such a cutie pie
                @simone.atkins: how sweet
                @elijahhewson: u never say that about me.
                 @bobbyskeetz: not a cutie pie

@kyraaa.wltr: <333

@username: no way that's eli and martha in the third!?!?!?!?!?!
                   @username2: omg it literally is


inhaler 4eva
can we talk about inhaler + martha hendrix for a sec bc why is nobody talking about this

       > @marthastan
            omg i know!!!! kyra walters last insta is literally eli and martha!?!?!?

             i think it's just friendly tho like hmmm i can't see it.

         > @marthendrixspacegirl
                i think it's kinda cute tho i ship fr..

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