Immaculate Misconception [r.h...

By GabyHorror

55.5K 1.9K 578

"I remember!" I exclaimed before he could get too far away. "What?" he asked as he turned around to face me... More

Final Author's Note
Long Time No See
The MIW Awards
. . .


1.9K 74 25
By GabyHorror

I left my bedroom and walked into the living room, finding an overly happy Devin. I raised my eyebrow, he hadn't been here before I went to get dressed. Ghost was dressed awkwardly, but when isn't he? I suppose it was somewhat normal today however, tight jeans but I swear he wore a girl's blouse. Not that I minded, he looked better than I most likely did. Of course, his hair was to perfection while I just threw mine into a lazy half-ass bun. In other words, it was a knot on my head.

Ghost reached his hand out, and I noticed a folded paper in his hand. I slowly took it, and opened it to reveal my awaited clue in the form of a riddle.

This is Halloween, this is Halloween, everybody scream, in the cabinet of movies.

- R

What the actual... what? I knew the song, it was the first one sang in my favorite movie. But of course, it was changed to fit the clue a bit more.

I looked up at Ghost, desperate for help.

But before I could say a word he shook his head no, and signaled he was sworn to secrecy by "zipping" his mouth closed. Did I really have to figure these out on my own? Damn it, whoever planned this will most likely get their ass whooped when I'm done. I sighed and ran my hands over my face, looking at the piece of paper again. It was in the same handwriting as before, so I knew it was still the same person making me do this. But again, I couldn't figure out who "R" was exactly. My heart beat fast, brain telling me I hoped Ricky set this up.

But then I remembered he didn't have a reason to.

But neither did Ryan.

Okay, focus Sara. I mentally pep-talked myself. This is Halloween, this is Halloween. Everybody scream, in the cabinet of movies. I honest to God still had no clue what I was searching for, but the clue mentioned the movie cabinet.

So I walked around the couch to the large case beside the television, and opened it up. I saw a bunch of random movies, but that was it. Nothing that looked like a clue was placed anywhere! I sighed and shut the cabinet, turning to face Ghost.

He was frowning.

I raised an eyebrow, and put my hand on the knob to open the case. Ghost's frown turned up into a smile, and I took that as a hint in saying I was in the right place. I turned back around and opened it, looking at all the movies again. There was seriously nothing here, nothing. To make Ghost think I was doing something besides staring at the six on display, I pulled out a shelf and started looking through them, awaiting an idea of search to pop into mind.

I almost physically face-palmed when I realized this was a good tactic of searching. So I pushed the row in after looking through it, and went to another one. It wasn't until I checked the last row that I found a paper stuck to a movie box. I pulled out the movie and snorted, now understanding why it had the lyrics written on my first clue. My next one was stuck to The Nightmare Before Christmas. Hmm, clever.

I opened the next note, and read through it carefully this time.

A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes, when you need coffee.

- R

Okay, so that was a song title from Disney, but what the hell does it have to do with drinking coffee? Pretty sure it has nothing to do with it. I huffed and re-read it again, coffee making me think of a coffee maker. A coffee maker, making me think of the kitchen. I sighed, walking into the kitchen and over to where the coffee maker was. And I found nothing but the machine, a tub of all our coffee or expresso stuff, and a sugar holder. I turned around, not seeing Ghost, he must've left me alone to do this with no help yet again.

I huffed and turned back around, making sure there was enough water in the machine. I had the sudden urge to drink hot chocolate, and this coffee maker made the best hot chocolate that isn't from a packet of powder. I had to grab a mug first however, so I reached up and opened the cabinet above me. I was met with quite a, pleasant surprise, for I found a folded piece of paper stuck to my beloved Disney mug. I swear, I was so oblivious when it came to these clues, I really should try harder.

"Oh my god a lion!" I squealed in excitement.

"What is with you and lions?" Ricky chuckled in amusement.

"I am obsessed with lions, honey." I replied. "You should know this due to the stuffed lion I can't sleep without," I reminded shortly after.

Ricky rolled his eyes and tugged me along the walkway of the zoo, hitting the gift shop within five minutes. I was drawn towards the stuffed animals, and started squealing happily when I saw a stuffed Simba and Nala from The Lion King, one of my favorite Disney movies. I started to mentally hum I Can't Wait To Be King while checking the price tag on the animals. Ricky soon found me after I'd run off, sighing when he saw what was in my hands. I just smiled, knowing he was growing tired of this whole lion thing I had going on.

"Oh common, they're adorable and who doesn't like The Lion King?" I asked him.

"True," he agreed. "You know what?" he asked.

"Hmm?" I said while looking at the prices again.

"You're my Nala."

My head snapped up, and turned slightly to look at him. He was behind me, with his hands wrapped around my middle loosely.

"What?" I whispered as a smile grew on my face.

"You're my Nala," he repeated with a soft smile.

"Then you're my Simba."

We ended up getting the dolls, me keeping Simba while Ricky kept Nala. Whenever we were away from each other now, we have something to remind us of each other. And as Ricky climbed onto Motionless' tour bus a week later, he held the stuffed female lion under his arm and waved with a smile.

I smiled, sighing in happiness that I finally remembered something after so long without one.

I opened the note, hoping to understand this clue better than the last two.

A picture is worth a thousand words, but a dream is worth a thousand pictures.

- R

What. The. Hell? Seriously? He wasn't making this crap easy to figure out, I now hated riddles, and whoever created them. They were too mean, difficult, and taunting. There had to be a million different pictures in this house, and I had to look for just one? Well, I'll be here for hours upon hours then. I walked back into the living room, seeing Ghost sat on the couch with his phone in hand typing feverishly at it. I rolled my eyes and turned towards the wall to start looking at pictures.

But I was met with a problem.

No pictures were on the wall. Or in the living room. Or anywhere. I sighed, three clues in and I'm already tired and ready for a nap. I wondered off, not bothering to tell Ghost I was going to take a nap. I walked into my bedroom, shutting the door behind me and flopping on my bed face-first. I reached over to my night stand, grabbing the frame and bringing it in front of me.

Oh, well hello there.

I peeled the paper off the top of the frame, reading my next clue after admiring the photo for a quick second.

Fresh air will do you some good, much like an old picture could.

- R

Okay, now that is just some ridiculous shit. Nobody seriously expects me to understand that right? All the other clues today were freaking obvious I was just too dumb to understand them. But this, clue number four, was impossible to figure out with no help. I huffed and got up from my bed, walking to the living room.

I plopped down beside Ghost, who smiled over at me.

"Find clue number four yet?" he asked.

"Yeah but I don't get it." I whined like a five year old.

"Well common then," he said, standing up and pulling me to my feet afterwards.

I raised an eyebrow but stayed silent as he shoved a pair of shoes at me. I put them on and followed him out of the house, making sure it was all locked up so nobody robbed us while I was away, for Chris was still out doing whatever. I climbed into the passenger seat of Ghost's car, still remaining quiet as he pulled out of the driveway and started driving down the road.

It was a shockingly comfortable, silent filled ride to wherever we were going, nothing sounding besides the hum of the vehicle as it rolled down the street. Ghost pulled into a park, stopping by a curb and informing he'd wait for me there. I nodded and unbuckled, tugging on the door handle to get out.

I brought the clue paper with me, just in case, and looked at it again. Some fresh air will do you some good, was the first half of it. Well, it was the park, and I was no longer caged up in a stuffy house. Much like an old picture could, was the last part. Old picture, God I had a ton of those in my phone. It could be any picture I ever had! I huffed, and studied the clue again as I began to walk around. I'd been walking along a path, when I came to an abrupt stop. I raised an eyebrow, a little confused. Ryan stood there with a small smile.

He was dressed in full stage makeup, three lines perfectly drawn over his lips. His brown hair was slicked back with gel, shockingly he wore a suit. Ryan looked very... official let's say. I walked up to him, taking notice of a crisp white envelope in his hands.

"Is that for me?" I asked him, and he only nodded. "You can't talk or help me can you?" he shook his head, pointing at the lines over his lips. They must of indicated his lips are sewn shut.

Ryan handed me the envelope, but before I could open it I found a note on the outside over the flap.

Open the seal when the time is right; here after the sun rises.

- R

Okay, so the first clue of the second and final day of this scavenger hunt must be in this envelope and I can't open it till the sun rises tomorrow. Oh gosh, I feel so smart for figuring this one out so fast. I sighed, and was about to say goodbye to Ryan when my eyes drifted behind him. The shrubbery, it looked oddly familiar. And so did the bench that was placed against the edge of the path, which led into some overgrown grass and more shrubs.

"It's so peaceful here," I muttered.

I felt Ricky lace his fingers with mine, and squeeze a little. I looked up at him, a smile on both our faces. We came upon a bench, and I sighed as I sat down. Ricky sat beside me, us both remaining silent, hands still connected. Ricky leaned over, placing his lips on the side of my head. I smiled, squeezing his hand again.

I really loved Ricky, and I've been realizing this for the past week and a half. We've been going out for nearly eight months, and after he and the rest of Motionless found me, I knew I liked him. But I don't like him anymore, I love him. Within eight months, I've become attached to him.

So attached, I can't imagine life without him anymore. I'm not even certain how I got this far in life, or how I could've ever said I loved somebody else however long ago. I've been single since the year after high school ended, and then this gothic, handsome, sweet and kind guy comes and sweeps me off my feet.

"What're you thinking about?" Ricky asked as he tucked a piece of my bangs behind my ear.

"Nothing," I shrugged.

"I wanted to give you something," Ricky nervously mumbled as he bit on his lower lip, where his lip rings were.

Ricky sat up a little, reaching into his back pocket and producing something from it. He cleared his throat, and held out his hand. Something on a silver chain sat in his open palm, and I took it from him. It was a dog tag, with "R+S" engraved on the front. I smiled and attempted to hold back happy tears as I turned it over, revealing a bunch of Roman numerals.

"It's the day you said yes to being my girlfriend." Ricky said.

"I know," I mumbled as a tear slipped from my eye.

"Why are you crying?" he asked.

Ricky put his fingers under my chin, turning my head to look him in the eye. He wiped away the stray tear, looking worried. I chuckled and sniffled, rubbing unattractively at my runny nose. Ricky chuckled too, and I smiled.

"I'm just happy." I replied.

Ricky smiled and leaned in, connecting our lips. We kissed passionately, and I was the one to pull away. I looked into his eyes, admiring the blue-grey color going on at the moment.

"I love you," Ricky blurted. I froze, but my eyes kept looking in his, searching for emotion. Any emotion whatsoever. And I saw nothing but love.

"I love you too, Ricky." I smiled. Ricky scrunched up his nose cutely. "What?"

"Something about a person saying 'I love you too' irks me, like they're just agreeing with somebody that said it first. Sounds kind of stupid, I know." he said.

"Nah, it's not stupid." I chuckled. "I love you, Simba."

"I love you, Nala." he replied.

I leaned in, joining our lips once more. I heard a camera click seconds later, and pulled away from Ricky with a raised eyebrow. I looked beside me to see Ricky holding up his phone. I smiled and he opened the photo so we could look at it.

"I love that," I mumbled.

"I love you more Nala." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

Finally, I thought as we got up to get in our car and head back home. Nothing could get in our way.

I sighed, realizing something did get in our way. And that was a car accident, which caused memory loss. I just hoped Ghost didn't lie when he said Ricky still loved me.

Because I think I still loved him.

- - - - -

So, long chapter for you guys although it was cute and is officially one of my favorite chapters in this story. Another 20 chapters until this story is over, sadly.

It may seem like a lot but in reality it'll go by fast. I love where this story is going, one of my favorites I've ever written.

Thanks for the reads and votes, as always it means the world to me! Love you guys so much!

Life's a bitch don't quit, stay happy not crappy, and stay rad not sad.

- Gaby

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