She led me to him (Werewolf s...

By milroymelena

23.6K 1.5K 123

When I locked my gaze with hers, everything became clearer. While my wolf screamed 'Mate' in my head with joy... More

Chapter 1: What you meant
Chapter 2: Thanks Zaphira
Chapitre 3: Lucky To Survive
Chapter 4: Tracking This Scent
Chapitre 5: You always knew
Chapitre 6: Her
Chapter 7: Reds
Chapitre 8 (part 1): I won't mind
Chapter 8 (part 2): Four years
Chapter 9: Last warmth
Chapter 10 (part 1): In the middle of nowhere
Chapter 10 (part 2): Hunter vs Rogue; supposedly...
Chapter 11: Beg for my death
Chapter 12: The whisper of despair
Chapter 13: Disappointed
Chapter 14 (part 1): Keep your head held high
Chapitre 14 (part 2):**BANG**
Chapter 15: Hate the most
Chapter 16: Why isn't she coming?
Chapter 17: Need to tell you something
Chapter 18: I'll be the one
Chapter 19: Breaking the bond
Chapter 20: B*stard of human
Chapter 21: Still rejected
Chapter 22 (Part 1): After twenty years
Chapter 22 (part 2): An already written fate
Chapter 22 (part 3): The Sleeping boy
Chapter 23: The best of the worst
Chapter 24: Tainted Purity
Chapter 25: All It Took
Chapter 26: Messed up
Chapter 27: The reason why
Chapter 28: Eye to eye
Chapter 29: Everything black
Chapter 30 part 1: What a day
Chapter 30 part 2: A great mistake
She Led Me To Him Part II
Chapter 31: A dance or chase?
Chapter 32: Introducing Max
Chapter 33: So, It's A Girl
Chapter 34: Next Time
Chapter 35: Crush
Chapter 36: He was gone
Chapter 37: Red Team
Chapter 38: Déjà vu
Chapter 39: Let's go
Chapter 40: The future
Chapter 41: Didn't Tell Her
Chapter 42: A secret
Chapter 43: To be found
Chapter 44: Ice Moon
Chapter 45: Illuminated Night
Chapter 46: End of the day
Chapter 47: Another Pack
Chapter 48: Time for what?
Chapter 49: Take care of it
Chapter 50: The Beginning
Chapter 51: A bitter joust
Chapter 52: The proposition
Chapter 53: Encircled
Chapter 54: Two weeks
Chapter 55: Hidden Pack
Chapter 56: Which room?
Chapter 57: Our exit
Chapter 58: Let her go
Chapter 59: Not alone
Chapter 60: Now
Chapter 61: Can you see?
Chapter 62: Because of her
Chapter 63: Half Blood
Chapter 64: Shameless
Chapter 65: His childhood memories
Chapter 66: Introductions
Chapter 67: A story I have to hear
Chapter 68: Grey
Chapter 69 (part 1): Best friends
Chapter 69 (part 2): worst friend
Chapter 70: A sickening night
Chapter 71: An other reason to disagree
Chapter 72: Shut the f*ck up
Chpater 73: Prophecy
Chapter 74: No responsibility
Chapter 75: They collided
Chapter 76: It talked
Chapter 77: Bad decision
Chapter 78: Keep being busy
Chapter 79 (Part 1) : Peacefulness
Chapter 79 (part 2): The mirage
Chapter 80: A salmon sandwich
Chapter 81: Your Blood
Chapter 82: Erased
Chapter 83 (Part 1): The truth about Dina
Chapter 83 (Part 2): Ridiculous
Chapter 84: Only ally
Chapter 85: All the pleasure was mine
Chapter 86: Broken ribs
Chapter 87: Explosion
Chapter 87 (part 2): Broke her heart twice
Chapter 88 (part 2): Memories
Chapter 89: Not today
Chapter 90:
Chapter 91: I don't blame you...
Chapter 92: The hint
Chapter 93: The weight of my wrongdoings
Chapter 94: From human to lycan
Chapter 95: Where you belong
Chapter 96: Run
Chapter 97: A bitter lie
Chapter 98: The answers are ahead
Chapter 99: The red Maiden Tale
Chapter 100: Both tainted red
Chapter 100 (part 2): A promise not to be broken
Chapter 101: Broken Promises
Chapter 102: Inhana
Chapter 103: The List
Chapter 104: A bane or a cure
Chapter 105: From hope to despair
Chapter 106: Wished to be human

Chapter 88 (part 1): Thank you

54 5 0
By milroymelena

Serah POV

I brought Jay to the hospital but I was right back on my tracks. Where the sun used to bask the space inside the leaves with its golden rays, it was back its darkened piece of wood.

The blue sky tried to break into my view but something else caught my attention.

The reason why I was back here, the call of my instinct, my hairs all standing towards this place but I couldn't tell why.

My shoes were digging slightly into the soil, distracted by the litter and the boredom.

When I was done scrutinizing this place, my heels turned ready to leave but the shuffling had me on guard.

The bushes were unusually animated, slowly I bent my back and crouched a bit, my steps were steady and my arms near my face.

If someone wanted a fight I was here waiting to please them, unfortunately, the sound became rough and overwrought, exposing the little rabbit running for its life.

The cute animal left the scene in a hurry without looking back, the nerve wreck it had caused.

It was safe to breathe again and I took the opportunity to finally get a breath of fresh air.

A smile caught my lips off guard, mocking the foolish fiction I had been writing in my head. My body relaxed, my hand stretched above my head and I yawned as if it had been a decade since I did not have a good night of sleep.

"That's exactly when the enemy will strike."

A foreign voice brushed my neck, leaving a trail of bad omen all over my body. I jumped back to my position, ready to strike if needed.

My eyes were back into focus and a man I wished our meeting could have been delayed.

The exact same person who broke open the body of an innocent person right in front of me.

His face made my gut turn into unbelievable motion and my hatred for him was not comparable.

However, I had questions for him, his whole plan was a mess and what was I supposed to be for him?

"Abandoning your guard when monitored was never the best choice."

His voice was calm and composed unlike my crumbling stance. His confidence was emanating from within as if he had all control.

I quickly needed a plan, I should call the reinforcement even if it will shorten my time. Without missing a beat, I reached for Kamil but I could feel inside of me that all bonds were severed as if I was out of touch from any connection.

"Good, quick to realize, you have been working on your gift. Please, forgive my rudeness. This little thing here will prevent you from communicating with your pack. It will save us a bit of time to share a bit of history."

The man stood tall with a syringe in hand, the needle was almost invisible making coherent why I didn't feel the sting.

I still touched the back of my neck but I couldn't find any abnormalities.

There was nothing to do but accept my fate and actually use this opportunity to have all my answers.

"Why did you keep me alive if you wanted me dead from the start? Was it my blood? What are you doing with it?"

The man laughed behind his dark cloak, only his leather gloves were distinct. He was a total contrast with the morning sun, seeing him in broad daylight was almost odd and unrealistic.

"One question at a time lady, but I do own you, answers. First of all, an existence as precious as yours is not to be taken lightly, your blood has more meaning than mine, your safety is our priority."

"Then the messages."

For the first time, his sinister smirk disappeared from his face, as he seemed slightly aghast. His black hands trailed his chiseled features and his eyes were back at mine.

"They forgot to tell me she was here, in Red Crescent. It was reckless on my part. But do not worry, your life can only be safe with us but those around you may lose their lives if you do not comply when the time arises. Now I shall bid my farewells, Serah."

With his ending speech, I heard the soil shake a bit, I turned around, and I could see smoke invading the perfect clear sky.

I darted my attention to the intruder but he was no longer here.

It was at this moment that I felt my senses coming back slowly, I could not contact anyone but I could smell his trail.

I was left with two options, either I could run towards the smoke or I could catch him up and pray for my senses to come back.

I knew my choice would make me the worst luna but I had to know so at least I might prevent another one of these attacks.

Shamelessly, I was curious and selfish to know what was the meaning of my existence.

My legs followed my inner sense and went towards the fading trail of his presence. My eyes were focused only on that thin line guiding me towards the forest.

I ran and somehow, he was standing on a three in front of me.

"Your mate, I want him away from our private conversation. As a reward, I'll tell you the meaning of the last secret message. Anyone you'd get in between your bond, is bound to disappear."

With this, I understood, Jay's presence was slowly getting closer, but if my eyes lost the man I was chasing, it'll be all for nothing.

The enemy nonchalantly took off, his cloak making him look like he was floating.

I ran but Jay was here, I tried but the reality was that he'll catch up.

It might be a trap but I needed my answers.

So I turned around when I heard my name shouted in despair. I looked at him and all his feelings were dawning on me. He looked raged and blood was all over him. If he stayed, I would run to him now. The link was back as expected but I wanted to cut our bond in this situation

'Jay, go to the hospital now.'

I wanted him safe and sound but he had to do something first. Something I would hate but it was for the greater good.

'Serah stop your antics and come to me now. Your life is in line so I won't let you take any risks.'

Exactly, it wasn't. But someone I wished was dead, was actually in danger.

'Jay, it's not me. It was never me. They want Dina dead because she is the obstacle between us. They want me alive and they don't want me now anyway so please let me find him back, he keeps telling me things and disappearing right after. I need my answers.'

'I doesn't matter, come to me, I don't want to risk even one of your hair.'

I pushed back all my negative feelings, I filtered all his worry away from my body so he could trust me

'Please, Jay. I'm asking you to trust me on this. I'll be back, it's a promise.'

Finally, his back was facing me, I knew he was on his way back to Dina, it hurt but I trusted him enough to let him with that parasite.

'If you don't come back, know that what you'll leave behind would only be ruins.'

If only what he said was true, I might be the cause of your ruin. I kept in me as I was grateful that I had him on my side.

'Thank you.'

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