☯☼🏮Ninjago: The Master of Cr...

By boris_5382

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This story is about a girl named Coral. She is the Magenta Ninja and the Elemental Master of Crystal. She is... More

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Rise of the Snakes
Never trust a Snake
Can of Worms
The Snake King
Tick Tock
Once Bitten Twice Shy
The Royal Blacksmiths
The Green Ninja
All of Nothing
The Rise of the Great Devourer
Day of the Great Devourer
Darkness Shall Rise
Pirates vs Ninja
Double Trouble
Ninjaball Run
Child's Play
Wrong Place Wrong Time
The Stone Army
The Day Ninjago Stood Still
The Last Voyage
Island of Darkness
The Last Hope
Return of the Overlord
Rise of the Spinjitzu Master
The Surge
The Art of the Silent Fist
The Curse of the Golden Master
Enter the Digiverse.
Codename: Arcturus
The Void
The Titanium Ninja
The Invitation
Only One Can Remain
Ninja Roll
Spy for a Spy
The Day of the Dragon
The Greatest Fear of All
The Corrider of Elders
Winds of Change
Ghost Story
Stiix and Stones
The Temple on Haunted Hill
Kingdom Come
The Crooked Path
Grave Danger
Curseworld, Part I
Curseworld, Part II
Public Enemy Number One
Misfortune Rising
On a Wish and a Prayer
My Dinner With Nadakhan
The Last Resort
Operation Land Ho!
The Way Back
Day of the Departed
The Hands of Time
The Hatching
A Time of Traitors
A Line in the Sand
The Attack
Secrets Discovered
Pause and Effect
Out of the Fire and Into the Boiling Sea
Lost in Time
The Mask of Deception
The Jade Princess
The Oni and the Dragon
Snake Jaguar
Dead Man's Squall
The Quiet One
Game of Masks
Dread on Arrival
True Potential
Big Trouble, Little Ninjago
Iron & Stone
Radio Free Ninjago
How to Build a Dragon
The Gilded Path
Two Lies, One Truth
The Weakest Link
Saving Faith
Lessons for a Master
Green Destiny
The Darkness Comes
Into The Breach
The Fall
Wasted True Potential
Questing for Quests
A Rocky Start
The Belly of the Beast
Boobytraps and How to Survive Them
Ninja vs Lava
Ancient History
Under Seige
The Explorer's Club
Vengeance is Mine!
A Cold Goodbye
The Never-Realm
Fire Maker
An Unlikely Ally
The Message
The Traveler's Tree
Krag's Lament
Secret of the Wolf
My Enemy, My Friend
A Fragile Hope
Once and for All
Would You Like to Enter Prime Empire?
Dyer Island
Level Thirteen
Superstar Rockin' Jay
The Glitch
The Cliffs of Hysteria
The Maze of the Red Dragon
One Step Foreward, Two Steps Back
Racer Seven
The Speedway Five-Billion
Stop, Drop and Side Scroll
Ninjago Confidential
The Prodigal Father
The Temple of Madness
Game Over
Into the Dark
The Worst Rescue Ever
The Two Blades
Queen of the Munce
Trial By Mino
The Skull Sorcerer
The Real Fall
Dungeon Crawl
Masters Never Quit
The Darkest Hour
The Ascent
The Upply Strike Back!
The Son of Lilly

The Forgotten Element

160 6 2
By boris_5382

(The Anacondrai Cultist chant as the captive Elemental Masters are brought in.)

Clouse: Bring in the prisoners.

Griffin: So the ninja were right. This was never about any of us winning the tournament. This was always about something sinister.

Shade: What gave that away? Was it his cult following, or the giant snake head?

Neuro: We've been fighting each other for so long, it took us all losing to finally pull us together. (Jay starts humming.) Too bad it's too late.

Kai: Why are you humming? You do know they're about to take our powers?

Jay: Since these cursed shackles have blocked our powers, I choose to use the power of positive thinking. Lloyd and Coral will come save us. You just wait.

Kai: (Skylor turns her head away from Kai.) Go ahead and look away, but you know as well as I do after he takes our powers, he's still gonna need yours.

Skylor: You don't understand. My father gets everything he wants. I had no choice.

Kai: Just tell me one thing. Was it his idea to make me fall for you, or yours? Because it worked.

(Skylor gasps and then smiles.)

Zugu: Lock 'em down. All rise for Master Chen!

Chen: (He uses gravity to levitate his throne making everyone cheer for him.) Look at me. I'm floating. (He almost falls, making the cultist gasp.) I got it, I got it. I just got distracted by how awesome this place looks. Well done, Clouse. You've really set the mood. And look at this. Soon, I'll have more power. It's good to be me.

Jay: You may have us, but you still don't have the Green and Magenta Ninja.

Chen: Ah, yes. I bet right now they'll swoop down to save you in the very last moment and teach me a valuable lesson. Well, I'll wait. I love lessons.

(Nothing happens.)

Jay: Any minute now.

Chen: That's enough. I'm bored. But here's a lesson: don't be a sore loser. Only one can remain! (He steals their powers.) The power is mine. All mine!

Jay: They never came.

Chen: Take them to the factory.

Skylor: (Looks at Kai.) Father, please, spare Kai. I've seen inside his head. He's different. He can help you.

Chen: You like the boy, don't you? If it will make you happy. Leave the red one.

(They leave Kai and take everyone else.)

(Lloyd, Coral, Nya, Amethyst and Garmadon watch the at a distance.)

Lloyd: He knows we're coming. But we can't just hide here and do nothing.

Nya: We have to wait until nightfall. There's too many.

Lloyd: And then what? Every minute we're out here, he grows more powerful and—

Garmadon: Son, Chen grows strong by taking from others. But real power does the opposite. It empowers those around you. Like the way you've empowered me. Or the way Coral and her mother empower each other. We will get you both to Chen, and you will destroy his staff.

Coral: And then we will take him and his cultist prisoner.

(Eyezor walks past two Cultists.)

Kapau: (sighs) Would you look at that? If a foot soldier like Eyezor can move up the chain of command, why can't we? I mean, the guy's only got one good eye, and we each got two. We could spot a ninja twice as fast as he could.

Eyezor: (He sees a Cultist sleeping on the job.) Huh? Hey!

Chope: But he's got a mohawk. And his name, Eyezor. It's got a real ring to it. And it's practical. You know, with his creepy sore eye and all.

Kapau: That's it. That's it. We need names. We need something that'll make us, you know, stand out. I got it. Call me Kapau!

Chope: Oh, that's good. What should I be? Oh, I know. "Hey, who's that?" "It's Maleficium!"

Kapau: Malefici—that's a horrible name. I can hardly pronounce it.

Chope: Then how about, uh...Chope?

Eyezor: Hey!

Kapau: Chope? Yeah, I'm not gonna judge. Wait a minute, yes I am. That is awesome!

Chope: Look out, world, Kapau and Chope moving up the ranks.

Kapau: Yeah!

Eyezor: No talking on duty, minions.

Kapau: Uh, it's actually Chope and Kap—

Eyezor: I said no talking!

(The Masters are brought into the factory.)

Cultist: Work!

Jay: No, no. It's not working if you love what you do. The power of positive thinking.

Cole: Psst.

Jay: Cole? Zane? Is that you? Oh, you look amazing!

Cole: Not so loud. They think we've escaped and don't know we're here.

Jay: Why would you come back?

Cole: Because we're breaking everyone out.

Zane: Correction. We're building our way out. (He points to the roto jet covered with a cloth.)

Cole: They think we're fixing the noodle machine, but we're fixing a Roto Jet.

Jay: A Roto Jet? But aren't we underground?

Cole: That's what I've been saying!

Karlof: What happened to positive thinking?

Zugu: No talking! And hurry up with that noodle machine.

Karlof: Okay, okay. It will be ready soon. When ready, noodle will fly out of here.

Cole: Hey, do you know where Kai, Lloyd, and Coral are?

Jay: Last I heard, Lloyd and Coral are still out their and Kai, well he's getting the "special" treatment.

(Chen shows Kai his trophy collection.)

Chen: A scale from the Great Devourer, Captain Soto's peg leg, a cog from the Celestial Clock, Zane's pink gi, and this. (He swings an Anacondrai Blade.)

Kai: Whoa. Careful.

Chen: An Anacondrai sword. They are the sharpest blade in existence, fit for the greatest warrior to ever do battle in Ninjago.

Kai: Why are you showing me all this? You do realize if you weren't holding that staff right now, I'd strike you down right here.

Chen: Skylor was right. Even without your power, the fire burns bright in you. Unlike you and my dear Skylor, who inherited her powers from her mother, I was never born with natural abilities. (Kai yawns.) I was told I would amount to nothing. But I will show them they are all wrong! Look. (He points to a painting.) I call it The Charge of the Dark Brigade. It's beautiful, isn't it? The reds, the purples, the super dark purples. After I defeat your little green and magenta friends and take their powers, I will have all the Elements I need to conjure a spell that will transform me and my worshippers into Anacondrai. With you and your friends gone, nothing will stop me. But I've seen inside your head. I know you're still jealous Lloyd was chosen to be the Green Ninja. It could've been you. Have you ever wondered what it felt like to have so much power pulsing through your veins? Yes you have. There is so much potential in you, Kai. I want to give you the chance to find it.

Kai: I will never turn on my friends.

Chen: Of course. But what if I also told you there were secrets about your parents that your Senseis never told you? Dark secrets.

Kai: My parents? What secrets?

Chen: So many questions that can so easily be answered.

Clouse: Master, it is nightfall. The Green and Magenta Ninja will be making their move shortly.

Chen: Think about it. (He and Clouse leave.)

Kai: Hmm...

(Garmadon reminds Lloyd about their plan.)

Garmadon: Remember, destroy the staff and everyone's power returns. You came here to make your team a whole. Finish the job. (They sneak into the palace, but Lloyd accidentally activates the alarms, alerting the Cultists.)

Lloyd: There's too many of them.

Nya: I'll hold them.

Amethyst: Me too. You two, find Chen. (They leave, but Clouse finds them.)

Garmadon: Look out! Go, son, Coral. Leave Clouse to me.

Lloyd: Good luck.

Clouse: Your father doesn't believe in luck.

Lloyd: I know.

Coral: He wasn't talking to him. (They leave.)

(Garmadon grabs a sword and Clouse grabs an Anacondrai Blade.)

Garmadon: Just like back in the training yard.

Clouse: Only this time, I refuse to lose! (They fight but Clouse ends up breaking Garmadon's sword.)

(Lloyd and Coral fall into a trapdoor.)

Lloyd: Whoa! Ugh, Chen and his trapdoors.

Coral: We really should start expecting that. (They hear the serpent.) Huh? Uh-oh.

Lloyd: Not again.

Kai: Lloyd! Coral! This way! Come on! (They make it to Kai before they are eaten.)

Coral: Kai, you escaped. What happened?

Kai: I managed to slip free, but Chen took all our powers. If we can find them—

Lloyd: There's no time. We have to stop Chen. Alone if we have to. (Kai stops walking and looks at them.) What? What is it?

Kai: I'm sorry, you two. (He blows out his torch.) This will all make sense when it's over.

Lloyd: Kai? Kai, where are you? (They find their way to the throne room.)

Chen: (He appears from hiding.) The final round. It all ends here.

Lloyd: You! You turned Kai against us?

Chen: Like I said, only one can remain. (They start fighting.) Oh, please. What use are two Elements when I have the rest? Shadow! (He disappears.)

Lloyd: I know what you're up to. The Anacondrai Wars are over. You're living in the past.

Chen: (He appears.) Wrong. I decide when it's over. And who doesn't like a blast from the past? Ice! (Laughs.) Fire! (Blast Lloyd and Coral into the air.)

Lloyd: Whoa!

Coral: He's too powerful. We have to get that staff! (Summons two twin crystal katanas.)

Chen: When my followers become Anacondrai, Ninjago will be controlled by those who deserve it, the most powerful. Gravity! (He uses gravity to turn the room upside down.)

Lloyd: Whoa! What you have isn't power! (Grunts as Chen hits him between lights.) It's stealing! (Chen turns the gravity off.) Aah! Real power doesn't need to take from others. Real power stops people like you. (Creates an energy ball which Chen deflects by using metal and defeats Lloyd.)

Coral: Lloyd! You're gonna pay for that Chen! (Blast crystals at Chen but he dodges and strikes her with a powerful blast of lightning knocking her unconscious.)

Chen: Only one can remain. (Laughs.)

(Garmadon, Amethyst, and Nya wake up tied to a post in a room filled with dead skeletons.)

Garmadon: Nya Amethyst, are you both all right?

Nya: Yes.

Amethyst: I'm fine. What—What happened?

Nya: Why are we in a room with skeletons?

Amethyst: This must be wear the giant serpent Coral told me about eats its victims.

Garmadon: We have to get out of here!

Clouse: My pet loves the smell of fear.

Garmadon: Where is my son?

Amethyst: And my daughter? What have you done with—

Chen: I have your son and your daughter. But their powers will become mine at the ceremony tonight. I'm sorry you didn't get an invite. I'm still a little hurt when my pupil decided to betray me so long ago.

Nya: But how did you defeat them?

Chen: Oh, I had a little help. (Kai walks in.)

Nya: (Gasps.)

Garmadon: You pitted the ninja against themselves, just as you did the Elemental Masters.

Amethyst: You traitor!

Nya: Why, Kai? How could you do this?

Kai: Chen holds all the power. Lloyd alone never stood a chance. I had to think about what was best for us. He'll let you go if—

Nya: I'd rather be snake food!

Garmadon: (He grabs Skylor.) Untie us!

Chen: (He and Clouse laugh.) Or what? You've changed, remember? You're Sensei Garmadon. You're a good guy. Threats don't frighten me. (Garmadon pushes Skylor away.)

Clouse: My pet may be napping, but she's always hungry when she wakes up.

Chen: You had a good run, Garmadon. But all good things must come to an end. (He and Clouse laugh as they walk away.)

Nya: This isn't you, Kai. Don't do this.

Kai: Sorry, sis. This is the way it has to be. (He winks at both of them and they smile at realizing his plan.)

Chen: Have the factory prepare a feast in honor of the ceremony, Clouse. I'm in the mood for noodles.

Kai: This is how your father treats you? It doesn't have to be like this.

Skylor: But he has the staff. There's nothing I can do about it.

Kai: But what if I can? Lloyd doesn't stand a chance alone, but if Chen trusts me, I can get close to the staff and then—

Skylor: Why would you tell me this after I betrayed you?

Kai: You spared me for a reason. And you know I'm far too fetching to resist.

(Skylor smiles and blushes a little bit at this comment)

(In the factory, Karlof signals the Masters to cover the Roto Jet after he sees Zugu approaching them.)

Karlof: Uh, please, almost done. Soon, noodle machine will be firing on all cylinders.

Zugu: No, make now. Master Chen wants noodles for the big ceremony.

Griffin: What ceremony?

Zugu: Chen defeated the Green and Magenta Ninja. Now no one in Ninjago can stop us. (He laughs.) Look at the bright side. At least all your jobs just became permanent.

Karlof: Uh, there's a few minor kinks.

Zugu: (He laughs and pushes Karlof.) Give me that sheet. (He sees the roto jet.) Huh? That's not a noodle machine!

Karlof: Uh, that's the kink. Now! (Cole jumps into the Jet.)

Zugu: Cole? He's here!

Zane: I'd get out of the way if I were you. (Cole starts firing the Jet, but almost hits Jay.)

Jay: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Easy, tiger! (The Roto Jet stops firing.)

Cole: Whoa! Hehe.

Griffin: Over there!

Cole: When will it fly?

Karlof: It fly when it fly. No sooner. (He starts fixing the Roto Jet.)

Jay: On the other side! (The Masters turn the Jet around and Cole fires at the Cultists.)

Cole: We'll run outta bolts trying to fend 'em off. Make her fly, Karlof, or get us out of here.

Karlof: No problem. Push red button. (The Masters cheer when missiles break down a door. They help push it.)

Cole: This is why you don't make jets underground, Karlof.

Jay: The power of positive thinking.

Karlof: Behind you! (They turn the jet and fire at more cultist.)

(Lloyd and Coral are being brought in to the ceremony.)

Chope: Just look at us. We're escorting the big dogs now.

Kapau: Heh. Like I said, Kapau and Chope moving up the ranks.

Lloyd: Why would you help them?

Coral: How could you do this to us?

Kai: (Whispering) Don't worry—(He sees Clouse.) it won't hurt, heh, that much. (He laughs and walks away.)

Chen: All right, first thing's first. Daughter!

Skylor: I offer my power to you, Father.

Chen: (He starts stealing her power.) Only one can remain.

(Nya struggles, but can't break free.)

Nya: Some help you are, Kai. (The serpent wakes up.)

Garmadon: Nya, Amethyst, it's karma. After personally destroying the biggest snake Ninjago has ever seen, it's only reasonable the second biggest would exact its revenge on me.

(Before the serpent prepares to eat Nya, the Masters barge in with the Roto Jet, crushing the Serpent and freeing Nya, Amethyst, and Garmadon.)

Cole: Whoo-hoo! We did it!

Garmadon: Well hello, Master of Earth.

Jay: Uh-uh. Don't forget Master of Lightning. (He and Cole see Nya running towards them. They reach for her, but she runs past them to hug Zane instead.) Hey!

Nya: Zane, you're back!

Zane: What? What is on my back?

Cole: Karlof, why isn't this thing off the ground yet?

Karlof: Two hands can only work so fast.

Cole: Well, you're gonna fix it, Karlof, because you know why?

Karlof: Sure.

All: Positive thinking!

(Chen finishes stealing his daughter's power.)

Chen: And now for the final Elements. Only one can remain! (He steals Lloyd's Energy and Coral's Crystal.) Behold! Every Elemental Power, all in my control! Do you feel the power? I do! All of you who bear the mark of the Anacondrai, it is time. We will shed our skins for new ones, and be the most powerful force in all of Ninjago!

Skylor: Father, let me stand beside you.

Chen: Yes. Yes. Join me. After today, not only will Master Chen be Ninjago's number one noodle house, but Ninjago's number one ruler!

Kai: Hey, Chen! You forgot one Element. The element of surprise! (Skylor kicks his staff away.)

Chen: You betray me!?

Skylor: Runs in the family. (She kicks him while Kai grabs the staff.)

Chen: Get him! (Kai uses Lightning on the Cultists and frees Lloyd and Coral.)

Lloyd: That was all an act?

Kai: Don't worry. I had it all under control. Well, almost. (Clouse releases some venom, but Kai protects Lloyd and Coral with Energy.) Ice! (He freezes Clouse.)

Coral: Hurry, Kai. You must destroy the staff.

Kai: Chen was right. This thing's awesome. (He uses it against more Cultists.)

Lloyd: Kai, it holds too much power! Destroy it!

Coral: Lloyd, the power is corrupting him. If we don't get that staff out of his hands—

Kai: (With red eyes.) No one is taking my staff! Lloyd had all that power. Now it's my turn! (He goes back to normal.) Ah, what am I saying? (He gets corrupted again.) Nothing I don't already feel!

Chen: Yes, yes. Embrace the power.

Kai: I can't...I can't control it. (Corrupted again.) I don't want to control it! I should've been the Green Ninja! (Prepares to blast Lloyd.)

Lloyd: No, Kai. Don't! (Cole flies in with the Jet, and the Elemental Masters join in to fight the Cultists. Zane uses a Cultist and whirls him around at other Cultists.)

Cole: Did anyone order some kung pao?

Coral: Right on time!

Lloyd: Zane! Good to see you again, buddy.

Zane: And it's good to be back. (Kai and Chen race for the staff, but Kai grabs it and destroys it.)

Chen: No! (Everyone's powers are returned.)

Karlof: Now bad guys in big trouble!

Ninja: (Gathered into formation) Ninja, go! (Using Spinjitzu, they defeat the Cultists.)

Nya: It always brings tears to my eyes when I see the old gang back together.

(Garmadon notices Clouse and Chen escaped.)

Chen: Ugh, they have all the power!

Clouse: For now, Master. But not for long. (They have captured Skylor.)

(The Masters trap some Cultists and lead them outside.)

Garmadon: No sign of Chen. And no sign of Skylor either.

Nya: If it weren't for her help, we wouldn't have control of the island. We'll find her, brother.

Kai: It's funny. I came here to find an old friend...

Zane: (He turns on his funny switch, making everyone laugh.) Hello my baby, my honey. Hello, my ragtime gal. Send me a kiss by the wire.

Kai: (Simultaneously)...I just never thought we'd make new ones.

Amethyst: Don't worry. We'll find her, Kai. And we'll find Chen.

Coral: Then we'll all head home and Ninjago will be safe once again.

Garmadon: Well said.

Zane: Send me a kiss by the wire.

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