☯☼🏮Ninjago: The Master of Cr...

By boris_5382

37.5K 1.3K 575

This story is about a girl named Coral. She is the Magenta Ninja and the Elemental Master of Crystal. She is... More

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Rise of the Snakes
Never trust a Snake
Can of Worms
The Snake King
Tick Tock
Once Bitten Twice Shy
The Royal Blacksmiths
The Green Ninja
All of Nothing
The Rise of the Great Devourer
Day of the Great Devourer
Darkness Shall Rise
Pirates vs Ninja
Double Trouble
Ninjaball Run
Child's Play
Wrong Place Wrong Time
The Stone Army
The Day Ninjago Stood Still
The Last Voyage
Island of Darkness
The Last Hope
Return of the Overlord
Rise of the Spinjitzu Master
The Surge
The Art of the Silent Fist
The Curse of the Golden Master
Enter the Digiverse.
Codename: Arcturus
The Void
The Titanium Ninja
Only One Can Remain
Ninja Roll
Spy for a Spy
The Forgotten Element
The Day of the Dragon
The Greatest Fear of All
The Corrider of Elders
Winds of Change
Ghost Story
Stiix and Stones
The Temple on Haunted Hill
Kingdom Come
The Crooked Path
Grave Danger
Curseworld, Part I
Curseworld, Part II
Public Enemy Number One
Misfortune Rising
On a Wish and a Prayer
My Dinner With Nadakhan
The Last Resort
Operation Land Ho!
The Way Back
Day of the Departed
The Hands of Time
The Hatching
A Time of Traitors
A Line in the Sand
The Attack
Secrets Discovered
Pause and Effect
Out of the Fire and Into the Boiling Sea
Lost in Time
The Mask of Deception
The Jade Princess
The Oni and the Dragon
Snake Jaguar
Dead Man's Squall
The Quiet One
Game of Masks
Dread on Arrival
True Potential
Big Trouble, Little Ninjago
Iron & Stone
Radio Free Ninjago
How to Build a Dragon
The Gilded Path
Two Lies, One Truth
The Weakest Link
Saving Faith
Lessons for a Master
Green Destiny
The Darkness Comes
Into The Breach
The Fall
Wasted True Potential
Questing for Quests
A Rocky Start
The Belly of the Beast
Boobytraps and How to Survive Them
Ninja vs Lava
Ancient History
Under Seige
The Explorer's Club
Vengeance is Mine!
A Cold Goodbye
The Never-Realm
Fire Maker
An Unlikely Ally
The Message
The Traveler's Tree
Krag's Lament
Secret of the Wolf
My Enemy, My Friend
A Fragile Hope
Once and for All
Would You Like to Enter Prime Empire?
Dyer Island
Level Thirteen
Superstar Rockin' Jay
The Glitch
The Cliffs of Hysteria
The Maze of the Red Dragon
One Step Foreward, Two Steps Back
Racer Seven
The Speedway Five-Billion
Stop, Drop and Side Scroll
Ninjago Confidential
The Prodigal Father
The Temple of Madness
Game Over
Into the Dark
The Worst Rescue Ever
The Two Blades
Queen of the Munce
Trial By Mino
The Skull Sorcerer
The Real Fall
Dungeon Crawl
Masters Never Quit
The Darkest Hour
The Ascent
The Upply Strike Back!
The Son of Lilly
The Uncharted Island
A Big Splash
The Call of the Deep
Five Thousand Fathoms Down
The Wrath of Kalmaar
Long Live The King
Escape from Merlopia
The Storm Amulet
Riddle of the Sphinx
Master of the Sea
The Calm Before the Storm
Assault on Ninjago City
The Turn of the Tide
Farewell the Sea
The Shape of Nya
A Mayor Problem
Public Enemies 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6!
A Painful Promise
Ninjago City vs. Ninja
Kryptarium Prison Blues
Hounddog McBrag
The Benefit of Grief
The Fifth Villain
The Council of the Crystal King
The Spider's Design
The Fall of the Monastery
Darkness Within
The Coming of the King
Return to Primeval's Eye
A Lesson in Anger
Brave but Foolish
Quittin' Time
Return of the Ice Emperor

The Invitation

351 9 0
By boris_5382

(In a jungle, Lloyd attacks a few nindroids and enters a cave.)

Lloyd: Ninja, go! (He uses spinjitzu on the Nindroids. He dives down on a rope and tries to reach the Golden Armor, but it disappears. It was revealed to be a test made by Wu and Cyrus Borg.)

Cyrus: You got closer than I thought you would. But then again, I didn't think you'd be quite so rough on my security droids.

Lloyd: If I can't steal the Golden Armor, I'd be surprised if anyone else could. It's secure, but where is the real one?

Cyrus: Some secrets are best kept safe.

Wu: Lloyd, where are the other ninja? I asked for all of you to take part in this test.

Lloyd: Uh, they, uh, they really wanted to be here, but they, uh...all had other plans.

Cyrus: I understand perfectly well. The loss of  has affected us all. I haven't even heard word from my assistant  since his memorial. It's heartbreaking.

Wu: If we dwell too long on what's missing, we fail to see what can be gained. The absence of Zane will either tear you four apart or bring you closer together. The choice is yours.

Lloyd: I'll do what I can, but it won't be easy.

Wu: The greatest lessons never are.

(Jay walks onto a stage for a game show he's hosting.)

Crowd: Most Ultimate Extreme Ninja Challenge Ever!

Jay: I'm Jay, Ninjago's most lovable ninja, here before the Gauntlet of Humility to see who will be Ninjago's next hero, and whose dreams will be gone, in a flash! (He uses his  to reach a platform.) I'm here with Cathy, tireless mother of four, pillar of the PTA, and returning contestant. Tell me, Cathy, after being humbled by the Gauntlet the first time, what makes you think this'll be any different?

Cathy: Because ninja never quit!

Jay: (Laughs.) Okay, Cathy. Start the doomsday clock!

Cathy: (Cathy makes it across the obstacle course, but falls.) Heh, I got farther than last time! (After the show, Jay made it back to his dressing room and stares at a picture of the ninja.)

Jay: Ninja never quit, huh, Zane?

Lloyd: The team needs you now more than ever.

Jay: (Turns around and, after seeing Lloyd, gasps.) How did you get in here?

Lloyd: I'm a ninja, and you are wearing makeup.

Jay: Hey, hey, hey, hey. It's concealer, a time-honored tool of the ninja. And what do you mean "team?" I refuse to fight beside Cole. There's nothing you can say that will get me back with that girl-stealing, black-hearted, rock-pounding—

Lloyd: Jay, she still speaks of you. You don't belong here, Jay. This isn't you. You're the  of Lightning, not the Master of Lighting. You know where I'll be if you change your mind. (Jumps away.)

(He leaves to find Cole chopping wood in the Blackwood Forest.)

Lloyd: The team needs you now more than ever.

Cole: I thought I was good with a scythe. (Grunts.) Turns out, I'm even better with an . Ugh, I'm tired of fighting, Lloyd. Tired of Serpentine, tired of nindroids, tired of...Jay. Out here, no one knows who you are. No one expects anything of you.

Lloyd: But what would Zane expect? You're the Master of Earth, Cole. you don't belong in trees. Your feet should be on the ground. You can't hide who you are.

Cole: Sorry, Green machine, this is my life now.

Worker: (He's on top of a pile of logs, but it's about to fall.) Oh, oh, cracked stem! She's falling hard! (Cole stops it by using his Earth. Everyone cheers.)

Man #1: Who is he?

Man #2: Not one of us.

Lloyd: If you change your mind, Cole, you know where I'll be. (Disappears into smoke.)

(Lloyd finds Coral working in a candy shop.)

Coral: (To a customer.) Thank you sir. Have a great day. Alright, next! (Realizes who's next.) What the-Lloyd?

Lloyd: What are you doing here Coral? You're the Master of Crystal, not candy.

Coral: The only crystals I'm working with now are the ones on this rock candy stick. You should try it. It's delicious.

Lloyd: Maybe later. The team needs you now more than ever.

Coral: Sorry Lloyd. This is just what I do now. If you're not gonna buy something, go talk to another one of our friends.

Lloyd: Fine. But if you change your mind Coral you'll know where I'll be. (He leaves.)

(He finds Kai in Yang's Tavern.)

Mezmo: Welcome to the Yang  Final. In the left corner, we have Kai, the Flaming Shogun. And in the right corner, we have Nuckal!

(The bell rings.)

Kai: Ninja, go! (He defeats Nuckal with his Spinjitzu.) Didn't your mama ever warn you not to play with me?

Nuckal: No.

Mezmo: Victor of the Slither Pit and undefeated champion...Kai, the Flaming Shogun!

Kai: The Red Shogun. Red Shogun! (He kicks Nuckal's head.)

Nuckal: Hey!

Kruncha: Some fight that was. (He picks up Nuckal's bones.)

Nuckal: Let's get out of here. (He kicks him when he starts laughing.) You said to go down in the first.

Kruncha: I said don't be the first to go down. (He kicks Kruncha's head out of the arena. Kai sits down at a nearby table drinking juice.)

Lloyd: (He appears right beside him.) You shouldn't drink too much juice. It's filled with more sugar than you realize.

Kai: Oh, it's you.

Lloyd: The team needs you now more than ever.

Kai: Who says the great and powerful Green Ninja needs a team? You seem to be holding down the fort on your own.

Lloyd: I get it, Kai. You've ran out of bad guys to fight out there, you've got to come to a place like this. But where's the honor in that? Where's the Master of Fire?

Kai: It's the Red Shogun now. And where's the Master of Ice, huh? He's gone, but I'm still here. Who cares about honor? It should've been me. I should've been the one—

Lloyd: You always thought you should've been the one. First, it was being the Green Ninja, now this. When are you gonna start thinking of someone other than yourself? (He disappears.) If you change your mind, you know where I'll be.

(After Kai visits Zane's statue, he goes to Chen's Noodle House.)

Chen: (On a recording.) There's only one Master Chen's, Ninjago's number one noodle house.

Lloyd: Kai, back here.

Kai: Jay? Cole? Coral?

Cole: Ha, you too?

Jay: The runt tricked us all.

Lloyd: (He stops Kai from taking food from the conveyor belt.) We talk first, then eat.

Cole: Uh, trust me, do you know what kind of restraint I've had to stare at all of this noodle goodness? You're late.

Coral: He's been complaining ever since he arrived.

Kai: Make it quick.

Lloyd: I know without Zane things have been different, but we have to move on. The reason I brought you all here is because... maybe we should add someone new to our team.

Kai: A new ninja?

Jay: Are you crazy!?

Cole: Come on, Zane's irreplaceable!

Coral: Lloyd, you can't just call a meeting and say to add a new ninja, what would Zane think?

Lloyd: I cared for him too but now it's time to care about this team.

Kai: Maybe without Zane, there is no team.

(Eyezor and two thugs come in.)

Jay: Oh. Don't look now, but we've got trouble.

Coral: Should we do something.

Cole: Not our problem.

(They force the Resturaunt Owner to open the cash register and put him on the conveyor belt. They laugh.)

Thug: Check it out.

Cole: All right, now they're our problem. Excuse me, it's not polite to touch someone else's food.

Kai: I'd listen if I were you. He's no fun to be around when he's hangry. (They attack each other.) All right, I admit it. We make a good team.

Coral: (Shoves a plate of noodles in a thug's face.) Sure do.

Cole: (He grabs the food Kai kicks off the conveyor belt.) Yeah, mmm. Everything's better on a full stomach. (Eyezor shatters a plate.) Hey, I was gonna eat that. (They defeat the thugs easily.)

Lloyd: How can you walk away from this? (They run away from the back door.)

Cole: Hey, let's get them, guys.

Kai: Oh, where did they go? Huh? (They see a table with a note and fortune cookies.)

Lloyd: What's this?

Jay: Uh... (They see a picture of Zane on the letter.)

Kai: (Gasps.) It's Zane.

Cole: What does it say?

Lloyd: It says he's alive. (Everyone gasps.)

Kai: I don't think those thugs were delivering a message to the Noodle House. I think they were delivering a message to us.

Jay: What do you mean it says he's alive?

Lloyd: Hey, I'm just telling you what it says.

Kai: Why would these thugs lead us here?

Coral: Maybe they know where Zane is and want us to follow along.

Cole: You know, this has to be some cruel joke. And I'm not laughing.

Lloyd: Look. (He points to the fortune cookies.) I think this was meant for us too.

Jay: Fortune cookies? Very peculiar.

Lloyd: Should we? (Cole eats one and everybody stares at him.)

Cole: What?

Kai: Uh, you do realize there's a fortune inside, right?

Cole: Oh, so that's why they're called that.

Lloyd: (He reads his fortune.) Listen to this. "Master Chen has personally invited you to participate in his Tournament of Elements."

Cole: Wait a minute. Are you saying that Mr. Chen, the same guy filling my belly with delicious goodness, is actually Master Chen?

Kai: "Secrecy is of the utmost importance.

Coral: "Tell no one, or suffer the consequences."

Jay: "If you ever want to see your friend again, meet on the pier at midnight and leave your weapons behind. (Their fortunes explode, even the one that Cole ate he belches.)

Cole: Uhh. At least I know I was invited. (Everyone laughs.)

Lloyd: You don't think...

Kai: It could be a trap. A lie to lure us in.

Jay: Yeah, but what if it's not? What if Zane's alive?

Coral: Hmm...

Lloyd: The Tournament of Elements. I'm starting to think this Master Chen makes more than noodles.

Kai: You can forget bringing in a new ninja, Lloyd. Let's go see about an old one.

(At Garmadon's monestary, Garmadon sees Nya, Amethyst, and Wu working on something.)

Garmadon: Hm, are you planning on fixing the Bounty?

Nya: Yeah, but we could use some help.

(Garmadon leaves. Lloyd gets ready for the Tournament in his room.)

Music: (On radio) Kick back, whip around, and spin, and then we jump back, do it again.

Lloyd: (Thinking simultaneously) "Leave your weapons behind."

Music: Ninja, go! Ninja, go! Come on, come on,

Garmadon: (He knocks and comes in. Simultaneously) I was just on my way to help Nya, Amethyst, and Wu restore the Bounty. Would you like to join? Guess you could say it's all hands on deck. (The music stops.)

Lloyd: Uh, sorry. The guys and I are going fishing. Team building exercise.

Garmadon: Hm, good to hear the team's back together.

Lloyd: Dad, our Elemental Power...are there others out there with powers like us?

Garmadon: Why would you ask?

Lloyd: No reason. It was just on my mind. (Garmadon notices a takeout box with the Noodle House logo.) See ya. Early bird catches the worm.

Garmadon: (He notices Lloyd didn't take his fishing rod. He looks back at the box.) Chen.

(The ninja arrive at the docks with other Elemental Masters. Each are wearing different gi. Kai is wearing is original gi, Cole is wearing his Dragon Rider gi, Jay is wearing his ZX gi, and Coral is wearing her Kimono gi.)

Kai: Ah, I told you we shouldn't have worn them. (Looks at the other people there.) The Tournament of Elements. You think all of them have powers like us?

Lloyd: When I asked my dad about it, he got really suspicious. Like there's something he's keeping from me.

Cole: The fortune cookie said, "tell no one or else there'd be consequences."

Lloyd: Relax, we're cool. (A ferry pulls up and a man steps off.) We don't know yet if this is a trap. Wherever they take us, we have to stick together.

Clouse: Watch your step, Madame. (Kai looks at her and sighs.)

Lloyd: We can't let anything distract us. You hear me, Kai?

Coral: He can't hear you. He's lost in love.

Kai: Uh? Uh, yeah. Uh, got it. Whatever you said.

Coral: I rest my case.

Clouse: Master Chen will be charmed to see you've accepted his offer. A Master of Spinjitzu shall fare favorably in his Tournament.

Jay: Hey, we're not here to fight. We're here to save a friend.

Clouse: Don't be so petty, Master Jay. (He grabs Jay's nunchucks.) Everyone here has something to fight for.

Jay: Chopsticks. I'm a big eater, heh. (Jay gulps when he throws his nunchucks into the sea.)

Garmadon: Lloyd, wait! If you get on that boat, you may never return.

Lloyd: What are you doing here, Dad?

Garmadon: Master Chen is a dangerous man who should never be trusted. Whatever he promised you, do not believe him.

Clouse: Lord Garmadon. It's been a while. It's Sensei now, correct? I can't remember.

Garmadon: Clouse. I see Master Chen still has you running his errands.

Lloyd: I have to go, Dad. This is about Zane. It's about family. If we're ever going to be whole again, I have to get on that ship.

Clouse: Last call. Are you in, or out?

Garmadon: I can't stop you, son, but I can join you.

Clouse: Sorry, no more room in the ship.

Garmadon: No room? (He kicks a thug off the ship.)

Clouse: I stand corrected. There's room now.

Garmadon: Don't worry, I'm not here to compete. Only to look out for my interests.

Clouse: Let's ship out!

(The ninja watches the other Masters display their powers and see Clouse walk by.)

Lloyd: You know him. You said his name's Clouse.

Garmadon: Don't be fooled by his attire. He is a Master of Dark Arts and Master Chen's number two.

Cole: Huh, I thought Master Chen's number two was an eggroll and fried rice.

Kai: Why haven't you or Wu ever told us there are others with powers like us?

Garmadon: Because there are some things we don't want you to know. You were led to believe you were special, yet you never questioned where your powers came from.

Jay: Uh, are you implying that I'm not special?

Garmadon: Everyone on this ship is a descendant of an original Elemental Master.

Lloyd: Elemental Master? Who were they?

Coral: They were the First Spinjitzu Master's guardians, each endowed with an Elemental Power that has passed down through generations.

Garmadon: How did you know that?

Coral: Mom and I use to go over Ninjago History lessons when I was home schooled. She told me she was the not just the previous Master of Crystal but the first Master of Crystal. And I inherited her powers.

Jay: What?

Lloyd: But why? How come she was the first Master of Crystal?

Coral: Me and my mom don't even know ourselves. All we know is that I inherited her powers just like how every fighter here inherited their powers from their relatives.

Kai: If that's true, then so is my sister Nya. But she can't do what I can.

Garmadon: Can't she? Power lies in all of you. It only needs to be awoken. The fighters here serve no master and have managed to unlock their own . For instance, that Paleman. A distant relative to the Master of Light. Watch closely and you'll see how he's stayed hidden all these years. (Mr. Pale disappears. Griffin Turner runs by.) Then there's Griffin Turner. Grandson to the Master of Speed.

Griffin: Hey, you can't lay a hand on me. I'm faster than fast. (Speeds all the way around the ferry.) Swifter than swift.

Jay: Uh, Master of Speed? Pfft. That's not an Element.

Garmadon: So asks the Master of Lightning.

Cole: Oh, snap, he got you there.

Kai: And, uh, who's she? (He looks at Skylor.)

Garmadon: I don't know. Most of these people I have not seen. But they will all be gunning for you. You are ninja. You serve with honor. Here, that means very little.

Kai: (He sees Karlof harassing Skylor.) Well, maybe honor means something to me. (He walks up to them.)

Skylor: It's okay. I can handle myself.

Karlof: This none of his business. Karlof cold. Karlof just want her cloak.

Kai: You look like you got big enough mittens. Why not leave the gal alone?

Karlof: These not mittens. These crush ninja.

Kai: Ha, I'd like to see you try.

Garmadon: Save it for the Tournament, Kai.

Karlof: Don't think Karlof afraid of you.

Kai: No, you don't think much at all, do you? (Karlof lifts him.) Unh! Just jump in whenever you feel like it.

Karlof: You say Karlof not smart?

Lloyd: I'd say Karlof is plenty smart not to start something he can't finish.

Karlof: (He punches Kai.)

Kai: Whoa!

Karlof: Oopsy. Guess Karlof not smart.

Garmadon: (He stops the ninja from intervening.) Kai started this. He can finish it. (They both start fighting.)

Kai: Fire! (He grunts while using his fire and Karlof transforms into his metal body. The two fight for some time and Karlof is about to do the finishing blow until...)

Clouse: Enough! (Karlof turns back into his human body and leaves.)

Skylor: I'm sorry if I was cold to you earlier. (She helps him up, secretly using her Amber on him.)

Clouse: We're here. Welcome to Chen's Island . (He hides behind a crate and pulls out a walkie-talkie.) Master Chen, Garmadon has returned. He says he will be looking out for his interests.

Chen: Interesting. You worry too much, Clouse. Everything will work out. Just wait and see. (He hangs up.)

Garmadon: I swore to never return.

Jay: You know, you should never swear. It's a sign of weak verbal skills.

Lloyd: If Zane's on that island, we'll find him. We have to.

Chen: (He walks up to Zane's cell.) I hold all the cards. (He laughs evilly and leaves Zane's cell to which Zane is now titanium.)

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