Error wanted rest! Not be a I...

By Nightstar246

88K 7.2K 3.9K

Error jumps in the void. He thought hurray rest, freedom, and a big middle finger to Fate. But nope instead h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 150
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158
Chapter 159
Chapter 160
Chapter 161
Chapter 162

Chapter 140

503 41 23
By Nightstar246

Chapter 140

You get another one! Enjoy.

Warning: OOC, random craziness, Error past dark abuse, many other troubles if mention, cursing, killing, dark themes, racism mention, stuff children/teen shouldn't do, profanity, self-harm, suicidal moments, cheating, sexual moments mentioned, violence, smoking, drugs, alcohol, guns mention, animal death, cringe, bullying, yandere, musical/singing moments and bad flirts.

Error/Moxxie speaking/speaking/singing


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"That's good to hear Frogmouth."

"Indeed. I was expecting it to be longer. But going push through towards the end." Stolas sitting down in his chair. While on the phone with Moxxie.

"Has the final decisions been made?"

"Most of them."

"Little Frogmouth?"

"Since she is of age. She allowed me to choose. As of now she is staying home with me. Even if age wasn't involved, I would still have custody of her since she is my heir."

"I remember that." Moxxie laying out on the couch.

Only three days have passed since Fizzarolli visited IMP.

Practically a week of not seeing Striker again.

Now Stolas will be out of this marriage for good.

"Are the other side causing issues?"

"Well, besides Stella constant yelling, cursing and threats no. I wouldn't be surprised she talking shit behind my back at parties and social events." Quite honestly, he just thinks the judge is just quite done. Plus, the looks he kept sending Andrealphus made the peacock feel so embarrassed.

Try not to smile. At least a cruel one.

He was staying true to his threat about releasing that evidence if Stella started anything in this mess. The Marquise seems too made sure Stella doesn't make any kind of rash decisions. While he may not like his brother-in-law. He at least knows how to back off. After all, if Stella gets thrown under same with him.

Which the Marquise family can't handle right now.

Already lost the, former, title being by marriage. Besides Octavia involvement. Plus, Stolas will pay his part of the alimony. Everything else belongs to Octavia. Which was already going to happen before the kidnapping. The book is hers too. The book only works on his side of the family.

Let him rephrase that.

There are only certain, main, spells in that Grimoire only they can do. It wouldn't work for anyone else. It's impossible. Why? Because the Grimoire belongs to his mother side and blood. Which was a bit funny. His mother side wasn't Goetia but still respectable nobles with high duties. That side which there now only two left. Him and Octavia.

Not his father's side. He was only given permission, after a time limit, to use certain spells for duties. Like the Harvest Moon festival. Many were displeased as he was horrid at it at the time till Wrath got on him.

He wishes he saw that personally.

He wishes he saw many things first hand.

"Still would keep an eye out."

"Oh, I am. I don't trust those two." Flip a page in his book.

"How the Yeti cheek?"

"Still bitching about it till this day." Stolas snickered a bit. "He tried to ask me for your number so you can apologize."

"I don't do fake apologies."

"Indeed." Look up at the ceiling. "It's not total freedom but it still something else. A step forward."


The room was quite long with the other line of the phone.

"Can we hangout soon?"



"Should see about inviting Little frogmouth."

"Of course." A frown was shown on his face. Now don't get him wrong. He wants Octavia to spend time with Puppet. But he needs a word with him alone again. To figure out things.

His feelings for Moxxie and Blitz.

He is happy with how things are with Blitz. He is happy there are communicating. Even willing to wait longer after the divorce. Be separated for a while. If Blitz agreed with them to start the next step. He'll take it in a heartbeat. Proper date just got to be less thirsty for them. If he doesn't want to start dating...It'll hurt yes. He just won't force it.

Too much forcing under different circumstances already happens.

But then their Moxxie.

That was complicated. Both the ones he like are complicated in different ways. He complicated as well!

It just how does you ask the one you hurt twice if they want to go out? How do you ask the one who probably doesn't know their boyfriend is dead? The one you refused to help and compromise any kind of deal. But will leave you evidence.

Try not to flinch, even if he is alone, with that encounter of that meeting. The closeness. How far he almost pushed it to go again him. Sure, both of them did apologize in a way. Moxxie understanding his point of view.

Stolas doesn't want to hurt Moxxie again.

But there is other things he needs to talk to them about as well.

Eyes close shut.

"Prince Stolas."

Stolas eyes open up. He lifts his head up back up. Turn their head to see an antique wall clock. Look back out straight. It was the older imp behind the desk. Not looking at them but writing in a journal. Didn't look like your normal secretary. The gun for one in their back. Along with the attire fitted to be outside. Ready to go riding yet still showing some professional work. Along with a pair of two dark wood doors.

"Lord Wrath ready for you. Just go through those doors."

Stolas stood up clutching his hat. He walks up to the door and waits. Only two weeks have passed since he left the hospital and is now here.

"You open the door, Prince."

"Oh, um right." Look away a bit embarrassed as he does it himself. He thought they'll be someone to open them up.

"Just keep walking till you reach the room. Don't stop."

Stolas would have asked why but pushed it back. Can't waste time. Open the door, then start to walk. The hallway wasn't too long but it felt long to Stolas as he kept walking down the simple stone hallway. One step at a time on the natural stone flooring. The coloring Stolas not to focus on. Just keep walking till he reaches the end of the walkway. That led to an open entrance to the room. Once he arrived, he noticed that there were no other doors. Arrive in an oval shape room.

It wasn't anything fancy. No, throne. No, desk. Actually, there wasn't any kind of furniture of any sort. It was all bare besides four iron torches hung up high in different spots on the walls. It didn't look much but the fire lit up the bare room. Glance down at the center of the floor. In the middle was just a tiny hole. Didn't notice it till it started to glow.

A flicker of light came out. As it came out expand like a straight line sideways. As the light glow started to realize it was actually fire. Couldn't feel the heat. Then two orbs appeared. The size would be compared to like Stolas grimoire. The coloring Stolas couldn't fully describe it as it was like fire. Fire that was settled, calm and the hue of marigold being the strongest. A pair black pupil slit stare across at Stolas.

"Lord Satan." Stolas bowed down at them.

"Prince Stolas of the Ares Goetia." A voice coming from the orb like eyes. It was male. The tone calms. Too calm. "You know why you're here."

"Yes, my Lord." Stolas head down.

"Stolas, explain to me why on that day you were at the café with your soon to be ex relatives?"

Stolas explain everything why we were at the café. How it was a talk about the divorce process. Stella, Andrealphus demanded extra in the arrangements. Then when Outlaw arrived and captured him. Call for assistant to be rescued. The interaction with 'Outlaw'. The fight. Then the Warthin guards arrived and were escorted out by portal to Sloth.

Now Stolas was standing there just waiting for them to speak. He wanted to fully look away badly. Those orbs are just staring at him.

"I read the paper work from what you told my guards. The others are in the fight. Then that so-called newspaper. The tv interview that your 'ex' done to show her concern. I have so many questions on what was going through your head."

"I understand your highness."

"First, off. That day was anything else supposed to happen? Or just meeting with those two?"

"I had an appointment with Prince Asmodeus afterwards."

"Did it involve the divorce?"

"No, it was a different mattered."

"All right. Next, question. Why would you call IMP but not your legions?"

"Goetias get kidnapped a lot. It happens to me a couple of times. At the time I didn't think through how dangerous this really started out to be." The owl shrugged. The first few times were scary. Then remember another few times like when it was with Stella or other royal kids. Yet, it never got too far out of control. Then when he had Octavia, he makes sure she wouldn't go through that.

"Dangerous." Eyes stared down at him. "Does IMP have any connection to royal guard business?"


"So, this is the first time IMP done a retrieval mission."

"I wouldn't say first they were my body guards for me, my daughter visit at Loo Loo Land."

"Why? You have your own set of guards already for such a thing."

"I am well aware it," Stolas shuffled a bit. He wasn't expecting these questions. Not in a long shot. Now he doesn't have much of a choice. A weary sigh. "Lord Satan how much do you know about my marriage to Stella?"

"Arrangement. Try to show a picture-perfect front. Worst matchmaking business that so call father of yours done yet. Then of course when your ex doesn't know to keep her beak shut declaring you cheated on her with an imp." Just kept staring at him. "I don't see what she has to complain about since all you Goatias are hypocrites. You just got caught."

Stolas head went down a bit. He knows where to hit it. "Indeed, I did. IMP founder was the one I slept with."

"You been in contact with him since last year?"


"What the relationship now?"

"I would just call it acquaintanceship as of now."

"So, you were close to IMP."

"I was a future Sponsor for their business."

"Then you met Striker during that time when he was employed to IMP."

"When he joined IMP, we have met a few times."

"Nothing gave away he was Outlaw? Threat?"

"I mean he didn't like how I was there. He was as civil as one can be." The owl took a deep breath. "Didn't like the idea someone of my rank be involved with their work. Even after I stop being a sponsor."

"I see." The stare at Stolas own eyes for a long time. "You still continuing with the divorce procedures?"

"I am."

"Does your daughter know the extent what going on?"

"She knows we are in the process of divorce. Her mother can no longer step foot in my home and property. All her belongings were returned to her. Octavia has been going back and forth to our homes the last three months."

"Does she know Stella the one who made arrangements of your assassination, along with will be pressed charges?

"Press charges?" Stolas blinked.

"Of course? You are pressing charges since she the one who sent the assassin."

The owl stood very still. "There is not enough evidence. The word from a murder will be shallow out by whoever Stella would hire for a lawyer."


"Are you being dumb right now?"

"Pardon?" That is not what he expected. Along with using the word dumb.

"I'm not repeating myself."

"No, I heard what you said. I just don't understand why such a question."

"Because right now I see a dumbass not using that so called intelligence of his. Or is the lack of common sense on hold." His voice started to sound just astounded. "You have the witness. Striker gave a testimony on what happened. For, peak sake witness accounts how your ex declared wanting you dead."

"Probably lied." Stolas growled under his breath. "Throw her under to save his neck."

"Isn't that what you GOETIAS do too? Isn't that what everyone does around here? Hmm?"

"It's not the same." Stolas shoots back. Anger began to rise up. No, no stay calm.

"Oh! Do tell me? How is it not the same?" The orbs then tilt sideways as if a head was tilting. "Or do you have no answers because you're letting your emotions take over."

"I'm not letting my emotions take over."

"You have an assassin who gave a testimony. One that if he tried to lie would have died in the spot. Gave us the evidence. The Holy Weapons. Voice recordings they have done along with the phone. You have all this on the tip of your claws to get back to Stella. But you're not going to use it?" Eyes then looking back and forth. "Has everyone lost their mind?"

"Lord Satan, you have to understand. I do not want to work with Striker. I prefer he be executed for crimes of attempt assassination of my life. As for Stella, it'll be noted in court of her attempt to assassinate me as she is vocally displeased about not getting the rest of her fair share. Even though both of our lawyers have been going through the process of the demands. Then there will be the meeting with the rest of the Goetias to settle the matter as Stella will no longer hold rank as Princess. I continue my duties. Octavia will be 18 soo- "

"Outlaw is dead."


"Outlaw is dead."

Stolas was quite for a bit. "You just said- "

"A former member of my Savage Division confirmed it. He did the questioning. We do have the evidence. We do have the testimony. We basically have everything really to put your ex and her brother down on a list. Could even lose many titles. You may use it but only the copy. We're keeping the original along with the weapons as evidence- "

"I demand to be given Outlaw body."

There was still a calming tone from the orbs. It was like a normal get together, very casual. Until the end of the conversation, you didn't pick up how the tone went down. "Demand?"

"I want Outlaw body."


"I can understand why- "

"No, you don't understand. Why should I? Plus, I always prefer them to turn to ashes. Yet, that's besides the case. Why would I give you, his body? Hmm to show it off? Show everyone what happens when you mess with the royals? Show everyone what happens if you cross us? Show everyone no matter what a SIN will take your side?"


"Then what?"

Stolas fist clenched tightly and without speaking spoke. "A warning to Stella."


"So, you throw a dead body to her feet? She'll deny it. Unless you had proof. "

"I heard the phone call."

"Which they'll dismissed unless you record it."

"IMP was there. "

"Yes, they will positively join your side. Except probably one of them. I heard that Striker was in a relationship with one of them. Tell me where you going to throw his body at their feet too?"

"No!" No! That wasn't the plan at all! He couldn't do that to Moxxie!

Why not? You already threaten them.

"You are smart Stolas. I always thought of the possibility of some kind of lawyer with how much your head would be in books. You should know how this work even if my laws are different compared to yo-"

"I have a position here! I have a right- "Stolas fell backwards as the eyes are both now huge. Stare down at him with such intensity. The color of their eyes felt like he was being burned. The marigold now mix with the other hue of orange, red, orange and no white all around.

"I will not be order how to run my own HOME! This happens in my ring! The prisoner is in my ring! He was born in MY ring! This case is my choice the moment you took the call! Right now, all I see is a prince who is letting his emotions make foolish decisions!"

"He was going to go after my daughter!" Stolas yelled at the eye. That was the biggest reason he didn't want Striker help. That fear of a father he could go after his daughter. The snake made it very clear not liking the royals. What if he ignored Stella orders and payment to come after her? "I can't let another mistake happen!"

"Who will protect her when your ex-hires another? Well!"

"You will not understand my wrath as a fath- "


Stolas freezes. Their left eye moves to see a deep slash mark into the stone floor. Can smell the stone as it was cut through. The smoke rising up as the edges. He didn't know he far the cut went but it was very deep. Stare at the stone to see how the edges were dripping like they were now wax.

"Do not tell me what Wrath is like." The calm tone now rough, ready to pierce him any second. Both the orbs stare down. The burning color returning back to what it was. The slits are regaining their original size and color yellow as well. "My side has done what it needs to do. I will give you the evidence to hold over that former in-law's head. You got enough on your shoulders with your job, to be separated and a daughter to take care of now. Take what I give you. If you push this further it's over. I don't care if your father complains and bitch to Lucifer. If another incident like this happens again you will pay all the money. I'm not changing my decision. Take it or leave."

"I... I'll take it." Stolas whispered at them with a mix of fear and just wanting to run.

"Good." The orbs move back to normal size.

"Can I tell the family- "

"We will handle it. Just don't blabber your beak off like it some gossip story."

"I don't gossip?"

"Give me a break. I'm not all 'dumb', 'barbaric, and not just a 'muscle head' like you all think I am because of the ring I run. I heard all the stereotypes all the rings say about us. Say about me."

Stolas winces a bit. Oh dear. That's not good. While Stolas verbally never said anything. Were thoughts about it? Then of course you hear at parties, get together and the rare meetings with the sins.

Satan was always the less social of the sins. Even if there were meetings he heard, or been, they won't be there physically. Or by hologram. Unless seriously important to be there. Or just a meeting with just sins and nobody else.

"So, brave to say it to my civilians faces. Brave, stupid or some kind of thrill to see you all stomp over us. No, matter the rank."

The eyes start to grow smaller. Along with an appearance began to form. As if they are being transparent. Then solid.

Stolas eyes grew bigger at what they were seeing. Everything inside him is telling him to run. Yet, they can only stay on the ground like terrified prey.

Soon a hooded, robe figure stood over Stolas fallen form. Covered head to toe. It was like burgundy red. Stain at the bottom of the robe with fur. Can barely see the inside as it was fully closed. On the shoulders were dark gray and brown fur with spikes coming out. At the center of the chest that could be a clasp holding the fur with a medallion of a pentagram. Two dark metal claps underneath the pentagram. On top of the hood were two small short black horns. Then another pair of bigger horns that were black began to fade till the tip other half was white. Around the hood there was fur of similar color to the one on the shoulders. The face you couldn't see at all. It was pure darkness itself. Until a pair of eyes stared back down at them.

Stolas freeze when those eyes, even another pair open up, are very close to his own. The smell, taste of dirt, iron and sweat filled up his nostrils.

"But not brave to say it to my own face you cowards."


Snap out that memory. Look down at his hand still shaking. His whole body in general. "I'm here."

He here. He safe. He not back at that presence of him.

"You should get some sleep. You sound out of it."

"Probably a good idea." Bit the inside of his cheek. "Moxxie I'm sorry."

Shuffle around the couch. "Go get some rest."

"I mean it. I,-"I'm sorry about you loosing Striker. I'm sorry what we became now. I'm sorry for the choices I made to not just hurt you but Blitz as well. "I'm sorry how we all turn out to this."

"You already said sorry before a few weeks ago. When I said it too."

"I know."

"Stolas go rest. I'm fine."

"I'll try. Night."


Stolas hangs up as he rubs his own face. A few deep breaths as he stared up at the ceiling. This was all very cruel in so many ways. Heard footsteps as he gathers himself up. Sees Octavia coming around the corner. Look like her sleep wear. "Hello Via. Off to bed."

"In a bit. You, okay?"

"Yes, yes just was talking to Puppet." A little smile. "We all might be getting together soon the three of us."

"Cool." Rub her arm a bit. "Hey Dad."

"Yes, Via?" Watch her walk over to sit on the couch. She looks slightly distressed.

"This is all going to be over soon, right? The divorce?"

"Yes, very soon." Sit up to pat her shoulder. "You don't have to be there for it."

"I know. Really don't want to be around them. All of this." She took a small breath. "Things are still going to change and be different when this is over."

"Yes." A small sigh. "A lot of things will different but were in this together."


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Got some surprises and changes around. Learn some interesting details.

You all got to meet the embodiment of Wrath aka Satan. Here a drawing so far of their appearance that was described. Along with the outfit. Will be updated one later in the art book possibly.

Any questions?

Until next time.

Bye, bye!

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