𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓓𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓢𝓹𝓲𝓭𝓮𝓻...


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Ok, let's do this once. My name is Jensen Banner, I was bitten by a radioactive spider, and for the last 3 ye... More

(ITSV) Chapter 1: Welcome to Earth-1610
(ITSV) Chapter 2: Eddie's Pizza
(ITSV) Chapter 3: Scarlet vs White
(ITSV) Chapter 4: The Line is Cut
Webs Have Been Multiplied (Reboot)
(ITSV) Chapter 5: Brooklyn Visions Academy
(ITSV) Chapter 6: First Day of School
(ITSV) Chapter 7: The New Kid
(ITSV) Chapter 8: Hey...
(ITSV) Chapter 9: The Death of Peter Parker
(ITSV) Chapter 10: Spider-Hobo
(ITSV) Chapter 11: The Talk
(ITSV) Chapter 12: House Fight
(ITSV): Chapter 13: Leap of Faith
(ITSV) Chapter 14: Jensen Banner
(ITSV) Chapter 15: Final Battle Part 1
(ITSV) Chapter 16: Final Battle Part 2
(ITSV Finale) Chapter 17: A New Beginning?
Updated Bio
Important Announcement
First Look
Mystery of the Crow Arc
(MOTC) Chapter 19: The Crow?

(MOTC) Chapter 18: Vigilantes

463 25 7

Jensen: (voice) Okay... you guys want me to say it... so let's do it.

The chapter starts with a comic of Scarlet Spider falling on a table.

Jensen: (voice) My name is Jensen Banner.

Scene changes to a hand getting bitten by a spider which causes it to react negatively.

Jensen: (voice) I was born half a spider plus bitten by one-

Scene shows Jensen pushing about 4 cars though in a single lain, all at once, while sweating a lot in a junkyard.

Jensen: (voice) -and for the last 4 years and 15 days, I've been the one and only Scarlet-Spider.

Apart of that, Liz was there with a whistle also in gym clothes and hair on a ponytail.

Liz: Come on! Keep hitting those glutes! Come on!

Jensen: That's your aiming for? My ass?!

Jensen: (voice) And for the first time in my life... I'm happy, genuinely happy.

Scarlet-Spider now taller and bulkier landed on a roof, as he looks down to Manhattan in the night... night with no rain at all and the stars shining.

Scarlet: What a night.

Jensen: (voice) I started working out heavily, grow those muscles.

Jensen was now in a normal gym seeing Flash lifting a 60lbs barbell with slightly difficulty, but with great form and everything.

Jensen: Come on, 2 more reps.

Jensen: (voice) Got my drivers license.

Jensen is now shown in his drivers license, though he has black eyes instead of red... contact lenses he had to create.

Jensen: (voice) Mom and Hobie's dad seem to have been hitting each other. And we didn't react in the best way.

Jensen and Hobie also slightly grown both had bottles of sodas, and while Jensen was frozen, Hobie might have passed out, yeah he passed out, fell to the floor and everything.

Jensen: (voice) But I support it as well. Did some upgrades to my suit, you know bulking means also bigger clothes so-

Jensen was working on his suit, actually adding some stretch mechanic to it can adjust to his body shape.

Jensen: (voice) It was a success and I was lit on fire as well but we don't talk about that. Even with all that happiness... I still feel empty inside.

Scarlet was now seated in a ledge, as he pulls a photo from under his shirt armor in his belt, which was the photo Gwen took of them during the morning before Miles ripped the side of Gwen's hair. He then looked forward to Manhattan with shoulders down.

Jensen: (voice) I miss her, I really do.

Jensen was in an abandoned garage, working in a small machine that seemed to look like a miniature collider. He looks at it and slowly moves it so it can point into a certain direction. He grabs a remote to start the countdown, as when he goes to press it, small purple electricity releases from his thumb. He pressed the button and the collider countdown commences.

Jensen takes a step back very anxious to see the results of this one... the countdown goes from...

Voice: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1-

The countdown just reached to one... and the collider just exploded, very small explosion filled with purple electricity, as Jensen's hopes just fell after that. He lowered his arms disappointed.

Jensen: (voice) That was my 23rd attempt... it always ends the same way. Is like if God didn't want me to succeed in this.

Jensen: FUCK!!!

Jensen just swings a punch to the wall in the garage, punching through and quickly taking his fist off the wall. He was definitely panting in huge frustration and just looks down.

Jensen: (voice) I only knew her for slightly more than a week and she changed me so much. I did make peace with Liz but... guess old flames also take longer to put out, though we agreed to be just friends. That attempt was 4 weeks ago, but I must keep trying... but is the risk even worth it? Making a collider could create a hole through space and time, make a crack through the dimensional barrier that separates us, it can damage the web.

Scene returns to Scarlet-Spider seated in the ledge with the photo on hand, just to put it back on his belt.

Jensen: (voice) Cassandra Webb hasn't called me yet for the journey of a lifetime. The Totem told me about this Mirrorverse, the 5th dimension, a realm beyond our own 4th dimensional multiverse, is the reason why there's Infinite Multiverses in all of creation, the Web is long enough to cover it... the other multiverse are mirrors to each other, but like a mirror, is not a exact replica, there's small changes to it. I'm also trying to figure out who's my genetic father... and understanding my own genetic code... but it is all a mystery still... and one I wanna get over it.

Scarlet then just gets up from the ledge while his lenses showed a saddened expression. He heard something on his ear, which sounded like a walkie talkie, he checks his belt, seeing his radio, which was connected to his mask.

(Starts music)

???: (radio) Scarlet, can you hear me?

The voice was a female, as Scarlet taps his mask.

Scarlet: Yeah, loud and clear, Captain. What's wrong?

Captain: (radio) Dead body in East of Harlem, Park Avenue. You'll see where.

Scarlet: In building?

Captain: (radio) Yeah, how long till you arrive?

Scarlet: Not long, 2 minutes at best, I'll see you there.

He ends the call as he gives little jumps while showing some excitement.

Scarlet: Finally some entertainment.

Scarlet just leaps off the building, quickly doing a free fall just to shoot a web from his back wrist and web swing without any fear, in direction to Harlem.

He then releases his web and keeps going forward, web swinging with intense speed and ferocity. He then gets a call, definitely not from the radio but from his phone, as he answers it still not knowing who it is... but oh well.

Scarlet: Hello?

???: (phone) Jay, where are you?

Scarlet quickly recognized that voice, Liz's voice.

Scarlet: Hey, Liz! Yeah, I was finishing the shift but I got a call from Yuri, a crime scene in Harlem.

Liz: (phone) Harlem? Thought that place was safe.

Scarlet: Yeah, I thought that too. How long till the game starts?

Liz: (phone) Like 5 minutes.

Scarlet: Then I'll miss the opening and seeing you cheerleading.

Liz: (phone) That's what you're sad of missing?

Scarlet: Yeah... a little bit.

Liz: (phone) Little bit?

Scarlet: Maybe more? Um, talk to you later!

He quickly hangs up the call and keeps swinging, running on a wall and everything. He landed on a roof, quickly running on all fours for a second and quickly leaping to shoot his web once more. He releases and shoots two webs to slingshot forward which he does and opens his web wings and flying directly.

(Stops music)

Now the chapter moves to the building where the crime scene is, with dozens of cop cars parked in front and the yellow tape as well. There were also cops stopping people from walking in that building, as Scarlet lands in the building in front, seeing the cops there.

Scarlet: Dammit... cops are there, and my reputation is still fifty-fifty.

His suit started to bend light and turned invisible, as he leaps towards the wall, as he started crawling around it, looking for a window, the place was an old apartment. He kept crawling and found an empty room, though window was closed and locked. He used his index finger talon to make a circle and cut the glass. He pops the cut glass of its place, but quickly catches it to not break it in the building... would make a sound. He quickly unlocks the window and opens it, entering through and closing it... perfect entrance... and silent.

Scarlet looked around the filthy room, definitely not been cleaned in a long while, as he walks to the empty door frame and walks to the door that leads to the hallway. He opens it and closes it and looks around, he could tell people were taken out of the building due to the murder... and he could hear the voices from the cops in the floor above. He started walking in the hallway, towards the stairs that would lead him to the 3rd floor. He also activated the sound bending ability the suit had... short words, he was not making a single sound. He got in the stairs slowly walking to the slabs in it, but he quickly jumped to the wall and sticked to it as there were way too many cops... so he moves to the "roof" of the floor.

Cop #1: Freak had it coming.

Cop #2: Why?

Cop #1: Haven't you seen his criminal record? Murder, Robbery, Sexual Assault, Drug Possession, Trafficking, the guy had it coming, it was about time someone took him off the table.

Cop #2: I mean... yeah I see your point. You think it was the spider?

Cop #1: Who else could it be? That guy murders people and the worse the crime, the worse the murder is.

Cop #2: Are you rooting for the spider? In him murdering people?

Cop #1: I would be lying if I said no, streets have been cleaner ever since he decided to do what has to be done.

Cop #2: (shocked) I can't believe what I'm hearing right now.

Scarlet: (mentally) Seems the damage is still showing... god if I could take back what I did.

He kept crawling on the roof very silently, as he saw where the largest amount of cops were, as he crawls towards the door, he grabs the door frame and used it as a leverage to pull himself into the door... he then saw about 2 cops there, though one lacked the proper uniform of one and was just in a black jacket, jeans and high boots, definitely equipped with all the weapons of a cop. She had black hair up to her shoulder and was of asian heritage... yeah... that's Captain Yuri Watanabe.

He looked down, dropping on the floor where there was no crime... he could see many forensics there, he saw the body, he had a sword impaled on his back, the room which was the living room was completely shattered.

Cop #3: They've checked the entire place, they only saw another pair of feet, size 10, male.

Yuri: Let me guess, another goddamn vigilante?

Cop #3: Honestly, not sure.

Scarlet looked down, looking at the foot prints, he definitely saw 2 pairs of shoes... one which belonged to this deceased murderer, and the other ones were the killer's... whoever it was. He looked at Yuri, as he jumped to a wall and positioned himself looking forward towards them... as he scratches his throat while they talked.

Scarlet: Hey, Cap.

The cop, Yuri and the forensics completely looked at the direction of the voice, as Scarlet made himself visible, as he waved.

Cop #3: When did you get here?!

Scarlet: Um, maybe a minute ago?

Yuri: I called him to see this Crime Scene:

Cop #3: Is he even allowed to be here?!

Scarlet: I mean, I'm a vigilante so technically no but at the same time, I'm a vigilante, I bend the rules. Plus I'm not forensics, so I can't help much there, but I am a good Chemist and Geneticist.

Yuri: (annoyed) Spider.

Scarlet: Yeah, yeah.

Then a forensic scientist walks towards them after after investigating the body.

Scientist #1: Captain, um... Scarlet-Spider.

Scarlet just had his arms crossed as she looks at him, just to look at Yuri.

Yuri: What did you find?

Scientist #1: Apart of the footsteps, the sword and the broken tables, nothing. The murderer entered here, no footprints in the door, but they lead to the window.

Scarlet looked at it, but looked to the roof later... odd... there were cuts in the roof floor.

Scarlet: What about the roof?

Scientist #1: E-Excuse me?

Scarlet: The roof. There's cuts... cracks and... a knife.

Yuri shines a light to the roof, seeing the knife impaled... as Scarlet shoots a web to it and pulls it, grabbing it.

Cop #3: What are you doing? You're contaminating-

Scarlet: I have gloves... and I made sure they're clean and they won't contaminate.

Scarlet looks at the knife, as he looks to the edges of the blades but more specifically, the form of the knife, the blade was slightly tilted, as he looks at the handle.

Scarlet: Himalayan Kukri... some of the Inner Demons from Martin Li used them.

Yuri: Li's gone... ever since the mumbo jumbo wormhole months ago happened, he never reappeared, his energy signatures even disappeared forever.

Scarlet: And he is gone... he was... murdered.

Scarlet said that with a dark tone which the cop looked at Yuri and she looked back at him slightly confused.

Scarlet: I tried to save him but... I failed to do it, he was murdered, killed after that. The blade doesn't belong to the his gang, is someone new, definitely.

Yuri: (annoyed) Of course it is.

???: What is going on here?!

They looked to the door and saw a guy with a jacket and tie, good pants and shoes. That guy was definitely the commissioner, Commissioner Taylor Eli.

Yuri: I asked him to come here, sir.

Taylor: Him?! Have you forgotten what he has done the last few months? Both a goddamn vigilante and murderer!

Scarlet: Talk about the obvious.

The commissioner looked at him confused and angered at his comment.

Taylor: Excuse me?

Scarlet: There's a crime scene just 5 feet away from you and you want me arrested for vigilanteism and murder, I get the 2nd one but the first? At this point I'm doing a better job than you putting criminals behind bars.

Taylor: I am not gonna take the word of a vigilante as a fact.

Scarlet: Yeah... but you do take Norman Osborn's word and dick right up to your mouth, just like how you like it, huh?

Yuri: Scarlet, enough!

Scarlet: Fine. Guess I'll let you folks handle the crime scene, I ain't even good with them.

Scarlet just moves to the window and opens it, just to swing away from the scene, as the commissioner scoffs at his words.

Taylor: May God take away his life.

Yuri looks at the commissioner after that with a small frown after that comment... slightly unnecessary, same as Scarlet's who left the blade in the ledge of the window... but she could definitely tell his comment was... slightly justified and accurate.

Midtown High School

(Starts music)

The football game has already started... at least the intro for the game, the game was Midtown High vs Eleanor Roosevelt High School. From afar, Scarlet Spider was swinging at intense speed, as he landed behind the school, as a web thwip was heard, as now Scarlet appears without his suit on, but wearing a hoodie with ripped jeans and his red and black retros, but he realizes that, as he even had his red sunglasses on... but the mask as well, as he quickly rips the mask off his head and puts his sunglasses and also with a backpack on his back, he quickly puts his mask there and runs forward.

There was cheerleading in the grass where the football game was gonna take place, as Jensen runs but later starts walking as he sees some people by the entrance to the bleachers. He starts to walk by some people, managing to not bump into anyone but still going rather quickly. He reaches the stairs to go up the bleachers, but goes to the handles in the ledge, seeing the cheerleaders, but more specifically he is seeing Liz from afar, her hair in a pony tail, with green and orange color clothes and the tiger symbol in her back shirt.

Jensen: Thank god I got here in time.

???: Jay?

Jensen hears a voice behind, as he looks back as he puts a shocked face, as he sees a short girl, like 4'11 almost five feet tall, her hair was pitch black up to her shoulders though in a ponytail, with curtain bangs, black eyeglasses and with brace. She actually wore a black shirt with black shorts and converse, as she ate cotton candy.

Jensen: No way, Angelina?

Angelina: Oh my god, hi!

She just jumped and hugged Jensen who hugged her back though in a tight hug.

Jensen: It's been so long! Girl, how are you?

She lets go as she returns to eat her cotton candy.

Angelina: I'm actually pretty good, you've changed a bit, even wearing sunglasses?

Jensen: U-Um, yeah, photophobia. But... yeah, you... you haven't changed much.

Angelina: I mean... I got braces.

Jensen: I noticed, are you from Eleanor High?

Angelina: Yeah, been going there for 4 or 5 years.

Jensen: I would've visited you if I knew, but... again, I'm so glad to see you. You came alone?

Angelina: Yeah, my sister just... decided not to come. Usually the roles are reversed but, more reason to go if I knew you studied here.

Jensen: Yeah... I can relate to that.

He heard a whistle and looked at the bleachers seeing Hobie and Ned there, Betty as well. Angelina looked in that direction and saw them.

Angelina: Your friends?

Jensen: Yeah... are friends of yours also here?

Angelina: Some, but short answer, yes.

Jensen: Oh, well guess I'll leave you to that, do you have a phone?

Angelina: Um, yeah, let me guess, phone number?

Jensen: Yeah...

Angelina shakes her head as she asks for his phone, in which he gives it to her after unlocking it, as she goes to Contacts and starts putting her number in it.

Jensen: So... what has happened in your life since we last saw each other?

Angelina: Not much, apart of the braces, um, I have already planned what I'm gonna do after school, as in, in college.

Jensen: Really? What are you aiming for?

Angelina: For now, Forensic Biology, what about you?

Jensen: I still don't know, might pull off some craziness and aim for Quantum Chemistry, or maybe Biology and Genetics, I think I can pull off being a geneticist.

Angelina: I genuinely thought you would work as a mechanic engineer or something similar.

Jensen: I did win the Science Fair years ago, I'm up for the challenge.

Angelina: If you say so. Here.

She gives him, his phone back with her number in it and everything.

Angelina: For in case you want to call and catch up, like the old days.

Jensen: Well... yeah, thanks.

Angelina: Great... um... see you later.

Jensen: Um, yeah, yeah, later.

Angelina waved at him eating her cotton candy, as he waved back though he could feel a slight burn on his cheeks, as he walked back to the stairs, with Betty, Hobie and Ned looking at him, though Hobie and Ned with a cocky smile.

Hobie: So, gonna share the girl's name, mate?

Jensen: Is just an old friend.

Ned: Just an old friend?

Jensen: Yes! An old... friend.

Hobie: Didn't look like that, bruv.

Betty: We support you in this reunion turned to relationship.

Jensen looks at the three with a very grumpy looked.

Jensen: I fucking hate you all.

Ned: Geez... grumpy.

Jensen growls with arms crossed as he looks at the game about to start, and with Flash as team captain... yeah, Jensen was almost 100% sure today was Midtown's day to kick the other school's ass... as of now, the night as of now is great...

(Stops music)


Gunshots were heard as there were four people with masks running away with cases and also gun armed. People screamed as they saw them with guns though the fact that they were running away was also concerning.

Mugger #1: Get out of the way!

They kept running as there were cops behind them, just two cops, as the mugger in the far back shot at one of the cops and another scream was heard after hearing the gun.

Mugger #2: Move, move!

They ran from one street to another and pushed a civilian. They kept running till their feet gave up completely, as running by some poles, the same mugger shot back, this time hitting a cop, which was a female, and the other cop stayed back to check on his partner. They took a right turn quickly after that for a gap advantage.

Mugger #1: Move the hell out of the way!

They kept running, but sadly the cop managed to catch up to one of the muggers who pases by a married couple, and the cop tackled the mugger to the ground. The cop which rolled and pulled out his gun towards the mugger who was about to grab his again.

Cop: (with gun in his hands) Drop the gun!

The mugger did managed to get the gun... but as he was in his back, he wouldn't be able to shoot without the cop shooting first. He drops the gun and keeps his empty hand up.

Cop: Drop the gun and stay on the ground-

He couldn't even react this time, as he was caught off handed and the mugger slams the case to the cop's head... but the case opens dropping some diamonds. The mugger quickly grabs the gun and goes to shoot the cop, in which the cop looks in a bit of fear and raises his hands, as the mugger goes to pull the trigger, he was pulled back by something, the cop couldn't even see who it was. The cop heard punches and grunts, and even heard a gunshot, as the cop walks slowly to where the mugger was pulled to which was to an alley, but the mugger gets thrown with a lot of force, as the cop looks to the alley... seeing no one there... a ghost decided to serve justice it seems.

The remaining muggers entered a Chinese restaurant but entered the kitchen, rather the main entrance. They kept running and pushing some of the chefs, until one of them heard a step, in which he quickly looks back, but he was pulled as well by something, as the chefs couldn't even see who it was, but heard the sound of something bashing into the aluminum table, and it was heard four times, and the mugger was thrown to the floor, gasping and without the mask, as two of the chefs in anger started hitting the mugger, and one checked for who did it... but there was no one. The two remaining muggers kept running, until a car quickly stopped and hit the mugger in front, while the other kept running away. The mugger pulled out his gun and quickly pointed at the male driver.

Mugger #3: You get out of the car!

The driver slowly lifted his hands up though keeping his composure but at the same time, scared.

Mugger #1: Get out of the car now!

He demanded again, just for the driver see a black slightly armored hand with yellow stripes smash the mugger hard, but not enough to break the glass but crack it, as the driver looks at who did it.

???: Call 911.

The driver slightly nodded though in shock, as the figure just leaped over the car. There was now a group of people in the entrance to a house, talking and hearing music, but they didn't even realized the mugger that was coming.

Mugger #1: You! You!

They quickly heard him, until he grabbed the person closest to him which was a girl, definitely in her 20's or something, and wrapped an arm around her to stop her from getting away as she screamed.

Mugger #1: Stay calm!

Boy #1: Call the cops!

Girl: Let me go! Please put me down!

She kept screaming as the mugger took her to a door which was actually to a small cathedral... what he didn't know is that he entered God's place... and God has already sent someone to punish him for his sins.

Mugger/Girl: Shut up! Shut up!/Help! Anybody, please help!

The man kept walking back with a gun in her head and the case also in hand, as he pointed the gun to the door, where he was sure the cops would enter through, also he was panting a lot. He kept walking back in complete fear of what might happen next... until the lights went out, but not switched off... broken. They broke in a very quick succession, but he could hear something was thrown to break them. He got so scared he shot to where he thought this person was, or where he thought he was. He then looked back at the door in which he looked in pure shock and fear... he could even feel his skin turn white and his heart beat at almost 200 beats per minute.

There was a figure already there, though the place was dark, he could definitely see the red eyes of this person... and horns that were like the devil's. The figure took slow steps though not to be careful... but to intimidate the mugger, as the mugger also taking steps back, pulled the trigger and started shooting. The cops arrived moments later, and kicked through the door with guns in their hands ready to shoot... but what they saw was... good. The girl who was kidnapped was crying... with the mugger in the floor and unmasked, knocked out, bleeding from its head. The cops slowly lowered the gun seeing the girl intact, as outside, the group of friends trying to get to the scene, as they all had a face of relief when they saw her walk out uninjured. New York has Scarlet-Spider as their hero... but not everywhere... as from the roof stood the very person who saved that girl, God sent someone to punish the sins of that person... he sent The Devil to do it, as the person had a red suit/body armor, with yellow armor in his arms and legs, a baton in his waist with a black and yellow horned helmet with red eyes... that was Hell's Kitchen, and their protector... Daredevil.

First chapter of this new arc is here folks, yes, Daredevil will be a main character in this arc, he is actually in his 3rd year as a vigilante in this book, but wanted to add him, I actually have wanted to add him for a while.

Regarding who is Angelina, I'm telling you as of now, she is an OC so you won't find her in any Marvel Database. Again, hope you enjoyed this chapter, vote for it, comment if you want and night folks.

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