Ahsoka X Male Reader

By Ninneko7

51.2K 1.4K 114

Y/N L/N is a soldier who lost his parents. Became a trooper to fight alongisde the Republic. Y/N would excel... More

Ahsoka's Acceptance
Jabba's Son
Mission Accomplished
Rescue Mission
Dangerous Plan
Destroying the Malevolence
Droid Rescue
Ship Raid
A Little Hangout
Defend the Lurmens
The Virus
The Antidote
Ahsoka's First Command
Enemy Breach
Little Competition
Destroying the Factory
Geonosian Worms
Becoming a Padawan
Stolen Lightsaber
Helping Bounty Hunters
Corrupt Government
Ahsoka's Visions
Politics About War
Mysterious Planet
The Paths
Breaking Out a Jedi
Escaping Citadel
Being Hunted
Hunter Becomes Prey
Unfateful Day
Slave Trader
Jedi Slaves
Death Watch
Starkiller's Identity
The Only Love
The Gathering & Pirates
Ex-Sith Alliance
Girlfriend to the Rescue
Quiet Life
Little Reunion
Father & Son
Ending the War
New Life
Thank You

Anakin's Injury

1K 23 0
By Ninneko7

As the war continued to rage in the outer rim. Y/N, Ahsoka, and Anakin were in the Quell System but they quickly raced across the galaxy to aid Jedi Knight Aayla Secura. Who was fighting for her life as the sinister droid army close in.

Anakin: Prepare the gunships.

Y/N, Ahsoka, and Anakin quickly ran to the ships and they all got in with the clones. Y/N gave the signal as the hangar door opened and they all flew out to help Aayla. But the new Super Droids changed their focus on them.

Anakin: Those droids are boarding Aayla's ship. I'll be on board Aayla's cruiser.

Ahsoka: Master, are you sure that's the wisest thing- (Anakin jumps off & lands on a Super Droid)

Y/N draws his blaster and shoots at the droid. But the pilot quickly jumped into the back as Rex quickly caught him since the Super Droid almost killed him. But there was no one piloting the ship and the ship was flying towards the cruiser.

Y/N: Ahsoka!

Ahsoka: I know I'm hanging on!

The ships crash into the hole of the cruiser but everyone was safe. Y/N, Ahsoka, Rex, and their squad quickly jumped out and started fighting back against the droids. They all quickly ran to get past all of the droids to regroup with Anakin who has met up with Aayla.

Ahsoka destroyed three droids one the way as she saw Anakin being pinned from both sides. Y/N shoots two of the droids behind Anakin with his newly upgraded revolver blaster as they dropped to the ground in an instant.

Aayla: Nice entrance, Skywalker. How do you plan to get us out of this mess?

Anakin: Well, I have a ship docking in the lower hangar as we speak.

Ahsoka: We made it. (opens the door)

Suddenly an explosion occured inside the cruiser. Y/N got to the control panel to shut the door so the droids couldn't follow them. But Anakin turned around and saw the flames coming towards them. Anakin "Force Pushed" Y/N, Ahsoka, and the others into the docking tunnel as the door closed. Anakin did his best to stop the explosion but it didn't work and so he was caught in the blast.

Ahsoka: (presses on com-link) Don't move the ship!

Y/N and Ahsoka quickly opened the door to see Anakin was badly injured. Y/N quickly brought Anakin into the tunnel as he was carried to the medical room.

As the ship escaped from the cruiser they were on their way to board Anakin's cruiser during battle but one of the pilots ended up getting shot as the body activated the hyperdrive. The co-pilot tried to disable it but it didn't work the controls were damaged. They quickly detached as they launched into hyperspace.

While Y/N and Ahsoka were in the medical room with Anakin who was badly injured from the explosion that occured.

Aayla: (walks into the room) I need you with Commander Bly up on the bridge right now.

Y/N: I should stay. Commander Bly doesn't need my help. Anakin does.

Aayla: You can help Anakin by getting this ship to safety.

Bly: General, we have a problem.

Aayla: What is it, Commander?

Bly: In our haste to escape, the navicomputer's coordinates were inputted incorrectly. And, well, we're headed right for a star.

Y/N: *sighs* Then, let's hurry.

Y/N, Ahsoka, Aayla, and Bly quickly ran to the cockpit. Y/N quickly got into the chair and saw the controls were damaged.

Bly: It's no use. The navigation computer's completely fried.

Y/N: Shut down all power circuts to reset the coordinates.

Ahsoka: That will cut off Anakin's life support.

Y/N: Rex, bring this to Anakin and connect his life support to it.

Rex: Roger! (leaves the room)

Y/N: Switching off primary power units!

Ahsoka: Ready to shut off auxiliary power.

Y/N: On three. One, two, three. (Aayla turns off the auxiliary power)

The whole ship stops going into hyperspace. Ahsoka, Aayla, and Rex tried to reach for the switch but the ship was going to fast that they couldn't reach it. Ahsoka used the "Force" to flip the switch to activate power. Y/N was able to control the ship a little better but as they entered the planet they ended up crashing.

Everybody was able to escape after Y/N got Anakin out of the medical room just in time before the ship exploded. Y/N gives Anakin to Rex so that he could put him in a little tent that they made for him.

Ahsoka: Y/N, you okay?

Y/N: Yeah... I'm fine...

Aayla: Thank you, Captain Y/N.

Y/N: No problem. How's Anakin?

Rex: He's alive but he's still badly injured. We need to find help or else he probably isn't going to make it.

Ahsoka: Okay, Master Aayla, Bly, you two go south. Y/N and I will stay here with Anakin and Rex.

Aayla: No, Ahsoka. In order to get help quickly, we must work together.

Ahsoka: We can't leave him. Master, I know if I was hurt, he'd never leave me behind.

Aayla: I know this is hard, Ahsoka. But Anakin has to stay behind, and we have to go now. There is nothing more we can do for him.

Y/N: She's right... Rex, keep an eye on Anakin. I want you three to stay here and be on guard. We'll go find help.

Rex: Good luck.

Y/N: Let's go.

Y/N, Ahsoka, Aayla, and four clones went with them to start their search for civilization but they were also given a clue after one of the clones found a drawing that was made on a piece of wood.

After they had left the crash site Y/N was walking ahead of the others due to him being angry that Anakin got hurt. Aayla was able to sense it from him and she looked at Ahsoka.

Aayla: I can still sense your worry for Anakin, your attachtment to him.

Ahsoka: It's just... I get so confused sometimes. It's forbidden for Jedi to form attachments, yet we are supposed to be compassionate.

Aayla: It is nothing to be ashamed of, Ahsoka. I went through the same process when I was your age with my own Master.

Ahsoka: Really? You?

Aayla: He was like a father to me. I realized that for the greater good, I had to let him go. Don't lose a thousand lives just to save one.

Ahsoka: Maybe. But that doesn't mean I can't ry to save his life.

Aayla: I also sense that you are the same for, Captain Y/N.

Ahsoka: Y/N, is the only person who is my age that I can really connect with. He's the coolest person I have ever met. But I always worry about him since he's not like us but an actual person and not a clone.

Aayla: I understand. It is not forbidden for a Jedi to give their trust to a person that they've been through together. It is best you talk to him. I can feel that he is upset about Anakin's injury.

Ahsoka: Right. (quickly runs next to Y/N) Hey.

Y/N: What?

Ahsoka: Can we talk?

Y/N: I don't feel like talking.

Ahsoka: Y/N, please... I know you're worried about Anakin. If you're angry at yourself don't be. There was nothing that you could've done to help him from that explosion.

Y/N: It should've been me taking that explosion... not him.

Ahsoka: Do you think he would want that? He would rather put himself at risk than having you do it. I know the attachments that you and him have. You two are like brothers and you will always have each others back no matter what the situation is. So, don't be angry at yourself okay? We're out here for a reason to find help for him.

Y/N: Right... Thanks, Ahsoka.

Ahsoka: Just come to me whenever you want to talk okay?

Y/N: I'm always here to when you need me.

Aayla couldn't help but smile at the two because of their connection to each other. But she heard a strange sound coming from the bushes and three creatures suddenly came out running at them. Y/N was able to kill one of the creatures but the other bit Y/N's arm. Bly quickly shoots at the creature's leg and it ran away.

Ahsoka: Y/N, you okay?!

Y/N: I'm fine. Damn, that thing can bite...

Bly: What was that?

Y/N: I have no idea.

Aayla: We must hurry.

Y/N, Ahsoka, Aayla, and Bly decided to make a full sprint as they continued to follow the path that they found on the way for their search for civilization.

(Many Hours Later)

After fully sprinting they had finally found a village of Lurmens that were living on this planet. Y/N, Ahsoka, Aayla, and Bly made their way down to the village but the villagers were very cautious after seeing them up close.

Ahsoka: Hello?

Lurmen Chief: What have you come here for?

Aayla: We are peacekeepers. We are Jedi from the Galactic Republic. Our ship crashed a few miles away, and one of us is very badly injured. We need your help.

Lurmen Chief: Violence breeds violence. Jedi are no peacekeepers.

Ahsoka: We're fighting for freedom.

Lurmen Chief: And freedom and peace require fear and death? We colonized this sytem to find solace from your wretched war. We came here to find peace. You must leave. You will only destroy what small amount of peace is left in the galaxy. You will only bring the destruction of us.

Aayla: Regardless of the Clone Wars and our part in them, we still need your help.

Lurmen Chief: I'm afraid I must do what's best for my people. We cannot help you.

Y/N: Please. Can you give us medical supplies? My brother is dying...

Lurmen Chief: I cannot ignore a plea for help. I will send my som Wag Too to help your brother. He is a healer. But only one Jedi may go with him. The other must stay as insurance. We wouldn't want a surprise attack on our village, or the kidnapping of our only healer.

Aayla: Bly and I will stay. Padawan, Y/N, go and help Anakin.

Lurmen Chief: No, the clone and his blastsr cannot stay. He will go with the younglings.

Y/N: General, we'll handle it. The creatures are still out there but I'll make sure we'll get back to the crash site safely.

Aayla: All right.

Y/N: Let's move!

Y/N, Ahsoka, Bly, and Wag Too quickly ran back to the crash site leaving Aayla at the village to hold their end of the deal to earn their trust.

(Crash Site)

After they were able to get help, Y/N, Ahsoka, Bly, and Wag Too made their way back to the crash site but they saw that Rex and Anakin were in trouble since the creatures surrounded them. Rex shot one in the head but the other knocked Rex back and Anakin dived to dodge its attack but was still very much in pain.

Wag Too pulled out a rope and dodged the creature's attack. He quickly ran around the creature as he was able to wrap the rope around its leg. Wag Too pulled the rope as Y/N and Ahsoka quickly ran to help. They all pulled on the rope making the creature fall to its side. Wag Too ran and tied the creature's legs to make it stop attacking.

Y/N: Anakin!

Anakin: Good to see you both...

Ahsoka: This is Wag Too. He can make you well again.

Wag Too: Don't you worry. I can fix you right up.

Anakin: Thank you.

Y/N: Rex, what happened to the other three?

Rex: Those creatures got them... I tried.

Y/N: Let's get out of here.

Rex: Right.

Y/N puts Anakin on a stretcher that they made so they could carry him to the village which of course Y/N and Bly took that role to carry him back while Ahsoka and Rex were protecting them in case those creatures were following them.

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