☯☼🏮Ninjago: The Master of Cr...

By boris_5382

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This story is about a girl named Coral. She is the Magenta Ninja and the Elemental Master of Crystal. She is... More

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Never trust a Snake
Can of Worms
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Once Bitten Twice Shy
The Royal Blacksmiths
The Green Ninja
All of Nothing
The Rise of the Great Devourer
Day of the Great Devourer
Darkness Shall Rise
Double Trouble
Ninjaball Run
Child's Play
Wrong Place Wrong Time
The Stone Army
The Day Ninjago Stood Still
The Last Voyage
Island of Darkness
The Last Hope
Return of the Overlord
Rise of the Spinjitzu Master
The Surge
The Art of the Silent Fist
The Curse of the Golden Master
Enter the Digiverse.
Codename: Arcturus
The Void
The Titanium Ninja
The Invitation
Only One Can Remain
Ninja Roll
Spy for a Spy
The Forgotten Element
The Day of the Dragon
The Greatest Fear of All
The Corrider of Elders
Winds of Change
Ghost Story
Stiix and Stones
The Temple on Haunted Hill
Kingdom Come
The Crooked Path
Grave Danger
Curseworld, Part I
Curseworld, Part II
Public Enemy Number One
Misfortune Rising
On a Wish and a Prayer
My Dinner With Nadakhan
The Last Resort
Operation Land Ho!
The Way Back
Day of the Departed
The Hands of Time
The Hatching
A Time of Traitors
A Line in the Sand
The Attack
Secrets Discovered
Pause and Effect
Out of the Fire and Into the Boiling Sea
Lost in Time
The Mask of Deception
The Jade Princess
The Oni and the Dragon
Snake Jaguar
Dead Man's Squall
The Quiet One
Game of Masks
Dread on Arrival
True Potential
Big Trouble, Little Ninjago
Iron & Stone
Radio Free Ninjago
How to Build a Dragon
The Gilded Path
Two Lies, One Truth
The Weakest Link
Saving Faith
Lessons for a Master
Green Destiny
The Darkness Comes
Into The Breach
The Fall
Wasted True Potential
Questing for Quests
A Rocky Start
The Belly of the Beast
Boobytraps and How to Survive Them
Ninja vs Lava
Ancient History
Under Seige
The Explorer's Club
Vengeance is Mine!
A Cold Goodbye
The Never-Realm
Fire Maker
An Unlikely Ally
The Message
The Traveler's Tree
Krag's Lament
Secret of the Wolf
My Enemy, My Friend
A Fragile Hope
Once and for All
Would You Like to Enter Prime Empire?
Dyer Island
Level Thirteen
Superstar Rockin' Jay
The Glitch
The Cliffs of Hysteria
The Maze of the Red Dragon
One Step Foreward, Two Steps Back
Racer Seven
The Speedway Five-Billion
Stop, Drop and Side Scroll
Ninjago Confidential
The Prodigal Father
The Temple of Madness
Game Over
Into the Dark
The Worst Rescue Ever
The Two Blades
Queen of the Munce
Trial By Mino
The Skull Sorcerer
The Real Fall
Dungeon Crawl
Masters Never Quit
The Darkest Hour
The Ascent
The Upply Strike Back!
The Son of Lilly
The Uncharted Island
A Big Splash
The Call of the Deep
Five Thousand Fathoms Down
The Wrath of Kalmaar
Long Live The King
Escape from Merlopia
The Storm Amulet
Riddle of the Sphinx
Master of the Sea
The Calm Before the Storm
Assault on Ninjago City
The Turn of the Tide
Farewell the Sea
The Shape of Nya
A Mayor Problem
Public Enemies 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6!
A Painful Promise
Ninjago City vs. Ninja
Kryptarium Prison Blues
Hounddog McBrag
The Benefit of Grief
The Fifth Villain
The Council of the Crystal King
The Spider's Design
The Fall of the Monastery
Darkness Within
The Coming of the King
Return to Primeval's Eye
A Lesson in Anger
Brave but Foolish
Quittin' Time
Return of the Ice Emperor

Pirates vs Ninja

188 8 0
By boris_5382

(The episode starts as a flashback of Captain Soto and his crew trying to find the Dark Island.)

Narrator: Two hundred years ago.

Soto: (Writing in his journal.) "We have spent months searching for this fabled Island of Darkness, but all my eyes have seen is ocean. I fear my crew has given up, but I hold out hope that it exists. -Captain Soto" (He then stores his journal in a hidden compartment before checking up on his crew.)

Crew: Hardy, hardy, hardy, ho. Hey, we all in a yo-yo-yo.

Soto: This is no time for fooling around. Who's steering the ship?

Pirate: Don't worry, captain. No-Eyed Pete is behind the wheel.

Soto: No! Not No-Eyed Pete!

Parrot: Awk, left! No, the other left!

Pirate: (Sees something ahead) The Island of Darkness?

Soto: No, you fool. (He takes the wheel.) He's steered us back to Ninjago. All hands on deck! Brace for impact!

(The ship sinks, killing everyone on board. The flashback ends.)

(In the present time, Lloyd is punching Kai's hands while the latter wears oven mitts.)

Kai: Good, keep it up.

Lloyd: Ha! Fists of fury! Unh! You can't even see 'em move, I'm so fast! Ha!

Kai: Save the gloating. It can only be used against you by your enemy.

Lloyd: Oh, please. I'm ready to face whatever you throw at me. (He kicks Kai until he is thrown backwards.)

Kai: Whoa, grasshopper. You're not even ready to face my pinky toe. (He wiggles his left foot to emphasize his point. Behind Lloyd, Wu is observing the session.)

Wu: I see the student has become the teacher. You will learn fast, Lloyd, with lessons from the five ninja.

Coral: Great, now that lesson is over, how about some target practice...on Kai?

Wu: You'll each get your turn, but first, I don't want you to be late for your next lesson with Nya and Amethyst.

Lloyd: Aww, but when will I learn Spinjitzu?

Wu: (Sighs) Patience. It will only be unlocked when the key is ready to be found.

(Lloyd groans and walks away to meet up with Nya.)

Cole: Ha, sounds familiar?

Kai: I wasn't that whiny.

Zane: No, you were worse.

Coral: A lot worse.

Kai: Hey!

Jay: Hehe. Guys, I know we're trying to prepare Lloyd for the future, but it's hard to give him the best training in these conditions.

Cole: Jay's right. I miss the Destiny's Bounty. Too bad it's gone.

Wu: Hmm. I see your point. Perhaps we could find somewhere else to aid his journey.

(Lloyd finds Amethyst and Nya on the roof with the Ultra Dragon.)

Nya: Now that I've given him his medicine, he should be able to fly properly soon. But it's important to take care of him because one day, he'll be yours.

Lloyd: Uh, mine. Really!

Amethyst: Sure. The elemental dragons were loyal to the four ninja. But Ultra Dragon, he's meant for the Green Ninja to ride.

Lloyd: Whoa! I never knew that.

Nya: See? Even a samurai like myself can teach you a thing or two.

Amethyst: Ahem?

Nya: Oh, with a little extra help of course.

Lloyd: But, uh, I don't know how to fly.

Nya: It's all in the legs.

Amethyst: Or in a dragon's case, the wings

Lloyd: Hehe.

Nya: He'll be the fastest and strongest Dragon in all of Ninjago. (Chuckles)

Lloyd: Looks like he's already feeling better.

Nya: Go try to get some air, big boy.

(The Dragon flies away. Later, the ninja are looking for a place to train Lloyd.)

Wu: It's time we search for a more suitable place to train Lloyd.

Jay: Oh, but Sensei, Ninjago City is huge. It'll take us all day to find it on foot.

Zane: And without our Golden Weapons, we have no Spinjitzu vehicles. How are we going to get around town?

Wu: You'll learn to travel with these. (He hands them a coin.)

Cole: What are those?

Wu: They can transport you anywhere you want to go in the city.

Cole: Like a magic portal?

Jay: Ooh! Or a Spinjitzu vortex?

Coral: Dude, they're coins. I thought you would know that from taking those jobs for some money to pay rent.

Cole: (Takes the coin and examines it) Hey, wait a minute, you're right. These are bus tokens. (Wu chuckles. )

(Meanwhile, Garmadon is trying to think of what to use his Mega Weapon on.)

Acidicus: So, what does it do?

Garmadon: The weapon possesses unspeakable powers.

Fangtom: Like what?

Garmadon: I told you, fool. They're unspeakable!

Skalidor: It kind of looks like you don't know how to use it.

Garmadon: Of course I know how to use it. I just don't have anything to use it on!

Serpentine: (Offscreen) Lord Garmadon! We spotted something! (It's the Ultra Dragon.)

Garmadon: Ah, the ninja's pet. What better way to test out the Mega Weapon's power. Keep up with him, you slithering idiots! Don't let him get away! Eliminate Dragon! (Nothing happens.) Keep it straight! Destroy! Fire! Annihilate! Bad Dragon! Shoot it down pretty, pretty please? I can't concentrate with us jostling around. (The ship stops and the Dragon flies away.) Obviously if I had a proper crew that could fly this ship, I would've had a clear shot. This is all your fault! (He walks away to below deck.) Aargh! They dare mock me?! Aah! How does this weapon work?! (He hits the Weapon against the desk, opening a secret compartment. There, he finds a journal.) Ah, what's this? "Captain Soto. Captain's log." You mean this ship belonged to a pirate crew long before the ninja ever had it? Now this crew sounds like they knew how to fly a ship. I wish they were here to show these scaly idiots how it's done. (The Weapon starts reacting.) What? What is happening? Ugh. The power of the Mega Weapon. It won't let me let go of it! I feel weak...

Soto: (Offscreen) All hands on deck!

Garmadon: What has it done?

Soto: (Offscreen) I am Captain Soto.

Garmadon: Captain Soto?

(In Ninjago City, the ninja stopped at a bus stop in front of Grand Sensei Dareth's Mojo Dojo.)

Cole: This is where Lloyd is going to train?

Jay: Hehe, it's better than our dumpy apartment.

Dareth: Welcome to Grand Sensei Dareth's Mojo Dojo. I am Grand Sensei Dareth, and I Dareth you to join my dojo. Heeya! (Grunts and gets stuck in the beaded door.)

Ninja: Uh. (Sighs)

Dareth: (Unties himself.) Face the wall of karate trophies. If you look closely, my name is on all of them. That is because I am a highly skilled karate machine.

Kai: Look, Dareth, we're wondering if we could share your dojo. You see, we've been put in charge of training this little guy to become the greatest ninja in all of Ninjago.

Dareth: Not possible, for I am the greatest in the land. How many trophies do you have?

Jay: Look, pal, we're the guys that just saved the city from that giant snake.

Dareth: Ha! Am I looking at Lord Garmadon? Because unless I'm stupid, and I'm not, Lord Garmadon destroyed the Devourer.

Jay: Hehe. That's been a huge misunderstanding. Actually, we were the ones who dest—

Coral: (Interrupts.) And if you are the greatest ninja in all the land, why didn't you destroy the Devourer?

Dareth: Well obviously I was too busy polishing my trophies. But I'll let you train here but only on one condition. You can defeat me. If you succeed, we will share the dojo. Unh! That's right. I, Grand Sensei Dareth, master of all animal fighting styles, challenge one of you to a battle. I know the tiger. Rawrr. The python. (Hisses) Penguin. Awk, awk! (Coral uses Spinjitzu on him.) How did you—

Coral: You might know animals, but we know Spinjitzu. And respect us ninja, got that?

Dareth: Yes. You can train in my dojo anytime.

Coral: Great thanks.

(Back at the Black Bounty, the Serpentine and Pirates are confused on why the other is on their ship.)

Garmadon: (To himself) When I wished it to destroy the Dragon, it wouldn't. But when I wished for a better crew...The Mega Weapon doesn't have the power to destroy, it only has the power to create!

Spitta: I still don't see how you got on our ship!

First Mate: Your ship? We built 'er! So why don't you slither yourself off the plank?

Garmadon: I finally have a crew I can be proud of. Batten down the hatches, fellas!

Soto: Who you calling "fellas", four arms?

Garmadon: Me, Lord Garmadon. I created you, you fool. I am your captain now.

Soto: Created me? I be Captain Soto, stealer of the seas. Raise your weapon!

Fang-Suei: (To Mezmo) The Mega Weapon must've created them. But now Garmadon's too weak to use it.

Soto: (To a pirate) Take it from him.

Garmadon: Ugh, no! Don't! It's too powerful! Only I can— (The pirate disappears in a golden light. Garmadon collapses and pants.) ...Only I have the power to wield the Mega Weapon. It may have drained my powers for now, but when my strength returns, I'll deal with you.

Soto: Then that's too bad for you, because we're taking back our ship! Lock him and all his reptilian friends into the brig!

Parrot: Awk, left! (No-Eyed Pete grabs Captain Soto.) No, your other left! Awk! (He locks the Serpentine and Garmadon in the brig. Soto and First Mate goes into the bridge.)

Soto: Someone's done something to my ship.

First Mate: (Sighs) She ain't like how we left her. (They both look at a raider scanner.)

Soto: Hm, must be some sort of treasure map. (He presses a button, making the ship fly.)

Parrot: Flying. Awk! Flying!

Soto: (Now at the deck with No-Eyed Pete) Ah, your bird speaks the truth. A flying ship! Oh, this is too good. Just wait till they get a load of us!

(The pirates head toward Ninjago.)

(The ninja are training Lloyd at the dojo.)

Jay: You must be light on your feet. Hiyah!

Cole: When you strike with your fists, concentrate. You may be small, but you're strong.

(Lloyd strikes the boards, making an earthquake. Everyone gasps as they are flown back.)

Jay: That was the power of the Scythe of Quakes. And you did it without the Golden Weapon!

Zane: That must be why you have the potential to be the greatest ninja. You can harness all of the Elemental Powers.

Lloyd: Really? Cool.

Wu: With this power, you must be careful. You must control it before it controls you.

Dareth: I have to admit, not bad for a kid. But instead of ten boards, how about fifty? Stack 'em, boys. (Wu sighs.)

Dareth: And perhaps if I, Grand Sensei Dareth, can break through them all, you will allow me to join your team and become...(puts on a ninja hood)...the Brown Ninja!

Jay: (Snickers) The Brown Ninja? You gotta be joking!

Cole: Sorry, pal. Club's already full.

Dareth: Okay, okay. Then maybe this demonstration of my superhuman strength may persuade you. Jeff, Phil, are we ready?

Jeffy and Phil: Yes, Grand Sensei Dareth.

Dareth: Observe. I call upon the greatest animal to give me strength, the Dragon. Heeyah! (He hits the boards, but screams in pain. Everyone but Jeffy and Phil, laughs at him.)

Jay: Oh, man. Ow!

Coral: (Winces.) Why did I feel that?

(In the city, everyone screams as they see the flying pirate ship.)

First Mate: What is this place, Cap'n?

Soto: A place to plunder. Never have my eyes seen such treasures. Boys, take whatever you want!

Business Woman: Are those pirates?

Soto: Fire! (He fires a cannonball at the window, making everyone scream.)

Postman: Great. Now what? (A pirate swipes his mail.) Hey, you can't do that!

Pirate: Hahahaha.

Soto: (Stands in front of a bus) Aye, a creature. Let's give him a taste of our steel. (The pirates start attacking the bus.) It surrenders and gives us its loot. Have at it, boys!

Jay: Oh, that's our ship!

Lloyd: But pirates?

Cole: Pirates haven't been around for centuries.

Zane: I sense Lord Garmadon is somehow behind this.

Lloyd: How are we gonna follow them?

Kai: (Holds out a bus token) Perhaps this can be of some use. (A bus driver stops.) I can't believe I'm saying this, but follow that ship! (The bus drives after the ship.) Ugh, I don't like the kid coming along. It's too dangerous.

Lloyd: Please, please, please. I'll be super good.

Zane: The powers inside you are still too great, too uncontrollable.

Cole: One of these days you'll be able to join us. Sorry kid.

(Lloyd groans. The ninja climbs onto the roof. Just as they were about to grab the ship's anchor, the bus stops for an old woman to cross the street.)

Jay: Come on, people. We're trying to save the city here!

Cole: It's getting away!

Woman: (Her bag rips open, spilling its content.) Oh!

(The ninja sigh.)

Coral: Here let me help you. (Picks up the contents and hands them to her.)

Woman: Thank you young lady. Here, take some candy for the road. (Hands her a piece.)

Coral: No problem, it's what we do.

(Dareth is on his dojo's rooftop.)

Dareth: This is my chance to prove they need the Brown Ninja. Let's do this. (He jumps onto the ship.) Heeyah! Surrender, or face the Brown Ninja.

Soto: Pajama Man! Get him!

Dareth: The wolf. (He howls.) The spider. (He chatters.) The hippo. (He snorts. Soto uses his sword to rip open Dareth's shirt.) Those swords are really sharp. (He is tied down.) Aw, nuts.

Soto: Mates, keep an eye out for any other silly masked pajama people.

Dareth: Oh! Please! Help!

Kai: (Sees him on board.) Ugh, dang it, Dareth.

Cole: We need to get onboard that ship.

Coral: But how? If they caught Dareth, they'll be expecting us.

Jay: (Sees a costume shop.) Ah-ha. There are other ways a ninja can hide in plain sight. (The ninja disguise themselves in pirate costumes.) Wow.

(They sneak aboard the ship.)

Soto: Hahaha! How about we have him walk the plank? (The pirates laugh.)

Dareth: You're making a big mistake. Don't make me call upon the Dragon.

Jay: (To Kai) We have to save him.

Kai: We can't get close enough without blowing our cover.

Soto: Who here wants to see him go splat? (The pirates cheer.)

Jay: Who here wants to see him live? (The pirates cheer, but died down in confusion.)

Coral: Uh, no one? Aye.

Soto: Hehe. The plank's getting shorter, huh?

Dareth: We don't need to do this, fellas. I'm a lousy martial artist. What I do, I wouldn't even call it an art. I know I'm a brown belt, but I painted it. And my trophies, they're all fake. (Kai and Jay groan. Dareth is pushed off the plank.) Aah!

Lloyd: Woo-hoo! (He saves Dareth on the Ultra Dragon.)

Dareth: I-I called the Dragon. I-I called the Dragon! (He laughs.)

Ninja: Ninja, go! (The ninja switch to their gis.)

Soto: More pajama men?

No-Eyed Pete: Where? I can't see.

Kai: Ninja versus pirates. Who will win?

(The fight commence. Zane uses smoke bombs and uses his shurikens to stick Soto on the mast, Jay uses his nunchucks to knock pirates down, Kai uses his katana to spin kick them, Coral uses her bow to knock out pirates, and uses a few arrows to tie them down. Cole fights No-Eyed Pete.)

Parrot: Awk, left! (Pete swings right.) No, the other left.

Cole: (Holds the bird and covers his beak. Holds out his fist.) Awk! Right! (Thinking it was the parrot, No-Eyed Pete prepares to swing but hits Cole's open fist.)

(Jay breaks open a gumball machine, making everyone—even the ninja—slip.)

Coral: Ugh, Jay!

Jay: Oops!

Lloyd: Ninja, go! (He boards the ship, knocking out Zane and Soto.)

Soto: Pirate, go! (Prepares to strike him, but Kai blocks the sword.)

Kai: Lloyd! You're not supposed to be here! (He puts him in a barrel.)

Coral: Kai! That's even worse than him being here!

Kai: What damage can he do in a barrel?

(Lloyd accidentally pushes him off the ship.)

Kai: Aah! Okay, that much damage. (He holds onto the anchor, which causes destruction to the city.) Sorry about that! I'll pay for that! Ah, that's gonna leave a mark! Oops, hehe.

(Meanwhile, Garmadon is able to grab the keys with his weapon. Soto is still trying to slash Lloyd.)

Soto: Come here, you blurry little munchkin!

Lloyd: Ninja, go! (He uses Spinjitzu and breaks free of his barrel.) Whoa, Spinjitzu! I just did Spinjitzu for the first time! (Soto kicks Lloyd, who flips the switch before the anchor and Kai hit a gas tanker.)

Kai: Whoo, haha!

Garmadon: My son. He's growing stronger.

(Lloyd uses his Energy.)

Kai: Lloyd! Don't! Your powers are too uncontrollable!

Lloyd: Aah! (Lloyd's powers cause the ship's mast falls on top of the ninja.)

Coral: Ow. I think I bruised something.

Kai: I'll say. Remind me to pack some extra saftey gear when we go on our missions.

Soto: You lose, Pajama People.

Ninja: Huh?

Soto: Now you're walking the plank.

(Nya, in her Samurai Mech, comes to put the mast back in place, freeing the ninja.)

Jay: Who wins between pirates and ninja? It's Samurai!

(Nya chuckles and Jay sighs.)

(The pirates are shown being placed in police cars.)

Police: Good work, team.

Kai: Don't forget to include this guy. (He gives Lloyd a noogie and Lloyd laughs.)

Coral: He did something alright. That was an incredible adventure today boys. (Chuckles.)

Jay: I'll say.

Zane: It was quite an injoyable event.

Cole: I love fighting.

Police: Uh, that your ship?

Jay: It sure is.

Garmadon: (Having taken control of the ship again.) Sorry, you snooze, you lose.

Kai: Lord Garmadon!

Lloyd: Dad!

Garmadon: You're becoming stronger, son, but you'll never be strong enough to defeat me. Give up, before it's too late. (Lloyd looks at the ninja before looking back at his father; he stands by his friends.) Have it your way. Another day, ninja. Another day.

Jay: Ah, great. Lord Garmadon is back, and now he's got our ship.

Cole: Well, at least we've got this little guy.

Coral: That's all we need right now.

(Garmadon laughs as he flies away. Dareth whistles and tries to sneak-attack Jay. Jay grunts and flips Dareth.)

Dareth: Oh, come on, guys. I Dareth you to forgive me.

(The ninja and Dareth laugh.)

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