Needing You - Sequel to Wanti...

By melissalynn88

2.6M 52.8K 3.1K

I left him. I never thought in a million years I would be the one to walk, but I was. I left the man I was ma... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Bonus Chapter - Blake

Chapter Eighteen

54.4K 1.1K 31
By melissalynn88

“why don’t you come in and have lunch with me today?” I looked over at Blake shocked, not once had he ever asked me that, nor had I ever been in his work before.

“what?” I asked cocking my head to the side.

“come have lunch with me, I get bored eating alone and maybe we could have a bit of fun on my desk, it's needs my hot woman bent over it or laying back” he smirked winking.

I raised a brow “what if I blow you in your chair when your in a meeting?”

“well that could be arranged but then I would want to take you on it, or I have the couch we could sit on” he reached over holding my hand, rubbing along the top lightly.

“fuck I'm going to be sick, seriously please refrain from sex talk while I'm eating breakfast with you both” Brody faked gagged and pushed his cereal away.

Blake and I both let out a laugh, it was to much fun grossing Brody out all the time “I don’t even know where your work is” I lied grinning still as I looked at Brody who gave me the finger.

“liar, and another important question why is it that I am not your accountant?” he raised a brow as I turned to look at him.

“I didn't think I had to do tax's until I was 30” I frowned and he almost spat his coffee out of his mouth “joking, I do my tax online sorry, because I'm not wanting to pay the ridiculous fee's you people charge, but I guess if I’m sleeping with you then I wont need to pay anything will I sweetie?” I gave a big grin back.

He laughed and shook his head “course not, please come in with and see me today?”

“fine, I will come and see you” he finally convinced me to go into his work for lunch, this was going to be awkward when I stepped inside, I just hoped his dad wasn't in there.

“have you heard from Jenny?” I asked quietly.

“no, dad had words with her father and he called to apologise, I didn't answer, I just heard the message and never called back” he looked at me, waiting to see if I was going to have a go at him, I just gave him a smile and continued eating.

I was now standing outside Blake's work, it was a pretty large building with glass windows with Ashton Accounting written in large silver lettering above the sliding doors, I think I changed about ten times before leaving home in the end I made Brody choose my outfit, a red maxi dress since it was warm outside, I did my hair in a simple low ponytail and I kept my make-up to barely nothing, Blake had told me he preferred me without it on. I didn’t want to dress up although I would have been comfortable wearing sweats and ugg boots.

I walked through the doors and over to a reception desk where a young woman looked over at me “hi can I help you?” she asked politely smiling.

“umm I'm here to see Blake, I'm Alex” I smiled back, biting my lip a little nervously, she eyed me cautiously and picked up the phone saying something quietly into the receiver, she hung the phone back up and looked back toward me “your right to go through to his office its just over there” she pointed to closed door.

I walked over as everyone stared at me as I passed them, probably wondering who the hell I was as I didn't look like the usual type of clients for this place, I knocked on his door and slowly opened it walking in, he was leaning back in his chair yawning “you need an earlier night” I smiled as he looked over to me.

A huge grin appearing he stood up and wrapped me in a big hug “I missed you” he mumbled in my hair, kissing the top of my head lightly. He pulled back and sat down on his leather couch pulling me over to him so I was sitting on his lap as his hands rubbed my stomach.

I noticed his blinds were open and people were looking in, squinting as they were trying to figure what was going on “do you realise everyone is looking in here?” I asked sitting down next to him.

He reached his hand above his head and pulled on the cord which closed the blinds “that better?” he grinned pulling me back up so I was straddling his lap now “you look very pretty” he grabbed the base of my neck, pushing my mouth into his and kissing me slowly while his hands around my waist to hold me, my hands went up underneath his shirt tugging it out from his trousers and running my hands up his chest, as he deepened the kiss, our tongues colliding together.

But as always all good things must come to an end as there was a rather loud knock at his door “Blake can I come in?” a man spoke.

“fuck” Blake muttered under his breath as I stood up, fixing my dress and walking over to take a seat, sitting in the chair in front of his desk.

He undone the door and spoke to some man quickly then closed the door, I looked at him and giggled “you know your shirt if half out” I nodded towards his belt with his white shirt half un tucked.

He looked down grinning “probably thought we were fucking, let them think that” I just rolled my eyes at him, typical male he was.

“come on pretty boy lets have lunch” I spoke.

He looked at me with his eyes slightly widened “I kind of thought you would get something on the way”

“so you invited me down here for lunch but you didn’t actually get anything lunch?” I questioned.

“sorry?” he laughed nervously sitting back at his desk next to me.

“its ok, I did get something on the way for us so your lucky” I smiled pulling out 2 bottles of coke and chicken salad rolls sitting it on his desk for him and I to eat, I then reached in a pulled out a mars bar for him since they were his favourite.

“no wonder I love you so much, your so thoughtful” he lent over kissing me again.

We sat and ate our lunch, he filled me in on his day and how he heard from his lawyer, Jenny is freaking out that he has the right to take her to court and claim damages for what she did to him, so he reckons he might do that just to fuck her over a bit now, same as her parents, he has the right to do that to them since her dad made the contract up.

“I should head home” I sighed finishing my roll and pushing my gut out.

“no stay please, you can help me work” he begged giving me puppy dog eyes.

I laughed “babe unless you want me mixing your drinks I don’t see what I can do”

Now it was his turn to laugh “just stay, you can type up some documents for me, I just want to spend the day with you, I hate being away from you”

I agreed for some stupid reason, he sat me down at his desk and showed me a stack of paperwork that needed to be proof read and typed up, this would take me all day to do and I had no idea how to even start.

He sat in the chair I was in and he was going over files, this was just downright crazy “don’t you have someone to do this for you?” I asked as I started up on the computer.

“yeah but your better to look at and well she's on holidays so I have to do it myself” he smirked not looking up.

“oh thanks for thinking of me when your hot assistant isn't here” I muttered underneath my breath.

“no need to get jealous, she's a lesbian and hates men and my type is you” he chuckled.

By the time 5:30 rolled around I had finished everything, everything was proof read, spell checked, saved and printed, I couldn't be happier, my fingers we numb from typing constantly.

Blake was laying on his couch sticking the letters I had printed out in a file, he looked up and once he realised they were all done “I am shocked for someone who works in a bar can actually do that much work when they have never done this before”

“I’ll take that as a compliment?” I questioned stepping out from the desk and walking over to where he was laid back, bending down and pulling my underwear off and tossing them to him.

“yes that’s definitely a compliment” he groaned staring at my breasts as I lent down to undo his belt and pull his free.

“babe” I moaned as I guided him inside me as I lowered myself down “fuck me”

“hold on” he grinned as he grabbed me tight as stood, walking to his desk as he was still inside me, laying me down and hitting me hard with each and every fast thrust until we both came, it was a good thing the door was locked and blinds were closed.

His mouth was roaming over my breasts as he kept going slowly to draw out my orgasm, I snapped my fingers and his head shot up giving me a sheepish grin “lets head home sexy, you kids are hungry”

“course they are” he smiled giving me a kiss before drawing back out.

We walked out of his hand in hand, which was now empty thank goodness so I could stop worrying about people hearing us, Blake had told me they all left an hour before we even screwed over his desk so there was nothing to worry about, we made our way outside which now was freezing cold and starting to rain.

Just as he was locking up the doors I heard a set of heels walking behind us, loud clicking heels that had my heart racing.

“Blake” we both turned around and came face to face with Jenny, who had a frown on her face looking at me then towards Blake then down at my stomach “so it's true then, you slutted around and got knocked up by someone” she spat as she flicked her extensions over her shoulder.

To me she looked like a drowned rat or a mutton dressed as a lamb.

Blake shot forward which made her step back three times as he was shooting her a hard glare “what are you doing here Jenny?” he hissed in a low voice that even had me shivering in fear.

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