
By nickinacpattywack

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just read my child. More



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By nickinacpattywack

carols home - 7am

momma has me here so early. i can't even keep my eyes open on this couch, im tired. when beyoncé told me what happened, i was quick to call momma and tell her. she takes things like this so serious, as she should. but 7am? at the beginning of the week.

it could've been a bit later. like she has us all her. even said to bring beyoncé and blue. for what reason i'm unaware of. blue stayed home from school and bey didn't go to practice.


"mmm?" i opened my eyes to her standing in front of me with breakfast. i'm not even hungry, i'm that tired. but i still took the plate, just sitting it in my lap. "thank you momma."

"thank you ms. carol." blue and beyoncé spoke before digging in. how are they not tired? i'm dying over here.

maybe if i eat i'll wake up some. i started to eat my eggs as momma sat in her recliner chair across from us. mya made her way right over to momma too. sitting in her lap with her plate.

"mya i wanna ask you something okay?"

she wanted us here so she could talk to mya? i can be in my bed accepting my cramps for what they are. the same way they told me what happened then, it can happen like that now.

"mm hmm?" mya nodded her head, not being able to talk with a mouth full. momma doesn't play that, i see she caught onto the rules fast.

"have your parents always been your parents? like since you were a baby?"

"mmmmm. mm mm." she shook her head making momma look at beyoncé. i'm kind of confused with the whole thing so i just sat there. the way beyoncé explained it was like something from a movie. she lost me when she told me the reason the woman tried to kidnap her. or is it kidnapping if she's done it times before? i don't know. "i had different ones before."

"and what happened to them?"

"mmmm, i dunno." mya shrugged biting into her sausage. she seemed so calm about it all. maybe that's why she didn't really have the type of reaction i thought she would when her parents left.

that's why they were so okay with sending her with me. i find it kind of weird because i was nothing but her nurse. they trusted me still. it's adding up now. i still don't get the role of this fenty woman though. apparently she's the reason mya has had a number of parents. but why? so myas real dad won't see her?

it's crazy.

"do you remember their names?"

"mommy and daddy."

"their real names sweets." momma chuckled at her. i would be surprised if she even knew the peoples names. she's eight so i'm sure she doesn't even remember all the people. hopefully it hasn't been a lot.

"i dunno. the lady just said my mommy and daddy."

"do you know the lady?"

"i don't know her name but she always give me new mommies and daddies."

"how many have you had? that you can remember."

"mmmm." she started counting on her fingers before scrunching her face. "three."

"three mommies and three daddies?"

"mm hmm."

i sighed wiping my mouth with the paper towel momma gave me. it was really giving me a headache to be finding this stuff out. it's been about a month and a half since she's been with us. why are we just finding this out?

"were they nice ones?"

"i don't remember. but my new mommy and daddy were nice. they gave me lots of things."

"do you miss them?"

"i didn't have them very long."

momma nodded before tapping her so she could get up. she then gestured for beyoncé to follow her. mya came to me, sitting directly next to me with her plate.

"i'm scared ms.nicki."

"why are you scared sweet girl?" i turned to her. she sounded genuinely afraid. in all honesty she has every right to be scared. i'm sure she didn't know who she would be going with next. for a kid, that's not fun. they need that trust and comfort. that love.

"i don't want new parents again. i like it here with you."

"aw're not getting new parents. i'll never do that to you okay? and that woman who did that to you will be in big trouble alright? that was really bad of her and she deserves a punishment for it." i grabbed her hand.

it's crazy how she has this connection with me so soon. i wouldn't expect a child to warm up to someone so soon the way she does. but i guess she had to be used to it because of the constant jumping from home to home.

if she had to leave me my heart would be broken. but she shouldn't...we had to do paperwork and all. legally she's ours.

eventually momma came back with bey. i wanted to know what they talked about so bad. momma had a mug in her hand, handing it to me. why? i'm sick but not that sick.

"momma no-"

"take this tea and drink it."

"ok." i got it from her starting to slowly drink. being sick is the worst thing to be with my mom. she's the sweetest ever and will keep going until you feel better. she'll come with teas, natural medicines, foods.

it's the best. some teas are nasty though and she doesn't give not one care.

we calmly talked to one another, them getting to know each other more. i'm glad that they can get along, momma seemed to really enjoy them. but i was ready to go to sleep.

while they kept talking i snuck up to my old room. it smelled like straight vanilla inside making my everything calm. i took my pants off sliding right under the covers and closed my eyes.

they can holler if they need me.

"mm?" i hummed softly feeling fingertips slide across my waist. they felt good, i didn't want to get up from it. but they soon grabbed my face, slightly shaking it. then soft kisses were put to my lips so i had to open my eyes. "yonceee."

"wake up then." she chuckled shaking my face again but i just scrunched it. i'm not ready to get up though.

"are we leaving?"

"no not yet. scooch over."

"mmmm, go to the other side."

"hey. scoot over girl." she tapped my thigh and i moved over like she said. this big bed, she could've went around and had just enough space. probably more than what i moved over for. "you have it good and warm right here."

"yea that was my spot." i mumbled still with my eyes closed. my back was to her so i started to fall back asleep while she couldn't see. this is why i don't take breaks, i'll sleep all day.

that only lasted so long, she was pushing me on my back in no time. soon grabbing my face again but squeezing my cheeks together. i just let her mess around with me if it meant she wouldn't make me get up. but here i am wrong again.

"i don't wanna wake uppp."

"don't wake me up up up up up up!" she stood in the bed starting to jump around to the lyrics she sung. it made me whine out, throwing the cover over my face hoping i would disappear. "get up."

i groaned as she flopped down on my stomach. she pulled the cover off my face leaning down before kissing me. it was so playful for her but i wanted a real one. she kept pulling back when i would get into it.

why is she playing with me right now?


"please what?"

"please let me really kiss you."

"mmm, you really like kissing me?"


"okkkk." she finally leaned down to kiss me. i wrapped my arms around her shoulders, pulling her down more until her chest was against mine. her hands started to rub up and down my sides, her fingertips causing me to shiver.

i'm having feelings i shouldn't be having.

it all moved so fast. i could feel her starting to rock against me. before i knew it my hands were on her waist. it's like she was giving me more permission, whimpering in my mouth until i was touching her butt completely. it made her moan in my mouth.

i've told her before i'm not innocent. she's made it aware to me that she's never done a thing with a girl. if i said that it was a lie. which i'm pretty sure i didn't say it.

we were in pure bliss when we pulled away. it's like she didn't want me to stop touching her at all.

"no, keep going." she quickly grabbed my hands that were about to move. i had to think fast, slipping my hands to rub her thighs. it was turning her on, i know that. every time she felt something she would tense her thighs.

"you really want me to touch you?"

"please." she whispered trying to lean down and kiss me again but i turned my face. i wanna see the look on hers when i touch her. "please nika."

"how? where you want to be touched?"

"everywhere. kiss me please."

i chuckled allowing her to kiss me. she's so needy. my hands started rubbing her thighs, only moving further up to the creases. her hips started to rock again as i picked at her shorts. cheer shorts are really short, so i was closer to her underwear as expected.

"i can touch you here?" i whispered through the kiss. she nodded with no hesitation so i touched her there. running my fingers through her wetness and finding her clit. her breathing was shaky as i did so. "you have to tell me how you want me to do it."

"just touch me here more." she reached between us to hold my wrist in place. i swiped my middle finger across her clit quickly, the best way to make someone let it go. and we have to be quick because i know someone is gonna come looking for us soon. "uhh, it feels so good."

i kept going quickly until she started to twitch. my free arm went around her waist to hold her, stopping her from twitching. that was sending her over. she jerked against me harshly before she started to relax. i cuffed her area as she was cumming, feeling it touch my hand.

just by the way it felt i knew it was clear.

she whined as i smeared her mess around her, brushing her clit a couple times. i told her she would find out i wasn't innocent soon. i'm sure i showed her better than i told her too.

her head went in my neck, she softly kissed it.

"get up for me."

"i don't wanna move. my legs feel like they're vibrating."

"that's because you came hard." i chuckled with my hand still between her legs. that jerk she did, i know she came hard. me stopping her from twitching is what made that happen. i have my ways.

she still didn't want to get up so i had to slide myself from under her, then carefully take my hand out her pants. yep, it's clear.

"you want to see something?" i smirked making her open her eyes. she watched me lick my fingers with a shocked look on her face. then i kissed her, swishing my tongue in her mouth when she let me. "come on so we can go."

"you're disgusting."

"i told you that." i walked straight to my bathroom and washed my hands. through the mirror i could see her still laying down making me chuckle. it wasn't that serious, she can definitely wake up.

acting like i treated her like a full corse meal.

just as i stepped to the bed there were knocks on my door. beyoncé rolled over in the covers as soon as the door opened to momma. she looked between us, but longer at beyoncé before holding her phone out to me.

it was my daddy!

"hi daddy!" i got excited. it's been a little minute since i've seen and talked to him. he's always gone driving trucks or flying a plane. my daddy has two jobs!

momma knows how excited i get over my daddy so she just shook her head before walking away.

"hey babygirl. what you been up to? how's that adult life?"

"it's definitely lifing daddy."

"i bet. you take it easy out there, you know you don't gotta want for nothing. whatever you need you let me know. don't try to be too independent. you know i been telling you this you're whole life."

"i know daddy and it hasn't been anything too much that i can't handle."

"that's good. i heard you found a child out the dumpster and gave it to you mother."

"i- is that what mommy said?"

"nah i'm messing with you darling. but you're doing a good thing pumpkin. remember as long as you do right onto others, right will be done onto you. god sees your work."

"i know daddy and i thank him everyday. when are you coming back home? i miss you."

"i miss you too, i should be back around next week if they don't call me to fly."

"you're getting old daddy, you need a break. you guys always tell me about myself but can't stop."

"well you get it from us baby. but daddy gon call you later i gotta start this truck back up."

"go easy on yourself daddy. i love you."

"i love you too."

he hung up the phone making me frown. i just knows he's on a roll. one thing about robert, he's not gonna chill out. i just hope he's both getting too old out there. he better make it home every time he leaves us.

i sat mommas phone on the dresser before closing my door back. i'm gonna have to get beyoncé up. we're both serious sleepers, it's crazy.



"get up, we're about to leave."

"why now?"

"because i'm ready to go home." i pouted some slumping my shoulders. i've been in my parents house long, enough i want my own bed. it's still a bit early. mya has cheer today after school hours so around 4:45pm.

if i'm gonna have to be there to sign her up and stuff, i need sleep.

"lift me up."

"okay." i grabbed her arms to actually lift her. wonder if i can pick her up. probably not because she's so tall but she surely do lift me with no problem. "come." i pecked her lips and left her up there.

myana and blue were playing around the living room while momma was on her computer. most likely doing work. i handed her her phone before kissing her forehead.

"we're about to go momma."

"alright. y'all be safe and make sure you call me onika, i'm serious."

"ok. i promise."

just as the kids finished getting their stuff, beyoncé came down. she had on some different bottoms confusing me. those are mine.

"bye ms. carol it was nice meeting you." she went to my mom hugging her before we actually left. i drove this time, since she was soo tired. i just think she's being dramatic. i didn't do anything.

we made it home in a fair amount of time. beyoncé made me come to her room with her. i need to get myself together though, i am still bleeding.

"waaiittt, let me change please."

"change what?"

"my freaking pad beyoncé." i gritted at her in a whisper. she smacked her lips letting me go and i ran to my room. it'll be quicker than she thinks.

i handled my business, cleaning myself before i left out. she was in my bed now, cuddled under the covers. omg she just couldn't wait. i got in bed with her, opening her arms so i could move into them.

"you took forever."

"did not. just five minutes."

"did to. it was too long."


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