The protectors of Kanezaka (K...

By Pie78904

71.3K 1.1K 866

For most of Y/N's life bad luck has been surrounding his life. Everywhere he went misfortune would always fol... More

Arriving in Kanezaka
Do you believe in spirits?
Training Time!
The First Mission.
A Celebration of victory and the Tengu
Lemon Chapter 18+ (April Fools)
The Idea of Family
The Wrath of the Onryo
Let's sink a yacht!
The Goddess of Love
A Confession between a Fox and a Crow
Defend the Shrine!
An Old friend
Heir to a Kingdom
Finding Peace
The Fall of the Hashimoto Clan.
Peace returns to Kanezaka
Thank you, Behind the scenes and a QNA
A New Opportunity
New Agents of Overwatch
Escort the Payload
A Bank heist filled with Explosions
Family Reunion
The Invasion of Ilios
The First of Talon's Elites
A Funtime in Busan
An Old Battlefield
The River Spirit
Gladiators of the Colosseum
Another Lemon Chapter 18+
The Imposter

The Cursed Man and the Witch

1.1K 15 22
By Pie78904

Similar to the Questwatch Bonus Chapter.

This is Non Canon

This won't be faithful to the original Junkenstein's revenge story.

I just wrote this for fun.

Watchpoint Gibraltar


The sound of music and partying could be heard throughout the base. As it was Watchpoint Gibraltar throwing a Halloween party.

I grabbed one of the halloween cookies that Angela baked. Enjoying them and eating another one.

Y/N:Hey Angela you did a good job on the cookies.

Mercy:Oh thank you Y/N.

Y/N:Mind telling me your secert?

Mercy:Then it wouldn't be it secert if i told you. But it's a recipe that's been passed down from many generations in my family. One that i always enjoy to bake when we throw these parties.

Y/N:Didn't think that such a prestigious organization like this even throws parties.

Mercy:Well we all have to have fun sometimes.

Y/N:I can agree with that. Not having to worry about any threats just partying and have fun with you all.

Kiriko apporached the table i was sitting at. She was wearing her witch costume that she wore from last year. She had a 3rd place ribbion on her chest.

Y/N:Hey you how did the costume contest go?

Kiriko:Horrible i got third place. Pharah won because of her enchanted armor costume and Brigitte got second place with her Vampire looking outfit.

Y/N:Well you have to admit whatever effect Fareeha has to make her head appear invisible is spot on.

Kiriko:Yeah... It's kinda cool.

Kiriko pouted like a child as she sat down.

Y/N:I told you to put on a new costume just don't use the one you wore last year.

Kiriko:Well i thought that I'd win because this is our first time with them.

Y/N:Yeah but you could've been a little more creative. Like why don't you be like one of those kitsune girls since you know.

Kiriko:Then I'd just be adding tails to my regular outfit and call it a day.

I grab a cookie and handed it over to Kiriko.

Y/N:Come on cheer up here's a cookie. Angela made them

Kiriko grabbed the cookie and took a bite from it. Immediately enjoying the sweet just like i did. Her face immediately turned into a smile.

Y/N:There feel better.

Kiriko:I guess so.

The sounds of armor clanking was heard as Reinhardt walked inside of the party.

Reinhardt:Hello everybody!

Genji:Reinhardt we were almost worried. Thought that you wouldn't be coming from your trip.

Reinhardt:What and miss one of our finest halloween parties. I would never.

Tracer:Hey Reinhardt do you have another story to tell us.

Kiriko:Wait Reinhardt tells stories?

Reinhardt:I do Kiriko! Wanna have a listen.

Kiriko:Of course i do. I just hope it's a scary story.

The whole party got together and sat down like a crowd of children listening to a story.

Mercy:Oh Reinhardt is it another Junkenstein story?

Reinhardt:It is indeed, but this story focuses on a different saga.

Y/N:What's Junkenstein?

Tracer:You know Dr.Junkenstein! The Scientist that created a monster to attack Adlersbraun. But was defeated by 4 heroes.

Cassidy:My favorite was that Gunslinger character.

Genji:I wonder why?

Y/N:Well i never heard about it.

Reinhardt:Well that's because you weren't here for the original story, Y/N. But like i said this is a different story in the saga.

Tracer:Oooh! What is it about?

Reinhardt:The story of a young man cursed by the Witch of the wilds. Who was forced to serve under her during that faithful night. Only for him to be saved by a different witch. One that provides blessings.

We all stayed silent as our ears begab to listen to the tale that Reinhardt was going to tell us.

A village near Adlersbraun


Reinhardt:Our story begins in a small village near the town of Adlersbraunn. A young man with an ill bed ridden mother. He was determined to the cure his mother's illness no matter whatever the cost is.

I held onto my mother hand's as she coughed from her illness. She has been suffering from this illness for the past 2 weeks.

Our family doctor said that she'd be lucky if she could survive till the next 2 weeks.

As my mother went to bed for the night, i stepped outside of our house. I sat down by the wall and began to sob, knowing the possibility of losing my mother.

Y/N:I'd do anything to provide my mother with a cure of her illness. She's the only thing i have left in my life.

Reinhardt:The young mans pleas and cries were heard by somebody. Somebody who wishes to use his innocent request for her devious needs.

The winds began to blow as if something paranormal was happening.


Y/N:Wh-whos there!?

Reinhardt:Of all the people who his cries could be heard from. They were heard by....

The Witch of the wilds!

I stared at the woman in front of me, as she smiled at me. I was confused by her presence. Who is she and why is she here?

Y/N:Wh-who are you?

Mercy:I am the Witch of the wilds! But you may refer to me as Mercy. I heard your pleas for help.

Y/N:Will you help me find the cure for my mother's illness?

Mercy:Indeed, i can heal her with my magic. However you need to do a simple request for me.

Y/N:A request? What kind of a request?

Mercy:In an old castle there are these two blades that were once wielded by an old king. Retrieve them for me and i will heal your mother of her illness.

Reinhardt:Desperate the gulliable young man listened to the witch's request.

I nodded at the witch, as i was grateful for her deal.

Y/N:I will! I'll do anything to heal my mother.

Mercy:Very well then

The witch grabbed my hand as she summoned her broom and she got on.

Mercy:Follow me, Y/N i will guide you to your destination.

The witch flew on her broom and i followed after her. She led to me an old castle outside of the village.

Mercy:In there you will find the blades. Retrieve them for me and i will reward you.

Y/N:Do you have any idea where the blades can be?

Mercy:They could be in his throne room. I suggest that you check in there.

I nodded and rushed inside of the castle. The castle was in ruins from how old it was. With the moon's light appearing through the rooftop that was broken.

I walked inside of the throne room and found what the Witch had requested for me to find.

Y/N:The blades!

I picked them up with a smile on my face. Knowing that my mother will be alright and we can continue living together as a family.

Reinhardt:However what the poor boy doesn't know about the blades as that they are cursed... He will have to suffer from it's curse due to him trusting the witch.

I heard laughter from being i turned around and noticed the witch standing behind me.

Y/N:Oh your here. I got the blades now the cure for my mother please.

Mercy:Y/N there's only one more step to our deal.

Y/N:Which is?

Mercy:Your transformation.

The witch has an evil look on her face causing me to be confused.

Y/N:What are you tal-

The blades attached my arms and i began to feel pain going throughout my body.

Y/N:What is happening to me!?

I fell to the ground as i began to transform into a monster of some sort.

Mercy:Don't worry Y/N I'll be keeping your part of the bargin. Your mother will be healed of her illness. As i am a lady of my word

I looked at the witch who i believed to be the savior of my problem. Only for her to use my trust against me.

Mercy:During the day you'll remain a human. During the night the beast that you have become. You will be serving me when i have a need of you.

Reinhardt:The poor boy has now become a beast. Cursed from the daggers because he believed in the lies of the witch.

Timeskip 4 weeks

Kiriko's POV

Reinhardt:In the market of the Adlersbraunn. Somebody new has opened up shop. Using her abilities to help people with their future and provide them with blessings.

Reinhardt:She refers to herself as a witch. But she is far different from the witch of the wild. Using her abilities for the good of other people.

I began to set up shop for my fortune telling business. Setting up the table and placing the tarot cards on the table.

I sat dowm on my chair and placed a sign that reads Tarot card Reading 5 sliver.

Kiriko:Tarot card readings available now!

Several citizens stood in line all eagerly waiting to hear what represents them. The first in line was a man who seemed to be in love with a certain somebody.

I did my usual and moved the cards around and grabbed one.

Kiriko:I draw the Lovers something tempting you?

Man:Yes i have a crush on this girl who lives in my village. But i don't think she'd be willing to date a farmboy like myself.

Kiriko:I suggest you go after her worst thing she could say is no.

Man:Yeah but do you have a love potion of some sorts?

Kiriko:Then that's not real love. If you just give her a potion to force her to fall in love with you. Just be yourself but i can give you this charm.

I handed the man a charm that's meant to grant good fortune.

Kiriko:Incase she says no, you'll always have a better shot the next time.

Man:Well thank you

The client got off from his chair and came in the next one. This guy seemed like a conman of some kind.

I grabbed a tarot card and looked at the guy. I knew there was something odd about him.

Kiriko:I draw Judgement. You could probably use some.

Man 2:What do you mean!?

Kiriko:I can tell by your eyes that you have done some pretty bad things. So i suggest you get out of my tarot reading stand or else.

The man disgruntled left my stand and i began to wait for the next customer.


The next customer was a very muscular man with a black cap. He sat down and i grabbed a card.

Kiriko:I draw the star. Look at the bright side.


After giving many customers their tarot readings i began to close up shop. I looked at the bag of coins that i have made.

Kiriko:I've done it again. Another successful day.

Reinhardt:However the witch felt a presence of somekind. One of a curse which got her interested.

I turned around and noticed a young man walking through the market. I felt something in him a curse that is inflicted on him.

He was wearing a sleeved shirt as if he was trying to cover something up. I tilted my head and walked over to him.

Kiriko:Hey there.

He turned his head aroumd and looked at me.

???:Oh hi is there anything i can help you with?

Kiriko:I just wanted to ask you if you were interested in having a tarot card reading?

I placed my hands behind my back as i continued to analyze the man infront of me. His face then turned into a frightened one.

???:Is-is it okay if i can go?

Kiriko:What's wrong don't want your reading?

???:N-no it's nothing like that. It's just-

Kiriko:Is it the way I'm dressed? I understand alot of people are scared of witches. However I'm one of the good ones.

???:I'm sure you seem like a nice person. But i need to head out my mom is probably worried sick about me.

Kiriko:Oh come on i promise i won't bite. Just one card reading please?

I pleaded with the man even giving him begging eyes trying to win him over.

???:Fine, I guess you win.

I took out the cards and began to read through his fortune. I took out the tower card and showed it to him.

Kiriko:This is bad I draw the tower card.

I showed him the tower card and he didn't seem phased by it.

???:What about it?

Kiriko:It seems some type of misfortune has been placed on you.

Reinhardt:The young man was curious about this witch's ability. However he still can't trust her after his encounter with the Witch of the Wild. Despite this witch's intention to help him.

???:Since we are done with this can i go home now? It's almost getting dark.

Kiriko:Sorry for taking away your time. Mind if i ask you one thing?

???:What is it?

Kiriko:Do you mind meeting with me tomorrow?

???:You want to meet up with me again?

Kiriko:Yeah you seem like a nice guy. Would like to get to know you a little bit more. We can meet at the bar if you'd like.

Y/N:I guess we can see each other tomorrow. The name's Y/N btw

Kiriko:Great see you at 10! Also the name is Kiriko. Soon to be someday the greatest witch known to man!

Y/N:Its nice to met you then Kiriko. I'll see you tomorrow then..

Y/N began to leave the market, i know there is something wrong with him. Soon i'll get to the bottom of it.

???:Ah there you are? How much money did you make today?

Reinhardt:The witch turns around and faces her companion the gunslinger.

Kiriko:Oh hey Cassidy. What are you doing here?

Cassidy:Came to tell you that we got a job.

Kiriko:A job, Who's the client?

Cassidy snickered as he lit up his cigarette and took a quick smoke from it.

Cassidy:You won't believe it but it's from the Lord of this town himself.

Kiriko:That must means whatever this job is surely is high paying! So what is it?

Cassidy:I have no idea yet. Guess we should start heading over to his castle.

I nodded and grouped up with my companion and we began to walk towards the Lord's castle.

Cassidy:Saw you talking to a guy. Is he your boyfriend or something?

Kiriko:No he's just a client.

Cassidy:Client, huh? Then how come he didn't pay for his reading?

Kiriko:He did you just didn't see earlier.

Reinhardt:The Duo arrive at the lord's castle. The Gunslinger knocks on the gate with them opening immediately. The two walk inside of the castle to meet with a very handsome lord.

We walked over to the throne room and kneeled down to the lord of the castle.

Lord Reinhardt:You two must be the one's that i have hired.

Cassidy:Indeed we are. What's the mission escort mission, bounty?

Lord Reinhardt:No i got into a headed arguement with my scientist and i believe that he may be planning for revenge, somewhere this month.

Kiriko:So you want us to protect you? That depends how much will you be paying.

The Lord grabbed a golden chalice and showcased it to us.

Lord Reinahardt:This will be yours. You can smelt it and use the gold and it's gems for your own profits.

Cassidy:A chalice like that is worth millions. We'll take it!

Lord Reinhardt:Very well then. I don't know when this attack will happen. But when it does i can count on you two alongside two others to defend this castle.

Kiriko:Yeah you can count on us!

Lord Reinhardt:You two are now excused.

Cassidy and I left the castle and walked towards an inn.

Kiriko:Can't you believe this a whole golden chalice to us. I always wanted to drink out of one of these.

Cassidy:Who said you were going to drink from it? We're smelting it for the money. Then i can finally retire.

Kiriko:Then i can focus on my actual magic instead of adventuring with an idiot like you.

Cassidy:Hey you were the one who joined me.

Kiriko:I think it was the other way around.

We walked into the inn, the guy that i met earlier Y/N was his name. He was still in my mind. He is cursed and i'll figure it out and save him like the many others I have before.


After giving my mother the items i bought at the market. I made a retreat over to a cave.

This cave has been what I've called home. Ever since my curse from the witch.

I watched as the sun began to go down and my transformation began. Everynight i am now that hideous beast. If i could make one wish it's for me to travel back in time and to tell myself to not accept the deal.

I can't even see my own mother without having the fear of freaking her out. What would the civilians react to seeing a person like me?

Then there's that other witch that i met today. I'm a little skeptical around her but then again she wishes to meet with me tomorrow. Maybe she wants to help me with this curse? Or perhaps she's a apprentice of the witch and is just going to laugh at me.

Reinhardt:As the cursed man thought about his day. One of the witch's allies teleported behind him.

The Reaper

Y/N:She sent you didn't she?

Reaper:She did for i have a message for you.

Y/N:Did she finally decide to let me go and get rid of my curse? Because that's the only news i want to hear.

Reaper:No, later this week we will be working with an associate of ours.

Y/N:That depends who's the assoicate and what are we gonna do?

Reaper:We'll be working with Dr.Junkenstien he will be showcasing us his latest creation. We will be assisting him in assassinating the Lord.

Y/N:We're gonna assassinate the lord? No i won't be taking in any of this.

Reaper:You don't really have a choice.

He aims one of his shotguns at my head.

Y/N:I'm practically forced against my will to do it. Tell the witch that I'm in.

Reaper:Very well, we'll be expecting you later this week. To kill both the lord and his associates.

The Reaper would teleport away from my cave and leave me alone. I sighed as i sat down in the cave.

I lift up my sleeves and looked at the blades that were attached to my arm. The cursed blades that began everything.

The witch is only using my curse because she wants someone to use the blades. I hope someday i can use these cursed weapons against her.

Timeskip, morning

Reinhardt:Fufilling his promise to the witch. Y/N has reached the bar willing to talk with a new potential friend.

I arrived at the bar looking for the girl i had met yesterday. The one that was pesturing me about reading my card.

As i walked in as always the bar was crowded as it was the usual hangout for most people.

I looked to my left and noticed a hand waving at me. The glove was the same as girl i met yesterday. I walked over to her and meet up with the same girl.

She had a glass next to her, with her hat on the table exposing her brown hair.

Kiriko:Hey I almost thought you were going to leave me here alone.

Y/N:Well that would've been rude of me. Especially after how i treated you for simply wanting to read my fortune.

Kiriko:You are forgiven, i guess i shouldn't have annoyed you like that.

Y/N:It's fine. So question are you really a witch?

Kiriko:Maybe i am or maybe I'm not?

She put her finger on her chin tilting her head. It confused me as i think she might be doing something.

Kiriko:Check your back pocket.

I reached down my back pocket and realized that my bag of coins was missing.

Kiriko:Tada, i believe this belongs to you

Kiriko held my coin bag in her hands, throwing them up into air and catching them.

Y/N:How did you?

Kiriko:Simple spell it's like the very first one i learned.

Kiriko gave me back my coin bag and i put it back inside of my back pocket.

Kiriko:If that impresses you. I can do much more.

Y/N:Kiriko if i must ask why did you become a witch?

Kiriko:Easy answer i was just born talented in my village. Those who wish to be potential witches must be born with a high magical potential. I chose to be a witch to use my abilities for good.

Maybe i have misjudged her. She isn't like the witch of the wilds who uses her magic to impact fear onto people.

Kiriko:I often hunt down monsters with an ally of mine. As a matter of fact we just got a job from the lord of here.

Y/N:Then you aren't from around here.

Kiriko:No, the reason why i set uo shop yesterday was to sell people items by giving them a tarot reading. Giving them items that can increase their luck or purify curses that are impacted onto a person.

Reinhardt:Upon hearing that this witch can cure curses. The cursed man had come up with an idea.

That caught my mind if she can cure curses. Then maybe she can cure my curse.

Y/N:So you can remove curses?

Kiriko:It depends on what type of curse the person has?

I'd be willing to pay her any price to remove my curse. To remove the effect that the witch of the wild has put onto me.

Y/N:Well Kiriko there's something that i need to confess to you about.

Kiriko:Oh what is it?

Y/N:Well you see I-

Here it is all i have to do is say "I have a curse can you please help me."

She titled her head in curiosity here it is all my pain will be over.

Y/N:Well you see I.... I think you are a cute girl!

Her face immediately turned red. I was mainly confused on what the heck is going on.

I didn't mean to say that, i wanted to see if she could help me with my curse.

Reinhardt:What Y/N didn't know was that the Witch of the wilds was controlling his words.

Y/N:Sorry about that.

Kiriko:Well Y/N i do appreciate the compliment either way.

I cleared my throat, I'm trying to get her to understand what I'm trying to say.

Y/N:You see what I'm trying to say is that... I want to ask you out on date!

No! What on earth is going on why can't i say what i want to say?

Kiriko:Well Y/N i dont know about that. I mean we just met i mean i wouldn't mind us starting out as friends.

Y/N:Sorry about all of that I don't know what's going on.

Kiriko:Y/N are you feeling alright?

Y/N:Yep! I'm feeling great!

No I'm not, why can't i tell her anything that i actually want to say.

Kiriko looked at me with a concern look. She probably thinks that I'm weird or something.

Y/N:Excuse me for a minute i need to go excuse myself for a while.


I ran towards the bathroom and splashed water on my face. I looked at myself in the mirror.

I heard laughter coming from my head, as my reflection's formed changed.

It was her, she must be manipulating my words.

Mercy:Oh Y/N thought i wouldn't find out about you seeking for help

Y/N:How are you able to do this?

Mercy:Y/N i have surveillance all over my servants. But i pay the most attention to you, as we both know you aren't the most loyal to me.

Y/N:What do you want?

Mercy:What I'm just trying to help you find love. I heard that true love's kiss often break most curses.

Mercy began to laugh taunting me by using a cliche to a fairytale story

Mercy:Y/N listen to me I'm will be willingly to cure your curse.

Y/N:Yeah for what price? Do you want me to sacrifice an eyeball to you?

Mercy:No No a human sacrifice will do.

Y/N:I'm not going to kill anybody for you. Don't care who thwy are i refuse to use my beast form to harm anybody.

Mercy:Y/N you know I'm a woman of my word. I did cure your mother from her disease.

Y/N:I know you did and I'm grateful. However my mother only gets to see me during the day. Do you know how it feels to hide from your own mother? Terrorize thay she'll judge you for looking like a beast.

Mercy:Well if you take up this deal Y/N. Then you can return to your normal life.

I thought about it i still don't want to trust this wicked woman. However she's the only one that knows of my condition. The only one who may have an answer.

Y/N:Who's the target?

Mercy:Glad you asked.

Reinhardt:Knowing that her cursed servant had agreed to the plan. She has a smile on her face as she chose the perfect target

Mercy:The witch that you are hanging out with. She needs to be eliminated!

Y/N:Kiriko? No i can't

Mercy:She must be eliminated Y/N. She may be a big threat to my control over these lands.

Y/N:And how is that a bad thing? Unlike the Reaper I'm not loyal to you.

Mercy:Don't forget Y/N you are still one of my servants. Especially in that beast form of yours. You will obey my command or else there will be consequences.

Y/N:Wether it may cure my curse i will not take her life away!

Mercy:You only have till the end of the week to fully remove her from this world.

The witch takes out a potion from her bag and wags it in front of my face.

Mercy:Or else this won't be yours.

The witch disappeared from the mirror with my reflection replacing hers.

I turned on the sink and splashed water onto my face. If i kill Kiriko then my curse can be cured.

But can i trust the word of the witch, like i did when i first trust her? I feel like i can trust Kiriko more especially if curing curses is her specialty.

However i can't tell her with that witch keeping me under surveillance 24/7. Maybe i can give her signs or show her my true form.

But then she might rat out my secret to all of Adlersbraunn. I might get hunted down.

Reinhardt:Paranoia filled the young man's body. As he was scared for what would happen to him if his secert was figured out. Even if this other witch can help him.

I stepped out of the bathroom and walked back to Kiriko.

Kiriko:Hey are you feeling better?

Y/N:Ye-yeah, forget everything that i said earlier.

Kiriko:So about that date you asked?

Y/N:I said forget it.

She began to giggle with her hand near her mouth.

Kiriko:Since you are a little bit curious in my witchcraft. May i ask for a favor?

Y/N:That depends what kind of favor?

I swear if it's to get another cursed object I'm running immediately

Kiriko:If you can help me get some ingredients for some of my potions?

Y/N:What kind of ingredients.

Kiriko:Oh just the usual stuff.

Y/N:I don't know what any of the usual stuff is.

Kiriko:Oh you know like plants, mushrooms, maybe some type of living organism. Then i can show you how it all comes together.

Y/N:I guess i can tag along. It's not like i have anything better to do.

Kiriko:Well let's go. I heard that there's a forest not too far from here. As a local think you can show me around?

Y/N:Ah you mean the mystical forest of Adlersbraunn. Also known as the Venwin Forest.

Kiriko:Yes that's the one!

Y/N:I can show you the way. But i can tell you for sure that it's not as mystical as people think.

Kiriko:I'll take my chances.

Kiriko stands up very excited as she begins to follow me as i take her to the forest.

Reinhardt:The cursed man takes the witch to the woods. He is curious on how it all works. If he can oversee and study how witchcraft works then he can cure his curse. However no matter where he is She is always watching.

I take Kiriko to the woods and we began to explore the woods. She surveyed the area looking for anything useful.

Kiriko pointed at a spot with some pink mushrooms.

Kiriko:Over there!

She kneeled down as she took out a basket and began to pack the mushrooms in there.

Kiriko:Yes these will do.

Y/N:What type of potion are you making?

Kiriko:I'm making a potion more to bless people with speed. But also I'm trying to make one for a friend of mine to make his shots a little more accurate.

Y/N:How often does it take?

Kiriko:Depending on whatever materials i have gathered it takes around maybe an hour or two. Then it takes days or maybe even weeks heck months probably just to get the thing right.

As Kiriko continued to collect her materials. I felt the wind blowing onto my face with a leaf of a tree falling onto me.

Kiriko:Is it just me or is it getting windy? Better keep my hat on tight don't want it to blow off again.

She chuckled as i once again felt another familar presence.


I hear her voice in my head. Please just leave me alone. I don't want to bring any harm to her.

Mercy:Y/N you see that rock over there. Pick it up and eliminate her.

Y/N:No i won't.

Mercy:It's not an option Y/N. You need to cure your curse right? Only i can do such a thing.

Y/N:I'm not going to kill her...

Kiriko:Kill who?

Kiriko turned around and gave me a concerned look. I gave her a nervous smile back.

Y/N:N-nothing. I'm talking about a bug that i found.

Kiriko shrugged as she went back onto collecting her items.

Mercy:If you don't bring an end to her by will. Then I'll make sure by force.


Mercy:Pay attention to your wrists.

I lifted up my sleeves and looked at the two blades that attached themselves to my wrist.

Mercy:Your curse to transform into the beast happens on it's own at night. However i can make it happen manually.

Y/N:Then why did you never do it before?

Mercy:I only use it for when the time is right.

I looked at my hand as it began to take it's monstrous form.

Kiriko:Hey Y/N, can you show me a little further into the forest. I'm already done with this part.

Y/N:I think i have to get back home soon.

I hid my right hand behind my back as she looked at me. Still nervously smiling trying to get out of here.

Kiriko's POV

Reinhardt:As the cursed man's transformation is beginning to form. The Witch is curious to why her new found friend is acting this way.

Kiriko:Hey what's wrong? You seem a little off.

I walked up to him thinking he was sick or maybe got poisoned by something in the forest.

Y/N:N-nothing is wrong. I just need to get home.

Kiriko:Come on Y/N i know when something is with a person. I can easily read one's body language.

I walked up to him and placed my hans on his forehead. To see if he is sick.

He began to walk back as i apporached him.

Y/N:Stay back! Please

Kiriko:Y/N you can trust me. I can help you with whatever you are facing.

Y/N:Just stay away from me, Kiriko! It's not safe for you!

I grabbed a potion from my back to give it to him. Hopefully it can calm him down.

He began to run away from me. I followed after him.

Kiriko:Y/N wait up!

Y/N:Just leave me alone!

Kiriko:No! I won't abandon a friend like that!

Y/N:We aren't even friends! We just barley met!

Kiriko:I know that, but i see you as somewhat as a friend. I'd like to get to know you more!

Y/N:No you don't! You'll hate- We can be really good friends I'm sure of that.

Wait that's not what he was meant to say. I then remembered about what happened at the Tavern.

He was asking me about something only to change it about him finding me cute.

While i am still a little flustered, i did find it off. Maybe he was trying to say something else. Maybe there's a third party intervening with our business.

Kiriko:Y/N you aren't making any sense!

Y/N:I can't tell you the truth. Because She'll just ruin it.

Kiriko:Who do you mean by She?

Y/N:I can't tell you who she is!

I eventually cornered Y/N to a mountain where the only way was to climb up.

Kiriko:Just give up Y/N. Now please tell me what's wrong?

Y/N:Just get out of here. I'll be nothing more but a danger to you.

I walked up to him and grabs his left hand.

Kiriko:Y/N... Listen to me. I know there's a reason why i have been attracted to you. Well not in that way.

Y/N:Yeah what is it?

Kiriko:You're cursed aren't you?

Y/N:No I'm not.

Kiriko:I can tell that you are a very bad liar.

Y/N:Sadly I'm forced to lie. Even to a person as kind as you.

Kiriko:All i want to know is tell me who is forcing you to lie?

Y/N:It's nobody.

Kiriko:You mentioned a she? Well who is she?


Kiriko:It's okay I'm here. I'll protect you she won't be here to hurt you.

I said to him firmly attempting to calm him down.

Y/N:She is- She is

As i hold onto his hand. I noticed that his pupils turned into a monstrous yellow color.

He swiped a monstorous looking hand at me. I immediately dodged only for a scratch mark to appear on my hand.

I noticed that under his sleeve a blade was attatched to his wrist. With the eyes of the blade glowing green.

The scratch mark doesn't look human. Y/N stood infront of me as he held his right hand.

Y/N:I'm sorry please forgive me.

He then ran off and leaving my line of sight with nowhere to follow him.

I looked at my hand and the scratch mark.


I frowned as he was trying to protect me from what he was becoming.

I clenched my fists as i began to vow to myself.

Kiriko:I promise that I'll find a way to cure your curse.

The one thing i noticed was the dagger that was underneath his sleeved. Attached to his own wrists as if it was apart of him.

That may be my first key to finding out on what's wrong with him. I sat down onto a log and began to remember to myself.

I heard stories of an old castle located near Adlersbraunn. One where two powerful twin weapons lay in peace.

As the general that owned the castle used those weapons in combat. When he passed his weapons were kept in the castle as anyone who attempted to take them was to be cursed.

Kiriko:Y/N did you take them? Why what made you want to take them?

Then i remember about the She that was mentioned.

Kiriko:No, whoever this She person is. She's the one who forced Y/N to take the daggers for her own bidding.

Hopefully i can come face to face with her. Bless Y/N of the curse he has and return the blades back to their resting owner.

I got up from the log and began to walk back to town. To begin work on a new type of potion. One that would offer protection.


I ran as fast as i can eventually escaping Kiriko. I ran back into a cave in the woods as i sat down.

I looked at my hand as my transformation began to slow down.

Y/N:I can't believe i scratched her like that.

I watched as my hand began to change back to it's human form. I'm regretting already attacking her. When all she wanted to do was help.

Reinhardt:As the cursed man cried another servant of the witch appeared before him. The only one who he became close to. A Master of being reality

The Summoner

Symmetra:Greetings Y/N.

I looked at the summoner as she approached me. The only friend that i made among the witch's allies.

Y/N:Ah Summoner why have you come to see me.

Symmetra:My apologies Y/N but i have been watching your recent actions

Y/N:Jeez has everyone been watching me lately?

Symmetra:Well you may remember the news that The Reaper told you right?

Y/N:Yeah that we're going to be helping some scientist out. What about it?

Symmetra:Well i have a plan to get you out of there.

Y/N:What type of plan?

I tilted my head in curiosity willing to listen to the summoner.

Symmetra:Admist the chaos of our attack. I'll send you a signal where i will open up a portal for you. There you'll be able to escape from the witch's grasp.

Reinhardt:A deal that sounds to good to be true. However for the cursed man escaping her influence is only a quarter of his goals.

Y/N:I must refuse, sadly. I still have my mother to worry about. But also even if i escape from the witch's influence i still have the curse.

Symmetra:Ah the curse, do you believe in that other wich that you met?

Y/N:Who Kiriko? She probably has an idea after i scratched her.

Symmetra:She seems talented from the i saw from her.

Y/N:Have you been watching her the whole time also?

Symmetra:Yes as i did noticed her presence the moment she first entered town. If she puts her mind to it then she can find the cure you need.

Y/N:Yeah, but all i can do is hope.

Symmetra:Indeed, however the reason why i came here is for us to check up on Dr.Junkenstien.

Y/N:Let me guess she ordered it.

Symmetra:Indeed. She wishes for us to check on the progress with his creation.

Y/N:Then i have no choice then, let us go then.

The Summoner opened up a portal and we both walked inside.

Kiriko's POV

I began work on a new type of potion one that's meant to bless as well to protect a person.

A potion that can bless any negative effect. I put the ingredients together and began to experiment.

Cassidy:Hey what are you working on?

Kiriko:A new type of potion you can call it. Well it's probably not a potion i don't know what to call it yet.

Cassidy:Is it my perfect aim potion that i commissioned?

Kiriko:No it's not that. Something fully meant for protection.

Cassidy:don't you already have many of those protection things?

Kiriko:Those are just amulets. I can't even replicate them. However this item can be replicated.

Cassidy:I just hope it'll be useful for the defense of the town.

Kiriko:Don't worry I'll be sure to test it until i get it right.

I looked at the ingredients that i used as i continued work.

Kiriko:I'll be sure to use my first serum on you Y/N. I just hope it'll work.


Reinhardt:The Summoner has transported Y/N to the labtory of Dr.Junkenstien. Where the Reaper and the Witch herself are meeting with him.

Mercy:It's good to see that all of us are here now.

Reaper:Now let's see what this mad fool has to show us.

Symmetra:I still don't think it was a good idea to give him the gift of life.

Mercy:It could be but i have some faith in his work.

The witch knocked on the door with a wooden machine opening the door.

Y/N:Is this one of his creations?

Reaper:Yes he calls them Zomnics has a whole army of them.

Mercy:However we aren't here for them.

Reinhardt:The witch immediately made her presence known. Immediately gaining the attention of the scientist, as he walked upstairs from his basement and met with them.

A Man with white hair and a lab coat walked up the stairs. That must be Dr.Junkenstien.

Junkrat:Ah Witch of the wilds and her companions. Welcome to my laboratory!

Reaper:Don't waste our time with the introductions. Show us the creation.

Mercy:Reaper please be patient.

Junkrat:Ah yes my creation please follow me.

All of us walked down the basement into his laboratory.

Reinhardt:What they find on laying on a table is Junkenstien's creation, his very own monster.

Junkrat:Everyone this is my monster. Created by the life serum that you gave me my lady.

I poked his face to get a reaction out of the monster.

Y/N:You sure he's alive? He doesn't seem to be moving.

Junkrat:That's because i haven't put the final touches on it!

Reinhardt:The Mad doctor grabbed onto a lever and pulled it down. Electricity began to make it's way towards monster. Eventually it rose from it's slumber making a loud roar.


Junkenstien:He's Alive! HE'S ALIVE!

The witch began to clap at Junkenstien's monster. The Reaper looked impressed for once. The Summoner simply wanted to watch over what it could do. While i didn't simply care.

Mercy:I must compliment on your accomplishment, Doctor. You did a marvelous job on using the essence i gave you.

Junkrat:Well i couldn't have done without your help. Now i can take my revenge on that foolish lord!

Y/N:So about the attack that I've been hearing about?

Mercy:Eager to attack Adlersbraunn already Y/N?

Y/N:No but i know i am forced to even if I don't want to.

Junkrat:Right! We'll attack on Friday Night! Soon my Zomnic allies and my powerful allies will ravage all of Adlersbraunn!

Mercy:Don't forget about our deal.

Junkrat:Right, you can have the town as i won't be having a need for it anyway.

Here i am hearing all of this yet i feel powerless to stop it. As i am forced to participate as well.

Mercy:Then we'll meet back with you on Friday then. Your Zomnic army better not disappoint me.

Junkrat:Oh it won't Milady i promise.

Timeskip to Friday.

We stood in front of the town's gates ready to break in. I stood in front alongside The Summoner, The Reaper, Dr.Junkenstein, his creation and the witch herself.

Behind us was Junkenstein's army of Zomnics ready to break through the gate.

The sun was setting and the moon was ready to appear at any moment. Signaling for nightfall to come.

Mercy:Y/N I'll be keeping an eye on you to make sure that you don't do anything.

She points her fingers at her eyes and point them back at me.

Reaper:Lets get this over with already.

Dr.Junkenstein commanded his Zomnics to break through the gate of the town.

Junkrat:Now my Zomnics make your way towards the Lord's castle!

Symmetra:I'll be ready to summon a barrier to protect some of your zomnics from any of the Lord's forces.

Mercy:Just one last thing.

The witch grabbed the collar of my shirt before i can go anywhere. I watched as the moon appeared.

My body began to transform into the beast as the witch smiled.

Mercy:Now move fowards my beast and eliminate all those at oppose us.

Being forced to follow her orders i ran into the city ready to cause destruction.

Junkrat:I think my monster is a lot better.

Kiriko's POV

Reinhardt:As Junkenstein's army prepared to break through the gate and attack the city. The almighty and great lord of Adlersbraunn had called his travlers for help.

Lord Reinhardt:Traveler today i had gotten a message from some of scouts. It appears his army is slowly apporaching.

Both Cassidy and I looked at each other from the whole threat.

Cassidy:So what exactly are we facing? Monsters or a human army?

Lord Reinhardt:It appears to be an army created of wooden people.

Kiriko:Wooden people? Like dolls or something like that?

Cassidy:Well you are the witch maybe you can explain that.

Kiriko:Well i don't think a scientist like him would use witchcraft.

Lord Reinhardt:They also reported a large green monster among them. He may be a great big threat to you two. Which is why i should introduce you to the other two travlers that i had hired.

???:It has been a while hasn't it Bounty Hunter?

A woman's voice had gained our attention. She was wearing a red hood and had white hair.

Cassidy:Oh great it's you again. Guess i can never escape you, Ashe.

Kiriko:You know this woman?

Cassidy:Yeah used to ride and catch bounties with her. She even manged to tame a Werewolf on one of our travels.

Ashe:So this is who you are working with now.

She begins to inspect me trying to see if I'm up to her standards.

Ashe:Doesn't seem like much.

Kiriko:Hey! I'll have you know I'm talented in Witchcraft and dagger throwing. Maybe i might just suprise you.

Ashe:Surprise me by pulling a rabbit out of that big hat of yours?

Kiriko:No when i save your life.

She laughed thinking that i was joking and not taking me seriously.

Ashe:I've hunted far bigger game than you ever have little girl.

Cassidy:That's enough you two break it up!

Kiriko:Just you wait I'll show that I'm far better than you.

Ashe:We'll see about that.

Lord Reinhardt:If you two stop fighting. Then i can introduce your other companion.

We both began to quiet down as the Lord finally introduced our last member.

Lord Reinhardt:The last member of your group is a skilled engineer. Who hails from the north and is an old friend of mine.

A man with a beard wearing a helmet walked into the throne room.

Lord Reinhardt:I'm grateful that you had agree to help defend my town, Törbjorn.

Törbjorn:Only because i owe you one, old friend.

Ashe:And what can your machines do?

Törbjorn:They can surely hit every shot unlike you.

Ashe:Machines can malfunction unlike my guns.

Cassidy:Do you really have to start something with everyone that you meet?

The sounds of screaming and destruction could be heard outside of the castle.

Lord Reinhardt:Instead of starting rivalries with each other. You four all work together and defend Adlersbraunn!

Cassidy:Very well but what about you? Aren't you going to escape or something?

Törbjorn:Escaping is the last option for a guy like him.

Lord Reinhardt:No i will stay here and give that mad doctor a final showdown!

The doors to the castle opened up as the Lord ordered us to walk out and begin the battle.

The Town was in despair as these wooden monsters began to rush through the town in waves.

Ashe:So these living tree things are what we are facing. Seems like an easy job.

Törbjorn:Yes because us 4 can definitely handle the thousands of them.

Ashe:Aren't ya engineer? How about you shut your mouth and get to be building.

Törbjorn:I don't think i like your attitude.

Kiriko:That makes two of us.

Cassidy:I don't think Ashe's big mouth is still the only thing we don't need to worry about.

The wooden monsters began to apporach the gate. Törbjorn throws out a turret and it begins to fire at them.

Kiriko:What kind of witchcraft is that?

Törbjorn:Not witchraft. It's just what tools can make in general.

We begin to fire upon the horde of the monsters. Firing my kunais at their heads and trying to eliminate them.

Cassidy and Ashe were providing fire from the back with their respective weapons.

Törbjorn was behind his turret reparing it if it took any damage.

Together we work together fighting the horde and attempting to push them back.

After repelling the horde for quiet a while we took a small break.

Cassidy:That appears the last of them for now.

Ashe:I wouldn't suggest that.

Another wave of them begin to appear continuing their attack. All of us know that this is going to be a long night.

Mercy's POV

Reinhardt:Observing the four wanderers was the witch. She looked displeased as the Zomnics were falling to their weapons.

Mercy:Looks like the four mercenaries that the lord hired are going to be a formidable foe.

I put my hand on my chin as i think about which one i want eliminated first.

I lowered myself down to my servants as they continued the attack.

Mercy:Reaper eliminate one of the four heroes that the lord had hired.

Reaper:Which one?

Mercy:The one with the long beard. He seems to be talented with his craft. Make it quick so they don't notice you

Reaper:On it.

Reaper immediately began to teleport to another part of the gate. I smirked as he is one of my best servants. He'll surely get the job done.

Kiriko's POV

I threw some of my ofudas at my allies to heal any of their wounds from the battle.

Ashe:Hate to admit. But your magic is showing it's worth.

Kiriko:Now you've noticed my skill.

Ashe:How about after this job. You come along with me and ditch the loser.


Kiriko:No thanks i plan on leaving on my own.

Cassidy:You sure about that Kiriko?

Kiriko:Yep! I think I'd like to move into Adlersbraunn after this.

Törbjorn:I'm sure my friend might be able to help you with settling in!

I began to feel something like a dark presence. I turned around and noticed a portal behind the viking.

A figure with a pumpkin for a head popped out and aimed a shotgun at his head.

Kiriko:Viking watch out!

I took out my newest creation something that I've dubbed the protection suzu.

As the Pumpkin head fired a shot straight at the Viking's head. My Suzu landed and splashed all over the viking protecting him.

Reaper:What the?

Everyone turned around as the turret began to fire at pumpkin head.

Cassidy:Now who is this pumpkin head?

Reaper:I am The Reaper. Each and every single one of you will not see the light of day.

He began to fire his shotguns at us. We began to take a distance from him. I threw my kunais at his head.

He then turned into some kind of ghost type form avoiding the damage we're doing to him.

Ashe:What the? How is he doing that?

Törbjorn:He's probably some phantom of some sort.

He turned back to normal and continued to fight against us.

Ashe fired multiple shots at him and throwing some dynatmite at him. He was lit on fire.

Ashe:That must burn him.

Reaper:Measly fire cannot stop me!

He began to transform back into his wraith form.

Cassidy:You aren't getting away this time.

He threw a magnetic gernade at him cancelling his wraith form.


Cassidy:Just some adjustments that i made to it.

Cassidy tipped his hat as the gernade exploded. The Reaper fell to the ground and attempted to get back up.

Cassidy fired one shot of his revlover and finished him off.

Cassidy:Guess we aren't having any pumpkin pie.

Cassidy laughed at his own joke as all of us gave him a "really" look.


Ashe:Gosh i remember why i hate you.

Törbjorn:Witch girl.

Kiriko:It's Kiriko.

Törbjorn:Thank you for saving my life.

Kiriko:No problem that's what allies do.

Mercy's POV

I watched as the Reaper fell in battle. One of my best servants easily fell like that.

Mercy:Impossible! He can't fall.

I looked at the mad scientist as he continued to command his army like a general.


Junkrat:Yes milady?

Mercy:Send in your monster now to eliminate them. Make sure you tag along as well.

Junkrat:But do i have to?

I gave him a dead glare that made him terrified.

Junkrat:Y-yes right away! Oh my terrifiying Monster is time.


The two began to make their way towards the adventurers.

However there is one thing that i find off. Where is the summoner?

Symmetra's POV

I was in the town square as Y/N in his beast form continued to ravage through it.

Attacking a statue of the lord and destorying the buildings.

Though i may be a demon i still have sympathy for him. As i am his friend.

Also i wish to take up the witch's spot eventually. No longer shall i be her servant. But i need to play my cards right.

I walked up to the beast as he continued to rampage the streets.


He turned around and looked at me. He then apporached me calmly due to our friendship.


Symmetra:I'll get you to safety

Y/N:No.. I need a cure

Symmetra:That's why. I'll bring you to her. She can help you we both know that.

I summoned a portal and he looked at me hesitantly. But he walked inside and i followed him. Now we just need to get her attention.

Kiriko's POV

After defeating the great pumpkin. We continued to fight against horde of the monsters.

Cassidy:It's a good thing i packed many bullets.

Kiriko:Jeez will these guys just die down already.


Törbjorn:Huh what was that.

Apporaching from a balcony area was a scientist looking man.

Ashe:That must be Dr.Wackonut.


Ashe:I know what i said.

Junkrat:For many years have i suffered underneath the foot of that blasted lord! Now i will have my revenge!

A green monster began to charge through the horde. Junkenstein began to fire bombs supporting the monster.

Kiriko:What is that thing?

Ashe:Girly ever heard of shoot first ask questions later.

We began to focus our attention at the monster. However we are starting to get surrounded.

The big monster is proving to be immune to our weapons. His master continued to bombard us. His monster army continued to move on without stopping.

Junkrat:Yes keep on moving mu Zomnics! Soon you'll get to the lord!

Cassidy:Nothing is working!

Törbjorn:Maybe a big giant laser could work. Just let me begin working on it.

Ashe:Sure take all the time you want. Oh wait you can't.

Kiriko:Well you got a better idea, Ashe?

Ashe:Actually i do.

I was curious at what Ashe's plan was to deak with the monster.

Junkrat:Get ready for a shock!

The sound of a tire began to make it's way towards us!

Cassidy:I don't like the sound of that.

The tire began to apporach us it looked like a bomb. But Törbjorn's turret took notice and fired at it. It destoryed the tire stopping it from exploding.

Junkrat:Nooooo! My Rip tire!

He began to pull his hair as Ashe has a smirk on her face.

Ashe:Now get ready to see your precious Monster go down also!

Junkrat:What do you mean! He's unstoppable!

Ashe:BOB do something!

Kiriko:Who's BOB?

A werewolf appeared behind Ashe and began to charge toward's Junkenstein's Monster.

Ashe:This is BOB.

Cassidy:Still looks the same when you first tamed him.

The Werewolf began to charge at Junkenstein's Monster. With him throwing a chain and pulling BOB in as he charged.

Junkrat:Get that furball my precious, Monster!

Cassidy:Now that his monster is distracted let's focus on the msd scientist himself.

Cassidy and Ashe began to fire at Dr.Junkenstein. He fired his gernades back. Explosions began to appear destorying some of his own zomnics.

Junkrat:NOOOOO! Don't you know how long it takes to make one Zomnic?

Kiriko:I don't think any of us didn't ask

He continued fire more gernades at us. I threw several of my kunais at the appoarching horde of zomnics. Hoping my team can finish him off.

I sent out my ofuda's healing them from the explosions that the mad scientist keep sending out.

I looked at the main battle between BOB and Junkenstein's Monster. A fist fight between the two was occurring.

BOB manages to overpower the monster and slam him onto the ground.

Ashe:I think i got a clear shot on Junkenstein!

Cassidy:Well take the shot

Ashe:I can't he won't stop moving.

The Monster stands up and begins to pumble BOB. I sent out my ofudas to heal BOB so he can gain an advantage over the monster.

Eventually BOB delivers one final blow to the monster ending it's existence.

Junkrat:Noooooo! My monster what did you do to him!

Ashe:Thank you BOB

Junkenstein stood still grieving over the defeat of his monster. Ashe immediately fired a shot to his head causing him to collapse.

Törbjorn:Well the lunatic is dead. What now?

He looked at another wave of Zomnics approaching.

Kiriko:Looks like they are ready for another round.

Ashe:Hopefully this is last damn wave!

As i continued to assist the team i looked to my left and noticed something. Inside the fort next to the castle was a light.

Could be one more enemy inside of the fort. Probably ready to sneak attack us. I begin to walk towards the fort.

Cassidy:Hey where are you going?

Kiriko:Into the fort i think there's something in there.

Cassidy:Then i'll come with incase you need any backup.

Kiriko:I can handle it on my own. Seems like it could be an easy victory for me.

Cassidy:Alright then. But if you need help just scream.

Kiriko:Like i even would.

I apporached the fort and walked inside of it. Nobody was inside i began to explore trying to look for somebody.

Kiriko:Hello? This is a waste of my time.


A voice came from behind and i saw a demon infront of me. I immediately got into a battle stance.

Demon:Calm down I'm not here to fight you.

Kiriko:Yeah right you snuk up on me.

Demon:That was the only way i can meet you and have a conversation with you.

Kiriko:Why would i have a conversation with a demon?

Demon:I'm not a demon I'm a summoner, but some refer to me as Symmetra.

Kiriko:Okay... What do you want to talk about?

Symmetra:By observing your magic capabilities. I can tell that you exceed expectations.

Kiriko:Well i try not to brag about it. That's a lie i brag about it a lot.

Symmetra:Well there's a favor i need of you.

Kiriko:What do you want me to do?

I looked at her in curiosity. She then made a signal to something in the shadows.

Reinhardt:Approaching from the shadows was the cursed man in his beast form. The witch could only look in horror as the monster began to approach her.

I looked at horror to the monster that the summoner had summoned.

Kiriko:Who is that?

Symmetra:You may be familar with him. I need you to cure him.

I looked at the claws and they looked familar. I looked at my arm with the scratch mark and analyzed the claw from the beasts.

I then noticed the blades attached to his wrists. I immediately knew who it was.



I looked into his eyes as i can see sadness in the beasts eyes. Forced to take this hideous form.

Kiriko:What happened to him?

Symmetra:He made a deal with my employer. To help his sick mom, he had to retrieve those cursed weapons. But what he didn't know is that he would become a slave to the witch. He took up this form every night forced to leave civilization and reside in a cave.

I hugged the beast trying to comfort him.

Kiriko:Now i know why you were panicking.

I turned to the summoner as she explained this to me.

Kiriko:But why tell me this?

Symmetra:Y/N is the only ally that i sympathize with. All you have to do is cure him.

Kiriko:I'll try.


She summoned a portal and walked near it.

Symmetra:I leave this to you then. As i will return back to my realm. Take care of him alright.

I nodded as she walked into the portal fully dissapearing.

Kiriko:Don't worry Y/N I'll get you fixed.

I took out my bag and grabbed a serum that i made. It has the blessings of my suzu.

Kiriko:Alright Y/N if i can inject you with this. Then you might be cured.


Kiriko I'm 99% sure i won't let you suffer like this anymore.

???:I'm afraid i can't let you do that.

One last figure made her appearance known. She had blonde hair and also a wore witch outfit.


Kiriko:You! You are the monster that did this to him!?

I looked at her in anger as she smirked.

Mercy:Guilty as charged.

Kiriko:Why? Why are you using your talent for evil?

Mercy:I simply use it for my own means. I wanted someone to use those cursed daggers so i had poor Y/N over there collect them for me.

Kiriko:The summoner told me everything! You tricked him and made him into that beast.

Mercy:The summoner told you everything? I guess I'll have to deal with her once I'm done.

Kiriko:You aren't going anywhere not over my dead body.

Mercy:Do you really think you're going to stop me. I've been monitoring your every move. You are a simply a novice witch compared to my skills.

Kiriko:Then it'll be humiliating for you after i beat the crap out of you.

Mercy:You think you can win against me? You are very funny?

Kiriko:Then let's go then me and you!

Mercy:I would however i habe other business to attend to. Your friends killed my servants and i need to use my necromancy skill to bring them back. Because my servants never die.

Kiriko:I won't let you do that.

Mercy:It's a good thing that you won't be fighting me. Y/N kill her!

Reinhardt:The beast's master immediately gave him the order to kill his friend. No matter how much his will resisted the beast will obey his orders no matter what.

Y/N:I'm... Sorry.

Kiriko:No don't be sorry, I'll make sure to free you from her clutches.

Reinhardt:The beast immediately leaped towards the witch ready to strike at her.

Mercy:Here Y/N let me give you a boost.

Reinhardt:The Witch of the wilds cast a blue spell upon the beast. To ensure an easy victory.

I watched as a blue beam appeared from her broom and gave it's power to Y/N.

Mercy:I can tell that you are nervous.

Kiriko:Me nervous? Never.

Mercy:I will grant you one chance. If you join me then i will share my power with you.

Kiriko:Good offer but I'm going to have to decline. I pefer to learn on my own anyways.

Mercy:Well don't come crying to me when both you and your friends are dead.

She immediately pointed at me which caused for Y/N to release the daggers on his wrists to attack me.

The daggers had a chain that he can freely control.

I dodged the daggers as they attempted to impale me. He moved the daggers around following my every move.

Mercy:Be careful i heard just one stab can lead to a massive misfortune.

I began to throw my kunais at the witch of the wilds attempting to hit her.

But Y/N immediately blocked the kunais and protected his master.

Mercy:As long as he is under my control no harm could be done to me.

Kiriko:So your forcing me to harm him? You damn coward why don't you fight me face on.

Mercy:Not a coward just knowing that you aren't even worth a single ounce of my magic.

The beast jumped at me with his jaw open and his claws ready to attack me. I kicked him in the back causing him to fall down.

Kiriko:Y/N i know we just met only a week ago. But please if you are anywhere in there please! Fight her control.

Y/N:Fight.... Control. Wish i could.

Mercy:His will is weak! He has already succumbed to my control.

Kiriko:Oh come on YN there has to be a way to fight it. What about your mother you wish to see her again as a normal being right?

Y/N:Yes... I want to live a normal life again.

Mercy:Y/N you will not fall under her control. You are my beast!

Y/N:Yes... Witch of the wilds.

Y/N turned back and faced me again and threw one of the daggers at me.

I dodged the dagger again and threw another kunai at Y/N. I'm aiming at spots that wouldn't be fatal.

I then fell something impaling into my stomach. I looked at it and noticed one of the curse daggers impaled into my stomach.

Mercy:Great shot, Y/N!

The witch of the wilds began to clap in praise of his attack. I fell down to the ground feeling the effects of the dagger.

Mercy:Do you know what's going to happen to you?

Kiriko:Yeah... Misfortune is going to succumb to my body... Killing me in 15 minutes. I already have done my research on the daggers of the Crow Commander.

Mercy:Then you can spend the last 15 minutes of your life. Hearing the screams of your allies as i resurrect mine.

The witch of the wilds does a follow me motion to the beast. As they proceed to walk out Y/N looks at me.

I can still see the humanity in him regretting this decision. However i still don't back down from my goals.

I began to snicker while on the floor. The witch of the wilds turns around looking confused.

Mercy:What's so funny? I didn't think you would find dying to be so funny.

Kiriko:No... It's just that i already found a cure to curses. One that's free of charge and doesn't require a deal unlike with your magic.

I threw a suzu onto floor splashing me with the purification needed to remove my curse.


Kiriko:Are you suprised? It took several trials and error to get it right. Just shows I'm probably the better witch from the two of us.

Mercy:Then i guess i'll take your research for myself. Y/N finish her already.

The beast looked me one last time preparing for one last final pounce. I took out the serum ready for him to buy into my bait.

Kiriko:I just want you to know something Y/N. That when i make a promise i always abide by the promise.

The beast jumped at me for the last time. His claws ready to impale into my heart.

As his arm grew near i grab the serum and impale it into his arm.

He then fell down and began to transform back into a human.

I kneel down and check on his pulse to see if he's okay.

Kiriko:He's unconscious for now.

I look at the the blades still being apart of his wrist. Guessing thr serum still needs some work as it's effect is only temporary.

Mercy:What did you do?

Kiriko:Did something that i promised. He's fine it's not like you would care anyways.

Mercy:Then i have misjudged you then.

She immediately raised up the palm of her hands and began to encant a spell.

Mercy:I will show you what will happens when you mess with the likes of me.

She began to peform a resurrection spell for all of her allies to come back to life.

Mercy:My serva-

I threw a kunai at her head interrupting her spell. She dropped her broom and i rushed over to pick it up.

Kiriko:I'll be taking this.

Mercy:My broom!


I begin to spin the broom around and some purification effects come out.

Heavy wind manages to make it's way inside of the closed fort. I feel very empowered right now.

Kiriko:I will ensure that you will never use your magic for evil again!

I take out a kunai one that is blessed to eliminate any monsters.

I throw it at the witch of the wilds. She attempts to run away but the kunai continues to follow her. Eventually it ended up hitting her in the leg!


Reinhardt:With one hit from the kunai. The witch of the wilds begins to vanish from existence. From now on Adlersbraunn will no longer have to live under her tyranny alongside her minions.

As she vanished, i sighed and began to patch myself up.

Kiriko:That's the end of that.

I heard groaning from behind me and i turned around.


I ran over to him and i placed an ofuda on him to heal him from the wounds that i gave to him.


Kiriko:Yes it's me!

I immediately hug him.

Y/N:Where is she?

Kiriko:She's dead...

I watch as his eyes begins to tear up then begins to cry. As we continued to hug each other he planted his face into my shoulder. I pat him in the back trying to comfort him.

Kiriko:There There. She won't hurt you anymore. You are now a free person.

Y/N:Thank you, so much. How can i ever repay you.

Kiriko:Well i heard in Adlersbraunn there's a snack called a doughnut. I would like for you to treat me to one of them.

Y/N:Is that all?

Kiriko:Yes, you don't have to owe your life to me. I just like doing what i do helping other people out.

Y/N:Kiriko? One last thing did you manage to cure my curse?

Kiriko:I don't know, even though you are back to human. I have an idea that it could be temporary.

He frowned thinking that he might stay as a monster.

Kiriko:But i plan on staying here and helping out with this town. Come on let's get you out of here.

He nodded and i begin to carry his weak body out of the fort. I open the door and noticed that the sun was beginning to rise.

Reinhardt:With the defeat of the witch! The Zomnic horde has ended. The long night is finally over!

Cassidy:There you are! I was worried that you were dead.

Kiriko:Me, dead? That's a funny joke.

Cassidy:Hey is that your boyfriend that you have in your arms?

Kiriko:He's not my boyfriend! Just a victim of the witch's tyranny. But he's also my friend and i plan on staying here to help him with his condition.

Reinhardt:After defeating Junkenstein's army. The lord keeping his promise gave each of the adventurers a reward. Giving the viking blueprints to a device. Little Red an entire Chest filled with riches. Lastly giving the bounty hunter and witch a gold chalice. With that the group has disbanded. With the Bounty Hunter and Witch ready to say their goodbyes.

I look at Cassidy as he begins to pack his wagon. This is our final job together. I tagged along with him to help improve my magic.

But i think helping the people of Adlersbraunn might be able to help me fully.

Cassidy:You sure you still want to be on your own?

Kiriko:I'm positive. I think i want to start a new life here in Adlersbraunn.

Cassidy:I'm gonna miss your immaturity a little bit.

Kiriko:Awwww and that was your least favorite part about me. I'm gonna miss you too Cowboy.

I gently punched him in the shoulder. He got on the wagon and was ready to leave.

Cassidy:Last thing, here.

Cassidy hands me the gold chalice that the lord gave us as payment.

Kiriko:Are you sure you don't want it?

Cassidy:Nah, i have plenty of more riches. You should have it to help you out with your new life here.

Kiriko:Thank you!

I smiled at the chalice, as Y/N's voice called to me with him waving.

Y/N:Hey Kiri! You ready to get that doughnut that i owe you?

Kiriko:Kiri? Where the hell did that come from?

Cassidy:Kiri? It has a nice ring to it.

Kiriko:Shut up. Yes Y/N I'm ready to get that doughnut that you owe me.

Y/N:Alright come on let's go. Since your moving in here i guess i can give you a tour.

I noticed that Y/N's attitude change from being secretive to being more open.

I turn to Cassidy and give him a wave goodbye. He does the same and rides off.

Kiriko:Come on Mr.Tour guide. Let's go enjoy that Doughnut first.

Reinhardt:The witch begins to follow the cursed man around the city to the bakery. This is only the beginning of their relationship one that will grow further. The end.

Back to the real world.


Tracer:Another great story from the great storyteller himself!

Mercy:Why do you always have to make the Witch of the wilds a villian?

Reinhardt:Well it's hard to think of a new villian.

Kiriko:Hey Y/N is it just me or does the two main characters in the story kind of remind you of us?

Y/N:Your just overthinking it Kiri. There's no way that Reinhardt based his story off of us.

Kiriko:Perhaps it's a coincidence.

Lúcio:Alright everyone it's time for us to start dancing! Let's all get our groove on!

Lúcio changed the record on his booth to another signaling for everyone to start dancing.

Y/N:May i have this dance?

Kiriko:Yes, yes you may. Just make sure you don't look ridiculous like last time alright.

Y/N:I won't unlike last time. I can promise you that I've been taking lessons.

Kiriko:Then let's put those lessons to the test.

I grab Kiriko's hand and the both of us begin to dance to the music. All of Watchpoint Gibraltar partied for the night.

Tomorrow everything will go back to normal. But now Kiriko and I along with everyone else are celebrating the spirit of Halloween

End of Bonus Chapter

Hello Everyone, i hope you all enjoyed this Bonus Chapter aka the Halloween Special.

I wanted to write something for Halloween. Especially since i first wrote a bonus chapter for Questwatch.

If you are wondering why i didn't do Bride of Junkenstien. Which is the gamemode that has Kiriko in it.

It's simply that i have more nostalgia towards the orignal one.

Sorry if the battle scenes weren't that expansive. Writing these Oneshot bonus chapters can be a little limiting.

I still remember having plans of making the Questwatch and This as their own little short 5 chapter fanfics.

But now that we're moving away from noncanon. We are returning back to the actual story.

Thank you all for the support and i hope you enjoyed this bonus chapter

We will be returning in

The Invasion of Ilios

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