The protectors of Kanezaka (K...

By Pie78904

71.3K 1.1K 866

For most of Y/N's life bad luck has been surrounding his life. Everywhere he went misfortune would always fol... More

Arriving in Kanezaka
Do you believe in spirits?
Training Time!
The First Mission.
A Celebration of victory and the Tengu
Lemon Chapter 18+ (April Fools)
The Idea of Family
The Wrath of the Onryo
Let's sink a yacht!
The Goddess of Love
A Confession between a Fox and a Crow
Defend the Shrine!
An Old friend
Heir to a Kingdom
Finding Peace
The Fall of the Hashimoto Clan.
Peace returns to Kanezaka
Thank you, Behind the scenes and a QNA
A New Opportunity
New Agents of Overwatch
Escort the Payload
A Bank heist filled with Explosions
The Cursed Man and the Witch
The Invasion of Ilios
The First of Talon's Elites
A Funtime in Busan
An Old Battlefield
The River Spirit
Gladiators of the Colosseum
Another Lemon Chapter 18+
The Imposter

Family Reunion

1.1K 19 15
By Pie78904


Doomfist's POV

Ever since Olivia had told me about Masaru's son. I wanted to do a little research on the boy.

I could just ask her to tell me what she knows. But i pefer to do my own research.

The only thing i asked for Oliva was for the security tapes that night.

She walked into my office with a usb in her hand.

Sombra:Here you go Akande. What you asked for. Stolen straight from the archives of Kanezaka's Police Department.

She handed me the usb drive and i inserted it into my laptop. I began to review the footage.

I watched as 5 people and a familar face break into Hashimoto tower and began to fight any in their path.

The thing that caught my attention was the outfits they were wearing.

Doomfist:Why are they wearing such ridiculous outfits?

Sombra:Personally i don't know. Guess it's for them to keep their identity a secert.

Doomfist:That man that's with them, That's Genji Shimada.

I pointed at Genji curious on why an ex-Overwatch agent was helping a group of vigilantes.

Sombra:Is he your old best friend or something?

Doomfist:No, i met him before i went to prison. I almost won that battle if it wasn't for the gorilla.

Sombra:It's so funny to hear how both you and Reyes were easily defeated by a Gorilla.

Doomfist:I will redeem myself for that failure. However the one thing i know about Genji Shimada is his Teacher. Asa Yamagami one of the most talented swordsmasters in the world. Even i have a respect for her. I would've challenged her if it wasn't for Masaru.

Sombra:Well if you'd like i can tell you something about the girl.

Doomfist:Which one the one dressed like a bird or the one with the fox ears?

Sombra:Fox Ears.

Doomfist:Go on as I'm only interested in the boy.

Sombra:That Swordmaster you mentioned well that's her daughter. Kept her in hiding for a long time. Just shows how foolish those Hashimoto's when I'm able to figure out more about her then they ever could.

Doomfist:Asa has a daughter?

Now I'm interested around this girl wearing fox ears. I can tell who she has recieved her training from. However i must continue the search for Masaru's son.

I continued to watch over the footage and noticed strange things happening. Things falling over out of nowhere as if an invisible force was pushing them. People's guns jamming. It almost appeared supernatural.

Doomfist:Sombra explain what is going on here?

Sombra:Not even i can explain what's going on.

The dreaded moment arrived when the last member of the Hashimoto elite came face to face with Yōkai.

She revealed to them that the man wearing that coat and holding weapons that looked like Ksuarigamas. That he was Masaru's son.

I paused the video and looked at him getting a closer look.

Doomfist:That's him.

Sombra:You have a good eye.

Doomfist:From his combat skills he shows potential. He surely isn't like his father especially if he is rebelling against him.

Sombra:He does make a decent candidate however there is one problem.

Doomfist:What is it?

Sombra clicked play on the video and as the boy reveal to his friends that he's Masaru's son. Asa's daughter walked up to him and embraced him in her arms.

Doomfist:So Masaru's son and Asa's daughter are in a relationship.. How ironic.

I smiled and chuckled. If we were want to have Masaru's son join us. We need to deal with Asa's daughter.

Doomfist:Oliva you are excused i must ask some of our agents that were there to tell me what happened in their point of view.

Sombra nodded and she turned invisible. I then began to call in some Talon agents.

I never trusted Masaru, during our partnership i had some of our own pretend to be Hashimoto. Their mission was to report to me in case Masaru was willing to backstab me.

Several Talon agents walked into my office. They eached saluted my presence.

Talon agent 1:Why have you called for us Doomfist?

Doomfist:As you know each of you were trusted with keeping an eye on the Hashimoto clan.

Talon agent 2:Indeed, you tasked us with the operation to see if Masaru was willing to go against you.

Doomfist:There's a reason why i picked you operatives for the mission.

Talon agent 3:Mr.Doomfist may i ask? Why did you call us here Masaru has been imprisoned for months now and the Hashimoto clan are long gone.

Talon agent 2:You even tasked us with leaving the tower after pulling out your support and providing us with an escort.

Doomfist:I want to know what do you all know about this boy of his

Talon agent 1:His son? Barely anything he kept everything about his son to his elite members.

Talon agent 2:Indeed not even we were able to extract anything on him. Just that Masaru was looking for him.

Doomfist:Then tell me about the man in this video.

I showed them the camera footage of the man in the video. One of them raised up his hand recognizing him.

Talon agent 4:I've seen him during the raid. He's one of those Yōkai members i believe they were called.

Talon agent 2:How pathetic of them to be defeated by a group of early adults. By the looks of it they don't even have any military experience like us.

Doomfist:Their leader is the daughter of Asa Yamgami and the boy appears to have some of her training. So i highly suggest that you don't talk down upon them unless you truly know you can beat them.

Talon agent 4:Doomfist sir, something I'd like to mention about the boy.  Apparently strange things happen around him, I've seen it first hand.

Doomfist:What kind of strange things?

Talon agent 4:Like guns jamming or people tripping out of nowhere. Heck I've even heard objects just fall on top of people.

Talon agent 2:That's a load of bullshit! What are you trying to say he's magic or something? 

Talon agent 1:Doomfist we apologize if this man is wasting your time.

Doomfist:No let him speak, i wish to hear more about these abilities.

Talon agent 4:Yeah, so i befriended this guy with a pompadour hairstyle. He and his guys were tasked with taking money from some old guy. Easy job when you say it. Then he described a man with his description.

He pointed at the camera feed and pointed at Masaru's son. The agent told me about the first documentation of Masaru's son out in the open. He then told me about how he almost died if it wasn't for what he described as a "Shrine maiden fox girl." saving him.

I knew the girl he was talking about was Asa's daughter.

Talon agent 4:However i still talked to guy. He told me that sometimes he feels an eye of misfortune spying on his every move.

Talon agent 2:This sounds made up! Why are you spreading superstition to him?

I chuckled as i stood up and walked over to a bookshelf. I took a book about spirits out and began to flip the pages.

Doomfist:Masaru told me stories about spirits. Never believed him he was drunk at the time. However i also heard rumors of the Shimada family being able to control dragon spirits. I had my suspicions when i first faced Genji years ago.

I continued to flip the pages until i stopped and showed my agents a page about a crow spirit.

Doomfist:I began doing my own research on these spirits in my sparetime. But the spirit's ability you could be describing is this.

I pointed at the crow spirit of misfortune, a spirit that I've had my eye on. As if i were to wield it's power I'd be unstoppable.

Doomfist:This spirit is considered to be dangerous for the amount of damage it can cause. Well in the right hand..

I grinned at the possibilities of use for the spirit. We already have Dr.Siebren de Kuiper's ability to control gravity. With the ability of misfortune Talon's goals can be achieved.

Doomfist:I want him to be a member of Talon. Make sure that every agent knows of him as a valuable target.

Talon agent 2:Yes sir right away!

I looked at the Masaru's son for the last time in the frame of the camera footage. I know that if he joins Talon then his abilities will be in the right hand.

A week later


I looked in front of me as one of my greatest allies stood in front of me.

Doomfist:Ah Gabriel how can i help you?

Reaper:There is a man who is wishing to see you...

Doomfist:A man? What type of Man?

Reaper:He refused to speak with me. That's until i pointed my shotgun and threatened to put him down like the low life he is.

Doomfist:Bring him in I'll judge wether he's worth speaking to or not.

Gabriel opened the door and a man walked inside of my office. He wore a suit that had tears on it with a Tengu design.

His eyes had a vengeful look to them, compared to my calm demeanor.

???:Greetings Doomfist, my name is Takeshi.

Doomfist:And what is it that you want?

Takeshi:I was an ex member of the Hashimoto clan as a member of it's elite.

So this is one of these Hashimoto elites that Masaru once told me about? I must figure out his true intentions.

Doomfist:Why are you here for? Is it to avenge your boss or do you wish for a role in Talon?

Takeshi:Neither, I'm here to ask you for support.

Doomfist:Support? what do you mean by support? The Hashimoto clan don't exist anymore.

Takeshi:Quite the contrary, i heard about how Yōkai manged to raid our tower and get our boss arrested. A shame that i couldn't be there. However there is something that they don't know about.

Doomfist:Which is?

Takeshi:We have a second base of operations in Hanamura, it might sound familar as it's Shimada Castle.

Doomfist:I'm quite familiar with the place as I've done my own research into the Shimada family.

Takeshi:Then you know that we took it over after Masaru's victory against Sojiro Shimada. Masaru had set up another base of operation there.

Doomfist:Then why was the raid fo the tower considered to be your fall?

Takeshi:The tower was our main base of operations. That was where most of the money is located and our supplies. However Shimada castle still contains the fortune of the Shimada Family. Well half of it as Masaru took some for himself. Which is why I was asked by my new boss to ask for your aid. Please help us fund with our new operation.

Doomfist:Why would i do that? When Masaru failed me once.

Takeshi:But our new leader Katsuo, he will bring us back to our former glory. I can promise you that. Please consider a meeting with him. I understand that we are low on manpower and funds but please consider on helping us. Katsuo gave my life a purpose again when i woke up.

An idea came to my head, if i can fund this new Hashimoto clan. Then i can get the attention of Masaru's son.

Doomfist:Very well then.. I'll set a plane for Hanamura. There I'll meet with your new boss.

Takeshi:He'll be very glad to hear this. I'll be sure to set the meeting then.

As Takeshi walked away, Reaper glared at me. He wasn't proud of my decision.

Reaper:Akande we both know that this new Hashimoto clan aren't worth our while.

Doomfist:I know Gabriel. But you know that all of my decisions have thought to them.

Reaper:All this for a stupid fictional bird.

Doomfist:With that bird's ability we can crush all those that stand in Talon's way. You can even make some of your old friend's deaths look like accdients.

Reaper:Who even is this new leader of theirs?

Doomfist:I have no idea, but if he plans on betraying me. I'll be sure to teach him a lesson.

Reaper:Then I'll tag along just incase.

Doomfist:I promise Gabriel once the boy is in Talon's clutches. Then we can once again distance ourselves from that worthless clan.

3 days later.

Hanamura, Japan

The car both Gabriel were in stopped infront of Shimada castle. With one of the guards opening the door.

Both Reyes and I stepped out and began to walk through the place. From the amount of guards i see scattered around. There is likely around 500 members in this new Hashimoto clan.

A clan this size will prove no threat to anyone nor bring any postives to Talon.

Both Reyes and I walked inside of the main building. In the center of the building was a table with several guards sitting down.

Sitting in the middle was a guy with a golden oni mask. Next to him is a man wearing a suit that had some turtle looking creature on it. According to that book i read they are called Kappa.

Oni Masked guy:Doomfist it's a pleasure to meet you. Please may both you and your friend take a seat.

He dismissed everyone in the room. All of them left leaving just Reyes, him and I.

Both Reyes and I sat down facing the Oni Masked person. He's probably trying to hide his face so i can't read him.

Oni Mask guy:I like to thank you for considering with meeting me. I wish to rekindle the relationship between Talon and us.

Doomfist:Before we begin any talks. I'd like to know who you are and how did you gain power in the clan and built it back up.

Oni Mask guy:That's a story that deserves to be told from the beginning. Well my name is Katsuo....

Present Day


Watchpoint Gibraltar

Asa:Excuse me you almost what?

Kiriko:Yeah i almost exploded.

Y/N:Kiriko i don't think that's something to say your proud of.

Kiriko and I were in my dorm video calling Asa and telling her about our time here.

Kiriko:Oh come on Y/N I'm still alive aren't I?

Y/N:Well yeah but you could've died. I mean i took a huge risk by using that dud.

Asa:When will you two realize that you can't be taking such risky moves all the time?

Kiriko:Hey i didn't ask to be exploded. The guy I was fighting was an expert at explosives.

Y/N:And i used a dud gernade. Let me tell you the guy i faced punched like a truck.

Asa:Look i am proud of your victory over those two criminals. But next time try to be careful. I understand you two have spirits and all that. But just because you have spirits doesn't mean your untouchable.

Y/N:We know Asa, we'll try to becareful next time.

Kiriko:Excuse me who is we?

Asa:That goes for you also Kiriko. I know i let you make your choice but i still worry about the decisions that you'll  make in your future battles to come.

Kiriko:I know that my decisions matter in everything that i do. You even taught me to always anticipate what my enemies next move will be. Hopefully next time my next opponent won't be some guy who has a thing for explosives.

Y/N:I mean you were the one that dashed him.

I chuckled with Kiriko giving me a glare. A voice from Asa's phone was heard from the background.

Toshiro:Is that the voice of our daughter and her boyfriend that i just heard?



Toshiro walked behind Asa with his face being present in the call.

Toshiro:There are my two Overwatch agents.

Kiriko:Hey Dad, i was just telling Mom about the mission we just came from.

Toshiro:Can't wait to tell me all about it and your time at Overwatch.

Y/N:We have much to tell you Toshiro. Well it's not really that much but we have alot to tell you.

Kiriko:Yeah like the mock battle that we had yesterday. I managed to eliminate Y/N.

Y/N:Yeah but my team still won.

Kiriko:Just you wait till the next one. I'll make sure my team comes on top.  Anyways Mom how has Kanezaka been doing since we've been gone?

Asa:Kanezaka is just the way that you left it. However sometimes your friends do come and visit me.

Kiriko:Oh do they miss us?

Asa:They give me the report of their scouting missions at night.

Y/N:Guess Yōkai is working hard to keeping our city clean even without us.

Kiriko:I knew that i left Kanezaka in the right hands.

Asa:I know you did. I even began training the blue haired one.

Y/N:You mean Ryōta?

Asa:Yes him. Progess has been going really well for him.

Kiriko:Maybe when i come back to Kanezaka I'll finally have some competition.

Asa:Speaking about that when are you guys thinking about coming back?

Y/N:Kiri and I haven't decided on that. Infact we usually talk about where we'd like to visit on our off days.

Asa:I understand it's not everyday that you can get the opportunity to travel around the world.

Kiriko:Yeah but it's not like a vacation though? Today we stopped a bank robbery next day we might have to defeat an entire army of omnics.

Toshiro:Hey we still miss you two. The workshop feels a little empty without you two working together. Hoping that we get to see you two again someday.

Kiriko:Aww dad i do miss working over. Is business is still going well without us?

Toshiro:Yeah it is but i still have miss having extra hands.

Y/N:I mean i do miss making swords and axes. Maybe i might stop by the shop and work on something.

Toshiro:Nice to know that blacksmith spirit hasn't left you, Y/N.

Asa:I'm sorry to end this call shortly you two. But i have a class to teach in 3 minutes.

Kiriko:Alright mom, we'll be sure to call back soon.

Asa:And i'll make sure that Toshi and I will answer immediately.

Kiriko:Bye mom and dad love you!

Y/N:Bye Asa and Toshiro.

Asa:Bye Y/N and Kiriko if you ever need anything just let me know.

Toshiro:You two take care alright.

The call finishes, Kiriko lays down on my bed looking up on the ceiling.

Kiriko:I miss them still.

Y/N:That's why the phone is a marvelous thing. We can keep in contact with them.


Y/N:Hey i mean we can come on Christmas to visit them or any other day.

Kiriko:I think i pefer christmas as i don't want to miss out on the festival during that time. But to also keep it a surprise for them.

Y/N:Alright I'll be sure to keep my mouth shut about us visiting Kanezaka.

Kiriko:Good. Don't want you to spoil the surprise for them.

She moved her back up and faced me with a smile and an idea.

Kiriko:Hey do you want to play something in my dorm?

Y/N:Yeah, but are you sure Hana won't get mad about me touching her things.

Kiriko:No, she's alright with people using her stuff. Just make sure not to break it.

Y/N:That depends what do you have in mind?

Kiriko:I wanna play some of those old N64 games that Hana has in her collection.

Y/N:I'm down to play anything, but depending on how big her collection is I'd like to play some Mario Kart 64 or Super Smash Bros.

Kiriko:Wanna make a wag-

Y/N:No, let's just play for fun.

Kiriko:Sorry Hana usually makes it very competitive. She owns a huge load of games and consoles spanning from multiple generations in her collection it's amazing that she knows most of them.

Y/N:How does she even keep an entire collection that huge in your dorm?

Kiriko:Don't tell Winston but she kinda modified her room to add a secert closet.

Both Kiriko and I stood up from my bed and we stepped out. As we walked to next door Genji called to us.

Genji:Y/N Kiriko!

Kiriko:Hey Genji? Wanna join us to play some old games.

Genji:I apologize maybe another time. But i must speak to you two as it's urgent.

Kiriko:What is it about Genji?

Y/N:Could it be related with the disappearance of Zenyatta?

Genji:Sadly it does not. It's related to something that you two are quite familiar with.

Kiriko:What is it?

Genji:The Hashimoto Clan

Y/N:What about them?

Genji:When my squad and I managed to intercept the ship. A guy revealed about him being a member of the Hashimoto clan. That apparently i can't extinguish their flame. Giving me the idea that they could be back.

Kiriko began to chuckle thinking it was a joke.

Kiriko:Very funny Genji you always were the funny one.

Genji:This is no joke, Kiriko.

Y/N:Well do you have any proof to this claim?

Genji:I do..

Genji showed us a photo of the crate on it was a familar symbol. The oni that represents the Hashimoto clan. However it had a different look to it sort of a redesign.

Y/N:Hey is it me or does the logo look a little different?

Kiriko:This has to be a joke.

Kiriko sighed in disbelief as she put her hand to her face.

Kiriko:Your telling me that after working so hard to free my town. Those fools finally come back.

Y/N:Kiriko maybe they haven't moved back into Kanezaka yet.

Genji:It could be plausible we did take down their tower. They might not set up base of operations in Kanezaka again.

Kiriko:But how are they still alive. Y/N didn't you personally gave the order to give all of the Hashimoto fortune to the people of Kanezaka?

Y/N:I did that's what i told my father's right hand.

Kiriko:Then how did those fools started getting money again. How are they even up again, Gah!

Kiriko punched the wall in anger. She's furious at the slight possibile return of the Hashimoto clan.

Y/N:Kiriko calm down everything is going be alright.

Kiriko:No it's not Y/N! Those fools are back at it again! This time we won't be there to even stop them since we're all the way over here.

Genji:Like i said Kiriko they probably haven't moved back into Kanezaka yet. There is hope that this new Hashimoto clan is probably still mobilizating.

Kiriko:I swear if they move back into Kanezaka. I will I will


I grabbed her hands in an attempt to calm her down.

Y/N:If we've beat them once we can beat them again.

Kiriko:Yeah, you're right this new Hashimoto clan are probably just the same fools like last time.

Y/N:Genji there's something I need to ask. Is my father related to any of this at all?

Genji:I don't think so, i checked with the prison he is in. He's in a cell by himself with no communication.

Kiriko:He probably has some people still working for him in the outside.

Y/N:Well Genji anything else that we have to know besides the redesign of the logo?

Genji:There is one more thing. The guy officially said the name of their leader.

Kiriko:What is it?

Genji:Katsuo, he said something about his leadership.

Y/N:Katsuo, huh?  The name doesn't ring a bell.

Kiriko:Not even from those elites that we've faced.

Y/N:He could be a new guy that we've never met.

Kiriko:Either way we must put an end to whoever these new punks are.

Y/N:I have a suggestion of what we can do. Though i hate to say it we must reach out to my father for questioning.


Y/N:I know i too don't wish to see him.

Genji:Masaru may be the only who might have an insight on this.

Even though it was my idea i hate the thought of having to see my father again.

No matter what i will never forgive him for his crimes. I wanted my past to being the heir to his fortune behind me.

Just focus my life with Kiriko and us being agents of Overwatch. However those demons must come back and like all i must face them.

Kiriko:I don't want to talk to Y/N's scumbag dad. However I'll do it just to get whatever information we need. We've already freed Kanezaka once. We're not letting it get chained by the Hashimoto clan again!

Y/N:Couldn't have said it better myself.

Genji:Then we'll go together and visit Masaru for an explanation.

Kiriko:Y/N if he tries anything funny permission to kick him in the face?

Y/N:Permission granted.

Genji:Come on you two we have a trip to make.

We followed Genji to a ship to begin our small trip to Japan. For the last 6 months my father has been in a cell where he belongs.

6 months where he never came into my mind interrupted. I hope this will be the last time i ever have to see him.


A Maximum Security Prison in Japan

The three of us walk inside of the prison that my father now calls his home. A guard with his hands behind his back came face to face with us.

Guard:Visitors please tell us who you are visiting and why?

Y/N:We are here to visit Masaru Hashimoto for questioning.

Guard:And what is the reason?

Genji:We need to ask him several questions about the possibilities of a new Hashimoto clan in the open.

Guard:Very well, please show me your identification and place all of your belongings in the tray.

We each showed him our identification cards and placed our objects in a tray.

Guard:Mr.Shimada and company please follow me.

We nodded and followed the guard as he directed us towards a room.

Guard:Please wait inside while i get the prisoner.

Genji:I'll wait out here to greet our guess. I have feeling he's more willing to open up to you Y/N.

I scoffed at the idea of my father still caring about me. Kiriko walked inside of the room and waited for my father to show himself.

Masaru's POV

I sat down on my bed reading a book all i could do in this hellhole i call a home.

I used to live like a king now i live like a filthy prisoner. Not one that a man like myself deserve.

My fellow prisonmates don't even take me seriously. They see me as a joke of a person.

A Guard opened up the door to my lone cell and i looked at him.

Guard:Hashimoto, get up!

Masaru:What is it? Is it lunch already?

Guard:No you have some visitors.


I placed my book down then stood up. I walked over to the door and the Guard placed Handcuffs on me.

Could it be Kiyoshi coming to save me and apologize for betraying me. I hope it's my clan coming to save me.

Then i can put Kanezaka under my thumb again. I'll make sure to rule it even harsher and force my son and his patheic girlfriend to watch.

I got out of my cell with a smile on my face as i walked out of the cell. We walked over to the visitation area.

My face immediately changed when i noticed who was waiting for me.

Genji:What's wrong you were smiling a minute ago? Thought you'd be happy to see me?

Masaru:What are you doing here?

Genji:I need to ask  you about something.

Masaru:I refuse to talk with a pig like you.

Genji:You won't be talking with me. Instead i have a surprise for you inside.

Guard:Come on go inside Masaru.

Masaru:Fine. As long as i don't have to speak with Shimada Scum like you.

The Guard opened the door and i walked inside. With my surprise i immediately realized the two people waiting with me.

The two people that had practically ruined my life. My Bastard son and that slut he calls a girlfriend.

I sat down on the other side of the table facing them directly.


We both stared at my father with Kiriko giving him a look of disgust as she always did. I gave him a disgruntled look. i can tell both my father and I aren't pleased to see each other.

An awkard slience stayed between us three until my father broke it himself.

Masaru:Y/N, my future daughter in law.


Kiriko:Scum of the earth.

Masaru:Kiriko you flatter me.

Kiriko:That wasn't mean to be a compliment.

Masaru:So son why did you and that bitch that you call a girlfriend came to see me?

Kiriko:Oh I'll show you how much of a bitch i can truly be?

Kiriko got her fist ready and was preparing to lean on the table. I put my hand in front of her stopping her.

Y/N:Kiri what did we say?

Kiriko:Right information first then beating him up if he does anything funny.

Masaru:I'm grateful that you are keeping your she-beast on a leash.

Y/N:Your lucky that we even need you in the first place. Also she acts far more like a human being than any of goons ever had.

Masaru:Alright Y/N i know for a fact that you didn't come here to insult me, all day. Why did you show up here in the first place?

Y/N:It's about the clan.

My dad's face immediately peaked the moment i mentioned the clan.

Masaru:Let me guess you've finally managed to reform and take over the clan. Finally you are fulfilling the destiny that was placed upon you since your birth.

Kiriko:What made him come to that conclusion?

I shrugged at Kiriko still wondering if my father is this stupid to believe his own theory.

Y/N:No Masaru i never brought the clan back nor do intend on leading it.

My father's celebration was cut short once i told him the cold truth.

Masaru:Oh such a disappointment of a son that you are. Letting yourself getting manipulated by her of all people.

Kiriko:Keep crying about it.

Y/N:Masaru I'd like to ask you something?

Masaru:What is it?

Y/N:There are rumors of a new Hashimoto clan go around. Apparently Genji's team found a shipment of weapons with a guy saying that the Hashimoto's flame would never be extinguished.

Masaru:I have never heard of such rumors.

Kiriko:Your lying i can see it all over your face.

Masaru:I have lied many times before. But I'm telling you truth i haven't heard of such a thing.

Y/N:How do we know that you're telling the truth?

Masaru:Because the guards often check on me every hour at best. They often inspect whatever gifts some of my old friends have given me. When it comes to something that might assist in my escape it's often found out immediately.

Y/N:So you don't know anything then huh? Well can you explain this?

I showed my father the redesign of the new Hashimoto clan symbol. He was disgusted by it's sight.

Masaru:What did they do to my precious oni!? That Oni has been our family's symbol for generations!

Y/N:Masaru it's just a picture of an oni.

Masaru:Of course it wouldn't mean anything to you. But to me, your grandfather and the rest of your ancestors it means everything.

Kiriko:All this crying over an Oni.

Masaru:Slience your mouth! You would've been crying had our attack on the shrine succeeded and we destroyed that damn statue.

Kiriko:Too bad you didn't and it still stands...

Y/N:Masaru one more question to ask of you.

Masaru:What is you damn bastard?

Y/N:Does the name Katsuo sound familar to you?

Masaru's face immediately turned into one of shock the moment i mentioned Katsuo.

Kiriko:I'm judging by his face that's a yes.

Masaru:Where did you hear that name?

My father said in a mumur under his breath but i couldn him.


Masaru:I said where did you hear that name goddam it!

Y/N:Genji told us apparently he's the leader of this new Hashimoto clan.

Masaru:N-no his blood shouldn't be ruling the clan.

Kiriko:Who's blood?

Y/N:Who is Katsuo?

Masaru looked at us with his hair messy a little messed up from his outrage.

Masaru:Katsuo is my late brother's son... He's your cousin.

Y/N:My cousin?

Masaru:Yes you have a cousin. I was hoping he'd be forgotten.

Kiriko:What do you mean by forgotten? What on earth did you do Masaru?

Masaru:I guess it's time that i tell you two a little story. One before both of you were even born.

28 years ago

Masaru's POV

I was 23 at the time my brother was your grandfather's true successor. He was 30 around the time.

While our father was in his deathbed due to a tumor he had. My brother's wife had given birth to his only son.


I turned around and looked at my brother as he was holding his newborn into his arms.

Masaru:What's his name?

Taiki:His name is Katsuo my wife just gave it him.

My brother handed me his child for me to hold.

Masaru:You have alot of responsibilities on your hands.

Taiki:Indeed i do. With father's condition not getting any better i must soon take my position on inheriting the fortune. Now that I'm a father thay put's alot more strain on me.

Masaru:How about i do most of your work in ths clan. You know give little Katsuo the family life he deserves.

Taiki:No thanks i plan on some big things for the Hashimoto clan. Plans that i hope that my son may carry on someday.

Masaru:Seems like you have everything ready.

Ever since we were boys I've always despised my brother. I wanted to be heir to the fortune not him. I surely didn't want to serve under him once our father passed.

A few weeks later

After the death of our father my brother Taiki took up the clan.

A ceremony was held with his wife and his son attending the ceremony. My brother stepped into on the podium and began to say his speech.

Taiki:Everyone of the Hashimoto clanm I'd like to thank you all for attending this event. My father was a great man one that we'd all remember... However time comes and it was time for his rule to end. But however he left me with the fortune as his heir. I will do my best to carry on my father's legacy for the future of our clan...

His speech continued on as i tried to ignore it while speaking with my friends.

Hashimoto agent:Masaru when do you plan on taking the fortune for yourself?

Kiyoshi:Are you talking about the idea of him usurping the throne? I'd be more likely that we'd all be executed.

Masaru:Executed only if our plan doesn't work.

Hashimoto agent:However most of our members are already loyal to him..

Masaru:I do have some that are loyal to my cause. My need to gain the throne and take control for myself. However i can't simply kill him here and now..

Kiyoshi:Think about your father's wishes. He'd want him to succeed.

Masaru:My father said that  i don't deserve to take control of the clan. Don't you know how much that hurts.

Hashimoto clan member:Soon we'll make our move.

Masaru:Today may be the greatest day to him. But soon the fortune should be mine.

3 Years later

In the span of 3 years i began my influence through the clan. I began to grow influence in the clan thanks to the help of some of my friends.

Eventually i found out about the plans my brother had in mind.

Masaru:What do you mean you wish to make peace with the Shimada family!?

Taiki:I'm just saying this generational family rivalry that has been going on for many years. It has to end.

Masaru:But think about the honor of the Hashimoto clan. You'll be distaining us by not having us come out on top!

Taiki:Brother you have to understand that i wish to reform the clan in a more positive light. I wish for our clan to bring more positives to society.

Masaru:But our illegal activity is how our fortune was made!

Taiki:But i don't want that to be our identity anymore. Listen i have a meeting with a representative from the Shimada family. If things go well this pointless blood fued will finally be over.

Masaru:Brother we are not handling ourselves over to the Shimada family! Peace shall never be made!

Taiki:Masaru stop acting like a child! Understand what the future could be for our clan.

Masaru:You damn pig, father would be rolling in his grave if he would about your peace ideas.

Taiki:Father was a criminal such as the rest of our ancestors. I followed in his example for us to guide away from his past. I wish to provide this clan with a great future ahead of us.

Masaru:No... There won't be a great future under your leadership.

I took out my pistol and aimed it at my brother. He immediately placed his hands up in the air.

Taiki:Brother put the gun down.

Masaru:No I've always played second fiddle. Father should've realized that i should be the true heir to the Hashimoto fortune. It's my birthright?

Taiki:Brother you are blinded by greed and ambition. Please put the gun down and we'll talk it out.

Masaru:What did father ever see in you and not me, huh? Surely not this and he surely wouldn't be haply with you talking crap about him. Just because you were born first than me.

Taiki:It's more than that... He already knew i was worthy to succeed due to my calm demeanor. Meanwhile you were always a hothead!

Masaru:Don't you call me a hothead!

Taiki:Father even said it straight to your face that you aren't wort-

Masaru:SHUT UP!!!

I fired my pistol at my brother multiple times. Each bullet causing him to walk back until he collapses.

I stare at my brother's corpse knowing what i have done.

Masaru:I will not allow for you to tarnish our reputation. May you rot in hell.

I took out my phone and called Kiyoshi and told him what happened.

Masaru:Kiyoshi, I've managed to kill Taiki.

Kiyoshi:You did what!?

Masaru:Yeah i did it.. Tell everyone who's been in it to kill anyone that's loyal to my brother. A clean up needs to be done to remove all of his influence.

Kiyoshi:O-on it! But you do know what you did right?

Masaru:Yeah.. I'm leader of the Hashimoto clan.

A few hours later

As i celebrated my victory against my brother. I got a phone call from one of my loyalists.

I answered it and put it up to my ear.


Hashimoto clan member:Boss

Masaru:Boss i like the sound of that. What's going on.

Hashimoto clan member:We've located Taiki's wife and son do you wish for us to execute them.

I thought about it with my brother being dead his wife and their son is all that remains.

They won't serve any problems as his wife had no power in the clan in the first place. His son is simply three years old. They both don't serve a threat to my new reign.

Masaru:Let them both go and tell them to never come back!

Hashimoto clan member:Yes boss.

I looked outside of my window as my takeover has been a sucess. My brother was nothing more but weak. But now my plan can come to fruition.

I looked at our territory and what the Shimada clan has as theirs. I grabbed a piece planning out my next move in the making.

Masaru:Soon I'll eliminate you Sojiro Shimada. Then under my control the Hashimoto clan will be unstoppable.

I placed the game piece on a part of a map called Kanezaka. Now it's time to show my woeth to my new clan.

Flashback ends

Masaru:And that's the whole story.

Y/N:So left my cousin when he was 3 year olds an orphan. You really are such a despicable person.

Kiriko:Atleast he told us that even his own father taught he was a piece of shit.

Masaru:Shut up i sure showed my old man! I created an Empire from the kingdom that i took from my brother.

Kiriko:Then that empire crumbled because of your own son and his beautiful girlfriend.

Masaru:Now my brother's blood is back in control. This cannot be.

Kiriko:Oh great Y/N can't you not have any relatives that are power hungry assholes?

Y/N:I mean you did meet my step sister and my mom.

Masaru:This is all your fault you stupid girl!

Kiriko:How is this my fault?

Masaru:If you haven't brainwashed my son then he would be prepared for the line of succession. My brothers blood would not be in control just like i didn't want it to.

Kiriko:When will you ever accept that i didn't brainwash your son. He's  22 years old he can make his own decisions.

Masaru:Y/N it is your obligation to stop this fool. Do not let him tarnish our reputation.

Y/N:I'm only going to stop him because i want the Hashimoto clan to be nothing more but a figment of the past. So don't spread that obligation stuff on me.

Kiriko:Well as a protector of Kanezaks it is your obligation to stop him.

Y/N:Indeed it is.

Masaru:Always picking damn favorites.

Y/N:Well father it's time to cut our reunion short. Because unlike you i have some duties to do.

Kiriko:Yeah unlike you who is rotting in a cell. Your son and I are Overwatch agents.

Kiriko does a motion with her hands taunting at him. Both Kiriko and I stood up and knocked on the door.

The guard walks inside and grabs my father begins to take him back to his cell.

Y/N:So what's the plan now?

Kiriko:Well if this new Hashimoto clan hasn't moved back into Kanezaka. Everything should be fine. However i do want to rush in and get them out of the picture already.

Y/N:We should play our cards right. As agents of Overwatch we already have to fight the two groups Winston mentioned.

Kiriko:It be best if we have somebody to spy on their actions. Especially if one of them steps foot into Kanezaka. Luckily i know three people who can do the job for us.

Kirko and I stepped out of the meeting room and reunited with Genji. The three of began to walk out of the prison.

Genji:So what did he say?

Y/N:Apparently i have a cousin now. He might be the one that's leading the Hashimoto clan.

Kiriko and I explained everything my father said. Telling him the story of how my father rose to leadership within the clan by killing my uncle.

Genji:Reminds of when Hanzo "killed" me. Execpt he didn't do it to gain power. He only did it due to the stress of our father's death and the pressure within the clan to get me straightened out.

Kiriko:I'll still never forgive Hanzo for that. I have a lot of grudges against him.

Genji:We've already made our peace, Kiriko. I have already forgiven him. It's about time you do the same.

Kiriko:Yeah right.

Kiriko then muttered something under her breath.

Kiriko:Asshole practically left me to clean up Kanezaka. He was my only hope against those thugs until Yōkai formed.

Y/N:Maybe after we find Zenyatta, we can have him teach Kiriko some compassion.

Genji and I laughed together as Kiriko gave us a displeasured look.

Y/N:By the way where is your brother Genji? I wish to meet with him someday. Get to know the eldest son of the family that my father loathed.

Genji:I haven't seen him since our meeting back in Hanamura.

Kiriko:Good hope he never shows his face again.

We walk back into the plane and Genji begins to fly us back to Watchpoint Gibraltar.

Kiriko took out her phone and made a phone to Ryōta.


Kiriko:Hey Ryōta.

Ryōta:Kiriko i thought you were busy with your Overwatch business?

Y/N:Well this is important Ryōta.

Kiriko:Indeed it is, it's time to prove yourself as Yōkai's temporary leader.

Ryōta:Alright, what is it exactly?

Kiriko and I explained the problem to Ryōta. He sounded in disbelif.

Kiriko:Look i thought it was a joke also. But you have to listen.

Ryōta:Alright I'll trust your words, Kiriko.

Kiriko:You'll continue your patrol of Kanezaka. But once any Hashimoto related business comes up tell either me or Y/N.

Y/N:Then Kiriko and I will come back to Kanezaka. We'll fix everything from there again.

Ryōta:This is unbelievable can't believe there's a chance that the Hashimotos are back. Alright I'll tell Sakura and the Useless guy to be wary. I'll be sure to inform you if anything comes up

Kiriko:There's a reason why i chose you. Don't let Kanezaka down alright

Ryōta:I won't. I'll be sure to make you proud Kiriko. We won't allow for another Hashimoto take over.

Kiriko:Alright then i leave the rest to you.

Kiriko hung up her phone as the two of us continued our trip back to Watchpoint Gibraltar.

All i can think is what exactly could my cousin be planning? How did he manage to bring the clan back together.

If he is willing to continue the illegal work of the Hashimoto clan. Then Kiriko and I are confident to put them down again.


Back to Doomfist

After hearing the story that he told me of his past. I was intrigued he has certainly gained my attention.

Doomfist:So you are Masaru's Nephew? Tell me why hasn't he ever mentioned you or your father to me?

Katsuo:Because the snake attempted to erase my father from history. However i intend on recreating that history. He forced me to live among normal people with my mother. Now i intend to take back what was rightfully mine.

Doomfist:I see, a strong man in the making you are. But tell me how did you managed to reclaim this territory?

Katsuo:I knew all along that i was the rightful heir to the Hashimoto fortune. I just needed the right time to take my claim. Then when i met Kiyoshi he told me everything and helped me get back on top.

Doomfist:Masaru's right hand.

Katsuo:Indeed he told me about what happened and how the clan disbanded. When i told him that i would take control he simply laughed at me. Telling me "The glory days are over your uncle ruined it." But then i found out about the many other lost souls. Those who have nothing to live for without the clan. Then i found out about the Hanamura base. Using my new allies i took it by force and now I'm in charge of it all. Souls like Takeshi are grateful for  my arrival. I gave these people a new purpose once again!

I can tell that he has some type of god complex to him. Thinking as himself as a great savior to the Hashimoto clan.

Doomfist:Tell me what are you going to do about Masaru's son then?

Katsuo:Oh him.. I should be thanking him for not taking his claim to the throne. Because of that I'm in power. So I'll probably leave him alone.

Doomfist:You do know that the moment he finds out about you. He will come in attempt to stop you.

Katsuo:Then i'll stomp him out of the way. Very simple as that.

Doomfist:You sound confident for a person who doesn't know what his cousin is capable of.

Katsuo:I don't hold much of a grudge against him. Except how he got millions of yen during his childhood while for me i got nothing. I lived in poverty while he lived in a life filled with riches. Here's the  difference between him and I, Doomfist. My father never cheated on my mother. While he is nothing more but a result of an affair. I already see myself better than him.

Doomfist:Then here's my question for you? Do you have a spirit from what I've heard he has one.

Katsuo:Indeed i do. Due to my hatred of my uncle he heard my cries. Ootakemaru

Doomfist:So you do have a spirit then.

From what i've read about in the book. That's a powerful spirit that he has with him.

If he isn't lying then he could be a powerful ally.

I smile knowing what could be his true potential. I want to use whatever spiritual abilities he has for Talon.

With both the Crow spirit and his ability nothing can stand in our way.

Katsuo:I also have two other members with spirits. If that gets you excited as well. You have already met the first one and the second was here before your arrival.

Though I'm still interested in the knowledge of spirits. I need to know one last thing about him.

Doomfist:Tell me Katsuo what is it that you truly desire?

Katsuo stood up and pulled out a map of the whole world. He wrote X's for potential new territory all over the world.

Katsuo:I wish to expand the Hashimoto clan into an empire. Expand our influence all over the world. From Japan to the USA to France to Italy to all over the world. But i can't do that without your help. So what do you say can Talon assist us?

Doomfist:Well where do you begin to start off?

Katsuo:By taking back Kanezaka for once.

I grinned again by funding his plans. I can get closer to Masaru's son.

Doomfist:You have yourself a deal.

Reaper:Akande this entitled brat serves no purpose to us.

Doomfist:Reyes i see potential in him. He already seems stronger as a leader then Masaru ever did. Reuniting a clan from the ashes and building it back up. That i can admire.

I'm attempting to stroke his ego. Due to his god complex that i sensed from him.

I gave a look at Reaper telling him that i don't have trust in him. But only wanting to use him for our own personal gain.

Katsuo:I'm glad we can work together.

Doomfist:I'm looking forward to working with you.. Don't you disappoint us.

Katsuo:I won't, I'll prove myself as a leader.

Doomfist:You better. I don't give second chances. Especially towards your clan but this is the only exception.

Katsuo:I promise you Doomfist i'll rise over both my uncle and that cousin of mine. I'll show you my true strength.

Doomfist:That is what i want to hear. However soon i wish to see what you can accomplish.

Katsuo:Very well name anyhing and my team will do it.

Doomfist:Very well then..

Thus a new partnership between Talon and the newly reformed Hashimoto gang has reignited.

Katsuo may have an ego problem, but soon i intend to lower his ego. Especially once i bring his cousin on board.

The new Talon ruled future is imminent. All that stands in my way is Overwatch's reformation.

To be continued

Another chapter finished.

So in this chapter Masaru makes his return.
Except he isn't the main villian this time.

Also i wanted you guys to see the resentment/ how much Y/N disowned his father. As he refers to him as Masaru in person. Instead of giving the satisfaction of calling him father. Only referring to him as father in his head.

But also let's talk about Katsuo. As you remember in last chapter i mentioned how scrapped concepts were going to be used during this arc.

Masaru's adopted son was one of these concepts. However he was changed originally he was going to be Y/N's step brother. Then he was changed to be Y/N's cousin.

One thing I'd like to mention is that Talon and Null Sector are still going to be the main villian of this arc.

While Katsuo and the new Hashimoto clan are going to serve secondary antagonist roles.

I'm excited to bring back spirit fights aka the bootleg jojo fights into this arc. But they won't be the main focus this time when it comes to the combat in the arc.

Well that's about all i have for author's notes. So i have something planned for you guys.

Let's just say a bonus chapter will be incoming soon.

I'll see you soon in the second bonus chapter

The Cursed Man and the Witch

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