[dead soul]...

By mi_riku

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˜"*°•.˜"*°• ˜"*°•.˜"*°• ˜"*°•.˜"*°• ˜"*°• All her life Y/N was the most perfect person in everything. Working... More

1. the chosen one
2. I suppose this is goodbye
3. threats won't work on me
4. Better swim for your life
5. weak
6. "He" "fatui"
7. Vision
8. quarrel
9. Fever
10. Start over despite memories
12. Jealousy
13. Hot spring
14. Romance
15. Ruby
16. Drown once, drown twice
17. Arranged marriage
18. Immortality curse
19. Last day
20. Sweet injury
21. training
22. Perfect dad
23. Test of courage
24. awakened makoto
25. last act of obedience
26. fatui in disguise
27. one final kiss
28. gnosis hunt
29. spy squad
30. future prediction
31. evil cat
32. therapy session
33. the party ruiner
34. sleeping pills
35. meteorite
36. new life, new encounters
37. lost connections

11. Miracle

298 10 44
By mi_riku

Another day arrived at the Tenshukaku. it was just a normal day here but they were holding a ritual at the Shrine. I was excited not much but I was still excited that I could go there and I asked scara if he were willing to join me. he replied "no way I'm coming to see that fox lady!"

It seemed like that I had to go to the shrine alone myself. But maybe it was for the best since he wasn't really in a good mood to come along all day and his sickness was still getting better so it was better if he stayed at the Tenshukaku.

I also asked around the palace and i was surprised no one wanted to show up. That was confusing. I didn't know why no one wanted to go there but by Mikos Behavior I thought it's best if no one shows up. thinking about how she treated scara yesterday now no one wants to go there to get all mocked over nothing.

Maybe it was best if I didn't go there but in that case Miko would be so sad and I didn't want to ruin her mood just because I was feeling a little bit out of character today. today's tension was so much to bear. scara and heizou weren't getting along at all. I kinda figured out that heizou had a place for me in his heart and I didn't want to make this worse by protecting scara.
Heizou wasn't in a place to argue with someone i had business with.

I understood that heizou just wanted to protect me from the danger he caused but he apologized sooner and I couldn't bring myself not to forgive him. Scara was actually vulnerable, I realized that when he tried to do everything just to make it up to me and then he was sick. I recognized that he was actually telling the truth how he was feeling this guilt after hurting me, it was unforgivable but I wasn't the kind of person to let him suffer by not forgiving him.

I always thought that everyone deserved a second chance and I was willing to give it to him no matter what. I forgave him myself. I didn't know why others like kuki and heizou were fossing over me. I had the right to judge people myself and I didn't need their opinion but they were my friends and I also couldn't do anything rather than telling them that I forgave him. Kuki accepted my decision but now I had to give an answer to heizou as well. Maybe next time we meet, I'll tell heizou that scara and I are not on the edge anymore.

I went to his room asking him whether he was willing to come or not even though he already gave me an answer but I wanted to ask twice because I was curious that he might’ve changed his mind.

I entered the room without knocking and the first thing he did was shouting "what the hell are you doing?" I spotted him shirtless in his room and by that I meant only his shirt but that wasn't much of a big deal. I've seen him shirtless before when he was having a fever, maybe he didn't remember the incident that was why he shouted at me. I closed the door once again and after a few minutes he called me to enter "didn't miko teach you that a room is considered someone's privacy?"

I retorted "first of all  I had a mom and don't you dare compare her to miko and second of all, if room is your private center then why where you always hanging around in my room without my knowledge?"

He stayed silent without having anything to add to our conversation.
I asked "so I'm about to go for the ritual. I always go there sooner since miko is in serious need of help but are you sure you don't want to join? It's a fun event."

He crossed his arms while standing there "you asked once and i declined, what makes you think I'll come this time?"

I looked at him straight in the eyes "i think the best course of action would be to come along. Don't you get bored here?"

He sat on his bed while ignoring my suggestion, he doesn't quite accept suggestions. One day Selfishness will become his deepest regret "you should worry about yourself little lady y/n. I'm not interested in those stuff miko does every year."

Soon after i received my answer which was his second decline to my so nice request, i decided to attend the ritual. No one at the Tenshukaku came, ei told me to apologize to miko on her behalf since she couldn't make it there but also said she'll be happy to watch the sky tonight.(you guys better do miko’s story quest)

I left there late in the morning, it was already too early to go there. They probably need me to lend them a hand. Miko probably gonna hug me so tight, I'd better not think about suffocating in her breasts.

I walked through the chinju forset, today it seems more creepy than before. I shook my head to free myself from those thoughts. I felt deeply scared for a second a turned back, someone is following me. I can feel it. "This place gives me the creeps."

I looked everywhere but no one seemed to be stalking me. Maybe I've gone insane or maybe scaramouche is trying to prank me. With all being said i moved. There was no point in staying in this creepy forest any longer, so i walked my way out of here.

Before i knew it. something hit my head, i felt dizzy all of a sudden and couldn't feel my legs anymore. The hit was hard enough to make me unconscious, feeling deeply numb. I wondered who could it be.

And seconds later everything went dark, i experienced dizziness and fainted there.


Scaramouche were hanging around the palace, having nothing to do without his partner made him feel lonely and exhausted at the same time. He planned to pay sara a visit and aske whether she has any common commissions he can handle. even though he was able to handle more than anyone could ever expect, yet he tried to keep a low profile.

He looked at himself, feeling this empty void bothered him the most. He was different yet considered a human being by others. If they knew who or what he was, they all would've hated him. He knew he had no place in Tenshukaku, he knew no one wanted him but still came back. His arrival here wasn't his decision, this all was a mission but something made him question it all.

He felt something when he was staying here, like everything had changed somehow. He was feeling something, feeling something deep down. He was surprised by that outcome, he never had a heart so why was he feeling like he has one. This pointless feeling were made for human beings not a puppet like him.

Y/N made him feel happy for the first time in his entire life. Those tingling sensation from his stomach could say it all, he feels wanted for once. This whole situation made him hesitant, he desired this illusion of his ideal life to stay the same.

But he made a promise, he sweared, he gave his word, he took an oath. There's no going back after you set foot there. He felt deeply lost between his love interest and his promise.

He went all the way down to the Tenryou commission, as he was hiking he stood there and asked sara with an unwilling manner "Don't you have any commissions for today?"

She realized his presence and turned towards him "not really, y/n left?"
He nodded then asked "i could've accompanied her if she weren't going to see that fox lady."

Sara barely talks to scaramouche but scaramouche felt so lonely that he stayed there even after sara told him they had no requests for today. He always leave immediately after hearing there's none left but he had nothing else to do. Sara thought for a second and asked "by the way i heard that nobushi thief had been seen around the chinju forest, you can try your luck if you're in a mood."

He seemed so uninterested and declined it then left. Sara kinda knew he wasn't really feeling good but didn't dare ask.

He wandered around the main area of the Tenshukaku. He finally decided to join y/n, he still thought it's a stupid event but he wanted to see y/n. Her presence hits different, her lovely voice and cute expressions made his trip worth the effort. Just seeing her make him smile.

He took a walk and went to the event, it was already evening. It took him about 15 minutes to reach the top of the mountain where the grand Narukami shrine located.
As he entered the main area yae miko applauded "my my! Look who's here, our crown prince. Tell me little one where's your princess?"

He frowned "i didn't show up for you." And miko laughed at his cold response "i never said you came here for me, I'm just wondering where could y/n be hiding?"

"What in the world are you talking about?"

Miko noticed that he actually came here alone and tap on one of the shrine maidens shoulder "hahaha what is happening this year? People who always came here, didn't attend my ceremony like y/n and kuki. Kuki at least said she had business with the arataki gang and won’t be coming but y/n didn't even say anything. The funny fact is people like you who only came at the shrine once in a lifetime happened to be interested all of a sudden."

Scaramouche eyes widened in fear "what do you mean y/n didn't show up? Are you making fun of me?"

Miko's shocked expression said it all and scaramouche continued to speak "she left late in the morning to come here, what do you mean by that?"
Yae came closer "Kunikuzushi, I'm afraid she didn't even show a face around here."

By Miko's terrified look, scaramouche understood this wasn't a joke of hers. He sweared and thought for a second. His mind was blurry and nothing caught his attention but he figured it in a blink of an eye "oh no, that can't be. Goddammit!"

Scaramouche ran away without giving yae an explanation "hey! Where are you going!?"

Scara left the shrine, his only guess was the nobushi sara mentioned today. Nobushi's are a type to kidnapp people and that one, him and y/n had a bit history with. If he remembered clearly sara said 'chinju forset'

He immediately approached the forest. The sunset was no longer there and the night began, the blue flowers in the forest made it luminous. And their shining light was Scaramouche's only hope to see around the place. He called her name several times "Y/N! Y/N! ARE YOU THERE? CAN YOU HEAR ME? WHERE ARE YOU?"

He yelled in the middle of the forest hoping for an answer but there was none. The realization sent shiver down his spine.

He ran further and was still calling for her, he knew he shouldn't have let her go alone to the shrine. If something had happened to her, he would never forgive himself and probably be blamed by everyone that he was the one who killed her.

He already had resume for hurting y/n. He should've accompanied her there!

He finally got out of the forest but still no clue of her had been found. He began to feel more worried, now her safety was his only priority. He would give up his life for her to be found safe and sound.

That was when he perceived that she meant more to him than he ever imagined to be. The overall silence was irritating, after so long he felt alive knowing someone loved and cared for him after all those things he had done to her. Her being affectionate towards him was his everything.

He ran faster and saw a cave, he ignored it but heard a campfire sound from inside of it. He decided to give it a shot but after hearing a shout from inside, all he did was running in there instantly.


I opened my eyes and found myself being tied up to a chair in an unknown cave. There i felt terrified and shook my body to free myself but it wasn't easy to get rid of those ropes around me. The sky was dark, i must've been out for so many hours. I had been hit badly for sure.

There was even one rope in my mouth, i couldn't talk properly and only mumbled my words.
I was super frightened but i didn't even know who captured me. At first i thought it was scaramouche but he wouldn't do that to me, i mean not anymore.

It was my first guess but when that nobushi caught my eyes while entering the cave all my thoughts ran away and even felt guilty for accusing scara.

He laughed at me "who's in trouble now?"

Freeing the rope from my mouth, i spoke "you can't held me here forever! They'll come and find me."

"No they won't. We won't stay here long, I'll move you out to a new place tomorrow!" He stated his plan. He wouldn't stay here long to be caught, that's a bigger problem if they start searching for me.

I thought about my vision. I could burn those ropes by a single touch. I looked at where i placed it and it was missing.


"Looking for this? You owe me a favor miss. If i weren't there, you wouldn't have received it in the first place."

"What the hell is wrong with you? What are you planning to do?" I yelled at him.

"I'll do good things don't you worry."

he sighed in disbelief "you brat thought you could insult me and my rubbing reputation by just fighting me? I will avenge you."

He then got closer "Don't be afraid, you'll get used to this new life. I'll have some fun with you so you won't get bored."

He touched my legs and i bit his hand by my teeth leaving a big scratch on his palm "huh i was gonna be kind. guess you want me to have you suffer under me screaming in pain."

The thought if that made my tears roll down from my eyes. I couldn’t believe something like this would ever happen to me. He brought the rope back and covered my mouth with it so i won't make a sound.

"Don't move, it'll hurt for a few first seconds."

I closed my eyes, his hand grabbed my dress and i shouted. There was when i completely lost all hope. I could never forgive this man, all my whole life i never felt horrible and disgusting. I wanted to run, run away as far as possible where no one could lay their hand on me.

I felt desperately useless for not being able to stand for myself, for not being to take care of myself.

Abolishing this nightmare was all i needed, i called for my mom in my heart. Hoping she could save me from this disaster but even if she were alive, she wouldn't be able to help me.

I closed my eyes and shed tears of pain.

Suddenly his hand left my body area and i opened my eyes with a sound. There i saw scaramouche and he spilled the nobushi's blood all over the place and some on my clothes. He seemed furious, rage was written all over his face. He stabbed the nobushi's dead body again and again cursing him.

The moment i saw him, i cried even more. Knowing he came to rescue me and if he was a few moments late, i would've been raped.

I cried out loud and he ran towards me, untying me from the chair and i throw myself into his hug crying like a baby.

"Scara! I-i was- so scare-eed!" I cried louder "you were my miracle. if you weren't here, i woul-"

He hugged me and interrupted "hush, it's all over sweetheart. I've got you, no one will ever hurt you! I promise," he hugged her tight again and caressed her hair "You're safe, little lady y/n. Now let's get out of here."

Btw i had some idea's of where that cave located:

It's near the chinju forest but i made a bad memory out of it, gosh.

Scaramouche nicer era coming soon, hehe. Maybe hentai era too😉🤭

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