A Change

By Fknotkf

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This story is a little bit 'hot' hope you still like it^^ More



698 30 2
By Fknotkf

Happy reading!!

Khaotung never expected trouble to come at him like rain.
It started with a new debt collector demanding that he pay at least the final installment this month, which was a lot of money to collect in the middle of the month.
Then there was the fact that his parents had run away without caring how miserable he was in Bangkok alone with no family.
Not long after that, Khanapan came with options for him.
And now, First was coming home with his mother.

"We haven't even gotten the apartment next door yet, and you're bringing your mom?"

Khaotung was trying to speak as quietly as possible at the moment, considering Phayu's room was not soundproof and right now First's mother was waiting for him and First to discuss in the room.

"So what now? Where will she sleep? How will she live? How will we-"


"First. Think, I'm living alone is already hard and you also feel how to live like this."

"I'm living fine now, being with mom won't add any burden."

Khaotung sighed, wanting so badly to scream at this moment.

"I can't, I can't live with your mother."

First also sighed, unprepared for this situation.
The two then tried to hold back their emotions, trying not to explode and understand each other's opinions.
Khaotung understood if First thought like that, he didn't have any burden other than making sure his mother ate and slept in a comfortable place.
After all, Khaotung didn't have to bother feeding her either. First only needed Khaotung's approval to let his  mother stay with them.

But of course, Khaotung didn't think that easily.
He was living in debt, and First had promised himself that he would take responsibility for hisnproblems.
What if his mother saw First sharing money with him in this predicament?

"My mom doesn't want to go anywhere."

"Then I'll go tonight."

First turned his head quickly to Khaotung. "What? Where are you going?"

This time, First seemed unable to contain his emotions. Khaotung was at least willing to have a mother in their lives.

"You asked if I allowed it, didn't you? I don't. If you still want to be with your mother, go ahead. I'll go."

First immediately tugged at the collar of Khaotung's jacket, as if ready to throw a punch at the crumpled face.
First did not have any questions today for Khaotung to tell him about how his day had gotten so bad, because even today First had a confusing day.

"You say you're in love with me, but is it this easy for you to try to ditch me?"

Khaotung dismissed  First's hand. "Don't question my feelings in this matter, those are two different things."

"How can it be two different things!"


"How can they be two different things!"

Mrs. Khanapan turned her head towards the door of the room where Khaotung and First had entered 20 minutes ago to talk.
It wasn't until First's shout that Mrs. Khanapan realized that her presence was causing trouble between First and Khaotung.
Phayu who happened to be in Jack's room finally came out of the room, he noticed the woman's narrow back and walked past her to open the door of Khaotung and First's room without knocking.

"What happened?" Phayu asked.

Khaotung felt that if he continued to resist then there would be a bigger fight, so he decided to leave the room from the house without saying goodbye let alone bowing to Mrs. Khanapan.
Phayu then stopped First who was about to chase Khaotung, with anger still consuming both of them Phayu wasn't sure if they would solve the problem.

"Let me go after Khaotung, you go with your mom. She heard your argument."

Phayu then grabbed his jacket to chase after Khaotung, while First could only sigh as he looked at his mother who also looked back with a guilty look.


Khaotung was apparently on the bridge at this moment when Phayu arrived.
For the first time, cigarettes couldn't even calm down the frantic Khaotung.
Phayu didn't say anything right away, he just kept quiet as he stood by him.

"I really can't," Khaotung said.

"I understand, you can't."

Khaotung then sighed again and turned to look at the apartment building. "His mother is not in our life plan."

"But if he really wants to live a better life according to his version, just do it alone with his mother. I'll leave, I'll live alone and solve everything by myself."

"I'll go back to my principles, I won't hesitate anymore, Phayu."

Khaotung said all his words with a faltering breath, he poured it all out to Phayu who just silently listened.
Khaotung looked so confident in his decision, but Phayu could see deeper if he did it with sadness.

"You were so confident about living a life with First yesterday, you said no matter what happens you and he won't let go of each other's hands," Phayu retorted.

"His mother is out of my plans."

"Khanapan's arrival too, isn't it?"


"What are you talking about?"

Khaotung turned his body around again, then stared at the street filled with vehicles.

"Did he sway you?"

Khaotung then turned to Phayu. "Today I was visited by a debt collector I've never met before."

Phayu raised one eyebrow. "Another debt of your father's that you just found out about?"

"They said that my parents fled Thailand using the borrowed money, fake land titles were another problem. I have to pay more than the money he borrowed."

Okay, Phayu understands now.

"Khanapan forced you to give up the First and pay your father's debt?"

"He begged me, and he promised a better life for First and his mother if I let First go for him.
Why would I keep him if all she would get was endless poverty?"

Phayu no longer tried to advise Khaotung, hisbdifficult life indeed left him with no other choice.

"This is just a momentary love, Even i can hate those who brought me into this world. Forgetting about it and starting a new life doesn't seem to be difficult."

Phayu then pulled Khaotung into his arms, as someone who came from the same downfall Phayu felt the burden.

"I will be with you, whatever you decide."

First saw that, how Khaotung hugged Phayu back tightly.
He had spoken to hisbmother, telling him all about his current situation with Khaotung.
His mother understood, and promised that she would not interfere with the things that the two of them had agreed upon, she also promised not to be a burden when living together.
Mrs. Khanapan had apparently brought money, money that did not belong to Khanapan or anyone else.
First would use it to rent the apartment next door.

He wanted to find Khaotung and talk to him again after he felt that he had calmed down, but all he saw was Khaotung who was so comfortable in Phayu's arms.


Khaotung only returned to the base camp after 3 hours, his mother had told First to sleep in the room he shared with Khaotung.
First planned to sleep on the sofa instead, with Khaotung of course.
Khaotung didn't come back with Phayu as it turned out, I don't know where he went. Maybe the atmosphere was awkward for him.

"I'll go to work."

First looked at the clock on his phone, it was almost 2pm.

"Where to?" First asked.

"Anywhere, I need to earn more money."

First held Khaotung's hand who was about to carry his jacket on the sofa.

"To what, the bank, Korn?"

Khaotung wasn't planning on telling First about the new debt collector who had come after him, nor the fact that his parents had run away and cut off contact with him.

"My decision hasn't changed," Khaotung said, changing the subject. "I will leave."

First then chased Khaotung out of the apartment.
First only stopped Khaotung when they were far from the apartment.

"My mom brought money, we'll move into the next apartment tomorrow." First stopped Khaotung's footsteps.

"I also have money for you, do you need it for the bank or what? Let me look for it."

Khaotung then dismissed First's hand. "That's good, just live together without burden. Your money belongs to you and your mother now."

"Why do you keep trying to break your promise?"

"You see the situation you and I are in!" Khaotung again didn't control his emotions, only he was struggling and First was clearly confused because he wasn't told what hard things he was going through right now.

"What's wrong with you? Is there something wrong besides my mom coming?" Asked First, trying to remain calm and soothe Khaotung.

"Maybe it's true, I'm someone who can throw you away this easily. I'm someone who can't keep my word."

"What do you mean?"

"That's what I mean, I don't think I'm in love with you. It's just a good feeling that someone wants to help me pay off my debt."

First froze, looking at Khaotung who was slowly retreating his steps, out of his reach.

"How can you say that after all the things we've been through?"

"I don't understand either, but that's what you should know."

After that, Khaotung then stepped away from First.
First himself, who was about to chase Khaotung back, decided to stop.
It was enough for him to chase someone who did not want to be with him.
Slowly, First then turned around and walked back to the apartment.
But his footsteps stopped at the stairs where the lights had been off since a few days ago.
Crying over his love story that he thought was one-sided, with all the things he sacrificed Khaotung still did not give his love in full.
First had gotten an apartment next to Phayu's Basecamp. He lied to his mother that Khaotung currently has a job, that's why he hasn't come back yet.
Even though he didn't know where Khaotung had gone, Will he come back or was it two days ago that was the real breakup.

Phayu also said he didn't know where Khaotung had gone, and he had no intention of telling First what he knew. Khaotung told him not to, and he just wanted to make their lives better by keeping his mouth shut.

Abandoned by him, First still hopes that Khaotung will come back, apologize and live together again.
First will forgive him, because that's how much he loves Khaotung.
First had gone to all the places where Khaotung worked, but they said that Khaotung hadn't come there since two days ago.

Tay and Newwie couldn't help either, let alone Podd and Gawin.
No one was really close to Khaotung other than Phayu and  First no longer had anywhere to go looking for Khaotung, other than waiting for the return of him who said he was leaving. Which meant, he wouldn't be back. But First refused to accept, he felt again that the days she spent with Khaotung were great, so he wanted to believe that even Khaotung was in love with him.


Those days were spent with First missing Khaotung, but also happy to be living comfortably with hisbmother in such a cramped space.
For the first time, he could taste his mother's cooking. Chatting about many things, First even plans to go back to school to find a better future for him and his mother.
Where the thought of going back to school would certainly never come if he lived alone with Khaotung, because their initial goal was to pay off debts and live happily in old age without being chased by loan sharks.

First's sadness was slowly relieved by that moment. As time went by, he tried to accept Khaotung's thoughts about the burden of bringing his mother into their lives. Trying to understand if indeed Khaotung did not love him, and accepting that he and Khaotung were not a couple anymore.

But sometimes he wished back when he was lonely, he used to use khaotung to keep him going.

"Mom, I'm going to work first."

First stood up from his seat, he had just had breakfast and his mother was currently cleaning the dishes in the kitchen.

"Alright, be careful on the road. Mom will be going to school today too." Mrs. Khanapan would look for a school that did not have too expensive fees, she had to learn to be frugal in many ways now.

"Um, mom be careful later too."

As the two were about to go to the apartment door, someone knocked first.
Probably Phayu or if not Tay and Newwie, First thought.
She quickly opened it and found Khanapanlah who came in his suit.

"You've been living here all this time?" Asked Khanapan in surprise.

"How did you know we were here?" Asked First with a surprised face.


Khaotung stared at his last message that he sent to Khanapan last night. He sent the message to Phayu's Basecamp address, and today he got a lot of messages from banks declaring the debt paid off on his cell phone, he also got a message from the trading shop, thanking him for paying the remaining debt at once.
The debt collector just yesterday had also told him that someone had paid off his debts, which confirmed that it was Khanapan.
Last night, Khaotung finally sent all the data on the debts he owed to Khanapan. The deal was done, Khaotung was required to get as far away from First as possible, which he had been doing for the past 4 days.
Right now, First was probably surprised by Khanapan's arrival at Basecamp.

"What is this?"

Khaotung lifted his head, looking at Korn who had just come out of the bathroom with his upper body unclothed, coming to show his cell phone which showed a message from Koparat that Khaotung had paid off his debts and Korn was told by Koparat to stop collecting Khaotung.

"My debt is paid in full," Khaotung replied.

Khaotung then got off Korn's bed, looked for his shirt and jacket and walked out of the room.
Korn immediately followed him and held Khaotung's arm.

"Who paid it off? Khanapan's son?"

Khaotung sighed. "Why do you have to know? Let go, I need to get out of here."

But Korn refused to let go of Khaotung's hand. Last night, Khaotung suddenly returned to the bar to work as before. Korn who knew it was obvious immediately took Khaotung to his private place, had sex and woke up in shock because he got a message from Koparat about Khaotung's debt.

"Why don't you let me pay?" Korn asked angrily.

"Why does it matter? We had sex, you got what you wanted."

Khaotung then brushed off Korn's hand and walked out of Korn's house.


Now there was nothing for Khaotung to worry about. He is no longer chased by debts and so on. He had found a place to live, he would go back to work at the bar and go back to school if it was possible.

Khaotung then went to the park, lighting a cigarette while watching the people around. "What should I do now?" He asked, confused.

A person who usually fought with time, thinking every day about how to pay off debts, eating rough and complicated thoughts about love suddenly lost all these things.
Khaotung was like a dazed person, confused by this new life that he had unilaterally decided on.
First was also confused, he felt strange about his father's change for the better.
Khanapan came with a guilty face and asked him and his mother to come back to him.
He even knelt down to his mother, also pleaded with him and then promised to change as the mother and son wanted.

First had no other reason to stay in this life of inadequacy.
Her mother and father were getting better, she could live with them again with a new atmosphere.
So, with the thought that her love story was over First agreed to return home.

No, Khanapan apparently bought a new, smaller house in the middle of the neighborhood as  his mother's wishes in the past. Mrs. Khanapan had dreamed of having a simple life and hanging out with the neighbors.
The house was small, and would only be lived in by the three of them.
While the mansion would actually be converted into a working office.

"You're going back to school again, which school do you want? The old school?"

The three of them had arrived at the new house, and Khanapan immediately asked about the future First wanted to do.

"No, I'm going to an international school. Can I go there?"

Khanapan nodded his head, of course he could make First go there.

"What about your job at the shop?" Khanapan asked again.

"I'll go to work now and tell him that I'm quitting," First replied.

Khanapan nodded his head again, he would follow all of First's wishes from today. So, he begged First if there was anything he didn't like to just say so.
cooking class, Newwie said you like cooking."

First smiled and nodded. "I'll think about it, dad."


4 Weeks passed, Khaotung was able to return to his old school with various agreements.
The school needed a lot of students to stay afloat, so Khaotung felt lucky that his messy attendance could be fixed.
His bicycle had been left at Khanapan's house for a long time, probably thrown away by his employed so Khaotung had to take the bus to school.
He plans to buy a second-hand bike later, even though there is no more burden at least he has to save for his future.

The bus was full today, so Khaotung and a few other students decided to stand.
Phayu was here too, along with Jack and the others.
Khaotung was officially in Phayu's gang it seemed, wherever they went Khaotung always followed.

"Aish, slow down driver!" Jack shouted, the bus suddenly stopped while traveling quite fast so he and his friends were a little unable to control their bodies, already jostled even more jostled.


The car driven by Khanapan also stopped suddenly, apparently there was a child passing by without parents.

"Gosh, are you okay First?" Asked Khanapan, to his son who was sitting in the back seat.

"It's okay dad."

First then tried to look at the crossing boy but then his gaze went to the bus beside his car.
He initially only saw the students in their old school uniforms, then the more he looked, he finally found Khaotung among them.

Khaotung also looked at First's car, and saw how First who was wearing another school uniform was watching him.
But unfortunately, First's car drove off first while First was curious why Khaotung was back at school? Where did he go all this time? And Phayu, she kept evading not knowing but was seen with Khaotung.


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