His Warrior Queen: A Haikyuu...

By literalsugamama

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Haikyuu!! Fanfiction Tsukishima x OC Ogawa Nakano needed volleyball to live like a fish needs water. She'd b... More

Foreword by the Author
Chapter 1: She Was the Queen
Chapter 2: Enter Sandman
Chapter 3: Killer Queen
Chapter 4: She's Just a Girl
Chapter 5: What I Did for Love
Chapter 6: Kageyama: So Kiss Me
Chapter 7: Let's Get It Started
Chapter 8: I'm Still Standing
Chapter 9: Demons (TW)
Chapter 10: Obsession
Chapter 11: Just One Kiss
Chapter 12: Tsukishima: Only in My Dreams
Chapter 13: Boy, Could He Play Guitar
Chapter 14: Got Me on My Knees
Chapter 15: The Reason
Chapter 16: Tsukishima: A Momentary Lapse of Reason (TW)
Chapter 17: Nakano: The Warrior
Chapter 18: Learning to Fly
Chapter 19: Pressure
Chapter 20: Tsukishima: Ramble On
Chapter 21: Work it Out
Chapter 22: A Moment
Chapter 23: Frustration
Chapter 24: Ladies' Night
Chapter 25: I Think We're Alone Now
Chapter 26: Boys
Chapter 27: The Time of My Life
Chapter 28: Step by Step
Chapter 29: Don't Stand So Close to Me
Chapter 30: Lies, Lies, Lies
Chapter 31: We Are Family
Chapter 32: What You've Done to Me
Chapter 33: We've Only Just Begun
Chapter 34: Dare
Chapter 35: Drowned in Desire
Chapter 36: Love Bites
Chapter 37: Relax
Chapter 38: Weak (TW)
Chapter 39: I Love You
Chapter 40: Brave Face
Chapter 41: You Say It's Your Birthday
Chapter 42: You Wanna Dance
Chapter 43: I Am a Paleontologist
Chapter 44: Passion
Chapter 45: Break Your Walls
Chapter 46: Magic Carpet Ride
Chapter 47: It Was Only a Kiss
Chapter 48: Kuroo: Where Can I Find a Woman Like That
Chapter 49: I'm Coming Home
Chapter 50: I'm Drunk
Chapter 51: All I Ever Needed Was the Music
Chapter 52: Please Let Me Explain
Chapter 53: Nakano: Go Crazy (TW)
Chapter 54: I'm Ready (TW)
Chapter 55: You Did It
Chapter 56: Simply the Best
Chapter 57: A Celebration
Chapter 58: A Hero
Chapter 59: Touch Me
Chapter 60: The Most Beautiful Girl in the World (TW)
Chapter 61: A Kiss From a Rose
Chapter 62: Stars in Your Eyes
Chapter 63: The Rose
Chapter 64: Can't You Come Out to Play
Chapter 65: Let the Music Play
Chapter 66: A Little Drunk
Chapter 67: From Me to You
Chapter 68: Feed Me
Chapter 69: Steppin' Out
Chapter 70: De-lovely and Delicious
Chapter 71: Hinata: Jump
Chapter 72: Nakano: Save Me
Chapter 73: Tsukishima: Stay (TW)
Chapter 74: Tsukishima: Nowhere That I'd Rather Be
Chapter 75: Tsukishima: Never Meant to Cause You Sorrow or Pain
Chapter 76: Isn't it Romantic
Chapter 77: Lay Your Hands on Me
Chapter 78: You Can't Hide
Chapter 79: Get Back
Chapter 80: I Guess I'm Learning
Chapter 81: Goody Two Shoes
Chapter 82: I Won't Give Up
Chapter 83: Up to the Challenge
Chapter 84: Come Together
Chapter 85: Dance With Me
Chapter 86: In Your Eyes
Chapter 87: I Won't Do That
Chapter 88: Eye of the Storm
Chapter 89: Winter Wonderland
Chapter 90: Sleep Now (TW)
Chapter 91: New Year's Day
Chapter 92: Looks Like We Made It
Chapter 93: Rising Up
Chapter 94: Kuroo: This is It
Chapter 95: Bokuto: All Fired Up
Chapter 96: Tsukishima: I Wanna Know What You're Thinking
Chapter 97: Raise a Glass
Chapter 98: Don't Be Sad
Chapter 99: All I Wanna Do (TW)
Chapter 100: Feelings
Chapter 101: Home (TW)
Chapter 102: Take Me Home (TW)
Chapter 103: Try to Remember
Chapter 104: Kiss
Chapter 105: Nothing Else Matters
Chapter 106: Breakdown
Chapter 108: Kuroo: Same As It Ever Was
Chapter 109: Tsukishima: Two of Us
Chapter 110: Tsukishima: Where Your Destiny Lies (TW)
Chapter 111: You're My Best Friend
Chapter 112: Let's Get Down to It
Chapter 113: Yamaguchi: Welcome to My House
Chapter 114: Kuroo: I've Waited For You For So Long
Chapter 115: Kiyoko: Secrets
Chapter 116: Kageyama: I Know You Care
Chapter 117: Nakano: One Thing
Chapter 118: Mind Games

Chapter 107: Special

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By literalsugamama

Nakano laughed as she watched her best friend getting harassed by ducks.

Several weeks had gone by, and spring was slowly beginning to make itself known.  It was barely March, but already the days were beginning to feel a little bit warmer, and they were definitely getting longer.  The sakura trees were still a solid month and a half from being in full bloom, but it was also most decidedly no longer wintertime.  It was a bit too early for eating outside during best friend lunch, but not too early for Kageyama to ask his best friend to join him for a day out and about over the weekend.

And so the two had decided to get together on the first Saturday in March for a little best friend bonding.  Kageyama had insisted on coming over to Nakano's place to collect her, excitedly announcing that he wanted to take her to the movies as the latest film in his favorite shonen series had just opened.  The girl had agreed, but only after insisting that he let her buy the snacks.  They'd walked together into town, chatting about nothing of any particularly great import and just enjoying the day.

The movie had been fun, and Nakano had bought all of their favorite snacks and drinks.  As they left the theater, the strawberry blonde had figured her old friend would head towards his own house, where she rather expected their talk to turn to more serious matters.  However, Kageyama had steered them back towards Nakano's neighborhood, veering off and heading towards the park not too far from Nakano's house as they excitedly discussed the merits of the film they'd just seen.

The girl could not help but notice that the subject of Hinata had not come up once all day, and that her best friend seemed to want to avoid being at his house entirely, since whenever the two setters got together, Hinata always seemed to be nearby.

And so she'd simply gone along with him, letting her blue-eyed friend do as he pleased.  Kageyama had led them on into the park, plunking himself down on the grass not far from a large pond and proceeding to pull a bag of mixed corn, oats, rice, and peas out of his pocket.  Nakano sat nearby, watching as the ducks began to cautiously approach the setter as he scattered his treats around him.  Soon, the birds became bold, coming right up to him and poking at him, demanding more food.  The girl couldn't help but chuckle as the feisty waterfowl had quickly gotten from him all the snacks the raven-haired boy had brought, and after a few more exploratory pokes, had given up and wandered away.

All but one persistent and loud little duck.

The determined bird simply refused to give up, moving on from gently poking Kageyama with his bill to squawking loudly at him, and then finally, to trying to bite the boy's pants.

"Cut it out, dumbass," Kageyama said, trying to shoo the bird off him, "you've already gotten everything you're gonna get out of me, so just quit it!"

Despite the setter's complaining, the duck simply refused to leave him be.

Nakano laughed brightly.  "Maybe you should name him Hinata," she said amidst continued giggles.

Kageyama suddenly glared at her, his face turning a bright red.

"You ready to talk about it yet?"

He looked away.  "Talk about what?"

The girl scooted closer to him as his duck friend finally gave him one last nibble and wandered off.  "The gift you gave Hinata for Valentine's Day."

The boy's eyes bugged out of his head as he looked up at his best friend.  "How did you..."

"Come on, Tobio-chan, it was obvious.  At least, to me, anyway."  Nakano decided not to mention that both Kei and Suga had definitely deduced the same thing.

A massive sigh exploded from Kageyama, seeming to entirely deflate him.  "I don't think he cares.  I don't think he's interested, you know?  He's not said anything at all about it for two weeks."

"What exactly were you expecting him to say?"

"I don't know, something!  Anything!"  Kageyama suddenly flailed about with his arms, gesticulating wildly.  "Any kind of reaction would have been nice, I guess.  But - nothing!  For two whole weeks!  No kind of answer at all!"

Nakano gave the boy a look.  "Well, it isn't like you asked him for a reply, or even told him who to reply to!  All you did was let him know someone likes him.  Did you expect him to come asking you about it?"


Nakano's laughter gave Kuroo a run for his money.  When she finally got her breath again, she clapped her grousing best friend on the shoulder.  "Tobio...I'm glad you made a move...but if you want to actually find out how Shoyo feels about all this, you're gonna have to tell him the chocolate was from you.  You can't expect him to just magically know these things!"

"But...what if he says he doesn't like me that way?"

"Then at least you'll know."

"What if we...what if we can't play volleyball together afterwards."

"Will you hate him, if he's not interested in you?"

Kageyama looked off towards the pond, contemplating.  "No," he replied finally, "I wouldn't hate him.  I mean, I'll be kinda bummed, but, if he's really not interested, well...that's just how it is."

"And I think Hinata would feel the same.  Even if you two don't date, I think you'll be able to continue being friends and teammates."

"I'm...not sure I'm ready for this, Naka-chan."

"You don't have to say anything at all.  You can just let it go.  But you can't be mad at Hinata for not giving you an answer when he doesn't even know who asked the question."

Tobio groaned loudly, suddenly leaning over and plunking his head against Nakano's shoulder.  "Why is this all so damn complicated?"

The girl put her arm around his shoulders, cuddling him close.  "It's a little scary, isn't it, putting your feelings out there.  That's true for all of us, Tobio-chan.  But remember what you told Kei?  If you do nothing, you might miss out on the best thing to ever happen to you."

"But if I do something, I could ruin a great partnership."

"Look Tobio, you're gonna have to decide.  Is it worth the risk to you?  More than anything, I want you to be happy.  And I'll support you, no matter what you decide to do.  But you've got to be fair to Shoyo.  If you're gonna ask, just...ask.  If you're gonna let it go, then you've got to really let it go and not hold it against Shoyo that he never said anything to you."

"I don't know what to do, Naka-chan."

"Nobody said you have to make up your mind right now, Tobio-chan."

The two friends just sat together, watching the ducks on the pond, until the Sun began to get low in the west.  When they finally parted for the day, Nakano could see the wheels continuing to turn behind her best friend's eyes.  She wondered when, or if, he'd be able to come to a decision.


Several days went by, and Kageyama still had no idea what to do.

He found himself feeling both annoyed that Hinata had not mentioned the gift after showing it off on Valentine's Day...and also incredibly relieved that it had never come up again.  He'd bought the chocolates on a whim, spotting the fancy box while running errands in town, and purchasing it in a fit of bravery.  He'd almost chickened out on the big day itself, arriving at school almost an hour early and then just sitting outside, trying to work up the courage to go in and leave the chocolates in Hinata's shoe locker.  In the end, he'd waited too long, and too many other students had arrived for him to feel like he could get away with it.  He'd ended up asking permission to go to bathroom in the middle of the day, and then rushing to his locker to grab the chocolates and shove them in Hinata's locker.  He'd known he'd have to move fast to avoid getting caught, and that meant he didn't think about it.

Until later that night.

He'd lain in bed, almost shaking with nerves.  What had possessed him to do something so insane?  The only saving grace was he'd not signed the card, or said anything particularly identifying.  He could pretend like he'd never done anything.

But then, he saw how happy the little dumbass had been to get the chocolates.  He'd been so freaking adorable.  That had made Kageyama's heart skip several beats...that, and the fear of getting caught out in front of the whole damn team.

And so, he'd just laid there, caught between wanting to forget the whole thing had ever happened, and running to Hinata's house and yelling at him that he'd blown a lot of money on that box of chocolates and dammit the little jackass had better agree to be his boyfriend right this second.

And nothing had changed.  More than two weeks on, and he was still stuck in the same place.

He still saw Hinata every school day, but lately, he'd taken to avoiding the little tangerine head outside of practice.  He found that the more he looked at Shoyo, the more confused he felt.  Kageyama hated feeling confused.  So, he tended to avoid things that confused him.  And most of the time, Hinata confused the hell out of him.

But on this particular day, he wasn't being given the option.

Practice wound up as it usually did, and Kageyama changed quickly, intending to hurry up and head home.  He was gonna stop at Sakanoshita first - he wanted curry buns.  He was nearly to the store when he heard a familiar voice call out.

"Hey Kageyama!"

Sure enough, Hinata was trailing behind him, pushing his bike along as he hurried to catch him.  "What's up?" Kageyama asked the ginger.

"Are you mad at me?"

Kageyama scoffed.  "Why would I be mad at you?  You done something stupider than usual today, dumbass?"

"No, you big jerk!  It just...seems like you've been avoiding me lately."

The raven-haired setter turned away, hiding his pinking cheeks.  "Well, I'm not.  You want a curry bun?  I'm gonna get some."


Hinata waited outside with his bike while Kageyama bought a bag full of his favorite snack.  The two headed towards their neighborhood, munching on the buns and not saying much of anything beyond Hinata's quiet thank-you to his setter.  At last, Hinata spoke again.

"Guess it's almost over, huh?  Our first year, I mean."

"Yep.  Couple more weeks and that's it."

"I can't wait to be an upperclassman!  I'm gonna buy our new first years snacks all the time!"

Kageyama barked out a harsh laugh.  "You're such a moron."

"What's wrong with wanting to buy snacks for my kohai!?"

"You haven't even met them yet.  What if they suck?"

"They won't!  We're gonna have a great team next year, I just know it!"

"Whatever, dumbass.  Just make sure they don't learn their volleyball fundamentals from you."  Kageyama was silent for a time, and then suddenly, he wasn't.  "Maybe next year, all the new first years will give you chocolate on Valentine's Day for being such a great senpai," came rolling off his tongue, heavily laden with sarcasm.

"I bet they will!  Because I'm gonna be the best senpai ever!"  Hinata enthused, cheering for himself.  And then, he too, fell silent for a time.  "But nothing will ever beat that amazing box of chocolates I got this year," the boy said softly.

Kageyama spluttered, and then choked on his own spit.

It took the taller boy several minutes to get his breath back, during which Hinata simply walked along, a small smile on his face.  Kageyama steadfastly refused to look at him.  "Did...uh...did you...ya know...ever figure out who...who gave them to you?" he stammered out when he finally recovered.

"Well, all there was to go on was that little note.  But, you know, you can learn a lot about somebody just by looking at a bit of their handwriting."  Hinata turned a sunny smile to his setter.  "Well, this is my turn.  I'll see you later, Kageyama!  Thanks for the curry buns!"  The ginger hopped on his bike and took off, pedaling hard towards home.

Kageyama stood and watched him go, wondering what he'd meant by that last statement.  Had he figured out who had given him that box?  But if he did, why didn't he just come out and say something!  Wait...what if he thought it was some other person?  Was the little jerk crushing on someone else?  What the heck was going on?

Kageyama Tobio groused his way home, realizing that he was now even more confused than when he'd started this miserable day.


The next day, Kageyama was still confused, and feeling really annoyed about it.  He'd been distracted all day, wondering who exactly Hinata was thinking the chocolate was from, earning himself a stern talking to from his sensei after class and making him late to afternoon practice.  He banged into the club room, angry and irritated and fully intending to make the little ginger pay for it, since basically it was all his fault.

He was not expecting to get asked a question by his senpai the moment he came into the room.

"Hazuki-chan gave you tomo-choco too, didn't she, Kageyama?" Tanaka asked him as the setter growled his way through the door, stopping short and staring at the second-year.

"Uhhhh...I think...uh...yeah?" Kageyama stammered out, brain now thoroughly scrambled, "I guess so.  Why?"

"I was just telling the guys what happened to her," Suga said, a sad smile on his face.  "She apparently confessed to Tachibana-kun on Valentine's Day.  Well, he finally answered her.  He let her down easy, but he still let her down.  Poor girl is feeling pretty sad about it."

"Wow.  That sucks," Kageyama blurted out.

"I feel so bad for her," Asahi said, looking a bit tearful.

"I can't understand why he turned her down," Narita said, pulling on his workout tee, "She's absolutely adorable, and it seemed to me like they were pretty close."

"Yeah, they've been friends for a while now, it seems.  Looks like she wanted more, but he's just not into her like that.  The rumor mill is going wild though, and Hazuki-chan's taking the brunt of it.  I did my best to squash things, but a girl getting her heart broke like that is good fodder, I fear."  Suga shook his head sadly.

Tsukishima clicked his tongue.  "People need to learn to mind their own damn business," he muttered.  

Tanaka clapped the blonde on the shoulder, making him grouse.  "You're right about that, my kohai.  Especially when it makes a nice girl like Hazuki cry."

"They made her cry?" Noya yelped, "Dammit, that's just awful!  She's been so nice to all of us!"

"Why did you want to know if she gave me tomo-choco, Tanaka-san?" Kageyama asked.

It was Sugawara who answered.  "Well, she kinda declared herself our number one fan, and it looks like she gave everyone on the team tomo-choco.  White Day is coming up, and given how lousy she's feeling right now...I thought maybe we could give her a gift as a team, since she's been so kind to us."  Suga's smile was wide as he looked around at his teammates.

"That's a great idea, Suga!" Kinoshita enthused.

Tsukishima nodded in agreement.  He felt a little badly, as he had to wonder if their conversation in the stairwell on Valentine's Day had prompted the girl to confess her feelings for Tachibana in a fit of enthusiasm for the romantic holiday.  She'd been kind to him on a day when he'd really needed it, and now, maybe he could play a small part in cheering the girl up.  A fleeting thought of Nakano being jealous, and therefore perhaps a little possessive and needy, flitted through his mind, making his lips quirk up in a small smile.  He knew, however, that Naka-chan would be happy to get behind any idea that would cheer up someone who'd had their heart broken.

"So, what were you thinking, Suga?  Should we all go and confess our undying devotion to Hazuki-chan on White Day?" Noya said, demonstrating his sincerity by tossing himself down on his knees and looking lovelorn.

Asahi was blushing right down to his socks.  "I...I think that might be a bit much, Noya..."

"Plus that might make her feel worse, since I don't think any of us actually wanna date her," Kageyama said, finally beginning to change clothes.

"Oh man, yeah, we really don't wanna give her the wrong idea!" Tanaka yelped, making several of his teammates look at him in surprise.  Before anyone could follow up on that, however, Suga chimed in.

"I wasn't thinking anything so dramatic.  But...what if we all went in together on a nice gift for her, as a thank-you from the team for being our number one fan?  Tradition says that the guy gives a White Day gift three times the value of what the girl gave him for Valentine's Day.  With all twelve of us kicking in a couple bucks each, we should be able to give her something really nice, right?"

"We could get her some pretty flowers..." Asahi began.

"Too typical," Kinoshita countered, "We should give her something that really says it's from us for our number one fan."

"What about one of those tee shirts, like the ones we got the third years?" Yamaguchi suggested, "That would be something only we could give her!"

"Absolutely!  And if we all chipped in like five hundred yen, we'd have enough left over to get her a nice bouquet as well," Ennoshita said, smiling at Asahi.

"Perfect!" Narita cried, "I bet she'll love that!"

"What should we put on the back?" Noya queried. 

"Number One Fan, of course!" Shoyo chimed in, "That's her position, isn't it?"

Tsukishima swallowed a small scoff - after all, it wasn't like the girl had come to their games in Tokyo or anything.  But he'd go along and contribute, after all, Hazuki-chan was a nice girl.  The rest of the team had continued on with the plan, Suga enthusiastically outlining how the team would present the gift on White Day, while everyone else continued to shout out ideas.  Daichi gave the plan an official thumbs up, and insisted on having the honor of presenting the gift as his last act as captain.  Tsukki largely tuned out - he'd figure out his role when the time came.  No, what had settled into his brain was the idea that White Day would soon arrive...and apparently, tradition said that he was to give a gift to Nakano three times the value of what she had given him.  How was he supposed to put a value on homemade, hand-carved chocolate...in the shape of a Fukuiraptor skeleton that they had both touched in situ, for crying out loud!  I'd better get going on planning something pretty amazing, and fast, he thought, mind already ticking over some possibilities.

It was then that he realized there was one voice he wasn't hearing in the background.

He looked around and spotted Kageyama, standing stock still, a shocked look on his face.

Tsukishima couldn't hide his smirk.  Looks like the King also just came to the realization that White Day is a thing, he reasoned, and as far as I know, he's not said anything at all to the Shrimp about where those chocolates came from.  Wonder how this one is going to play out...


Tsukishima was settled in bed, in his comfiest sleepwear, and the lights were out, but his mind just wouldn't stop racing.

Since his sudden realization that White Day was in less than two weeks, he'd spent most of his mental energy turning over possibilities in his mind.  So much so in fact, that he'd been thoroughly distracted at practice today, receiving a ball with his head rather than his arms.  Nakano had fussed over him, the second-years had jeered at him, and Daichi had given him such a glare he'd felt his spine tingle.  He'd paid better attention after that, but still.  Nakano asked him multiple times what was on his mind...and he'd tried very hard to deflect her, assuring the the girl that it was nothing bad, nor had she done anything wrong.  

As he kissed her goodnight after walking her to her house, she'd whispered in his ear, "You know I'll love whatever you do for White Day, silly.  Stop obsessing."

He'd groused at her, only to receive her adorable giggle in return.

He'd melted in the face of that, smiling like an idiot as he walked back home.

But as the evening wore on, he'd begun obsessing again.  Every idea he came up with to do for the girl seemed to pale in comparison to her gift to him.  And he was supposed to go three times bigger!  He'd come up with a couple ideas that might fit the bill...but they were so elaborate there was no way he could implement them in less than two weeks.  Hell, in at least one case, two years wouldn't be enough time.  

He sighed, lying in the darkness of his bedroom, unable to sleep.  

Finally, he grabbed up his phone off the night table.  Holding it close to his face (his glasses were still on the table), he opened up his texting app, and messaged Kuroo.

Hey Kuroo, you awake?

Pain in the Ass Kuroo-san
What's up, Skinny Jeans?

Did you ever get anything for a girl for White Day before?

Pain in the Ass Kuroo-san
Can't figure out what to do for Naka-chan, huh?

Everything I come up with seems too cheap, or so over the top there's no way I can get it arranged in time.

Pain in the Ass Kuroo-san
Bro, it sounds like you're way overthinking this.  Naka-chan won't care how much you spend!

Dude, she made me a homemade chocolate carving.  A really elaborate one.  It was incredible.  And I'm supposed to give her something three times as valuable!  How the hell do I do that?

Pain in the Ass Kuroo-san
Tsukki, I mean, I love a good tradition, but forget the letter of the law and obey the spirit.


Pain in the Ass Kuroo-san
The whole point is to show her how much you love her, right?  She made you something special, something that meant a lot to you.  Do the same for her.  Don't worry about cost, or if it's three times as awesome or whatever.  Go with your heart, forget about everything else, my man!  Do something that will make her feel like a queen.  

A queen, huh?  She's my queen of the court, that's for sure.

Pain in the Ass Kuroo-san

Please don't send emojis Kuroo-san.  It's annoying.

Pain in the Ass Kuroo-san
You're such a killjoy, dude.

What are you doing for Amalie for White Day?

Pain in the Ass Kuroo-san
I am taking my lovely lady on a ski weekend.  Can't wait.

See?  You're going all elaborate.

Pain in the Ass Kuroo-san
Actually, I decided to do that because she said she'd never been, and wanted to try it.  It was something she talked about wanting to do, and I'm gonna make it happen for her.

How romantic.

Pain in the Ass Kuroo-san
You're damn right it will be.  Have I thanked you lately for inviting me to be her blind date?

That's what bros are for, right?

Pain in the Ass Kuroo-san
Seriously, Skinny Jeans, I owe you.  Been a long time since I was this happy, you know?

I'm sure I'll find a way to collect someday.

Pain in the Ass Kuroo-san
Well that's terrifying.

You started it.

Pain in the Ass Kuroo-san
Fair enough.  You feeling better about White Day, Skinny Jeans?

Yeah, you're right.  I think I need to focus less on the value and more on the girl I'm trying to make happy.  Thanks, Kuroo.

Pain in the Ass Kuroo-san
You bet, Tsukki.  I'm always here for ya, man.

Kei dashed off a goodnight text and set his phone back on the table.  Kuroo had made a valid point - it really wasn't about the money.  All he really wanted to do was make Nakano feel special, and loved.  The way she made him feel all the time.  He sifted through his memory, wondering if there was something the girl had ever mentioned wanting or needing that he could fulfill for her.

Suddenly, his phone vibrated with another text.

The blonde's eyes widened as he read the message from his girlfriend's father.  In a flash, he had an idea of what their White Day weekend was going to look like.  He chuckled to himself as he set his phone down again.  I know she'll love it, he mused, and honestly, I'm going to enjoy it just as much, if not more.  This is going to be just perfect.

Tsukishima settled himself against the pillows, letting out a deep sigh and settling in for a good night's sleep.


White Day dawned cool and drizzly.  Daichi just smiled softly to himself as he made his way to Karasuno - for his very last day of high school.

It was hard to believe, but this day had finally come.  

The graduation ceremony would be tomorrow.  Today was mostly a last chance to say goodbye to friends, classmates, teachers, and of course, his team.  One final chance to do something amazing as captain of the Karasuno boy's volleyball team.

Daichi had been astonished  that Suga had found a way to be all up in someone else's business one final time, but honestly, he shouldn't have been.  He'd known Suga a long time, and his silver-haired best friend was in no way going to lose his reputation as a high school gossip king.  No, he'd prove that he had his finger on the pulse of the rumor mill, right up until the very last day of school.  At least he's using his powers for good, Daichi thought, chuckling softly to himself.  Daichi had insisted on a few ground rules for this White Day intervention.  One - he was going to present the gift to Hazuki-chan.  A final captain's privilege.  Two - there was to be no rudeness towards Tachibana.  Daichi refused to allow his team to be involved in something like that.  This was solely for the purpose of thanking Hazuki Nana for being a fan of the volleyball team...and to lift her spirits a bit.  Three - and this one he'd known no one would listen to - they were not to go to over the top.

He'd eyed Suga when he said it.  The look he'd gotten in return had made it very, very clear that Suga was planning on being as over the top as possible.  Daichi had sighed, repeated the phrase for emphasis, and then quietly resigned himself to being involved in something completely over the top and ridiculous.  Even now, he couldn't help but smile.  College life with Suga would certainly never be boring.

The team had agreed to assemble at the club room early, change into their uniforms, and then make their way over to Class 1-3.  Everyone had their assigned jobs - even their three ladies.  As soon as the girls had gotten wind of what was going on, they'd insisted on coming along, if only so they could document this delightful event.  Indeed, they had been tasked with recording the event for posterity: Kiyoko was to film the team, Nakano was to film Hazuki, and Yachi was to take still pictures of everything.  Narita had been tasked with getting the shirt taken care of (orange, with their logo in black on the front and "Number One Fan" on the back), and Tanaka had been deputized to procure a bouquet of flowers.

Suga, naturally, had been put in charge of choreography.

 The girls were all standing outside the club room door, waiting as Daichi approached.

"Good morning, ladies.  Are they all in there?" Daichi queried.  

"Everyone but Suga-san...oh wait, here he comes!" Nakano replied, glancing over Daichi's shoulder as the silver-haired setter ran up the steps, gasping.

"Sorry!  Sorry to be late!  My alarm didn't go off!  Last day of school, can you believe it?"  Suga gasped out, smiling at his teammates.

"You're fine, I just got here too.  Let's get changed and make sure we're all set," Daichi replied, reaching out a hand to open the club room door.

Kageyama slipped out, startling as he saw his captain making his way inside.  "I'm going to go over to my class, sir.  I'll text Nakano once Hazuki-chan is in the room."  

"Sounds good, Kageyama, thanks!" Daichi called as Kageyama trotted off.

Before long, the team was ready.  Like many of the students, Hazuki had arrived to school early to give herself extra time for farewells.  Kageyama had texted Nakano almost immediately upon getting to his classroom.  It was agreed that Nakano would text Kags when the team was outside the classroom, and then Kageyama would move to the door and join them as they entered.

Naturally, the sight of the boy's volleyball team all decked out in their uniforms striding purposefully down the hallways got quite a few people's attention.  The boys looked very dramatic, black jackets flapping behind them as they moved as one, determined looks etched on their faces.  The team arrived at Class 1-3 with a fairly decent following in tow.  Kageyama appeared in the doorway, and suddenly, things were happening.

All three girls slipped in first, positioning themselves to get the best shots possible.  The boys filed in, moving swiftly to occupy the space between the back wall of the classroom and the last row of desks.  The back row was Kageyama, Tsukishima, Asahi, Tanaka, and Yamaguchi; the front row was Kinoshita, Nishinoya, Suga, Ennoshita, Narita and Hinata.  The boys in the back staggered themselves, making sure they would be visible between their teammates in front of them.  Daichi took the point position, a wrapped box and a bouquet in his arms.

"Hazuki Nana!" Daichi called out.

The girl in question was already staring at them, her mouth agape.  Suddenly, as one, the team moved.  The back row boys bowed, the front row boys executed Suga's signature knee-up-and-point pose, and Daichi moved to offer the girl his items.  "Thank you for being our Number One Fan!  Happy White Day!" the boys intoned.

Everyone in the room (and more than a few people looking in from the hallway) simply stared for a long moment.

And then suddenly, with a loud squeal, Hazuki tossed her arms around Daichi's neck in a fervent hug.  

The captain staggered a touch, but kept his feet, hugging the girl awkwardly given how full his hands were.  "You did this...for me?" the girl gasped out.

"We did.  Thanks for being a great supporter of the team," Daichi said, a sweet smile on his face.

And with that, all hell seemed to break loose.

Hazuki was flitting about among the team members, hugging them and thanking them, and generally just babbling incoherently.  The volleyball boys broke formation, chatting with the girl and each other about the success of their mission.  The rumor mill went wild, the rest of the students falling into clutches to discuss what exactly had just happened.

Hazuki-chan finally got the box open, squealing yet again with excitement as she held up her new tee shirt.  She was clearly overwhelmed, but the smile on her face was exactly what Sugawara had been hoping for.  

Tachibana made his way over to Kageyama, giving his classmate a smile.  "Hey Kageyama-kun...thanks for doing this for Hazuki-chan.  It really means a lot to her."

"I can see that," Kageyama replied as he watched Hazuki-chan squeal yet again over Ennoshita being re-introduced to her as the team's new captain, "Can I ask you something, Tachibana?"

"Why did I turn her down?"


The basketball player sighed, running a hand through his hair.  "It took me almost two weeks to answer her, Kageyama, because I kept trying so hard to convince myself that I should go out with her.  I probably love that girl more than I love my own actual sister...but that's how I feel about her.  Like she's my little sister.  I just...I just don't feel any romantic attraction to her.  And I knew if I tried to pretend that I did, I'd only end up hurting her more.  So...I did the only thing I could do.  I tried to let her down as gently as possible."  He gave the raven-haired setter a wan smile.  "I know, that probably makes no sense at all..."

"Nah, I got you," Kageyama said, "I know exactly how you feel.  You did the right thing."  He glanced over to where Nakano was chatting with Hinata and several of the other students in the room.  I know that feeling all too well, he thought.  I'm glad I didn't have to do that to Naka-chan.  And I'm really glad we could make Hazuki-chan's White Day a little nicer.

Daichi laughed as he watched the Karasuno boy's volleyball team's "Number One Fan" flit through the room, all smiles and laughter.  Well, this is certainly going to be the talk of at least the first year hallway today, he mused, but I can't think of a better way to round out the year than making someone this happy.  All in all, I don't think I could be more proud of this team if I tried.  

Sugawara looked up from his conversation with Asahi, Hazuki and Yamaguchi, and gave Daichi a wide smile.  We done good, Captain, Suga thought, now, it's time for the next adventure.


Kageyama sighed.  If anyone had been left in the club room to see his face, they definitely would have told him he was pouting.  He couldn't help it.  Everything was over now, and Kageyama just couldn't help but feel a little sorry for himself.

White Day was over.  He'd thought it was kinda dopey, all the effort they'd put into Hazuki-chan's gift, but in the end, it had been pretty nice.  Hazuki was over the Moon about it - she'd spent the rest of the day with the biggest smile on her face.  Kageyama had started to wonder if the girl's cheeks were beginning to ache by the time class let out.  Their gift presentation had indeed become the talk of the school, and even Kageyama, who rarely paid attention to gossip, heard people talking about how everyone on the team, from Daichi to Yamaguchi, had a crush on Hazuki-chan.  He was really glad Tachibana had not been a jerk to the girl...that had made things a whole lot easier.  In fact, the two still seemed to be good friends, as Hazuki had chattered away with Tachibana all through lunch about how amazing the volleyball team was.  That was nice, that they were still friends, even if they didn't feel the same way about each other.

Practice was over now, too.  The last practice with his first year team.  The next time he practiced with the team, Ennoshita would be the captain, and he would be a second year.  And they would be getting ready to meet a whole new group of first years.  And starting over again, trying to make a team that could have a chance of standing on the Orange Court.  Yachi would be their one and only manager, and Ukai, their only coach.  Naka-chan would be bending all her efforts towards securing herself a spot on the girl's team.  

His first year of high school was over.

And White Day had come and gone...with no response from Hinata.

It was that last that was really making him feel pouty, and he knew it.  When the concept of White Day had dawned on his consciousness as Suga had discussed their plans for Hazuki a couple weeks ago, a small kernel of hope had taken root in the setter, accompanied by a massive dose of fear.  He was terrified Hinata would do something dopey and romantic in front of the team...but he was also really hoping the tiny idiot would just do something.  

But the day was over, everyone was gone, and nothing had happened. 

And now here he was, still sitting on a bench in the club room.  Pretending like maybe if he waited a little longer, something might still happen.

How entirely lame, came Tsukishima's mocking voice in his head, how utterly lame for a King to be laid so low as to be pouting over not getting noticed by one of his peasants.

The boy growled and stood, grabbing his shirt from the locker in front of him and moving to change his clothes and go home, and stop being so stupidly lame.  Maybe that would get Shittyshima's voice out of his head.

As he savagely yanked the shirt from the locker, something green and white fell on the ground.

A flower.  A big, white flower, with broad green leaves around it.  And a note tied to it.

The flower had a strong scent, but it was somehow soothing.  He picked it up, and read the note.

"I'll be waiting for you at the main entrance," was all it said.

What in the hell was going on?

Curiosity had him now, however, and Kageyama quickly changed into his regular clothes, and made his way towards the main entrance of Karasuno.  His mind churned with questions as he walked.  Was this some girl's way of confessing her love for him?  On the very last day of school?  But...how would a girl have gotten into the club room?  It certainly wasn't Naka-chan...or Yachi...they were both happy with their boyfriends.  Kiyoko?  That didn't seem right at all.  Who else would leave a flower for him though?  A disturbing thought suddenly entered his mind.  If this is a prank by Nishinoya or one of the other guys, I'm gonna kill them, he thought, almost crushing the flower in his hand as anger flooded him.  

He came to an abrupt stop as he got to the main entrance of Karasuno to see Hinata Shoyo standing next to a nice looking car.  

"Hey Kageyama!  Happy White Day!" the ginger chirped, his cheeks going a little pink.

"What the hell is this all about?"

"It's White Day!  You gave me chocolates, so now I'm gonna take you out to dinner!"

"What the...so...you mean...you...you knew the chocolates were from me!??"  Kageyama looked caught between shock and annoyance.

"Well, yeah, dummy.  You wrote the card yourself.  I'd know your handwriting anywhere."


Hinata pointed at the flower in Kageyama's hand.  "What do you think that is, you big jerk face!  That's your answer, right there!"

"The note just said to come to the entrance!"

"Not the note, dummy, the flower!!"

"The...what?  What the hell do you mean??"

"It's a gardenia!  It means secret love!  Just like you were my secret admirer!  It means I'm yours right back!"

Silence fell.  Kageyama stared at the flower in his hand, and then at the tiny idiot who'd given it to him.  He blinked repeatedly.  

"HOW IN THE HELL WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT???!!!"  Kageyama roared, face going red.

"You're such a dummy, Kageyama!  Don't you know anything about hanakotoba - the flower language?! Sheesh!"

"Oh come on!  You're telling me you know all about flower words or whatever??!"

"I looked it up on the internet!!"

Kageyama couldn't take it anymore.  He reached out and chopped his teammate on the head.

"OW!!!  Come on Bakayama, that hurt!  I'm trying to take you out on a date here, and all you're doing is being mean to me!"

"Well, if you weren't being such a - "

Kageyama's entire being froze as the words Hinata had just used sank into his brain.  It took several long moments for him to process them.  "You...did you say...date?"

"Well, yeah.  I like you too, Kageyama.  And it's White Day.  Wanna go out to dinner?"

"You're buying?"

"Well duh.  You bought me fancy chocolates, so now it's my turn.  Come on, Kageyama, I'm super hungry!"  Hinata opened the door to the back of the car, and waited.

Kageyama bit his tongue, trying hard not to smile as he got in.  "We better be going someplace where I can get pork curry."

Hinata scoffed as he climbed in beside his setter.  "I'm not stupid, Bakayama."  

"Yeah, well, I'd argue that point, dumbass."

Hinata started doing his best Kageyama imitation.  "Ugh...I'm so mean, even to the guy who's buying me dinner, 'cause I'm a stupid jerk face..."

The driver pulled away as soon as the door was shut, steadfastly ignoring the continued bickering of the brand new couple in the backseat.  


Nakano smiled as she watched her handsome boyfriend preparing their dinner.

He'd asked her what she wanted to eat for dinner that night as they walked home together from Karasuno.  Assuming he was going to take her out somewhere, she'd requested tonkotsu ramen.

She'd been shocked when Tsukki had detoured them to the supermarket to pick up a handful of items that he would need, telling her how glad he was she'd chosen something that he knew he'd be able to put together well.  Their second stop had been at his place, where he insisted she wait outside.  He'd returned in mere moments, another bag of ingredients in his hand.  "Come on, Roses," he'd said, leaning down and giving her a kiss, "let's go home."

And thus had begun their thoroughly domestic White Day.  Kei had strolled in behind her, acting as if Nakano's house was their home.  They did indeed have the place to themselves...and the middle blocker had clearly known they would.  He'd swapped his shoes, tossed his shopping bags on the kitchen counter and sauntered into Nakano's bedroom to change clothes and get comfortable.  He'd emerged from her bathroom in cozy sweats and immediately handed the setter their shared Fukuiraptor hoodie.

"Get comfy, Roses, and I'll start dinner."  He'd followed up this statement with a little peck on her cheek that made the girl's heart flutter.

He'd clearly planned for the two of them to have a lovely quiet weekend, and Nakano was absolutely thrilled by the prospect.

And now here she was, in her favorite hoodie and comfy fuzzy blue sleep pants, watching her gorgeous blonde boyfriend prepare them ramen.  She laughed aloud as Kei removed a container of homemade tonkotsu base from his bag and set it up in a pot on the stove.

"What?" he asked archly, giving the girl a look, "You asked for tonkotsu ramen, and that's what you're going to get.  Homemade, proper tonkotsu, not some fake knockoff from the store.  Now, where do you keep the mirin?"

"Mirin?" the girl asked, confused, "Are you going to add more mirin to the base?  Won't it be too sweet?"

"Trust me on this one, Roses.  Where's the mirin?"

"Cabinet above your head, behind you."

She watched, fascinated, as the boy went about his cooking.  Mirin, ginger, shallots, soy, garlic and several other aromatics went into the tare, which was soon warm and fragrant and making the girl's mouth water.  As Kei moved on to preparing the chashu, eggs, noodles and vegetables, Nakano gave him a warm smile.  "So how did you know we'd be alone here this weekend?" she asked, sipping on a strawberry soda.  

"Your dad texted me that he was going to take Emiko-san to Okinawa again, and that you'd be all alone here in the house," Kei replied, giving the girl a sassy smile, "In fact, his exact words were 'can I count on you to keep her company, Kei-kun?'" Nakano giggled, and Kei leaned forward, clearly jonesing for a sip of her soda.  She obliged, holding the bottle as he drank from it awkwardly.  "They really do like going to Okinawa, don't they?" he said as he began slicing the pork.

Nakano simply eyed the chashu her sweetheart was cutting, glancing up at him from time to time until he put a piece of it in her mouth.  She sucked delicately on his fingers as he did so, which he watched in a bit of a daze.  After humming appreciatively and swallowing her little tidbit, Nakano spoke.  "They love the beaches at Okinawa.  And since this is the first time in several years that Dad's still been home for White Day, I guess he wanted to make it really special.  He usually gets called back to the ship right after Valentine's Day, but this year they are doing some kind of big overhaul of the thing, and of course ran into delays.  He doesn't have to report back for another two weeks!"

"Nice," Kei said, resuming his cooking, and maybe breathing just a touch heavier.  

Nakano grinned at him, getting out her phone and setting it up to play a little background music for them.  "Yeah, I'm so happy for them.  Most of the time on White Day, Dad couldn't even call.  He'd always have something set up, you know...flowers, or candy, or some kind of gifts, or even all three...but it's not the same as them being together."  

"Agreed," the blonde replied, feeding his pretty girl a bit of the corn he was working on, "being together is far superior.  I'm glad we get to spend this weekend together, Roses."

"Me too," she replied, giving him a sweet smile, "I was really proud of you today, you know."

"You were?  Why?  I mean...of course you were, I'm an incredible boyfriend, but - "  Kei stopped talking and flinched away laughing as Nakano reached over to play-slap him on the arm.  "But seriously...what did I do to make you so proud?"

"You went along with that whole thing for Hazuki-chan and you didn't so much as roll your eyes...not even once."

Kei scoffed at the girl, hands busy dealing with noodles and eggs at the same time.  "If my hands were free, I'd flick your forehead.  I'm not a complete asshole, you know.  I can be a nice guy when I want to be."

Nakano gave him a look that made his heart skip a beat, and when she spoke, her voice had dropped to a tone he could only call sultry.  "So I've noticed...my boyfriend can be such a sweet, sweet, pretty boy..."

Kei bit his lip and focused his attention on dinner, swallowing back a small moan.  "Not fair, Roses, I'm trying to cook here."

The girl giggled.  "Sorry, love, I'll behave...for now.  But seriously, I'm so glad the team did that for Hazuki.  She seemed so happy!  Of course we've now managed to end the school year with rumors flying wildly about how pretty much every boy on the volleyball team - including you - wants to date her."

"Yeah, but it's better than the crap that was going around about her before.  And with two weeks off, that will all have completely died by the time we go back."

"What were people saying about her?"

"A whole bunch of nonsense - but the worst one was that Tachibana rejected her because he knew she was a slut and didn't want to be with a girl who slept around so much.  Complete crap, and Tachibana was furious about it."

"Did you get to talk with him?  What happened between them?"

Kei shrugged, beginning to assemble two bowls of piping hot ramen.  "He just doesn't feel that way about her.  He hated breaking her heart, but faking a relationship with her would just hurt her worse down the line, so he did his best to let her down easy.  Actually, he said she took it pretty well, overall, and they are still good friends."

"Well that's good!  I'm glad to hear that.  And I'm glad Tachibana was wise enough not to go there."  Nakano grinned as her boyfriend slid two bowls of tonkotsu ramen into place, and came around the island to sit next to her.  "This looks - and smells - amazing, Kei.  Thank you."

The couple sat as close together as they could manage, both enjoying the delicious food Kei had prepared for them.  They ate quietly for a little while, Nakano finally pausing to give her megane boyfriend a delighted kiss.  "Truly amazing.  You really are a wonderful cook, Kei.  Thank you so much for making this for me."

Kei returned the kiss, but his was longer, lingering, and involved just the tiniest swipe of his tongue.  She tasted of his ramen and he couldn't help but feel a rush of pride.  "You're very welcome, beautiful.  Happy White Day."

The two cuddled closer, continuing to eat, and occasionally even feeding each other as they went along.  "Kei," Nakano began after a bit, "I'm a bit worried about Tobio."

"What's wrong with His Majesty now?"

"Well...I think he was kind of hoping Hinata would respond to him...you know, do something for him for White Day since he gave Shoyo chocolates for Valentine's Day..."

Kei scoffed again.  "Yeah, that he didn't sign, or ever own up to.  Does he really think Hinata will figure it out?  I'm not sure that tangerine head has enough brain power for that one."

"Honestly, it may not matter.  If Kags thinks Hinata's not interested...he's got to be able to get past it all and set it aside so he can continue to be on the same team with him.  I mean, I guess I've got two weeks to try to catch up with him and talk him through that...I just...I hope he and Hinata can continue to be friends, like Hazuki and Tachibana."

Kei caught the note of genuine worry in Nakano's voice.  "Hey," he said softly, setting aside his chopsticks and using one long-fingered hand to lift the girl's chin so he could look directly into her stunning blue eyes, "You know, you're not responsible for Kageyama and Hinata's relationship, right?  In the end, that's up to the two of them to work out."

"But I encouraged him!  I...just want Tobio to be happy..."

"I know, and I know he's like a brother to you.  But all the same...you are not responsible for his happiness.  That's something he's got to learn to manage and work towards on his own.  I'm sure you'll be there for him if he needs someone to talk to, but in the end, it's their relationship, and you can't fix it for them."

Nakano sighed deeply, frowning a little as she looked down into her bowl of ramen.  She'd nearly finished it all...there was little left in it other than the broth.  As she stared, a few pieces of chashu suddenly plunked into the liquid, courtesy of the blonde beside her.  The girl laughed a little, looking up at her sweetheart.  "There," he said with a smile, "that's better.  Now, stop worrying about the King, and finish your ramen.  I expect you to drink the broth, you know."

Nakano gave him a very skeptical look.  "Really?  I seem to recall you frowning at the Boku-bro over that."

"That was in company.  This is just us, at home, being cozy.  And honestly, it's not truly excellent ramen unless you want to finish every drop of the broth.  Are you telling me my ramen isn't excellent, Roses?" 

It was Nakano's turn to scoff at the boy, her lips twitching up in a smirk as she quickly finished the pork and then set aside her chopsticks, moving to pick up her bowl as he did the same. 

It was at that precise moment that Kei's phone went off. 

Kei frowned, and Nakano laughed.  "Go on, see who texted you, gorgeous," the girl said, setting her bowl down, "the broth can wait a moment."

"It's Kuroo-san," Kei said, grinning as he opened the boy's text.  "Well well, looks like he and Amalie are having a nice time," he said, turning his phone so Nakano could see the picture he'd just received.

Kuroo and Amalie were sitting together someplace with a cozy fire behind them, cuddled close together so Kuroo could get them both in the selfie.  They appeared to be dressed nicely - Kuroo was in a tie, and Amalie's top had some definite sparkle to it.  They were each holding a champagne flute containing some kind of bubbly liquid - whether actual champagne or merely sparkling cider, there was no way to know.

Nakano giggled.  "They do look awfully happy together.  Where do you think they are?"

"He said he was taking her for a skiing weekend, so..." Kei paused as another text popped up. 

"Woah!" Nakano cried.  "Greetings from Shiga Kogen, he says...damn, Tetsu-chan really decided to go all out for White Day.  That's one of the best ski resorts in Japan!"  Nakano gave an appreciative whistle.

Kei turned away, fussing with his phone, but not fast enough.  Nakano had seen the crestfallen look on his handsome face.  "Hey," she said softly, "don't look away from me."

Kei swallowed, still unable to look at the girl.  "You...you're not disappointed...are you?"

"With what?"

"Well...your Mom and Dad are at a beach in Okinawa...Kuroo and Amalie are at a fancy ski resort...even the Boku-bro and Mako are doing something very special...and we're just..."

"We're here together, and you cooked for me, and I bet we're gonna spend the whole weekend together like this, aren't we?  You're gonna stay here with me, right?  Just the two of us, like this is our own place, hmmm?"

"Yeah," Kei replied, a rosy blush overtaking his cheeks, "but that's pretty much all..."

Nakano darted in, kissing the boy's lips and silencing him.  "Do I seem disappointed to you?" she asked him when she'd finished her smooching.  

"No..." he drawled, a sassy little grin starting to play about his lips.

Something the boy had said finally registered on Nakano.  "What are Bokuto and Mako up to?"

Kei hesitated, grin slipping a little.  "He's...uh...he's taking Mako to Tokyo Disneyland...for a whole week."

Nakano's eyes went wide.  "A whole week?"

"Yeah...I mean...this is basically it for them, you know?  She's heading off to Kyoto University, and he's going to Tohoku with Kuroo.  They've already decided that they aren't going to do the long-distance thing...or least, they aren't going to be exclusive to each other.  Kind of a...soft break up, if you will.  So...Bokuto wanted to have one last big adventure with Mako."

"How do you know all this?"

"He texted our group chat, asking what Kuroo and I thought of the idea."

"He did?  I didn't see that..."

"We have a bro group chat with just the three of us.  He didn't want you to know about it before White Day."  The look on Kei's face made Nakano raise a brow at him, and the boy snickered.  "He's pretty sure that all women have mental telepathy to one another, and if you knew, Mako would know before he could surprise her with it."

Nakano spluttered.  "What??"

"Kuroo and I suggested he not surprise Mako with something so big anyway - that he ask her in advance before booking the whole trip, since it was such a big deal.  But...yeah.  He asked me not to say anything to you about it beforehand."  Once again, Kei looked chagrined.  "So...I think maybe...he was worried you'd feel...disappointed that we aren't doing..."

"Kei," the girl said simply, making a thrill run down her boyfriend's spine with the tenderness and love in her voice.  I love it, he thought, I love the way she says my name.  He looked at her, eyes as soft as she'd ever seen them.  "There is truly nothing else I'd rather be doing right now.  Spending time together like this...there's absolutely nothing more special to me in the whole wide world."  She picked up her bowl of tonkotsu broth.  "Come on, let's send a selfie back to Kuroo and Ama."

Kei's long arms made it easy for him to snap a selfie of the two of them, ramen bowls raised to their lips and looking snuggly.  Nakano giggled as Kei captioned the picture 'Homemade ramen and quiet time.'  "Tell me something," she began.


"Wait a second."  The girl stood, grabbing her phone and putting on Unforgettable by Natalie and Nat King Cole.  "Dance with me?" she asked, opening her arms.

The blonde stood, gathering the girl in and swaying with her to the classic song.  "Now, what did you want me to tell you?"

"Why do you like this so much?"

"What, dancing?" he replied smugly.  The girl give him a teasing slap on the rear, making him hum with pleasure.

"No silly.  The whole domestic date thing.  Why do you like this so much?"

Kei cheeks grew pink and he cuddled the girl in his arms tighter, focusing for a moment on their dancing.  She didn't press...just waited for him to gather himself.  "Honestly...I think it's because I never thought I'd have anyone to be domestic with.  Before you came into my life...I'd always pictured myself going through life alone.  There wasn't anyone I wanted to share my life with...in fact, I was excited by the prospect of being out on my own, being able to make my world the way I wanted it to be.  But then...you showed up, and turned everything upside-down.  Suddenly, the thought of living on my own - without you - was awful.  How could anyplace be home without you?  So these times...when we can be in the same place together, just...living our lives...they mean so much to me.  I know it'll be a few more years before we can even think about getting a place together...but I can't wait, Roses.  You're my home, and I love you so very much."

"Oh, Kei," she gasped out, stretching up to kiss her surprisingly sweet boyfriend.  The kiss was soft and gentle and so very tender...at first.  Before long however, the couple forgot about dancing and simply reveled in each other, hands beginning to wander, touching and teasing as their kiss began to gain speed.  Nakano moaned as Kei's hands slid over her curves, reaching around to fondle her behind.  Their kissing became deep and wet and messy...and the girl began to press forward, leaning herself into Kei's space and subtly grinding her hips against him.

Suddenly, Kei grunted in surprise as his ass hit the kitchen wall.  He slouched slightly against it, and Nakano took the opportunity to push herself in closer, kissing down his jaw towards his sensitive neck.  "My my, pretty boy...you're enjoying this, aren't you?" she murmured against his skin, hand reaching up to tug on his messy locks.  She swiveled her hips, rubbing herself against his growing erection.  "You're getting so hard, dirty, pretty boy...what should mistress do about that, hmm?"

Kei groaned, suddenly feeling just a bit overwhelmed with all the sensations hitting him at once.  The hair pulling...her lips on his Adam's apple...and of course, the delicious friction against his hard on.  "M-mistress, please...please just..."  

His words dissolved into another moan as Nakano decided it was time to suck properly on his neck.  Kei babbled meaninglessly at her...broken half-words coming from him as she used her tongue and lips and even her teeth on his most sensitive area.  "Wanna bite you, pretty boy," she growled into his neck, "wanna mark you.  Where do you want them, my sweet?  Tell mistress where she should bite you."

Kei could feel his body sagging against the wall, head spinning and body wanting.  "Ch-chest...m-my...p-p-please..."

Before he could finish his slowly forming thought, Nakano was pushing his shirt up, head ducking under the hem and mouth latching on to the area just above his left nipple.  Kei cried out as Nakano put her teeth to impressive use, worrying at the skin, tugging and licking and sucking on him.  Kei tried hard not to be too loud, but Nakano soon had something to say about that.

"So quiet, pretty boy," she chided him, stopping her assault on his chest for a moment, "Don't you like what mistress is doing for you tonight?  Here I am, working so hard to make you feel good, and you won't even let me hear you.  Makes me think you don't want my touch after all..." 

"No, no, please...please mistress...please don't stop."  The words tumbled from Kei in a rush, genuine distress in his voice at the idea that she might stop what she was doing.  He sighed deeply as she tenderly kissed down his body towards his navel, hands slipping around behind him to massage his ass.  "So good...you make me feel...ah...so so good...please mistress, don't stop touching me..."

"Awww, my pretty boy likes to be touched, doesn't he?" Nakano purred as she let her body straighten again, mouth wandering upwards until her tongue found Kei's right nipple.  "Tell me, pretty one, do you?  Do you like to be touched?"

"Yes, yes I do," he replied quickly, suddenly feeling like there was something vaguely dangerous in the tone of his lover's voice.

"Where?  Tell me, where do you want me to touch you, hmmm?"

"Any...anywhere, p-please...nnngh..." Kei whimpered as Nakano suddenly slapped his thigh with her hand.

"Mistress knows you like to be spanked, darling, but with your back against this wall, I'm afraid I can't do that.  Should I touch you somewhere else, my handsome love?  Here, perhaps?"  The girl suddenly raked her nails down his side, making him hiss and moan.  "Or here?"  A second slap on the other thigh made him jump, his moans becoming louder and more wanton.  "But I think what you really want, you dirty boy you, is for me to touch you here," as she emphasized her last word, her hand moved to cup over his hardened length, making the boy almost howl.

"Ahhhh...yes...oh gods yes...so good...it...uhhnnnngh..."  

He could feel Nakano's hand tremble slightly as she pressed it more firmly against him.  He opened his mouth to speak, to tell her it was alright, that she didn't have to do this if she wasn't ready, that he could wait as long as was necessary...but his words disappeared from him as the strawberry blonde simultaneously bit on his nipple and ground her hand against his crotch.  "Feels good, doesn't it, pretty boy?" she murmured against his skin, her tongue tracing circles around his hard peak, "Mistress wants you to feel so good, wants to feel you come apart for her.  Will do you that for me, my sweet one?"

The blonde's eyes slipped closed as Nakano began to smooth her hand over his bulge, gently stroking him over his sweatpants.  The girl fell silent as she gave her attention to his now very hard length, taking her face out from his sweatshirt and letting the garment fall back into place as she moved her lips to once again play gently over his neck.  Kei lost himself in the sensation of her touching him, barely cognizant of anything else going on around him.  All he knew was that it felt better than he remembered, better than anything he'd ever experienced, and all he wanted was more.

"Hmmmm..." the girl hummed some amount of time that Kei had no real understanding of later, "Can you even properly feel this, pretty boy?  These sweatpants are so thick...I'm not sure you're able to fully enjoy what's happening to you right now.  I think maybe mistress needs to do something about that."

Kei's eyes flew open as Nakano suddenly grabbed the waistband of his sweatpants and yanked them down, the garment sticking a bit given how he was leaning his tall frame against the wall.  

"Such pretty silky boxers, my sweet boy.  Now move your hips a little, hmmm, so mistress can see them properly.  Such a pretty color...almost the color of your fair skin, my love," Nakano purred, tongue tracing around his Adam's apple.  Moaning once more, Kei simply followed her directions, hips coming away from the wall and his pants puddling around his ankles with a soft flopping sound.  

And then suddenly, the only thing between Nakano's hand and his cock was a thin layer of satin.  Kei wailed, grabbing her hand on him and forcing her to stop moving.  "Nakano, stop, please!" he gasped, sounding almost frantic. 

She stared into his golden honey eyes, worry evident on her face and her voice small.  "Did I...is it...is it too much, love?"  She made no move to remove her hand, and Kei's hand, while stopping her from moving, did not move hers away.  "Should...should we stop?"

"Just...just for a moment, please.  Let me breathe."  Kei followed his own instructions, trying to get himself under control.  "It feels so damn good...I was so close to coming, and I don't want this to be over yet."

The smirk which took over Nakano's face was truly glorious.  

"Oh pretty boy...I see.  You don't want to come?  Well then...let's see how well you can keep control of yourself.  Are you ready, love?"  At her boyfriend's nod and little kiss to her lips, Nakano grabbed hold of the hand he was using to stop her from moving and pushed it against the wall.  

Kei whimpered, then groaned as she once again began stroking him, tentatively at first, but soon more insistently, wringing the most delightful noises from him.  Whenever his voice began to rise in pitch, or if he began to twitch or shake, she would back off, clicking her tongue at him and reminding him that he said he didn't want to come.  Each time the blonde's protesting wails grew louder and more anguished, and his body sagged more and more against the wall, until she was quite literally leaning over him.  Every touch, every word from her lips, every kiss was building him up higher and higher.  He was dizzy-drunk on lust, groaning with the sheer pleasure of it.  And every time she stopped, every time she squeezed against the base of his cock, denying him his orgasm yet again, every time her sexy, lilting voice mocked him for being so filthy, so desperate, his need grew until his entire body seemed to be on fire, tingling and humming with the pent up need for release.  Time after time she brought him to the brink, only to drag him away from the edge and force him to wait once more.  It was maddening.  He lost himself completely, sobbing, moaning, words flooding from him in a meaningless torrent of babble.  After more times of being denied his orgasm than he cared to remember or count, he looked up to the girl, tears coursing down his reddened cheeks, and begged her to let him come.

"Please!  Oh gods, please please mistress, please let me come...I need it so badly...I need it...don't make me wait anymore...I...I can't take anymore...please, please please..."  

"You need it, my pretty boy?  Then mistress shall give you what you need."

Her pace increased, her strokes longer and more insistent than they had yet been against his painfully hard dick.  He was insanely wet, he'd been dripping for so long that the satin was beginning to stick against him.  "Gods...please...please don't...please don't stop...oh gods, Roses, please...let me...I...I'm gonna...dear gods I'm gonna..."

Instead of stopping, Nakano released his hand from the wall, slipping hers between his legs and gently fondling his balls.

Kei exploded.

The boy came with a cry like an animal bursting forth from a cage.  She smashed her mouth against his, he continued to yell even as she swallowed his sounds, his cock gushing more and more and more, until he collapsed, spent in every sense of the word.  He felt lightheaded, almost floaty, as he sat on the floor, simply trying to remember to breathe, spots dancing behind his closed eyelids.  The girl wrapped herself around him, whispering soft soothing sounds that made absolutely no sense to him, but her voice was such a comfort, he didn't care.  They remained so for many long minutes, just trying to ground themselves again.

At last, Kei opened his eyes, and spoke.

"I don't think I've ever come so much in my entire life."

Nakano giggled, kissing him on his rather sweaty temple.  She looked down at her disheveled boyfriend.  He looked entirely wrecked, still panting with exertion, his limbs still a little shaky and his eyes a bit unfocused.  Nakano's gaze slipped down to his lap, and a soft gasp escaped her.

"Goodness, love...uh...you're dripping on to the floor..."

Kei didn't need to look down to know she was correct, he could feel the liquid running down his thighs.  "I...I think I'm gonna need some help, Roses."

The girl got to her feet, quickly grabbing a towel and wetting it with warm water.  She insisted he stay where he was as she worked, mopping up as best as she could.  She brought the boy a glass of cold juice before moving to rinse out the towel, looking over at him as she did so.

"I...I can't believe we just did that...in the kitchen!"

It was Kei's turn to chuckle.  "And whose fault was that, Roses?"

The girl had the decency to blush.  "How am I ever gonna look my mom in the eye in here again?  I mean...I just...for crying out loud, Kei, I just mopped your come up off the floor!"

Kei couldn't help it, he started to laugh hysterically, if a bit weakly given how bone-weary he felt at the moment.  He sipped gratefully on the ice cold juice while Nakano continued to mutter about never being able to use her kitchen without blushing again.  

After letting him finish the juice and taking away the glass, she returned to him, offering him a hand.  "Think you're ready to try to stand?"

The boy looked up at her and smirked, getting smoothly to his feet, pulling his sweats back on as he did so.  She gave him a tender smile.  "Come on, my love, you'd better go and change...WOAH!" the girl exclaimed as she was suddenly swept up into the arms of her boyfriend, being carried like a bride to her bedroom.  "What...what are you doing, silly?"

"Did you think we were finished, Roses?" he asked her, his voice now as deep and sexy as hers had been not so long ago, "Because as amazing as that was...that was only the beginning.  Now it's your turn, my love.  Better prepare yourself."

He kissed her passionately as her carried her to the bedroom they would share, their long special weekend just begun.

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