Beauty {F.Delacour }

By FizzyPixlesX

38K 1.5K 75

In Which Jade Weasley falls hopelessly in love with fellow Triwizard Champion Fleur Delacour. Jade was like a... More

-Jade Cedrella Weasley-
-One-|| -Harry's arrival-
-two- || -Portkey-
-Three- || -the quidditch word cup-
-Four- || Attack
-Five- || -important announcements-
-Six- || -Back to hogwarts-
-Seven- || -Triwizard Tournament-
-Eight- || -The Champions-
-Nine- || -Dragons-
-Ten- || - the first task-
-Eleven- || -the article-
-Thirteen- || -The morning after-
-Fourteen- || -Girlfriends-
-Fifthteen- || -Letters-
-Sixteen- || -The second task-
-Seventeen- || -Mix up-
-Eighteen- || -Professor Treylawney-
-Nineteen- || -families-
-Twenty- || -the Thrid task-
-Twenty one- || -He's back-
-twenty two- || -See you soon-
-Twenty Three- ||- family dinner -
-Twenty Four-|| -Bloody-
-Twenty Five- || -6 am-
-Twenty Six- || -lost cause-
-Twenty Seven- || -Meeting-
-Twenty Eight- || -Birthday-
-Twenty Nine- || filling harry in
-Thirty- || -night in-
-Thirty One- || -Mission-
-Thirty Two- || -unique situation -
-Thiry three- || -stop wasting time-
-Thirty four- || -im sorry-
-Thirty Five- || -leaving-
-Thirty Six- || -halfway -
-Thirty Seven- || -fiançailles-
-Thirty Eight- || -Realisation-
- Thirty Nine - || - Homecoming -
- Fourty - || - double booked -
-Fourty one- || -dinner-
-Forty two- || -constrictor-

-Twelve- || -The Yule Ball-

1.3K 43 4
By FizzyPixlesX

A weeks before the ball Jades mother had sent her a beautiful blue jumpsuit with gold detailing. It was obvious that it was expensive she she was so in love with the outfit she just had to wear it too the ball.

Everything felt right, Reed did her hair, she borrowed some of Cassie's jewellery and she was going with Toni- she never had feelings for Toni but it felt nice to be herself.- all her friends and family knew the plan, Lee Jordan was going to get a photo of the spite kiss. And Reed was going to get a photo of Rita's reaction.

They formed a group in the Gryffindor common room, Reed ran over to the stairs just as Cassie came down. "Ladies and Gentlemen, Jade Weasley tonight's main event!! Sorry Harry"everyone laughed including Harry who was sitting on the arm of a sofa.

Jade walked down the stairs to see her friends and family all looking up to her and clapping, in that moment she felt truly happy, she was surrounded by people who supported and loved her. Loved the real her.


McGonagall was looking for Harry and Jade frantically but looked relieved when the pair came in with their dates looking happy, "there you are, Weasley, Potter. The champions dance first, Miss Weasley and Miss Barker you'll lead us in as the host school with Mr Potter and Miss Patil behind you," she pulled them over and placed them in the line at the door. "Next Miss Delacour and Mr Davis"

Jade felt her heart sink. She new Fleur was straight but she didn't realise it would hurt this much. And of all people Roger Davis. Seriously. But what Jade couldn't see was Fleur's face when she walked in, a mix of jealousy and pride that showed for a split second.

"Next Mr Krumm and Miss Granger, great you all look wonderful."Professor McGonagall smiled at the champions and their dates before walking up to the front where Jade and Toni were "I'm proud of you both. Make sure you show skeeter how much you don't care"she whispered.

"Thank you professor"Jade bit her bottom lip and smiled at the professor holding back tears.

McGonagall opened the the doors the reveal the great hall packed with people, the decor was beautiful and everything seemed perfect.

They walked in, there was was whispering but Jade didn't care. She couldn't care less, she wasn't letting anything get to her, Toni pointed out Reed Bagman and Lee Jordan standing very close to Rita Skeeter and her photographer. With small muggle cameras.

The champions began the first dance of the night and when they were done they were supposed to get photographs for the news paper. Jade and Toni knew this was the chance. So once Harry and Parvati moved on they got ready in front of the backdrop. She could see out the corner of her eye Reed and Lee splitting up.

"Okay get ready in three two one"the photographer muttered and they made it look like they were going to pose normally before changing it. They started the kiss and flipped off Skeeter.


Three cameras took pictures. But Jades favourite by far was the one of Skeeters shocked face. There was cheers and applause from everyone watching, even McGonagall was cheering with Dumbledore.

They moved on and walked over to Reed and Lee who were standing with Cassie, the Twins, Ginny, Neville, Ron, Harry, Hermione and Krumm.

"Your pictures"Reed quickly used a duplication spell and handed out the photos of the kiss and Skeeters face,

everyone laughed "her face vas priceless"Krumm chuckled, he hated Skeeter because of the things she had wrote about Hermione. "That was so worth it"Toni laughed taking the pictures and holding up the one of Rita Skeeter, "I think I'll frame this one"

"Drinks?"Jade suggested, looking between everyone. "It's been spiked already"Neville sighed, that was pretty typical of hogwarts though. "Even better."Jade smiled.

"I'll pass I think I'm gonna try pull a cute Beauxbaton boy"Toni giggled looking around the hall. "Go for it, you deserve this"Jade laughed shooing her best friend away. "I'll go get drinks"

"I'll come with you"Krumm nodded and walked with her, "is she not your girlfriend?"he asked with a rather puzzled look on her face. "No we're just friends, she just wanted to help me get back at Skeeter"Jade laughed holding up the picture of the woman "and I'd say that's well worth it"

"Vell I think zat it was very brave, she didn't have the right to do zat. You should've when you were ready."he said with gritted teeth before taking a deep breath to calm down.

"Thanks Viktor it means a lot"she smiled as they reached the table, "I'll get everyone else's, you get yours and Hermiones"she wiggled her eyebrows at her fellow champion who rolled his eyes and agreed.

She levitated everyone's drinks as to not spill any, once she reached the group again she handed them out, "hey where's mine!?"Ginny pouted.

"Your 13 and a third year who's only here because of Neville, thank you by the way. I'm not giving you spiked drink."Jade was responsible when she wanted to be, and she didn't want Ginny making the mistakes she knew for a fact she would've at that age.

"Fine I'll get my own"the younger girl rolled her eyes and walked away. "I can't be arsed stopping her honestly is she's so insistent then she can."Jade rolled her eyes, taking a sip of the drink. Which was heavily spiked and it showed.

The group had been hanging out for a few hours and they were all fairly tipsy, Reed and Cassie had been dancing and Jade had to admit they were a really cute couple, Jade had even danced with her brother Ron to try and cheer him up, and it helped slightly. Even though she was quite tipsy having several spiked drinks.

"Uh JJ, six o'clock."Reed was looking At someone behind her.

Jade quickly turned around to see Fleur walking over to them, having just abandoned Roger Davis who was now dancing with one of the Durmstrang girls.

"Salut, Fleur"Jade gulped and smiled at the girl who she'd been obsessing over the whole school year.

"Jade, Salut, on peut parler un moment ?"she asked politely smiling back. (Translation: Jade, hey, can we talk a moment?)

"bien sûr, ici ou dehors ?"Jade replied in French, she knew Fleur wasn't confident speaking English so this must be important. (Translation: of course, here or outside?)

"dehors, s'il te plaît"Fleur gestured to the door and began walking to signal to Jade to follow, (translation: outside please)

Once they were outside, Fleur sighed before smiling, "I'm going to try zis in English, I need to get better. What you did to zat 'orrible Skeeter woman was amazing, but your girlfriend is dancing with someone else?"she looked down at her feet, looking a little bit disappointed.

"Oh she's not my girlfriend, she's my best friend and she's just really petty"Jade laughed but was getting a bit nervous as to where this was going.

"So you are not together zen?"Fleur asked looking back up a Jade with a hopeful expression, "Nope I do believe right now she's trying to get with somebody from your school"Jade chuckled lightly, before biting her bottom lip.

"When I got 'ere you were ze first person I saw, you uh enchanted me. I like you Jade I really like you, I never really knew 'ow to be open about liking girls until I saw how you did and Pierre ze boy who is dancing with your date told me to tell you."Fleur took a deep breath and Jade could tell she wasn't done "we uh 'avent really talked much but I can't stop think about you-"

Jade had enough she cut Fleur off with her lips colliding into Fleurs. She didn't know where the sudden confidence came from-probably the alcohol-but she did what she was hoping to do since their first conversation.


The click of a camera echoed in the corridor and the pair spun so fast it looked like they would give themselves whiplash. George was standing holding the camera Lee Jordan previously had, with a smug smile on his face.

"George!"Jade said in shock but George was just waiting for the piece of paper to come out of the camera,

"Uh 'ow long 'ave you been zer"Fleur asked rather nervously.

"Long enough"he moved the paper around in the air so the photo would develop, "you know we are kind of in the middle of something so can you, I don't know piss off?"Jade rolled her eyes pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Yeah give me a sec"he duplicated the photo and gave it to each of them before walking away nonchalantly. "I'm so sorry about him-"Jade was cut off by Fleurs laughs, "no don't be zat was so funny"

"Glad you think so"she shook her head, "I don't know if the kiss wasn't clear enough but I feel the same way"

"Let's dance" Fleur took her hand and ran back into the ballroom.

"How about in a few days we go to hogsmede, it could be a date?"

"Zat sound good to me"


Their together!!

That was probably a bit fast paced but i don't really care, I don't have the patience for slow burn.

George's photo

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