A Change

By Fknotkf

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This story is a little bit 'hot' hope you still like it^^ More



740 43 4
By Fknotkf

Happy reading

Korn had just slammed Khaotung onto the mattress, Khaotung was currently not wearing a top. After that, Korn immediately covered him and resumed the hot kiss. Khaotung did not remain silent, his hands moved to unbutton Korn's shirt in a hurry.

"Ahh, don't leave any traces." Khaotung did not want  First to know that he had just slept with someone else.

But Korn was stubborn, he held back both of Khaotung's hands that were about to prevent him from making some marks on the neck.

At the same time, First had arrived at the bar on Podd's motorcycle. His long footsteps immediately entered the bar and jostled with other patrons.

"Khaotung is here, right? Tell me where he is now."

Khaotung's former coworker looked confused by the arrival of First whose angry aura made Khaotung's coworker a little frightened. He immediately pointed to the floor of the bar's inpatient room, where Khaotung had met him earlier to ask for condoms.

First immediately continued his footsteps to the second floor, he was visibly angry when Phayu told him that Khaotung might have gone to the bar to meet with debt collectors outside Khanapan.

By now Korn had managed to leave his mark on Khaotung's neck and chest, now he was preparing to remove his belt and pants in front of Khaotung's face.


Khaotung and Korn immediately turned around when they saw First enter the room with the spare key.
The bar owner apparently recognized First as Khanapan's son and he didn't want his bar to be in trouble if it didn't help First find Khaotung's whereabouts.

"Motherfucker, what are you doing?"

Korn got off Khaotung's half-naked body and walked over to First.
Before he could say anything to repel the First. First first punched him in the face, knocking him to the floor.

As if not satisfied, First then sat on Korn's stomach and beat him blindly.
Khaotung immediately got up from the bed and tried to pull First away.

"First! Stop it!" Khaotung shouted as he tried to pull First's arm.

But First immediately brushed him off and continued beating Korn until the man fainted with blood on his face.

"Are you going to kill him?!" Khaotung got up from his fall after being swatted away and pushed quite hard by First earlier.

Khaotung finally retaliated by pushing First back away from Korn's body.
Khaotung immediately confirmed Korn's condition, he was afraid that this old man would die at the hands of First.

First still seemed angry with Khaotung's behavior, as his rapid breathing and flushed face could no longer contain his anger.

"Put your clothes on."

Khaotung then got up from his squat and turned to face First. He was grateful that Korn was only unconscious at the moment.

"Where did you-"

"Put on your clothes."

Khaotung looked at First who looked different this time.

"I can explain."

First then grabbed Khaotung by the neck and pushed him against the wall.
First was angry that Khaotung lied to Podd using Phayu's name, he also dared to go to the bar again without his knowledge and the fact that Khaotung used his body to pay off debts made First even angrier.

"I'm trying to change you for the better, why are you so happy to be humiliated by others?"

"How much money do you want? I have it all and you just need to say it!"

Khaotung just stared silently at the First whose hands were tightening around his neck.

"You keep breaking our agreement."

"Are you really going to kick me to the debt collector now?" Khaotung asked.

First then clenched his other hand, ready to punch Khaotung in the face but ended up hitting the wall next to the bodyguard's face.

"Bastard, how badly do you want me to let you go? How badly do you not want to fall in love with me? But I will forgive you and you will still be my bodyguard. Don't you understand if I forbid you because I love you."

First let go of Khaotung's neck and then told him to put on a shirt, and remained silent when First threw him a shirt.


Khaotung had already put on his shirt and now he was waiting for First to get his bike out of the bar parking lot.
The two no longer spoke to each other after Khaotung decided to put on his shirt without fighting First's argument.

"I hope this is the last time."

Khaotung just gave First a flat look, then got on the bike with his helmet already protecting his head.
Khaotung thought back to what he was doing right now, as well as what First had said to him.
There was wrong and right there, but Khaotung who was used to being blamed buried himself in that guilt.

Why did he use his body to pay the debt? Because he had no money and his body was useful for paying debts. Simple, but First saw it as disgusting.
That was true, but Khaotung brushed it all aside for a better life in the future. That is, if he had a future.


"Sleep in the upper room."

Khaotung stopped his footsteps and turned to First.
The two of them stared at each other for a long time.
Khaotung did not understand why First was so sure that his current feelings were in love, and First himself did not understand why Khaotung was unmanageable.
The two of them still didn't understand each other, but were confused by what was called comfort and interpreted as love by First.


"I asked father to let you use the room."

"Khanapan?" Khaotung then chuckled. "You shouldn't go too far. Don't behave as if we will be together forever."

"What do you mean?"

"Even if you reject the match, Khanapan will not let anything happen to us. Think realistically, don't fall too much because I plan to too."

After saying that, Khaotung walked back to Podd's room. He would not want to sleep in the room next toFirst's private room.
From that day on, Khaotung and First's relationship turned colder and colder.
Khaotung did obey First who would no longer let him go out without his permission, even if Khaotung had to go then First had to go with him.
Especially now that Dunk is also coming to Khanapan's house more and more often. First always lost his moments with Khaotung after Dunk's frequent visits. He used to think it would be fun if Dunk came to his house, but it seems like he really retracted his sentence.
Khaotung's indifference to seeing him with Dunk made First sad.

"I have to go to one of the trading shops."

First was currently staying away from Dunk who was chatting with him in the garden, Khaotung suddenly called out to him in her neat clothes.

"Must it be now? How about later in the afternoon?"

Khaotung then turned his head to Dunk. "Okay."

First stopped Khaotung's footsteps that were about to go back inside the house, precisely to Podd's room who was currently away on assignment with Gawin.

"What?" Khaotung asked.

It was strange for the First to see Khaotung this obedient. "Did you have lunch on the second floor?"

Khaotung nodded his head again, but the First still wouldn't let go of Khaotung.

"What else?"

"Do you have a condom?"

Khaotung paused and then nodded. "Do you want to do it tonight?"

"You want to?"

Khaotung shrugged his shoulders, he was not in a place where he was allowed to choose.  "You asked how much I want, I'll tell you later."

Khaotung then decided to remove First's hand from his arm when he saw that Dunk was starting to get annoyed with their sudden and time-consuming meeting.

"What are you talking about? It's taking so long."

"When are you going home?"

Dunk frowned as he looked at First. He had just arrived and First was asking when he was going home. How rude of this human.

First changed his mind, he apparently couldn't simply refuse her match with Dunk.
There was his dear mother begging him to accept Dunk, as well as Khanapan. Both of them persuaded First to at least get to know Dunk better.
Also First thought of Khaotung's words that night, that the two would not be united that easily.

After returning from dropping Khaotung off, First went straight to his private room.
Followed by Khaotung who also went up to the second floor and went to the next room without a word.
The two of them came back like strangers and wanted to have sex? It sounded natural to Khaotung but strange of course to First.
First felt that the two of them were growing more distant by the day and thought that sex would bring them back together like they used to be.
He was not horny at the moment, just wanted to convey his longing by touching Khaotung.

Khaotung was too busy sitting on the bed with the condom he had brought since before going out, so he put it on the nightstand and then went back to waiting silently for First's arrival.
He wasn't in the mood for sex either, but couldn't resist First's wishes.


First walked into the awkwardly flat room, turned on the light and saw Khaotung with his back to him.
Did First think there was no other way to approach Khaotung other than sex?
They could talk to each other, sex wouldn't accomplish anything.

First walked back to Khaotung who was watching the top end of the trees in the garden of the house.
Khaotung lifted his head as First covered the view.
The two looked at each other again, with First leaning down and grabbing those dry lips.
The soft, bland kiss continued, and Khaotung returned it in kind.

But then, First could no longer stand this atmosphere.

"You're acting weird, you know that."

Khaotung averted his gaze to anything but the First's eyes.

"Khaotung. First, I need to know whether you are also in love with me or not."

Khaotung then turned back to First. "Then? What are you going to do?"

"If what you're worried about is my father, I can leave with you from here."

"Then what else?" Khaotung asked again. "Your financial resources are from Khanapan."


"You said you love me?" Khaotung stood up from his seat.

"I have to pay off all my father's debts, I also have to think about survival. I don't want to starve to death or die of depression, I want to live, First."

"If you're asking if I'm in love with you then the answer is yes, I'm in love with you. But I can't live with someone who gives up everything for me and then lives miserably. I'm sick of being poor."

"You love me but you're planning not to get in touch?"

"Even if I had a plan, our ending would be separation. If Khanapan finds out about our relationship, of course I have to leave and you marry Dunk."

First could no longer say anything, Khaotung was too realistic for him who just need some of love. Whereas Khaotung didn't have it all and what he needed most right now was money.
Even after First learned the fact he wanted most (Khaotung loving him), there was no change in atmosphere whatsoever.

"What do you want now?"

"Let me work at the bar and I'll still be your bodyguard."

Of all the things that these two went through, why did they have to be 17 years old? When things are tough both physically and mentally.

First was just a rich kid, not a rich man. Khaotung was right that his financial resources were from Khanapan, and if he left here then his life would be difficult.

First then grabbed the back of Khaotung's neck, kissing those lips again with mixed feelings.
Unwilling to say yes but unable to refuse Khaotung's wish, sad because Khaotung also did not want to be in a relationship, then happy because Khaotung did love him. Then, First was angry because fate made it even more difficult.

The kiss was based on a feeling of unfairness, in a life that pressured Khaotung to suppress all desires, he tried to get a moment of it from First without wanting to dissolve.

That night, the two communicated with gazes and slept hugging each other.
No sex, just sleeping with each other's thoughts.
As usual, First stood in front of his parking lot preparing to go to school.
Not long after, Khaotung who was also dressed in his uniform appeared, he stood next to First waiting for Podd. Podd was still in his room, he hadn't come out because Gawin had stayed there last night.
Khaotung then turned to the First who was just silently staring at the street.

"You're acting like you'll never see me again."

First then looked back at the smiling Khaotung.

"You're so happy after rejecting me so dramatically last night?"

Khaotung shook his head, he was happy because there were still about 5 months left for him to be with First.

"Phayu invited me to watch his boxing, want to come?"

First was also happy that Khaotung was interacting comfortably with him again.

"Why didn't he ask me first?"

"I'm already his best friend. Hey, I was the one who encouraged him to continue his dream. I even found a place for him to train in boxing."

"But I paid for the registration fee."

Khaotung nodded his head. "That's right. Does he like me?"

"Who do you think you are that everyone has to like you?"

First then left Khaotung's presence in annoyance. Being reminded of Phayu made First upset.
It seemed like Phayu did like Khaotung.



Khaotung and First had arrived at Phayu's sparring ground, both of them decided to ask the homeroom teacher for permission to skip school.
First then took out his wallet without being asked, and gave it to Khaotung as if it was his duty to make Khaotung's stomach full.

"Buy me a drink too," First said and then decided to wait for Khaotung at a seat that was not exposed to the sun.

While waiting for Khaotung, who had even more snacks, Phayu appeared.
It seemed like the event hadn't started yet or Phayu wasn't ready for a match, the two talked about boxing and other things then when Phayu asked about Khaotung, First just pointed at him who was currently standing at the boba drink stand.

"I don't think he will invite you, First."


Phayu just shrugged his shoulders. Not sure either but the two's tenuous relationship was smelled by Phayu yesterday.

"But it looks like you guys are getting back together, whatever the problem is don't let your ego make him decide to leave. Dear First, I'm useless as your friend so at least he's there to keep your sanity as Khanapan's son."

In fact, Khaotung was the source of First's madness.

"Ah, the prize money from this boxing match is quite big. Whether it's first, second or third place. I hope I will be one of them and be able to repay your father at least for this month. The rest will go towards other debts."

First then turned to Phayu, it was obvious that he was excited to compete at the moment.
Speaking of debt, First was reminded of his  conversation last night with Khaotung.
Khaotung and Phayu turned out to have the same life, fighting with the cruel world to pay their parents' debts.

"Don't think about your father's debt to my father, I'll handle it," First said.

"No, you paid for my training list and you also gave me pocket money as if you were my father. It's too much debt for me to repay you later."

First doesn't understand how hard it is to live like Phayu or Khaotung. They may laugh, joke, even have lots of ideas for fun. But the truth is they never sleep well, when they are alone their minds are spinning to find a way to eat and pay their debts until the packs of cigarettes run out unnoticed.


Khaotung ran up to First and Phayu and showed them the insect satay he bought, making the two friends startled and avoid him.

"Bastard, why did you buy food like that!" Phayu shouted, while First kept backing away as Khaotung approached him still with the satay.

"It's delicious, you idiot!"

First looked about to vomit as Khaotung started eating the satay, imagining how he always savored those lips with relish.
Was Khaotung planning to make her stop loving him with the insect satay?


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U need to read the season 1 before read this one, thank you!!
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This story is originally in Indonesian, but because I like it, I changed it to English. If there is a wrong word, sorry.