By c0nfusiontype

6.6K 197 646

in which, four friends suffer the pact of love, monsters and friendship. season two: โœ”.. season three: โœ”.. More

ACT 1.
00. prologue
01. home again
02. newbie
03. lovers quarrel
04. it's halloween, loser
05. different
06. dustin's new pet
07. shadow monster
08. hurting
09. meat
10. trip to somewhere
11. stomach gone
12. her first move
13. trash
14. little reunion
ACT 2.
00. prologue
01. day of the dead
02. who's suzie?
03. trouble of connection
04. kill me slowly
05. wonderful
06. agony
07. black and green combination
08. games
09. words of the dictionary
10. pain
11. nothing normal
12. life falling perfectly
13. thinking of goodbye
14. confess. now
15. misty rain

15. resolution

129 8 23
By c0nfusiontype

atlantis | stranger things
14   resolution


jack and sophie were arguing on how irresponsible jack was with letting billy almost kill steve. jack stopped the conversation with saying that he thinks that he has a slight crush on steve.

he felt disappointed with everything and himself, he didn't want things to go that way. he knew steve was straight, they all felt sorry for him.

they stayed quiet in the car, wondering what was going on inside of billy's car. cameron knew something went wrong because the car was going side to side.

sophie was first to talk. "so. jack, when did you know?"

jack looked hesitant. "uh. . . i guess when i was in the bathroom, after steve touched my hands."

henry chuckled. "right after he touched you in a non-sensual way!"

"i know! i have no idea what happened, i just turned into a tomato," his face turned red.

cameron tapped him on his shoulder. "no worries, i feel just as same as i do with max. she makes me so vulnerable around her, i have the feeling to protect and keep her safe every time i'm near her. it's like i'm drawn to her."

henry sighed. "i guess i feel the same with will, he makes me feel exactly like your description."

sophie cleared her throat. "there, they relate to you."

jack nodded. "i mean yeah. what about you?"

"what about me?"

"do you have a crush on anyone?" sophie went red in the face.

"i don't, yet. no one really notices me unless it's you guys. because i'm the book nerd who's so into academic stuff, it's not my fault i wanna be good in school." she crossed her arms.

"they're just jealous that they can't be as good as you!" henry smiled.

sophie gave him a grateful smile. "i love you guys."

"we love you just as much," jack turned the wheel firmly. they got out of the car and started taking out the things they needed.

they wore their goggles and god knows what. steve started protesting about it. dustin went to talk to him.

they grabbed the gasoline tanks, and started making their way down to the pit. steve threw down a rope, jack held it from the top before tying it around a tire.

cameron went down first then steve. they checked around for demodogs and didn't find any so they called out that they could start coming down.

"yeah, i'm pretty sure it's this way!" mike yelled. cameron yawned. "let's just get going, i'm too tired for this shit." she grabbed the map and started leading the way.

they reached the main part of the tunnels. sophie feeling disgusted by every second. dustin got into a little trouble before but they got rid off the shit in his mouth.

"alright, micheal. i think we found your hub." cameron announced. they pointed their flashlights everywhere.

"let's drench it." mike said.

they nodded and grabbed their tanks and poured everything everywhere around the hub.

"okay, you guys ready?" they were standing away from the hub.


they nodded and saying "ready."

"light her up." dustin spoke.

"just light the damn thing!" henry got inpatient.

steve panted. "i am in such deep shit." he threw his lighter in the hub.

everyone braced themselves because the flames were vast, the slimy arms on the ground went everywhere.

max grabbed cameron's hand in fright. jack went to cover sophie and henry.

"that's a sight you don't see every day." they ran, max still held on to cameron's hand.


mike fell slightly behind and got caught by a slimy arm from the ground. "help! help!"

they all came to his aid. "hold on!"

"steve, pull him out!" dustin panicked.

cameron shot it, she watched as it went away. "you good?"

"you okay?"

"guys, we gotta go." they heard a demodog growling in the distance.

it was dart. cameron titled her head, pulling max slightly behind her. she held up the pistol to dart. "dustin? should i shoot or. . .?"

he shook his head. "dart." he took his choices and ended with walking up to the creature.

everyone tried to stopped him except cameron. "stop! i think he can do it."

dart walked to dustin as well. "hey. it's me, it's me. it's just your friend, it's dustin. it's dustin, alright?" he kneeled down in front of dart.

"you remember me? will you let us pass?" dart snarled in return.

"okay, okay. i'm sorry. i'm sorry about the storm celler. that was a pretty douchey thing to do. you hungry? yeah?" he pulled out a three musketeers bar from his back pocket.

"he's insane." lucas said. sophie agreed. "yes, for sure."

"shut up."

"i've got our favorite. see? nougat." dart grunted as dustin opened up the bar and placed a few pieces down. "look at that. yummy. here, alright? eat up, buddy. come on. come on."

they went behind dart and waited for dustin there. "there's plenty. i've got more." dustin got up. "goodbye, buddy."

they went on back to the pit. "come on, let's go. let's go!" the tunnel started to wobble, making the ground unstable.

max fell into cameron and sophie. "shit. sorry, you guys okay?"

they nodded. "what was that?" they heard roaring and screeching behind them.

"they're coming. run! run!" mike yelled.

they all did. "there, there!" lucas saw the rope.

"come on! let's go."

cameron climbed up first, grabbing lucas' arms to pull him up then sophie then dustin then henry then mike then max who fell on top of her.

"jack! come on!" cameron heard sophie yell. they saw the demodogs coming their way, jack held on to steve's jacket but they avoided them as if they weren't there.

"eleven." mike spoke before grabbing jack's hand and pulling him up with lucas' help then henry and cameron pulled steve up.

jack and billy's car blinkers went brighter as they came out of the pit. cameron covered her eyes.

the blinkers went back to its original state. "how about that, huh?" sophie chuckled.


one month later, cameron was walking out of school with henry and sophie. they were still shook about what happened last month.

it was a lot to take in. cameron hasn't talked to max since, she thought it would be nice to give her space to process everything.

max didn't like cameron avoiding her at every turn, it was like they were strangers who had a connection between each other yet never talked about it.

she hated it, she wanted to be them again not like now. sophie nidged cameron, seeing max watching them walk out.

cameron shook her head. "she needs space."

sophie slapped the back of her head. "look at the girl! she's miserable without you,"

henry nodded. "agreed. she's lost it. i see her every day at lunch with the party, she never talks."

cameron stared at max who looked away from them. "i'll talk to her tonight, dustin's coming with us to the snowball tonight."

"can i get a ride too? my sister would seem embarrassed if she were to drive me. she wouldn't even want to in the first but our parents would make her and i don't want her to hate me more." henry smiled.

cameron hooked her arm around him. "of course. you'll always be welcome at casa harrington, okay? no matter what."

"no matter what." he repeated and smiled more brightly at her. sophie ruffled both their hair, causing glares directed to her.

"let's go home and show these people what a trio we can be!" they laughed.

jack pulled into of them. "let's get this show on the road. literally. get in,"

they all got in and jack started the ignition, driving now. "i don't know what to wear. steve says i can borrow his suit, but i don't know." cameron spoke.

"okay, is it all black?" jack asked, turning the wheel.

"yes but-"

"wear it!" henry yelled, startling cameron.

jack flinched as well, losing control of the car for a few seconds.

"jesus, henry! you almost made me kill us all!" he exclaimed as henry cowered.

"sorry. but seriously, she should wear it," he spoke giddily.

sophie nodded. "only if cameron is comfortable with it, i love the idea."

jack patted the wheel lightly, making his decision which was taking a lifetime. cameron was about to think that he would say no. "i love it, i think you should."

cameron grinned. "then it's settled, i'll wear it." yells of happiness for the girl erupted.

later on, jack pulled in front of their houses after driving sophie and jack to their houses. "so. you really going for it."

cameron looked reluctant to wear it. "i want to but it's weird to be wearing something i'm not supposed to be. you know how homophobic and digusted people can get."

jack put his hands on her shoulders. "look, you are the only person i know that won't think about any of them and just do it. when did people's opinions ever affected you?"

"never once in my life." cameron shrugged. jack nodded.

"exactly! so?"

"i'm gonna do it." jack ruffled her hair.

"good. i've gotta get ready too, sophie asked me to be her date. don't ask why she just said so."

she embraced him. "thank you."

"of course." they pulled away after a few moments. cameron went inside of the house as did he.

steve greeted her from the couch as she approached him. "are you gonna wear it?"

she nodded. "yeah,"

steve stood up and hugged her. "i'm so proud of you, i'm sorry for not caring all those years ago."

he ran upstairs to get the suit while she went to her room and laid face down on her bed. steve knocked on the door.

she let him in and stood up for him to check if it's the right size.

"it's a bit big on you somehow because you're way more taller than me but it's guaranteed to fit." steve stated.

she nodded. "i'll put it on later. for now, let me sleep. i need sleep before dredging this ball."

steve hadn't left yet. "what steve?"

he seemed nervous. "it's about jack. uh, did he ever seem to tell you anything between me and him?"

she flopped onto her bed. "no. why?"

he sighed. "nothing. it was a stupid question. anyway, remember we have to pick up dustin so i'll wake you up in an hour to get up."

she nodded, falling into a deep slumber.

it's been an hour and steve woke her up from her sleep, he suffered multiple punches and kicks but he said he was fine because they weren't hard.

she got dressed by buttoning the black shirt, leaving the first two open then the dress pants and then finishing off with the dress jacket. she put her socks and shoes next.

steve waited for his sister nervously. "cameron! you done?" he called out. as soon as he did, she came down the stairs.

he quietly squealed. "cameron,"

"i knew it looks bad, maybe i shouldn't have wore it." steve stopped her.

"no. cameron, you look better than me in it."

"really? dead serious?"

"deadly serious." she went into his arms.

"we need to pick up henry as well." he nodded. "okay."

they pulled away and left the house, steve was locking the door before he saw jack in his attire.

"hey, birdie boy! how's it? did cam wear it?" jack approached him.

steve gulped. "y-yeah. she got to wearing it," he scratched his head.

jack smiled softly at the boy. "good. see you?"

"see you."

cameron chuckled at steve. "hey! quit staring and let's get going!"

"looking good, cameron!"

steve went to sit in the driver's seat and held on to the wheel tightly. "you good?"

the older boy shook his head and started the ignition, starting to get out of the driveway.

"definitely, why?"


they reached henry's house then went to dustin's. when they did, cameron and henry gasped. "what the heck? dustin, did you copy steve's hair guide?"

dustin nodded. "yeah! you like it?"

henry nodded, bursting out in laughter. "more than you know."

steve shook his head. "it looks good. trust me, every girl will come flying to you in a second." henry was still laughing.

dustin frowned. "henry thinks otherwise,"

cameron pinched henry's ear. "yeah, maybe i should tell him."

henry wheezed. "fine, fine! it looks amazing!"

cameron let go then smiled at dustin who gave her a grateful smile. they reached the school within a few minutes.

cameron and henry got out of the car to meet up with jacka and sophie, jack had a suit on while sophie had a light blue dress on.

"looking great, guys. i'm gonna wait for dustin but you guys can go in." cameron said and they nodded, going inside the school.

cameron waited right outside of the school, dustin walked up to her. "ready to show 'em who's boss, henderson?"

"you know it," dustin winked playfully.

cameron hooked an arm around him and grabbed a piece of gum from her back pocket and started chewing on it quietly.

they approached mr. clarke. "looking very snazzy tonight, ma'am and sir."

"thank you, my lord." they both said in unison.

dustin started conversation with mr. clarke, cameron just stood there. after a minute, dustin and cameron went in, arms hooked together.

cameron ran to the group. "hello there, fellows."

everyone turned around. "cameron! looking fancy with the suit." lucas hugged her.

dustin went over to them and spun around. "hold shit! what happened to you?" mike asked.

cameron put her head on max's shoulder. "what do you mean, 'what happened'?" dustin asked.



"you hair," max exclaimed.

"okay. i can vouch for our little dustin here, he followed steve's hair guide." henry stated.

lucas touched dustin hair. "really? steve gave horrible advice because it looks like there's a bird nesting in there."

"now i see why you guys call steve, birdie boy." max whispered into cameron's ear.

cameron nodded against her shoulder, chuckling. "oh definitely."

"there's no bird nesting in here, asshole. okay? i worked hard."

"hey, zombie boy. do you want to dance?" a girl came up to will. will looked around him and got no objections so he went with it.

jack offered his hand to sophie as he bowed down his head. "shall we?" sophie smacked his head. "yes,"

jack rubbed his head in pain. "she's always aggressive to me, i don't know why." he went to follow her to the dance floor.

lucas saw a girl and took out to the dance floor. dustin went to go ask some girls as well. mike saw eleven and took her to the dance floor.

henry was left with max and cameron. "y'know what, i'll go ask someone to dance with."

cameron grabbed max's wrist softly. "wanna go somewhere?"


cameron tilted her head. "oh, just somewhere."

max nodded then smiled. "okay."

cameron saw henry, jack and sophie give her encouraging smiles. cameron pulled max to the roof of the school.

"are we even supposed to be here?" max asked.

"no. but i threatened the principal to let us go up here,"

max rolled her eyes. "you're joking."

"no, i actually did." cameron chuckled.

they sat down, cameron laying down. "have you ever went stargazing before?"

max shook her head. "no, but there's a first for everything right?"


"remember when you got hurt and i want in the washroom in the byers' house to make the second move?"


"i want you to make the third move."

"okay, why are you telling this?" cameron sat up, their faces inches apart.

max stared at her eyes. "because i was scared of what this could be,"

"this?" cameron leaned closer.

"yes, this. this meaning whatever we're doing right now."

"do you want 'this' to stop?"

max shook her head slowly. "i don't think so,"

cameron placed her hand over max's. "can i kiss you?"

"yes." cameron did.

max held cameron's face as cameron held her waist, their lips moving in sync.

they pulled away when there was no air between them. cameron grinned sloppily at her. max grabbed the back of her neck, kissing her again.

max pulled away and put their heads together. "i like you,"

"i like you too,"

they stared into each other's eyes, cameron hugged her. max lost her balance and laid down on the rough ground, giggling.


cameron hugged her even tighter. "what?"

"you're- wait, what does this make us?"

"whatever you want it to be?" cameron kissed her cheek.

"we're girlfriends?"

"then we're girlfriends," max hugged cameron more.

author speaks !

never written a proper kissing scene before so this is basically my first. how'd i do?

[ 2786 ]

edited: ✘

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