A Change

By Fknotkf

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This story is a little bit 'hot' hope you still like it^^ More



983 47 9
By Fknotkf

Happy reading!!

First still went to the dinner with his shirt replaced by a sweater, a turtleneck to cover up the kissmark Khaotung had made on his neck earlier.
First even still felt the pain in his neck, it was like Khaotung was really trying to hurt his neck.

"Are you cold?" Asked his mother on the way to the table.

"A little," First replied as he touched his neck, he was a little concerned that the cloth covering his neck would suddenly sag.

Apparently the Natachai family had arrived first, they stood up from their seats to welcome the Khanapan family.
The chat started with a few pleasantries about how everyone was doing, a week had passed since their first meeting.
This was also the first time the wives had met.
Dunk and First were both silent at this point, just like Sunday songs.
The two just stared at each other with bored looks.
But Dunk was more curious about the turtleneck outfit First was wearing.
In this hot weather he was wearing such clothes, strange.

"If Dunk and First were in the same school, they would definitely get along very well."

First turned his head to his mother, looking so hopeful that he would transfer to an international school like Dunk.

"Can you ask Dunk to persuade my son? I think he'll want to if Dunk asks him," First's mother continued and then turned to Dunk with a sweet smile.

"Why me?" Dunk asked politely.

"Because you're his future spouse. I think you'll understand if we keep doing this to get you acquainted first.
Next week, have dinner together."

Dunk then turned to First. The boy did not show that he was about to reject this matchmaking, whereas if it was just the two of them like yesterday First would have immediately said that he would reject it.


Khaotung was currently sitting in the middle of the bed in the room next to First.
The dim light accompanied Khaotung who was thinking about many things.
First, his father's debt to Khanapan was definitely paid off.
Even with his mother and father's debts to loan sharks outside of Khanapan, Khaotung could pay them off with the money First gave him every time they had sex.
His and First's relationship was good, in fact he was lucky that someone like First fell in love with him.
Khaotung's life became better, not only could he pay off his parents' debts but he could also get everything he wanted without much effort.
First also seems to buy everything for him no matter if Khaotung needs it or not.
As annoying as he is, First is always patient and ends up smiling at him.

Perhaps that was why Khaotung seemed to be thawing out at the moment.
The compelling reason why he didn't want to accept First was firstly, he didn't have any feelings for him in the first place.
Secondly, he thought that he would spend the rest of his life paying off his parents' debts so it was obvious that he wouldn't have time to date, so even the thought of falling in love was always quickly dismissed.
But this time, Khaotung felt dependent on First. He was scared because of the arranged marriage, and he was also scared that the feelings he was feeling right now were not feelings of falling in love but fear of losing his money machine.

Khaotung doesn't want to hurt First if he no longer needs First's money and the feeling of love he never felt for him.
In essence, Khaotung currently only wants First for himself but is afraid to say that he has fallen in love with him. Because if in the end this feeling was just a feeling of 'Needing money' it would be a problem for both of them.

"But I miss him now," Khaotung said and looked at the wall clock above the door.
It was only 19:40. There was still about an hour left for First to get home from his dinner.

"No, maybe I'm actually looking forward to eating the food he'll bring," Khaotung corrected his sentence.


First was currently in Khanapan's car, told to go for a walk the two decided to chat in the car instead.
Dunk briefly looked at the food box First had just put away. Dunk thought First didn't like the food menu at this restaurant because he didn't eat much earlier, but suddenly he asked Dunk for money to wait because First had to go make a takeaway order.

"Would you rather eat alone at home?" Dunk asked.

Dunk sounded softer than last Sunday.
Maybe it was because he had seen that First was not interested in him so Dunk decided to come forward earlier.

"No, someone asked me to bring it."

"Someone? The same one you said looked like a cat last Sunday?"

First nodded his head.

"Is he your boyfriend?"

First turned to Dunk this time, then shook his head and even said that the person had not received hislove until now.

"And you still treat him this well?" Dunk asked again in disbelief.

"Because I still love him"

Dunk thought that maybe if First loved him back, then he would be treated just like that person by First.
How happy he would be if he could control First and Khanapan's business for his father.

"That's very kind of you," Dunk said with a sweet smile. "That man is so ignorant to reject you and still use you."

First chuckled and nodded. "You're right, and now I miss him."

Dunk suddenly became annoyed, what kind of person did he love that First looked so stupid in Dunk's eyes right now.
First went home in a bit of a hurry, he was about 30 minutes late even though he had originally promised to go home at 9pm, but due to traffic the driver had to find another way to get home.
First was sure that Khaotung was sleeping in the next room by now, but still he wanted to check so after going up to the second floor First decided to go straight to the next room instead of cleaning herself first in the private room.

Khaotung had just come out of the bathroom, wearing only boxers and a small towel on his head.

"I thought you were asleep," First said with a sigh of relief.

First then put the food box she was carrying on the table, the  light was interfering with his vision so First also went to turn on the light and saw Khaotung still looking so wet with water dripping from the ends of his hair.

"Why shower at this hour?" First asked as he took off his suit, he also took off his turtleneck sweater. Crazy, he almost died of heat because of Khaotung.

Khaotung looked at First who was indeed very hot, his damp hair made several hairs stick to the skin of his forehead.

"Take a look at the food, I think you'll like it."

Khaotung was still watching First who was currently only wearing a t-shirt.
First then went to sit on the sofa with Khaotung still staring at him.

"What are you looking at?" First asked.

"Nothing," Khaotung replied and lowered his towel from his hair to his neck.

"Khaotung," called First as he looked at Khaotung who now chose to sit across from him.

"Sit here, let me dry your hair."

First patted his own thigh, asking Khaotung to sit there immediately. "You can't sleep with wet hair like that."

"I know, I'll dry it after eating later."

First tugged on Khaotung's arm, who obviously whined but didn't seem to fight back.
Khaotung sat between First's legs, while enjoying his snack First attentively dried Khaotung's hair.

"If I don't do it now you'll sleep even later, we have school tomorrow."

Khaotung looked nervous there, even the taste of the food was bland because the focus of all his senses seemed to be on the gentle movements of First's hands on his head. Not to mention, that soft voice sounded very soothing as it apologized for coming home late.

"How was your dinner?" Khaotung asked, starting to look comfortable and warm in the embrace of First's big body.

"The food was good but I didn't eat much," First replied.


"It's better to eat with you, like when we had lunch together in front of my room."

Khaotung felt that feeling again, a feeling that he could not understand whether it was falling in love or something else.
Proud and feeling that he was taking advantage of the First's feelings.

Khaotung then turned around, looking at First who looked confused with the towel in his hand. "Why?"

"Eat with me," Khaotung replied as he fed First a piece of meat.

Khaotung then noticed the kissmark spot he made this afternoon, looking redder towards black.
Khaotung then touched it gently, apologizing that it might look more like a hate mark than a love mark.

"It's okay. But, why did you do it?" First asked.

"I don't know, you might call it jealousy. But I don't know." Khaotung shared some of his confusion with First.

"Jealousy exists when you are in love." First told him as an expert.

"I'm not," Khaotung replied. "I feel as if I'm actually afraid of being let go by you and having to go back to the bar. I was already enjoying this kind of private work, but suddenly you said you were going to be set up so I got angry."

Khaotung then turned his back to the First. Trying to enjoy the food that looked good but suddenly made him unappetizing. Confused, he was confused about everything.

"If you convince yourself that you are also in love with me, I will fight for you."

Khaotung turned back to First. Even if he eventually fell in love with First, the two would not be able to be together forever. Yes perhaps Khaotung would do so for the next 6 months, spending his time here well as lovers.

"I can't convince him."

The First then reached for Khaotung's nape, briefly pecked the short one's lips softly and then gazed lovingly into those eyes.

"I can live without all this, even without those who call themselves my parents. If I could be with you forever, I would leave everything behind." Again, the First kissed Khaotung's lips.

"You say that because you have tasted everything except poverty," Khaotung replied.

"If I was told to leave you with some money, I would."

First chuckled, the difference in their caste also made their outlook different.
First again opened his mouth to devour Khaotung's lips, and this time Khaotung reciprocated willingly.
He turned fully around to face First and deepened their kiss.
It was like their first sex, in the same place too.

"You can be sure this time," murmured the First then attacked Khaotung's soapy-smelling neck with his wet tongue.
He would take revenge to make more marks on that neck.

Khaotung squeezed  First's shoulder firmly as the First also planned to make a mark on his chest.
First could feel his bodyguard's racing heartbeat, and his breathing was ragged with small sighs of relief from the tickling and pain of being bitten.

"Why are you bathing at this hour?" the First asked, not getting an answer yet.

Khaotung remained silent, not knowing whether to tell First or not. Because actually, he suddenly remembered their first sex night here and got horny and masturbated in the bathroom.
So if First touched his penis at this time, it would be very sensitive for him.

"Just want to," Khaotung replied then went back to grabbing First's lips for him to crush.

So that night it was not Khaotung who had dinner but First who enjoyed the dinner of the two.
First was all dressed up in his school uniform. He walked towards his father's room with his bag on his shoulder.
As he entered the room, Lee was there to give him the deposit money and other reports.

"What's wrong?" Khanapan asked. "Is there anything you need?"

"I want Khaotung to occupy the room next to me."

It wasn't just Khanapan who looked surprised, but of course Lee too.
That room had always been empty, even his mother was forbidden to occupy it let alone the fact that the second floor was First's domain and now Khaotung could be there, it was incredible.

"Why do you need Khaotung to live beside you?" Khanapan asked.

"I need a chat buddy sometimes, if he's beside me I don't have to bother going down to the first floor to call him."

Khanapan actually wanted to refuse, he was afraid that  First might like Khaotung. But, he also couldn't refuse First's wishes so Khanapan could only nod and tell First to just go to school later that night Khaotung could already move into the next room.
Khanapan might just have to find a way later to return Khaotung to Podd's room.

"Alright, I'll wait for you outside, Lee."

Khanapan then let out a frustrated sigh after the First's departure. He needed to speed up the process of First's matchmaking with Dunk.
It might be better if Duni came to his house more often to win First's favor.

When First came out of his father's room, Khaotung had just come out of Podd's room in his school uniform.
First smiled as he waited for Khaotung to walk together to the parking lot.
Khaotung was now walking in front of First, and First couldn't help but frown at Khaotung's butt which looked fat under his above-the-knee uniform pants.

"Son of a bitch, it hurts." Khaotung stroked his butt cheeks as First deliberately squeezed them quite hard.

"See you at school," First said and walked ahead of Khaotung with an ignorant smile.

"What did you just come back from your father's room for?" Asked Khaotung who ran after First.

"Why do you want to know other people's family matters?"

"Just asking, if you don't want to tell then fine. I don't care either."

First smiled a little as Khaotung left him as Podd was already in the parking lot and had even warmed up his bike.
Khaotung's bike was broken, probably because it was time for it to break down.
So yes he was again inconveniencing Podd to take him to school.

"What's wrong with your neck? It's full of plasters."

First turned his head to Khaotung who could only laugh awkwardly and blame the mosquitoes in Podd's room.

"I scratched it hard and it left a wound so I covered it up," Khaotung said again. Perhaps it was strange that Podd never used a plaster when bitten by a mosquito.


The school looks busy today, not busy learning but busy cleaning up. It was said that there was a visit from another school, so the students and teachers worked together to clean up the school including First, Khaotung, and of course First and his friends.

"Which school is it?" Khaotung asked with the broom handle in his hand.

"International school, whatever it's called I don't know." Phayu answered, First was currently on garbage duty and Phayu also happened to be on sweeping duty.

"Why would such a high-class school come here?" Khaotung asked again. Their school was so underdeveloped, it was strange to have students and teachers from such an international school visit.

"Donating to our school?" Phayu asked. Ah, that makes more sense.

First was walking back to his class after taking out the trash at the back of the school. Then, he saw several cars parked and out came students dressed much more fashionably than their school uniforms.
Dunk was one of those students, and he saw First near the school building with an astonished look.

"First!" Dunk called out, and then came over to First with a big smile.

"Are you the ones visiting my school?" First asked.

"Hem, I also wanted to see your school so my dad chose this school to visit."

First sighed and nodded. "Then I'll go to my class first."

But before First reached his class, Khaotung was seen approaching First.
Dunk looked surprised at how Khaotung asked for money and First just gave Khaotung his wallet.

"Is that someone?" Dunk asked and saw a smiling First following Khaotung, apparently going to the cafeteria to buy something.


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it's just a story of my own imagination so please no false comments and no copyright.. just enjoy
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