A Change

By Fknotkf

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This story is a little bit 'hot' hope you still like it^^ More



915 49 5
By Fknotkf

Happy reading!

First was ready in his school uniform, had even finished with lunch and was about to go to the parking lot.
Occasionally, First pressed the back of his neck, he had dozed off for quite a while at the dinner table last night before he finally decided to go back to his room.

First actually wanted to ask the driver about why he hadn't seen Podd take out his motorcycle this morning, and Khaotung hadn't come from inside the house  go to school.
But, the anger he had made him reluctant to even ask and remained silent in curiosity as the car started to drive to school.
Maybe he overslept because his work coincided at night, First thought.

However, Khaotung did not show up until recess. First immediately called Podd in the men's restroom to see if the boy had gone home or not.

"Podd, where are you?"

'I just got back home.'

First sighed. "Khaotung too?"

'No, Khaotung is still in the hospital.'

It was then that his feelings of anger towards Khaotung dissipated in the wind, turning into so much worry that his persistent questions about why Khaotung was in the hospital were difficult for Podd to answer. In the end, First decided to end the call and left the school by bus to return home.


'He was beaten up by bar patrons, so last night I took him straight to the hospital and apparently he had to undergo treatment. I can't go straight to the hospital again today, I have to meet your father and do some billing until the evening. Lee and Gawin are on their way home.'

First was absolutely certain that the customer Podd was referring to was no ordinary bar patron. It must be someone who hired Khaotung.

"You can leave right away," First told his driver after he arrived at the hospital where Khaotung was being treated.

He tried his hardest to stop caring about Khaotung, but the sense of comfort he got from being with Khaotung made it hard for him to do that.
The angry feeling that First was giving Khaotung at that time was a form of disappointment and sadness, not hatred. because there were moments when First also missed him. Like today, for example.

Finally First arrived at the hospital room where Khaotung was being treated.
He first calmed his heart to see the condition of Khaotung who Podd said was quite severe, Khaotung even had problems in his internal organs, and last night complained that he couldn't sleep because of the pain he felt as if he was all over his body.


First opened the door of Khaotung's hospital room without knocking, then found the patient apparently eating hospital food while busy watching videos on his cell phone, First thought Khaotung was probably sleeping from being drugged or some other horrible thing; coma.

"Hahaha, so funny."

Khaotung then raised his head when he felt that the person who had come to his room was not approaching, and how surprised he was to see it was First. He thought it was Lee or not Gawin, because this time their things were left here.

"How did you know I was here?" Khaotung asked after swallowing the rice he was chewing.

"How did you get here?" Asked First back. Looking at that face, one side of his eye had swollen quite badly with a tear on the side. Not to mention his lips that had the same injury, several blue bruises on his cheeks and temples.

"Who did it?" Asked First again, Khaotung even had bruises on his knuckles. Like being stepped on several times to stop resistance.

"Where else are you hurt?"

Khaotung just silently looked at First at this time.

"When did it happen? What were you doing that you were attacked? Shaking his penis? Or swallowing-"

"Watch how you speak, we're in a public place."

First sighed, even though he was no longer angry the resentment returned after seeing how badly he was hurt.

"Then why did you choose a job that can't be talked about in public?"

Khaotung sighed then asked First not to ask any more questions. At the moment, his head was still a little dizzy and his wounds were still painful. First's questions seemed to make it even more agonizing.

First sighed and sat on the waiting chair while looking at Khaotung who decided to go back to eating his lunch.
First just realized that there were a few grains of medicine on the small bedside table, maybe it was Khaotung's medication time.

"Are you going back to work at the bar? After something like this?"

"Only one person has treated me like this. Besides, I had a lot on my mind last night so I couldn't control my emotions. I indirectly provoked his emotions."


First was on his way home from the hospital at this time. He was thinking about Khaotung who now said he had accepted to be a debt collector with Lee and Podd. But First couldn't accept it, now he felt so bad just because Khaotung didn't have the same feelings for him.
Moreover, earlier he met Podd who was on duty at a food shop, he saw how Podd destroyed some of the shopkeeper's merchandise and even wanted to hit the women in the shop.

Khaotung was someone who was angry that his father was treated so harshly, and now  First was making him part of the people he hated.
Then, when Khaotung explained what happened to him last night, it was because he provoked the person's emotions unconsciously. Most likely what made him think so much that night was that First transferred him to the debt collection group.

First sighed, not knowing that the effects of his first sex would make him think so much like this.

Today is exactly two days after Khaotung was admitted, he has been discharged.
His body is better, his face no longer has any swelling, only the remnants of a scar adorning his sweet face.
On the way home, Khaotung looked talkative, happy as ever as if that night was a normal thing for him. Maybe it was? It wasn't Khaotung's first time so there was no sense of trauma or fear.
When Podd asked if he was going back to the bar or not, Khaotung replied that even tonight he would go straight to the bar.


Khaotung who had just entered the house immediately raised his head, looking at First who was standing on the second floor.


"Meet me," First replied and went into the room where he and Khaotung had their first sex.

Khaotung then turned his head to Podd. Actually, even now he was told by Podd to go see Khanapan.
Podd also told Khaotung to go see First first, he would go tell Khanapan if Khaotung had to go see First first.



Khaotung had entered the room, feeling a little strange because the atmosphere of the room reminded him of that night.
He saw First sitting on the bed and asked Khaotung to approach him.

"What?" Khaotung asked again.

"Are you in a hurry?"

Khaotung nodded his head. "I have to go see your father."

"Me too," said First.

"Are you feeling better?"

Khaotung nodded his head. He said he could go to school tomorrow too.

"You're really going to go as a debt collector?"

Khaotung raised one eyebrow, of course he had to be ready even if he didn't want to. First had made him this way, and Khaotung had no power but to obey in order to keep his father's debt paid off. Because if he refused, the debt would get bigger and he would live in misery. At least if he was willing to do that heinous thing (become Khanapan's debt collector) his father's debt would be paid off in 6 months.

"I will make you my bodyguard again today."

"What do you mean? Are you toying with me?"

"No, I'm worried." First was able to express a lot of his feelings towards Khaotung at this time even though his feelings were not accepted by the shorty. He understood now why Khaotung had whined yesterday against being made a debt collector.

"I want to be your bodyguard again but if the condition is to be your lover then I will refuse."

First sighed, he was not a pushover. "I just want you to stop working at the bar, and focus on being my bodyguard."

"How many times do I have to tell you, First?" Being First's bodyguard and working at the bar were two different things.

"If I don't work there, I can't eat. You think my father's debt is only to your father?" Khaotung sounded very annoyed at this point.

"I also don't want you to like me more, it will make you uncomfortable even with me," Khaotung continued.

"I will be your only customer. When you need money, come to me and do your usual work at the bar."

Khaotung froze, First's current offer had nothing to lose for him. He would return to his original job and not go to a job he hated. He also didn't have to fear getting venereal diseases from having sex with so many people, and he was back to being a friend to First.

But it was exactly the opposite. It would be detrimental to First. He might have to restrain himself from falling deeper in love with Khaotung who already looked like he had no plans to fall in love.

"As long as you're with me, I'm fine."

Khaotung apparently agreed to First's offer. His smile was wide as he walked out of the house and met First who was waiting to be dropped off.
For the first time, Khaotung agreed when First asked him to go to school together by car.

"One moment." Khaotung pushed First's chest and took his place to open the car door.

"Please get in, young sir," Khaotung said as he held the car door open for First to get in comfortably.

"You freak," First commented and got in, followed by Khaotung himself.

Khaotung was also apparently invited to play with Phayu and his other friends.
First's quiet school life could finally be this fun because of Khaotung, maybe sex wasn't the day he fell in love but the day he realized he was already in love with Khaotung.

"Do you want to swim in the river?" Khaotung asked his friend Phayu.

While their boss and Khaotung's boss (First) was exhausted on the sidelines after playing soccer.

"Ah, the river on the bridge?" Asked Phayu, who seemed to hear Khaotung's loud voice even though they were quite far away.

"You know that place?" First asked.

"I know, want to come?"

First thought for a while and then nodded. "I've been swimming there too."

"No way, when?" Asked Phayu, sounding very incredulous.

"Not long ago, with Khaotung."

Phayu then turned his head to Khaotung who was already so familiar with his friends.

"You should be grateful that he's with you. If I were you, I would fall in love with him."

First smiled a little, it had already happened to him.

"Behind his annoying attitude, he's very mature. He's also kind of adorable."

First immediately turned to Phayu, this was the first time he heard Phayu praising someone with such a sweet smile.

"You're really not in love with him?" Phayu asked for confirmation.

First only replied with a small laugh. "You think?"

"No, you won't fall in love with someone like Khaotung," Phayu replied then went over to Khaotung and joined his in a discussion about swimming in the river.



One by one they began to throw themselves into the river, including Khaotung and of course except First.
The last time First went into this river because he thought Khaotung drowned, he came home with an itchy body. Even though Khaotung swam longer that time but he didn't feel anything on his body, First had a lot of red rashes that time.

Phayu and his friends then persuaded First to come swimming, after all tomorrow was a holiday so it didn't matter if his uniform got wet too.
Meanwhile, Khaotung seemed more busy playing with the water, staying away from them.
First saw how Khaotung swam as if the river was his place, going here and there not afraid of drowning or being carried away by the current.

"Alright," First said and took off his bag, watch, and shoes.

First then threw himself into the river, playing with the others as well as Khaotung who was suddenly beside him. Like a fish! He swam so well, First was surprised.

But, First wasn't as brutal as the others this time. He was just standing in the river with water below his stomach, his hair not even wet like Khaotung. That child, was like a puppy that had just been thrown into the river.

"First! Come here!"

First was silent when Khaotung asked him to come closer.
First was instead busy watching Khaotung's body that became visible due to his thin uniform, it reminded First of the day when he couldn't stop thinking about his half-naked body.
It also reminded First of that night, where Khaotung surrendered under him all night.


First finally woke up from his reverie, he saw Khaotung again now near him. Right in front of him with wet hair and a confused look.

"Look at your hand, it's getting red."

First then looked at the back of his hand which had been submerged in river water and was now lifted by Khaotung, it already had a lot of red rashes but had not yet caused itching.
Khaotung also pointed at First's neck and chest, it was obvious that he was worried so Khaotung asked First to get out of the river immediately before it got worse.


First was apparently really itchy all over again, probably worse than before.
He was currently in his private room, busy scratching his body in front of the mirror. First chose to keep his shirt on even though scratching his back felt better without a shirt. But, his fingernails were long enough he didn't want to leave fried marks on his body that would hurt if he took a shower.


"You spoiled brat," said Khaotung who had just walked into First's private room with an itchy ointment in his hand. He had just returned from the pharmacy to buy First some itchy ointment.

"Take off your clothes," Khaotung ordered and sat on First's study table chair while trying to open the lid of the ointment.

First then took off his upper clothes, revealing a lot of red rashes on his well-built body. Khaotung had actually asked  First not to scratch it, because it was the scratching that caused  First's itch to grow.

"Already, can you give it to my stomach first?"

Khaotung then raised his head with the toothpaste-shaped ointment in his mouth, he struggled and was about to remove the cap with his teeth.

"What if it's eaten by you?"

First then pulled the ointment from Khaotung's lips, then tried to open it by hand but it turned out to be that difficult. So, First also tried to open it with his teeth, not caring if it was Khaotung's mark. After all, he already felt more than that.

The ointment was finally successfully opened, First gave the ointment back to Khaotung who was currently looking at him without blinking.

"Treat my itch, quickly."

Khaotung nodded his head slowly, then began to apply the ointment on First's six-pack abs.


"What?" Khaotung asked back as he busily applied the itchy ointment to First's stomach bit by bit.

"You look nervous," First said and brought his body closer so that Khaotung could clearly look away.

"Let me treat you properly, asshole."

"Looks like you have to apply the ointment all over my body, should I take off my pants now?"

First then held Khaotung's wrist which still had ointment to apply with a grinning smile. While Khaotung looked panicked because he was nervous from earlier, and First added to his nervousness


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