roommates | nct ot23 (markhyu...

By adilqvsu

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a school trip to the middle of nowhere, stuck with a bunch of strangers you don't even know, forced to be roo... More

character introduction (1)
character introduction (2)
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty-three
chapter twenty-four
chapter twenty-five
chapter twenty-six
chapter twenty-seven
chapter twenty-eight
chapter twenty-nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty-one
chapter thirty-two
chapter thirty-three
chapter thirty-four
chapter thirty-five
chapter thirty-six
chapter thirty-seven
chapter thirty-eight
chapter forty
chapter forty-one
chapter forty-two
chapter forty-three
chapter forty-four
chapter forty-five
chapter forty-six
chapter forty-seven
chapter forty-eight
chapter forty-nine
chapter fifty
chapter fifty-one
chapter fifty-two
chapter fifty-three
chapter fifty-four
chapter fifty-five
chapter fifty-six

chapter thirty-nine

116 9 16
By adilqvsu

oh, yeah, no. this is definitely reaching at least 50 chapters-

the week was relatively boring.

they did some of the same activities all over again; woodworking, board games, hiking (although, donghyuck did try and claim trauma so he didn't have to go hiking, and although it worked with irene for the most part, mark and doyoung still dragged him along).

they introduced a few new activities, too! like, for example, pottery, gardening, rock climbing. basic things like that which passed time for everyone. nothing no one couldn't handle, though.

it was currently friday, and irene had them all gathered around at one of the big, long tables in the grand hall.

"alright, bitches!" irene yelled out, but then quickly looked around to check if one of her bosses was nearby.

when she confirmed that there wasn't, she let out a sigh of relief before continuing as if nothing just happened.

"do you guys know the importance of this meeting?" irene smiled as she stared at the 23 boys in front of her.

each of them shook their heads, blankly staring at her to continue.

"well..." irene's smiled widened. "as of this upcoming monday, you all will have survived your first ever month here!"

although she squealed in excitement, the 23 boys in front of her just made a face or two and stared at her.

she quickly dialed it down when she noticed no one else was celebrating with her and cleared her throat, slightly embarrassed.

"okay.." she drawled out. "tough crowd, I see." she sighed and muttered, rolling her eyes before continuing.

"well, you'll surely be hyped for the next part!" she smiled brightly again, setting the boys' hopes and expectations high.

"since we know how much you all love to be wild and crazy, we have stupidly agreed that you all are allowed to have alcoholic beverages during the weekend and get as drunk as you want." irene rolled her eyes and stated in a bored tone. "but only this weekend! no other time! got it??!?"

"I don't want to see you loser frat boys running around tipsy the next few weeks!" irene stated sternly as she saw the boys' faces light up with excitement, almost like a flame had been lit within their bodies and had no intention of dying down anytime soon.

"we come from a university, not a fraternity." one of the boys butt in, only making irene glare at him.

"shut. up." irene rolled her eyes. "anyway, have fun getting batshit drunk! don't come running to me when you're dying from a hangover!!" irene yelled out as she ran off.

"soo..." johnny drawled out. "are we going to a bar or buying our own drinks?"


"he's so cute when he's drunk." jaehyun chuckled as taeyong tiredly clung to johnny, trying his best not to fall asleep.

that night, the group had decided to buy their own drinks and just have a mini celebration in the grassy area near their cabins just so they didn't have to worry about strangers approaching them, or transportation back to camp.

"we should get him to bed." johnny chuckled, putting out the cigarette he was smoking before picking up taeyong bridal style and walking him back to their cabin, jaehyun following behind them not so long after.

jaehyun smiled fondly as he watched johnny carefully place taeyong down in his bed, gently draping the blanket over the purple-haired male's figure.

as johnny turned around to face jaehyun, the younger of the two couldn't help but feel butterflies in his stomach.

"what?" johnny chuckled softly as he stared a jaehyun, who stared back at him with an unreadable expression as he leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed over his chest.

"oh! and while you're working taeyong into confessing his not-so-hidden love for the two of you, maybe also try to work up the courage to just confess to each other? I mean, I'm kind of sick and tired of both of you pretending like you don't have feelings for each other." jungwoo's words from a week or so ago suddenly flashed back in jaehyun's mind, making the dark-haired male blush ever so slightly.

"n-nothing." jaehyun stuttered out softly as he shook his head, looking away from the older male and back at taeyong's sleeping figure before his eyes landed on the wooden floorboards under his feet.

"you can usually handle your alcohol, so why are you so red?" johnny scoffed as he walked closer to the younger, stopping right in front of him.

jaehyun's eyes flickered back up to meet johnny's, and he couldn't help but want to kiss the older right then and there.

the two stared at each other in silence for a while, johnny eventually understanding what jaehyun wanted without the younger even having to tell him.

but he wanted the younger to tell him.

to give him consent.

to admit his feelings.

and eventually, jaehyun grew impatient and did just that.

"kiss me." the younger of the two muttered out, his voice soft and quiet, barely above a whisper.

johnny smiled ever so slightly as he leaned down, stopping just centimeters away from jaehyun's lips, ghosting them.

"all you had to do was say so." johnny softly stated while staring into jaehyun's eyes before grasping the younger's lips with his own.

and there it was.

a kiss that held many emotions. many truths. many feelings.

it wasn't like any kiss they've shared before (which was mainly during sexual encounters).

the kiss was needy, but not in the sense that it held lust. there was no lust at all, actually.

instead, the kiss was needy in the sense that this was something both of them had been longing for for a very long time.

there was no heavy desire that would lead into something heated. it was just a simple desire for each other, but in the most innocent way possible.

it was almost like a craving that they finally filled.

it was chaste, simple, cute, and full of love.


lots of love.

and passion.

it was like a kiss they've never experienced with anyone before.

jaehyun quickly wrapped his arms around the older's neck as johnny gently held the younger's jaw, deepening the kiss.

the kiss spoke meaning, and lots of it.

it exposed all their secrets and lies, revealing the truth that they both had been trying to avoid.

they loved each other, and the kiss proved that.

unfortunately, the two had to eventually pull away due to lack of oxygen, but they only connected their foreheads as they took heavy breaths.

jaehyun, after catching his breath, smiled softly as he disconnected their foreheads and looked up into johnny's eyes.

the older was also smiling, brighter this time.

"I love you." jaehyun uttered out. "I always have, but I think that was already more than obvious."

both boys chuckled softly as johnny pulled jaehyun into another chaste kiss, muttering a small 'I love you, too' somewhere in there.

after a few more sweet kisses, the two boys pulled apart and cuddled together next to a sleeping taeyong, the purple-haired male clinging to their bodies even in his sleep.

both johnny and jaehyun talked quietly amongst themselves, agreeing that they not only had romantic feelings for each other, but also for taeyong (surprise surprise 🙄 everyone act shocked 🤡).

johnny held a fond, loving look in his eyes as he watched jaehyun softly play with taeyong's hair, the older of the two clinging to jaehyun's body tightly.

this is what his heart needed. this was what he craved for.

he wanted to wake up next to these two angels every morning and fall asleep next to them every night.

he wanted to hug and kiss and love them as much as his heart would allow him to, and he wanted to be hugged and kissed and loved back.

he needed these two in his life. and he wasn't sure where he'd be without them.


both chenle and jisung giggled loudly as they stumbled into their cabin, clearly drunk as they clung to each other for balance.

doyoung stood behind them and watched with a disappointed look on his face. doyoung sighed and shook his head before beginning to speak.

"no more drinks for tonight! get some rest and don't do something stupid!" he sternly stated before turning around and leaving.

chenle giggled again as he clung to jisung's body as the two stumbled onto the couch, immediately cuddling against each other.

chenle was clearly more drunk than jisung, but the both of them still had their fair share of alcohol.

the two were drunkenly conversing with each other, giggling and such as their words slurred, their hands subconsciously touching each other's bodies as if they were a married couple or something (not in a sexual way).

jisung had his one arm wrapped around chenle's waist, his other hand busy playing with the older's hair.

chenle was leaning against jisung's chest, one hand running up and down jisung's chest, fidgeting with the buttons of his shirt, while his other arm was wrapped around the younger's neck.

the two of them were just talking happily and having fun in each other's embrace, but jisung couldn't help but wonder.

'this scene looks a bit too familiar...' (I think I've seen this film before- okay I'm sorry I'll go-)

and then the flashbacks of that one night hit him like a truck.

jisung's mind couldn't help but spin with all the sudden thoughts, his heart racing so fast that he was pretty sure chenle could hear or feel it.

he wondered if chenle was thinking the same things as him, or if it was just a one-sided thing.

the others were right.

if one of them didn't confess first and confess soon, things would get too much for them. and it was currently getting too much for jisung.

jisung thought, 'why not seize the opportunity?' (I'm reading this back and wow I think I'm so funny- 😭💀)

I mean, he was drunk and his courage was boosted, so he might as well confess now because, well...if not now, then when?

worst case scenario, this all goes wrong and they forget it in the morning since they're drunk.

best case scenario, chenle kisses him back and they still forget everything that happened in the morning, but at least they're one step closer to pursuing each other, right?

"lele." jisung breathed out, interrupting whatever rant chenle was going on.

chenle looked up at jisung with doe eyes, a curious look in his eyes.

"yeah?" the older of the two smiled brightly, and jisung could feel his heart melt from the act alone.

"I'm sorry." jisung muttered out.

chenle's curious expression quickly turned into confusion.

"what? why are you s-"

and before chenle even knew it, jisung's lips were on his.

at this point, both boys had almost completely sobered up, so they were pretty aware of the situation happening right now.

chenle was so caught up in his own thoughts that he didn't even notice his body automatically respond to the kiss. his mind might've been freaking the fuck out, but his subconscious certainly knew what he wanted.

chenle snapped out of his thoughts and slowly wrapped both arms around jisung's neck, deepening the kiss as he sat up properly to straddle the younger's lap.

"I love you." jisung muttered out into the kiss as he wrapped both hands around the older's waist and pull him closer, his words making chenle tense up ever so slightly.

"I always have." the younger continued before he swiped his tongue against chenle's bottom lip, asking for entry.

chenle was panicking, but not for the reasons you might be thinking about.

he wanted this---all of this---he knew that.

he was just scared that they both might regret it soon.

he was scared their friendship would be ruined.

he was scared he'd lose his best friend. the love of his life. forever.

but then, in the midst of all his overthinking and paranoia (stan kang daniel), xiaojun's words suddenly popped back into chenle's mind, as if some sort of sign to continue with whatever he and jisung were doing right now.

"I have honestly never seen two people more perfect for each other than you and jisung, okay? you two clearly love each other so much, so there's no doubt that you'll grow old together. I doubt that either of you will fall out of that love or want to break up if you ever got together."

"you two are literally attached by the hip. confess to him. he loves you, everyone can see that, and you obviously don't try to hide the fact that you're in love with him."

confess to him.

he loves you.

don't try to hide the fact that you're in love with him.

well, I suppose consequences and regret would have to wait until later, because after what felt like forever (which in reality it was, like, a few seconds. dramatic ass hoes 🙄), chenle finally let jisung's tongue explore his mouth, while he explored jisung's.

the both of them were getting used to this new feeling, taking in every aspect of each other.

so, yeah, they were full on making out at this point.

jisung's fingers gently trailed up and down chenle's thigh, causing the older to shiver in his hold.

as much as jisung wanted to continue, he knew better.

he and chenle were both drunk, so they technically weren't consenting to anything more than a make out session.

on top of that, he didn't want his and chenle's first time together---or in general---to be drunk in a cabin in the middle of no where.

so, when the time came that they both ran out of oxygen, he simply just pulled apart from chenle's lips and rested his forehead against the older's.

he took deep breaths as he tried to steady his breathing (and his heartbeat which was beating unusually fast, but I guess that's what happens when you engage in a make out session with your best friend who also happens to be the love of your life-).

"say it again." chenle breathed out once his caught his breath.


"say it again." the older repeated.

jisung, though confused for a slight second, quickly understood what chenle meant and smiled softly.

"zhong chenle, I love you." jisung stated, bolder and louder this time, the smile on his face growing.

"I'm in love with you." jisung continued. "I always have been, and I'm afraid to inform you that I always will be."

chenle giggled softly at jisung's words, lightly punching the younger's shoulder as he hid his face in the younger's neck and muttered out a few sentences himself.

"well, unfortunate for me because...I think---no, know that...I love you, too, park jisung."

"I'm in love with you, as well."

and at that given moment, jisung couldn't have been any happier than he was as he nuzzled his face into chenle's shoulder and enjoyed holding his best friend, who also happened to be his first and only love.


this shit is raising my standards for love- 😭💀
but then I realize that I'm the one writing these love stories, so technically these are my standards for love- 🤡
anygay, stan troye sivan, stan kang daniel, stan newjeans, stan hannah bahng, stan. talent.
I don't make the rules. 🤷💗

also, it's my last day of winter break 😭😭😭
fml bro 😭 I don't want to go back to that hell hole 😭😭😭

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