A Change

By Fknotkf

24.7K 965 114

This story is a little bit 'hot' hope you still like it^^ More



1.4K 62 4
By Fknotkf

Happy reading!!

For a while Khaotung and First became strangers again. Both of them were angry with each other with their respective arguments that happened in that room.
Let alone looking at each other like before, First rarely even saw Khaotung in his seat.
The two sometimes met in the cafeteria or in the parking lot, obviously at home First could more often see Khaotung playing with Khanapan's employed including Podd.

It had also been a week since Phayu had not come to school, probably resting at home after being beaten up by Podd.
On that day, First went to Phayu's residence and offered to take him to the hospital, but as Phayu angrily refused First decided to buy him some medicine, and asked Phayu's friends to look after him.

First saw Phayu with his friends going to the school warehouse, and for the first time Phayu didn't call him to go there.
Again, First didn't see Khaotung in the classroom or in his seat.
First got scared if Khaotung went to see Phayu this time.
But just as he was about to go to the school warehouse to make sure, the bell rang loudly signaling that class had started.


First's suspicions and worries about Khaotung were true.
The boy was seen smiling at Phayu and his friends in the schoolhouse.
Phayu seemed to be still angry with the new fact that Khaotung was apparently First's bodyguard, it was only fitting that he was often disturbed by Khaotung's presence every time he was about to go beat up First.

"What do you want?" Phayu asked.

Khaotung looked briefly at Phayu's arm. "I'm sure Podd is really planning to destroy your arm. Don't you feel grateful that I stopped him?"

"Why should I?"

"Because otherwise you wouldn't be a boxer in the future," Khao replied and smiled.

Khaotung then asked Phayu to stop bothering First for his gratitude.
Of course Phayu was angry to hear that, he immediately grabbed the collar of Khaotung's uniform then asked again in a loud voice why he needed to feel grateful if Khaotung, Podd, and First were the ones who made his life ruined.

"You also destroyed First, don't you think so?" Khaotung asked.


Khaotung then released Phayu's grip from the collar of his uniform. "You sulked so far at the First out of what? Your anger over your mother's death?"


"Which isn't even First himself the murderer, your mother died because she wanted to!"

One punch Phayu gave Khaotung, seemingly not satisfied Phayu immediately grabbed back the collar of Khaotung's uniform and hit him once more.
But for the third time, Khaotung held Phayu's wrist.

"How dare you say that my mother's death was not the cause of the First family."

"There, First family." Khaotung was glad that Phayu was not too stupid for him to discuss even with such violence.

"When you asked for his help, did you ever know how difficult it is to be a son of Khanapan?
How difficult it is to grant your request when even his request is difficult for Khanapan to grant?"

Khaotung then said that he was indeed First's bodyguard, but  First asked him not to do anything to Phayu, even stopping him when First was being beaten up.

"But what should I do? It's my duty as his bodyguard."

"What do you want to say exactly?" Phayu lost his temper, the voice he let out sounded louder and louder. Or maybe his imind had just been opened by Khaotung about  First, that here he was not the only one hurt by Khanapan.

"Stop taking out your anger over your parents' death on First. He is also grieving and asking me not to stop your actions is one form of his guilt."

Also, choosing to keep quiet and arguing with his father about Phayu bullying h was another action of First's to make up for the guilt of Phayu pressing h as the cause of his mother's death.

"I'm just like you, Phayu. I am the child of parents who owe Khanapan a debt. If I was just a stranger First wouldn't have accepted me. He's getting into trouble because I'm also his burden."

Phayu then paused, somehow everything Khaotung said sounded very true, especially when Khaotung mentioned that he was also the son of parents who borrowed money from Khanapan's business.

"Here, if you plan to blackmail him use this."

Phayu looked at some papers that Khaotung threw at hos chest.
They were some brochures about boxing lessons and also some small Muathai events.

"Because the best revenge is to show that you can slap Khanapan with your hard-earned money." Khaotung clapped his own hands then excused himself while not forgetting to ask Phayu to come to First for the boxing class registration fee.

"Stop being a bully too, asshole. Who do you think would make a bully a world champion."

Phayu and his friends were still staring at Khaotung's departure with his footsteps looking excited.


First still couldn't interact with Khaotung even though the boy suddenly came in the second hour of class, one lesson before the break bell rang.
The ignorant gaze had not been seen by First, but the smile on his face while sleeping made First look at him for quite a while. Moreover, this was the first time Khaotung chose to sleep without his back to him.

First realized that not only was he being pressured by Phayu and Khaotung, Khaotung was also being pressured by him and his father.
While First had to keep Khaotung as his bodyguard and Phayu as his bully because of his father's guilt, Khaotung also had to follow First and Khanapan's opposing orders.

At that time there were many students playing run around on the road between Khaotung's bench and First's bench.
It was quite chaotic until First decided to move his bench closer to prevent the kids from passing Khaotung's bench.

Khaotung was actually sleeping at the moment, he didn't see how First was trying to get him to sleep comfortably in a class that looked so crowded.
While First himself continued to study beside him.



When the break time rang, one of Phayu's friends came to the class and called him to meet Phayu.
First quickly packed his bag and left the class following Phayu's friend, leaving Khaotung who woke up to the sound of First's chair. He looked confused at the proximity of First's seat to his own.

"Did we just have group work?" He asked no one in particular.

First came to the warehouse where there was currently Phayu there, sitting between the boards with the paper Khaotung gave him this morning.

First looked happy that Phayu was better than the last time he had seen him, having been badly beaten by Podd.

"Come on, do it."

First even threw his bag on the ground, ready for Phayu to beat himbup.

"You've really been living as a loser," Phayu commented and handed First a paper brochure.

"What's this?"

"I want to study there, the cost is on you. I also need food and cigarettes."

First read the brochure first and then smiled happily. "You're finally willing to follow your dreams? Alright, I'll take care of everything for you."

Phayu looked touched by First's unexpected reaction, he still cared that much about the dream he had told him about.

"Aren't your friends going to go there?" First asked. One of them then said that they didn't have the money to go and learn boxing like Phayu.

"I'll pay for you guys. Phayu will be more excited if his friends are there too," First replied.

"And you? Aren't you going to sign up too?" Phayu asked.

"Huh? But I'm... No longer your friend, Phayu."


First looked happy since then, besides Phayu finally progressing with his dream she also started to think of First as her friend again. Tomorrow, First was invited by Phayu to take him to register for boxing training.

Phayu also told First about Khaotung, so now First doesn't stop looking at Khaotung in class or at home like this.

Currently, First was eating lunch at his dining table while watching Khaotung who was going back and forth on the first floor, sometimes running because he was being chased by some of his new friend's men.


Khaotung raised his head and looked at First.


"I don't feel like eating lunch today, do you want some?"

Without answering anything, Khaotung went straight up to the second floor and sat in front of First.

"Crazy, you don't like any of this?"

First just nodded and told Khaotung to finish it.
Khaotung loves to eat, it seems.
Whenever First saw him at home, Khaotung was always seen munching on food, maybe because he was also the youngest many of Khanapan's employedbtreated him like a baby who needed a lot of food to grow up fast.

"This sausage is the best, try it."

First transferred the fried sausage into Khaotung's rice plate, making the plate owner frown.

"You said you didn't like lunch today," Khaotung said and ate the recommended sausage.

"I'm sure you know what I mean," First retorted with an annoyed face.

"Instead of thanking me for making Phayu self-conscious you chose to make me really your garbage can?" Khaotung asked, sounding even more angry and annoyed.

"Then I'll throw it into a real trash can." Then, First tried to pull out the chopsticks held by Khaotung, but the owner was even more annoyed because all he wanted was for First to thank him properly.

The two then argued again as Khaotung forced First to thank him and First would agree as long as Khaotung stopped eating right now.
But, Khaotung wanted both. First's thanks and lunch.

Khaotung woke up early today, even though it was a holiday and he could have slept longer.
But Podd asked him to get up and help the others decorate the house.

"Tonight is Mrs. Khanapan's birthday party, which is great because we'll get lots of free alcohol. That means we can take tomorrow off from billing as one of the birthday celebrations."

Khaotung just nodded his head in understanding, then helped Podd and the others carry the decorations to the different rooms.

Khanapan's birthday party was usually so lively, there would be many people attending. It consisted of several business partners, other moneylenders and important colleagues.
First noticed his crowded house had become so crowded, don't know when he became fond of sitting at his private dining table to watch Khaotung.

"You had breakfast yet?"

Khaotung found First, who felt reacquainted with him and made small talk while pacing back and forth on his tasks.

"Still making it," First replied.

"I haven't," said Khaotung.

"Just go up later," First replied again.

"I put his guilt to good use," Khaotung murmured and went out of the house as Gawin called him.


Night was falling and several cars began to fill the parking lot. Normally, the celebration would last until the end. That is, even tomorrow morning if the guests still wanted to be here, the party would still be held.
At this early hour, the atmosphere would still be calm and elegant, just as Mrs. Khanapan wanted.

"You look strange in that," Khaotung said as he watched First descend the ornate steps. First was currently wearing a black suit without a tie, his hair neatly styled with light make-up that made his look much more mature.

"You look like a normal person," First replied to Khaotung who was again wearing Podd's large shirt.

"That jerk," Khaotung swore.

"Khao, want some?"

Khaotung turned his head to Podd who offered him a glass of alcohol. Khaotung shook his head, he didn't feel like drinking this early in the evening.
Khaotung was not yet at the age where he could touch alcohol, but what else could he do if his environment was so bad with his parents' mediocre parenting skills. So, it's not unusual for Khaotung to fall into the trap at an early age.


The party started to change after midnight, the quiet atmosphere was now a nightclub.
Noisy music with dim lights.
First began to not enjoy the party, he quietly left the party area while unbuttoning some of his shirts.
On the way, he found a table that had many bottles of alcohol, he casually took two bottles of alcohol and walked up the stairs.


First turned around and went downstairs to find Khaotung playing with his cell phone in the corner.

"Follow me," First ordered.

Khaotung looked at First's hands, smiled and walked after First while putting his cell phone in his pants pocket.

"You brought the most expensive drink," Khaotung whispered in First's ear.

For your information, First had already had a few glasses of alcohol while sitting next to his father waiting for his mother to make a speech.
So at the moment it could be said that he was a little drunk.
First didn't like noise, so he took Khaotung to the room where First and Khaotung had their first fight.

As soon as the door to the room was closed, the music seemed to be muffled.

"You see this," First said and showed Khaotung how he could uncork a bottle of alcohol without any tools.

"Uwooh, are you an expert?" Asked Khaotung, the bottle cap was successfully opened but the alcohol spurted a bit everywhere including First's shirt collar.

First then gave the bottle to Khaotung, while he was in the act of opening the second bottle.
Khaotung smiled as he leaned against the wall, this time his gaze returned to First's eyes.
Then, down to the face that was shiny with sweat as well as First's neck. Shiny with sweat as well as the alcohol.

"What are you looking at?" First asked and asked Khaotung to make a toast.

The two drank the alcohol with a glance at each other, even when the bottle was lowered the gaze didn't leave until finally First put the bottle away and pulled Khaotung by the scruff of the neck to devour the alcohol-flavored lips.

"We'll forget all about this in the morning," First said in a low voice with his forehead pressed together, his gaze turned lustful now.

Khaotung only smiled a little and then pulled back on First's nape and resumed the kiss as it became more intense.
Khaotung agreed to do this through body language. Right?
First took control of the hot kiss, pulled Khaotung's body and then pushed him towards the bed without letting go of those sweet lips.

The two did not know each other well, let's just say that the atmosphere and alcohol made the teenagers unable to control their lust.
The kiss went from lips to jaw, Khaotung flipped First's body until now the tall one was underneath him.
Khaotung was curious about the taste of First's neck which had the smell of alcohol and perfume.

"Khao," First called softly as he felt the ticklish but delicious taste of Khaotung's tongue licking and even sucking some spots on his neck.

First's hands weren't idle either, after being satisfied groping the narrow back, his hands began to descend to caress the two spongy nuggets down there.
While letting Khaotung enjoy his neck, First tried to undo the belt and zipper of the cloth pants Khaotung was wearing.

"Help me," First whispered.

Khaotung then moved his face away from First's neck first to lower his cloth pants whose zipper had already been lowered by First.
First then got up from his bed making Khaotung now sit on his lap wearing only white panties.

Khaotung once again tugged on First's nape, bringing the two hungry lips back together to bite and suck on each other.
First's hands now went to the buttons of Khaotung's shirt, undoing them until the narrow shoulders were exposed several times due to the oversized shirt on his slender body.

"Khaotung," First called in the bodyguard's ear, followed by a wet lick that went down to his jaw, making many marks there as a form of passionate nafus.

Khaotung seemed to surrender and enjoy when First's lips did not stop playing on his sensitive areas. Namely, the neck and ears.
Also, First's hands were very active down there. Squeezing her ass without getting tired and bored.

"It's not the first time, is it?" ask First raised hia head to look at Khaotung. "You look like an expert."

"What does it matter if you're not the first?" Khaotung asked back and pressed First's cock with his ass. "We will both enjoy each other."

Feeling like a gift when it wasn't his birthday, First immediately threw Khaotung on the bed and pinned him down.
Khaotung nervously waited for First who was trying to undo his belt.
However, perhaps in a hurry? First seemed to be struggling and Khaotung got up momentarily to help him.

"Fuck, what is that?"

Khaotung stared in horror at First's black panties that were poking out with a penis shaft that seemed to want to come out of its cage.

"You don't have the option to ask to stop," First ordered and pushed Khaotung back down on the bed.

The hot kiss returned, to make their sex drive even more uncontrollable.
Especially now that First was deliberately rubbing his own against Khaotung's, making clear liquid start to appear at the end of Khaotung's underwear.

"Firsth I..."

"I understand," First replied and then put his hand inside Khaotung's underwear.

Khaotung frowned slightly, not expecting the palm to feel cold, but warm in the end as First began to play with his penis.
First's lips were now starting to gravitate towards one of Khaotung's nipples, it looked Pink when seen this close.

"Firsthh," Khaotung sighed.

Looking so frustrated as his other two sensitive spots were being played with by First.
When he was about to close his legs, First would swiftly hold Khaotung's thighs open.

"Haaah... Aaah, don't bite that asshole." Khaotung grabbed First's hair as he began to feel more and more like he was dreaming, and First who knew that Khaotung was about to reach his first ejaculation immediately increased the speed of his hand in shaking Khaotung's penis.

"Haaah haaah haah, Firsth."

First saw how the white liquid soiled his palm, then he looked at Khaotung who looked exhausted.

"What are you doing?" Khaotung asked as the First lowered his panties further down, up to his ankles.

"What do you mean, of course I'm continuing."

Khaotung looked surprised. "B-aren't we just going to help each other jack off?"

First raised his eyebrows. "If it's just masturbation I don't need your help, idiot. I have the hands to do it myself."

Khaotung was about to run away but was immediately restrained by First. "You have to finish what you started."

"Fuck, I'm scared-mphh."

Khaotung's tirade was again muffled by First's hot kiss, although it seemed forced at first Khaotung ended up enjoying the kiss to the point of not noticing that First was currently preparing his cock for Khaotung's hole down there.


First time making 🔞🔞 on this account

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