Mr. Ex

By uwayabee

361K 10.9K 2.3K

Working with a famous idol group is probably every fan's dream job. Except when you find out one of the membe... More

1. Paths
2. Reunion
3. The Breakup
4. The Members
5. Forgiveness
6. Him & Her
7. Accident
8. Someone like Him
10. Fanmeeting
11. Jealousy
12. Ex
13. Argument
14. Pretty U
15. Glad
16. Displeased
17. Realization
18. Paris
19. Confession
20. Truth
21. Clarification
22. Scolded
23. Winter
24. Falling
25. Ego
26. Uncaged
27. Unspoken Words
28. Mr. Kim
29. Warning
30. 30 Days
31. Time Travel
32. Home
33. Talk
34. Watch Out
35. The Trio
36. If Only
37. His Home
38. Start Over
39. Together
40. Now & Forever
[100K Special] Mr. Boyfriend
[SEQUEL] Mr. Fiancé

9. Cresent Moon

9.2K 307 72
By uwayabee

Who would ever thought. Some time ago you were working in an office, behind your desk 8 hours a day, doing tedious paper work. Now you are in the middle of a crazy crowd, can't even avoid the crazy camera flash. Haneda Airport used to be peaceful when you came to Tokyo, but not now--not with the boys.

Choi PD decided to make a special episode in Tokyo, it's no coincidence that the group also has a fanmeeting schedule there. In order to be more comfortable, the crew and the agency have decided to extend their stay instead of going back and forth cross-country.

From the data reports you get on how each episode of the program goes, you know Seventeen is a very popular group. But you've seen it in real life--with your own eyes until you get to the airport. So many fans gathered, loud cheers resounding from all directions. You'd be lying if you said you weren't intimidated by it.

"So this is why you forced me to use wear this." You said to Vernon, pointing at the sunglasses he gave you earlier.

"Jeonghan said you have sensitive eyes so I thought it might help." He answered, waving to his fans.

"He did?" You glanced at Jeonghan who was already a few steps ahead with Joshua.

"Yes. Other members have also noticed how you overuse the eye drops." He pointed at his eyes, "Mine also often feel dry."

"Thanks, this really helps." You smiled.

Vernon also smiled in return before catching up with Jun and Minghao.

The spot on your right is again filled with Rena's presence. You've been feeling insecure lately with her around you. She looks like an idol with long wavy hair, tall figure, black leather jacket to match with boots that wrapped sexily around her ankles. You feel so basic, not to mention the scars you have on your forehead now.

"Isn't that the woman who was seen going on a date with Jeonghan the other day?"

You hear some of the fans asking each other rather loudly in the crowd, some even taking pictures of Rena.

"You're right! That must be her!"

"Are they wearing matching outfits? Both are wearing leather jacket."

Hearing that you didn't realize you immediately looked at Jeonghan. It's true that Jeonghan was also wearing a black leather jacket. His hair was tied into a short ponytail--which you think look very good on him.

"You sure that's her? Not the girl next to her?"

"Which one? That one? I don't think so, besides she's not as pretty."

"True, true. Jeonghan's type must be the leather jacket girl."

You're not sure who could hear that just now, what's clear is that you can hear every word and intonation clearly. which does not please you.

"Honestly she's pretty too, too bad she has that scar. Scars are not girl's best friend."

You force yourself to laugh when PD Na cracks a joke—she doesn't seem to notice what the fans are saying. You hope that no one else is aware about it too. You feel very embarrassed to be talked about like that. It feels suffocating because it's impossible for you to blame the child you rescued. You believe you did the right thing--it's just that you feel unfair because the karma you get is not good.

You slowed down your pace, letting Rena walk in front of you. When you lower your head--wanting to hide the wound behind your loose hair, you feel someone gently grip your the back of your head, then raise your head again. Seungcheol pats your head gently from the left side. He shook his head, forbidding you to look that miserable.

"Chin up." He said.

"Why the long face?" Wonwoo joined in on your right.

"I don't remember having such a gloomy PD like you. Are you new here?" Mingyu casually shaking your shoulders back and forth.

"I'm okay, you guys go ahead. The van is ready." You lied.

"My feet hurts, I don't feel like walking that fast." Wonwoo shrugs.

"Right, yesterday's practice was crazy. I need a piggy back ride." Added Mingyu.

"Do you want me to die that quickly?" You hit his arm playfully when he put more pressure on your shoulder.

"Honestly," Seungcheol joined in with a more serious tone, "You can be the greatest person on the planet and people will still point out your smallest weaknesses."

Wonwoo nodded in agreement, "Yeah, so don't bother wasting your time reacting to negativity. Life is too short for that."

"Just think about the fun we'll have while filming later. Great food-"

"Who says it's gonna be good?" You cut Mingyu off, already in a mood for some joke, "I mean, it's October.."

Seungcheol and Mingyu looked at each other, asking each other through their eyes. Only Wonwoo managed to decipher the meaning of what you just said. He chuckled--instantly attracting the attention of the other two.

"It's halloween month." Wonwoo confidently said.

"Damn it." Seungchol groaned--the memory of the month of Halloween that he had been through for years came to him.

You know he's one of the most coward members. His charisma when he gave you an advice earlier immediately fades--replaced with his cowardice. Meanwhile Mingyu looks so disappointed and betrayed that you can't hold back your laughter after seeing his expression.

Hearing the commotion behind, Jeonghan looked over his shoulder and saw you surrounded by the others. He was already in front of the van door, several members and PD had entered, only he was left. The other members who are still behind will get into the second van behind.

"Han? Hurry up and get in." Rena called from the front seat.

"Huh? Oh, right." Jeonghan filled the back seat right next to the van door.

Before the door closed, he still saw you laughing happily. He almost forgets the way you smile when you really laugh your head off. Now that he's witnessed it again in person, he's both stunned also relieved to see that the thing he loves most about your smile is still the same--your crescent-shaped eyes.

"Do you guys want to stop by a restaurant first or go straight to the hotel?" Asked Rena.

"Hotel, please." Dino answered with a big yawn.

"I prefer a bath and a bed over foods right now." Dokyeom added.

"Okay, then I'll ask for food to be delivered to your rooms later." Rena gave an okay sign then sent a message to the crew and manager's group chat.

On the way to the hotel, Jeonghan absentmindedly looked out the window. One by one the passengers began to fall asleep, only Jeonghan and Joshua were still awake. They spoke intermittently in low voices, not wanting to wake the younger members.

"Whoa, some people are really mean." Joshua whispered but still loud enough for Jeonghan who sat next to him to hear.

"Mm? Who, what happened?" Jeonghan leaned back in his chair.

"Seungcheol said some people talk shit about Y/N."

Jeonghan raised a brow, "When?"

"Earlier at the airport."

"Why?" Jeonghan asked again while taking Joshua's phone that was given to him.

Joshua pointed to his forehead, then to his phone. Jeonghan scrolled up the Seventeen group chat, reading the messages that came from the members in the other van one by one.

Seungkwan was the first to start the conversation. He uses a sad face emoji while letting others know that he overheard people talking shit about you, also asking if anyone else knew about it. Responded by the trio that was there with you--Seungcheol, Mingyu and Wonwoo.

"She cried?" Jeonghan asked Joshua.

Joshua shrugged while shaking his head, "They said so but I don't know. I was with you."

"Right, I forget." Jeonghan handed the phone back to Joshua.

The conversation died down after that. Jeonghan looked out the window again, his expression not as peaceful as before. Joshua was about to talk to him again but seeing Jeonghan's expression, he discouraged his intention. He knew Jeonghan was in a bad mood.

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