The Bennett Witch

By KassidyHunter2844

443K 18K 1.2K

They said falling in love is beautiful; the person I loved killed me. To my surprise, I was reborn as Bonnie... More

The Bennett Coven
Good News
I'm concerned


4K 171 6
By KassidyHunter2844

Klaus groaned as he was woken up by his mates both seemed incredibly upset and annoyed, Bonnie's hair was hidden under the silk bonnet he had bought her. Her eyes had changed no longer were they the subtle gold, the whites in her eyes were black and her pupils turned red the magic in her manifested in her making it look like flames were burning in her eyes, even her pupils had changed shape. With the black and gold veins under her eyes and sharp sets of canines, she was a beautiful sight for the two men.

The long wolf-like claws did not bother them as they admired her, Klaus was wide awake now running his hands over the veins before placing soft kisses on her face "You are a goddess luv, absolutely mesmerizing a true beauty". Kai nodded along before remembering what had caused Bonnie's distress and anger "The Salvatore brothers, they attacked Nazneen and Matt at the grill. Matt is hurt"

A loud growl echoed through the house as both men felt their faces change in response to their mate's anger. Klaus let go of Bonnie and made his way to the main foyer, he was greeted by the sight of a tired Nazneen leaning against Adaliah with tears in her eyes. Jeremy was pacing back and forth as Shelia and Nia examined Matt with worried expressions before the two elder witches looked at the coven leader behind her mate and observed the scene as she silently fumed.

"A coven did this, they had the help of an entire coven" There was an eerie silence even the wind seemed to pause as both Caroline and Bonnie gave a small head tilt. What bothered Nia was that it was completely in sync both women were in their true forms removing the illusion that they were human. Both women turned to the door almost considering what they would do. Caroline walked over to Matt and siphoned the foreign magical stain. Her large wings had long shown themselves revealing how truly angered the blonde was.

Before anyone could comment Bonnie spoke "That coven is ours" She turned to Klaus "You want Stefan Salvatore then take him but keep him on a leash or else I will kill him" The man could not even respond as both his mate and sister-in-law vanished. Shelia clicked her tongue before turning to Kai "I need you to get Elijah I need vampire blood" The man quickly rushed to wake up his brother. While Klaus stared at Matt his eyes were still on display before he also left the house. Adaliah turned to Jeremy and the two helped get Nazneen to her room as the younger witch had used a lot of magic to protect herself and her boyfriend. No matter how strong a Bennett Nazneen was young and attacked not long after a large ritual any witch would know that was an easy target. Especially to a coven and vampires working in tandem.

As the others attempted to save Matt's life, two of the most powerful creatures in the world appeared in Salvatore's house. The Save Elena gang consisted of Damon, Stefan, Tiki, Alaric and a vampire whom Bonnie quickly identified as Anna. But they did not care about them they cared about the group of witches and warlocks that Elena was thanking. Caroline started laughing as she recognised the coven "So the Gemini coven has grown a backbone and lost brain cells" At her words the room froze as many suddenly became aware of their presence.

What freaked them out was Bonnie who just stayed silent before she appeared right behind Kai's father "You attacked what is mine" the man paled and tried to get up from his seat only for Bonnie to lift the man in the air by his throat. "You dare touch death's chosen coven" As her words dawned on the coven, they all tried to run however Both tribrids were prepared without a second thought she snapped the man's neck, before lighting his body on fire her flames a bright gold dooming him to hell.

The rest of the Gemini coven could not move as their coven leader burned; their eyes drifted from Bonnie to Caroline who was draining the magic of two of their members. Bonnie smirked as Caroline continued to drain them even after their magic was gone. This was the true reason many feared siphoner- witches. They could drain a supernatural being's life force with little effort and the act while seen as dark did not bother the Bennetts one bit. The Save Elena gang was frozen in fear as the two women destroyed the Gemini Coven without any hesitation. Bonnie turned to look at them and gave a cruel snakelike smile.

"Monster" Elene whispered as she stumbled back in fear the rest of the group backed away in horror as Bonnie walked over to them "Yes, I'm a monster one that will hunt you to the ends of the earth just to get my pound in flesh. My mate may be The Original Hybrid but I am the things your worst fears and nightmares are made of, I am the beast in the shadows." Her eyes glowed as she spoke "The true boogeyman, remember that the next time you attack me and mine" She gave them a wide grin before stepping back towards a waiting Caroline and the two women melted into the shadows as if they were never there.

Leaving the corpses of the members of the Gemini Coven behind. The horrified group did not get a chance to recover from the shock and terror of the scene they witnessed before Elena let out a loud scream before she disappeared. Damon and Stefan were absolutely lost for words and scared out of their minds. Both men sat processing what had happened too petrified to move an inch.


Matt woke up an hour after Bonnie and Caroline returned both now calm and pleased as they had gotten their vengeance. Adaliah stood on the steps watching as the two made their way to Matt's room her magic churned inside her as she felt the influx of power spread through their coven. A sadistic grin appeared on her face as she realised what the two had done. The famed Gemini coven's magic was now there's a nice little boost to their already powerful line. It was a fair trade for their lives after all they had attacked members of her family. She turned when she heard Nazneen's door open and the girl walked out clinging to the wall for support "Matt" Adaliah nodded and helped her sister to her boyfriend's room.

Matt was sitting up in bed talking to Bonnie who sat in a chair with an incredibly high back, Caroline stood on her right as the two talked her blue eyes were filled with relief. She glanced at the door when it opened and smiled upon seeing the two girls before worry filled her face. "Nazneen why are you standing?" the younger witch looked at Caroline and then at Matt the woman needed no verbal answer she quickly picked Nazneen up and placed her on Matt's bed.

Bonnie observed as her younger cousin cuddled with Matt, before relaxing and falling asleep. She looked at Matt "Would you take me up on my offer now?" Adaliah's head whipped to her coven leader "What offer!" the girl immediately fixed her tone at Bonnie's dark glare. This was not something offered by a friend or family member but by the head of the coven Adaliah lowered her head "My apologies High Sorceress" Bonnie nodded and looked back to Matt who was smiling ruefully "After what happened today, I would be a fool not to take it, but I would like Jeremy to join me".

Bonnie nodded and rose to her feet "So be it, Adaliah come with me". The three witches walked out of the room leaving Matt to rest. They walked through the halls of the haven and into Bonnie's personal study. Adaliah had never visited her eyes took in the room with dark woods and shelved walls filled with grimoires. 

A large tapestry of the members of their coven was against one of the walls showing the history of their coven. Bonnie sat down in her chair and gestured for her cousin to take a seat. "You are one of my closest advisors, you turned down the decision to be the vice-leader of our coven and instead pushed Caroline to take it" There was a pause "Instead I made you both my co-leaders you are both to step up if I am ever not present." 

Adaliah nodded as she understood her cousin's intentions quite clearly. Bonnie stared deep into her eyes before nodding with approval "Grams will always be the elder and historian of our coven, just like Nia will always be our Sage" Suddenly Adaliah began to understand what was being said and realised that as the coven grew their magic pushed for the hierarchy to be formed, she was the only one not listening to her magic. With a deep breath, she accepted the hierarchy and her place in it. Suddenly she felt much lighter and smiled before looking at Caroline who now also was smiling back at her.

Bonnie now no longer feeling the resistance spoke "Matt just agreed to the protector ritual" Adaliah felt her heart stop. Protectors the immortal defenders of a coven said to only die when the coven was truly removed from the earth with no chance of returning. 

"Jeremy also agreed to do it so that he would never have to leave us" Her heartbeat seemed to pound in her ears as she heard these words. "We are already bonded to each other" Adaliah whispered Bonnie frowned for a minute before she understood "Your virginity, you soul tied yourself to him" When Adaliah nodded Bonnie seemed to be considering the effects "You will end up getting the same abilities of a protector but not the duty of one".

Adaliah nodded and looked at the ground invulnerable with super strength and speed those were the whispers of protectors they unlike hunters never went looking for their prey. Their prey came to them. Just one problem most protectors ended up being near elemental. Adaliah was a water elemental but Jeremy would not be in other words she would need to be prepared to handle another element.

"We will do the ritual the night before we leave for our trip, in that time Ada I expect you to step up and be ready" Adaliah no knew how Bonnie felt about having to watch her mate do a ritual and not being able to speak against it cause it was what they truly desired. The girl nodded and got up to leave but Bonnie had one more thing to say "It will be all right, the feeling gets better over time. I promise you Ada he will not die" She met her cousins resolute and determined gaze before giving a small smile "I'll hold you to that Bon"

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