Bad Kids

By cloud_stormy39

12.8K 331 133

It's been years since the Sonic gang has truly come together to talk and see one another. Since then, there h... More

Helpful Guide
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74

Chapter 75

144 5 5
By cloud_stormy39

~ 1 year later ~

Well, in short terms, I guess you can say we fixed everything. My dad and Sonic worked together to tear down the old buildings in Dark Side and rebuild them to be better. Tails, Espio, Vector, and Charmy managed to put everything together again. Seeing that they struggled still, they brought in their natural experts to deal with those who were still trying to get used to the fact that we all lived together now.

Rouge and Tangle were really good at doing that. Both of them were able to comfort those around them. Everyone else worked together to build our two towns together for good. I also helped my dad out with making decisions on things we wished we had growing up. It was only getting more promising. The museum even had to be extended. Buildings, homes, jobs, and families doubled in size. I mean seriously, I haven't seen anything like this in forever. It brought a major smile to my face, which, I'm still getting used to that, to be honest.

As for Eggman, he did some community service. I could tell it was rough on him. Though I was a bit mad, I could see where he was coming from after everything we'd been through in life. Once he completed those hours, we brought Nick in to help him deal with his stress. Even my dad worked with him. He's got a long way to go. At least he's doing better.

My friends and I are getting along really well too. We help the younger kids from both ends of the town learn how to do good. Also helping them to move on from their bad actions and to be better than we ever were when we were their age. Easier said than done, I'll admit that! Still, I don't regret it. It gave me time to grow a heart and learn that many in Dark Side actually did have it harder than me. Who would've thought? Not to mention it forced Fade to be nicer to everyone in general. She'll never admit it but she officially has a soft side for kids.

For our parents though, things went on as usual. Well, except for a few changes obliviously. Rouge and Captain Knuckles apparently had a bet that they never forgot. Even though they were only supposed to date for one month, oh boy, that lasted longer than that. Misty and Diamond spilled all the tea about those two, telling us they're getting deep into a relationship. At some point, they even talked about marriage. Seems pretty average but I'm surprised Knuckles is able to catch someone like Rouge. She's hard to tame after all.

Hypno even told me about Scourge. I didn't know Scourge was capable of romance but I guess anything's possible. There was a bit of tea about it though, Fade got mad when she heard her dad and a security guard were seeing each other. We had to calm her down but we knew she was just hurt at the end of the day. But Fade came around as she always does, giving this dude Manic a chance. He was actually really nice considering all the shit Scourge threw in his direction, literally and figuratively. It's still solid, I won't lie. Fade's even shipping it now.

Smoke told me his dad has been acting strange too. But not in a bad way. More of an "I've never seen him this way" sort of situation. He said whenever he's with Blizzard's dad, he acts differently. "Like a nice different that creeps me out sometimes." he explains. I love him but I swear he's oblivious occasionally. If I'm not wrong, Mephiles might actually have a thing for Blizzard's dad. Not sure how Blizzard feels about that though. Oh well, Smoke won't even care knowing him, as long as he doesn't get kicked out any time soon.

Mystic one day though came to me sort of hurt. He told me that Infinite was thinking about starting a new relationship. And it was with that red wolf. The same red wolf whose dad insulted us and our parents. I can see why he was upset. I got him and Astro to talk about it though. I figured there they could sort out their issues. Which, turns out that Astro is someone really good to talk to if you need someone. Mystic had a lot of shit I didn't even know about. Now he's accepting the fact but I'll admit it was hard on him initially. Now they're more than happy to be one big happy family. Even Lightning and Ivy took a liking to the red wolf.

Now for our friends, we were able to add our ideas to make Dark Side a livable place for everyone involved. Dark Side definitely wasn't ready to get along entirely with Mobius but at least they're trying.

Diamond, Fade, Smoke, and Mystic are still in a healthy relationship with Hunter, Catrina, Finn, and Ruby. They had their moments and some of them held a grudge but they happened to move past it. Even if it took a bunch of food bribes to get Smoke to budge. The rest of our friends though seemed to be happy just growing up. Many just wanted to live in peace after everything we'd been through. Honestly, it was something everything could agree on for once.

As for me, I'm doing just fine. I'm officially Blizzard's fiance. He proposed to me in our secret place, making it very romantic. I'll admit, I fell hard for him. He did save my life after all. Dad wasn't happy about it though. I made him get used to it, for the sake of both our sanities. Eventually, my Dad accepted him, not that he had much of a choice. I love Blizzard. He means the world. I love my family on both ends. Mobian and Dark Side. I wouldn't want it any other way. And thankfully, neither does anyone else.

"Night!" I turned to see Smoke standing there by the doorway of Blizzard and my room. "C'mon! You're getting married dammit!" he snapped at me. I did a small twirl in my dress. "Now now! I'm not in any rush! I'll take my damn time thank you!" I declared. "Whatever! I only came for the dessert anyway."

I walked over and smacked him with my bouquet. "I know you're lying," I scolded. "Of course, I'm lying! You're my best friend, obviously, I'm here for you!" I walked towards him, grabbing his arm carefully. "Ready?" I asked him. He shrugged. "More than your dad is." he replied jokingly.

We began walking out and near the venue's door where we were getting married. We took a pause and Smoke was making sure I was truly ready. Before we walked in, he turned to me. "Hey Night," he began. I cocked my head to the side. "Thanks. For everything. You're the best friend I've ever had. Don't ever forget that!" I smiled brightly. "Thanks... You too. I'll always be here. And now that it's all over, so will everyone else. Let's go break the chains of history shall we?"

Smoke nodded and we began to move forward.

Onto the future. The future we built together as one. I guess sometimes it does take a few Bad Kids to fix everything. 


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