Bloodline (Supernatural)

By arrow_to_the_heart

9.2K 575 253

[AU] "You can't choose your family." ----------------------------------------- Willa Routh ne... More

Prepare Yourselves...
Introducing | Cast
Bunker Mix | Playlist
1 - High School Life
2 - Homecoming
3 - 'Who're You and Your Merry Band of Weirdos?'
4 - The Lair
5 - 'It's a Puzzle.'
6 - Fresh Air Won't Kill, But a Demon Could
7 - Better Than Books
8 - No More Wasting Time
9 - Live Bait
10 - Rumor Has It
11 - 'What's Wrong With Me?'
11.5 - Put to Rest
12 - The Halfway Home for Wayward Girls
13 - A Game of Monopoly
14 - The Missing Piece of the Family Tree
15 - The Elephant
16 - 'I Need to Go Home.'
17 - The Tail
19 - Family Matters
20 - Dinner, Childhood Pictures, and a Storm
21 - Hell's Newest Resident
22 - A Change in Routine
23 - Another 'Fun' Playdate
24 - Spiraling
25 - No More Solitary
26 - 'Change of Pace.'
27 - Reality Bites
28 - 'Stage is Yours, Wills.'
29 - A Win-Win Deal
30 - No Better Way
31 - Moving Up the Timetable
32 - The Truth Comes Out
33 - 'Hell Can Break the Best of Us.'
34 - 'So...This is Where the Magic Happens.'
35 - Delusions in Detox
36 - 'We're in the Thick of it Now, Aren't We?'
37 - A Few More Days in the Bunker
38 - A Permanent Out
Ending Author's Note

18 - One More Source

129 13 3
By arrow_to_the_heart

          "If anything's sketchy or goes south, we're right here," says Dean.

I nod, looking towards the familiar porch and door. I exhale loudly. All this time I've been away... I don't know what kind of condition my mom will be in.

As though I'm a stranger begging for scraps, I timidly get out of the idle Impala. I take the slow walk up to the door. At least she's home, the car indicates that much. She didn't make any irrational decisions like sell the house and move because of me.

My first knock is muted, but I regain myself and knock louder. I bounce on my feet as I wait.

Maybe she thinks I'm a cop to deliver the worst news of her life. Oh no, what if she doesn't answer the door? What if that means something else, that something is wrong? That demons—

My rapid thoughts vanish the second the door begins to move. I lock eyes with Laura Routh, and my god have I ever felt so happy to see her. Tears well in my eyes.

I'm not sure if I should say something or let her have the first word.

No first word is needed; Mom takes action and pulls me in for a long hug. I keep it together though my body shakes. How I missed her touch.

If Mom hugs me any tighter, she may just kill me before I can explain myself.

"I thought you were dead!" she screeches at me.

Yup, there it is. As expected. Totally deserve that one. "I know, I know," I blubber. "I'm sorry. I swear I didn't run away."

"Y-you didn't?" She moves hair out of my face. "I thought...I wondered what I could've said to make you want to leave..."

"I'm sorry I got you in that mindset. I left for a good reason. I didn't want to, but circumstances kind of forced me to."

"Then where did you go, Willa?"

"It's an interesting story." I swallow.

"Where was your phone?"

"Lost in the disaster at Homecoming." My lips dip slightly. "And judging by that question I guess it hasn't been returned to you." My luck someone has claimed it as their own and is doing weird and criminal shit with it. "You did know about Homecoming, right?"

"I was there; I tried to find you. Willa, the lights, the cops, the all sent me into a panic. I called the precinct, they said they didn't know about anyone by your name. I tried all the local hospitals, nobody had seen or heard about you. You'd just...disappeared. I filed a missing person's report! If you were gone much longer..."

"Well, cancel that ABP, because I'm here." Not for very long, though I wish. "I, um, brought along with me."


"They drove me here. Before you freak out, they're not murderers or drug addicts." I turn towards the Impala and gesture for Sam and Dean to cut the engine and get out. "They knew I was in danger, so they took me to the only safe place that they knew: a hidden bunker in Kansas."

"Kansas?" If it's even possible, her eyes widen more. "Did you know these guys?"

"No...but I've grown to know them."

"And they weren't cops?"

"No." I hear the heavy footfalls approaching.

I sidestep out of the way, seeing that only Sam has approached. Dean remains by the Impala, keeping a good distance but a close eye. My eyes bounce between Mom and Sam, waiting for some sort of intense reaction.

I notice the change on her face first: the recognition, the shock.

"I know you know who that is, Mom," I say quietly.

She looks at me for an explanation. "What have you gotten yourself into, Willa?"

"Something that is very complicated," I say calmly. I motion Sam forward. "I know my explanation won't be enough. His might be."

Mom's mouth flaps open and closed, but no words squeak out. I can see the cogs in her mind stuttering.

"We've got a lot to talk about," I cut in, looking down. "And I mean a lot."

For a second, I think Mom won't let him in. But after a time, she concedes, stepping away. Sam follows her, and I gesture for Dean to come inside as well. I don't want to have Finn 2.0 catching him alone outside.

I feel like a stranger in my own home. I can't imagine how lonely Mom got, how worried sick.

"These are your digs, huh, Wills?" asks Dean as he gets inside. "Small place."

"It's just the two of us," I say. "No need for big spaces if it's all gonna get dusty and unused." As he starts into the kitchen, where Sam and Mom are, I stop him. "This is something they need to do on their own."

"Is this your way of accepting...?"

"It solidifies my decision." I wander around the living room. "I can't call him 'Dad', Dean. Just like I can't call you 'Uncle'. It doesn't feel right."

"I know where your head is at with this,'ll break her heart when you tell her you're not coming home anytime soon. She thought you were dead, and now you've walked back into her life, ready to walk back out again."

"Can't we just take her with us?"

"Could you really ask her to up and leave everything she knows?"

"You guys did to me," I point out.

"Demons aren't hunting your mom because of her blood."

My ears tune into the kitchen, listening to Sam and Mom.

"I knew you guys moved around so much...but I would've never thought hunting monsters would be the reason why," says Mom softly.

"She's taking that awfully well," I mutter to myself. Any sane person would be thinking up any reason possible to deny that monsters exist. Hell, I did. But my case was a little different.

"You didn't explain it to me. I never even got a goodbye from you!" she exclaims.

"I-I know. If I had had the time, I would've made the effort," says Sam. "If I had known..."

"I didn't find out I was having her until after you were long gone. I had no way to let you know you were going to be a dad so young. I had to be a single mom. Thankfully my parents helped out, but Willa grew up without her dad."

"There's no way I can make up for pain I never intended to cause."

"Everything you told me, about's true?"

"Every word. She wanted to come back so you knew she was okay. She was very insistent."

"Is she okay, with this new burden that's on her shoulders? I mean, you pulled her into this mess!"

"Not directly, or intentionally!" Sam exclaims.

"She's hunting, Sam!"

"Not much. Most of the time she's in the bunker doing research."

"You're missing the point."

"We didn't force her to do any of it; she took it upon herself. We only gave her shelter and protection from demons until we could figure out the big picture. We tried to steer her away from taking up arms, we really did."

"Glad to know that stubbornness she gets from you. I don't believe this; you're enabling her to fight a fight that isn't even hers!"

"Do you want to make a run with me?" asks Dean, cutting me from my eavesdropping.

"A run to where?" I ask in return.

"Somewhere. Anywhere that doesn't involve us hearing the two former flames bicker. Let's just hope when we come back the house isn't in pieces or we don't catch know."

"Ew." I wrinkle my nose.

Dean chuckles. "You say that now, but, kiddo, one day you're going to want that with somebody. Heck, some kids your age probably have already lost their virginity. Judging by your reaction, you haven't."

"I am not having this discussion with you." I step into the kitchen to still see Mom and Sam bickering. "Guys, guys!" I cut in. "We can talk this out like adults. You're grown, you're capable of a civilized conversation."

My interruption has caught them both off guard. Both give me surprised looks, as though they're amazed I have the audacity to get between them.

"Look, Dean and I are running out to grab some food. You two in the meantime will calmly and rationally talk things out."

I capitalize on the moment and make a hasty retreat, leaving Dean in the dust.

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