roommates | nct ot23 (markhyu...

By adilqvsu

7.9K 533 1.1K

a school trip to the middle of nowhere, stuck with a bunch of strangers you don't even know, forced to be roo... More

character introduction (1)
character introduction (2)
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty-three
chapter twenty-four
chapter twenty-five
chapter twenty-six
chapter twenty-seven
chapter twenty-eight
chapter twenty-nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty-one
chapter thirty-two
chapter thirty-three
chapter thirty-four
chapter thirty-five
chapter thirty-six
chapter thirty-seven
chapter thirty-eight
chapter thirty-nine
chapter forty
chapter forty-one
chapter forty-two
chapter forty-three
chapter forty-four
chapter forty-five
chapter forty-six
chapter forty-seven
chapter forty-eight
chapter forty-nine
chapter fifty
chapter fifty-one
chapter fifty-two
chapter fifty-three
chapter fifty-four
chapter fifty-five
chapter fifty-six

chapter twenty

135 10 34
By adilqvsu

"are you sure you wanna go in there?" taeyong quietly questioned as he and donghyuck walked out of his cabin, johnny and jaehyun not too far behind.

it was currently 7:30 in the morning, and unlike the previous day, most of the group was already outside.

"well, you're going to be there, yeah?" donghyuck looked up at taeyong and questioned.

"then? what do I have to worry about? I mean, unless you're out to get me, too?"

the two chuckled softly as they trudged their way over to hyuck's cabin.

"morning, hyuckie! morning, hyung!" shotaro happily piped up as he and sungchan passed the two boys.

"good morning, shotaro." taeyong smiled softly at the younger as donghyuck stopped to converse with sungchan a little.

"get off me!!" kun groaned as he tried to shake a very clingy yangyang off his figure.

"I knew we shouldn't have watched that fucking movie-" ten sighed.

"you were the one who suggested it??!?" yangyang screeched.

"well, I don't get why you're scared! you literally watched it before!"
"shut up! at least I'm not scared of fruits!"

yangyang screeched again as ten took off his shoe and chucked it in yangyang's direction.

kun shook his head as he pried the younger off him and walked away to go find chenle, leaving yangyang alone with a very annoyed ten.

"anyway..." hyuck blinked before turning back around. "let's go before I have to show up to breakfast looking like a mess."

taeyong playfully rolled his eyes before pushing hyuck in the direction of his cabin.

the closer the two got, the more prominent and heavy the pit in donghyuck's stomach got.

'this is like the first day here all over again..' donghyuck grumbled at the thought.

"you'll be fine, okay?" taeyong reassured when he noticed the younger's tense figure. "just stay close to me."

"oh, yeah, because that'll definitely help me." donghyuck playfully rolled his eyes and teased.

"you're lucky I care for you or else I would've slapped the brat out of you years ago." taeyong rolled his eyes as the two entered the cabin.

"lee donghyuck-!!"
"I'm kidding!!!...or am I-?"
"istg (istj)- donghyuck-!!!"


"mark, get your lazy ass u- oh.." taeyong didn't get the chance to finish his sentence because the second he slammed open the bedroom door, mark was already in bed, ready, scrolling through his phone.

mark deadpanned as he looked up from his phone. "good morning to you, too, dumbfuck."

taeyong scoffed but still entered the room, donghyuck entering seconds after him.

mark eyed the youngest of the three for a split second (or so he thought. it was more like an eternity) and immediately felt a surge of jealousy and anger rush through his veins.

mark knew why he was angry. I mean, it's donghyuck, after all. the day he didn't get angry at the sight of the younger would be never. even if they both died and went to hell, he'd still get angry whenever he saw the younger (or so he thinks).

but jealousy...

mark couldn't understand if he was jealous because donghyuck was so freely and comfortably hanging out with mark's best friends, or if he was jealous because donghyuck was so freely and comfortably hanging out with mark's best friends and never acted that way around mark himself.

that's when mark noticed what the younger was wearing, and his jealousy only spiked.

"calm down before I slap the anger out of you." taeyong leaned down and whispered near mark's ear, carefully eyeing the younger tan male who was picking some clothes out of the closet.

"also, he's staying at my cabin for a few more days until doyoung stops being stubborn and apologizes, or until he gets sick and tired of constantly walking back here every morning, so don't be alarmed or worried." taeyong pointed out as he sat down on mark's bed.

mark scoffed. "me? alarmed or worried for him? hyung, who do you think I am?"

taeyong rolled his eyes before he laid back, sick of the younger blue-haired male's attitude.

"I'm just telling you to tell you so that you know." he shrugged.

"yeah..whatever." mark grumbled as he turned his attention back to his phone.

taeyong sighed before resting his eyes for a little while as he waited for donghyuck to finish getting ready.


"hyung, wake up!" donghyuck screeched as he exited the bathroom, making taeyong jump in his place as he woke up from his little nap while mark felt his soul leave his body.

"hyuck, what the fuck??!?" taeyong sighed as he clutched his chest.

"well it got you up, no?" hyuck smugly shrugged as he skipped out of the room.

not before either of the two got a good look at what he was wearing.

(minus the mask)

"it took him 30 minutes to wear just that??" taeyong scoffed.

"it's lee donghyuck. he probably took his time on purpose." mark rolled his eyes as he got out from bed and walked out of the room.

taeyong stood frozen for a few seconds before sighing and shaking his head, following the two younger males out of the room.


"capture the flag?? seriously??" donghyuck deadpanned as he looked at irene with the most judgmental look ever.

"I'm sorry, what are we??? little kids???" donghyuck rolled his eyes.

"you sure act like one." donghyuck scoffed at doyoung's words.

"both of you, shut up!" irene shouted, not wanting another incident like yestoday to break out. only this time she feared it might've ended up worse if she didn't stop it before it even started.

it was day two, and irene had planned for both the two sections of her group to get to know each other better, so she had two major activities planned out.

at least two rounds of capture the flag
2. let the two sections talk as they waited for lunch + a little bit after lunch
3. having a baking session with random groups of 3-5 and eat the food after dinner

"irene!" irene turned around to see seulgi approaching her with the other half of her group (aka, forest section).

"okay! now that we're all here," irene announced as she turned around to face her own group (aka, waterfall section). "we already gave you a rundown of what's happening, so lets get into our groups and onto the field!"

most of the students groaned while other quietly but reluctantly agreed and did what she said.


three rounds of capture the flag later (the first two games ended up as a tie, so the third round was a tiebreaker), most (if not all) of the students were starting to have a lot of fun.

irene blew the whistle after jaehyun grabbed the other teams flag and dashed it to hendery, who then brought it back to their team's side of the field.

"green team wins!" irene happily jumped and announced, making the green team (our neos) cheer in excitement while the other team collapsed in exhaustion and groaned, but still laughed through the entire process.

"now you owe me 20 bucks." irene turned to seulgi and smirked.

seulgi simply just playfully rolled her eyes before walking away.

"goddamn, I have never been that competitive in my entire life." jaehyun sighed as he panted for some air.

"my legs feel like jelly." renjun whined and tried not to collapse onto the ground (he had to do the most running, surprisingly).

"I'm straight chilling." chenle shrugged as he was laying on the ground, his head on jisung's lap (as per usual).

"first of all, never fucking say that ever again, you disgrace to society." donghyuck scrunched up his face in disgust.

"second, nothing about you is straight." winwin stated as he finished for the younger purple-haired male.

"aside for maybe your grades. I still refuse to believe you got straight A's in all your subjects with a percentage over 100!" jisung whined and bitterly stated with a small pout, clearly jealous of the older's success.

chenle giggled as he reached his hand up to pinch the younger's lips.

"you're so cute!!" the older squealed, and the action plus his words made jisung flush all shades of red.

hyuck deadpanned at the two before faking a gagging sound.

"get a fucking room, you two! some of us are single, you know!" donghyuck rolled his eyes as he leaned back to rest on winwin's shoulder.

chenle immediately shot up from his laying position as jisung froze before making an 'x' with his arms.

"no, no, no! we're not dating!" he panicked and said.

"we're both single like you, asshat!" chenle blushed as he smacked the purple-haired boy's knee.

"yeah, keep telling yourself that." donghyuck muttered and rolled his eyes before standing up. "you two sure act like a couple."

jisung flushed even more as he turned to chenle. "is that true??"

he then turned to winwin who was watching the whole thing unfold with wide, amused eyes. "is that true???"

winwin smirked and shrugged as he got up and walked off.

"yah! hyung! answer the question!!" chenle whined as he ran after the older chinese boy.

meanwhile, with our lovely sunshine <3

"hyuck!" donghyuck turned around and smiled at the familiar faces.

"beomgyu!!" he giggled as the younger boy ran over from his team and hugged the shit out of donghyuck, his hair flopping cutely with each step he took.

behind the younger he saw another familiar face that he had managed to get quite close to after the past few days (literally like two days but anygay).

"wooyoung! hey!" hyuck greeted as beomgyu let go of him.

wooyoung waved shyly as he walked to beomgyu's side.

"hyung! hyung! hyung!" beomgyu gasped and jumped up and down happily as he explained something really exciting that happened between him and his two other roommates, then proceeded to complain about his other friends (who honestly acted like his parents 99.9% of the time).

hyuck listened attentively as the three sat down on the grass and started goofing around happily.

"praying that we'll be in the same group for the baking sessions after lunch! I missed you so much!!" beomgyu whined and pouted as he leaned over to hug hyuck.

"you literally saw me yesterd-"
"hyung, shut up."

donghyuck rolled his eyes and just let the younger do his thing while and and wooyoung conversed with wide grins on their faces.

all three of them were in the same music and dance class, so they clicked pretty quickly (it helped that beomgyu and wooyoung were already friends beforehand + hyuck was pretty extroverted, despite him being an introvert *according to his most recent mbti*).

all three of them had similar vibes to them, and it helped that they were pretty clingy so no one complained when the other got touchy, therefore it didn't lead to any problems.

except, well, problems with other people.

once again, mark watched from afar as he felt the jealousy make his blood boil, and it was driving him crazy.

it was driving him crazy that he didn't know why he felt this type of way towards donghyuck (everyone and their mothers know he's not going to admit that he likes hyuckie anytime soon 😭🙄).

mark took a deep breath before sighing and trying his best to push those thoughts aside as he tore his eyes away from donghyuck's figure.

"mark! come help me with this!"

mark sighed again. "yes, hyung!"


jeno and jaemin admired renjun from afar as he conversed with two of the chinese boys from the other team (minghao and junhui, if they remembered correctly).

"jaemin.." jeno suddenly spoke, put a finger under jaemin's chin as he made the younger face him.


"can we talk about it?" jaemin sighed at the older's words.

"please?" jeno persisted, taking the younger's hands in his own.

jaemin knew he couldn't avoid the topic any longer, so he nodded, making jeno's eyes and face light up.

"but," the younger began. "what's there really to talk about?" jaemin scoffed. "we've both made it pretty obvious how we feel towards him already..."

though the younger had mumbled the last sentence, jeno still heard him.

jeno smiled and made the younger look up into his eyes. "well, first of all.."

"we're good, yeah?"
jaemin nodded and smiled softly. "yeah."

jeno smiled, looking around before pulling jaemin into a chaste kiss. he had never been more thankful for their friends being idiots and forgetting their existence more than now.

he was also grateful for the tall ass tree that hid both him and jaemin pretty well, so unless someone got really close to them, no one would've noticed the two of them making out behind the tree in public.

a string of saliva stuck to both their lips as they pulled away from each other, eyes locked as all sorts of thoughts ran through their head.

two thoughts stuck out in particular.

"what do you feel towards injunnie? like, really feel?" jaemin quietly questioned the older, leaning down to hide his head in the crook of jeno's neck.

the older wrapped his arms around the younger's waist as he thought.

"well...I don't know him too well, so I guess I only feel a sort of attraction. nothing too serious, I don't think." jeno stated. "what about you?"

jaemin shrugged. "I guess the same. I'm more stumped on the question of why I would feel that way towards him, especially if I already have you."

jeno hummed, reassuring the younger that he understood.

"well, we never really talked about anything else or experimented with the idea of having another partner aside from each other." jeno began. "maybe we're polyamorous and just haven't noticed until now."

jaemin shrugged. "can we continue this later tonight? I don't know what to think right now and I'm tired." the younger mumbled into the older's neck.

jeno smiled as he sat down on the artificial grass (don't ask me how a tree grew and stayed alive in the middle of artificial grass. I don't understand the logic of this story *if it even has any*), pulling jaemin onto his lap as he drew random shapes on the younger's back with his fingers.

"I love you." jaemin suddenly worded.
jeno smiled. "I love you, too, baby."


lunch had passed by pretty quickly and now it was time for the baking session.

each group had picked an envelope from a stack, giving them the recipe to what they were baking and the ingredients + supplies they would be needing.

irene and seulgi had picked out the groups at random, leaving donghyuck, beomgyu, wooyoung, johnny, and another guy who beomgyu was friends with in the same team.

"guys! this is sunoo!" beomgyu announced to the other three as he pulled over a pretty shy looking guy to their station.

who allowed him to be so qkzjfhjaxnzskafhjzfhyaksjf

johnny immediately fell himself die of cuteness as sunoo gave the trio a shy wave.

the three got to know the youngest of the five pretty well before they had to begin baking. they realized all of them had a lot in common.

"I hope you four know what you're doing, because I have no clue." johnny stated as he read the directions.

"it's fine. just blame hyuck-hyung if all goes to shit." beomgyu jokingly stated with a shrug as he rolled up his sleeves and washed his hands.

donghyuck rolled his eyes and slapped the younger's arm ever so lightly.

that's when his eyes landed on something. or, well, someone.

he quickly snapped his eyes away from the scene he just witnessed as his cheeks flushed a light shade of red.

he gulped down a lump forming in his throat as the memory kept replaying as he washed his hands.

mark rolling up his sleeves, his arms and veins showing, making him look (though donghyuck would never fucking admit it) sexy as fuck (as a wise man once said, "wow! so sexy!").

donghyuck quickly mentally slapped himself as he focused on the task at hand, making sure beomgyu and johnny didn't burn down the entire place.

'oh, fuck me.' hyuck groaned quietly as the memory came back again.


"hyung!!" donghyuck groaned in annoyance and fell to the ground, banging his head against the cabinet door as johnny once again spilled flour everywhere.

"this is making me frustrated and I'm not even doing anything but eating the batter." beomgyu shrugged, causing sunoo to glare at him.

"I hope you get salmonella!" sunoo shouted wooyoung chucked a empty piping bag at him.

donghyuck faked cried out of frustration as he stared at the mess around him.

"and I thought I was the chaotic mess..." donghyuck sighed as his head rested against the cabinet.

"yah! lee donghyuck! get up and stop this fucking giant from spilling everything everywhere!" beomgyu screeched as he pulled the eggs away from johnny's reach.

"nah, I think I'm good. thanks." donghyuck stated dryly, only to whine when beomgyu smacked him over the head.

"get! up!"
"stop yelling, you whore!"
"I'll stop yelling when you get up!
"both of you, shut the fuck up!"
"wow. now you see sunoo's true colors."
"shut up and pass me the fucking flour!"
"or whatever we have left of it."

donghyuck groaned and slammed his head against the cabinet door once more before sighing and standing up.

"johnny, step the fuck away from here!" donghyuck picked up a spatula and aimed it at johnny, making him put his hands up in the air as he stepped away from the station.

"good. now that he's taken care of.." donghyuck rolled his eyes as he looked at the mess around them.

"give me that recipe, will you?" hyuck asked sunoo, who (despite working as a cook at a café) was clearly struggling with the recipe, especially since no one else was helping him.


"I'm surprised we didn't kill ourselves-" wooyoung scoffed as he finished cleaning up their station, looking at sunoo who was neatly placing the baked goods prettily on a plate.

"it's baking. the worst you can do is, well, of course be like johnny-hyung, or burn yourself and your place down." hyuck rolled his eyes as he finished wiping down the countertop.

"well..." beomgyu hissed as he recalled some pretty painful memories of when he tried to bake with his other friends.

donghyuck eyed him suspiciously. "do I want to know?"

", not really. I suppose not."

donghyuck sighed and shook his head as he took his apron off and threw his gloves in the trash.

"I don't know about you fuckers, but I'm exhausted!" sunoo sighed as he stretched out his arms.

"I'm whatever is bigger than exhausted." donghyuck grumbled as he tripped over his own feet, almost collapsing to the ground if it wasn't for johnny holding him up right.

the four other boys eyed each other.

"hyuck, I don't remember seeing you eat during breakfast..." johnny quietly stated as he pulled hyuck closer to him.

donghyuck stayed silent and avoided eye contact, giving johnny the answer he needed.

"you know, you can't skip out on meals just because you're too stressed since doyoung won't talk to yo-" johnny sighed and began, but was cut off by hyuck who had gently pushed him away.

"I'm not purposefully doing this, hyung! I just didn't have an appetite." donghyuck snapped, grabbing his phone off the counter as he turned to leave the area.

that's when he made eye contact with doyoung, who was staring at him from afar, along with mark and taeyong (they were placed in the same group, so you can only imagine the tension).

donghyuck scoffed and rolled his eyes at the three, shaking his head as he stormed out of the building.

jungwoo, who was watching the whole situation and had overheard everything, quickly excused himself from his group before running out after the purple-haired boy, renjun not too far behind him.

johnny sighed as he helped beomgyu with the last bit of cleaning up, trying his best not to fuck anything up.

doyoung anxiously bit the inside of his lip as his eyes kept trailing back to the exit door.

"you know, I don't remember you always being so stubborn." taeyong rolled his eyes at the younger male as he approached him.

"and I don't remember you always acting like an ass." doyoung rolled his eyes and spoke in a mocking tone.

"isn't that why you two broke up-?" mark butt in, only to earn a slap on the back of his head from both boys.

"shut up! that was years ago and we were both desperate." taeyong yelled as he kicked the youngest of the three in the knee.

"more stupid than desperate." doyoung shrugged.

"you were both assholes then." mark rolled his eyes as he walked away.

taeyong and doyoung chuckled lightly.

"I still stand by what I said, though." taeyong sighed.

"tae, don't-"

"you need to talk to him, doyoung!" taeyong scoffed. "at this point, it's just getting ridiculous! not even mark understands why you're so pissed at hyuck and not at him or something!"

doyoung sighed. "you don't get it."

"yeah, no shit, sherlock holmes??!?" taeyong raised an eyebrow at the younger and looked at him judgmentally.

doyoung shook his head. "just shut up and help me with this, will you?" doyoung spoke as he gestured at the icing he was struggling to make (yeah, they had to make it from scratch because seulgi and irene love to watch them suffer. which, I mean, same :]).

"mark ditched us and those two idiots won't help us with shit." doyoung rolled his eyes as he nudged his head towards the two younger boys from the other team that they were paired with.

taeyong sighed and shook his head. "felix! yeonjun! stop flirting and get your asses over here!"


jungwoo and renjun rushed to catch up to donghyuck who had ran away when they called out for him.

"hyuck, istg, if you don't come out right now, I'll kill you!" renjun groaned as he felt his legs start to feel numb from all the running around. "god damnit, I think I've ran more today than I have the past year!"

"you seriously need to get in shape." jungwoo rolled his eyes as they slowed down and entered another bathroom.

"oh, shut up, you whore."
"oh, why, thank y-"

renjun quickly hushed jungwoo when he heard quiet sniffles come from one of the stalls.

the two males eyed each other as renjun slowly approached the stall and knocked on the door.

"hyuck? is that you?" renjun questioned in a soft tone, making sure the younger could hear how much care and worry he held in his voice.

"l-leave me alone!" both renjun's and jungwoo's heart broke as they heard the younger's voice crack. he'd clearly been crying.

"hyuck, open the door, please." jungwoo sighed as he tried to push the door open.

"I said l-leave me alone!" the youngest of the three cried out, his voice broken and wavery.

"you might have said that, but you sure as hell don't want that." renjun spoke up. "hyuckie, open the door."

there was a bit of silence from donghyuck before renjun and jungwoo heard a small 'click.'

renjun quickly pushed the door open, revealing hyuck who was leaning up against the wall.

his eyes were red and puffy, his lips quivering as crystal-like tears ran down his cheeks.

renjun felt his heart clench and shatter into tiny little pieces. he wasted no time walking closer to the younger and pulling him into a tight hug.

as if renjun was some sort of trigger, hyuck quickly let all his emotions spill over as he sobbed into the older's shoulder.

jungwoo awkwardly stood there for a while before carefully pulling both males out of the stall so they weren't cramped in the small space.

after a while, hyuck had finally calmed down.

jungwoo walked up to the younger and gently wiped his stray tears away.

"what's wrong, hyuckie? talk to us." jungwoo softly questioned the boy, caressing his cheek gently with his thumb.

donghyuck's eyes grew glossy again as he hid his face in jungwoo's chest.

"I don't get it.." hyuck muttered out, and though his voice was muffled, anyone could hear how weak and hurt he sounded.

"why is he acting like that??" hyuck cried out, and renjun and jungwoo quickly caught on.



can we all collectively beat up doyoung after this /jkjkjk
enjoy this beautiful picture of wooyoung that I found on pinterest while looking for felix and yeonjun pictures. wfhkjabnzadmfd this man will be the death of me istgwamnjbanhfs

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