The protectors of Kanezaka (K...

By Pie78904

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For most of Y/N's life bad luck has been surrounding his life. Everywhere he went misfortune would always fol... More

Arriving in Kanezaka
Do you believe in spirits?
Training Time!
The First Mission.
A Celebration of victory and the Tengu
Lemon Chapter 18+ (April Fools)
The Idea of Family
The Wrath of the Onryo
Let's sink a yacht!
The Goddess of Love
A Confession between a Fox and a Crow
Defend the Shrine!
An Old friend
Heir to a Kingdom
Finding Peace
The Fall of the Hashimoto Clan.
Peace returns to Kanezaka
Thank you, Behind the scenes and a QNA
New Agents of Overwatch
Escort the Payload
A Bank heist filled with Explosions
Family Reunion
The Cursed Man and the Witch
The Invasion of Ilios
The First of Talon's Elites
A Funtime in Busan
An Old Battlefield
The River Spirit
Gladiators of the Colosseum
Another Lemon Chapter 18+
The Imposter

A New Opportunity

1.8K 32 41
By Pie78904

Talon's base

3rd POV

Flashback, immediately after the defeat of the Hashimoto clan.

A Man is sitting down at a table after finishing his phone call with Masaru.

The most noticeable thing about this man is his giant gauntlet. He stood up from his chair and looked out the window.

He has plans for the future of the world, as he belives that through war can humanity continue foward.

This man is

Akande "Doomfist" Ogundimu

One of the leaders of the organization known as Talon. With his leadership he will have Talon forge his vision for the world.

As he looked out the window he noticed a presence behind him. He sighed and turned around.

Doomfist:I know that you're here Sombra. Your tricks do not work on me.

Sombra immediately removed her cloak, revealing herself to Doomfist.

Sombra:Awww Akande, how were you able to tell i was here. Seems like your getting better with your senses.

Doomfist:We do not have time to joke around here in Talon. Now there something i must speak to you about

Sombra:What is it?

Sombra tilted her head in curiosity, but she knows what Doomfist is going to talk about.

Doomfist:Our alliance with the Hashimoto clan of Kanezaka. It has been terminated. I can't believe that I'm saying this but you were right. Both you and Moira were right.

Sombra:Both Moira and I always had a keen eye on the situation. We both knew they were nothing but rats.

She smiled as she knows about the role she played in the downfall of the Hashimoto clan.

Doomfist:They were weak and pathetic! Especially Masaru. He begged me for Talon's help. Thay is when i realize that all he was, was a snake.

Sombra:I always knew who he was as a person. Especially after i did some reading up on him

Doomfist:To think that an ally of ours was taken down by 1 Overwatch agent and some vigilantes.

Sombra was curious as she never knew about an Overwatch agent being apart of Yōkai.

Sombra:What do you mean by Overwatch agent?

Doomfist used a remote for a tv to turn it on. The tv was showing a news interview of former overwatch agent Genji Shimada.

Doomfist:I'm only frustrated by one thing. Masaru is a weak man who will take advantage over everything. Him screaming will ruin Talon's future.

Sombra:It's not Masaru i would be worried about.

Doomfist:What do you mean?

Sombra:You see, i digged in to that vigilante group that helped in taking down the Hashimoto clan. There's one person of interest you'd like to hear about.


Sombra:His son.

Doomfist:Masaru has a son?

Sombra:Yep, managed to overthrow his father. Who knows maybe he might come after you next.

Sombra chuckled as she's trying to play with Doomfist.

Doomfist:I don't show any fear from some boy. Is there anything else that i should know about?

Sombra:I think it might also interest you about the recall?

Doomfist:The recall?

Sombra:Overwatch has apparently recalled and officially reformed itself. Probably trying to take us on or probably Null Sector.

Doomfist:Overwatch huh?

Doomfist looked at his gauntlet and turned it into a fist.

Overwatch an organization that can challenge his ideals. By sustaining world peace being an obstacle for Talon.

Doomfist:I thought Reaper had eliminated most of the ex overwatch agents?

Sombra:Are we not going to talk about what happened with the monkey a few months ago?

Doomfist:You know that he doesn't like to talk about it. But still, to think that Overwatch might make a return.

Doomfist continues to stare at his gauntlet. He's ready for a future conflict with the reformed organization.

Doomfist:Now we'll wait for their first move.

Present day



I stepped up to the front of Sakura's house, as i had commissioned something for her to make.

It's mainly a present for Kiriko as i plan to take her out on a date tonight. Especially since Toshiro gave me the day off.

I knocked on the front door to the house and Sakura opened the door.

Sakura:Oh, Y/N i guess your here for your order?

Y/N:Yep! It's a present for Kiri i just hope that she'll like it.

Sakura:I mean you guys have been dating for like 4-5 months?

Y/N:And today is our 5 month anniversary.

Sakura:Can't believe that it's been 5 months since we've managed to dismantle the Hashimoto clan. If Nobuto was here he'd probably say "Man time does go by fast!"

We both chuckled as Sakura went inside her house to get my present for Kiriko.

She handed me a small box, i opened it and it was a necklace of a design of the blue fox spirit she has.

Sakura:I have a huge list of clients to make outfits and accessories for. But for you i put you on the top of that list let's just call it a friendship bonis.

Y/N:Thank you Sakura, I'm sure that she's going to like it!

I give Sakura the amount that i owe her for the necklace. I waved her a goodbye as i began my walk over to Yamagami's blade to pick her up for our date.

I take out my phone and check the time, it's 5 only 2 more hours till they close.

I walk into the shopping district of the town. Trying to take a shortcut to the shop.

I wave at some people as they recognize me. Yeah being the boyfriend of the most well known girl in this town has some perks.

But too bad most people just refer to me as "Kiriko's boyfriend" and not my own name.

For the last few months that I've been staying here. Things have been going well ever since we took down the Hashimoto clan.

Montage Time

Kiriko and I continue to still do our vigilante work.

Both Kiriko and I are standing on top of a building at midnight. Looking for any crime that's going on.

Even though with the disbanding of the Hashimoto clan and the crime rate going low. There sre still some criminals trying to cause trouble in this town.

Kiriko immediately taps onto my shoulder as she notices a robbery. It was a guy robbing a couple

Kiriko:Y/N, you ready to go teach someone a lesson?

I nodded and she grabbed my hand and teleported us behind the robber.

He held a wallet in his hands laughing and bragging as he held the couple in gunpoint.

Kiriko:Hey buddy.


Kiriko threw a kunai at his hand causing him to drop his gun. I threw my kusarigamas and had them wrap around his legs causing him to fall.

Kiriko grabbed the wallet and handed it back to the couple. They thanked us as they walked away.

We teleport back to the rooftop and sit down. Looking out for the next crime.

Scene change

Asa has offered to continue training both Kiriko and I. To make us into far more excellent fighters.

Besides who knows what future threats could be coming to Kanezaka? Trying to take over the Hashimoto's place.

Kiriko and I aren't going to let that happen!

Asa:Alright you two! Before we begin the lesson we are going to test out your agility and reaction time.

Y/N:Does that mean we have to dodge your attacks?

Asa:Yes, i know Kiriko is very familar with this lesson.

Kiriko leaned into my ear and whispered to me.

Kiriko:Watch out for this lesson. Sometimes my mom can get in really sneaky hits.

I gulped as i watched Asa unsheath her sword. Kiriko patted me on the back and gave me smile.

Kiriko:Don't worry i believe in you.

Asa immediately began to slice with her sword with speed. She's really fast when it comes with a blade.

Imagine how fast she would be with Kiriko's fox spirit boosting her?

I began dodging each of the strikes trying to match her speed. I used my kusarigamas to block some of her strikes.

After a couple of seconds she stopped swinging, finishing the lesson.

I looked around and noticed that there wasn't a scratch on me.

Y/N:I did it!

Asa:No quite, you got a little something there on your right arm, Y/N.

I looked to my right arm and noticed a scratch mark with blood pouring out.

Kiriko immediately ran over and placed an ofuda.

Kiriko:I told you to be careful.

Y/N:I know, i thought that i would be able to dodge all of her attacks on the first go.

Kiriko:Well that's lesson one of training with my mom. Never underestimate her, i mean I'm her daughter and she didn't even take it easy with me.

Y/N:I think i knew to never underestimate her after my first meeting with her.

Asa:Ready for your lesson Kiriko?

Kiriko gave her mother a confident smile.

Kiriko:Watch and learn Y/N, I'll show you what many years of training with my mom looks like!

Asa began to swing her swors with Kiriko dodging all of her attacks. When they were done Kiriko stood confidentiality with a smug smile.

Kiriko:See? Perfectly fi-

Asa:Kiriko, look at your thumb.

Kiriko looked at her left thumb and noticed a small slice.

Kiriko:Dang it!

Asa and I chuckled because of how cocky Kiriko was earlier.

Asa:Well that concludes that. Nice to know that despite you two being younger than me. I am still faster than the two of you. Now let's get to the actual lesson.

Scene change

Lastly my friendship with the rest at Yōkai? It's honestly getting quite better.

The 5 of us are at the arcade playing a game together.

Y/N:Alright Nobuto you just have to finish the boss of by hitting him in his weakspots.

Nobuto:You don't think that i know that?

Ryōta:Do you guys think we can pull this off?

Sakura:500 yen says Nobuto dies first.


Kiriko:Come on guys we got this! Let's finish this game off together as a team!

The final boss would arrive as we all aimed our weapons at him.

Kiriko:Fire everyone!

We fought the final boss as if he was a Hashimoto clan member. Working hard and coordinating with each other.

Nobuto:He's low! Finish him off boss!

Kiriko used a charged up shot from her rifle finishing the final boss from the arcade game.

We all celebrated and cheered as we managed to beat the game together.

Ryōta:Well done everyone.

Sakura:I can't believe that we managed to win.

Y/N:Hey we can do anything, as long as we put our minds to it.

Kiriko:And the amount of tokens we had use for continues.

Y/N:That too.

Sakura:I'm glad that i came, i kinda had fun.

Nobuto:Told you that you wouldn't regret it!

Ryōta:So what now? You guys wanna play another game or go to the mall?

Kiriko:Yeah let's go to the mall.

End of montage

I continued to walk eventually making my way to Yamagami's blade. Putting my hand on the door handle and pushing it open.

I walked inside and was greeted by Asa who was sitting by the counter.

Asa:Ah Y/N your here? I thought Toshiro gave you the day off.

Y/N:I am, but that's not the reason I'm here.

Asa:Are you here for your lesson? I'm a little bit exhausted from teaching the last class.

Y/N:No do you mind if Kiriko can leave work early?

Asa:Let me guess your gonna take her out.

I nodded my head, i was surprised that Asa immediately knew. But then again she probably had this happened to her with Toshiro. So it's not that much of a big deal.

Asa:I'll ask Toshi about it then.

Toshiro walked from the back door that leads into the actual blacksmithing area of the store.

Toshiro:Ask me what? Oh Y/N you thinking about working overtime?

Y/N:No, i just want to know if i can take your daughter out.

Toshiro:You want to take Kiriko off work early so you can go on a date with her?


Toshiro:Well today has been a slow day. So i don't mind closing up early.

Asa:Just make sure to keep an eye on her. Sometimes that girl still gets into trouble.

Toshiro:You two enjoy yourselves. You guys are in your twenties, that's the age when you should be having fun with life. Until you grow old and become boring like me.

Asa:I don't find you boring Toshi. If i did then i wouldn't be here with you right now.

Toshiro:I know, I'm basically just telling Y/N that he and our daughter should enjoy their twenties. You know like us when we were their age. Anyways I'll go get Kiriko just wait in here.

I waited patently as Toshiro went to get Kiriko. Both Asa and I chatted a bit as the backdoor would open.

Kiriko walked out of the backdoor and apporached me.

Kiriko:Hey Y/N.

Y/N:Hey Kiri, had a good day at work?

We both engaged each other with a hug and gave each other a quick kiss.

Kiriko:It was some what boring from the lack of customers not ordering a sword. I bet that you had fun on your day off?

Y/N:I sure did.

Kiriko:Lucky, wish we can have the same work schedule sometimes.

Y/N:Yeah, but we're basically the only employees that your father has. Anyways ready to head out?

Kiriko:Lead the way!

Asa:You two have a good day!

Both Kiriko and I head out of the door and leave Yamagami's blades.

We go to the parking lot and get on Kiriko's new motorcycle.

I hold Kiriko by the waist as she turns on her motorcycle.

Kiriko:Hold on tight, Y/N! I'm about to go fast!

Y/N:Can we please not break the law on the first week of the new motorcycle?

Kiriko:Oh Y/N, do you even know who your talking to?

Kiriko then immediately drove off into the streets. I'm just grateful that we're going at normal speed.

We soon ended back at the apartment complex. Kiriko would park her motorcycle than we both got off it.

We walked inside of the apartment complex and headed for our room. Once we approached the door, Kiriko took out the key and unlocked it.

We walked inside and i turned on the lights.

Kiriko:So Y/N, dad said that you were gonna take me out on a date apparently?

Y/N:He did? I should've told him that was supposed to be a surprise.

Kiriko:So what's the plan, loverboy?

Y/N:Well first i wanna take my lady to a nice dinner, then to a movie and lastly to your favorite place.

Kiriko:The fox shrine!

Y/N:Yep, which i also have a surprise for you.

Kiriko:What's the surprise?

Y/N:Can't tell you until we get to the fox shrine.

Kiriko groaned with an annoyed tone.

Kiriko:Fine. Then let's get ready for our date then. You can go first.

I nodded and walked into the bedroom, as i changed into a suit. Then i stepped out.

Y/N:Alright now it's your turn.

She smiled as she walked into the bedroom to change.

I sat down on the couch, as i waited for her. I looked to my right and notice a photo book that we bought last month.

I grabbed the photo book and decided to go through it. I looked at some of the pages of our memories together.

There were photos of us at a concert and Kiriko was wearing a visual kei outfit.

Another photo was of us at a Halloween party where i dressed up as a Zombie and Kiriko was a witch.

Another photo was of us at a convention, i was cosplaying as Wonder of U from Jojo while Kiriko was cosplaying as Tatsumaki from One Punch Man.

I went through more photos, like when we had spent the winter festival with her parents. Also a photo of the members of Yōkai in their costumes. Heck we even have a photo of our first kiss, because of taking a picture of it.

It's memories like that, that makes me think where would i be right now had i not met her.

But why should i think about that? When i should be thinking about my future with her.

The sound of knocking would come from the door. It immediately caught my attention.

I stood up from the couch, i walked to the door and opened it. I thought it was going to be a Yōkai member coming to visit or maybe some salesman.

But no this time it was some guy, he was wearing a cowboy outfit

???:Excuse me sir, but do you happen to be Y/N L/N?

Y/N:Yeah that's me? What's with the costume it's not October yet?

The man laughed at my little joke, his voice had a southern American accent to it. Something that you'd hear from an American western movie.

Kiriko would step out of the bedroom wearing a dress. She immediately noticed what was going on. Running over to the front door.

Kiriko:Who's at the door, Y/N?

???:I must assume that must be Miss Kiriko?

This guy immediately began to weird me out. How does he know both of our names?

Y/N:Who are you? How do you know who we are?

I reached into my pocket and took out one of my kusarigamas.

I don't trust this guy, especially if he just randomly knows our name.

Then the sound of a blink would be heard as someone just appeared behind him.

???:Cass, i see that you found them!

The woman standing next to the cowboy was a woman with an English accent. She had short hair, a brown coat, goggles, orange pants, and some weird item on her chest.

Y/N:Kiri, can you get over here for a quick second!

Kiriko teleported to me with her kunais out, as she heard parts of the conversation.

Kiriko:Alright, Arthur Morgan what are you doing at our apartment? Are you a remnant of the Hashimoto clan, here to avenge your boss?

British lady:You must have us mistaken? We aren't here to hurt you.

Kiriko:Then who are you two?

Genji:Kiriko, Y/N lay down your weapons. They're with me

Genji walked behind the two strangers revealing himself.

Kiriko & Y/N:Genji!?

Genji:Please you two let us come in and we will explain everything.

Kiriko and i disarmed ourselves as we let the three inside of our apartment.

They each sit down on a chair while Kiriko and I sat down on the couch.

Genji:Y/N and Kiriko these two are Cassidy and Lena. They are fellow agents and my friends.


Lena:Hi, however on the field I'm known as Tracer.

Y/N:So what is this about Genji?

Genji:You two remember how i told you about my past, right?

Kiriko:Yeah how Hanzo apparently killed you and you become a cyborg because of a group called Overwatch.

Cassidy:Good they already know about the organization. No need to explain then.

Y/N:Explain what?

Tracer:Well a couple of months ago our friend Winston recalled Overwatch. Meaning that we are back.

Cassidy:Yes and since we are back that means we need agents both new and old.

Genji:I recommend the two of you, especially after your bust of the Hashimoto clan.

Kiriko:You want us to join Overwatch?

Genji:Yes, you two would make excellent agents of Overwatch.

Tracer:Genji told us all about your story. How you and your gang managed to overthrow the Hashimoto clan. All about your struggle it's quite inspiring. it's like i always say the world could always use more heroes.

Kiriko and I looked at each other because of this opportunity. Both of us are shocked that this prestigious military group wants us to be apart of it.

Kiriko:How does it work?

Cassidy:Pretty simple, you'll be stationed at our base. Where you will be called when needed to do your duty.

Tracer:You'll be facing off against enemy groups such as Null Sector and Talon.

Kiriko:Wait does that mean that we'll have to leave Kanezaka?

Genji:Unfortunately yes, but don't worry you two you'll always have vacation days.

Y/N:It's not that we'll get homesick or anything. It's just that we're devoting our lives to protect Kanezaka. Even without the Hashimoto clan controlling everything.

Cassidy:It's understandable, but think of it like this. You'll be protecting Kanezaka and the rest of the world from any dangers.

Kiriko:Yeah but also I'm worried about Mom mostly. I mean we just got our family back together and she was overprotective over me. She thought that i was crazy to go up against the Hashimoto clan. She might think that I'm insane if i join you guys.

Tracer:Worried about your loved ones? I know that feeling, but as an agent of Overwatch we have to sacrifice our time for the greater good.

Genji:Don't worry I'll speak to sensei about it.

Kiriko:Good luck on convincing her that me going around the world is a good idea. I mean I'm in but at the same time i don't really want to.

Y/N:Besides, we aren't really well suited to fight for a military group. I trust our skills but these groups your talking about are way out of our leauge!

Genji:I have the same form of training from you two and i still do good.

Kiriko:Well some of us aren't given cyber enhancements that make us into super soldiers.

Cassidy:Don't you two have spirits of some sorts? I don't really understand anything from what Genji told me.

Y/N:We do, but Kiri and I are just nervous.

Kiriko:Listen, i never have any doubts in my abilities! Because that's not who i am! But we have a town to keep protecting.

Tracer:Well Kiriko think about it like this! People all over the world will be counting on you. While they are in danger you two can show up be the heroes that they need. Their guardians. You don't have to be just the guardian of Kanezaka. You can also be the guardian of the whole world!

Y/N:I still don't think it's a good idea. It's all coming to us fast. I mean Kiriko and I were looking foward to being together in a peaceful Kanezaka. I mean we were about to go on a date before you three came.

Genji:That explains the fancy outfits.

Kiriko:I mean it's not everyday that you see me in a dress.

Cassidy:Have you two heard of the attack at Rio De Janeiro, Toronto and Gothenburg?

Kiriko and I looked at each other. The attack on those three cities were all over the news.

Y/N:Yeah, we have. It was an invasion of some kind.

Cassidy:Correct. Null Sector invaded these cities. But we managed to hold them off.

Cassidy would pull out photos of the three cities that were invaded. The destruction they caused it's catastrophic.

Cassidy:Millions in damages, thousands reported missing or dead. How can you live in a life of peace? When there are other cities being destroyed? One day Null Sector might step onto your door step.

He was right, looking at these photos how can Kiri and I enjoy our new peaceful lives if Kanezaka might be turned into ashes.

Our dream was just that to free Kanezaka from my father's grasp. Kiriko and I valued to keep protecting it from any other organization.

But Null Sector is a different story than the Hashimoto clan.

Kiriko:Like hell i won't let that happen! I'm not just gonna let some group of robots try to take my home away from me! Especially after how long we fought to take it back. I'm not gonna let innocent's die around the world!

Tracer:Now your getting it Kirko! That's what it is to be an Overwatch agent.

Cassidy:Guess we should also inform you about another thing.

Kiriko:What other thing?

Genji:I managed to get your father to speak a little bit Y/N. He mentioned about working with Talon.

Y/N:Wait didn't you bring up this Talon group when you arrested my father?

Genji:Yes, i did. Apparently Talon managed to help him with his claim over Kanezaka. Well before they threw him under the bus.

Kiriko:So this Talon group is part of the reason for why Kanezaka strong under their thumb?

Genji:Not exactly, Kiriko. They were more like allies that did deals with each other.

Tracer:But that's not all Talon is. They're a terrorist organization that's trying to change the world. Some of their members attempted to break into our base when it was abandoned.

Cassidy:If it wasn't for Winston, heck where would we be now?

Kiriko:To think that the Hashimoto clan was getting help from some outside group!

Y/N:So by joining you guys we might also help out with putting an end to a former Hashimoto clan ally?


Kiriko:I'm fully interested now! I'm going to take down both Null Sector and Talon. Even with just one Kunai.

Genji:What about you Y/N? Are you interested in joining us?

I put my finger to my chin thinking about the possibilities. Still thinking about joining.

If Kiriko is fully set on joining then i might as well. We're practically a packaged deal.

I don't want that Null Sector group to take over the world. I surely as hell don't want them to take over Kanezaka as well. Make everything that we fought for be for nothing.

But also the fact that some group known as Talon assisted my father. I'd like to stop them as well.

These Talon guys seem like to be a bigger deal though. If they just got rid of my father immediately and practically bossed him around.

Y/N:Maybe. I mean being able to save the lives of people gets my adrenaline pumping just thinking about it. Fighting in a different environment than Kanezaka could be a little bit breathtaking. I wish to be a hero to the world and use my misfortune for something else. But...

Both Kiriko and I looked at each other real quick. Both of us are still questioning on what our answer should be.

Kiriko:Let us talk it through, just us two.

Cassidy:That's fine. We'll give you 72 hours to decide. If you need us, just call Genji.

Y/N:Thank you Clint Eastwood for the opportunity

Cassidy:It's Cole Cassidy, you know what it's fine. Just take the time that you need.

Tracer:Come on you two, let's head out! Hopefully they'll have their answer soon!

As the three are about to leave Genji stops and looks at us.

Genji:I hope that you two do consider in this new opportunity that we're giving you. I believe that the world could truly use your help.

Kiriko:Nice to know that you have that much faith in us, Shimada.

Genji left the apartment alongside his two other colleagues. Leaving just Kiriko and I in the apartment.

Kiriko:Well... That was unexpected. First thing your boyfriend invites you on a date. Next thing you know your childhood friend invites you to join his crimefighting organization.

Y/N:Yeah... It's off can't believe that he chose us.

Kiriko:I mean we are what i like to call badasses. Well mainly me i don't know about you.

I gave her a look as she chuckles and punches me softly.

Kiriko:I'm just joking. You are a badass in your own way.

Y/N:Thanks.... I must say that you look nice in that dress.

Kiriko:Thank you, it was a hand me down from my mom.

Kiriko sighed as we continued to sit down on the couch.

Kiriko:I know that the small talk isn't working. We're gonna have to actually figure this out.

Y/N:Yep. I mean joining Overwatch? It just sounds pretty crazy!

Kiriko:I know it does. But hearing about that Talon group and how they helped the Hashimoto clan. Makes me wanna go out there and fight them! But at the same time i want to stay here in Kanezaka protecting it. Even if that Null Sector group invades out of nowhere.

Y/N:I know, i have the same conflictions as you. You know that i practically have disowned that man. Heck i thought defeating him and his reign would be the last time that i heard about him. But yet that Talon group.

Kiriko:Even if they are a former ally of the Hashimoto clan. I still want to give them a good kick in the face. I guess the only good thing that they did was just abandoning thing they probably did. Made defeating the Hashimoto clan easier for us.

Y/N:It really did. But Talon could probably be a true way to showcase our skills.

Kiriko:Yeah, but another thing that I'm a little bit worried about is our lack of freedom.

Y/N:What do you mean?

Kiriko:I'm talking about how when we were Yōkai we can basically do anything we want. Even if it meant breaking the law, but if we join Overwatch then we're probably gonna have to listen to some old guy scolding us all because we didn't get something right or did it by the book.

Kiriko cleared up her voice as she prepared to do an impression of the stereotypical military voice.

Kiriko:"You damn kids! Why don't you ever listen to the plan, you can't just go off and do your own thing blah blah".

Y/N:Let's just hope that we don't deal with a guy like that. I mean that Cassidy guy seemed alright and that Lena girl seemed friendly. They don't seem that strict.

Kiriko:I know, i just don't want to lose that sort of freedom.

Y/N:Well personally i think you'd be a great squad leader. With how you lead Yōkai maybe the higher ups might see something in you.

Kiriko:You just saying that to boost my ego aren't you?

Y/N:Maybe i am? But if Genji sees something in the both of us then maybe we do have a chance to be Overwatch agents.

Kiriko:Yeah... But my main problem is just leaving Kanezaka alone. With the Hashimoto gone who knows what other gang might try to set up shop and ruin the progress the town has made to it's own healing.

Y/N:Yeah, But can Kanezaka truly heal when groups like Null Sector are around. I don't want some other crime organization to take over or have if be destoryed.

Kiriko:Guess the only thing we can do is hope that it doesn't come to that conclusion. I can trust both Ryōta and Sakura to take care of Kanezaka while we're gone. But not...


Kiriko:Yeah not Nobuto.

3rd POV

Nobuto's house

As Nobuto is walking hard on his latest project. He stops and looks around his room. Filled with mainly mechanical parts and other devices. He has the look as if something is wrong.

Nobuto:Why do i feel like someone is talking bad about me?


Kiriko:But i trust that our friends might be able to clean the streets up for us, while we're gone.

Y/N:It probably be hard to say goodbye to them also.

Kiriko:Yeah.. It's gonna also pain for me to say goodbye to Akari. Especially with how much she looks up to me.

Kiriko grabs her fox headband and looks at it. Remembering that it was a gift from Akari.

Kiriko:I might just feel homesick in general. But my pride in my abilities are telling me to take the opportunity.

Y/N:Maybe they would all be happy for us. Being Overwatch agents and going on dangerous missions.

Kiriko:Yeah.. But there's one more obstacle for us.

Y/N:It's Asa isn't it?

Kiriko:She's still overprotective over me even after we saved my dad. It's not as bad as it used to be. But i can tell that she's going to have a panic attack if we tell her the news. I don't know how my dad would react to is also. I mean he's finally been reunited in the family after several years of imprisonment. If i tell him that i plan on leaving to travel around the world. It might feel like a slap on the face for him.

Y/N:I feel Toshiro might be okay with it.

Kiriko:You think so?

Y/N:Yeah... Toshiro is real proud of you. When i first met him and told him about your adventures. He was happy to hear about you taking the fight to the Hashimoto clan. Maybe he might be happy about you saving lives while fighting against Null Sector and Talon.

Kiriko:Guess the only we can find out is tomorrow. When we tell them about it?

Kiriko and I stayed quiet for the next 30 minutes. This is the first time we've had an awkard slience in our relationship. It truly shows how puzzled we are at our final decision?


Y/N:Yeah, Kiri?

Kiriko:Can i ask you something?

I felt Kiriko wrapping her hands around mine.

Kiriko:Will you still continue to be the crow that fights alongside the fox?

Y/N:Yeah, I've always been and i never planned on stopping. Why?

Kiriko:If I'm gonna join Overwatch i just want to know if you still will have my back?

Y/N:Well there's a reason why Genji chose the both of us. If I'm gonna join it's only because you do.

We both reached for each other's hands and connected them together.

Y/N:Like you i was looking foward to spending our new lives together. But if I'm gonna join Overwatch and kick some bad guy ass. Then i wanna kick some bad guy ass with you.

Kiriko:Very well then i made my decision. Tomorrow we're gonna see my parents and tell them about today.

Y/N:Alright. I'll be there with you.

Kiriko:I'm looking foward to working with you again, partner.

Y/N:Me too.

Kiriko:You think they would write stories or make a documentary about our time in Overwatch?

Y/N:Yes make a documentary around some guy and his crazy fox themed girlfriend.

Kiriko:Hey! I'm not that crazy you know, just a risk taker.

Y/N:I know you are.

Kiriko:Promise me that if we both join Overwatch, that you'll still safe.

Y/N:What do you mean? When we fought the Hashimoto i always safe.

Kiriko:Yeah, if it wasn't for me bailing you out. I'm just saying that there might be a chance that we might not be in the same squad on those missions. Which means we won't be there to watch each other's backs.

Y/N:I understand your concern, Kiri. It was the same problem that we had when we began dating.

Kiriko:Yeah, but this time our relationship is technically in the next level. You know we're fully open about it. Just promise me that you won't do any stupid things that might get yourself killed.

Y/N:You don't gotta worry about me Kiri, I'm sure that we'll both be fine.

Kiriko:I'm sure we will. I trust ourselves and our capabilities. But yet you never know when we might get into serious trouble.

We both sighed and continued to stay quiet, since our date was probably cancelled i guess now is the best time to give Kiri her present.

Y/N:Hey Kiri, remember how i told you to stay patient for your present.

Kiriko:Yeah... Guess i won't be able to get it. Damn Shimada of all the days you could recruit me into joining overwatch did it have to be today.

I giggled as Kiriko had a tone of annoyance in her voice. I guess she was really looking forward to our date.

Y/N:Here, for you.

I handed Kiriko the present she looked suprised and began to open it. She found the necklace and immediately held it in her arms.

Kiriko:A necklace, huh? You know they don't really suit me well. As i never really enjoyed wearing one.

I watched nervously as she continued to inspect the necklace. She mainly paid her attention to the fox design. I was mainly hoping that she would like it.

Y/N:Do you like it?

Kiriko:Yeah i do. Even though i don't like necklaces that much, i really like the cute fox.

Y/N:I'm glad that you liked it. You know i commissioned Sakura to make it.

Kiriko:No wonder why it's in high quality. How much did it cost you for her to make it?

Y/N:Well.... 15000 yen.

Kiriko:Doesn't she usually charge more than that?

Y/N:She does, but i got the friendship discount. I can tell you though it was a little bit hard describe your fox spirit to her.

Kiriko:Is it because of the whole we can only see spirits thing?


Kiriko:Well either way, i love it! Thank you Y/N.

Y/N:Anything for you, Kiri.

Kiriko:I hope you don't mind but I'm more likely going to wear it like a keychain than a necklace.

Y/N:Hey it's yours, do whatever you want with it.

We gave each other a smile, i then felt Kiriko placing her hands on cheeks. They felt soft as she began to caress my cheeks. I looked into her eyes as our lips locked onto each other.

Kiriko:That's my gift to you for the present.

Y/N:Well i personally enjoyed that gift...

Kiriko:Tomorrow we're gonna meet with my parents and talk to them.

Y/N:Alright, then soon we'll be able to give Genji and his friends our answer.

Kiriko:I just hope that my mom doesn't overreact.

Y/N:Hey, things will go smooth i promise.

Kiriko:I just hope they do..

The next day

Yamagami's blades.

It was early in the morning, way before Yamagami's blades even open for business. But Kiriko wanted to get there first before any customers do.

Kiriko was real nervous when it came to talking to her parents about this. Despite her cocky attitude 90% of the time. She always cares for those she holds dear

She doesn't want to simply leave her parents and abandon them in Kanezaka. She wants to ensure that everything will be fine with them.

I grabbed onto Kiriko's hand to try to calm down her nervousness. Trying to ensure her that everything will be alright in the end.

Our slience would be broken by footsteps with the voice of Toshiro calling to us.

Toshiro:Kiriko, Y/N what are you guys doing here so early? Trying to get a head start on some blades.

Toshiro smile would soon fade into a concern look when he saw his daughter's face.

Toshiro:Kiriko, what's wrong?

Kiriko:It's about something that i wanna talk about. Where's mom, dad?

Toshiro:She's getting her morning class ready. Why what do you want to talk about sweetheart?

Kiriko:Can you just ask mom to get inside the shop please? It's really urgent.

Toshiro then looked at me and noticed that i had the same look as Kiriko. He slowly nodded at me, knowing that this was serious.

Toshiro:I'll go get Asa. You two wait in the store I'll be back.

Toshiro tossed the keys to the store to me and ran to the next door where Asa's training lessons were at.

I opened the door to Yamagami's blades, both Kiriko and I walked inside and sat down on some chairs.

We waited for both of her parents to arrive inside of the blacksmith shop. Our fingers were just tapping on the table making noise trying to break the awkward slience.

Until the door opened with both of Kiriko's parents storming into the shop.

Asa:Kiriko! Kiriko! Are you okay!?

Asa immediately ran up to her daughter and hugged her tight.

Asa:Is there anything wrong, Kiriko?

Kiriko:No it's nothing, mom. We want to talk to you about something?

Asa:What is it, dear?

Y/N:Its best that you both take a seat and hear what we have to say.

The couple nodded and both grab some chairs and sat down.

Asa:Alright, Y/N what's going on? Why does Kiriko have that look on her face?

I looked at Kiriko and we began to murmur with each orther.

Y/N:You want me to tell them?

Kiriko:No, I'll do it. Besides they're my parents.

Kiriko sighed and stared directly at her parents, with her hands on her lap.

Kiriko:Yesterday, before Y/N and I went out on our date. Genji came to our apartment with two of his friends.

Asa:Genji? What did Genji want?

Kiriko:He wants us to join his organization.

Toshiro:Organization? What kind of organization?

Asa:Wait didn't he mention about being an Overwatch agent to us, when we caught up with him?

Toshiro:I think so.. But i thought they disbanded. I remember several Hashimoto clan members were talking about it during my captivity.

Kiriko:Well, they reformed and they're looking for new recruits. Genji thought that both Y/N and I would make excellent recruits. But the truth is i do wanna join! But i don't want ot abandon you guys.


Kiriko:Mom, i know how overprotective you are over me. Even though I'm in my mid to late twenties you still treat me like a little girl. But i don't want to break your heart well both of you guy's heart by leaving you two.

Toshiro:Kiriko, i was very happy that day when your friends took me out of that cell. I finally got to see my little girl in so many years. It does pain me to see you go so soon. But it would also make me happy to see you using your abilities for others, not just Kanezaka but for everyone in the world that could use it.

Asa:Kiriko, i know your a grown woman and i can't just keep you secluded like some child. Even though you still aren't very mature yet.

Kiriko:Hey, i think that I'm very mature.

Asa:But you proved to me that maybe you don't need my defending. I sitll won't forget that day when you protected Mr.Yoshida and Akari from the Hashimoto. Watching it all from that peep hole made me very proud that day.

Kiriko:You're also forgetting about Y/N, Mom. I did save him also from bleeding out.

Asa:My apologies Y/N.

Y/N:None taken, Asa.

Asa:You know Kiriko i was very shocked when you first told me about taking on the Hashimoto elite. It worried me that you were playing a dangerous game regular grunts were fine. But the elites were the most feared members to the group. But yet you two managed to overcome all challenges, even to defeating Masaru himself. Maybe I'm a bad mother for doubting my own daughter's ability.

Asa had tears pouring down her eyes, Toshiro immediately rushed over and gave his wife some tissues.

Kiriko:Mom, you aren't a bad mother. Yoy never were, if it wasn't for both you and Grandma none of this would've happened. Your training and Grandma's faith in the fox spirit is the reason why we're here today... You're the best mother that i could've ever had.

Asa:Kiriko... I only have one question for you.

Kiriko:Yes mom?

Asa:How long do you have to make your decision?

Kiriko:We were given 72 hours. But it's less than that by now.

Asa:Well, Kiriko. Do you really wanna be an overwatch agent?

Kiriko:I do... But i don't want to leave you guys.

Toshiro:Don't worry about us! We'll make sure to call you every night so that way we can show you that we're okay. We'll always stay in touch.

Kiriko:What about you mom?

Asa:Well Kiriko, the reason why i worry so much. Is that the hardest thing to imagine as a mother is to bury my own daughter. It's all worried about during the past your own saftey and hoping that you didn't get into trouble. But now it's time for me to let go of my worries. Kiriko, which ever path you choose to take I'll be there to support you.

Kiriko fully now believes she is ready to take on her new responsibilities.

Kiriko:I'm going to join Overwatch!

Kiriko stood up from her chair excited. Than she sat down quickly feeling a little bit embarrassed.

Asa:That's our daughter Toshiro. She's going to bring hope around the world.

Toshiro:Indeed she is.

Asa:Now what about you, Y/N? Will you be joining our daughter aswell?

Y/N:I already made my answer seconds ago.

Asa:That shows that you both will have each other atleast. Who knows maybe you guys can make new friends. You two be the best heroes that you can be. Toshi and I will be rooting for you back home.

Toshiro:If you need anything from us just call alright. You guys spend your time together at Overwatch, alright.

Asa:Please tell us when you two are departing. So that way we can see you for one last time

Kiriko:Alrighty, will do. Thank you two for everything.

Toshiro:No problem, Kiriko. You're our daughter our one and only.

Both Kiriko and I stood up from our chairs and began to walk out of the door.

Asa:Oh one more thing!

We stopped wanting to hear what Asa had to say.

Asa:I want a grandchild by the next 7 years got that!

Both Kiriko and I were astounded by Asa's little joke. Especially as it was some what out of character for her.


Both of our faces turned red, as we were both embarrassed as Asa began to chuckle.

Asa:I'm just joking you two. You guys get ready to tell Genji your answer. I'm sure that he will be happy to know that he'll be working with you both again.

Kiriko and I stepped out of Yamagami's blades. We were still awkward because of Asa's joke.

Kiriko:Never thought that i would get teased by my own mother.

Y/N:Well i guess that's karma for the amount of teasing that you've been doing.

Kiriko:Yeah... I'm just surprised that it went well.

Y/N:See i told you. You just gotta start trusting your own heart and take the gamble.

Kiriko:Oh yeah, who told you that?

Y/N:An omnic monk in Nepal did. Now let's call that childhood friend of yours.

Kiriko took out her phone and began to dial Genji's number. We waited patiently as the phone began to ring.


Kiriko:Hey, Shimada we have news for you.

Genji:What is it, have both you and Y/N came to a decision.

Y/N:We have, Kiri and I have fully decided to join Overwatch with you.

Genji:Really? That's good to hear! I'm sure my friends and I are excited to have you on board.

Kiriko:Yeah... Just a quick question when are we departing?

Genji:Let's see Cass gave you guys 72 hours to make up your decision. But that's basically three days. Let me go ask Cassidy about it.

Cassidy:We can bring them to base by tomorrow. If they're fine with it?

Genji:Are you guys fine with tomorrow?

Y/N:Tomorrow? That only gives us today to pack up and say our goodbyes.

Genji:It just depends if you guys want to go.

Kiriko:We'll leave by tomorrow. Just tell us where do we meet up with you guys.

Genji:Alright, we'll see you tomorrow.

Genji gave us the location of where the ship they've come from is located at. I was confused at Kiriko picking tomorrow. But she probably had a plan.

After Kiriko hung up the call, i watched as she opened up the Yōkai group chat. She immediately texted something.

My phone's notfication went off and i took it out. Kiriko's message was of telling the group where to meet up. It was the same spot that Genji told us to come.

Kiriko stayed on her phone and messaged few more people, then she put her phone back into her pocket.

Kiriko:Come on let's go home we have to start packing for tomorrow.

I nodded then we both walked back to our apartment.

Timeskip, tomorrow

Kiriko and I looked at our apartment for the last time. It was now completely empty minus the furniture.

Kiriko:I'm going to miss this place. The first place i had since i moved out of my grandma's.

Y/N:I'm probably gonna miss the complex in general. Had a lot of good memories in here. Except for getting stabbed.

Kiriko:Hey if you didn't get stabbed then we probably wouldn't have gotten to know each other better


I grabbed my luggage holding whatever i can take. With Kiriko holding her luggage as well. We walked out of the apartment and headed straight for the elevator.

Something i found a little odd was that Mr.Yoshida wasn't doing his daily routine of checking the power for this floor. I shrugged it off as he could be working on another floor.

We walked inside of the elevator and went to the 1st floor and entered the main lobby for the apartment complex. We then headed out throufh the front door leaving our home for the last time.

We than walked around Kanezaka looking for the location that Genji told us to come.

Walking around the streets and looking at all of the buildings with people going on in their day. It feels breathtaking, reminds back when Kiriko first took me out into the streets and train with her. It felt nostalgic to me.

Guess that's a main reason why we're joining Overwatch. To fully protect the innocent so they can continue to live their lives like everything is normal.

After a couple of minutes of walking, we headed to a flat area of Kanezaka. It was near the woods where that old abandoned dojo was.

Awaiting for us was a ship that was ready to take flight. With Genji, Cassidy, and Tracer standing infront of it.

Kiriko:We're here!

We both waved at the trio as they were waiting for us.

Cassidy:Glad you guys can come.

Tracer:Did you guys seriously have to pick today to leave. I was actually quite enjoying my stay here.

Y/N:That's Kanezaka for you. That's why our tourism level usually goes up during our festivals.

Tracer:Than maybe i might just return for one of those festivals. I'm sure Emily might enjoy going to one.

Genji:So, are you two ready to go?

Kiriko:Well not yet.

Cassidy:What do you mean by not yet?

Kiriko with a smirk on her face had a card up on her sleeve.

Kiriko:We haven't finished saying goodbye yet...

Nobuto:Boss!!!! Y/N!!!!

Sakura:Nobuto, wait up! You're going too fast.

Ryōta:Jeez and i thought Kiriko was fast on her bike.

Running towards the area was Yōkai, Nobuto was running at full speed panting along the way trying to get to us.

Mr.Yoshida:You two leaving so soon?

We looked at our right and saw Mr.Yoshida holding Akari's hand walking towards us.

With Akari using sign language to talk to us.

Akari:(Sign language) Y/N, Kiriko don't go yet! I haven't even gotten the chance to say goodbye!

The last group of people to arrive was both Asa and Toshiro.

Toshiro:So glad that you told us the time. I haven't even opened up shop yet.

Asa:I'm just glad that we were able to make it in time.

All of them hurdled into a small group surrounding both Kiriko and I.

Kiriko:If both Y/N and I are leaving Kanezaka! Then we're leaving with a bang!

Y/N:So this is what you planned for?

Kiriko:Surprised that you didn't figure it out. Guess i really am the brains of this relationship.

Y/N:I had an idea... Just not this.

Cassidy:So you brought your loved ones and friends out here to say goodbye. Guess i didn't expect this coming. You guys have 30 minutes. Lena, get the ship ready!

Tracer:Got you Cass!

Genji:I'll be on watch incase any one comes and tries to disturb us.

Cassidy nodded as he walked inside of the ship.

Kiriko and I are ready to give our final goodbyes to our friends and loved ones. Before our new journey can truly begin.

The first of the group to walk up was Mr.Yoshida and Akari.

Mr.Yoshida:Kiriko, Y/N this is goodbye. I know i will miss you both but mainly Akari will.

Akari runs up to Kiriko giving her a hug. Kiriko began to communicate with Akari by using sign language.

Akari:(Sign Language) Kiriko, i don't want you to go!

Kiriko:(Sign Language) I'm sorry Akari, but i have to.

Akari:(Sign Language) But i wanna go with you!

Kiriko:(Sign Language) Akari it's going to be dangerous for you.

Akari:(Sign Language) But i can kick some bad guy's butt like you do.

Kiriko:(Sign Language) Maybe when your older you can meet up with me, again. That way i can train you to be just like me someday!

Akari:(Sign Language) Really? Then maybe one day i can protect Grandpa from any bad guys that try to harm us.

Kiriko:(Sign Language) I'm going to miss you Akari!

Akari:(Sign Language) Me too Kiriko, thank you for being my friend.

The two hugged each other for the last time. To Akari Kiriko was like a sister to her. It must be heartbreaking for someone her age to see her go. But i know that she'll be rooting her on during our new adventures.

Y/N:How come i don't get a hug?

Kiriko:Because I'm her favorite, obviously.

Mr.Yoshida:Kiriko, Y/N. I know this is abrupt but i need to ask you for something back.

Y/N:What is it?

Mr.Yoshida:The keys to your apartment.

Kiriko:Y/N you have them don't you?

Y/N:I think so

I reached into my pocket and took out the keys to the apartment and handed them over to Mr.Yoshida.

Mr.Yoshida:Thank you. I want you to know that you apartment will be safe in my hands. That way when you guys ever come back you'll always have a place to stay.

Kiriko:What are you talking about Mr.Yoshida?

Mr.Yoshida:I'll be paying for the rent to your apartment. As a thank you for everything that you've done.

Y/N & Kiriko:H-Huh!?

Y/N:M-Mr.Yoshida you don't have to! It's fine, We can take care of it on our own.

Kiriko:Yeah, Mr.Yoshida you don't owe us anything! You don't have to pay to keep our aparment for us.

Mr.Yoshida:You two gave me hope when it came to my son. He was in a bad state when he took out that loan he couldn't even take care of Akari. My son always tried to pay them back but whenever he was near it was due time. He would beg for them to give him a few more weeks, only to be responded to by a beating and being told that his debt has increased. One time he even called me at the hospital after they broke his leg. They only came to see me on that faithful day to send a message to my son. That they weren't playing around. Until you two stepped in and showed them a lesson.

Mr.Yoshida removed his glasses to wipe a tear coming from his eyes.

Mr.Yoshida:I don't know what would've happened to me or Akari hadn't you two intervened. I even worried for Y/N after that thug stabbed him, it felt like there was no resisting against them. Until you finished them off Kiriko and gave me hope that one day things can go back the way they were. So one day Akari can grow up and enjoy Kanezaka like i did when i was her age. The most happiest I've been was when i got a call from my son saying that he was free from his debt. I knew something wasn't  right, until i checked the news and saw what happened with the Hashimoto Clan.

Mr.Yoshida then looked at Genji, and recognized him immediately. After all Kanezaka mainly credits him for stopping the Hashimoto clan. Keeping Yōkai's identity as a vigilante group unknown.

Mr.Yoshida:I can connect the puzzle so easily. You two were there that day weren't you? That's why I want to thank you personally for what you have done, for my family. Thank you Kiriko and Y/N.


Kiriko:Thank you for telling us this Mr.Yoshida. I hope that your son is doing alright.

Mr.Yoshida:He is. Thank you two for force defending the innocent of this town. I hope that you two can continue doing what you do best.

The two rejoined the group, as three people then apporached us next. It was Ryōta, Sakura, and Nobuto.

Nobuto:Boss! What is going on!? You told us to meet you here and the first thing we come across is a ship that is owned by... Overwatch!!!

Y/N:Calm down Nobuto.

Nobuto:How can i stay calm! When there is a ship that's owned by Overwatch right there!

Sakura:Get it together for once.

Sakura slapped Nobuto across the face hard. Leaving a red palm mark on his face.

Ryōta:Atleast that'll shut him up. But Kiriko you told us meet up here we atleast deserve to know an explanation?

Kiriko:Right... Well best way to explain it is Y/N and I are joining Overwatch.

Nobuto, Sakura, and Ryōta:Huh!?

Nobuto:How come you guys get to be invited to join Overwatch! But not us!

Y/N:I don't know ask Genji. He's the one who recommended us.

Nobuto:This has bias written all over it! Just because the boss is his childhood friend and Y/N is her boyfriend! BIAS, BIAS I SAY

Ryōta:Dude, can you just shut up again.

Ryōta then elbowed Nobuto on the back of his head. Nobuto placed his hand on where Ryōta elbowed him.

Ryōta:Kiriko, i have a simple question?

Kiriko:What is it, Ryōta?

Ryōta:If you joining Overwatch means you'll be leaving Kanezaka. What will be come of Yōkai?

Sakura:Yes, as it was your leadership that held our group together.

Kiriko:You two are right.. Yōkai will not be the same without me.

Y/N:Which means someone is going to have to take control while we're gone. Someone to lead the group and keep protecting Kanezaka.

Kiriko:Yes even though we may be gone doing other things. It doesn't mean Yōkai is done for... Far from it.

Kiriko walked up to Ryōta and placed her hand on his shoulder.

Kiriko:That's a responsibility that i'll be placing onto you, Ryōta. You may not have any spiritual abilities but you can still kick ass.

Ryōta:Me, huh? Guess i can see that i mean i was your second in command. Well until bird boy came in.

Y/N:Hey! I thought we were cool.

Ryōta:If your girlfriend can tease you all the time. Then i still hold the right to insult you.

Sakura:Congratulating on becoming our new leader Ryōta.

Nobuto:You were always the serious one from us all. I don't think i ever seen you smile.

Ryōta:Kiriko, i vow to you that i will be a worthy successor to you.

Kiriko:I know you will. Make us proud

Nobuto:This calls for a celebration! Gozen Ramen any-

Ryōta:Ask me to use my discount and I'm kicking you out.

Nobuto:Hehehe actually on a second note. Maybe not.

Y/N:Oh Nobuto, I'm surprised to say this but I'm actually gonna miss you.

Nobuto:Heh thanks Y/N.

Sakura:Guess it's gonna be hard with just the three of us. But I'm sure we'll figure it out... It's not gonna be the same without you two. Guess that's something I'm gonna have to get used.

Kiriko:To us, To Yōkai.

Everyone:To Yōkai!

Nobuto:One last thing to ask?

Y/N:What is it, Nobuto?

Nobuto:Can you guys do me a favor? If he's there can you get me an autograph of an Overwatch agent.

Y/N:Which one?

Nobuto:The great Törbjorn Lindholm. He's an engineer that's kinda an inspiration to me. If it wasn't for him then i probably wouldn't have been useful to the group.

(Nobody Tell him)

Sakura:You were never useful to the group.

Nobuto:Yes, i was. My gadgets helped multiple times.

Kiriko:I do have to give where credit is do. Alright Nobuto we'll accept your request.

Y/N:Yeah if we find some Törbjorn Lindholm guy. We'll let you know.

Nobuto:Thank you two so much!

Y/N:Just promise us that all of you guys will keep Kanezaka safe.

Kiriko:Yeah and if some other organization tries to set up shop let us know.

Ryōta:Will do. I promise Kanezaka will be under our protection. Like it always has been?

Kiriko:I'm counting on you all!

Sakura:We won't disappoint! Also Kiriko i wanted to ask how is the necklace?

Kiriko:You mean my new cool keychain?


Kiriko showed off the the fox from the necklace that she turned into a keychain. The Keychain was attached to her glove.

Kiriko:I must say nice work though. You were always the talented one artistically. Seems like Y/N came to the right person.

Y/N:I sure did... Sorry Sakura i didn't know that she wasn't much of a necklace person.

Nobuto:Seems like you don't know your girlfriend very well.

Y/N:Now i take back saying that I'm going to miss you.

Sakura was upset by Kiriko's little modification to her creation. As she was looking down on the floor.

Sakura:It hurts me to see my work be vandalized. But atleast she's enjoying it so nothing went in vain.

Ryōta:Sakura, you're literally acting like Nobuto when one his inventions get blown up.

Sakura:That's different!


Ryōta rolled his eyes after speaking in a sarcastic tone. Sakura was a little bit furious from Ryōta's comment. Nobuto just had a stupid smile on his face.

The Chaos that could've ended Yōkai, but didn't as the shared goal kept us unified.

Kiriko:I'm glad that i met every single one of you. But Ryōta your gonna have to learn how to keep this team under control.

Ryōta:I know and i'll continue to try.

Y/N:Good luck out there man. You're gonna need it.

Ryōta:Me? I'm probably going to be fighting petty criminals. You guys are going to the fight the deal.

Kiriko:We know we are! We'll just give everyone of them the same treatment as we did to the Hashimoto!

Nobuto:Boss, can we have one more group photo before you go?

Kiriko:Nobuto, call me Kiriko for once.

Nobuto:I'm sorry... Kiriko, can we take a group photo before you go?

Kiriko:Sure Nobuto.

We each got into a small pose together. I wrapped my right arm around Kiriko, Kiriko was holding her Kunai and doing a pose with it. Sakura had her arms crossed, Ryōta was squatting down and Nobuto held his phone high to take the picture.

Nobuto:And done!

Y/N:Make sure to send it to us, when we leave.

Nobuto:Will do, Y/N. Let it be a token of our group. Even though we will be seperated, we'll always have the memories that we've formed.

Kiriko:That's the first time i heard you say in a non exaggerated way.

Sakura:There's always a first for everything.

We all sighed, i then took out my phone and realized that we had 15 minutes left to say goodbye. I showed the time with the rest of the Yōkai members.

Ryōta:Guess this is goodbye then.. We don't want to take up most of your time.

Y/N:Yeah, wish this moment could last forever.

Kiriko:Farewell my friends.

Ryōta:Farewell to the both of you.

Both Kiriko and Ryōta did a little gesture. Mainly as a symbol of her passing the torch to Ryōta.

The Yōkai members walked back into the group. As the duo of both of Kiriko's parenrs apporached us.

Kiriko:Mom, Dad glad you guys could come!

Asa:And miss my little girl departing. That's something that i would never want to miss.

Toshiro:Glad that this is the path that the both of you have chosen. I'm sure that the world will be thankful for your abilities.

Kiriko:Heh, with my fox spirit and Y/N's Crow spirit. We are a pretty unstoppable duo.

Y/N:Most of them won't probably know what will hit them.

Asa:Y/N i hope that you will continue the promise that you made a long time ago.

Y/N:I know, i'll continue to watch over her and make sure she doesn't get into trouble.

Kiriko:Really mom? You're still keeping Y/N in charge of babysitting me? When it's seriously the other way around.

Asa:It's just a saftey measure, still. Also i feel like you might get in trouble for disobeying authority over there.

Y/N:She probably might. I'll make sure that she doesn't get kicked out on her first day.

Kiriko:Hey like i said before. I don't like following the rules.

Asa:She get's the recklessness from you, Toshi.

Toshiro:Hey don't blame me. Anyways are you guys going to be using those gifts that i gave you last month?

Y/N:Does this answer your question?

I took out the kisarigama's that Toshiro gave as a present. Whipping them out and spinning them.

Toshiro:Nice! I made sure to make those with the mose finest quality of metal.

Kiriko:I'm sure they're  going to help out dad. Though i am running out of kunais.

Toshiro:How did you almost run out that set of kunais. I gave you around 150!

Kiriko:Let's just say I'm some what of a big spender when it comes to my kunais.

Toshiro:I'll be sure to make a new set for you then.

Kiriko:Thanks dad!

Asa:Remember your training you two. I took most of my spare time to train you new tricks. So use them carefully

Kiriko:We will, mom heck maybe i might be able to show you some news moves of mine.

Asa:I'll look foward to seeing those moves someday.

Y/N:I still appreciate the lessons Asa i feel like I'm slowly becoming a master of the kusarigama's.

Asa:Oh Y/N your just 2% on the way there.

Kiriko immediately begin to hold in her laughter. Asa then realized what she just said.

Asa:Oh my apologies Y/N. I didn't mean it like that.

Y/N:I know you don't Asa. I understand what you mean. It's  constructive criticism from a master like yourself. I just need to keep training i guess.

Asa:That's what both of you are going to do. Maybe one day you might be able to teach the next generation of heroes my skills. Then maybe so on and so on.

Toshiro:Do you guys have everything you need? Do you need anything else.

Y/N:Kiri and I are well packed Toshiro.

Asa:Remember you two if you need anything just call us.

Kiriko:I know, I know. And we'll keep our promise to call you everyday to make sure we're fine.

Asa:Well Toshi and I changed it. You just have to call us atleast one a week or maybe a month. That way you don't have to worry about that daily call.

Toshiro:We don't want to put pressure on you two. As being an Overwatch agent could be stressful. We don't want you to have one more thing on your mind.

Kiriko:Oh you two can never be a bother to me. Both Y/N and I will always be sure to call.

Y/N:And if one of us forgets I'm sure that we'll be able to remind the other.

Asa:Even though i have given my support. I'm still going to be worried about you two. One day i'll turn on the news and find out a fight that overwatch had. Probably seeing the chaos knowing what you two have been through. It's going to terrify me knowing that there's nothing i could to do protect either one of you. But as i said before i trust that you'll be able to take care of each other.

Both of Kiriko's parents had tears in their eyes. Both Kiriko and I hugged them together in a group hug. We broke the hug knowing that time would be running out soon.

Kiriko:I love you guys. Always remember that I'll always be your one and only daughter

Y/N:Thank you for accepting me into your family.  Giving me a few months to get to know better the parents of my girlfriend. It makes me happy that you guys gave me a chance.

Asa:Of course.. Now on you two! Show the world what you are both made of!

Kiriko and I nodded. I gave Genji the signal that we were ready to go. Genji walked into the ship with us following him.

We held each other's hand and looked at each other.

Y/N:You ready to begin a new chapter in our lives?

Kiriko:If it's with you then i am ready.

We turned around and saw everyone waving goodbye at us and wishing us luck.

Y/N:Look at them rooting for us. Didn't think this would ever happen in my life.

Kiriko:You never think straight ahead don't you?

Y/N:At this point ever since i met you. I now trying to expect the unexpected.

We walked inside of the ship with the glass door closing. We looked inside of the shipm it had tables, posters, a basketball court for some reason.

Cassidy:Y/N, Kiriko I'd like to welcome you two to Overwatch.

Kiriko and I took a seat next to each other. Wondering what's going to happen next.

Y/N:So what now?

Genji:I suggest that you all get comfortable. It's going to be a long ride back to base.

The ship began to take off from the ground and begin to fly in the sky. Kiriko and I continued to look down at the waving crowd. Watching as they turned smaller and smaller, the higher the ship got.

Y/N:Farewell Kanezaka thank you for all the memories.

Kiriko:Just like how the town move on. Now it's time for us as well.

Y/N:So where exactly are we heading?

Tracer:To Watchpoint Gibraltar!

To be continued

Hello everyone welcome to arc 2! The story is going to be different. We are leaving the town of Kanezaka and are going to start fighting around the world.

A new adventure for both of our protagonists. What will await for them? New friends, new enemies and new locations.

Maybe they might stumble into some problems in their relationship. However the two will find a way to figure it out. Maybe?

Most importantly how will Y/N react to Winston?

I hope you all look foward to reading the future chapters that are to come.

I really enjoy writing this story, so thank you all for the support.

I'd like to warn you all that some of your favorite characters. They might not get the spotlight so often. As since Overwatch has a huge cast of characters. It would be hard to balance out their apperances.

So in this story I'm going to try to focus on both Talon and Null Sector as antagonist groups.

Now i have question, should i rename the story?

So the reason why it's called Protectors of Kanezaka. Is simply because I'm lazy when it comes to titles.

So i literally just looked at one of Kiriko's Highlight intros and just added an s and called it a day.

But since we're moving from Kanezaka. It kinda changes the whole thing with the title.

Which the original plan was to split this part as it's own story. But i was immediately against that, as i didn't want you guys to switch to another story.

So anyone got any name suggestions? Or do you guys just pefer to still keep it the same?

Next question it's kind of a mini spoiler. But would you guys be okay with an original villan who joins Talon? The only thing I'm saying about this villan is that they have a spirit and that's about it.

Or do you all pefer just the actual villans and not to insert one more guy.

Those are the only questions that i have for you guys.

I hope that you all enjoy the first chapter to the second arc.

I'll see you all in

New Agents of Overwatch.

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