The Next Prince (ZeeNunew) [C...

Von Zeenunew1025zn

25.7K 567 73

This is the English Translation of The Next Prince Note: I'm not looking for fame I'm just trying to help peo... Mehr

1.Fencing Association Tensioner
2.Goodbye, I don't want to see you
3.Earl Gray Tea
4.Truth in Lies
6.True Winner
8.Game of Life
9.Dream Pictures
10.Mean People
11.Rights of the Winner
14.Pieces in a board game
15. By My Side
16.Lives hanging by a Thread
18.True Status
19.Just You
20.Important royal messages
21.Important heir to the Throne
22. Forbidden Garden
23.Start the game
24.Ongrak zone
26.Duties of Charan
27.Close Friends
29.First Date

25. Feelings that must be kept

749 12 6
Von Zeenunew1025zn

Original CEO ft Enice

As the paparazzi's footsteps fade into the distance, Charan and Kanin find themselves locked in a tense embrace, their hearts racing with a mixture of fear and desire. Charan's mind grapples with conflicting emotions, torn between his sense of duty and the undeniable pull of his feelings for Kanin.

In the dim light of the alleyway, Charan's resolve wavers as he struggles to reconcile his duty to protect Kanin with the forbidden longing that courses through his veins. But as the paparazzi pass by without noticing their presence, Charan's grip tightens around Kanin, a silent promise to keep him safe at any cost.

With a whispered apology, Charan pulls away, his composure returning as he addresses Kanin with the formality befitting their stations. But beneath the facade of duty lies a simmering tension, a longing that cannot be denied.

Kanin, too, feels the weight of their clandestine encounter, his chest tight with a mix of anticipation and uncertainty. As Charan assures him of their safety, Kanin's mind races with thoughts of what could have been, of the forbidden love that binds them together.

But there is no time for contemplation, no room for hesitation. With a nod of understanding, Kanin follows Charan's lead, their masks concealing their identities as they slip away into the night.

As they navigate the labyrinthine streets of the city, Kanin finds himself drawn to Charan's side, their shared secret binding them together in a dance of longing and desire. And as they disappear into the shadows, their hearts beating as one, Kanin knows that their forbidden love will endure, transcending the boundaries of their warring families.

As they rode through the chilly night on Charan's motorcycle, Kanin couldn't shake the unease gnawing at him. The wind whipped around them, threatening to tear away any semblance of warmth, yet Kanin's mind was preoccupied with thoughts of Charan and the tumultuous emotions swirling between them.

Desperate to break the silence that hung heavy between them, Kanin leaned closer to Charan, his voice barely audible over the roar of the engine. "What is it?" he asked, hoping to bridge the gap that seemed to widen with each passing moment.

Charan's gaze remained fixed on the road ahead, his expression unreadable in the darkness. But Kanin sensed a tension radiating from him, a palpable barrier that seemed to grow stronger with each heartbeat.

"I need to know," Kanin persisted, his voice tinged with urgency. "I need to understand why you keep pushing me away, why you refuse to acknowledge what lies between us."

The words hung in the air, heavy with unspoken truths and unfulfilled desires. Kanin's heart raced as he waited for Charan's response, his fingers tightening around Charan's waist in a silent plea for understanding.

For a moment, there was only the sound of the wind rushing past them, carrying with it the weight of their shared secrets and unspoken longing. And then, finally, Charan spoke, his voice barely audible over the roar of the engine.

"We cannot afford to indulge in such feelings," Charan said, his words laced with a hint of sadness. "Our families are at war, Kanin. To give in to our desires would be to invite disaster upon us both."

Kanin's heart sank at Charan's words, the reality of their situation crashing down around them. He had known, deep down, that their love was forbidden, but to hear Charan voice it so plainly was a bitter pill to swallow.

But even as despair threatened to consume him, Kanin refused to give up hope. "I understand," he said, his voice steady despite the turmoil raging within him. "But even in the midst of war, there is still room for love. We cannot let fear dictate our actions, Charan. We must fight for what we believe in, for what we feel in our hearts."

With those words hanging between them, Kanin leaned back against Charan, finding solace in the warmth of his embrace. And as they rode through the night, their hearts beating as one, Kanin knew that their love would endure, no matter the obstacles they faced.

As Kanin blocked Charan's path, determination burned in his eyes, his heart yearning for answers he knew Charan held within him. The air between them crackled with tension, Kanin refusing to let Charan slip away this time.

Charan's expression remained stoic, his gaze piercing as he met Kanin's unwavering stare. But Kanin could sense the turmoil hidden beneath that composed facade, a tempest of emotions waiting to be unleashed.

With a steadying breath, Kanin spoke, his voice echoing through the quiet hallway, laden with raw emotion. "Are you going to run away again?" he asked, his words a challenge, a plea for honesty. "I wonder if it's even possible to talk to you myself somewhere here."

There was a weightiness to Kanin's words, a vulnerability laid bare for Charan to see. He refused to back down, refusing to let Charan retreat into the safety of silence once more.

Charan's gaze softened ever so slightly, a flicker of understanding passing between them. And then, with a determined resolve, Charan shook his head, his voice steady as he spoke.

"No, Kanin," he said, his words carrying a quiet strength. "I will not run away. But there are things we must discuss in private. Follow me."

With that, Charan turned and led the way down the hallway, his steps purposeful and sure. Kanin followed closely behind, his heart racing with anticipation, knowing that this conversation would shape the course of their future.

As they reached the end of the corridor, Charan paused in front of Kanin's bedroom door, his gaze meeting Kanin's with a silent understanding. And in that moment, as their eyes locked in a shared embrace, Kanin knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together.

With a nod of agreement, Kanin stepped aside, allowing Charan to open the door and lead the way into the quiet sanctuary of his bedroom. And as they crossed the threshold together, Kanin felt a sense of hope stir within him, knowing that whatever the future held, they would face it as equals, bound by the unbreakable bond of their love.

Kanin's frustration simmered beneath the surface as Charan remained stoic, his expression unreadable. Despite the tension between them, Kanin could sense a flicker of agitation in Charan's eyes, a sign that he was not as unaffected as he appeared.

When Charan broached the topic of how Kanin managed to find him, Kanin responded honestly, holding Charan's gaze firmly. He explained that he had learned of Charan's whereabouts from Morpheus, Charan's butler, without any intention of deceit.

Charan's eyebrows twitched slightly at the mention of his butler's involvement, a subtle sign of his discomfort. But Kanin pressed on, refusing to back down from the confrontation.

"Don't keep searching like this, it's very dangerous," Charan warned, his tone serious.

"Then don't escape, either," Kanin retorted sharply. "If you don't want me to take risks again."

The tension between them crackled in the air, neither willing to yield to the other. Kanin was tired of the games, tired of the distance Charan maintained between them.

"It's late, and it's time to rest," Charan stated, attempting to change the subject.

But Kanin refused to be brushed aside. "I'm not a kid who has to go to bed before four o'clock," he shot back, his frustration boiling over. "To be honest, aren't you curious about what I want to talk about?"

Charan remained silent, his expression inscrutable. Kanin felt a pang of disappointment at his silence, but he pressed on, determined to address the matter at hand.

"For the competition, we need to find team members," Kanin explained, his voice tinged with urgency. "His Majesty, my grandfather, has found people for me to choose from, but I need someone I can trust."

But before Kanin could finish, Charan cut him off with a sharp denial, his words like a knife through Kanin's hopes and dreams.

"It's so easy for you to refuse, isn't it?" Kanin's voice trembled with frustration and hurt. "I haven't said a word about whether you will wield a sword or find something... Are you the person who said he would protect, take care... the person who said he wanted me to compete?"

The weight of Kanin's words hung heavily in the air, a silent plea for Charan to confront his true feelings and honor the promises he had made. But Charan remained silent, leaving Kanin to grapple with his own emotions in the suffocating silence.


"You... you're so heartless, you know, you brought me here, left me, and disappeared... Have you ever wondered what I would become?" Kanin's voice, laced with disappointment and vulnerability, pierced through the air, conveying his raw emotions to Charan.

Charan felt a pang of guilt at Kanin's words, realizing the pain he had caused by his actions. He remained silent, unable to offer any justification for his behavior.

"Maybe you don't remember, but I'll remind you again. Now my life has no one left to trust... I only have you," Kanin continued, his voice steady but tinged with sorrow.

Charan's heart clenched at Kanin's words, his silence feeling heavier than ever before. He wanted to reach out, to comfort Kanin, but he found himself paralyzed by his own emotions.

"Your Highness..."

"I apologize. Young Prince Kanin... Khun Charan." The interruption from the third person broke the tense atmosphere, providing a brief respite from the emotional exchange.

"Is there something wrong..." Kanin composed himself quickly, masking his emotions behind a mask of strength.

"Prince Tarin has summoned you right now, Your Highness," the third person informed, redirecting the conversation.

"Understood. I will go..." Kanin responded, his demeanor shifting abruptly as he turned away.

Charan watched Kanin's retreating figure, feeling a mix of regret and longing. He knew he had hurt Kanin deeply, but he was at a loss for how to mend their fractured relationship.

As Kanin walked away, Charan couldn't help but feel a sense of loss. He knew that repairing their bond would take time and effort, but he was determined to make amends.

Once Kanin was out of sight, Charan was left alone with his thoughts, grappling with the weight of his actions and the consequences they had wrought. He realized that he couldn't continue to avoid confronting his feelings, especially when they involved someone as important to him as Kanin.

"Have a sip... It will warm your body." Prince Tarin's demeanor exuded genuine concern as he poured fragrant Jasmine tea into a small white teacup and handed it to Kanin.

Taking the cup, Kanin glanced at it before lifting it to his lips and taking a sip, appreciating the comforting aroma. His senses were alert, ready to engage in the conversation that was sure to follow, likely concerning his recent late-night escapade outside the palace.

"Return late then. Did you enjoy your outing?" Prince Tarin's question caught Kanin off guard, but he composed himself quickly, ready to respond.

"Well... I..." Kanin began, unsure of how to explain his actions.

"If you plan to go outside, have someone accompany you. If you don't know who to tell, tell me... Don't just rely on Chakri, you can't go out with just two people, as the danger outside is greater than expected," Prince Tarin advised, his tone gentle yet firm.

Listening attentively, Kanin nodded, realizing the gravity of his actions and the need for caution.

"No matter what kind of life you've lived before, now that you're here, donning this crown... You have to be more cautious than before, think further ahead, and be more attentive. Because it's not just Chakri who will suffer with you, but those who are concerned will also lose sleep," Prince Tarin continued, his words carrying a sense of wisdom and concern.

"Yes, sir," Kanin replied, acknowledging the importance of his words.

As Prince Tarin spoke, memories of Chakri's stories about him flooded Kanin's mind, deepening his understanding of the responsibility he carried.

"Next time, I will tell you," Kanin promised, choosing honesty over deception.

"There will be a second time?" Prince Tarin inquired, his tone tinged with amusement.

"Yes, well... maybe there will be," Kanin responded softly, his words tinged with uncertainty but also resolve.

With a nod of acceptance, Prince Tarin signaled the end of their conversation, urging Kanin to rest.

"Thank you... um... thank you very much..." Kanin expressed his gratitude before bowing respectfully, a gesture of respect taught by Chakri.

As Kanin left the room, thoughts of reconciliation and understanding lingered in both their minds, hinting at a potential thaw in the icy relations between their families.

As the morning unfolded in the Royal Palace, Kanin's presence stood out, a reminder of the unpredictable nature of life within its walls.

Kanin woke up early, feeling a sense of guilt lingering from the previous day's incident where he unintentionally forced Chakri to comply with an order he didn't want to. Determined to make amends, he eagerly awaited Chakri's arrival, ready to focus on his studies and relieve his butler's burden.

Conversations with Prince Tarin had helped Kanin regain his composure, and he threw himself into his studies until the sun reached its zenith, allowing Chakri some well-deserved rest.

As the afternoon approached, Chakri took on the role of dance instructor, introducing Kanin to the simple steps of Emmaly's folk dance and explaining its cultural significance.

"Young Prince, you need to take one more step forward before, Your Highness... So you can step to the right," Chakri instructed, guiding Kanin through the dance steps.

Following Chakri's lead, Kanin tried to emulate his movements but accidentally stepped on Chakri's foot. Expressing immediate regret, Kanin apologized profusely and offered to assess the injury.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, Khun Kri, does it hurt..." Kanin's concern was evident as he examined Chakri's foot.

"I am alright... It's alright, Your Highness," Chakri reassured him, downplaying the pain.

Realizing his mistake, Kanin apologized again and sought further guidance from Chakri, who took on a stern yet caring demeanor.

"No, Your Highness... Another important matter, you should be cautious of yourself, or else you may step on the feet of dancing partners again," Chakri advised, emphasizing the importance of precision in ceremonial dances.

Apologizing once more, Kanin expressed his genuine concern for Chakri's well-being and sought to understand if he had caused any offense.

"Just a little... But Your Highness, it's alright, you need not feel guilty," Chakri reassured him, his gaze reflecting a mixture of understanding and resolve.

When Kanin inquired about any reprimand from the Sovereign-King, Chakri explained that he had been instructed to focus on Kanin's performance, particularly in displaying royal grace during the upcoming introduction ceremony.

Recalling his grandfather's expectations, Kanin realized the gravity of his role and resolved to fulfill it to the best of his ability, mindful of the impact his actions could have on those around him.

"It should not be too easy... Because if he is easily satisfied from the beginning, the next heir, Asavadevathin, would become a weak point in the game immediately," Kanin assured Chakri, determined to make their performance at the upcoming ceremony truly impressive.

Chakri remained silent, his expression betraying a mixture of concern and uncertainty. But Kanin's confidence seemed to reassure him, if only slightly.

"I guarantee that this time it will impress everyone to the max," Kanin added, his voice brimming with determination.

The rehearsal for the traditional dance involved not only Kanin but also Evaa and Ramil. While Evaa took to the practice easily, Ramil showed little interest and lacked cooperation.

As the rehearsal progressed, Ramil remained distracted by his phone, showing no interest in the dance steps being taught. Petai, the teacher, tried to encourage him, but Ramil dismissed the importance of the rehearsal.

"It's pointless. Why bother rehearsing? You know I can dance even with my eyes closed," Ramil remarked dismissively.

Petai tried to explain the importance of following the schedule and fulfilling the duties of a prince, but Ramil remained uninterested.

Deciding to divert his attention, Ramil approached Petai with a mischievous smile, suggesting they find something less boring to do. Petai, taken aback, warned him about the locked door, but Ramil seemed undeterred.

"Still believe in the legend of the mischievous kiss, huh?" Ramil teased, leaning closer to Petai.

"People have different beliefs," Petai responded cryptically, his lips curving into a subtle smile.

Without hesitation, Ramil leaned in and kissed Petai softly, eliciting a subdued groan from the latter. Their bodies pressed together as they shared a moment of intimacy, their breath mingling in the air.

As the kiss deepened, there was a sense of connection between them, despite the underlying tension. It was a moment of vulnerability and desire, tinged with the uncertainty of what the future might hold.

Ramil's playful nature extended beyond teasing others; he used his charm and wit to diffuse tension, as evidenced by his skillful kiss and subsequent playful banter with Petai. As they shared a moment of intimacy, Ramil quickly shifted the mood by increasing the volume of the music, masking their interaction and maintaining their secret.

Meanwhile, Kanin passed by the theater room, where the loud music caught his attention. Wondering about the commotion, he encountered Evaa, who greeted him respectfully. Despite their age difference and recent acquaintance, Evaa seemed comfortable engaging in conversation with Kanin.

Evaa inquired about Ramil's dance rehearsal, prompting Kanin to carefully respond without revealing too much. Although he believed he was doing well in his rehearsals, Kanin remained modest in his assessment.

As they conversed, they were interrupted by the arrival of Rachata, a member of the royal family, accompanied by soldiers. Rachata's presence added a sense of formality to the interaction, and Kanin remained mindful of maintaining proper etiquette.

Rachata inquired about the preparations for the upcoming debut event, subtly probing for details. Kanin and Evaa responded politely, with Kanin assuring Rachata that they would not bring disgrace to the royal family.

When Rachata made a sarcastic remark, Evaa found it difficult to conceal her disdain, but Kanin remained composed, understanding the need to navigate interactions with individuals like Rachata carefully.

Kanin remained composed and respectful in his conversation with Rachata, assuring him that preparations for the debut event would be handled diligently. Rachata, however, found himself at a loss for words, unable to broach the topic he had intended to discuss.

As tension built, the conversation was interrupted by the arrival of Ramil, who seemed unusually cheerful, and Kanin couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about him. Rachata immediately shifted his focus to Ramil, inquiring about the traditional dance rehearsal.

Ramil's response was jovial, but Petai, who accompanied him, appeared different than usual. Kanin noticed subtle changes in Petai's appearance, such as his disheveled clothing and unkempt hair, indicating that something was amiss.

Despite the tension in the air, Ramil continued to maintain a light-hearted demeanor, teasing Petai about his exhaustion from practice. The exchange added to the sense of unease lingering in the room, leaving Kanin to wonder about the underlying dynamics between the individuals present.




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