11.Rights of the Winner

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Original CEO ft Enice

Kanin paused, attempting to free himself from the grip immediately. His mind registered that the earlier sound belonged to someone else.

"You!" Charan didn't appear too shocked, though Kanin felt a twinge of disappointment. The mysterious person picked up the fallen communication device and returned it to Charan.

"We are going back."

"I'm not going back." The younger boy snatched the phone back, clutching it to his chest, his heartbeat still trembling. Meanwhile, Charan regarded him with the same stern look adults often gave to scold a child.

"What are you planning to do?"

"Whatever it is, I'll do it..."

"Do you want to go find a friend to ask for help, or do you plan to escape on your own and survive?" Charan's long sentence started with a question, but Kanin refrained from providing a response. Every word uttered by the tall man made it evident that he had unraveled all of Kanin's plans.


"Do you want your friend to be in danger?" The older person's face became more serious as he spoke softly, attempting to appeal to Kanin's limited thinking. On the other hand, the younger boy took a deep breath before contemplating the potential harm his actions could inflict.


"Do you know what will happen to your friend if they see you here? You know very well that those people are not ordinary." Every statement from the older person held true. Kanin acknowledged and visualized it himself, recalling the night when Charan and Tattanai, with their extraordinary skills, faced a formidable challenge. What could Paul, an ordinary teenage student, do in such a situation?

The young boy's hands clenched tightly. Kanin wrestled with conflicting thoughts, struggling to find an alternative solution. If he didn't act, his friend would be in peril, and he was determined to handle everything himself to avoid burdening others.

"And don't think about running away alone. If I can read your plan, others can too." Charan warned sternly, as if he possessed the ability to decipher Kanin's thoughts. The younger boy fell into silence, refraining from speaking out of turn. His emotions raged within him like a storm, yet he endeavored to calm down as Charan wished.

"If you understand, can we go back together?"

The hotel hallway remained deserted at this time. Kanin trailed behind the taller person, silently observing Charan's broad shoulders, feeling even smaller and more insignificant.

The younger person breathed quietly throughout the journey, not uttering a word, but their mind incessantly returned to the dire situation. If it weren't for Charan, what if someone else had wanted to take their life? What would Kanin have done?

"Take a rest; you're exhausted." The taller person spoke up in a calm voice as they entered the room. Charan turned off the lights and returned to lie down, proceeding as if nothing had happened before.



"Did you know from the beginning..."


"That I ran away." Kanin mumbled, not expressing everything on his mind but grappling with numerous doubts. One of these doubts was the question of whether Charan had been aware while seemingly asleep. Kanin was quite confident that Charan was fast asleep at that moment, so why...

Charan stared at the young boy, noting a mix of suspicion and fear hidden in Kanin's eyes. Despite the pain, he still believed that the world was too harsh for him.

The Next Prince (ZeeNunew) [Charan&Kanin]Where stories live. Discover now