Immaculate Misconception [r.h...

By GabyHorror

55.5K 1.9K 578

"I remember!" I exclaimed before he could get too far away. "What?" he asked as he turned around to face me... More

Final Author's Note
Long Time No See
The MIW Awards
. . .


2K 74 24
By GabyHorror

The picture is of Juliet Simms and she is mentioned in the chapter so I thought I'd put a picture of her on the side or above in case anybody didn't know who she was. Pretty sure she'll be a huge part of this story considering she is gonna end up being a close friend of Sara's so she'll be in it more after this chapter. Enjoy!

The front door opening and closing behind the couch was music to my ears. It meant Chris was finally home with the medicine my doctor prescribed me. I'd woken up this morning in excruciating pain. First, it was a pounding headache. Then another hour later I reached to grab a cup from the top shelf of the cabinet and pain shot through my side.

Chris had found me lent against the counter in the kitchen, after my many shouts for him to help me. When it all happened, he'd been in his room. When he had seen me, he picked me up and carried me to the couch, where I now lay.

Before Chris left to the pharmacy, he'd given me some regular aspirin to soothe my headache and side. It helped my headache, but not so much my side. So I was happy when he walked through the door, I could finally be in less pain than I was all day. Chris went straight to the kitchen with the white bag, coming back into the living room moments later with a glass of juice and the orange bottle that held my medication.

"The pharmacist told me these were big pills, and they would be harder to swallow with just water so I brought you juice instead." he informed me.

"Thanks Chris." I smiled gratefully at him.

He nodded and handed me the juice, uncapping the orange bottle and shaking out one giant looking white pill. God, why did they have to make pills so huge? I sighed and manned up, taking it without problem, and sighed as I leaned back against the couch again. Hopefully the medication would kick in soon, God knows I desperately needed it right now.

"Are you gonna be okay? Are you gonna live?" Chris teased.

Leave it up to him to cheer me up while I'm in pain. I chuckled slightly but that actually hurt my side somehow, and I gripped at it with a scrunched up face. Chris bit his pierced lip, and then sighed. Getting up from next to me, he left the room and then came back with a pillow and blanket from my bedroom.

"What are you doing?" I asked confused.

"You probably aren't going to be moving off this couch anytime soon, and so why not make it comfortable for you?" Chris cleared up for me.

"Oh," I said and smiled a little. "Thank you."

Chris nodded and I yawned, to which he chuckled about. I raised my eyebrow and he didn't say a word. Instead, Chris helped me lay down and covered me with the fluffy blanket I'd claimed as my own when I moved in. I don't remember exactly how or why I claimed it, I just did.

"I'm tired." I mumbled as my head hit the pillow.

"Yeah, I guess the med's can make you drowsy to help with the pain. Not really sure how that works." Chris told me. "Just sleep, Sara." he told me.

I didn't have to be told twice, and so as I nodded and closed my eyes, I past out into a dreamless sleep.

- - - -

When I woke up, the lamp in the corner of the room was on. The blinds to the window were closed, but I could tell it was probably night time. I hadn't moved on the couch, I was still in the same position as when I fell asleep.

The pain had lessened significantly, and I was ecstatic for that. I heard somebody in the kitchen, most likely Chris, along with the sound of plates clattering together as they were taken out of the cabinet. I winced a little as I forced myself to sit up, clutching at my side again as I stood. Guess not moving was the key to zero pain.

I didn't care however, something smelt good and I was hungry. I hadn't eaten all day, too focused on being in pain this morning and not being able to move really, and then slept for hours on end too. But I was met with a surprise as I walked into the kitchen, Chris wasn't there. Instead I was met with another person clad in black, but this one had more wavy black hair and wore a beanie on their head. They faced down until they heard me enter the room, putting even amounts of the macaroni and cheese in bowls.

"Hey why didn't you call for help on getting up?" he asked me as he set the pot down. It was obvious he took note of the look on my face.

"I'm fine, I can get up on my own." I promised lightly.

He sighed and nodded, somehow knowing it was wise not to argue with me about allowing me to do things on my own. He went back to putting the cheesy goodness in two bowls, and once done stuck the pot in the sink.

"You hungry?" he asked me.

"Sure," I nodded.

He walked back into the living room and put the bowls on the coffee table in front of the couch. I was slow in walking back into the room, and when he turned around he held out his hand for me to take. I took it, and he helped me ease my way into sitting down again.

"So," I started as he handed me my bowl and then sat next to me. "Where is Chris?"

"He had a date with his girlfriend Ashley tonight and called me, saying somebody should be here to take care of you while he was out." Ricky told me.

"I'm not a baby," I mumbled as I shoved a forkful of macaroni into my mouth.

"We know, its just that we want to make sure you're okay." he protested.

I nodded, and we continued to eat in silence. It'd been almost a week since I last saw any of the other guys besides Chris, and I wasn't sure what to say to Ricky. I didn't forget the memory of us at Fright Dome in Las Vegas that came back in my sleep that night, but of course I hadn't told anybody about it besides Ghost.

Devin seemed excited that I remember something else, especially about Ricky. I had been texting him a lot lately, and something we've been over the most is what I thought about Ricky. I liked him, I mean of course I did he was a nice guy. But at the moment, I wasn't attracted to him romantically. He was more of a friend to me right now, and the fear of him staying that way haunted my thoughts all the time. I'd asked Devin what I'd been like when dating Ricky, and he said I was pretty much the same as I was now.

The only differences were I didn't have short-term memory loss, lived with Ricky in an apartment, and we'd apparently kiss a lot and cuddle. That's all the information Devin gave me on what my relationship was and that is when I shared my fear of never liking him like that again.

Ghost said he thinks I will, it'll just take time and its only been about a week since I woke up. That I can't expect myself to remember everything in a week and go back to normal.

And he was right, how I met Chris, Ricky, Balz, Ryan, and himself and also the memory of Ricky and I at Fright Dome were the only memories I'd remembered in an entire week. I was thankful to have recalled two of them, it boost my confidence on remembering everything someday soon. But there was still the wish that everything would just suddenly come back to me and I could be my old self again.

My phone vibrating on the coffee table brought me out of my thoughts, and I looked at the device on the table. I attempted to reach for it when Ricky lent forward instead, picking it up and handing it to me. I looked at the screen, some girl's picture popping up.

She was pretty, having dark roots and lighter brown hair towards the tips. Her skin was flawless, makeup perfectly done. I didn't recognize her, and looked at her caller ID reading 'Juliet'. I reluctantly slid my thumb across the screen, putting it up to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked into the phone.

"Hey Sara!" her voice chirped. "Guess whose close to Scranton for a show?" she asked.

"Uh, you?" I asked, still unfamiliar with who she was and how she knew me.

"Correct! Did you want to meet up somewhere or something? I haven't seen you in forever!" she offered.

I looked over at Ricky who'd been watching this all play off, facial expression reading I needed help. He chuckled and held his hand out for the phone, and I put it in his hand. He held it up to his ear and started speaking to this Juliet person.

"Hey Jules, its Ricky." he said first.

Ricky's Point of View

"Ricky? Where'd Sara go?" she asked.

"She's here, I just have to tell you a few things." I replied.

"Like what?"

"Well, Sara sort of, kind of doesn't remember you too well." the line was silent and so I continued. "She got in a car accident, and is suffering some memory loss."

"Oh my God, is she okay? How did she loose it?" Juliet fired the questions to me out of nowhere.

"Somebody hit her while she was driving home one day. And yes, she's fine, just can be in some pretty bad pain from fracturing a rib and gets headaches."

"How far back can she not remember?"

"I think Chris said two years." I told her, trying to hide the sadness in my voice.

"Damn, so she doesn't even remember you or your relationship then, huh?" Juliet asked.

I sighed and bit my bottom lip, looking over at Sara. She'd turned on the TV and was watching one of her favorite shows, The Fosters as she munched away on her food. I knew she wasn't even paying attention to me anymore, too focused on something that was going on in the show.

I hated this show, and suffered through so many episodes of it just because I love her. I'd pretend to be enthralled or excited about something that happened, when really I couldn't care any less. The main thing I still knew was the character's names, that is pretty much it. An idea suddenly popped into my mind just looking at Sara.

"Hey Juliet, why did you call in the first place?" I asked, having an idea of the reasons.

"I'm close to Scranton, I'm playing a show tomorrow and wanted to catch up with Sara. Probably isn't the best idea anymore, but yeah." Juliet told me.

"No, that's a great idea!"

"It is?"

"Yes! You remember where Chris lives right?"

"Uh, vaguely yes." Juliet confirmed.

"Why don't you stop by tomorrow morning? Or actually, maybe I can convince Chris to let me take Sara for the day and you can stop by my place? Seeing you might help her remember something." I shared.

"I remember how to get to your house better than I do Chris', would it be okay if I just went there?" Juliet asked.

"No problem, I'll just tell Chris."

"Okay then, I guess I'll see you guys tomorrow."

"See ya then." I replied before hanging up.

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