Broken Family (Larry M-Preg)✔︎

By LaRrYs_gae_cHiLd_

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What happens when Harry is 8months pregnant and his husband leaves him? Will they get back together? Or will... More

Important Please Read!!!

Bonus: Avery

615 15 1
By LaRrYs_gae_cHiLd_

Freshman year

Sitting in biology, I couldn't help but glance to my left. Wanting nothing more than to be closer to him. But no, he was sitting with Jayden and her friends. I mean c'mon man, can he not tell that six girls are sitting around him ogling at him? Or maybe he does, maybe that's why he's still talking to them.

"Oi, class is almost over, love." He stood next to me. Close enough for me to smell his aftershave and toothpaste.

"Really. I hadn't noticed." I deadpanned. Of course I'd noticed, I was watching the time, wanting to get out this hellhole where all girls flirt with my best friend.

"Yeah, pretty wild what you notice when you pay attention." He slid in the chair next to me, our knees touching.

"What? Are you actually smart? Woah." He smacked my shoulder, taking my phone off my desk. He unlocked it with his fingerprint and went to the camera to take pictures of himself. Conceded son of a-

"You say that, but, oh I'm graduating earlier than you. I think I'm smart baby." He winked jokingly. Butterflies definitely didn't erupt. Definitely not.

"Ok, sure." I said, loosing my ability to joke, apparently.

"We still on for after school? Mum and Isaac want to come over too for some reason." He made a face, standing up as the bell rang.

"Yeah, dad's gonna grill. It'll be a party." I made eyes at him and he laughed. The best sound in the world. I wanted to keep it in a bottle around my neck.

"Oh I'm in!" A ugly voice squealed behind us. Jayden.

"Nah it's a family thing." Axel said, shrugging off her arm that I hadn't even noticed was on him.

"But you aren't family-"

"Ok bye." I smiled fakely, pulling Axel along.

"Damn girl." He whistled.

"Hey bro. Scored some, wanna come over?" One of Ax's friends came up. I don't remember his name, but I didn't really care.

"Nah, got a family thing." He nodded towards me, his hand going to my lower back.

"What are y'all like siblings?"

"Oh God no." I blurted out. But it doesn't matter because I'm not in love with him.

"Damn, she's got you hooked. Bye man." Axel waved him off as we walked out the school doors.

"Ready to go home?"

Home. Home. HOME. I couldn't help thinking about us having a home to go back to together.


Sophomore year

Parties were not my scene. I hated every minute. People were drunk, sweaty, running up against me.

Now, I like getting drunk but I'd rather do it in mine or Ax's bedroom, just us having a good time. Not all these other bodies.

But my stupid best friend convinced me to come here tonight. Saying, 'its my birthday wish. Come to my party' followed by puppy dog eyes.

I couldn't resist his puppy eyes. And so here we are. I'm watching random teens grind on each other. Axel's doing his rounds, since it is his birthday, so I had to sit here by myself.

"Hey." A guy, Brady I think, came and sat on the couch next to me. His breath smelled like beer, but other than that he was hot so I leaned into him and flirted.

"Hi." I flashed him my famous smile. It always makes Ax give me anything I want.

"So, wanna go find a room?" He asked.

"Uh, no? Maybe we should stay down here for a bit?"

"Yeah, no. See ya."

He stood up and walked away. Finding another girl to fuck. I looked to my right and saw Ax dancing with someone, but his eyes were looking at Brody's retreating figure.

He let go of the girl, who I realize is Jayden, and he started walking over to me.

"Why were you talking to him?!" He demands, grabbing my wrist. He pulls me close to him and I can smell him. His amazingly amazing scent. I couldn't even form coherent thoughts.


"Avery, tell me?! Are you fucking around with Brody?"

"N..o... I'm not...I-"

"Really cause thats what it seemed like. Avery I can't let you do that. It's a mistake and he doesn't deserve you and I just want to do what's best for you!" He yelled, getting me pissed.

"Well, yelling at me in front of all of your friends and humiliating me is definitely best." I deadpanned, "I. Don't. Need. You. To. Control. Me. I'm not even yours. " I yelled back, making every, if they weren't already, look at us.

"Then be mine."

"What- no- wait." I stuttered, not understanding.

"No?" He started backing away, pushing through people.

"No wait! Yes. Goddamnit. Let me be yours!"


Jr year
Axel's pov

As I got downstairs, I kissed Mums cheek and grabbed a apple from our kitchen island. Isaac was sitting doing homework he didn't do last night.

"Are you ready, Ass?"

"Don't use those words with your brother." Mum said, slapping my arm.

"Sel! Do you know where my keys are? I can't find them! They're not on the table. Oh, boys shouldn't you be at school?" Momma said, walking into the kitchen.

"We're leaving soon. We can be late one day." I rolled my eyes, running a hand through my hair. I grabbed my backpack and keys from by the front door and walked out.

Avery was sitting outside when I got out, and she ran into my arms. She giggled into my ear and I smiled, my face almost breaking in half.

"Why are you here, mon soleil?" I asked, setting her down on the pavement.

"I'll never get used to you taking French all of high school. Anyway, my dad's still in the car with Rosie, Dorian, and Rayne. Sel is coming with him to take them to school and then they're doing shopping, or something." She waved it off, and I looked past her and parked on the street was her father's Range Rover.

"Oh ok. I mean I can take your siblings if you'd like." I smiled, and she shook her head as Isaac came out of the house.

"My love." Avery said dramatically, running into Isaacs arms like she'd done to me a few minutes prior.

"Mi amor." He said just as dramatically.

"I can see while you guys take drama together." I rolled my eyes, pulling Avery away and tucking her into my side. "Which isn't even possible because Isaac doesn't go to our school."

"Just cause I'm a prodigy at theatre, doesn't mean you need to be salty, big bro." He said sarcastically. I slapped him and Avery laughed, which was my favorite sound.

"And about my siblings, dad promised them donuts so they wouldn't come if we begged them." Avery looked up at me, kissing my lips softly.

"Donuts?" Isaac asked with wide eyes. "Bye!" He called, running to my Harry's car. Mum then came out of the house all ready to go shopping with Harry.

"He heard about the food, huh?" She asked, kissing both Avery and i's cheeks. "Goodbye kids. Dont get in trouble."

"You say that all the time, Sel. Dont worry, I won't let him get in trouble." My chest vibrated with laughter, hugging Avery closer.

When we got to school, Avery and I parted ways and I went out to the football field. I kicked a ball around for awhile, wanting to get some of my energy out. I had English first period and my teacher always let me go to the field so it's become a routine.

"Hey, Ax!" Rosalie called, running onto the field. She usually played with me, but she was late today.

"Hey. Did you bring me a donut?"

"Nope, Mr sporty. You gotta keep your physique up."

"So you forgot to bring me one?"

"Yeah pretty much."

We passed the ball around, talking about little things and just laughed. We all grew up together. Even though Rosie was only Avery's half sister she was all of our family. We all love her and took care of her. She's a year younger but that never stopped us. Her and Rayne, her sister, have been around for as long as I remember and it just became routine to involve them.

"Wait so what did he do?" I asked, laughing at her story.

"I can't...." She was laughing too hard to finish the story. I smacked the grass as I tried to catch my breath.

   "Hey that was the bell....we gotta go." We walked into the school, still laughing. I had the soccer ball under my arm as we went to our lockers.

"What, is he your boyfriend?" Some kid walked up to Rosie, making her lean against her locker.

"Shut up, Chris." She said, rolling her eyes. I watched, waiting for him to touch her, so I could beat his ass. But they just kept talking.

"You're not creepy at all, Sunshine." Avery said, walking up to me. She came from behind and wrapped her arms around waist.

"I'm making sure he doesn't touch her."

"That's cute but he's not gonna hurt her. He asked me last week if she was single. He likes her."

"Oh," I said, pulling Avery around to my front, hugging her tight. "Makes sense. I'm just overprotective. To any of my siblings. Or my girlfriend."

"I like when you call me your girlfriend." She smiled, kissing my chest through my shirt.

"I love calling you my girl. I always will." I kissed her lips hard, "I love you."

"I love you, Mr. "


Senior year, Avery's pov

"Are you having a graduation party? Because you should." Dorian asked, walking into my room unannounced.

Axel and I flew apart, from our very awkward position for my brother to walk in.

"You cant just walk in!" I said, and he shrugged, sitting at my desk chair.

"Mum and dad are out on date night and I'm bored. And you know the only reason you're in here with your door shut is because they're gone. So humor me and let's play a game." He said, spinning.

"What? No, we're busy."

"Eating each other."

"D! What the fuck?"

"Hey, D, what's up?" Axe asked, looking at my brother curiosly.

"Nothin' just bored. I'll leave you two alone. See ya! Oh and get pizza. I'm starving." Dorian stood and left. Closing the door behind him.

"That was odd."

"A little more than odd." Axe added on, laying down on my bed.

"Hmm." I said, cuddling up to his chest. "Have I ever told you I love you being in my bed?"

"I love it too, girlfriend." She kissed my forehead.


Freshman college move in

"Bruh what?

"Like where does strawberry milk come from?"

"Where do you think chocolate milk comes from, Jess?"

"Brown cows..."

"Holy shit."

"He's your friend." I shook my head, moving my last box into my new dorm. Axel and his friends, Jess and Ben, offered to help me move in.

Since I still wanna see my family, they're coming here tomorrow to help me fully unpack and decorate. But they didn't wanna do heavy lifting.

"Let's hope your roommate isn't like Jayden," Ben said, plopping down on my mattress.

"Oh God. Am I gonna have to not bring you around? I mean, fuck, you're basically a book boy. Ok, you leave and never come back." Axe laughed as I tried to push him out, but I couldn't even get his feet to stumble. "You are made of brick, I swear."

He laughed and picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder. He pulled us over to my roommates bed while his friends sat across, on my bed.

My roommate and I have texted over a school app, and we've been kinda getting to know each other. She told me she'd be here tomorrow to move her stuff in. And I decided to come a day early so we could each have time by ourselves where we weren't both unpacking and everything. Tomorrow, we're all going to dinner so she can decorate or whatever, by herself.

"Can we sleep now?" Jess asked, pretending to wipe sweat off of his forehead.

"Nope, let's get going boys!" I clapped my hand, needing Axel's help to get off my bed.

"I love you." He whispered in my ear.

"I love you, 100 times more, my love."

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