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Today was Monday. The Monday after having a whole week off. I don't want to do anything. But I have to get Avery up, and I have groceries to get. I also have to turn in a article I started working on before Thanksgiving. Which means I actually have to write it....

I haven't answered Louis yet. He wants us to move in. But I don't know. Avery's involved this time. I don't want her to get hurt. And although Lou promised that he'd stay, but, I don't know. I'm going to meet Selena after I drop Avery off at school, to talk to her.

Louis called me as I was getting Avery ready. I answered and started putting Avery's hair up. I dressed her in a a sweater and skirt. She looked really cute, and she loved this skirt. She has some creme tights on underneath, to protect her from the cold.

"Hey Daddy! I have school today. And you not hewe to take me." Avery pouted, letting me stick little bows underneath the buns I gave her.

"I'm sorry baby! I'll make it up to you, yeah?! We can go get dinner and ice cream tonight!"

"Yay! Mummy?"

"Yes we can." I nodded, making Avery stand up. "Go get your backpack ready. Put your lunchbox in, yeah? Then we'll leave."

"What are you doing today?" He asked me.

"I'm gonna drop my baby off and then go grocery shopping with Selena after. Then I have to finish writing."

"Oh, ok. Can I come over after work?"

"When do you get off?"


"Yeah and we can pick Avery up together, hmm?"

"Yes! Ok gotta go, love. Bye Avery! Bye baby." Avery screamed bye back as she ran into the living room with her shoes on the wrong feet.

Lou hung up so I fixed her shoes and made sure her backpack was ready. As soon as I got my shoes and coat we were out of the door.


"But I don't know. I just...what about Avery?" I asked, holding Isaac to my chest. Selena nodded and grabbed a bottle out for Isaac. "Isn't he almost one? Why do you still bottle feed him?"

"Avery loves him, he loves her. It'll be great. And that's great space. I saw the pictures you sent me. It's perfect for future kids. And I only give him bottles when we're out. To keep him quiet."

We stepped out of the car, I grabbed a cart from right beside us and she set him in. She gave him the bottle and we started walking.

"But like...I'm still scared. Do you think it's a good idea?"

"Yes." She said immediately.

"Ugh your no help."

We did some shopping. I picked out some clothes for Avery, and Selena looked at the baby clothes for Baylor. I definitely didn't imagine another one of me and Louis running around.

"I think we're gonna have another kid."

"What?!" I asked, totally thinking this is out of the blue.

"I don't know. We've been thinking about it. We have the money. And both Tay and I stay home most of the week. Plus Baylor here is really self sufficient. It's just a thought still though."

"So are you gonna adopt?"

With Axel and Isaac, they decided to use Taylor's brother, to help Selena get pregnant. But I know they've always wanted to help kids.

"I think so. My brother is away in Greece, but I don't know when this is gonna happen."

"Well I think that's cool."


"Wait, are you paying for all this? Did you get a raise?"

"No, Louisgavemehiscreditcard."


"Louis gave me his credit card. Ok. He said I could use it for anything."

"Holy shit! You've got a sugar daddy!"

"Shit!" Isaac squealed.

"No, no, no."


Selena drove me to my house, since she picked me up as well. I saw Louis' car in the driveway and looked at the time. It was only 1:45.

"You gave him a key!?"

"No, he just knows where the extra one is."

"Oh, that's boring."

"Shut up. Now we have someone to carry the bags in. I'll tell him to leave your stuff don't worry."

I got out of the car, while Sel was getting Isaac out, and I went to greet my boo. He was laying on the couch, the TV on, but he wasn't paying attention. No, he was folding some of Avery's laundry.


"Shut up!" He jumped, throwing one of Avery's shirts across the room.

"You wanna carry some bags in?"

"Of course."

"Thank you my love," I said dramatically, pulling Louis in by his shirt as he stood. "Yes."


"I'll move in with you."

Broken Family (Larry M-Preg)✔︎Where stories live. Discover now