The protectors of Kanezaka (K...

By Pie78904

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For most of Y/N's life bad luck has been surrounding his life. Everywhere he went misfortune would always fol... More

Arriving in Kanezaka
Do you believe in spirits?
Training Time!
The First Mission.
A Celebration of victory and the Tengu
Lemon Chapter 18+ (April Fools)
The Idea of Family
The Wrath of the Onryo
Let's sink a yacht!
The Goddess of Love
A Confession between a Fox and a Crow
Defend the Shrine!
An Old friend
Heir to a Kingdom
The Fall of the Hashimoto Clan.
Peace returns to Kanezaka
Thank you, Behind the scenes and a QNA
A New Opportunity
New Agents of Overwatch
Escort the Payload
A Bank heist filled with Explosions
Family Reunion
The Cursed Man and the Witch
The Invasion of Ilios
The First of Talon's Elites
A Funtime in Busan
An Old Battlefield
The River Spirit
Gladiators of the Colosseum
Another Lemon Chapter 18+
The Imposter

Finding Peace

1.7K 37 22
By Pie78904

Nobuto's POV

Yōkai's warehouse

I apporached the warehouse alongside Ryōta, Sakura waited for us alone as she got there first.

Earlier during the day we got a message from Kiriko about something urgent.

I'm hoping that it's a new mission for us to kick some more Hashimoto ass and maybe show off some of my new inventions.

The three of turned around when we heard footsteps approaching us. It was Kiriko but something seemed off.

She seemed a little off than usual walking with a more serious expression.

Nobuto:Hey boss what are we doing tonight? Are we gonna stop another trade deal? Or maybe we can crash one of their parties?

Kiriko replied by giving me a glare. She always replied back with a snarky remark back.

I grabbed both Ryōta and Sakura and huddled them together.

Nobuto:Hey is there something wrong with the boss?

Sakura:Probably she's not acting like her usual self?

Ryōta:Maybe she did some of her nightly vigilante work and is just exhausted?

Then i realized something someone was missing, Y/N.

Nobuto:Hey have you guys noticed that Y/N is missing?

Ryōta:That's off usually he's always by Kiriko's side. I'm surprised that she doesn't have him wear a leash like the lapdog he is.

Sakura:Shut up Ryōta, maybe he's just sick and couldn't come today?

We broke up the huddle and walked inside of the warehouse. We each sat in our chairs as Kiriko prepared to start the meeting.

I rubbed my hands together just thinking about the chaos we'd be doing. But looking at Kiriko's expression something tells me that we won't be fighting the Hashimoto today.

Kiriko's POV

After the events of last night with Y/N being taken captive. It's best that i inform the team.

I took a deep breathe as i had to tell the team the heartbreaking news. The Hashimoto clan now has both my father and the man that i loved.

I'm going to make sure that they're going to pay!

Kiriko:Everyone, i called upon this meeting to give everyone some distressing news.

Everyone looked at me with curiosity.

Kiriko:Yesterday morning i received a letter from the Hashimoto clan.

Sakura:Wait how did they figure out your identity?

Kiriko:Probably by torturing my father who is a prisoner of theirs. They know that my real name is Kiriko Yamagami and well they tried to trap and ambush me. I took the trap thinking that maybe there's a chance that i could save my dad. Both Y/N and I even though that we could use their own trap against us. But it in the end it wasn't me who they were after... They wanted Y/N!

Ryōta:Wait why would they want Y/N? What's so interesting about him?

Nobuto:Probably because he's dating the boss!


Kiriko:Wait, how do you know about that?

Nobuto:When we were waiting for the Hashimoto clan to arrive at the shrine. Sakura and I noticed you and him cuddling on a bench.

Ryōta:How come nobody told me about this?

Kiriko:Yes, it's true that we're dating and to be honest that's why i believe that they chose to target him.

Sakura:So what are we going to do?

Nobuto:I mean they might use Y/N as blackmail. Torture or probably kill him if we do dont listen to them.

Ryōta:I for one don't plan on giving up.

Kiriko:We're not gonna give up so easily. It pains me to even say that we might have to move on. We don't even know where Y/N is to even attempt a sneak rescue mission. But all i know is that if i give up on fighting against the Hashimoto, then I'd be giving up fighting for everything, my father, Kanezaka, and even Y/N. Giving up would be nothing but a slap to the face to everyone.

The room stayed slient only to be interrupted by clapping. I looked at my friends but nobody was clapping.

???:Such a beautiful speech.

I felt a presence in the room, the voice sounded familar. Everyone was looking around for the voice again. A purple static silhouette began to take the shape of a human revealing Sombra.

Ryōta:Hey isn't that the criminal hacker?

Sombra:I have a name you know.

Kiriko:What do you want? This isn't a good time.

Sombra:Everytime is a good time to see me. Besides i have information related to that boyfriend of yours.

This immediately peaked my interest, besides i have a trust for her.

Kiriko:Name your price.

Sombra:Always wanting to get to the point. This is why i like you as a client.

Sombra had her hands behind her back as she took out her phone.

Sombra:I don't really have a price this time. So let's call it an extension on our deal.

Kiriko:Deal. So where is Y/N?

Sombra:Well, he's not at Hashimoto tower anymore.

Nobuto:Wait the Hashimoto are located in some tower.

Sombra:Yes, it towers over Kanezaka like some great big entity. The place where your boyfriend is at is Nepal.

Sakura:Why on earth would they send Y/N to Nepal of all places?

Ryōta:Probably to get him far away from Japan.

Sombra:Well he wasn't intended to go to Nepal. They wanted to send him somewhere in Europe but the plane crashed.

Nobuto:Hold on the plane what?

Ryōta:I don't believe this..

Kiriko:Sombra let me hear this for myself.

Sombra:As you wish.

Sombra hit play on her phone the recording of a call between the Hashimoto clan's leader and a underling.

Hashimoto clan leader:The plane what!?

Hashimoto clan member:Yes sir, we're tracking it down it seemed it crashed in Nepal.

Hashimoto clan leader:Nepal! How could this happen? That means the boy is more likely dead!

Anger once again burnt through me, that voice of a scumbag.

The voice of the man who runs my home in pure tyranny.

The voice of the man who tells his goons to terrorize civilians for his own gain.

The voice of the man who kidnapped my father and forces my mother to work for them. Because of him my family has been split apart.

The voice of the man who kidnapped the one that i hold dearly.

But knowing that the plane crash could be a misfortune. Maybe Y/N survived the plane crash and is probably on his own defenseless.

The only thing i can do is simply hope, hope that he returns back to Kanezaka.

Once he is back home, I'm taking the fight to the Hashimoto's own doorstep!

Shamboli Monastery


Last thing i remember was that plane crash. Using my crow spirit to bring misfortune upon the plane.

I don't feel any of my injuries. Maybe it was all a dream? Maybe Kiriko managed to save me and is healing me back to normal.

My eyes still blurry saw a silhouette infront of me. It took the shape of what i wanted to see Kiriko. But then the silhouette changed.

Still holding onto hope that every event that happened was a dream.

The letter that Kiriko got, the trap that lead to my capture, me finding out who my actual father is.

I just want all of that be some bad dream, that's all that i want.

I don't want to tell Kiriko the truth about my heritage. Maybe my dad was just fucking with me. She'd still care for me no matter what, right?

There's only way to way to see if everything was simply a dream.

My eye's fully opened still looking at the shillouete only hoping that my savior was her.


???:My apologies but i do not know who this Kiriko is.

The voice sounded metallic yet calm at the same time.

I finally got to see a good luck at my savior. I was surprised to see that it was an omnic.

???:I apologize if i had frighten you. I understand that you are barely waking up.

Y/N:No it's fine. Where am i to be exact?

I scratched the back of my head and noticed that i was in some bedroom of some kind.

???:You are in the Shamboli Monastery, my name is Zenyatta.

Zenyatta that name it sounds familar, wait isn't that the name of Genji's master?

Y/N:Not to be rude but what country am i in?

Zenyatta:You are in Nepal.

Y/N:N-Nepal? No no i can't be in Nepal! I need to get back home fast!

I got up from the bed looking at the omnic that healed me.

Y/N:Looks thanks for everything but i really gotta go. I have someone that is waiting for me.

Zenyatta:Is it that Kiriko person that you mentioned before?

Y/N:Yeah... But i'm scared to tell her something.

Zenyatta:I can feel it in you, you have both a combination of fear and anger brewing through you.

Y/N:How do you know that?

Zenyatta:I can sense it in you. Please allow me to help you overcome this feeling.

Y/N:Look i don't need your help. I can over come this myself.

Zenyatta:You remind me of my other student. He first refused my help then next thing you know i helped him overcome his problems

Y/N:Was his name Genji Shimada?

Zenyatta:So you know him.

Y/N:Not that much but he did mention you helping him overcome his cybernetics.

Zenyatta:Yes as he was a lost soul when i found him. Now he has regained his humanity. I enjoy helping people and offering them guidance and i would like to do the same to you. But also i sense misfortune in you?


Wait how on earth can he sense the misfortune around me caused by my crow spirit.

Zenyatta:I can help you control it.

I stared at the omnic that's making me an offer. How can he tell about my anger and fear?  How does he know about the misfortune of my crow spirit?

Does he have any spiritual powers as well. Maybe if i learn from him i can fully control my abilities.

Y/N:Very well i wish to learn from you.

Zenyatta:Splendid, before we begin in order to begin together. What is your name?

Y/N:It's Y/N! Y/N L/N!

Yeah my real last name may be Hashimoto. But no way in hell I'm gonna use that last name.

Zenyatta:Well it's nice to meet you Y/N. Now first of I'd like to see what is the source of your misfortune.

Y/N:Are you sure?

He nodded, so i simply summoned my crow spirit.

Y/N:Can you see it?

Zenyatta:The crow? Why yes

Y/N:Do you have a spirit? Because only people with spirits can see other spirits?

Zenyatta:No it is apart of the energy that i use.

I noticed that surrounding his neck were floating orbs. Zenyatta then used the orbs to reveal two in his hands.

One of the orbs was a yellow orb flowing with harmony. The other orb was purplish dark orb flowing with discordance.


I felt him giving me the orb of discordance. My crow spirit felt it's negative energy. As if it was empowering it.

Zenyatta:Do you feel that spirit of yours getting stronger?

I nodded, and he returned the orb of discordance back to himself.

Zenyatta:Now let us begin your training. Especially when it comes to your anger. I feel a large fire burning within it. However all flames can be extinguished.

He put his hand on my chest feeling my aura.

Zenyatta:First I'd like to know the cause of this anger?

I sighed and i told Zenyatta my life story. I told him about my childhood and upbringing. I move to Kanezaka and meeting Kiriko. Then finding out about who my true father is.

Zenyatta nodded and listened to every word that i had to say.

Zenyatta:I see. It appears that your hatred for your father is quite big.

Y/N:Yeah! The guy is a piece of shit he practically makes money by threatening. I can't believe that I'm related to that guy. Next time i see him I'm going to kill him!

Zenyatta:And this Kiriko girl? You're afraid that she will find out.

Y/N:Yeah... She hates them and good reason. She lived in Kanezaka longer than i have. Heck the group that my dad leads practically separated her family apart. They have her dad as their prisoner, which i did meet him.

Zenyatta:What did he say?

Y/N:He tried to tell me that Kiriko wouldn't hate me. Yet even though it's from the words of her own father i believe that the ladder would happen.

Zenyatta:So it seems that her reaction is your greatest fear.

Y/N:Yeah, because i don't want to lose her. She means alot to me.

Zenyatta:Alright then let's go for a hike.

Y/N:A hike? What will a hike do?

Zenyatta:You'll see.

Zenyatta walked out of the room that i was staying in. I chose to follow him.

Zenyatta:Here, normally we don't have that many human visitors. But you'll need it for both the cold and the hike.

Zenyatta handed me a coat and i immediately put it on. We both then stepped out of the monastery.

Outside of the monastery were many other omnics that were apart of the Shamboli. They were meditating or doing their normal duties.

Y/N:So what do you all do around here?

Zenyatta:We are a group of peaceful omnics. We mainly try to spread our message of peace and love. One day hoping for the prominent future of where omnic and humans could live together.

Y/N:Sounds interesting.

I never was familar with omnics. The only omnics I've faced were the ones deployed by the Hashimoto clan.

The only things I've heard about omnics was the event known as the omnic crisis. How one day the omnics gained their sentience and declared full on war against humanity. Humanity won the war yet it was a conflict that effected the entire and changed the world.

We continued our journey together, i was curious where Zenyatta was going to take me.

After a couple of minutes of walking we walked up to a mountain. We stopped at it and i looked up.

Y/N:What now?

Zenyatta:We climb.

Y/N:Climb that!

Zenyatta:Yes, we must climb up that mountain.

I sighed, I'm grateful that i have a girlfriend who taught me how to climb. But that's mainly for climbing walls and not mountains.

Y/N:How long do we have to climb?

Zenyatta:Till we reach the very top.

Timeskip of a montage of both Y/N and Zenyatta climbing the mountain.

After reaching the top of the mountain, Zenyatta got into a meditation position.

Y/N:Wait we're meditating up here?

Zenyatta:Yes. In the meantime please release that friend of yours.

I stayed slient but got into the meditating position sitting next to Zenyatta.

I got into a meditating position and summoned my crow spirit. Zenyatta would place the orb of discordance on me.

Y/N:So what now?

Zenyatta:We meditate until then.

I began to meditate with Zenyatta. It reminded me when i first met Kiriko and she helped me awaken my crow spirit.

During this medative state, my mind immediately blanked out.

I don't know why but for some reason i found myself surrounded by darkness.

Y/N:Where am I?

Zenyatta:We are in your subconscious. This is where we are going to control your anger and fear.

I looked at a fire that brought light to the dark area.

Alongside the fire there was fog surounding it.

Zenyatta:The fog represents your fear. As we can see what you found out yesterday has formed a mixture of the two.

Y/N:What do you suggest that we do first?

Zenyatta:We control your anger. By controlling your anger we'll be able to have you face your fears.

I nodded and Zenyatta and I walked towards the fire.

Zenyatta:Go ahead, it's not real fire.

I touched the fire and a gap in the fire opened up revealing a mirror.

I looked inside of the mirror and didn't see my reflection it was my father's. Seeing his stupid face just made me want to punch the damn mirror.

Zenyatta:Is the man here your father?

Y/N:Yeah that's him and I'm his bastard son. Tell me Zenyatta is there more to this?

Zenyatta:There is.

A screen similar to the one's at the movie theater would drop down. As a memory of mind would begin to play.

It was when i gave that one Hashimoto elite a brutal beatdown. What was his name again it was like a planet or something. Saturn? Uranus? Eh who care's.

I watched as i beat him to a pulp due to my anger and rage. I turned around and looked at the mirror that had ny father's reflection he was grinning.

Masaru:So you are a capable of violence my son?

Just listening to his voice is making me even more frustrated.

Zenyatta:That version of your father isn't real. It's simply a figment of your imagination.

Masaru:You did a good job at beating up Venus son. You should take up my offer and lead the Hashimoto clan.

Y/N:Shut up!

Masaru:What can't a father praise his son?

Y/N:You aren't my father nor will you ever be!

Masaru:Be grateful you damn brat that i reunited us! Instead of living like the prince that you are! You chose to work with some foxgirl that's ruining our business. But also you are working with some disgraceful omnic!

The anger in me continued to grow.

Zenyatta:Y/N, i have figured out something about your anger.

Y/N:What is it?

Zenyatta:You inherited from your father.

Y/N:Zenyatta, why do i even need to control my anger? Why can't i just use it against him!?

Zenyatta:This is why.

The flames of my anger formed a scenario. Both Zenyatta and I were simply spectators.

The scenario was of my father's office. It was the final battle against him. Kiriko was at my side.

Kiriko:Come Y/N we got this! Let's show him what we're made of.

The scenario version of me had rage built up just upon seeing the sight of our dad.

Both Zenyatta and I watched the battle scenario play out. It ended with Kiriko and I winning the fight.

During most of the fight Kiriko despite hating the guy kept fighting in a calm manner. While the scenario verison of me fought in a wreckless manor.

Kiriko landed the final blow knocking my father down. We both engaged into a hug with each other.

Only for the sound of a gunshot to break that hug. I watched as Kiriko had a bullet wound on her back. One that was fatal.

Scenario Y/N:No!

Masaru:You took my kingdom away from me! Now i'll take that little whore of yours!

My father had a smug smile on his face, as the other me apporached him in anger.

Masaru:What will you do? Kill me and let that bitch of yours die! Or will you help her in the chance that she lives but i get to go away scott free! Clock is ticking my son.

The scenario version of me had rage filled in his eyes. I watched as he began to beat up our father's body for a minute and a half.

Despite being badly bruised he still had a smug look on his face as he began to laugh.

Scenario Y/N:What's so funny?

Masaru:You can kill me all you want. But that won't satisfy your rage. Because in the end of the day you are still my blood.

The scenario version of me injected the Kisarigama's blade into his eye killing him.

He walked over to Kiriko's body  and noticed that it was too late. In the scenario Kiriko is dead.

The scenario version of me fell to the ground. Knowing that in the end his father has ruined his life once again. Even though he is dead he is right the scenario verison of me rage isn't fully satisfied.

It makes me as bad as my father. All because i hate his bloodline.

Y/N:What is this supposed to mean Zenyatta. Is this supposed to tell me the future?

Zenyatta:No.. This is a scenario created by you spirituality. It's created by your rage. There are no such abilities wether technological nor spiritually that can predict the future. But this is what your anger believe could happen.

Y/N:I see.. So how must i control my anger to prevent such a scenario from happening.

Zenyatta:It might be hard, but you'll simply have to accept your heritage.

Y/N:Wh-what! But Zenyatta i simply can't!

Zenyatta:I understand  your hatred towards that man. But you need to know that he is your father no matter what.

I tried to calm down there was apart of me that wanted to yell at the wise omnic. But i knew that he was right.

Zenyatta:Your father may be a bad man. But he doesn't have an impact on your life. You made your life the way you want it to be. A man doing good deeds for the defenseless. His bloodline doesn't define you as a person.

It's time that i begin to accept that son of a bitch as my father. Even though i don't want to. But it's nothing that i can't change. Besides just because I'm choosing to accept him doesn't mean that i still won't hate him.

The flame around us that represented my anger began to die down.

Zenyatta:Good, now that's left is fighting your fear.

As the flame died down the fog that represented my fear would surround us.

It's thick fog would form two scenarios they were both similar. Zenyatta and i watched them playout.

It was me looking at Kiriko and i was confronting her telling the truth. I looked at both scenarios seeing their differences but they both started out the same.

Scenario Y/N:Kiriko i have something to tell you.

Kiriko:What is it Y/N?

Y/N:It's a secret that I'm not really proud of.

Kiriko:You can tell me Y/N, I'm sure it's not that bad.

The scenario version of myself sighed. It was time for him to be brave and tell her the truth.

Y/N:I'm the son of the leader of the Hashimoto clan.

Both the scenarios had different versions. Both Zenyatta and i watched the one on the left.

The one on the left is what i keep believing what will happen.

Kiriko:You're a Hashimoto!

She slapped me in the face and took out her kunai. She was hurt by the news, but i could tell she didn't want to fight me.

Y/N:Kiriko wait!

Kiriko:Don't talk to me. I can't believe that i even fell in love with somebody like you.

Scenario Y/N:Wait Kiri wait!

She threw a kunai at me purposely missing. She than ran away disappointed while the scenario verison of me is left alone.

Then both Zenyatta looked at the right to see the other scenario.

After telling her the truth Kiriko looked down disappointed mainly.

I thought that the same result was going to happen.

But she immediately wrapped her arms around the scenario version of me. As if she accepts me for the person i am and not because of my bloodline.

Zenyatta:These two scenarios represent something. The one on the left represents what your fear desires. While the one on the right is what your soul desires.

Y/N:How do i know which one will happen?

Zenyatta:You don't, you can only assume what you believe the answer will be.

Another screen would appear behind us, it began to play the memories that i had made with Kiriko.

Zenyatta:It seems like you two are great friends. She has a trust in you.

I watch the moment that we had our first kiss together and began our relationship.

Zenyatta:She likes you for who you are as a person.

Y/N:Yeah but what if my bloodline ruins everything for us.

Zenyatta:That is a fear that you'll have to face. You need to understand that there is 50/50 chance of her still caring about you.

Y/N:What if i lie to her and never tell her.

Zenyatta:Then there is chance that she might be even more furious with you. Trust is a crucial part of a relationship. Someday you'll have to tell her the truth and when you do be prepared for her answer.

The fog began to clear up as if my fear was going away. I continued to watch the memories play ready to accept the fact that one of these two scenarios could be possible.

Y/N:Thank you Zenyatta for helping me.

Zenyatta:It is my pleasure. Now that your soul is intact and your problems have been faced. It's time for the final step.

Y/N:What is that?

Crow Spirit:Caw!

My crow spirit flew near us and landed on my shoulder.

Zenyatta:Your crow spirit has taken noticed of your peace. It would like to forge a stronger bond with you.

Y/N:Is that true?

My crow spirit nodded it's head. When i was little bad luck happened to me everyday. Knowing that it was my crow spirit i still have some anger for it caused to me.

But it's something that i need to let go. If i want to enjoy my new life I'll need to rely on it's help.

It has been a great help during my time fighting against the Hashimoto. I'm sure that it will be a great help for the future.

Y/N:Alright then, little buddy. Let's work together.

My crow spirit flapped it's wings around in excitement.

Zenyatta:Now everything is complete.

Y/N:What happens now?

Zenyatta:We wake up...

My eyes opened up i was back on the mountain with Zenyatta. We were both still in meditative position.

Everything that just happened seemed like a dream. Yet it was all real. But i feel like that i have found peace with myself.

Zenyatta stood up from his meditative position. It was time to climb down the mountain.

Timeskip, of both Zenyatta and Y/N climbing down the mountain

After climbing down the mountain and walking back to the monastery. I was very grateful of Zenyatta for helping me find myself.

Y/N:I'd like to express my gratitude again Zenyatta.

Zenyatta:Of course i enjoy helping people with whatever problems they face.

Before we entered the monastery i noticed a large statue in the entrance of an omnic.

I was curious of the statue as i wanted to learn more about the Shamboli.

Y/N:Hey Zenyatta who is that statue of?

Zenyatta looked at the statue that i was looking at.

Zenyatta:That statue is of Mondatta he was our leader. He forged what the Shamboli truly values, peace and how that can be achieved between of humans and omnics. Sadly he was assassinated while giving a speech at King's Row.

I approached the statue and paid my respect to the late leader of the Shamboli.

Zenyatta:Y/N,do you mind if i tell you something.

Y/N:What is it?

Zenyatta:A common misconception that humans have towards us. Is that if we die we can be repaired. But just like you humans, we too have souls. I'd like for you to know that.

Y/N:So if an omnic dies they die like a real person?

Zenyatta nodded his head then he placed his hand on my shoulder.

Zenyatta:Come I'll get you a plane ready to take you home. You can wait in my room if you'd like.


Zenyatta took me back to his room and i just sat down on his bed. Zenyatta left the room to prepare me a plane so i can return back to Kanezaka.

It may be rude of me but i decided to look around. I then noticed a picture that caught my interest.

I grabbed the picture frame and looked at it.

It was a photo of Zenyatta with a taller omnic who was wearing an orange robe. His face looked simiar to a skull with a lower piece being painted gold. What i believe to be his wiring is on the back of his head to look like like hair.

I'm not that much of an expert on the omnic crisis in general. But he looks like a R-7000 Ravager unit one of the most well known units throughout the war.

He seemed like he had a strong bond with Zenyatta. The sound of the door opening immediately interrupted me and i put the photo back on the desk.

Zenyatta walked in and noticed my strange behaviour.

Zenyatta:Y/N, the plane will be ready for you in atleast 30 minutes.

Y/N:Thank you, soon i'll be able to go home and fully calm my anger and face my fear.

Zenyatta:Y/N, were you snooping around my room for any chance?

I had a nervous look, but i couldn't lie to him especially after what he did for me.

Y/N:My apologies.

Zenyatta:I forgive you, i can understand that you were curious about me.

Y/N:If you don't mind Zenyatta, but who is this guy?

I point at the photo of Zenyatta standing next to the other omnic. Zenyatta looked at the photo for a quick minute.

Zenyatta:My brother... Ramattra. Even though we aren't of the same model that's how close our friendship was.

Y/N:What happened with him? Did he die like Mondatta?

Zenyatta:No... He didn't approve of the Shamboli's way of peace. Saying that it was more of a waste of time.

Y/N:So what did he do?

Zenyatta:He left and formed another group. He wanted me to join along but i refused. Because i don't approve of his methods of trying to bring peace to omnics. It goes against everything that Mondatta has been trying to teach us.

Y/N:I see.

Zenyatta:Come on let's get you ready for your plane ride home.

I nodded and walked out of the monastery with Zenyatta. We still had to wait the 30 minutes as the omnics were preparing the plane.

27 minutes into the waiting i was getting bored but i was excited. I'd get to go home soon ready to use what I've learned.


A voice called out to Zenyatta we both turned around and it was Genji.

Zenyatta:Ah, Genji it's so good to see you.

I feel a little bit awkward around him. Especially knowing the fact that my dad practically killed his dad.

Zenyatta:How did reconciling with your brother go?

Genji:It went good master, hopefully he understands what i was trying to tell him.


Genji then immediately noticed me.

Genji:Hey aren't you Kiriko's boyfriend. What are you doing in Nepal?

Y/N:Well uhhhh

I can't tell him that I'm the son of the leader of the Hashimoto. If Kiriko would hate me for it she would atleast spare me. This guy would probably kill me.

Zenyatta:I was helping him with his problem, Genji.

Genji:Ah i see. But that still doesn't explain how he came to Nepal.

Genji gave me a look as he was interrogating me.

Zenyatta:He came from a crashed plane i was about to send him home after helping him figure out what to do with his bloodline.

Y/N:Wait Zenyatta don't tell him!

Genji:What bloodline?

Zenyatta:Y/N, this is your first step to facing your fears. I know about the history between both of your families as Genji told me some of those stories. I can also tell that your afraid of him.

Y/N:Well duh he's a cyborg ninja!

Genji:What do you have to say Y/N?

Oh dear Zenyatta what situation did you put me in.

Zenyatta:You can tell my pupil Y/N. If you can tell him then you can tell Kiriko.

Y/N:Genji there's something that i need to tell you.

Genji:What is it?

Y/N:I'm the son of- I'm the son of the-

Genji:The son of what?

Y/N:I'm the son of the leader of the Hashimoto clan.

A moment of slience was held between the three of us.

Genji then took out his wakazashi and pointed it at my neck.

Genji:I could kill you where you stand right now. Due to the rivalry between our families

I was there ready to accept my death not even trying to fight him. Zenyatta just watched trying to see what the outcome would be. He has trust in his student.

Y/N:I didn't know about my heritage until yesterday. That's why Zenyatta chose to help me to help me overcome this heritage that I'm not proud of.

Genji then lowered his wakazashi down after knowing the context.

Genji:I believe you for One reason. I trust my master the most. If he trusts you and helped you with that then i believe you. However if i find out that you were working with them all along i don't mind slicing you where you stand.

Y/N:I promise you Genji, it pains to even know that I have that man's blood. I've already accepted the fact that I've changed it. All i want to do now is stop my father.

Genji:Very well, i don't have the right to judge you as a person yet as we barely know each other. I trust that your heart is in the right place.

Zenyatta:Y/N the plane is ready.

I nodded at Zenyatta as i got inside of the plane.

Genji:I'm not that much of a pilot but i'll fly you back home.

Genji got inside of the plane into the pilots seat.

Y/N:You know how to fly this thing?

Genji:A little bit. Question are you planning on telling Kiriko the truth.

Y/N:I am, i can't hide it from her forever. She'll find out one way or another.

Genji:When do you plan on telling her?

Y/N:When i think the time is right.

Genji:Very well, are you afraid to tell her?

Y/N:A little bit but that's what Zenyatta helped me with. To have hope that she'll accept me for the person i am and not because of my bloodline.

Genji:That's why i trust my master. He's always there to help people. Hey i know that you care about her so i hope that things go well for you.

Y/N:Thank you Genji.

Genji:Besides the person you'd have to worry about the most is Hanzo. He'd probably kill you on sight.

I laughed nervously, Genji seems more like a chill guy. But from what I've heard about Hanzo.He's more of the serious of the two.

Genii started up the plane and it began to take to flight. Zenyatta waved goodbye to us as the plane makes it way to the sky.


Kiriko's apartment

Kiriko's POV

It was nice of Sombra to offer us her services again. She didn't only tell me about Y/N's whereabouts but also she gave me something useful.

A map of the layout of the Hashimoto's tower. It baffles me the whole time that they lived on a tower that was overlooking Kanezaka.

I began studying the layout hoping to think of a plan for when Yōkai and i can finally raid the place.

Victory is close, soon we'll kick the Hashimoto clan out of Kanezaka and end this.

I can feel it this time i will save my dad for real. But i don't know what to do about Y/N he's in Nepal of all places.

I don't even know if he survived that plane crash or not. But i want him to be with us as we raid the Hashimoto's main base of operations.

As i continued to plan out the raid a knock was heard on my door. I stood up from my chair.


I took out a kunai just in case it was Hashimoto clan members. I looked through the peephole and noticed it was Genji.

I opened the door revealing my childhood friend.

Kiriko:Hey, Genji. Nice of you to stop by. Did you make up your mind about my offer the other day.

Genji:I did, i decided that i will fight alongside you.

Kiriko:That's great! We'll cause some mischievous just like old times.

I playfully punched Genji in the arm.

Genji:Kiriko i want to know if you lost something recently.

Kiriko:Lost something?

Should i tell him about Y/N being in Nepal? Maybe Genji could track him down and find him.

Kiriko:Well i did. He wasn't a something more like a someone.

Genji:I think i found what you lost.

He step aside to right and my eyes lightened up. It was Y/N!


I immediately wrapped my arms around him and hugged him in excitement!

Kiriko:I'm glad that you're okay! I've been worried about you!

Y/N:I know you have been.

Kiriko:I'm sorry i couldn't protect you.

Y/N:It's fine, it wasn't your fault. You didn't know that i was the intended target.


We were reunited at last, both of us happy to see each other once again. I didn't like seeing her sad. So seeing her smile again brought a joy to my headt.

I told Kiriko about my time in Nepal with Zenyatta. The only thing i didn't tell her about was how i was the son of Masaru Hashimoto.

If I'm going to tell her that it has to be during the right moment like Genji said.

She was happy that I'm fine in the end. Both Genji and I walked inside of her apartment.

We nodded at each other thinking it was time that i told her.

Y/N:Kiriko there's something i want to tell you.

Kiriko:Can it wait? I have something I'd like to show you two!

Y/N:What is it, Kiriko?

Kiriko walked us to her table and we saw a map layout of a tower.

Genji:Kiriko what is this?

Kiriko:It's the map layout to Hashimoto tower. Now that you're here to Y/N we're gonna get some revenge.

Y/N:I like the sound of that, what are we doing.

Kiriko:Well Genji since you'll be joining us i guess i need to fill you in. We are going to dismantle the Hashimoto clan and end their reign once and for all tomorrow!

Y/N:Kiriko are you sure?

Kiriko:I am! I don't know what the Hashimoto wants with you. They probably see you as a threat. But if they think your in Nepal we can use this short time to strike and attempt to end them once and for all. What do you say Y/N and Genji?

Genji:I'm in

Kiriko:What about you Y/N?

Y/N:I'm in, let's end these fools once and for all.

Kiriko:Great! I'll message the others, oh by the way Y/N. We're gonna be meeting up somewhere different.

Y/N:Oh, where are we meeting?

Kiriko:At the abandoned blacksmith store known as Yamagami blades. I'll see you two there tomorrow..

To be continued.

Y/N has finally accepted who he is as a person and found peace.

This chapter is supposed to be a turning point for Y/N. For him to face the future and try not to run away. Thanks to the help of Zenyatta he was able to find himself.

Finally accepting the fact that he is a Hashimoto, something that he knows that he can't change. But he'll try to make sure his cursed bloodline doesn't define him.

Kiriko and Y/N are reunited and are ready to kick more Hashimoto ass together.

Will Y/N tell Kiriko the truth? How she will respond to the truth?

Next chapter will be another big one.
As it will be the final battle between our heroes and The Hashimoto clan.

Y/N will soon be able to face his father, but this time he'll be ready for a fight.

Thank you all for the support of the story. I don't have much to write about. I'll see you all on.

The Fall of the Hashimoto clan...

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