The protectors of Kanezaka (K...

By Pie78904

78.5K 1.2K 900

For most of Y/N's life bad luck has been surrounding his life. Everywhere he went misfortune would always fol... More

Arriving in Kanezaka
Do you believe in spirits?
Training Time!
The First Mission.
A Celebration of victory and the Tengu
Lemon Chapter 18+ (April Fools)
The Idea of Family
The Wrath of the Onryo
Let's sink a yacht!
The Goddess of Love
A Confession between a Fox and a Crow
Defend the Shrine!
An Old friend
Finding Peace
The Fall of the Hashimoto Clan.
Peace returns to Kanezaka
Thank you, Behind the scenes and a QNA
A New Opportunity
New Agents of Overwatch
Escort the Payload
A Bank heist filled with Explosions
Family Reunion
The Cursed Man and the Witch
The Invasion of Ilios
The First of Talon's Elites
A Funtime in Busan
An Old Battlefield
The River Spirit
Gladiators of the Colosseum
Another Lemon Chapter 18+
The Imposter

Heir to a Kingdom

1.8K 46 52
By Pie78904

Flashback, many years ago to a 5 year old Y/N

I remember that day like it was yesterday, the day that i had lost my mother, the day when bad luck began to have an attraction towards me.

Sitting in my mom's car as we were driving back from the store. I never liked going on long rides as a ride. They always bored me.

Y/N:Hey mom, do you think i can help you make dinner today?

Shiori:Of course Y/N, you're always my special little helper!

Y/N:Thank you mom, i promise that i'll be the best helper!

Shiori:I know you will Y/N, because you're my precious little angel.

My eyes brighten up i was close with my mom. I never knew who my dad was but my mom was there for me. She taught me to be a brave boy and did her best to raise me.

As we were returning  back to my step dad's house. I looked outside of the window as we drove through the streets of Kyoto, my hometown.

However as my mom continued to drive home another car wasn't paying attention to the road. It immediately crashed into ours. I immediately blacked out from the impact of the car.

Sometimes i feel like had my crow spirit awakened at my young age. I would be able to see the misfortune sign from that car. Maybe i would be able to warn my mom about it.

I woke up a short while after the crash as i began to cough. With emergency responders immediately opening the car.

I stared at my mom's lifeless body, as she layed on the steering wheel of the car. 


The door to the car of my side would open up, i noticed a man.

???:Hey the kid is alright!

He immediately pulled his hand for me to grab it.

???:Come on take my hand it's alright.

I grabbed the man's hand as he took me out of the car. Many sirens were going on aroubd the scene of the crash.The people that had crashed into us also survived.

Members of a medical staff came to me and started doing a check up on me to see if i was okay.

A police officer would walk up infront of me with news to deliver to me.

Police officer:Hey kid.. There's something we have to tell you about your mom.

Y/N:What is it sir? Is my mom gonna be alright!?

Police officer 2:Don't tell the kid, he's too young to understand the concept of life and death. It's better that his dad or another relative tells him.

Another car showed up to the crash scene, with my step dad and my two step siblings coming out of the car.

Tatsuki:Officer,please tell me what is going on? Why did i call about something about a car crash!?

The officer told my stepdad the news about my mom. I watched as he had tears coming from his eyes.

Both my step dad and his two kids walked in front of me, checking up on me.

Tatsuki:Hey Y/N... How are you doing?

Y/N:I'm doing fine, Tatsuki!

Tatsuki:That's good to hear...

He had a different tone in his voice and a sad expression on his face.

Y/N:Hey Tatsuki is my mom going to be alright?

He had trouble with telling me the news as he knew that it would break my spirit.

Tatsuki:Buddy...It's hard to tell you this.

He took a deep breath trying to tell me the news of my mom's demise.

Tatsuki:I'm afraid that your mom won't be coming back with us anytime soon.

Y/N:What do you mean?

My step-dad explained to me the concept of death at a young age. Knowing that my mom wasn't coming back broke my soul.

Most people called it a miracle that i survived without a single injury. But another word with an M began to take it's place to fill my life misfortune.

Timeskip,two hours later.

As we were driving back to the house sitting next to my step siblings in the car. My dad was mourning my mom's death.


Tatsuki:Why couldn't it be you! Why did the world have to take away Shiori from me! But not you! Now I'm here in the world with this kid filled with nothing but bad luck!

That was the first sometime someone had ever referred to me as bad luck. I stayed slient in the car ride.

I looked at my older step sister Hanako as she tried to comfort me.

Hanako:It's alright, dad's just going through a tough time right now. I'm sure he doesn't mean it.

I nodded at my step sister as she hugged me.

My world was changed forever that day.

Timeskip, a few days later

For the next couple of days, many things began to happen to me.

The first instance was when i walkng to school. I heard a cry so immediately went over to a tree and saw a small little bird on the floor.

It's mother was on the tree waiting for it to come back.

Y/N:What's wrong little guy?

I kneeled down and picked up the baby bird and cupped it inside of my hands. I then looked up at the tree.

My mother told me that what makes a good person is if they choose to help out  anybody no matter what.

I stared at the tree with my height i can't just put it back on there, i have to climb it.

I held the bird on one hand and gripped the tree and began climbing the best i could.

After falling down multiple times i would reach to the top of tree and place the baby bird back in it's nest with his mom.

Y/N:There you go little guy.

I gave the birds a smile as i fell down from the tree. After falling down i got up and continued my walk back to school.

3rd POV

Watching the 5 year old Y/N doing this good deed was a spirit. A bird type of spirit that had black feathers and a purple aura surrounding it.

This spirit was the crow spirit,a spirit that travels around Japan and causes misfortune.

Sometimes it will target a person and bring bad luck to a person. But if the crow spirit wishes to continue it's  relationship with its  user. It will grant the user the ability to spread misfortune.

The crow spirit watched the young boy walking. The spirit believed that the boy has a potential to walk down into a dark path in the future.

However dispite being a spirit of negative energy. The crow spirit wanted the boy's heart of gold to stay the same. Not wanting for him to walk down that dark path.

The crow spirit would fly to the side of the young boy. Vowing to be his protector. However there is one problem.

The boy has not unlocked the ability to be able to see spirits or feel their aura. Meaning that the crow spirit will be invisible to the boy until one day he can unlock the ability to finally see it.

However now that the crow spirit is the boy's spirit there is a problem. It's ability to bring misfortune will only being connected to the boy.

Back to Y/N

I continued to walk through school during this rainy day. A car would drive by splashing muddy water onto my pants and shoes.

Y/N:My lucky shoes no!

But that became the first instances of bad luck that came to my life.

Papercuts became a more often occurrence. One time i asked a group of kids if i can join them in throwing a ball around. For some reason the wind blew the ball back and hit me in the face hard.

Another time a dog was chasing me throughout the streets and ate my homework. My teacher didn't believe that stort and told me not to use the most commonly used excuse.

When i was invited to hangout with friends something bad would happen. Like that one time when a rollar coaster broke down at an amusement, before i even got the chance to ride it.

There was that one event for my middle school's band performance for a concert where the whole place burnt down.

Everywhere i went something bad would happen to me or the place entirely and people caught on.

They started to refer to me as "bad luck Y/N". That was the nickname that stuck with me. But i never believed in that as i believe that the concept of bad luck was just a child's tale.

Because of this reputation people often isolated themselves from me. While this "bad luck" continued to effect me.

During my personal life with my step dad it wasn't the same since my mom passed away.

He often favored his own kids than me. Even told people that he shouldn't take care of me because i wasn't his.

Because of how my step dad was towards me. Sometimes i hoped that my real dad would be the good man that my mom described and come for me.

But one of the most strangest things during my youth would happen everyday 10th day of the month.

An envelope filled with 1 million yen would arrive in our mailbox. My step dad often used this money on himself or his kids. Rarely giving me any of the money.

He was always confused on where it came from. But he didn't mind it anyways. He enjoyed being rich from this free money.

Timeskip to an 18 year old Y/N

I woke up from my bed, i looked at the calender it was April 4th. My 18th birthday.

I walked out of my room with my step family waiting for me in the living room.

Tatsuki:There he is that's the man that turned 18 today!

Hanako:Happy birthday little bro.

I gave my step sister a hug, unlike my step-dad she sees me more as a family member.

Arata:Hey dad give him your birthday present.

I looked at my step-brother with confusion.

Y/N:What birthday present?

My step-dad would hand me an envelope that said my name on it. I smiled looking down on the envelope.

My step-dad never treated me with this much respect. Maybe we can finally start working on having a suitable relationship.

I opended up the envelope and noticed around 900,000 yen inside.

Y/N:Why so much money?

Tatsuki:Well you can thank the money that we get randomly for that.

Y/N:Well thanks.

Tatsuki:Now pack up your bags!

Y/N:Why are we going somewhere?

Tatsuki:Not we, you.

Y/N:What do you mean?

Arata:Dad's kicking you out of the house.


Tatsuki:Now Y/N listen to me your an adult now. You can't be living with your parents.

Hanako:Hold up dad, but what about Arata? The guy is 25 and he's still mooching off of you because you spoiled him.

Arata:Shut up Hanako! What have you been doing?

Hanako:I don't know going to college, dating somebody actually having a life. Not getting spoiled at the age of 25!

Y/N:This is unbelievable for most of my life you always had a bias towards your own kids. You never cared about me, what would mom think about this!

Tatsuki:Don't you bring her up! I did her a favor for taking care of you for the last few years.

Hanako:Dad i can't believe this! I mean come on Y/N is your step son.

Tatsuki:Sorry Hanako, but I've been wanting to do this for so long. Y/N you have a week to pack your things up and get out of my house!

I walked back into my room feeling furious with my step sister following behind me.

Hanako:Sorry that dad was an ass to you all the time. I'll help you pack up

Y/N:Thank you Hanako for being there for me.

My step sister smiled as we both packed most of my things. After packing most of my things i walked out of the house.

Hanako:I'll be sure to visit you while i can.

Y/N:Thanks i appreciate it.

The door closed infront of me, now i was a lost person who had nowhere to go. With nothing but "bad luck" on my side.

Timeskip 3, years later. 1 week before the events of chapter 1

I've been living on my own for a while in Kyoto. I struggled a little bit when it came to living on my own. But atleast I'm glad Hanako supports me with my rent. 

I walked down towards my PO box and opened it up. I noticed that i received an envelope.

It caught my attention as i rarely recieve mail, except if it's something that i ordered from online.

I opened up the envelope and something suprised me. 1 million yen inside of the envelope.

This is the same amount that my step dad used to get when i was younger.

Also inside of the envelope was a pamphlet. The pamphlet was advertising a town. Alongside a pamphlet was a train ticket to the town.


It's a town that celebrates it's traditions, especially celebrating the great fox spirit that protects them.

I did a little bit more research on the town it's a peaceful town a place that somewhat suits me.

I took out my phone and gave my step sister a call.


Y/N:Hey so I'm not going to be staying in Kyoto.

Hanako:What do you mean?

Y/N:I found this pamphlet in my PO box about a town called Kanezaka. It's a really beautiful town and a little bit more affordable.

Hanako:Hey i heard about that town, that's the place where they celebrate that fox spirit right? My husband and I went there for one of their fox festivals and it was really fun.

My step sister explained to me about how great the town is. I guess the pamphlet wasn't really lying.

Hanako:But Y/N are you sure you want to go to Kanezaka?

Y/N:I guess so, i mean it seems like an interesting place to be at. I mean i don't really believe in all that spirit stuff that won't bother me as much. Besides the pamphlet already came with a ticket to the town

Hanako:That's weird? Did you win a contest or something?

Y/N:No, i don't remember entering a contest to some town that i never knew existed until now.

Hanako:That's strange?

Y/N:The ticket is even reserved for me and everything.

Hanako:Maybe you have a secert admirer?

Y/N:As if I'm gonna find somebody that's interested in a guy like me.

I chuckled at the thought of finding love.

Hanako:Well if you're going to move to Kanezaka then i wish you luck. Hopefully your luck will finally change.

Y/N:Yeah it probably might

A week later

I sat down at the train station awaiting for the first train to Kanezaka to begin it's depature. Holding my luggage in my hands i brought i think is necessary to begin my new life.

Intercom:First train to Kanezaka will be departing in 20 minutes.

I sighed and grabbed my suitcases and walked into the train. I sat down and turned on my phone.

I put my earbuds on and played the newest Lúcio album that recently came out.

It was time to wait for the train to fully depature, as my new life in Kanezaka is about to shortly begin.

End of Flashback

Present day

Kiriko's POV

I stepped out of my apartment as i was going to see if Y/N wanted to hang out.

Mr.Yoshida:Kiriko i have something for you!

I turned around and looked at Mr.Yoshida as he had an envelope in his hand. But i noticed the bruise that he sustained in his right eye.

Kiriko:Mr.Yoshida, what happened?

Mr.Yoshida:It's nothing Kiriko, here a group of people told me to give this to you.

He handed me the envelope, i was filled with rage knowing that the Hashimoto clan probably ambushed him. Damn cowards having to beat up an old man.

Kiriko:Wait Mr.Yoshida.

I took out an ofuda and placed it on his right eye.

Kiriko:For good luck! I hope that black eye heals very well.

Mr.Yoshida:Thank you, Kiriko.

The ofuda immediately healed his bruise as he began to walk away with a scared look on his face. The Ofuda fell down from his face after healing the bruise.

I held the envelope in my hand and looked at who it was adressed to.

Kiriko Yamagami.

That's my actual last name, usually most of my mail is labeled as Kiriko Kamori. But this one has my actual last name.

I stepped back into my apartment and placed the envelope on my table. I used one of my kunais to open it up.

Inside of the envelope was a letter that was directed towards me.

Dear, Kiriko Yamagami

We know who you are and what you want. You are fighting against us to save your father aren't you? We find your efforts to be amusing so we're gonna make you a deal. Meet us at back of the mall at midnight and we'll hand you your father over in exchange that you stop meddling in our business!

-Hashimoto Clan

P.S. Make sure that you come alone.

Alongside the letter were three photos that immediately disgusted me. They were of my father being tortured by the Hashimoto clan.

Rage immediately began fume throughout my emotions. They know who i am now and are trying to cut a deal with me. But for all i can know it might be a trap.

It could be a way for the Hashimoto clan to lure me in and finish me off. It's best that i discuss this with Y/N.

I hold the the letter and photos in my hand as i teleported to Y/N's room.


I placed a bowl on my table than i poured in the box of Lúcio-Oh's and lastly pouring in the milk. Time to enjoy my breakfast.

As i put the spoon in my mouth, Kiriko immediately teleported in my room causing me to spit out my cereal.

Y/N:What did we say about teleporting into my room uninvited!?

Kiriko:Y/N, i apologize for barging in but this is important.

Y/N:Can't you see that I'm enjoying a nice bowl of Lúcio-oh's. It's apart of a complete breakfast you know.

Kiriko took out what seemed to be a letter and three photos in her hands. She placed them on the table for me to look at it.

I began to read through the letter and looked at the photos they were of Kiriko's dad being tortured.

Just by looking at Kiriko's face she is very furious by the matter. I stayed slient as i don't know what Kiriko's next step will be

Kiriko:I need your opinion on this, Should i go or not?

Y/N:It seems like a trap i wouldn't trust it.

Kiriko:That's what i thought, but there's apart of me that thinks this is the real deal.

Y/N:But it says right here that they want you to stop your vigilante work.

Kiriko:I know what that means and i don't want to end up in state like my mom being forced to follow their orders.

Y/N:But they already know who you are.

Kiriko:Yeah... I'm tired of hiding i don't plan on returning back to Tokyo just to escape them. Kanezaka is my home and will always be my home. If i abandon these people then i will fail my job as a protector to them.

Y/N:So what's the plan then?

Kiriko:This might be a stupid idea, but i might have to go for it.

Y/N:Kiriko you have to understand that is a big risk that you'll be taking.

Kiriko:I know Y/N, but it's one of the few ways that i might be able to save my dad.

Kiriko then smashed her fist onto the table in a fit of rage.

Kiriko:Those damn Hashimotos!  Just when we were about to win they figure out my identity and use my dad as leverage!

Y/N:I know that the letter told you to come alone. But I'm not gonna let you venture to them by yourself. I'm coming with, besides if we're actually gonna save your dad this would make a good first impression for me.

Kiriko:For what to have his blessing for my hand in marriage?

Y/N:Maybe, but it would still be pretty reckless of me to let anything bad happen to you. So I'm gonna tag along. I promise you Kiriko that we're going to save your dad either today or another. Always remember that we are a team no matter what.

Kiriko:So where are you gonna hide?

Y/N:Doesn't the back of the mall have a hill with some trees behind it?

Kiriko:I think so.

Y/N:Perfect! I'll just hide out there and watch from far away. If you get into trouble I'll bail you out.

Kiriko:As if i need any bailing out. I'm sure i can handle them all on my own.

I put my hand on her shoulder and we both stare into each other's eyes.

Y/N:I'm sure you will i believe in you. Now let's go kick some Hashimoto ass!

We both gave each other a quick kiss and nodded.

We knew the risks this time we would be playing on the Hashimoto's rules. But Kiriko and I will overcome this like we did many times.

Timeskip midnight

Kiriko's POV

I apporached the back of the mall, earlier i asked Nobuto if he could lend Y/N and I an earpiece so we could communicate with each other.

I tapped into my earpiece as i began to approach the back of the mall.

Kiriko:Y/N are you in position?

Y/N:Copy, I'm currently hiding in a tree watching your every movement with my binoculars.

I nodded i apporached a black car with two Hashimoto clan members standing in front of them.

Hashimoto clan member 1:You the daddy's girl?

Kiriko:Yeah, i am and are you the dirtbags who act like they own this town?

Hashimoto clan member 2:Watch your mouth girl! You have to remember who's in control!

One of the clan members grabbed onto the handle of the car and opened it. The other member grabbed a person and forced him out of the car.

The person had his hands tied behind his back and was wearing a bag over his head. That has to be my dad

Hashimoto clan member 1:Alright here's the deal we give you back your daddy and you leave our business alone.


Watching the confrontation with my pair of binoculars while hiding inside of a tree.

I watched as Kiriko talked to two members of the Hashimoto clan. Thanks to the earpiece I'm able to listen in on their conversation.

But something didn't feel right, i felt something spiritual energy. I felt a hand grab onto my leg and pull me out of the tree.

Y/N:What the!

I fell from the tree and watched above as a spirit was looking down towards me.

The spirit was quite disturbing, the upper half of the body was a beautiful woman with Black hair and blues. But the lower half is what creeped me out she had the body of a spider.

???:Goodjob Jorogumo, it seemed like the fly stepped into our web.

A woman with blonde hair and brown eyes apporached me. She wore a suit that had imagery of her spirit.

Y/N:Whoever you are, you won't get away this! Kiriko will kick your ass! Especially after luring her in a trap like this!

???:It's not the girl that we wanted. It's you!

My eyes immediately widened from this, why does she want me? The lady immediately reached into my ear and removed my earpiece.


The lady immediately smashed the earpiece breaking it. Then she put a bag over my head.

Kiriko's POV

Hashimoto clan member 1:Do you accept to these terms?

I looked down at the person who is supposed to be my father underneath that bag.

Kiriko:I ac-

Before i gave my answer a loud yell came into my earpiece.


Y/N's yell sounded like he was in terror, i took out my kunai knowing that my boyfriend could be in danger.

I threw the kunai at the Hashimoto clan member and kicked the other one in the face knocking them both out.

I then looked at the person who was supposed to be my dad. I kneeled down and removed the bag reveling to be a dummy.

I watched as a car drove by the hill, that car potentially has Y/N in there. I looked around my surroundings and noticed and an abandonded bike.

I got on the bike and began to ride towards to car that was driving away. I peddled as fast as i can to catch up to the car.

The fear that i have growing in me knowing what they can do to Y/N. It scares me they already have my dad now they're going to take Y/N.

No I'm going to save him! I'm not going to give up on him.

Chikako's POV

I smiled as the car began to drive through the street of Kanezaka. My plan worked to lure in the daughter of Yamagami.

I knew that she think it would be a trap so she would more likely bring back up.

I rested in the car with several members of the Hashimoto clan in the car guarding the heir.

I took out my phone and called the boss.

Chikako:Boss, i have him.

Masaru:Excellent Chikako, i knew that i could count on you.

Chikako:We should be back in 10 minutes.

Masaru:Alright, I'll be waiting to finally greet my son for our long awaited family reunion.

As i got a little bit comfortable a Hashimoto clan member tapped my shoulder.


Hashimoto clan member:Uh can you look at who's behind us.

I looked at the back at the car and watched Yamagami's daughter peddling as fast as she can to get to us.

Chikako:Fire at her!

The Hashimoto clan member nodded and took out his smg ready to fire at her.

I'm not gonna let her ruin my accomplishment!

Kiriko's POV

I continued peddling as fast as i could trying to catch up to the car.I summoned my fox spirit to help me catch up.

A Hashimoto clan member would pop his head out of the window of the car. He had an smg in his hand and begin firing at me.

I tried to avoid the bullets and threw a kunai at him causing him to drop his gun onto the road.

I kept on peddeling and throwing Kunais at the car to pop a tire atleast.

The clan member popped his head again and began to fire his pistol at me. A bullet managed to hit my shoulder, but i shrugged it off due to the adrenaline that's going throughout my body.

I peddled fast enough to get close to the car than i jumped off the bike and got on top of the car.

The clan member noticed this and fired upon the roof trying to hit me. I grabbed his shoulders and threw him out of the car.

I looked inside of the car and noticed a blonde haired woman holding onto Y/N with a bag over his head.

Kiriko:Give him back to me you Hashimoto freak!

Blonde haired lady:No! He isn't yours he belongs to the Hashimoto clan! I'm not going to let you ruin this! Hey floor it and try to make sure this fox girl lands on her head!

The driver nodded and began to speed up the car, i hold onto the roof as tight as i can.

Blonde haired Lady:Jorogumo! Deal with this pathetic girl!

A spirit appeared inside of the car and began to climb it's way to the roof of the car.

I stared at the spirit, i had my fox spirit out right by my side.

The spirit threw what seemed to be a spiders web at me. I dodged it and threw a kunai inside of the car trying to attack the user.

Kiriko:Letting your spirit do all the work. Come on fight me you coward!

Blonde haired lady:Give up girl! Jorogumo will kill you in no time! I'll make sure that you'll have a slow and painful death for all the suffering that you delt to the Hashimoto clan! Then show your corpse to your father!

This comment enraged me,i threw a kunai inside of the car and it hit the blonde haired lady.

The driver began to drive a little bit more recklessly trying to throw me off.

The spirt on the other hand kept on shooting it's spider webs at me. But me throwing my kunais at them seemed to cut through them.

I noticed something in the middle of the road a nail with a misfortune symbol. I looked inside of the car and noticed the crow spirit sitting  on Y/N's lap.

The misfortune symbol would spread onto the car. I took out a suzu ready to use it on myself in case anything happened.

The car drove onto the nail popping the tire. With the car driving  at it's full speed it began to lose control.

Blonde haired lady:Driver what's going on!?

Hashimoto driver:I've lost control of the car!

I lost the grip of my suzu causing me to drop it.


The car continued to move recklessly which then caused me to fall of the roof of the car.

I rolled throughout the street as i watched the car flip.


My vision began to become blurry, because i didn't get to use my suzu i took damage from falling out of the car.

I saw a van driving up to the flipped over car and watched as a group of guys opened up the car.

One of the first people to come out was the blonde haired woman. She came crawling out and got assistance from the other Hashimoto clan members.

They then pulled Y/N out from the car and all of them got inside of the van.

I was only able to helplessly watch as the van drove off to wherever the Hashimoto were planning to take Y/N.

It takes time for my body to heal on it's own. All i could do is punched the ground in anger and disappointment as tears filled my eyes.

Kiriko:I'm sorry Y/N, please forgive me.

Masaru's POV

Sitting inside of my office with a smile on my face. I knew that Chikako could do it.

I do hope that the person that Chikako brings back is truly my son. The boy that came from my one night stand with a woman by the name of Shiori L/N.

I made my way to the top due to the deaths of my two older brother's. My father believed that i wasn't worthy enough to lead the clan.

Yet here i am all three of them are in the grave. I have accomplished more than they did! I took out the Shimada clan and took over this town.

Now soon i will be able to give my son his inheritance this kingdom that i prepared for him.

Flashback 21 years ago

The sound of a heart monitor making it's beeps, as i looked down at my wife. She was pregnant with our child my heir however she had a disease that had the potential to kill her and our child. It pained me to see her in this condition. I was 29 at the time when this happened

To take my mind off of it some of my closest friends took me out to Kyoto to take my mind off of it.

While we were at a restaurant there was a girl who my eyes were catching. She had brown hair and green eyes.

Kiyoshi:Hey boss?

I looked at my closest friend Kiyoshi, he is my seccond in command at the clan and was the one who invited me out.

Masaru:Yes Kiyoshi?

Kiyoshi:Is there something wrong?

Masaru:No nothing at all.

I stood up from the table and walked over to the girl sitting by herself, she was ordering her meal.

I tapped the waiter asked him how much is it? He told me the amount and i immediately prepaid for her meal.

The woman was thankful so i sat down and wanted to know her.

???:You didn't have to pay for my meal. I don't even know you to begin with

Masaru:Well i just did it out of the kindness of my heart.

???:L/N Shiori

Masaru:Hashimoto Masaru, pleasure to meet you.

Both Shiori and I looked into each other's eyes. It was like love at first sight, except I'm already a married man yet I'm falling for another woman.

We talked about each other, she told me that she was a 23 year old college student who was near her graduation. She told me about her favorite hobbies and her enjoyment of music.

I told her about myself, i couldn't tell her about being the leader of the Hashimoto clan. So i lied and told her that i was the CEO of some tech company. Using my wealth for good things for the future of the world.

She bought into it and soon we both fell in love with each other. We both held each other's hand on the table and gave each other that loving look.

Shiori:Would you like to come to my apartment?

Masaru:Yes i would like to.

As we left the restaurant i noticed Kiyoshi giving me an odd look.

Masaru:Would you give me a moment dear?

She nodded and headed outside of the restaurant.

I walked over to Kiyoshi and he gave me a displeasing look.

Kiyoshi:Really Masaru? You're about to cheat on your dying wife!

Masaru:Everything will be fine Kiyoshi.

Kiyoshi:You don't even know that woman you just barely met her! While your wife she's back at Kanezaka ill and pregnant with your heir!

Masaru:Kiyoshi, what Shiori and I have is special. Believe me Kiyoshi i have gotten away with many crimes i can get away with an affair.

Kiyoshi:Fine, boss whatever you say. Just don't come crying to me when it bites you back in the ass.

Kiyoshi would leave the restaurant and head back to the hotel. I would leave with him and meet with Shiori.

Masaru:Ready to go my dear?

Shiori nodded as we walked towards her apartment. The moment we walked inside of the apartment she led me into her bedroom.

You can probably guess what happened next.

Timeskip, morning

The day after that i woke up to a phone call. I immediately picked it up and answered it.


Kiyoshi:Boss, it's me! I just got a call from Hashimoto tower.

Sounding a little bit sleepy after my night with Shiori. I grabbed my glasses and put them on.

Masaru:Yeah what is it?

Kiyoshi:Your wife she has passed away alongside with your heir. She has succumbed to her illness.


It was as if she knew about the affair and decided to give up on her life.

Kiyoshi:We have to get back to Kanezaka, right now!

I nodded and immediately put back my suit on. This would wake up Shiori.

Shiori:Masaru,what's going on?

Masaru:Something has come up, i need to get back home.

Shiori:Will i ever see you again?


After getting dressed i immediately headed out of Shiori's apartment and walked over to the hotel to return back home.

I would never see Shiori again until 3 three years.

Timeskip, 3 years later

Walking through the streets of Kyoto again with my group. This time it was for a business opportunity.

???:Masaru is that you?

Some of my guards turned to the voice, they were concerned thinking it was somebody trying to attack me.

I looked at the direction and saw that it was Shiori holding the hand of a 3 year old.

Masaru:It's alright boys i know her.

I stared at Shiori as we both embraced each other for a hug.

Masaru:How have you been Shiori?

Shiori:My life has been going good, I'm about to get married soon.

Masaru:I apologize for not coming back for you.

Shiori:While it did pain to wait for you. I understood that you are a very busy person besides I'm not worthy for a man as great as you.

I looked at child, Shiori noticed this immediately.

Shiori:Oh this is my son Y/N. He's currently 3 years old

I noticed something he is 3 years old. When i had my one night with Shiori it was 3 years ago.

No this kid can't be...

I looked down at the kid as he gave me a smile.

Masaru:Well nice to meet you Y/N.

I put my hand on his head and gave him a headpat. During the headpat i took out a piece of his hair.

Masaru:Well it was nice seeing you Shiori.

Shiori:It was nice also Masaru, hopefully one day we can catch up someday.

A week later.

I submitted the hair piece to a lab to get it for testing. I waited patently for the results.

Kiyoshi:Boss, the DNA results just came in. The boy is your son

I slammed my fist onto the table, this affair was supposed to be a secret.

Masaru:How!? I could've sworn i was wearing protection.

But then i realized something about his birth. He could potentially lead the Hashimoto clan after my passing.

Masaru:Well the good thing is that there is  an heir to the Hashimoto fortune.

Kiyoshi:Yeah but there's a problem. His discovery might lead to problems.

Masaru:I get what you mean. I mean we are still at war against the Shimada clan. If the Shimada clan find out about his existence they'll try to come for him.

Kiyoshi:That, but also he's your illegitimate child. Nobody except for me knows about the affiar.

Masaru:My own bastard son... I'll trust the boy to Shiori's care. By the time he's 18 I'll come for him and prepare him for his future role.

2 years later

Kiyoshi:Boss, i have some bad news...

Masaru:What is it Kiyoshi?

He drops newspaper article on my desk and i began to read through it. I began to cry as soon as i realized that Shiori was the only casualty.

Masaru:What about the boy.

Kiyoshi:He's alive and well. He'll be under the care of his step dad.

Masaru:Kiyoshi can you take out 1 million yen from the vault.

Kiyoshi:Why boss?

Masaru:It's for my son, i pray that his step dad will use it to take care of him. I'll be sending 1 million every month just for him...

Kiyoshi:You seem to care about your son.

Masaru:Of course he's my off spring. Besides it's best that he doesn't know about his true nature till he's ready.

Timeskip, 13 years to the future.

I apporached the house where my son would be living. A couple of days ago was his 18 birthday. He should be here.

I knocked on the door of the house with a man around my age opening the door. I presume him to be the stepdad of my child.

Y/N's stepdad:Hello?

Masaru:Excuse me sir but I'm here to see somebody.

Y/N's stepdad:Well Arata isn't here.

Masaru:I'm not here to see him. May i come in?

Y/N's stepdad:Hold on I'm not letting no guy just walk into my house. What do you want?

Masaru:I want to see a man by the name of Y/N L/N.

Y/N's stepdad:Oh him, well you're already too late. He moved out after i kicked him out.

Masaru:You did what?

Y/N's stepdad:I kicked him out he's already at the age that he should be living on his own.

Masaru:Excuse me what's your name?

Y/N's stepdad:Tatsuki.

Masaru:Tatsuki, there is something that you don't understand.

I push him inside of his house letting both myself and my three guards inside.

I looked around his house and noticed many luxurious items spread around the house. Only items that could be afforded by the rich like myself.

Masaru:Where did you get this stuff?

Tatsukii:Every month some guy would send my family 1 million yen. I used that for myself and my two kids.

Masaru:What about Y/N? Did you spend any of the moneu on him.

I was furious with this guy. I sent that money only to be used for my son.

Tatsukii:No... I rarely spent it on hi-

I punched him hard on the face knocking him back.

Masaru:Congratulations you are now in debt.

Tatsuki:To who!?

I picked him by the collar of his shirt and forced him to look at me.

Masaru:To the Hashimoto clan. You now owe us money. That money wasn't meant for you it was for my son. So that you can take care of him. Now what do i find out that some selfish jackass wastes said money on himself.

Tatsuki:Wait your his dad.... Shiori never mentioned about dating some Yakuza guy before.

Masaru:Because i never told her who i was. Now where the fuck is my son!

Tatsuki:I don't know!

I kept punching this guy repeatedly, if it wasn't for this jackass i would be able to be reunited with my son.

I throw him down and grab my combat knife and grab his hand.

Tatsuki:N-no please don't!

I used the knife to cut off one of his fingers.

Tatsuki:You motherfucker!!!!

Masaru:Because of you i have to play scavenger hunt to look for my son. Men sew this rat's mouth shut. I don't won't to hear his voice any longer.

Hashimoto clan member:On it boss.

Masaru:Oh and you better make my money back. Or else I'll come back for the rest of your fingers.

I began to walk away as my two guards grab Y/N's stepdad and drag him to a room to sew his mouth.

Damn asshole now i need to double my efforts to find my son now. He should be safe as the Shimada clan isn't an issue.

Present day

I have been on a wild scavenger hunt searching for my son. I even sent him a postcard to come move to Kanezaka.

I'm glad that he took notice of that and moved into the town. Some of my men were supposed to pick him up, but they mistook him for a tourist.

But now he has arrived to Hashimoto tower. Ready to take his on the Hashimoto fortune.

I sat in my desk ready and waiting for the news. Kiyoshi would enter my office.

Kiyoshi:Boss, she's here with the heir!

Masaru:Bring them in.

Kiyoshi opened up the door, revealing Chikako badly injured and my son with a bag over his head.

Masaru:Chikako what happened?

Chikako:That damn fox girl! She wouldn't leave us alone.

Masaru:The good thing is  that both of you are safe. Now both of you take a seat.


I felt myself being forced to take a seat on a chair. As the bag was removed from my face.

Sitting in front of me was the boss of the Hashimoto clan. Next to me was that blonde haired girl.

Masaru:Well before we begin, I'd like to thank you again Chikako.

Chikako:As always boss i'll forever be loyal to you.

Masaru:Now let's finally talk Y/N.

Y/N:How do you know my name?

This suprised me as the leader of the Hashimoto clan chuckled.

Masaru:I know alot about you Y/N. I know that your mother is Shiori L/N. I know that your step father is named Tatsuki.

Y/N:How do you know about my family?

He touched his glasses with a grin on his face.

Masaru:You see Y/N there is something that you don't know about yourself.

Y/N:What is that?

Masaru:You are a Hashimoto.

I began to chuckle a little bit thinking it was a joke or something.

Y/N:Good joke what else are you going to tell me that the sky is red?

Masaru:Listen to me! Your real name is Y/N Hashimoto. You are my bastard son, from an affair that i had with your mother 21 years ago.

This came to me as a suprise this information that the leader of the Hashimoto clan was telling me.

I can't be his son, he has to be lying trying to mess with me!


Masaru:You can deny it all you want to. But it's true we are related.

He took out DNA samples long ago back when i was three. Seeing this the fact that he knew the name of my mom and my name as well. It means he's telling the damn truth!

Masaru:I know it's hard for you to take in. But you need to understand your heritage.

Y/N:Understand what!? That my dad is an absolute dickbag who terrorizes innocent people for his own.

Masaru:I am not that, Y/N

Y/N:Yes you are! I've seen what your men do to these people.

Masaru:What kind of nonsense has that girl put into your brain? We are heroes son this town needs us.

Y/N:No they don't. You're trying to manipulate me into believing your bullshit! Well it's not gonna work like it did with Moriko!

Chikako:Please young master listen to your father. It's your responsibility to lead the clan.

Masaru:Chikako is right!

Y/N:I refuse to take up your mantle!

Masaru:Dammn it Y/N listen to me! In the end of the day you are a Hashimoto! It is your duty to lead the clan once i am gone now accept it!


Masaru:Stop acting like a rebellious child and accept your herritage

Y/N:You know mom told me that my dad was a good man. Nice to know that he's actually a big piece of trash.

Masaru:Stand up son and let me show you something.

I stood up from the chair and walked with towards the glass window. If that blonde haired bitch wasn't there i would've pushed him out.

We both looked down at the town of Kanezaka.

Masaru:All of this will be yours to rule oneday, my son. This is your kingdom and they will be your subjects. All of the people like Chikako they will be loyal to you. It is destined by your birthright.

Y/N:I reject my brithright. I'd rather live like a commoner and be happy than live like a prestigious bastard like you.

My father placed his hand on my shoulder and gave me a look.

Masaru:Son, let me tell you something about that girl.


Masaru:That girl what's her name?

Chikako:Her dad said it's Kiriko.

Masaru:Right, Kiriko she's not gonna care for you once she finds out your Hashimoto. She'll probably see you like your one of us. She won't care for you as a person. She'll only care about your bloodline. The moment she finds out that I'm your father she'll put all of her rage on you.

Y/N:That's a lie! Kiriko would never.

Masaru:You've seen her hatred first hand, son. You worked with her, you know how much she despises us.

My dad was right... Kiriko has always hated the Hashimoto clan. I joined her because i wanted to do something right.

Be the man my mom wanted me to be. But would she still love me, if she found out i was a Hashimoto?

My mind began to echo with Kiriko's voice disgusted at my heritage.

Kiriko:You're a Hashimoto? Ew get away from me, you freak! I can't believe that i fell in love with you!

I looked down, thinking that's what Kiriko is going to tell me if she were to find out. The fact that i have to hide this secert from her pains me..

Masaru:Son, I'm willing to forgive you for everything you did with that girl. If you take up the mantle of the heir of the Hashimoto clan.

I stared at my father he was willing to forgive me. For everything I've done against him.

But i don't want to live my life without Kiriko around. She brings me joy and happiness. If i joined my father even if she would hate me for my heritage, i don't want to stab her in the back.

The woman that i love and care for dearly. She is one of a kind and she is who going to keep me going. Even in a desperate dark time like this.

Masaru:She's just another girl Y/N. Soon you'll find someone more fitting of you.

I made my hand into a fist then i struck my father in the face.


Y/N:I refuse! I am not going to betray everything that I worked for with her! If i joined you i would be just like you a fucking piece of shit! That's not who i want to be! I'm not going to be a fucking hypocrite!

I felt as Chikako grabbed me by the arms restraining me.

Masaru:You little shit!

I felt my father punch me both in the face and the stomach.

Masaru:Chikako, take him to the prison. I'll find a way to punish this disobedient child.

Y/N:Oh letting your elite member do all the dirty work for you! Because you know that if it was you and me id kick your fucking ass!

Chikako:Come on you.

I was dragged by the arms by Chikako being taken out of my dad's office and into an elevator.

After a couple of floors down i was taken into the prison section of the tower. I was then thrown into a random cell.

Chikako:Such disappointment, i expected better from the son of the boss.

She walked away as i sat down in a cell, the only person in my mind was Kiriko. I want to get out of here just to tell her that I'm okay and I'm fine!

I sighed as i looked around the cell, it was in an unsanitary condition. There was only one other guy with me.

???:Oh, i didn't expect them to give me a cellmate?

I looked at the guy he's been here longer than i have. He's been beaten and bruised. Yet he looks familar.

???:Sorry let me introduce myself my name is Toshiro. But my wife used to call me Toshi.

Y/N:Name's Y/N.

Toshiro:Nice to meet you Y/N. What did you do to get here?

Y/N:I rebelled against my own dad...

Toshiro:Masaru Hashimoto is your dad?

Y/N:Sadly yes, but i don't care about him. He's a piece of shit!

Toshiro:I see...

Y/N:I have been fighting against the Hashimoto clan you know. I did alot of things take down their elites, stopped some of their trades, and even sunk one of their ships.

Toshiro:Sounds like you've been in one adventure.

Y/N:Yeah but the only person i have to thank that is my girlfriend. She showed me my potential and even trained me. She saw something in me. But yet i don't think she'll love me anymore.

Toshiro:Why? Why do you say that?

Y/N:Because  I'm a Hashimoto, someone who she considers to be scum of the earth.

Toshiro:Don't see that way. You seem like a nice kid I'm sure she'd understand.

Y/N:I hope so, last thing i wanna do is break her heart.

Toshiro:Your situation reminds me of my daughter's.

Y/N:What makes you say that?

Toshiro:I loved my daughter very much my wife and I worked so hard to raise her. Yet i have missed out on so much of her life she probably hates me right now. I wasn't there for her high school graduation and i won't probably be there for her wedding, i probably won't be able to meet any of my grandkids. She probably thinks that i abandonded her.

Y/N:Don't worry one day you'll be reunited with your daughter.

Toshiro:Something that's been a dream to me for years. But everyday something that seems realistic just becomes fiction.

I stood up and sat next to Toshiro, he took out his wallet and showed me a photo of his family.

The photo was of him with his family, i immediately recognized his wife, that's Asa. Then i looked at his daughter, my face immediately became surprised from his daughter.

Toshiro:That's me, my wife Asa and that's my daughter.

We both looked at each other as our voices synchronized as we said the name.

Toshiro & Y/N:Kiriko..

Toshiro:You know her?

Y/N:I do and i can tell you that she doesn't hate you. She loves you very much. She's fighting the Hashimoto to free not only Kanezaka but you..

Toshiro looked at me with tears in my eyes, as he embraced me for a hug. Knowing that his daughter doesn't hate him for being kidnapped. But still loves him and is willing to risk her life for him.

Toshiro:Tell me is she that girlfriend of yours who inspires you?

I nodded at his question, he responded with a smile.

Toshiro:I miss my family everyday.

Y/N:I know you do.. But don't worry we'll get through this together.

The sound of the cell door opening would be heard gaining both of our attention.

Hashimoto clan member:Bastard son! The boss has decided on your punishment!

Toshiro immediately stood up and got in front of me trying to defend me.

Toshiro:I will not let you hurt this man.

Despite being the son of his kidnapper, Toshiro is treating me with respect. Maybe there is a chance, if he can accept me for my bloodline then maybe Kiriko can as well.

Hashimoto clan member:Fuck off Yamagami!

He pushed Toshiro aside and grabbed me by the arms dragging me and placing handcuffs to restrain my arms.

They took me outside of the cell and put me in the elevator and took me outside of Hashimoto tower.

They then put me on a plane and two pilots of the plane took their seats.

Hashimoto pilot:The boss has decided to isolate yourself. For a while good luck staying sane while by yourself.

The plane began to take flight and we immediately flew away from Kanezaka and Japan as a country.

The flight was starting to get long and time was going by slow. I have to find away off this damn plane.

I then realized to use my crow spirit, but if i use it there's a chance that the plane will crash. A chance that i might die from the crash.

But just like Kiriko i have to take that risk. I summoned my crow spirit mid flight. I noticed a misfortune symbol on the wheel.

Hashimoto pilot:What the!

Hashimoto Co-pilot:Dude what's going on?

Hashimoto pilot:I can't control the plane!

He tried his best to maneuver the plane and get it under control. Only for him to lose fully control of the plane.

Hashimoto pilot:Shit! We're gonna crash!

The plane immediately went down and collided with the ground. Dispite my misfortune i was lucky enough to survive the crash.

I'm still conscious but my vision is blurry. All i see is snow and parts of the crashed plane and the bodies of the two Hashimoto pilots.

I tried to crawl to see if i can get some help, only for my vision to start fading away as i begin to lose consciousness.

3rd POV

In the Himalayas of Nepal there lies a Monastary that is owned by a group of omnics known as the Shambali.

A group of Shambali members were doing an expedition of the region to meditate and return back to the monastery.

However during their meditation they were interrupted by the sound of a plane crash.

The Omnics immediately went over and investigated the crash. They discovered the crash site and three bodies.

They checked on the bodies and discovered that two of them died on impact. However one of them was alive.

But they felt negative energy coming from the alive body. They were confused on what to do.

Shambali member:What do we do Zenyatta?

The leader of the expedition hovered towards the body of the young man.

He is a master of both harmony and discordance.

Zenyatta:Take him back to the Monastery. I would like to treat him of his injuries.

To be continued.

Like i said last chapter this chapter was going to focus more on Y/N's backstory.

Now we finally got to learn the truth, that Y/N is the bastard son. Something that was hinted  back in chapter 6 i believe.

Something i enjoyed writing was the car chase scene between Kiriko and the Hashimoto clan when they kidnapped Y/N.

That was mainly inspired by car chase scenes in movies. But also to show Kiriko's determination that she wasn't going to let Y/N go that easy. But sadly for our main heroine she failed.

Which also in this chapter Y/N finally got to meet her father.

I hoped that you all enjoyed this chapter. The next chapter might be a short one.

As Y/N is about to meet another fan favorite character. I'll see you all soon in

Finding Peace...

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