Pleasing (H.S)

By white_eyes_

113K 2.7K 441

He is a rockstar, but also her boss. She is a creative director, who happens to work in pleasing. This is the... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
thirty eight
thirty nine
forty one
forty two
forty three
forty five
forty six
forty seven
epilogue (Iris' version)

forty four

1.3K 42 10
By white_eyes_

I said that I was going to update earlier but I didn't. I'm sorry. 

28 weeks pregnant 


If they had told me a few years ago that I would be walking down the aisle while pregnant, I would have laughed. I would have laughed as well if they told me that I would organize an entire wedding in less that 2 months. 

But here I am getting ready for my wedding. My bump isn't that big but it is noticeable. Everybody that is invited will know that Harry and I are expecting our second child. But we don't care. We have kept it a secret long enough and we are ready to share it with the world. I'm 7 months pregnant so I am ready to tell that to everyone. 

Due to these past months, Harry has been by my side all the time. He cares about me, about Emma, about the house, about everything. I don't know how to react because in my previous pregnancy I was alone and I had no one besides my mother and my sister. Now I have Harry, and that is enough. He brings me comfort because Harry is my home. 

I am so excited about today. We decided to do a small wedding, not many people are invited and in a small venue. Neither of us wanted to have this big celebrity weddings, we wanted to do it our way. Our closest people only so not many details will be spread around. I never dreamt of a big wedding and even though I think that Harry did, now he doesn't want it. He wants to keep our marriage for himself. And I will help him do that. 

The list of the people that are invited consists of our families, Harry's band, the pleasing crew, Lambert, Jeff and his wife, Brad, Harry's ex bandmates and our closest friends. We decided to get married in a venue in Harry's hometown. So that way people won't find us that easy and we will have the day for ourselves. Jeff went to the venue by himself and he made everyone sign an NDA so there won't be any leaked information about our special day. 

Harry Lambert, Tonya and Gemma helped the most. They were in charge of almost everything due to the fact that I can't move around too much. Being 7 months pregnant and having too much anxiety on you isn't good and everyone tries to ease my nerves as much as possible. They helped with everything. My mother and Anne as well, they helped with the catering, the decoration and the invitations to be sent in time. Without our family and friends we would be lost. 

My wedding dress is like the one I had dreamt of when I was a little kid. But I've never expected to be pregnant. This is a happy surprise to be exact. My bump is the best thing in the world, and Harry is in love with it too. He is going to be crazy when she arrives. It's the first time that he's going to deal with a baby but I'm sure that he will be the perfect dad for our two girls. 

"Iris, are you ready?" My mother asks me and I look myself once again in the mirror. My wedding dress is perfect for me. Simple yet romantic, a mix that describes me. 

"I am." I answer to her question and the door opens again. My daughter enters the room and Tonya is behind her, following her. 

"Wow, mumma. You are so beautiful." She tells me and hugs my legs. I crunch down carefully and I hug her too, giving her a kiss on her cheek. "Thank you, little honey, you are the most beautiful flower girl ever." I never expected that my daughter will be my flower girl, but as I said that wedding is much different from the one that I have imagined. 

"Okay, we have to leave so he won't wait." Tonya says and we all begin to exit the room. The only ones that have been waiting for us in the little leaving room are Harry Lambert, Florence and Gemma. Florence and Gemma are my bridesmaids and Tonya is the maid of honor. Harry Lambert is here both as my stylist and my emotional support. Harry and I have an amazing bond and I'm glad that he is the first friend I made through my work. If Molly and Harry didn't manifest this day from the moment they met me, I don't think that it would ever happen. They are like our little fairy godmothers. And of course, I can't forget Lloyd, who is here both as a guest and as a photographer. Anthony is with Harry and I'm sure that the result will be excellent. I love their work. 

"You are so beautiful." 

"The most beautiful bride to ever exist." 

"Can we leave before I start crying once again?" I tell them all after I thank them for the kind compliments.  

The ride to the venue is shorter that I expected and I am so anxious. I know that he won't stand me up but I'm still anxious. There are a lot of people here and I'm sure that I will do something wrong. I think that I will trip and fall or even forget my vows. 

The wedding planner that helped us is already outside and waits for us. "Hello to the beautiful bride and her gorgeous family. Groom is ready to walk down the aisle with his groomsmen. Ring bearer is about to come with his mother. Should we begin?" She asks us and I tell her that I'm ready.  

She tells her partner that everything is ready and to tell the officiant to go to his place. I'm sure that Harry follows him as well as his groomsmen, Mitch and Kid. "Bride, ready?" The wedding planer asks once again and I nod. "Okay, maid of honor this is your turn." She tells Tonya and Tonya walks in front of us. Her levanter dress suits her so much and she walks inside the venue. Her walk is steady even though she was crying a few moments ago. 

"Bridesmaids." The woman tells and Gemma looks at me one last time and comes to my place to give me a hug. 

"Thank you so much, Iris." She whispers and then walks towards Florence who is ready to cry. They both walk inside the venue as the song Until I found you continues to play. Harry found it the most perfect song for the situation given the fact that my middle name is Georgia. 

"Little Miss Flower girl, it's your turn. Give a hug to mumma and then you will do exactly what we did at the rehearsals. You will hug daddy and then you will go sit with your grandma Anne, okay?" The wedding planner says once again the plan to Emma, who nods. The poor woman doesn't know that my daughter has rehearsed her part a million times. I think that everyone in our household has played the part of groom or bride. The most hilarious moment was when she demanded Harry to be the groom and Mitch to be the bride. It was a moment I'll never forget. 

Emma walks inside and I wish I was somewhere to watch my little honey shine. But I'm sure that Anthony will shoot the perfect video from that moment. 

The next to walk down the aisle is George, Sarah and Mitch's son. He is our ring bearer due to the fact that Harry is his godfather and we really wanted to include him somehow to the ceremony. He may be only 2 years old but he is a bright young man, really smart and a social butterfly. 

"Bride, this is your turn. I'll tell you when." She tells and watches what it is going on inside. 

"I wish dad was here." I tell my mother when she grabs my hand. 

"I know darling, I do too. But I think that he watches us right now. He would have loved Harry so much." She tells me and a few tears stream down from my eyes. "Don't cry my beautiful girl, this is a day that you should be happy. Let me walk you to your man." She says and the planner tells us that it's our time. 

I take a deep breath and the door opens once again. All the faces are turned to look at us but I don't care about no one, only the man that waits for me at the end of the aisle. He is crying, but he smiles at the same time. The suit he is wearing is made just for him and he looks so beautiful. We don't look anywhere else as I walk the aisle, we only look at each other's eyes. 

My mother gives him my hand and tells him to take care of me, he nods, unable to speak from the emotions he is feeling right now. "You look so beautiful Iris, so beautiful." He manages to compliment me before the officiant starts to speak. 

"You are so handsome too, H. The most beautiful man." I tell him and he kisses the back of my hand. 

"Welcome to all of you, who have come to share in this important moment in the lives of bride and groom. I ask you to join together in celebrating, acknowledging, and honoring this day and the vows that they will be making. By your presence, you witness and affirm the truth of their love and commitment to each other." The officiant says and the ceremony starts. 

The declaration of Intent is next. "Harry, do you take Iris to be your lawful wedded wife? Do you promise to love and cherish her/hi, in sickness and in health, for richer for poorer, for better for worse, and forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto her/him, for so long as you both shall live?" 

"I do." My soon to be husband answers and nods at the same time.

"Iris, do you take Harry to be your lawful wedded husband? Do you promise to love and cherish him, in sickness and in health, for richer for poorer, for better for worse, and forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto him, for so long as you both shall live?"

"I do." I answer immediately and Harry holds my hand tighter. This moment is the most intimate we have ever been.

"Now, you can exchange your vows. Harry you can start." The officiant announce and Harry looks at me. Of course, he has learnt his vows by heart.

"Iris, how lucky I am to call you mine? I promise to love you, to cherish you and stand by your side in the good and bad. You aren't only my wife, you are the mother of my children and my best friend. You are the person that makes me a better man because I've learnt from you how to truly be me. You have my ultimate devotion, my soul and my heart. You are all the love songs I wrote, write and will write in my life. My sweetest, I promise to take care of you, to respect you and be there for you. Recently, we were reading a bed time story to our daughter and I'm going to recite a quote that haven't left my mind ever since we read Winnie the Pooh. If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together...there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart...I'll always be with you. I love you, Iris." He finishes his vows and I don't think that I am able to tell him mine. I smile at him through my tears and I take a breath. I've learnt mine by heart too.

"Harry, my beloved, you are the sweetest soul I've ever encountered. I promise that I'll love you, I'll respect you and I'll take care of you always. I promise to be by your side and give you all of my devotion because you deserve it, my dearest. I pledge to remain you companion and your friend because I love you as much as I love myself. I'm so privileged to be able to grow with you, because you are a kind person. Thank you for being the best dad to our girl and I'm sure that it won't change for this one too." I tell him and show my bump. "You are the best thing that ever happened to me and I promise to understand you, help you and listen to you. I will make sure that I'll be there when you need me and be there for us to create, to explore and to laugh. And as my second favorite singer, Alex Turner, sings I want to stay with you my love, the way that some science fiction does. And, also, I want you to remember that Baby, I'm yours and I'm yours until the rivers all run dry." I end my vows with two Arctic Monkeys' songs making Harry laugh through his tears. 

The officiant asks us to repeat after him these exact words. "I offer you this ring to wear as a symbol of our unbreakable bond. It is a reminder of my eternal faith and unwavering dedication. I will cherish you forever more." And with that we exchange our rings. 

"Throughout this ceremony, Iris and Harry have vowed, in our presence, to be loyal and loving towards each other.

They have formalized the existence of the bond between them with words spoken and with the giving and receiving of rings.

Therefore, it is my pleasure to now pronounce them husband and wife.

You may now kiss your bride!" The officiant tells us and Harry immediately kisses me. The sweetest kiss of them all. We hear applause and someone hugs our legs. We break the kiss and we see Emma on our side crying and smiling. Harry takes her on his arms and she hugs us both. 

"I'm so happy. So happy that I'm crying." She declares and we laugh at her statement. 

Later the same evening, we are all in the venue with our guests. It is the only time that I saw who attended the wedding eventually. Even Lewis Capaldi is here and he is sitting with the other four members of One Direction and their significant others. Some other singers and actors are here as well. The pleasing crew is sitting together and at the table near them is the love band with William, Chris and Patrick. They all came from Los Angeles because they said that they wouldn't miss our wedding. 

We see Gemma walk through the main stage. It is the time for the people we decided to speak before our first dance as a couple. "Hello, as you may know, I'm Gemma, I'm Harry's sister and I want to talk about love. Love is a real thing and everyone can believe that is real when they see Iris and Harry. I still remember the first time Harry called me and talked to me about her. It was late on a Saturday evening. He said that he met a woman through work and I imagined that she was a fellow singer or an actress. But then he made clear that she worked for Pleasing. 

He then told me that she has a daughter, a lovely daughter as he said. I told him to be careful, because it wouldn't be easy if he creates a relationship with Emma and then sees that this relationship didn't go anywhere. But he said that it won't happen. He said that Iris is the one. And he proved it. 

Thank you Iris, because you make my brother happy. You made him the one thing he wantethe most, a dad. He always talked about becoming a dad and now he is. He is a father of two and he hasn't shut up about it. 

And thank you, Harry, for letting me know Iris and my beloved little Emma. Iris is the best mother and woman. She is so strong, so independent and the best mother. She taught Emma to show love, to be kind and to be strong too. 

And Emma, I have to talk about you too. You are our little honey. I want to thank you personally for loving my brother and make him the proudest dad to ever exist. I love you little honey.

And now it is the time for the couples first dance." She ends her monologue and all of us crying. 

My mother and Anne haven't stopped crying ever since I walked down the aisle. They sit with each other and they even hug from time to time to give each other some comfort. They are the happiest of them all. My grandmother is sitting beside them with my cousin and they are smiling. My cousin, Penelope, told me that she knew that we were going to get married. She even kissed my bump. She is so happy to call Harry her cousin too. 

Ed Sheeran is on the stage and he introduces us. I didn't know that he was going to sing on my wedding day, he is one of my favorite singers of all times. "Hello from me too, I'm so thankful to be here tonight. I'm so happy for my buddy Harry, because he is so in love. So this is my wedding gift to him from me. This is a song that I wrote when I fell in love, so I'm going to sing it tonight to these two people, because everything in them screams that word. Congratulations H and Iris." 

Harry takes my hand as Ed starts singing Perfect. The perfect song for this perfect moment.


Two weeks later

"Iris, I think that I want everyone to know about us." Harry says as he hugs me. We are still in bed and Emma is sleeping on my side. I'm in the middle of them. 


"I think that I'm going to post about how our life has been lately if you agree. I don't want to keep hiding, it is disastrous for all of us." 

"I agree, H, you can do whatever you want, my darling." 

 harrystyles posted:

liked by irisstyles, gemmastyles, tonyawilliams and 40,000,000 others

harrystyles: happier than ever



harryfan1: WHAT

harryfan2: harry is married and a dilf

iristyles: i love you
   harrystyles: i love you more


harryfan4: GUYS WE LOST HIM

harrisreed: the sweetest angels 


I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING. But I will do everything to update sooner. I am taking my degree this July so I hope that I'll have more free time. 

I hope that you liked this chapter as much as I liked it. 

Read my new story Right where you left me, as you wait for the next update in Pleasing. 

Love you, byeeee <3333

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