Pleasing (H.S)

By white_eyes_

121K 2.9K 457

He is a rockstar, but also her boss. She is a creative director, who happens to work in pleasing. This is the... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
thirty eight
thirty nine
forty one
forty three
forty four
forty five
forty six
forty seven
epilogue (Iris' version)

forty two

1.4K 41 1
By white_eyes_

14 weeks pregnant 


We are on our way to the OB gyn so we can see what is going on with the pregnancy. Everything feels normal. I don't have morning sickness now and I feel more happy and energetic. I think that basically my mother and Anne are the ones to blame for that. They are always around to help. 

The first day they came together, telling us that they missed us so they came to stay for a day or two. They cleaned everything in the house even though he have a house keeper to keep everything in order. They took Emma shopping so I can get some rest. Harry was in L.A because he had some last minute meetings that couldn't put off anymore. 

Pleasing is going really well. I don't work much, due to the fact that my pregnancy isn't that good and it makes me really tired. I help as much as I can but not as much as I want. Harry has a few meetings about the company too, some that I won't attend because he said that I don't have to stay up late. 

He is really careful with me and I think that Emma knows that something is going on. We'll tell her this afternoon after our visit to the OB Gyn. As I said, Harry is taking good care of me and the baby. He is always talking to them, he even sings because he believes that the baby is going to love me more so now it's the only time he can change their mind. I can't with this man. 

Today I'm starting my 14th week. I am a little stressed because of the visit in the doctor but Harry will be there with me, holding my hand and telling me that everything is going to be alright. He reminds me of that every night when we are alone and every morning to our daily affirmations with our daughter. 

Another thing that keeps me up at night is the thought that Harry's mind will change once the baby is here and he won't love Emma as much as he loves her now. Our whole lives will change once again, but this is the biggest of my fears. I don't want to hurt my daughter's feelings. I told all of my thoughts to Tonya and she said that I'm an idiot. She assured me that Harry loves Emma so much that he won't even thing about that. She guaranteed that Harry and Emma were made of being father and daughter and no other thing in this world will change their relationship. I saw this the moment she said it. Emma loved Harry way before I fell in love with him. Something inside of her told her that this man with the green eyes is her father, and she listened to it before she had the chance of getting to know him better. The fact that I fell for that said man, worked in her favor! 

The second fear I have is the fact that Harry is going to take a long break from his career. He is still writing and recording here and there but he is so ready to be home, to be a stay at home father. His career allows him to do this and he is glad that he is going to be here while his second child grows up. He said that he doesn't want to tour any time in the near future, unless the kids and I follow him, something that I find extremely difficult. That will make his fans hate me even more and curse me for marrying him, because I'm going to marry him soon!

He is talking with the boys too, the One Direction boys. Niall started a group chat not too long ago and now they are all back on friendly terms. They are texting more than before and we even hosted a dinner. Emma remembered all the times she sang to One Direction with Tonya and Harry and she said that she's a fan. She fell in love with uncle Zayn and uncle Louis. We even planned a play date with their children. 

I never expected that I'll meet One Direction and have them in my dining room, talking to me and playing with my daughter. I always forget that Harry's famous and in moments like that one is the only time I remember it. I'm really happy that Harry is coming to terms with his past life. 

The door bell is being heard and I open the door. My mother and Anne are here and both of them are holding a box. They didn't want to stay with us this time and they rented a little Airbnb near our house. They live their best life. Yesterday night they went to the theater to see a play Harry suggested. The day before that they did some sight seeing. They went to some museums with Emma because Harry and I can't take her. Harry felt a little depressed about that but he came through that really quickly because Emma bought him a present. She saw a keychain that reminded her of him so she had to buy this gift for Harry. And he says that he isn't her favourite. 

They enter the house and they hug me immediately.

"How are you, darling?" My mother asks me and Anne takes the box from her hands to take it to the kitchen. We go to the living room.

"I'm fine, little kiwi is good, aren't you baby?" I talk to my bump, even though it doesn't even exist. 

"Oh, are they the size of a kiwi?" Anne asks me as she sits next to me. 

"They are, I think that I'll start to show from day to day." I tell them and both of them smile at me. They don't respond to me because Emma's voice is being heard and then her little feet, signalizing that she's somewhere near. 

"Grannie Annie and Grannie Sophie are here." She screams and we hear her run. Harry is telling her to wait for him at the stairs. They enter the living room together, Emma on Harry's arms with her hands around her neck and Oliver a few steps behind Harry following them, visibly done with his father and sister. Oh, I understand you my sweet boy. "I missed you, grannies." She says and somehow escapes from Harry. She first hugs my mother and then Anne. 

"How are you?" Harry asks my mother, hugging her first leaving a kiss on her cheek. Their relationship is warming my heart. When my father died I swore to myself that my mother has to like my husband because that's what my dad would want. My mother loves Harry. My mum replies and then he asks the same to his mother and hugs her too. He's such a mother's boy. "Iris, babe, we have to leave if we want to be there in time." 

I nod and I stand up from the couch. "Ems, daddy and I will go to a job we have for a bit. Be a good girl, okay?" 

"Are you going to be here for bedtime?" 

"Yes, little honey." Harry assures her and we both kiss her and say goodbye. 

The drive to the doctor is just us chatting about the fact that Emma will know in a little bit that she's going to be a big sister. Harry has everything planned for us because he wants it to be a positive experience for Emma. We know that she wants to be a big sister so it's not that stressful to tell her that news. 

We are waiting to the doctor's office for about fifteen minutes. There are other patients here too. Some mothers have their older children here too, some young couples are really stressed about the fact they will become parents soon. They don't give a fuck that Harry is here, all they care about is their future.

"Miss Williams." The doctor's assistant calls me and both Harry and I stand up. We go to the doctor's office. She is waiting for us smiling and I immediately feel comfortable. She is so good. 

"Hello again, Iris and Harry, how are you? How do you feel?" She asks us, still smiling. I went to her the first time I got pregnant and I am glad that I'm in London for my second pregnancy too. 

"We are fine, we are getting bigger." I joke as I'm getting ready to sit on the bed for my ultrasound. 

"That's good to hear. I'm sure that there is going to be bump soon. It turns to show up faster on the second pregnancy." She tells me the information I already know and then she helps me so she can start. "You can sit right there, Harry. Iris, do you still have morning sickness?" 

"No, but I feel a little dizzy." I confess. She tells me that she will give me some vitamins. The gel is a bit cold but I'm so excited to see little kiwi. 

"Okay, here is little kiwi. They seem fine, strong like their mumma. I can't see their sex but I'm sure that we will learn soon, maybe next appointment." She says. "Do you want to hear their heart?" 

It's a habit for both Harry and I to cry every time we are here. We cry to everything, two cry babies we are. 

We are home sooner than expected. My mother and Anne left as soon as we arrived. They just asked us how it went and then they said that they had a reservation to one of the restaurants Gemma said that she liked. They wanted to leave us alone because we will tell everything to Emma. 

Chicken nuggets are our dinner tonight and then some homemade ice cream Gemma made yesterday. We try to make everything so comfortable so Emma will feel that she's not attacked to any way possible. I'm sure that if we don't tell her anytime soon, she will ask me herself what's wrong today. 

"Emma, we have to tell you something." Harry tells first while we a bit of the vegan vanilla ice cream. A lot of sprinkles are on mine and Emma's in contradiction to Harry's that is plain. "We'll give you something." He says and puts his bowl to the table. Emma is looking at him with anticipation. 

"A t-shirt?" She asks when she sees the white T-shirt. She doesn't understand what's going on. 

"It's not just a t-shirt. It's a special t-shirt." I say and Harry takes the hint to show us the back of it. "It says something that's a big secret between the three of us and our family." 

"Oh, do grannies and aunties know that too?" She asks.

"They do, we told them a few minutes ago." Harry says a white lie. "We wanted you to listen to it alone because it's going to be so special." 

"What does it say?" Emma asks, not caring at all about the order of who we told everything about. 

"It says Big Sister." I read the word of the t-shirt. Emma's eyes go wide and look at me and then at Harry. "You're going to be a big sister, baby." 

"What?" She asks, her voice cracking and her eyes are filled with tears. "Is there a little baby?" She asks again, pointing at my stomach. I nod and she falls to my arms. "Daddy, come give us a hug, oh my god." She says and all of my worries go away. 

Harry laughs at her words and he hugs us both. "Are you happy, little honey?" He asks while his hand is caressing her back.

"Of course I am. I asked of a little brother or sister everyday and now I'll have one. You make me so happy." She says, a few more tears falling from her eyes. At moments like this, I know that everything is right in my life. 


HELLO, this chapter is small, I know. I promise the next one is going to be bigger. I don't know when I'm going to update again, I hope is soon! BUT UNTIL THEN

I started a new book, it's called Right Where You Left Me and I think that it's my best work just yet. I really want opinions. Prologue and first chapter are up. I'll soon post Chapter 2 

See you soon <3

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