Family Secrets Part 2

Oleh Bad4Lov

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This is book 2 from "Family Secrets" we continue to follow Karen through her journey of healing after the maj... Lebih Banyak

Cracked open
Miss You
Keep moving forward
Growing Pains
Have you noticed?
I was you P1
I was You P2
What happened?
Read the room
They didn't P1.
They Didn't P2
They Didn't P3
They Didn't P4
We didn't know
She's here fightin'
I'm Sorry P1
I'm Sorry P2
The Surprise P1
The Surprise P2
The Surprise P3
Return to the roots
My Babies
You're being difficult
I'm Sorry P3
Back to Work
Opening Up
A blasts from the past
You Can't Be Serious
Shopping Spree
Stay Ready
Stay ready P2
Am I?
By a Thread
Everything's falling apart
Fix it Jesus
Give It To The Lord
Lord, Give Me A Praying Spirit
A Secret Place
Jesus Heals
We're trying
Its not fair
Jesus will work it out
Work Flow P1
Work Flow P2
Things are getting better?
The truth revealed P1.
The Truth Revealed P2
Already lookin' better?!
What's wrong?
Is it my fault?
Things are good P2
Are you alright?
Is it a dream??
To be or not to be?
We're getting closer
Then there was three
Somethings are better left unsaid?
The night before
The Court Case P1
The Court Case P2
Court Case Day 2: P3
Court Case Day 3: P4
Court case Day 4: P5
Court Case Day 4 continued
Court Case Day 5: P5
The verdict
The beating
Being vulnerable
Is it over?
Making amends
Love Life
Who did it?
Trying to get there P1
Trying to get there P2
There's a shift in the atmosphere
Dreaming Of You...
Dreams are gone??
Hurt feelings
Hurt feelings P2
Hurt Feelings P3
Hurt feelings P4
Hurt Feelings P5
Hurt Feelings P6
Are you for real?!
Forgive and move on
What are we gonna do?
We're working on it
Welcome home
Whats going on?
Goodbye High School

Things are good

203 21 18
Oleh Bad4Lov

Notes: Drew and the kids finds out about Karen's job while Karen find out about who her assigned patients daughter was.

Side note: I can't believe I gave y'all some fluff on this fine Sunday evening cause y'all are gonna need it. Anyways thank KasiAka20
for this idea of the family finding out and her helping and being assigned to Ms.Tyson.😭

TRIGGER WARNING: Shooting, Blood, mentions of graveyards.

It was a couple of days later and Karen was getting ready for work. She had got her scrubs earlier on during the week and had always worn a jacket over it just in case as well as to kinda hide the fact that she was going to work just in case if someone had decided to wake up early.

Which concerned her because today when she did wake up for work Drew wasn't by her side and she thought she had overslept seeing that she was now getting up earlier than him.

But then she didn't hear anything when she had went into the bathroom to get ready and she didn't really hear anything downstairs.

So, she thought that Drew probably had to make an early morning run to the church for something without going out of her room to fully check.

When she was finally done and had her scrubs on with her name tag and ID badge snapped onto the right side of shirt pocket while she held her jacket in her hands walking out of the room and downstairs into the kitchen only to see Drew already up with the babies while Nikki and Faith was getting ready for school.

"Baby where you goin'?" Drew asked his wife as he turned around and Karen had thought about runnin' for a quick second once she had seen him in the kitchen with his back turned but she knew there wouldn't be no use in trying since he had a tendency to run after her. So, now she guessed it was time to tell him the truth about where she was actually going all these early mornings and getting off around 7pm.

"Uhhhh." Karen said as if she was stuck looking down at her scrubs and then to the floor and then to the wall that was at the side of her.

And so, Drew just saw her ID badge and read it and started smiling.

And, Karen didn't know what his reaction was gonna be.

"You got a job?" Drew asked his wife being very proud of his wife.

"Uhhhh yeahhh." Karen awkwardly said not knowing how to respond to him now that he had found out and she didn't realize that he was actually happy for her even though he had showed it on his face. "Come heree why didn't you tell me?' He asked her just wantin to know but Karen just shrugged her shoulders even though she did thought about the answer beforehand. But now that the time was actually here she didn't know what to say as she nervously bit her lip.

"I-" Karen said trying to find the words that she had rehearsed but her mind was drawing a blank on her because she was so nervous.

"I mean I just wanted to see if I could actually keep the job first before telling anyone." Karen said shrugging her shoulders again but that was really her honest answer for not telling them.

"So, how long have you had this job for?" He asked her still smiling at her.

"About a couple of weeks now almost a month." Karen said looking down at the ground again expecting for Drew to blow up because she didn't tell him anything. But he didn't do that her old expectations were coming from how Big J's reactions was to hers whenever she had hid stuff from him. But whenever she would tell him the truth it would always be worser than hiding it. So, she was still kind of operating off of that even though she wasn't programmed anymore.

"Baby that's good." Drew said being proud of his wife as he took her into a hug and kissed her on the cheeks.

"There's nothing to be ashamed about having a job." Drew told her and Karen just looked around like she wasn't so sure about that.

"I know. It's just I don't know I was expecting a different reaction." She honestly told him and Drew figured out what she was talking about and so he just gave her a soft smile.

"Baby I'm not mad at you cause you got a job. I'm proud of you." Drew said while he hugged her again and smacked her booty that time while making it jiggle.

"If anything we gonna celebrate tonight." Drew said kissing his wife on the lips.

"Well okay I guess but don't tell anyone else." Karen said as she was trying to walk out the door to go to work but her girls had came downstairs with Faith coming down first arching her eyebrow and looking at her mama examining her like she was in shock.

"Mama where you goin'?" Faith asked Karen being in shock.

"Girl to work where you need to be going too." Karen playfully but seriously said to her daughter Faith while Nikki was now behind her.

"Mommy you got a job?!" Nikki asked all excitedly which meant that both Drew and Nikki was excited for Karen while Faith was in shock for whatever reason she had.

"Yess baby I gotta job." Karen said with her hand now on the door knob.

"What time will you be back?" Drew asked his wife seeing that now everybody knew she had a job. "At 7pm." Karen told him. "Well everything makes sense now." Faith said plopping her arms to the side. "My mama tryin to get her baggg." Faith said having that delayed excited reaction.

"Bye y'all." Karen said walking out the door while shaking her head.

Then once Karen had left the girls had started asking Drew questions about their mama's new job. But he didn't really know much since he too had only found out a couple of minutes ago.

But he made it clear that Karen having a job now is supposed to be the Sheard's business only staying inside of the Sheard's household until Karen was comfortable enough to tell the rest of the family because she was already nervous enough having to tell Drew as it was now. And Drew didn't want to make his wife uncomfortable with their other family members even though he knew that they would be happy for her too. But it's that trust that they was still working on within their marriage. So, Drew was continuously building that and once Drew had told them what the deal was with Karen's new job everybody had looked at Faith knowing that she can't keep nothing to herself. Even, Ace had looked at his mama knowing that she liked to talk a lot.

"Now, Ace why you lookin at me like that?" Faith asked her son as he eyed his mama after learning what a secret was at daycare. "Because you can't keep secrets." Ace said being a whole character while whispering it and Nikki busted out and started laughing at Faith. "Even yo son knows you." Nikki laughed.

Once Karen was finally at her job she had guessed she could start using the chauffeur again since everybody had knew about her job now. So there was no point in trying to wake up quietly and to try to quietly leave out of the house anymore. But not only that now she realized that her schedule with Drew would be much easier when it came to planning things with him.

When she had finally made it to the back she had clocked in and had got to work it was a busy morning with relatives checking in on their loved ones and then it had slowed down a little bit.

So not only were the CNA's super busy and acting all nice as if they were that way the whole entire time it was like everyone was on their best behavior. But Karen didn't have to fake that because she was genuinely nice and loved working with the patients and they loved her back so much so that some of the patients would introduce Karen to their family members if Karen was assigned to them. But Karen had already met a few of their family members which they knew about but she just let her patients talk and be happy not wanting to rain on their parade because she knew how that felt.

When they had left she had checked on Ms.Tyson who had taken a liking to Karen before she had even worked there. Karen had learned a lot from her couple of weeks working in that facility.

If anything she felt like the best part of her job was when the elders had gave her advice that actually made sense and gave her some wisdom especially when she had walked into her job worried one day about her baby and it was just showing on her face.

Karen was the main one out of her sisters who could never not keep her emotions to herself. But when she did try to do it, it always showed up on her face.

And so, when she was working with Ms.Tyson for the majority of her day she had just stopped Karen for a moment knowing that something was bothering her.

"I'm sorry." Karen said looking down to the ground again apologizing because her energy was coming off real strong even though she was doing a good job keeping it together unlike her other co-workers when they would come in and take it out on the patients which Karen thought was wrong to do because some of the patients were defenseless and either Karen would step in and make sure that they were okay or the manager would have to pull them to the side to reprimand them or to just send that CNA or nurse home for the day because usually it would almost never be the caregivers doing that. So, with that being said the manager wasn't the one to play with when ti came to situations like that because you was not about to jeopardize her job in getting the facility sued when she made good pay to keep it up and it was a very reputable place to bring your loved ones here if you could no longer take care of them your own self.

"Don't apologize or act bashful I've lived long enough to know what's bothering people and I've seen things before in my time so nothing bothers me." Ms.Tyson told her and Karen just nodded her head okay.

"Just sit down." She told Karen and then they started talking and Karen opened up something that she was still getting used to doing but this was still kind of new to her because she normally didn't open up to strangers let alone on her job. But her manager did tell her that if the patients wanted to just sit down and talk or to just have some company then you could do that with them because sometimes that's all they wanted and that was apart of her job description to do anyways and so she would be getting paid for that as well.

And so, Karen did as told.

"It's just that one of my babies might have some problems more than the other and I keep blaming myself for it." Karen told her as she had looked around the room and saw a picture of what she had thought to be was the woman's daughter who had looked oddly familiar.

"Mmhm. Well you know things happen and you can't always blame yourself for something especially if you couldn't help it because blaming yourself isn't gonna make the situation go away." She told her and Karen never really thought of it like that before. "And just because things might look bad now that don't mean it can't get better. Things don't stay the same." She told her.

"So, how many kids you got?" She had asked her and Karen had nervously laughed and said, "4" but I have "2" grand kids so, "6" in all." Karen told her.

"Whewww chileee you got you a team right there." Ms.Tyson said making Karen laugh.

"And they all live with you?" She asked her and Karen shook her head yes. "Before they didn't but now they all do." Karen said not really wanting to explain that situation to her.

"That's good. That's good kids need to live with their parents they need ya no matter how old they might get or how bad they might be because sometimes that's just them crying out for help." She told her and Karen nodded her head yes and then she had started telling Karen about her kids. She have 3 but one of them was murdered after she had ran away from home because she had thought she was too grown to live underneath her mama's roof even though she was 15 years old at the time.

"I have 3. Well had." Ms.Tyson said lifting up the picture and showing Karen and Karen was getting flashbacks.

"Raising those kids with my husband taught me a lot." She said putting the picture back down but Karen couldn't help but to stay at the girl.

"But you know life happens and no matter how much you try to prevent something sometimes God just uses it to teach you a lesson you might not know what it is right away but it'll always come in handy when you're going through hard times." She told Karen nodding her head.

"If I may ask what happened to her?" Karen told her and Ms.Tyson knew that Karen was looking at her daughter's picture as if she knew her.

"She ran away from home I couldn't really discipline her...we couldn't discipline her. She always marched to the beat of her own drum and we weren't ever strict on her and let her do her own thing but sometimes she would bite off more than she could chew." She told her and Karen nodded her head knowing that it sounded like the girl who she was thinking about.

"My baby was only 16 when she left the house the youngest one absolutely broke my heart." She said shaking her head. "We could never find her until years later when police had said they found her body in a grave yard sorry to be frank with you but that side of life happens." Ms.Tyson said and see could see that Karen was trying to fight back tears because she had remembered that horrific night.


"GET DOWN!" Big J yelled at the girl who was always talking back to him while pointing the gun at her face and so, he roughly pulled Karen to the side of the girl while throwing her down on the ground making sure she had fell while he had stepped his foot on her side keeping Karen down while the other girl kept going back talking him knowing what would happen if she didn't stop.

"I DONE TOLD Y'ALL DUMB HOES NOT TO TALK NO' MO'!" He yelled them but most specifically the girl who thought she was running stuff and everybody knew she was delusional and hard to deal with but Karen still at least tried to be nice to her.

"SINCE YOU DON'T WANNA LISTEN I GOTTA MAKE AN EXAMPLE OUT OF THE BOTH OF Y'ALL!" He said while his foot was still on Karen's side keeping her down even though she didn't do anything that time. He was just using Karen as an example to the other girls mainly using Karen as his punching bag. "Y'ALL SEE HOW THIS NO GOOD HOE WON'T SHUT UP?!" He yelled at them having all the girls scared except for her. "YOU NOT FINNA KEEP PLAYIN' WITH MY MONEY!" Big J yelled at the girl and shot her right in her chest and then in her head with her face falling over to Karen's and that had to have been the first time that Karen was up close ever to someone that she knew that was now lifeless. Of course she had seen him kill other girls before but she had never been that close it was always from a distance except for that one time.

End of flashback.

So here, Ms.Tyson was talking about her daughter who Karen apparently knew she knew that Karen had gently comforted her while Karen was supposed to have been comforting her.

"Chileee it's alright." Ms.Tyson said as she squeezed Karen's hand letting her know that Karen had knew her daughter and probably knew how she had died.

"I know you couldn't have stopped the bastard who did it even if you had wanted too." Ms.Tyson said not knowing much about Karen's past but she did already pick up that Karen had it rough.

"But in the end we know that God uses everything for His glory and just having you here is helping me. Don't ever let somebody tell you that you're not a child of God or a blessing." Ms.Tyson told her and Karen just nodded her head saying thank you to her while they had talked some more and Karen had helped her with what Ms.Tyson had needed help with.

By the time Karen was done it was now time for her to go home but not before she had stopped by her managers office for a quick meeting and all it was that her pay was getting bumped up to $20.00 per hour since she had passed the trial and she had gotten good reviews from the families before they had left this morning.

But not only that she had told Karen to just prepare herself for more training since she was progressing well and so, Karen thanked her boss and left.

When she had finally got home, Drew had amazingly set up a nice dinner for his wife with her looking around the house confused as to where everyone was at seeing the small table was romantically set with roses in the center of the table.


What did y'all think about this chapter?

What did y'all think about Ms.Tyson talking to Karen about her situation?

What did y'all think about Karen knowing the girl and her Ms.Tyson comforting her? Because at that point they basically comforted each other.

What do y'all think about the family's reaction of Karen finding out?

What did y'all think about the flashback?

Thoughts or Comments?

Thanks for reading!

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