Family Secrets Part 2

By Bad4Lov

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This is book 2 from "Family Secrets" we continue to follow Karen through her journey of healing after the maj... More

Cracked open
Miss You
Keep moving forward
Growing Pains
Have you noticed?
I was you P1
I was You P2
What happened?
Read the room
They didn't P1.
They Didn't P2
They Didn't P3
They Didn't P4
We didn't know
She's here fightin'
I'm Sorry P1
I'm Sorry P2
The Surprise P1
The Surprise P2
The Surprise P3
Return to the roots
My Babies
You're being difficult
I'm Sorry P3
Back to Work
Opening Up
A blasts from the past
You Can't Be Serious
Shopping Spree
Stay Ready
Stay ready P2
Am I?
By a Thread
Everything's falling apart
Fix it Jesus
Give It To The Lord
Lord, Give Me A Praying Spirit
A Secret Place
Jesus Heals
We're trying
Its not fair
Jesus will work it out
Work Flow P1
Work Flow P2
Things are getting better?
The truth revealed P1.
The Truth Revealed P2
What's wrong?
Is it my fault?
Things are good
Things are good P2
Are you alright?
Is it a dream??
To be or not to be?
We're getting closer
Then there was three
Somethings are better left unsaid?
The night before
The Court Case P1
The Court Case P2
Court Case Day 2: P3
Court Case Day 3: P4
Court case Day 4: P5
Court Case Day 4 continued
Court Case Day 5: P5
The verdict
The beating
Being vulnerable
Is it over?
Making amends
Love Life
Who did it?
Trying to get there P1
Trying to get there P2
There's a shift in the atmosphere
Dreaming Of You...
Dreams are gone??
Hurt feelings
Hurt feelings P2
Hurt Feelings P3
Hurt feelings P4
Hurt Feelings P5
Hurt Feelings P6
Are you for real?!
Forgive and move on
What are we gonna do?
We're working on it
Welcome home
Whats going on?
Goodbye High School

Already lookin' better?!

194 21 24
By Bad4Lov

Notes: Things are still looking better for Karen although she's worrying more about Kierra.

It's been a few weeks since Karen and Nikki last had their talk and everything was pretty much back to normal. Except for the fact that Faith had now been acting like she had at least some type of common sense and was more sensitive towards her sister while still remaining as respectful as she could possibly be towards her mother.

And anytime that Nikki had a problem or felt like she was in a mental health crisis not only did she get used to talking to Dr.Womack about it outside of their therapy sessions. But she also now went to her mother about it and Karen would just let Nikki either talk out what her situation was at hand or let her vent and then Karen would try to keep the situation from escalating if she could. But if not she too would also call, Dr.Womack which was a good thing because now it was like the family was all on one page.

But while things were going good with Nikki and Karen something was going on with Kierra while J.Drew was fightin' his mama on not taking his bottles because she had to go too work. Of course, she didn't want to stop breastfeeding completely since the babies weren't even five months yet. But she did have to get her baby to take the bottle so he wouldn't starve himself to death which he liked doing until he got his breastmilk.

Because on one occasion, J.Drew had all the baby strength he could muster up and just purposefully pushed his milk bottle away from him hittin' Karen in the head with it while she was at home from work trying to ween him off of it but J.Drew wasn't having it. He was making his mama fight for her life every time she brought that bottle close to him.

"J.Drew?!!" Karen said rubbing her head while holding him in her arms trying to get him to take the bottle.

"Now you gonna have to eat from this whether you like it or not." She firmly told him and as if he could understand her he rolled her eyes at her.

"Oooh. I'm tellin your daddy when he gets home." Karen told him watching their son squint his eyes at her.

"You not gonna keep knockin' me upside my head over no bottle, J.Drew. Now, do you hear me?!" Karen asked him again and he just looked away from her like he was minding his business.

"I see you must be done since you lookin away huh?!" Karen asked him but then that just started him up again trying to lift his own head up but failing to do so towards his mama.

"See look doing all that and needs mamas help." Karen said as she was holding him properly since he had wanted to be all fast while trying to move knowing he can't.

"Aight I'm let you win this time but the next time you gotta cooperate with me." Karen told him opening back up her shirt again so he could eat and he just showed a toothless smile and giggled knowing he got what he had wanted.

So, now here J.Drew was eating while Kierra was taking a nap. It was like as soon as Karen had started sleeping her babies was now on two different schedules. And so, far her job had been good and she did really enjoy going to work.

In fact she could even say that she loved it and it had felt so liberating to her that she was actually doing something that she loved on her own and no one she known about it. Well at least not yet because she knew that one day they were gonna find out about her working. But she had just wanted to keep it to herself.

But not only that since it had been a few weeks since she had started working she had got her ID work card which also served as the buildings key. So, she had started coming through the back like all the employers were supposed to do and she had liked that better than walking through the front sometimes just so it would give her a chance to kinda get herself together before working with her patients.

And she couldn't believe that she actually had patients to work with even though she was a caregiver her job was still something else even though sometimes the days on her job could be slow. But she guessed it was a good thing when it was a slow because that meant everything was basically alright with the patients.

But not only did she get her ID card she had got her schedule hours changed as well since she had passed the trial period and the patients had seemed to take a liking to Karen.

So, that meant that now Karen was really gonna have to go through some type of job training at her job for the caretakers just to make sure that the new employees would understand everything.

Karen couldn't help but to feel blessed right now.

Because even though J.Drew wasn't taking well to the bottles she had a great job, kept to herself and she was about to receive her first pay check at the end of the month.

She just knew that her job was more decent and better than selling herself for money. And at that point it was when Karen had realized that she didn't even know what she was thinking when she was out there selling herself on the streets after escaping the sex slave lifestyle.

"Was I dumb?" Karen asked herself not understanding how she could even do something like that. She also had thought about what the reason was as well but it was like she just couldn't find it and she just thought that was so weird. Because she knew that she had to have a reason for it. But she wasn't about to stress herself out while breastfeeding her baby because she didn't want any of this affecting J.Drew right now since he was so up close and personal with her right now.

And Karen didn't want to bring on any unnecessary stress to J.Drew so she just calmed herself back down to being thankful for what she had now.

It was 15 minutes later and J.Drew was finally done eating as he took himself onto sleep after Karen had burped him.

So, now here he was going to sleep while Kierra was waking up crying hollering out like she was in pain grabbing her hand.

But while Kierra was crying Karen was also noticing that she still had those high pitch cries and that her babies would still have tremors every now and then and on one occasion she had seen Ace in the crib with Ki.


"Ace what are you doin?" Karen gently asked him just wondering. "She was crying." Ace said seeing how he was trying to hold her. He didn't pick her up or anything but he would try to at least mimic how Karen would hold her. But since he was still little he just got behind her carefully pulling her up and patted her on her shoulders.

"It's okayyy. I got chu." Ace said and that's when Karen had heard him because she was going to get Ki but Ace had beat her too it.

"Okay. I think I can take it from here." Karen said picking up Ace first after he had got up reaching his arms out for his grandma. He knew how to get into the crib and out of the crib but he couldn't show his grandma all of his secrets.

And also he just wanted her to hold him and so he did exactly what he wanted to and just held out his arms for her and Karen knew what the drill was. So she leaned over and got him out of the crib with him locking his legs around her waist until she had put him down so she could get Kierra.

When Karen had finally put him down after giving him his kisses for being her little helper she had went ahead and picked Kierra up and comforter her who had really seemed agitated.

"What's wrong with my poor little baby are you hungry again?" Karen had asked her trying to get Kierra to calm down because J.Drew kept waking up out of his sleep giving his mama a look to go get her sister a look that said "please get her together so he can take his nap because if anything if either of them cried sometimes it would stress out the other twin and J.Drew was gettin stressed after gettin his milk.

But once Karen had finally had got to be calm after reluctantly giving her, her breast to suck on because she did know that would bring comfort to some babies when they were stressed out and not just hungry she had started to examine her daughter and didn't see anything out of the ordinary. At least not just yet as she would keep checking her.

When she was done checking her she had noticed that Kierra had went on back to sleep.

And, J.Drew was finally knocked out.

And, Karen was just thinking to herself that there was something wrong with her baby.

But she either just couldn't see yet or it was there and she was completely missing it which is something that she didn't want to do.

So, later on when Drew had came home from work after picking up the girls especially since Nikki didn't feel like taking the bus back home she went ahead and checked on her daughter to make sure that she was okay. But Nikki just said she had a hard day at school and didn't wanna talk about it just yet but she promised her mama that she would talk to her about it later.

So, Karen had left her alone for now but she was gonna check on her again so they could talk about what could possibly be bothering Nikki.

But when Drew finally came back upstairs after they had finished eating dinner she had talked to Drew about what had happened with Ki today.

"She seems like something is irritating her all the time." Karen said wondering if something was going on at the daycare or if they were using the wrong products on Ki.

"We gonna take baby girl to the doctor." Drew said after he had held his baby today because kept fussing and crying about something they just couldn't figure out what it was and it wasn't her being hungry because she would turn her head away from the bottle or Karen's breast milk if she wasn't hungry. And so, Drew just took over holding her since he was home now especially since Ki is a daddy's girl.

So, he had to put Ki to bed this time because Karen had been doing it mostly but recently because she was working and doing other things he had stepped in unknowingly helping her out.

While they had gotten done with the day they had gotten into bed together and just talked about the twins because they usually never did because always included the everyone else.

"And your son is something else he got some attitude over a bottle knockin' me upside my head with it." Karen said. "He refuses to drink from it. He probably gets that from you." She told him. "See I told him he be giving attitude you just had to see it for yourself. And leave my son alone he just knows what he wants." Drew said taking up for his son now.

"But Drew seriously though what if I messed them up?" Karen worriedly asked him. "Baby you didn't mess them up." Drew said trying to reassure her and Karen just huffed while he held his hand over her waist.

"But they are kinda messed up tho." Karen said killin the mood and Drew just planted his head back in bed. Woman just let me be positive." Drew playfully but seriously said while still smothering his wife with kisses on her cheeks.

"Look you didn't know okay and plus you really couldn't help yourself back then you were an addict." Drew said trying not to make her feel that bad. "You can't beat yourself up for it." Drew told her "because you still was programmed then but at least know better and you're free from being controlled." Drew told her.

"So you won't be able to really make the same mistakes again unless something happened." Drew said as his eyes were closing and his hands was just resting on her booty lightly squeezing it.

And Karen had arched up her eyebrow at him when he said that.

"Drew what you mean again?!!" Karen asked him arching up her eyebrow. "You not finna knock me up no mo.'" Karen said and Drew just smacked her on the booty refuting that statement. "Will." He said smiling in his sleep after doing that.

"I need my five kids." Drew said resting both his hands all over her booty and Karen playfully tried to roll over away from him but he just pulled her back into his chest snuggling his neck into the crook of her neck.

"You not finna run. You can't help yourself." Drew said knowing he was right and Karen knew this to but she just sucked her teeth and playfully rolled her eyes.

"Go to bed, Drew." Karen playfully told him and so they just was dozing off to sleep and Karen still had a few more things on her mind about how she was supposed to get her scrubs to work in without her family seeing it. Because she had at least wanted to wait a while before telling them anything especially since she had started to take her GED homework with her to work when it was slow and she would work on her homework there and Drew was noticing that his wife would be getting her homework done much more faster than before.

So even though something could possibly be wrong with Kierra the other aspects of her life was finally looking up and she wasn't as depressed anymore. It was like a burden was slowly but surely being lifted off of her.


What did y'all think about this chapter?

What did y'all think about Ace comforting Kierra while Karen was on her way?

What do y'all think is wrong with Kierra?

What did y'all think about Karen and Drew talking?

Thoughts or Comments?

Thanks for reading!

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