Beauty {F.Delacour }

By FizzyPixlesX

38.1K 1.5K 75

In Which Jade Weasley falls hopelessly in love with fellow Triwizard Champion Fleur Delacour. Jade was like a... More

-Jade Cedrella Weasley-
-One-|| -Harry's arrival-
-two- || -Portkey-
-Three- || -the quidditch word cup-
-Five- || -important announcements-
-Six- || -Back to hogwarts-
-Seven- || -Triwizard Tournament-
-Eight- || -The Champions-
-Nine- || -Dragons-
-Ten- || - the first task-
-Eleven- || -the article-
-Twelve- || -The Yule Ball-
-Thirteen- || -The morning after-
-Fourteen- || -Girlfriends-
-Fifthteen- || -Letters-
-Sixteen- || -The second task-
-Seventeen- || -Mix up-
-Eighteen- || -Professor Treylawney-
-Nineteen- || -families-
-Twenty- || -the Thrid task-
-Twenty one- || -He's back-
-twenty two- || -See you soon-
-Twenty Three- ||- family dinner -
-Twenty Four-|| -Bloody-
-Twenty Five- || -6 am-
-Twenty Six- || -lost cause-
-Twenty Seven- || -Meeting-
-Twenty Eight- || -Birthday-
-Twenty Nine- || filling harry in
-Thirty- || -night in-
-Thirty One- || -Mission-
-Thirty Two- || -unique situation -
-Thiry three- || -stop wasting time-
-Thirty four- || -im sorry-
-Thirty Five- || -leaving-
-Thirty Six- || -halfway -
-Thirty Seven- || -fiançailles-
-Thirty Eight- || -Realisation-
- Thirty Nine - || - Homecoming -
- Fourty - || - double booked -
-Fourty one- || -dinner-
-Forty two- || -constrictor-

-Four- || Attack

1.1K 50 1
By FizzyPixlesX

The party continued the whole way back to the tents and well into the night before everyone decided to call it and go to bed.

The girls weren't in their beds long before disaster struck, Jade was asleep not even asleep 5 minutes before Charlie and Arthur came bursting into the tent screaming that they needed to get out of there.

She barely had time to think before Hermione threw her a quidditch jersey to cover up as she was only wearing a sports bra and shorts.

Jade grabbed her wand and followed the younger girls outside, the scene was one of nightmares. The muggle land owners were being levitated by people in masks and being forced to contort into painful shapes,

"GET OUT OF HERE"Jade shouted to the younger kids-Hermione in particular-realising that the hooded people had to be death eaters.

"FRED GEORGE GINNY IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY GET TO THE WOODS"her father shouted to the younger kids as they ran.

The older Weasleys ran towards the scene to break it up,

They fought through the crowd, Jade was elbowed in the gut by someone unknown making her yelp in pain but she continued behind Charlie with Percy in front of him and Bill behind Jade.

The reached the hooded figures and the ones who weren't torturing the muggles decided to fight them,

One rounded on Jade sending a non verbal jynx her way which she narrowly dodged,



The Death eater put up a shield and Jade had to dodge the on coming spell, which she did though it was very close.

"Put down the shield and fight properly"she spat at the death eater who took her words a little too seriously,

He knocked her back and punched her her the face enraging her more,

She non verbally bat bogey hexed him and it was effective given the fact he was now struggling on the ground being attacked by bogeys.

Jade ran over to help Percy as he had Two on him.

"Oi get away from my brother"she ran over stunning one and during the distraction Percy hexed the second one.

"Yes!"he high fived his sister before they parted finding others to fight,

Jade found another but  They're attention was grabbed by something else.

The dark mark.


The death eater she found disapparated in front of her but that made her look up at the sky in defeat and that's when she saw it,

Her blood ran cold, the dark mark was normally only cast when someone had died.

Someone was dead-

But who?

The sound of apparition was all around her as the Death eaters disappeared, leaving only the Weasley siblings, a few aurors, Ministry officials and some very distressed Muggles.

The after math of the fight was a little messy to say the least.

Percy came back with a bloody nose and bill had a deep gash over his face, Charlie had a bruised lip while Jade had a black eye. Mr Weasley had gone for ministry support.

They met back at the tent when the situation was over and found out that the dark mark had been cast using Harry's wand by Winkie, Barty Crouch's house elf. Which sent Percy into a rant about how crouch was right to sack her, this clearly got on Hermiones nerves as an argument started,

It was an argument Jade couldn't be bothered with so she just went to bed.

just gonna skip the journey back

- Fizzy xx

Word count : 657

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