The protectors of Kanezaka (K...

By Pie78904

71.3K 1.1K 866

For most of Y/N's life bad luck has been surrounding his life. Everywhere he went misfortune would always fol... More

Arriving in Kanezaka
Do you believe in spirits?
Training Time!
The First Mission.
A Celebration of victory and the Tengu
Lemon Chapter 18+ (April Fools)
The Idea of Family
The Wrath of the Onryo
The Goddess of Love
A Confession between a Fox and a Crow
Defend the Shrine!
An Old friend
Heir to a Kingdom
Finding Peace
The Fall of the Hashimoto Clan.
Peace returns to Kanezaka
Thank you, Behind the scenes and a QNA
A New Opportunity
New Agents of Overwatch
Escort the Payload
A Bank heist filled with Explosions
Family Reunion
The Cursed Man and the Witch
The Invasion of Ilios
The First of Talon's Elites
A Funtime in Busan
An Old Battlefield
The River Spirit
Gladiators of the Colosseum
Another Lemon Chapter 18+
The Imposter

Let's sink a yacht!

1.7K 38 39
By Pie78904


Yōkai's warehouse

Walking inside of the warehouse, i took my seat. Ryōta was standing by a projector ready to show us some images of our next mission.

Both Nobuto and Sakura were sitting down on their chairs also. Both of them were confused on why we were having a group meeting.

Kiriko was walking behind me, both of us feel a little bit fresh after our battle against Moriko yesterday.

I sat down as today Ryōta was going to explain to us about a yacht that he had spotted out.

Nobuto:So what are we doing tonight? I'm hoping that today will be a big score.

Nobuto rubbed his hands together as he is excited for our next mission together.

Kiriko:We're sinking a yacht.

Nobuto:Excuse me?

Sakura:We're gonna sink a yacht. I thought that we were just going to sabotage their business again?

Kiriko:Ryōta please explain.

Ryõta grabbed a remote and turned on the projector. It revealed many photos of the yacht that Kiriko and i saw yesterday.

Ryōta:This is the SS Golden Oni, a yacht that's owned by the boss of the Hashimoto clan.

Nobuto:So that's his personal ship huh..

Ryōta:The problem is that it will be taking place on the docks.

Sakura:If the Hashimoto remember their history. They know about our attack at the docks a month ago.

Ryōta:Yup,meaning that this ship will be heavily guarded.

Y/N:So how are we going to deal with that many guards. Just by looking at the image alone there appears to be around 270 of them.

Ryōta:And like Sakura said, they might be prepared for us. So I'll think of a plan.

Y/N:I have a question is this yacht any important?

Ryōta:It is from what I've overheard during my work shifts. This yacht is the pride and joy of the leader of the Hashimoto clan.

Kiriko:Meaning if we sink it then it'll be the biggest slap to the face!

Nobuto:So how are we gonna sink it?

Ryōta:That's up to you nerd.


Nobuto sighed and began to think something real quick.

Nobuto:I guess i can make some explosives. Then we can sink the ship from the inside.

Sakura:That's good and all. But how are we gonna traverse through the yacht itself? None of us have ever been inside of it, where do we even begin to place the explosives?

Ryōta:That's why we're gonna be the scouts Sakura. Nobuto,Kiriko, and Y/N will plant the explosives. Then we'll all get out and detonate the ship.

Y/N:But how are we going to go in the ship in the first place?

Kiriko:Y/N, did you forget that we'll just fight our way in.

Y/N:I get that. But if the Hashimoto are gonna be very prepared for us. Wouldn't they immediately gang up on us as soon as they notice us.

Ryōta:He does have a point, Kiriko. Remember we're just a group of 5 we need to be cautious. I'll think of something.

Sakura:Do you think that the boss himself might be there? Because if he is there then we might be able to take him out and end this once and for all!

Kiriko:That'll be a dream come true! The Hashimoto would be gone once and for all and Kanezaka would be at peace.

Y/N:I mean there could be a 50/50 chance of him being there.

Nobuto:More likely not. I mean do we even know what he looks like at all?

Ryōta:Nope. But I'm worried also about those Hashimoto elites that Kiriko and Y/N brought up last time. One of them could be there as well.

Kiriko:Well yesterday Y/N and I delt with another one.

Y/N:Yeah, so that's one less to worry about. Compared to the other one she was more of a threat.

Nobuto:Is that why you called me for directions to that farm?


Nobuto:How come you guys get to fight Hashimoto elites!? All i do is work on computers until we go on a mission.

Sakura:I don't think you would last a minute against them Nobuto.

Nobuto:I hope that one day I'll get a spirit. Hopefully it's a tanuki spirit so it can match with my outfit.

Ryōta:Can we stop going off topic please?

Kiriko:Sorry about that.

Ryōta:As i was saying, we should be on the lookout for these "Hashimoto elites'.

Kiriko:Don't worry, if there's one both Y/N and I will take care of them.

Y/N:Yup, we'll use both of our spirits to deal with them.

Sakura:We'll be counting on you two.

Ryōta:Last thing I'd like to point out. Apparently there's a vault in the yacht containing some of their fortune.

Nobuto:Ooh payday, can we take some of the money for ourselves?

Kiriko:No Nobuto.

Nobuto:Oh come on, it's not like the Hashimoto are going to use it anyways?

Kiriko:That money belongs to the people of Kanezaka you know that.

Nobuto:I know, so are we going to play Robin Hood then?

Kiriko:Yup, take out the money and give it to the people who rightfully deserve it.

Sakura:That might be able to damage to the Hashimoto financially as well.

Ryōta:So it's settled then. We'll hop onto the yacht. Deal with some Hashimoto along of the way, plant the explosives, open the vault, take out the money and sink the ship.

Kiriko:Sounds like a plan!

Ryōta:Alright, everyone we meet back here in midnight. I'll arrive with our way inside.

Sakura:We're trusting in you Ryōta.

Ryōta:Don't worry i already have an idea.

We all stood up from our chairs and began to leave the warehouse. Kiriko and I began to walk back to the apartment.

Kiriko:Hey Y/N, do you wanna train before midnight?

Y/N:Sure. I wouldn't mind continuing my training on my Kisarigamas. Especially after getting my ass kicked by your own mom.

Kiriko:Well my mom is a master. Heck if devoted my life to training 24/7 she'd still probably beat me.

Nobuto:Yo Y/N!

We both turned around and looked at Nobuto who was catching up to us.

Kiriko:Oh hey Nobuto shouldn't you be making explosives to sink the yacht?

Nobuto:Kiriko, the meeting just ended.

Kiriko:I know.

Y/N:So Nobuto do you need anything. Usually it's Kiriko who calls me for something.

Nobuto:I just wanted to ask you something.

Y/N:Alright ask away.

Kiriko then gave a look, the kind of look that says "Hey I'm gonna budge in and listen".


Y/N:I'll be back, it'll probably take a couple of minutes.

Kiriko nodded and began to cross her arms. Then both Nobuto and I walked around the corner from a distance that Kiriko won't be able to hear us from.

Y/N:So what did you want to talk about?

Nobuto:I just want to ask something about you and the boss?

Y/N:What about us?

Nobuto:Are you guys you know....

Y/N:What do you mean?

Nobuto:Alright,so I've noticed that you two have been hanging out alone. Before you joined she would hang out with us or just hang out by herself and interact with everyone in the town.

Y/N:Sounds like her. But i still don't get what you are trying to ask Nobuto?

Nobuto:Are you guys like dating?

My face somewhat turned red from this question. I feel like Kiriko probably put him up to this just to tease me or something.

Nobuto:It's a yes or no question.

Still thinking that this is just one of Kiriko's jokes. I turned around and saw nobody there, i thought she was just hiding around the corner.

Nobuto:Is anything wrong?

Y/N:Did Kiriko put you up to this? She's probably laughing right now behind that corner.

Nobuto:No i was just curious. Because Sakura and I were talking about this yesterday. She said that you guys were just friends then there's me who think that you guys are dating. So are you guys dating?

Y/N:Nobuto, you may be a genius when it comes to technology. But an idiot when it comes to assuming things the answer is no.

Nobuto:Come on you guys are like so close though. Atleast admit that you have a crush on her.

I was starting to get annoyed by Nobuto.

Y/N:Nobuto, Kiri and I are just friends and neighbors that's it.

Nobuto:Then why did you call her Kiri?

Y/N:Because that's a nickname that i started calling her since yesterday.


Y/N:Nobuto for the last time it's not like that!

Nobuto:Keep telling yourself that.

I then thought of an idea of how to mess with his head for a little bit.

Y/N:Actually i do have a crush on a girl.

Nobuto:Oh,Tell me about her?

Y/N:She's a well trained ninja.

Nobuto:Uh huh!

Y/N:She has a fox theme.

Nobuto:Come on just say it already i know who she is!

Y/N:The name that you know she starts with a K.

Nobuto:That's her.

Y/N:It's Kunimitsu from Tekken!

Nobuto:Yea- wait what?

I gave Nobuto a grin, as i took out my phone and showed him an image of the character i was talking about.

Nobuto had a dumbfounded look on his face. He was really confused with my answer.

I began to start chuckling just from the look on his face. He sighed in defeat knowing that i was playing a joke on him.

Nobuto:I'll just see you at midnight then.

I waved Nobuto goodbye as i walked back to Kiriko. She was waiting at the same spot and we began to walk to the dojo where she first trained me at 3 weeks ago.

Kiriko:So what did Nobuto wanted to talk to you about?

Y/N:He asked me a very weird question. He wanted to know if we were both dating.

Kiriko:W-wait what!?

Y/N:Yeah i think he was trying to mess with me. Kinda like how you do sometimes.

Kiriko:Yeah... Like how i mess with you sometimes. There's no way I'd date someone like you.

Kiriko gave out a nervous laugh,this confused me a little bit.

Y/N:Something wrong?

Kiriko:No, just excited to give you a beatdown during our next training sessions.

Y/N:So i told him that i had feelings for some character in a fighting game series. Just to see his reaction if you were there you'd probably be laughing your ass off.


Kiriko's POV

As i walked next to Y/N to the dojo outside of town. I felt something going through my heart. A feeling of some kind.

Just hearing the question that Nobuto asked Y/N, it made me feel something.

I can't be having feelings for him.. I only knew him for a month atleast. Then again he's the one who i usually go on the most insane adventures with just because i want to hang out with him.

I'm trying to keep these feelings in. Saving Kanezaka should be my main priority no matter what! Maybe once this is all over i can truly explore my feelings for him.

Besides I'm not gonna go easy on him during our training sessions just because i might have feelings for him.

After a long walk both Y/N and I arrived at the abandoned Dojo where i usually always train.

We both got into postion and stared down at each other. As we were about to begin round one of our many sparring matches.

Kiriko:Just gonna let you know. First time when i was training you i was going easy on you. But this time I'm going to fight you like if you a threat alright.

Y/N:Alright, I'm ready to take you on and to continue on honing my skills.

Kiriko:That's exactly what i want to hear. Now let's begin round 1!

Timeskip, featuring Kiriko absolutely beating Y/N in many of the sparring matches.


It was finally midnight, well Kiriko and I stopped training at around 9 just to take a quick break. But also getting into our outfits

We walked back into the warehouse. Nobuto and Sakura were there wearing their outfits. The only person that was missing was Ryōta.

Y/N:So where's Ryōta?

Nobuto:I don't know he wasn't here when we got here.

Sakura:You think something bad might've happened to him?

Kiriko:Nah, it's Ryōta he's a guy who's tough as nails. There's a reason why i trust him as our information guy.

Outside of the warehouse a couple of lights were seen outside. They kept coming closer and closer.

Nobuto:Hey what's that?

The figure got closer and closer and it was a van. That was black and gold.

Kiriko:It's a Hashimoto van!

Sakura:But how did they manage to find us?

Y/N:I don't know but everyone get ready to fight! If these clowns found our hideout then who knows if more are on their way.

All of us stepped outside of the warehouse ready to face the incoming van. It stopped right infront of us.

Kiriko:Come out of the van and fight us in person you cowards!

A head popped out of the window, a recognizable blue dyed hair and Oni face mask made us relived.


Ryōta:Told you i would find us a way inside. Now everyone come get your disguises.


Ryōta opened the back of the van and there were suits that Hashimoto clan members would wear.

Ryōta:It took me forever to find the right sizes for each and everyone of you.

We lined up in a line behind the van and he gave us our suits.

Sakura:The Hashimoto have poor taste in fashion? Just simply plain black suits, atleast have a design on them.

Y/N:I mean some of the elites have unique designs on their suits. If that makes you feel better

Sakura:I mean as a future fashion designer i have the right to critique all styles of fashion. Even if they belong to our enemies, why do you think i took so much time when it came to making yours.

Ryōta:Nobuto do you have the explosives?

Nobuto:Yup! They are remote detonated meaning that we need to plant them in several spots around the yacht. Once they've been planted we leave the yacht and blow it up in style!

Nobuto began to place each of the explosives into the van. He also placed in a special device meant for the safe.

Ryōta:Alright everyone, get changed into your disguises. We'll meet each other by the van alright.

I went to a part of the warehouse that was surrounded by boxes to put on my black suit.

As i stepped out everyone else was wearing their disguises.

Kiriko:I feel like a criminal wearing this.

Y/N:Don't worry Kiri it's just for the mission. Once we blow that yacht up then you can take it off.

I gave Kiriko a smile only for her to answer back by punching me in the face.

Sakura:Kiriko what was that for?

Kiriko:Sorry i thought i saw a fly on his face.

She then leaned to my ear and whispered.

Kiriko:I told you not to call me "Kiri"

Y/N:I'm sorry

I began to rub my face after the punch, only for Kiriko to place an ofuda on my face.

Kiriko:Alright team let's do this!

We all got inside of the van, with Ryōta being the driver. He put the van in reverse to get out of the warehouse. Then he set in in drive and began to drive the van.

The ride was slient for a while. For the first time we were entering technically Hashimoto territory. We don't know the layout of the yacht.

Nobuto:Also make sure everyone gets a walkie.

Sakura:Why, are we gonna split up from the group? We usually fight together as a group.

Nobuto:Yeah, but in order to make these explosives work we gotta be separated from each other. So that way we can place as many charges at a time.

Kiriko:We should atleast go in pairs. Y/N you're with me.

Y/N:Got it, we're usually a deadly duo together anyways.

Nobuto handed us our walkie talkies. I held it and immediately placed it in my pocket.

Ryōta:I'll go and do my own thing alone.

Nobuto:Alright so you are lone wolfing this then

Nobuto walked over to Ryōta and placed a walkie talkie in his pocket.

Ryōta:I'll be sure to let you guys know if i need any help. Well that's if i need it.

Nobuto:Then that leads us Sakura.

Sakura:Why do i always get paired with the annoying one?

Nobuto handed Sakura her walkie talkie.

Nobuto:Boss and Y/N, you'll be the one to blow up the safe open. But only do it once we've each had placed an explosive.

Y/N:Got it!

He handed Kiriko a bag to put the money inside.

Kiriko:Let's see how the Hashimoto likes it when they get robbed out of their money.

The car ride then became slient once again. With everyone knowing who their partners are.

Y/N:Hey Ryōta do you think you can play some music for the ride?


Kiriko:Some music couldn't hurt. Besides would we really want to travel in such a noiseless van.

Ryōta sighed and turned on the radio for us to listen to some music during the ride to the docks.

We listened to whatever what was playing on the radio for most of the van trip to the docks.


Kanezaka's docks

We arrived at the docks with two Hashimoto clan members holding SMGs guarding the gates to the dock.

Ryōta:Everyone play it cool, i'll talk to the guards.

One of the clan members stepped up to the doorway and knocked on the window. Ryōta lowered down the window. Nobuto then whispered to us.

Nobuto:Quick hide the explosives.

I noticed a blanket that was on the floor and used that to hide the explosives.

Kiriko:Alright everyone act normal, let Ryōta do the work.

Once Ryōta finished lowering down the window he began to talk to the guard. The guard Analyzed Ryōta and immediately thought that he was apart of the clan.

Hashimoto guard:Please state your business of visiting. As you know the Golden Oni is currently docked here and the boss could be here any second to ride on his pride and joy.

Ryōta:My friends and I were assigned to watch guard of the ship.

Hashimoto guard:So you are apart of Venus's men.

Ryōta:Yeah, we work under Venus. He told us to get over here in under 30 minutes or else we'd be punished.

Hashimoto guard:Sounds like him damn narcissistic asshole. I'd like to see someone beat the shit out of his pretty boy face.

Ryōta nodded in agreement despite not even knowing what the guard was talking about.

Hashimoto guard:Open the gates!

The other guard ran over to the gate booth and opened up the gate to the docks.

Ryota drove the van inside of the gate and parked the van in the park area.

We all hopped off the van, Kiriko and I grabbed our explosives and special device for the vault.

Kiriko:Alright everyone let's go sink this damn yacht!

We walked out of the parking lot following a group of Hashimoto members. Trying our best to fit in with the crowd.

Then we started walking on the docks to aboard on the SS Golden Oni. The yacht was big for it's size. The leader of the Hashimoto clan must've spent a fortune on getting it built.

Too bad all of that money is gonna go to waste once we're done with it.

Nobuto:Alright Boss and Y/N you guys go west. Sakura and I will go East.

Ryōta:I'll explore the bridge.

Both Kiriko and I began to go to the westward portion of the yacht. There were many Hashimoto's walking around the territory.

Lights were flashing everywhere, as many Hashimotos were dancing with music blasting from the speakers.

Kiriko:Looks like a fun party. Too bad we're gonna have to crash it.

We walked inside of a door and entering the west hall portion of the yacht. I looked at a map that detailed the yacht.

Kiriko:Why does a yacht have so many floors?

Y/N:He probably wanted to make a building that floats.

Kiriko laughs at my joke,then we analyzed the map.

Kiriko:We should place the explosives in the engine room. It's on the very last floor. Tell the others that's where we're heading.

I grabbed the walkie talkie and reported to the team.

Y/N:Kiriko and I are heading towards the engine room.

Nobuto:Alright,both Sakura and I are trying to look for a spot to place our explosives.

Ryōta:I'm on my way to the cockpit. I'm just hiding some Hashimoto members that got in my way.

I put the radio down and Kiriko and I continued to go through the hallway.

As we walked we would come across some Hashimoto gang members. They were coming down the hallway trying to get outside.

Kiriko:Y/N,don't do anything rash. Just act like your one of them.

Hashimoto gang member 1:Well hello there, leaving the party already?

Y/N:Yeah my friend and i are a little bit tired, we just want a break from partying.

Hashimoto gang member 1:Ah,then your probably headed for the bar then.

Y/N:Yeah,my friend and I just want to have a little peace. You know enjoy the ship a little bit.

Hashimoto clan member 1:Yeah, it's rare for the boss to open the Golden Oni up for the rest of us. He usually reserves it for Himself,the elites, or other important people. So i can understand why you went inside.

Hashimoto gang member 2:How can you stop partying. Especially with a cute girl like her?

Kiriko was immediately disgusted by his words. I gave the guy a deadlook,i then reached into my pocket and took out one of my kusarigamas hiding it behind my back.

Hashimoto gang member 2:Hey you don't mind if i have a go with her next?

Kiriko immediately kicked him hard in the face which caused him to fly back and hit a wall.

The other Hashimoto clan member was surprised by this. He turned around and looked at his knocked out friend.

I took out my kusarigama and hit him over the head with the handle. Causing him to fall down.

Kiriko:Remind me to clean my ears after this. That was nasty can't believe a Hashimoto creep tried to hit on me!

I then inspected the member that tried to hit on Kiriko and noticed that one of his tooth that was on the floor.

Y/N:I think you knocked out his tooth?

Kiriko:Next one that hits on me will be getting all 32 knocked out.

Y/N:I'd hate to be the bastard on the receiving end.

Kiriko:Come let's hide these fools and keep moving towards the engine.

We both pick up the bodies and hide them inside of the next room. We then left the room and continued our path.

Going down a flight of stairs to get to the next floor.

Kiriko:Alright 3rd floor, just two more to go for the engine room.

We ran through the hallway and spotted a room that stood out from the many rooms.

The door had a sign that simply read Masaru Hashimoto.

Y/N:This must be their leader's room on the ship.

Kiriko:Good,let's go in and have a look shall we?

Y/N:Atleast we finally know what his name is.

I put my hand on the doorknob and turned it. Only for it to be locked.


I nodded my head and tried to bash the door in.

Kiriko:Stop that, you're making noise! Here i got this

Kiriko reached into her pocket and took out a paperclip and stretched it out. She then Kneeled down and began to pick the lock.

Kiriko opened up the door and we both walked inside. The room was like an office and a bedroom combined. With both a desk at the right corner with his bed being placed at the left of the room.

Kiriko:Let's look around maybe we might be able to get some information on the Hashimoto!

I closed the door and rushed to the desk and began opening up each drawers. I then noticed a photo of the guy.

Y/N:Hey there's a picture of him here!

Kiriko:Atleast we know what he looks like.

Y/N:It might make tracking him down even more easier.

The sound of static as the radio turned on with Nobuto trying to contact us.

Nobuto:Boss, Sakura and I managed to place our explosives.

Kiriko:That's great to hear, Nobuto!

Sakura:What about you guys? Have you all placed your explosives?

Y/N:Not yet, but we're in the room of their leader.

Nobuto:Oh shit! Try to find something useful like a document of some kind. We'll meet you at the vault!

Both Kiriko and I continued to look through the room for something. But we couldn't find anything.

Kiriko:Dead end..

Y/N:Yup let's get out of here, before anyone else co-

The sounds of people talking could be heard outside.

Hashimoto clan member:I'm gonna check the boss's room to see if anything has been messed with.

Kiriko:Crap, quick hide!

Kiriko threw herself under the bed. I didn't know where to hide,so i looked at the photo of the leader of the Hashimoto clan.

I grabbee a comb that was on a desk and styled my hair to his style, i then grabbed the pair of glasses and put them on.

A clan member would walk in,he was surprised that the door was opened.

Hashimoto clan member:Alright snooping bastard show your-.

He stared at me in my attempt to disguise myself. I'm hoping that he would fall for it.

Hashimoto clan member:B-boss! I didn't know that you were here?

I fixed my glasses and stared at him.

Y/N:Of course i am why wouldn't i be?

Hashimoto clan member:Well that's because Venus said that you wouldn't be here for atleast another day.

Y/N:I've always been here, so why did you come over?

Hashimoto clan member:Some of our men found two unconscious bodies on the floor above us. I just wanted to check if your room is okay.

Y/N:They're probably just drunk you know how rowdy you all can get!

Hashimoto clan member:Yeah, Hey did you get younger like by 20 years?

Y/N:It's- it's skin lotion!

Hashimoto clan member:Oh, then whatever it is it's working. I mean damn you look really young sir!

Y/N:Why thank you, i appreciate the compliment.

Hashimoto clan member:Well since you're here, Chikako has some information about your heir?

Y/N:My heir?

Hashimoto clan member:Yes, the information on your bastard son. She has retrieved the security tape on the day he arrived in town and is currently looking through them.

Y/N:Well thank you for this. Soon we might be able to find my son so i can teach him to be a real Hashimoto!

The clan member then put his finger on the earpiece he was hearing.

Hashimoto clan member:Sir, multiple unconscious bodies have been found on the bridge and east of the Golden Oni.Heck the whole cock pit has been breached! I need to get you out of here!

That must be the rest of Yōkai doing there role in the mission. Too bad Kiriko and I have to be held by fools like him.

Y/N:No! Whoever these assailants are i'll take them on myself.

Hashimoto clan member:But boss we can't risk anything happening to you!

He walked over to the desk and grabbed my hand trying to escort me out of the room.

Only for a kunai to hit him on the leg,which caused him stumble and fall down.

Hashimoto clan member:Crap, Boss get out of here!

Kiriko then got out from underneath the bed and knocked the guy out. I began to remove my disguise.

Y/N:I can't believe that actually worked.

I changed my hairstyle to it's regular style and looked out Kiriko.

Y/N:Let's get out of here and just get to the engine room already!

Kiriko nodded and we both walked out of the room.

Y/N:Did you hear that about the heir?

Kiriko:Yeah, i feel sorry for whoever has him as a dad.

I laughed at Kiriko's joke,as we both headed down to the next two floors.

When we went to the first floor of the ship. I noticed that the only thing in it was one steel door.

Y/N:Hey do you think that's the safe?

Kiriko:Probably looks like a safe's door. But remember plant the explosives first then we go for the vault.

We headed down towards the final floor the engine room. Unlike the other floors there was a door with it being restricted.

Kiriko went in and began to pick the lock opening the door.

This is it the engine room! If we can plant our explosives and wait for the others our mission will be over!

As Kiriko opened the door and we walked in a Hashimoto guard immediately pointed his gun at us.

Hashimoto guard:You there! This area is restricted Go back to where you came from!

Kiriko:No... I don't think we will!

Three more guards came to back him up. All of them aiming their weapons at us.

Hashimoto guard 2:Listen to our friend! Get out of here or else we'll be forced to shoot you!

So their orders are to literally fire upon on anyone even one of their own that enters here.

Kiriko:Y/N, we know what to do.

I took out my kusarigama and began to spin it. I released my kusarigama causing it to impact a Hashimoto member by the hand. His gun dropped then i pulled him and dragged him to me only to punch him in the face.

One of the pipes has a misfortune symbol on it. The other three guards began to fire at us. Both Kiriko and I dodged the bullets with Kiriko throwing a multiple of her kunais hitting one of them and knocking them down.

The two guards fired at me i dodged the bullets which caused one of them to hit the pipe. The pipe released it's steam blinding us.

Both Kiriko and I used this opportunity to jump over the steam and the two leftover guards.

Hashimoto guard 3:Sh-shit where did they go!

Kiriko:Right behind you!

Both Kiriko and I hit the both of them on the head knocking them down.

Kiriko:Alright hopefully that settles that. Now onto the engine.

We walked over to the engines that were powering the ship. Both Kiriko and I took out the explosives and planted them.

I took out the walkie talkie and and spoke to the other members.

Y/N:Nobuto, the explosives have been planted. We're on our way to the vault.

Nobuto:Excellent! Sakura and I will be there in 4 minutes.

Ryōta:I'll be there in 6.

Both Kiriko and I ran back up to the 1st floor and looked at the vault's door.

Kiriko:That is some steel! Hopefully Nobuto's device will open it up.

Kiriko placed the device on the vault's door and took out the detonator.

Kiriko:Y/N,cover your ears.


Kiriko:Because a really big fucking hole is coming right up!

The device did it's work and blew up the vault's door. We both walked in and looked inside of the vault. A loud siren began to play throughout the vault.

Y/N:Woah that's a lot of money.

Kiriko:By my estimation this is probably a quarter of their wealth. Now let's give this money back to the people of Kanezaka!

Y/N:And fast before anymore of then arrive!

Both Kiriko and I began to to stuff the money inside of the bag. Only for the sounds of weapon's aiming at us to interrupt us.

We both turned around and saw a group of Hashimoto clan members surrounding the vault.

Hashimoto clan member:Stop right there! Put the damn money back that belongs to us!

Hashimoto clan member 2:Yeah you better listen to him. Maybe we might give you mercy.

Kiriko:We'd rather die then get taken captive by you!

Hashimoto clan member 3:Alright everyone you heard the girl. Fill these two with lead!

A couple of Hashimoto's on the left would get cut down by a sword. We looked to the right and saw that Ryōta arrived.

Then the other Hashimoto's that came from the left were struck down by Nobuto and Sakura.

There was only one more Hashimoto clan member left, with us surrounding him.

Kiriko:Well look at that the tides have turned. Now you are surrounded.

Kiriko pointed her finger to his chest the clan member began to tremble.

Hashimoto clan member:Don't come any closer! I'll shoot!

I immediately grab his rifle and throw it on the ground.

Y/N:With what?

Hashimoto clan member:P-please don't hurt me! I-I-I'll do anything.

Nobuto:Anything huh?

Hashimoto clan member:Y-yes!

Kiriko:Alright you'll help my squad and I leave this ship. Any wrong moves and I'll knock you out.

Hashimoto clan member:Y-yes of course!

Kiriko:Thanks for the save you three!

Sakura:Of course Kiriko, we're a team you've been looking out for us and it's about time that we return the favor.

Kiriko:I'm glad to have a reliable team as you four!

Nobuto:Now let's leave this damn ship and blow it up!

I put my arm around the Hashimoto clan member neck and take out one of my kisarigama's and have the sharp end pointed at his back.

Kiriko:Alright lead the way!

Hashimoto clan member:C-can you do it without looking like your threatening to kill me!

Y/N:Sorry dude it's called a safety measure.

We followed the Hashimoto clan member that we took as a hostage would take us back up the stairs to the fourth floor.

He would open the door to the deck of the ship. The party was still going on, our only hope was that this guy doesn't say anything.


The Hashimoto clan members that were partying all stopped and looked at us.

Kiriko:This damn rat,Y/N!

I immediately knocked him out by using my kusarigama. Then the Hashimoto clan members took ouf their weapons.

Hashimoto clan member:After those kids! The boss will reward anybody who captures them!

We immediately ran to the other side of the ship. We were cornered by the Hashimoto gang members surrounding  us. The only thing behind us were railings to prevent someone from falling into the water.

Hashimoto clan member 2:Hehehehe, looks like you're surrounded kids! Nowhere to go!

Y/N:Kiriko, what do we do?

Kiriko looked behind and noticed that the only option she has left was to jump straight into the water.

Kiriko put out her hand for me to hold, i grabbed onto it and held it. Ryōta who was next to me noticed it and grabbed my other hand. Sakura grabbed Kiriko's other hand and Nobuto's hand.

Together as a group we all jumped straight into the water.

The Hashimoto gang members began to fire into the water, hoping to hit one of us.

Kiriko made a small motion with her hand to follow us. We continue to swim underwater trying to find the docks of Kanezaka.

Holding my breath as hard as i can,Kiriko finally grabbed something and pulled herself up. I swam to the leadge and grabbed onto it and pulled myself up.

The rest would follow suit with all of us catching our breaths and coughing we were back on the main for Kanezaka.

Sakura:That was insane! I'm glad that we didn't weat actual outfits. Knowing that most of them would be ruined because of this mission.

Nobuto:Really that's you're thinking about! Not the fact that we almost died.

Y/N:Hey atleast we are still in one piece.

Kiriko:Let's just be glad that we don't have any bullets in our bodies.


Kiriko:Good! I'm surprised especially with you Y/N. Normally you always get hit.

Y/N:Maybe I'm just getting better.

Ryōta:The good thing is that everything went according to plan. Now Nobuto will you please do the honors?

Nobuto:Of course, my friend. Ladies and Gentlemen behold the grand finale!

Nobuto took out the detonator to the explosives planted on the Golden Oni.

Nobuto:Adiós Golden Oni!

Nobuto clicked the button on the detonator. Which caused the bombs planted on the golden oni to explode.

The ship would begin to sink, we watched as many Hashimoto clan members were jumping into the water to save themselves.

We were all amazed by the sinking of the ship. We have now sunk one of The Hashimoto clans most prized possessions.

Kiriko:Come on guys let's get out of here! Before they surround us again.

We all nodded and i grabbed the bag that was filled with their stolen money. We began to run out of Kanezaka's dock returning back to our warehouse.

Venus's POV

Sitting on a chair by the docks and enjoying a nice glass of champagne surrounded by beautiful women. That's how a beautiful man like yours truly deserves to live.

I was put in charge of watching over the Golden Oni. That's a ship for a king like me to live on.

I looked at my handsome face in the mirror. Why is the boss the boss when i should be in charge?

Venus:Who's the most handsome man in all of the Hashimoto clan. That's you Venus!

Then the sounds of a large explosion would be heard.

Venus:What the fuck was that!?

I got up from my chair startled and looked at the cause of the explosion.
My jaw dropped from the sight of the golden oni sinking into the water i even dropped my champagne into ground.

One of the ladies that i was hanging out with handed me my phone because it was ringing.

The caller ID was from the boss,i gulped and picked it up.


Masaru:Venus you are a dead man!

Venus:B-boss! What do you mean?

Masaru:I've already heard about the Golden Oni sinking!

How on earth does he knows, it's literally been a second!?

Venus:B-boss please listen to me it wasn't my fault!

Masaru:Venus, you were probably just looking at yourself in the mirror again weren't you!? Instead of defending my ship like i told you to!?

Venus:N-now b-boss,please listen to me!

Masaru:I'm  gonna make sure that pretty boy face of yours will be nothing more but a disfigurement to the point that not even the most experienced  plastic surgeon will be able to fix it!

Venus:No please! Anything but the face!? I'll make it up to you, please give me a second chance boss!

I'm begging with my boss to give me mercy. I then heard a noise and turned around and saw 5 silhouettes running from the docks.

Those must be the punks responsible for this. How dare they damage my reputation!?

Masaru:How will you repay me this defeat Venus!?

Venus:I'll bring you the one's who are responsible. I'll make sure that they are dead!

Masaru:That's what Takeshi said!

Venus:But unlike him I'm not a fool, i promise you boss.

Masaru:Fine you have tomorrow to kill the one's responsible for this. If you don't then you can say goodbye to the face that you cherish alot!.

The boss hung up the call, i had a serious look on my face.

I stood up from the chair and stared the ladies surrounding me.

Venus:Sorry ladies, but i need to pay to pay some people a visit.


Yōkai's warehouse

We all had successful retreated back to the warehouse. Celebrating another victory against the Hashimoto clan.

But there was one question that we all had. What do we do with the money?

Ryōta:So Kiriko,how do you think we're gonna give the money back.

Kiriko:I haven't thought about that yet. Maybe if we go from door to door and put the money in people's mailboxes.

Nobuto:Well i can transfer the money into people's bank accounts.

Kiriko:Maybe that could work as well. But for now let's the hide the money in here.

Kiriko put the bag in a crate and immediately closed it.

Kiriko:We'll think about it later alright.

Everyone nodded theirs heads and left the warehouse. Like always Kiriko and I walked back to the apartment.

Kiriko:Another successful mission huh?

Y/N:Yeah, never thought in my life i would participate in blowing up a ship of all things.

Kiriko:Makes you glad that you've met me. You can say that i brought adventure to your boring life.

Y/N:How do you think the Hashimoto will react to this?

Kiriko:Probably with hatred, but like always we'll be prepared.

We walked inside of the apartment building,we told each other goodnight and went inside our respective apartments.

Venus's POV

I entered into a apartment room through a window and noticed a girl sleeping.

I've been following these her and her friend. After sensing something from them. A combination of both Positive and Negative spiritual energy.

I apporached the sleeping girl and felt the spiritual energy coming from her.
So she must be their leader

Venus:Tch! No wonder why they've been successful. If it wasn't for her Yōkai would've been stomped on like any other one who dares to challenge the Hashimoto.

I activated my spirit, appearing would be a spirit the represents the Goddess of love.

Venus:Now let's see who you have feelings for,girl?

By using my spirit, i had discovered that she has feelings for some guy named Y/N.

Venus:Now let's make that crush into a obsession.

I used my ability to make her more obsessed with the guy she has feelings for. When i was done i simply exited out the window with a smirk on my face.

Venus:Let's see how they will operate with their leader being nothing more but blind by love. They'll probably crumble by tomorrow and my face will be saved.

To be continued

Don't you love it when you write a story about a yacht. Only to describe a cruise ship, Yeah me too

What i wanted to do with this chapter was make it more sneaky and less action. Kinda the opposite of Chapter 5 the first mission where it was nothing but action. So that's why i changed it up.

I was mainly inspired by missions in game where you infiltrate the enemies base while disguised as them. And you have to becareful how you act and not stir up suspicion.

Anyways you guys get three chapters for the month. Because i have honestly been in the mood to write, which is very surprising.

Also I'd like to give you a small description of what the next chapter will be about.

Yandere Kiriko

Yeah, that's literally it. I mean in my actual notes that's what i have the next chapter literally described as. So expect Kiriko to act out of character in the next chapter.

Thank you all for the support on the story. I will be seeing you all soon in

The Goddess of love

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