Broken Family (Larry M-Preg)✔︎

By LaRrYs_gae_cHiLd_

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What happens when Harry is 8months pregnant and his husband leaves him? Will they get back together? Or will... More

Important Please Read!!!
Bonus: Avery


615 19 0
By LaRrYs_gae_cHiLd_


"I've been thinking about your offer? For the trip for Christmas?" I said walking up to sit with Louis on the couch.

"Really?" I nodded and he sighed, "Well I have too. And maybe you're right we shouldn't go. I was just being dramatic-"

"No, you are not being dramatic. Your mum had died, you deserve to miss her and mourn. It's a good thing to want to go on this trip. And if we start planning now we can have everything worked out so it all goes smoothly. We'll need to get everything planned and see what family can come and I'm sure we can get my family to go but I'm not sure about the money, so we'll have to see but other than that as long as everyone is good this trip is an amazing idea."

"Don't worry about the money. I've got it all covered. I have a lot of money remember? This trip is gonna be nothing."

"Are you sure? Because we can just do your side of the family or just us. And do something else-"

"No it's ok really. I don't mind paying and I want us all there."

"Ok. As long as you're sure. I'm excited." I smiled, kissing him hard.

"I am too, baby. What do you want for dinner?" He kissed my forehead and I cuddled into his chest. "I could make pasta. Although I'm pretty sure all we have is the dick pasta that Selena gave us for the "moving in party" we had. And I'm sure we wouldn't like to give that to Avery."

"We still have that?" I giggled.

"Yeah," he laughed, "I can make chicken nuggets."

"Dino nuggets?"

"Dino nuggets." He confirmed, and I squealed, standing and dancing in front of the couch.

When I looked down at Louis he was looking at me like I was his whole world and I couldn't he but smile wide as fuck. I've never loved anyone as much as I love him. The amount of love and pure adoration I feel for him was overwhelming at times. Yes, he hurt me when he left me. But he needed to, to heal from his mom.

But now, now I couldn't imagine my life any different. This is the life I want. This is the love I want.


"What? To the dino nuggets? Or?" He looked at me confused, standing up to walk to the kitchen.

"Yes. Let's get married."

"What." He turned as fast as he could and looked at me with a smile.

"Well again, I guess." I giggled.

"Really? What happened to everything you said?"

"Fuck that. You are what I want. What I need. You are the love of my life and I know that yes you could hurt me again. But I would go through that again if it meant happiness with you. I love you and I want to marry you. Want to be with you, forever." I declared, and he ran and hugged me. He picked me up and spun me as we giggled and shared a couple kisses.

"What's happening?" Avery's little voice came from the stairs.

"We're getting married!" I squealed, and she ran up to us.

"That means time for a baby?" She smiled, shyly.

"Not yet sweetie. A couple more years." Louis said, making her frown.

"O-kay sure." She said, naming us look at each other. We smiled at her little sarcastic and sassy sense of humor.

"Let's go make dino nuggets!"


It was a nice chilly September morning and we all slept in. I woke up early because I wanted to get breakfast made, but I ended up falling asleep after I made breakfast so we had to get up and reheat it. 

I got up again and Louis got Avery dressed while I went to warm up the food. I couldn't help staring at my engagement ring. Louis had given it to me last night when I said we should get married.

It was simple, but expensive. I never said he had to get me something expensive but he has the money so what's the harm. I love that he likes to spoil me, and although I'll never admit it, I love when he spends money on me. Which sounds very much like a gold digger but, I love him for many other things as well.

"Mumma!" Avery giggles, running into the kitchen. She was wearing a yellow two piece outfit that had a smiling face on the top. It had a long sleeve shirt but it had shorts so it was perfect for the weather we'd been having.

Louis also styled her hair in two messy buns on the top of her head. She looked adorable. She sat at the table and I gave her a cup of apple juice. She cannot have breakfast without apple juice.

"Can we go to da zoo?! Michaels parents took him to da zoo and he's had fun!"

"Oh really? My sweet little girl wants to go to the zoo? Why not?" Louis said, turning to me with questioning eyes. I shrugged, thinking it was a good idea.

"Yeah as long as you eat breakfast!" She cheered and started eating her eggs and bacon. "You're carrying her when she gets tired. My back already hurts." I complained.

"I can give you a message later." He winked, and I rolled my eyes, slapping him.

"Hurry up! The zoo is waiting."

"Oh yes they're waiting for us. The world will stop if we don't go," Louis said sarcastically making me walk away with Avery's hand in mine. "Ok, ok sorry let's go."

"Yeah you better be."

"Bad daddy!" Our daughter giggled, as we got into the car.


It was a little chillier than we had planned when we got to the zoo, so that meant our little monster was whining about her legs being cold the whole time.

"But Daddy it's not warm! I want warm." She pouted, lifting her arms meaning she wanted to be lifted.

"No baby, you're a big girl you don't need to be carried. We've only been here for twenty minutes, you can last another twenty or thirty it's not that cold lovely.


"No, and stop throwing a fit. We're in public. Do you want some apple juice?" She nodded so he handed her sippy cup to her. He wore a backpack instead of carrying a diaper bag, he never liked how bulky diaper bags were.

"I sorry. I cold." She said, wiping a stray tear from her eye.

"Oh sweetie it's ok. Let's go see the giraffes, they're your favorite. Oh and they're as tall as your mummy." Louis laughed, making Avery squeal.


"C'mon hurry! Giraffes!" Avery pulled out arms towards the enclosure.

After we saw the giraffes, we saw the monkeys and went through the insect and reptiles. Avery was getting tired and still complaining of being cold, so we decided to leave.

"Hey babe should we go get her that dollhouse she wanted? She's been doing good in school, and I think she deserves it. She's really wanted it." Louis turned to me as we carried her to the car. She had fallen asleep in Louis' arms as we finished looking at the spiders.

"Yeah, it's up to you it's your money." I shrugged, opening up the car door.

"Hey, no no." Lou set our daughter down and came up to hug me. "It's ours. Our money, our house. Everything that's mind is yours. We're getting married, and even if we werent it'd still be yours, always. I don't want you to feel like it's just mine."

"Ok," I said as I smiled. "So a dollhouse?"

"A dollhouse."

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