Pleasing (H.S)

By white_eyes_

113K 2.7K 441

He is a rockstar, but also her boss. She is a creative director, who happens to work in pleasing. This is the... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
thirty nine
forty one
forty two
forty three
forty four
forty five
forty six
forty seven
epilogue (Iris' version)

thirty eight

1.3K 41 2
By white_eyes_

Sorry for taking so long to update


Yesterday night, Emma and I cooked some mashed potatoes and then we made cookies, a recipe that I learned from Florence and her cooking lessons back in London.

Iris came home exhausted and she ate a little bit of the food that waited for her. She threw up almost immediately. Emma tried to tell her that everything is alright, making her mum laugh while crying on the floor of our downstairs bathroom.

I took Emma to school this morning and made a pinky promise that we are going to be early to our dinner today. I came back to the house to find Iris once again in the bathroom throwing up. I am sure that she is pregnant but I don't tell her because I am sure that she will be upset if she isn't eventually. 

"Are you ready to go to the doctor, honey?" 

"I am, sorry for throwing up." She tells me, her voice a little raspy. 

"Don't ever apologize about that. Take your time, I'll go give Oliver his food." I say and kiss her forehead. She nods and I try not to make her more anxious than she already is. I know that a second kid will change everything in our lives once again. I look from afar as she slowly get up and goes straight to the sink so she can brush her teeth. She looks tired, exhausted even. She doesn't move around the house the same way as she used to do and I pray to God everyday so she can feel like herself again. 

I tell Iris everyday to take a step back from work, but she doesn't listen. She just keeps on working. She doesn't listen even though I'm her boss. I think that's the reason why they say to not date your employees. 

"Are you ready?" I ask her after I put Oliver's food on his plate. She nods and takes my hand into hers, because I know that she seeks comfort. 

"Whatever the doctor tells us, we'll be together. We'll be alright." I tell her once again. My therapist told me the other day that Iris will want the comfort, the confirmation that we'll stay together whatever happens and I should provide that to her, without of course loosing my peace of mind. I try to validate her feelings as much as I can, and she does always the same with mine. This woman is the love of my life, I'm sure. 

"I know, thank you for coming with me." She says and closes the car door. I start the car and I drive carefully to the doctor's office. 

"I think it is somewhat my fault that you are in this condition." I try to joke and she shakes her head smiling. 

"You are unbelievable, Styles." 

"Iris Georgia Styles. I think that I like it." I say, more to myself that to her. 

"I wanted to ask you something and this the perfect opportunity." She tells and I think that I hear a little bit of anxiety in her voice. "I know that we are going to get married soon, and I'm wondering, do you want to adopt Emma legally? I know that she's your daughter but I want her to be on the papers too." She tells me her thoughts and I can't help but smile. 

"Of course I do. I've been thinking about it since she first started calling me daddy. I've been thinking about her having my last name. Thank you for giving me that happiness, my love." I tell her and I take her hand from the place it was resting on her thigh and kiss it.

She smiles wide with my action and I continue to look at her. "Emma Louise Styles. I love it even more." 

"You know that we have to introduce her to Emma Corrin. They've been dying to meet our little one since I told them that they have the same name." I try to explain. The truth is that I talk about my daughter at every given chance. 

"Emma Corrin knows me and our daughter? Oh God." 

"Honey, I have to remind you that I'm famous too." 

"Don't try to take the spotlight from Emma right now, you jealous fucker. I know that you are famous and I don't care a bit about it. Emma Corrin knows that I exist." She tells me with her British accent coming out stronger. 

"Okayyyy. We are here." I park the car to the empty spot on the parking lot, without continuing the conversation. I get out of the car first and I rush to her so I can hold her hand while going inside to her doctor's office. 

We go inside and we sit on the waiting room. Iris booked the first appointment of the day so no one will see us here. We are the only ones here except the doctor and her secretary, which signed an NDA. I hate that I have to do that to so many things but I have to be careful if I don't want my whole life to be out on the tabloids tomorrow morning. 

"Hello, come inside. How are you, Iris?" The doctor says to us and we walk inside the room. Iris sits on the chair first and I follow her like a lost puppy. 

"I'm good, doctor, this is Harry, my boyfriend." She tells the doctor. 

"Hello, Harry. I'm doctor White. What brings you here?" 

"I'm not feeling really well these past few weeks. I have morning sickness, I'm always exhausted and I have missed my period last month. But you know that the last one is common due to the fact that I have the PCOS syndrome." Iris explains to the doctor. Doctor White get up from her chair and tells us to follow her so Iris can have an ultrasound. 

"Well, as you know that all of those you described are pregnancy symptoms. Let's see."  

Iris lays to the bed and I sit on my feet next to her holding her hand. She lifts her shirt and the doctor puts on her stomach a gel that I know that they use for the ultrasound. I immediately look at the screen in front of me. Iris looks at the screen as well. 

"Well, let's see." Says the doctor once again. She moves the handle a little and then looks at the screen again. I see her smile and this is all I needed to understand what is going on. "You see that little dot here. This is your baby. Congratulations." 

I look at Iris immediately but she is already looking at me. Both of us let happy tears roll down our cheeks. "You are pregnant." I say, my voice cracking a little. 

"We are having a baby." She tells me and holds my hand a little tighter. I bend over a little and I kiss her forehead. I can't even explain how happy I am right now. I am going to be a dad again and I am going to be here from the start this time. We are going to have a second mini version of Iris walking inside the house. 

"Do you want to hear your baby's heart?" The doctor asks us smiling and we nod because neither of us can speak. A strong heart beat is being heard all over the room and I feel like fainting. Now I know the feeling that all of my friends were explaining to me when they found out that they were going to be fathers. Don't get me wrong, I am a dad already but I wasn't there when my little honey was born so I didn't know the feeling. Oh my God, little honey is going to be so excited. 

"That's a strong heartbeat momma. Little bean is strong and healthy. You are on your 6th week of pregnancy, is that ringing any bells?" Both Iris and I nod after we calculated the time she got pregnant. "Okay, you are due to the first ten days of November." The doctor says and I smile. 

"I'm sure that the baby is a little girl." I say and both of the women laugh. 

"I'm sure that they are a boy. A little boy Styles on the making." Iris disagrees. The doctor laughs once again. 

"I think that we will know by week 14. Do you want a photo of the sonogram?" 

"Yes, make it two." Iris says and I look at her weird. "I'll give on to Tonya. She has one of Emma too and she'll kill me if I don't keep up the tradition."  She explains. She wipes the gel off of her belly and I help her stand up. "Let's go to our girl." 

We say goodbye to the doctor and her secretary and we go straight to the car so nobody will see us. We are lucky for the first time and nobody notices us. Once we are inside of the car we try to keep our laugher. "I can't believe that we are going to have a baby." I tell Iris. 

"Kiwi is going to loose its meaning now. I am having your baby and it is your business, Mr Styles."

"When they are on the size of a kiwi, I'm going to sing it to them all day long." 

"Poor baby bean." She says playfully and caresses her belly. I can't wait for her to show off. "I don't want to say anything to anyone else, I want to be sure sure that everything is okay and then tell it to everyone."  

"Of course we will wait, honey. Don't stress yourself." 

"I'm anxious." She admits and I look at her quickly. "I have been pregnant before but I wasn't that sick, and I didn't even care about it. I was depressed, I was living with my mother and I worked from home. How will I do it this time that we have already a child?"

"I'll be here, honey. We will be alright together." 

"I love you so much, H." I smile. I'll never get tired of hearing that. 

"I love you too, Iris honey. Now let's go to our daughter." 

When we arrive to Emma's school, I see that a lot of parents are already here. Iris and I walk inside the school together hand in hand and we try to be as invisible as possible. We try to spot our daughter, who is already sitting with Millie and her parents. We walk to their place and we see to empty chairs waiting for us. 

"Hello to the happy couple." Chris says and Emma's head turn to us. 

"Mumma, Daddy." She shouts and the whole class turns to see us. I think that it is the first time that people see me with my daughter. Thank god the school has a no photo policy because a lot of children's parents are celebrities or rather I can say rich people and they try to protect their privacy at every cost. 

I crouch down so my daughter will hug me first and not Iris, because she has to be extra careful now that she's pregnant. "Hello little honey." I take her into my arms and she gives me a kiss. Then she goes straight to her mother. She plants a kiss to her mother's cheek and then tries to escape her grasp. 

"You are late." Emma tells us before we had the chance to speak. 

"Oh, we aren't little monster." Iris tells her, even though Emma shakes her head already disagreeing. 

"Are you okay, Iris?" Patrick asks. "Emma told us that her momma is feeling poorly." He tries to imitate Emma's accent. 

"Yeah, I am coming down with a cold. I'm feeling better now." She reassures him, telling a little lie. I'm so sure that they are going to be so happy when they learn that we are expecting a baby. 

I look around and I try to spot William and Ethan. I haven't seen them for a while now and I don't know what's going on with them.

"Where's William?" I ask Chris, who is sitting next to me. 

"Oh, you don't know. They are on vacation. I think that they are moving back to New York." He answers and I can't help but smile. 

"Oh, our girls will be so sad." 

"I know, but one of us will be so happy." He tells meaning that I won't get jealous of him anymore. 

"I am not that type of man." 

"Oh, you are exactly like that, you jealous and arrogant son of a bitch." He tells me laughing at his joke. 

"I knew that my songs will turn on me." I whisper making him laugh even more. 


See you in two hours with chapter thirty nine

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