TejRan- Lost and Found Love

By Akshhh06

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This is my first time of writing any kind of story so if I make any mistake please help me and forgive me. Th... More

Characters of the Story
Weekend with Family and Friends-Part 2
Anger and Guilt-Part 3
Fall and Hold each other- Part 4
Sorry and Thank you - Part 5
First Auto Ride and Weird Feelings - Part 6
First Bike Ride - Part 7
Vada Pav and Ice Cream Date - part 8
First Phone Chat - Part 9
Just wanted to stay closed to you-Part 10
TejRan : One Great Team- Part 11
New Friend meets old Friends - Part 12
Complicated Feelings and Emotions - Part 13
I like you too - Part 14
Party, Fun and Emotions - Part 15
Confusion Cleared and Surprise - Part 16
The Revenge has been taken - Part 17
A Better Future - Part 18
New Beginnings - Part 19
Getting Some Clarity - Part 20
Biggest Mistake and Lesson - Part 22
That night and Weird feelings - Part 23
In Search of Peace - Part 24
Unsaid Understanding & Feelings - Part 25
Please Talk to Me.... - Part 26
Let's Talk - Part 27
Forgive but never forget - Part 28
The Whole Truth- Part 29
Ego vs Apology - Part 30
I don't deserve Her - Part 31
I will earn your trust and your friendship - Part 32
Second chance - Part 33
Finally Hello Tejasswi - Part 34
Jealous and Possessive - Part 35
"You do affect me ,Tejasswi." - Part 36
Love is always there - Part 37
"I am a Queen" - Part 38
"Are you falling for me" - Part 39
"This is what I was craving for" - Part 40
"I want you to be possessive about me" - Part 41
"I am lucky to have you" - Part 42
Their Egos - Part 43
Special One - Part 44

Giving it back - Part 21

1.3K 169 44
By Akshhh06

Part 21

Next Day morning.

Its early morning and Karan always use to go the office gym for exercise and from past week he couldn't go. So, today he decided to go to gym early. It is 7 am and he is in gym alone exercising. The gym is located in the same area of swimming pool. He was running on treadmill and his headphone was on. He was done with his treadmill and moves to lift the weights. He was wearing a tank top and gym shorts. As he removes his headphone, he hears a splash of water and looks at the pool area and he saw someone swimming in the pool like a mermaid so smooth and as soon as he sees the face of the person he was lost. It is no one else but Teju. Teju was swimming and she was lost in her world. Swimming is something that calms her down. She is not noticing anyone around there because usually she is always alone there at that time.

Soon, Teju feels like someone's watching her so she turns and looks around and saw someone in the gym area looking at her. She got conscious and she grabbed a cover up skirt from the edge of the pool and she wears as soon as she comes out. Now she can clearly see that it was Karan, who was looking at her. Both of them look at each other. Teju quickly broke the eye-contact and started walking towards the changing room but Karan was still staring at her. He couldn't stop looking at her. He just wanted to talk to her once but how. He never felt this attracted to anybody. This was new for him.

Teju went to the changing room and she takes a deep breath because he is still affecting her and that gaze of him made her feel something that she is now shivering. She just reminded herself that this is nothing Teju. Please ignore him and just focus on your work. After some time Teju gets ready and comes out.

As she comes out Karan was still in the gym area, she tries to avoid him and start walking out but Karan again looks at her and he went to changing room quickly to change.

Teju went to the cafeteria to get some coffee before her works start. She made a coffee for herself and bought a sandwich from the counter and sits in cafeteria. Karan also comes there after some time and he saw her sitting alone and having her coffee and sandwich. He wants to go and sits with her but he didn't go as he knows that she won't be okay with that. At last, he decides to talk to her and he starts walking towards but Teju sees him coming, and she quickly finishes her coffee and leaves from there. Karan notices her leaving quickly. Her ignorance is making Karan very sad and he is not being able to handle his emotions.

Now it is 10 AM and everybody comes to the conference room for the presentation. Teju is sitting again in middle of SP Kundrra and Karan. Karan looks at her from the edge of his eye. His legs are again shaking. Teju is noticing everything.

Karan is so nervous that he couldn't even present the presentation that's why he announces Omi's name. Everybody looks at him in shock but he ignores the gaze of every person there.

"Hello everybody, Omi will present the presentation from our side. Omi let's start." Karan tells everybody.

Teju was kind of aware that he is nervous that why he asked Omi to present.

Omi starts the presentation and when he finishes his presentation, everybody claps for him and then he asks if anybody has any question. Teju raise her hand and she ask a lot of question to Omi and those questions were answered mostly by Karan and Omi was also answering.

Karan thinks that Teju is asking these questions on purpose.

Now, Teju starts her presentation. She takes deep breath and starts her presentation with full confidence. Everybody was impressed by her presentation but Karan also starts asking questions but Teju is giving all the answer confidently. Now the presentation is done and everything went well and now CEO of both the companies (SP Kundrra and Karan Kundrra) are ready for the deal.

"I think we should throw a party to sign this deal that way all our employees who worked hard for this project will be able to join us and we can also call media." SP Kundrra suggested everyone and everyone agrees for the party.

"But where do you think we should throw this party." Karan asks his father.

"Our home" He replies.

Everybody agrees and they fixed coming Saturday for the party.

After the conference, SP Kundrra and his team walk out of the conference room. Teju is gathering all her stuff. Karan, Umar, Nishant and Omi still there in the conference room.

Omi goes up to Teju and say, "You give an amazing presentation, and I am very impressed."

"Thank you Omi, even you were amazing." Teju complimented Omi.

"But I thought you didn't like my presentation that's why you asked so many questions." Omi says to Teju.

"No not at all, in fact, your presentation was so good that I had all those questions genuinely. I was thinking why I didn't think about all those points before, so actually congratulation that you highlighted everything in the presentation, which is going to be benefitted for both the companies." Teju explains.

"Thank you "Omi replies with smile and walks out.

Now it's only Teju, Karan, Nishant and Umar there in the conference room.

Umar walks up to Teju and says, "I know what you're trying to do. You are purposely trying to put us down in front of Kundrra Uncle. Are you taking revenge from us?"

Teju smiles at him and very calmly replies to him, "I'm doing nothing Mr. Riaz. I'm just doing my job. I hope you just heard me talking to your manager and I told him that the presentation was good. That is why I had so many questions, so what's wrong in it. And if you're talking about the revenge then I'm not here to play the games. I'm just here to work."

Nishant listens to her and says, "OK we got your point, but we just want to make sure that whatever happened between us that should not affect our work."

"You don't even need to mention that" Teju says while collecting files from the table.

As she was about to leave, Umar asks her, "Why did you join this company? There are lots of company that you could have joined, but why our company?"

Teju replies, "First thing, this is not your company. This company belongs to Mr. SP Kundrra. I know you all are related to him but still it's not your company and second, I wasn't even aware that you all are related to Kundrra's otherwise I would have never joined this company. And don't worry I will never tell Mr. Kundrra about whatever happened between us."

"Are you trying to sympathize with us by not telling Kundrra Uncle? Do you know if I want I can get you fired from here? And are you trying to show us that you're very strong and all this doesn't affect you?" Umar says to Teju.

Teju smirks at Umar while folding her arms and says, "I am not here to prove anything. I am here to work. What do all think of me that I didn't understand what and why you all have planned against me? If I want I can tell Mr. SP Kundrra everything and as much as get to know him in 10 days, he will support me. But I would not do that you know why? Because it was my mistake too that I trusted your friend (while looking at Karan) so easily and let him ruin my life. Now I won't allow anyone of you to do anything bad to me. I am challenging you Mr. Raiz, get me fired if you can. And you are asking me if I was affect or not then let me boost your male ego, yes I was hurt, yes I cried a lot and yes I was broken but you know how I am standing here today? Because your friend didn't even give a reason and just walked away. If it was so easy for him to walk away then why the hell I would let that one night ruin my life and future (she said all that while looking directly in Karan's eyes). I have moved on, when will you all move on? I'm sorry to disappoint you all, but I'm not going to quit this job. I am here because of my own hard work so I won't let anybody take that away from me."

"Why don't you talk directly to Karan." Umar questions her as Teju was still looking at Karan.

"Because he doesn't even deserve my anger. And also Mr. Raiz if possible then please tell the whole truth to your friend. BTW, I don't care Sirrr. Teju says to Umar with full confidence

Umar was about to say something to Teju When Karan shouts at him.

"Umar, stop this nonsense." Karan shouted at Umar and that made Umar mad and left the conference room immediately.

Karan goes near to Teju and says, "Teju, can we talk please?"

"It's Tejasswi for you Sir, not Teju and I do not want to talk about anything personal. It is better if we don't cross each other way and mind our own businesses." Teju replied to Karan.

After saying all that she walks out while holding her tears. Teju held herself strong in front of them but only she knew how she controlled her emotions. Karan felt her pain. Her voice was enough to show how badly she was hurt. Karan wanted to talk to her, but he didn't even have anything to say to her because he knew that he's the only reason behind her pain.

Precap- Dinner with Team. Team tries to get to know each other. Question Answer game

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